First time with my cousin Part 6 by iloveincest1993

First time with my cousin Part 6
by iloveincest1993

We scrambled around my room, hurrying to get dressed; our little threesome had been interrupted by my mom’s unexpected return. I was ready in a flash

“Right, I’ll distract Mom, while you two get dressed. Then join me in the kitchen in five, make like you’ve just come back from Ashleigh’s” I whispered

I ran down stairs, to find mom in the kitchen, unpacking her bag

“He Mom, Your home early” I said walking up behind her

“There you are!” she jumped as she turned to face me “I thought you were out!”

“No, I was watching a movie in my room”

“Where’s Grace” she asked

“She went round Ashleigh’s at lunch; she should be back about now”

Just as I said that, they appeared in the doorway

“Hey Aunt Trish, Your back early” she said hugging my mom

“Hi, Mrs Jarvis” Ashleigh said, moving closer to me

“Hi Ash” my mom said “Have you two been ok?

“Yeah, It’s been fun, hasn’t it” I nudged Grace

“He’s been Ok, I guess” she giggled “We’re going to my room now, see you later” Grace winked at me as they left

“We were due back tomorrow night, but I’ve been called in early in the morning” my mom said resuming unpacking her bag. I glanced at the doorway, and saw Grace and Ashleigh, crouched in the corner. “What are they up to?” I thought to myself

Mom started to tell me about the trip, but I wasn’t really listening. My gaze was fixed at her tits; she was wearing an old top, so her tits nearly busted out. Now, I had never thought of my mom in a sexual way before, Sure I had sniffed her panties and gone through her bras, but the thought of fucking her had never crossed my mind.
“Mark…Mark! I’m up here” Mom yelled

“Sorry, I was miles away”

“Well give me a hand with this” She squeezed her tits as she walked off. I followed her, my eyes glued to her ass

“Right would you load the washing machine for me?” she asked

“Sure” I said and crouched down in front of her, her huge tits swaying above me.
She started handing me her dirty laundry, Bras, panties, thongs, she didn’t care she just kept passing them to me. I noticed her tit’s were a 38DD!

When I’d finished, I walked over behind her, and hugged her. I wrapped my arms around, cupping her tits, and pushed my hard cock into her ass. She must of felt it, as she gasped when I hugged her.

I saw Grace mouth something out of the corner of my eye, but I couldn’t make it out. Mom broke from my grip.

“Right, I’ll get tea on” she said turning to face me “I’ll shout when it’s ready”

Grace and Ashleigh slipped out, I followed them and we went to my room

“FUCK your mom’s hot” Ashleigh said, flopping on my bed

“She’s a real MILF” Grace purred “I would love to lick that pussy”

“So would I” I said “Seeing her tits in that shirt made me so hard”

“We saw, when you shoved it in her crack” Ashleigh replied, groping Grace’s tits

“I need to see her tits”

“KIDS TEA’S READY!” Mom shouted

We went downstairs; Mom had made Mac & Cheese.

“Aunt Trish, can Ashleigh sleepover tonight?” Grace asked

“Sure sweetie” my Mom replied, setting our plates.
I sat at the end of the table. Mom appeared next to me.

“Say when” she said, scooping the Mac & Cheese on my plate. Her tits were inches from my face; it was like she wanted me to grab them

“Hungry tonight” she said
“Oh sorry, that’s enough” I replied coming back to reality. My cock was rock hard again

We all sat and ate tea, and chatted about mom’s trip. When we finished, I helped clear the table, then me, Grace and Ashleigh went back to my room.

“Someone’s horny” Ashleigh sang, skipping up the stairs

“We better fix that” Grace said, as she started removing her shirt

We got to my room; Grace and Ashleigh were naked before we got there. I locked the door and stripped.

“We’ll have to be quiet, we don’t want mom to find out” I said positioning myself on the bed

“What if she does?” Ashleigh said “It would be allot more fun”

She climbed on top and thrust herself onto my cock, Grace grabbed her favourite dildo and sat next to me

“Fuck you’re tighter than before” I whispered to Ashleigh

She started building her pace, and it wasn’t long before her first orgasm hit
She grabbed Grace’s panties and shoved them in her mouth

“UUUUUUUHHHHH…MMMMMMMMMM…UUUUUHHHHAAAA” they didn’t muffle her cries much. I kept pounding her pussy, Grace was ramming the dildo so hard, it was a blur, she fell face forward on to the bed, as her orgasm hit. Her juices squirting from her pussy

“I’M GONNA CUM” I said, pushing further into Ashleigh’s pussy. My cock explode inside her or the second time today

Grace had blacked out on the bed, when Ashleigh climbed off me.

“We better get her changed and put her in bed” I said

I took her skimpy pyjamas from under my pillow and Ashleigh put them on her, while I put my own on.

“Right, you get changed, and I’ll carry her to bed” I told Ashleigh, scooping Grace off the bed
I carried her to her room, and tucked her in bed. I went downstairs and joined Ashleigh and my mom in the lounge

“Where’s Grace?” My mom said, as I sat next to her

“In bed, she isn’t feeling to good” I replied

“I hope it wasn’t my cooking!” she laughed

“No, you are an excellent cook” Ashleigh said, rubbing my mom’s thigh

“Thanks Ash” she said

We sat watching a movie, Ashleigh ended up with her head on my mom’s lap. About eleven she sat up

“I’m going to bed” she said rubbing her eyes

“OK sweetie, see you in the morning” my mom said

“I think I’ll join you” I said, getting up from the couch

“I’ll be up after this” my mom said. She stood up and hugged me, pushing her tits against my chest

I climbed the stairs, to see Ashleigh waiting for me at the top

“So… What you going to do?” she whispered

“About what?”

“Your mom…she’s horny as hell, I could smell her juices”

“I don’t know, I’ll think of something tonight, I’m bushed” I said, turning on my heel

“OK, but don’t be surprised if we pay you a visit in the night” Ashleigh said as she shut the bedroom door
I heard Mom going to bed, and a few moans and groans from Grace and Ashleigh, then I fell into a deep sleep.

About two a.m. I heard some rustling. I felt someone sucking my cock. I opened my eyes and saw a lump under the sheets. I remembered what Ashleigh had said before we went to bed, so I put my hand on their head, pushing them deeper

“Suck it, babe” I whispered “Suck my cock” I felt my balls tighten.

“I’m Gonna cum!” I moaned, I bucked my hips, and exploded in their mouth, every drop swallowed

“Fuck that was great!” I panted “come on, who is it?”

The sheet’s rustled, as they climbed out the bottom of my bed.

“FUCK” I shouted, as my Mom appeared from under the sheets, some of my cum on her lips

“You taste fantastic, son” she said, licking her lips

“wha…what the” I stammered

“You’re so, much bigger than your dad, that lazy, son of a bitch can’t even get it up”

“Mom, what… why”

“Oh come on Mark, I saw you staring at these puppies” she said, climbing on the bed next to me “And you must have realised I felt your cock when you hugged me”

“Well yeah, but”

“I know what you three have been up to” she interrupted

“You what!”

“It was obvious, I could smell sex as soon as I walked in the house and those two need to learn to wash, they both had cum running down their legs, and I could hear you fucking after tea. They can’t keep quiet can they?”

“Are we in trouble” I said, still in shock from what had just happend

“Not if you give me that monster of yours” she replied, wrapping her hand around my soft shaft

I didn’t think twice about it, and didn’t get chance too, as my mom had stripped and thrown herself on to me, shoving her tongue into my mouth. I responded, and flipped her over. I ran my tongue down her neck and slowly started sucking her tits

“That’s it sweetie, suck momma’s tits” she moaned, throwing her head back

I worked my way down her stomach and thighs, and then made a beeline towards her throbbing clit. She jumped like she had been electrocuted.

“OOOOHH FUCK, THAT FEELS GREAT” She said shoving my head deeper into her pussy.

She arched her back, as she neared climax. I reached round and shoved my finger up her ass.

“OOOOOOHHHHHH FFFFFFFUUUUUCCCCCKKKK, YEAH” she shouted. Her movements made my finger slip in and out of her ass


“FFFUUUCCCKKK, MARK, GET IN ME NOW” She shouted. I jumped up and guided my cock into her soaking pussy. She was just as tight as Grace and Ashleigh.


“OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT, OH SHIT” she chanted, as I gained speed

I spun her round to face the door so I had more room. Grace’s dildo was still on my cabinet. I picked it up and sucked it. It tasted of her juices. I let it fall from my mouth, and slowly pushed it up mom’s ass.

“FFFFUUUCCCKKK, WHAT THE HEL IS THAT FFFFFUUUUCCCKKK” I didn’t answer, I just pushed it in deeper.

“You like that don’t you” I said

“FUCK YES, FUCK, I’M GONNA FUCKIN CCCCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMM” Her second orgasm hit. She buried her face into my bed, trying to muffle her cries. I kept pounding as she withered around. I flipped her over again, and took a nipple in each hand.


I grabbed a handful of each and pulled her up off the bed. I could feel myself getting close. I slammed her down on my cock and fucked her like mad


“FUCK I’M GONNA CUM MOM” I thrust hard and shot wave after wave into her soaking, sweet pussy

I collapsed onto of her. We lay there, both breathing heavily, my cock popped out of her, followed by a river of my cum and her sweet juices

“Fuck, that was fantastic” mom panted

“You’re a kinky little slut” I replied as the dildo fell out of her ass

“Where did you get this?” she said, picking up the dildo, and sucking the head

“It’s Grace’s” I panted “her favourite, she uses it all the time, sometimes on Ashliegh”

“She tastes sweet” mom said, handing it to me “It’s covered with her juices”

I sucked the head, just as mom had.

“Mmmmmm, my mom and cousin taste great together” I answered

“Think you can go another round?” mom said, kissing my cock

“You bet” I replied

Mom took my cock in her mouth. We fucked three more times. I lost count of how many times I came inside her.

I awoke the next morning, spooning my mom, the sheets were drenched. Mom rolled over and kissed me.

“Morning, lover boy” she said

“Morning, you little slut”

“Enjoy last night?” she said climbing out of bed “Fuck, I feel so full, you cum like a horse” she giggled as she squeezed her tits.

We got dressed and went down for breakfast, not before another quick fuck. Grace and Ashleigh were still in a deep sleep.

Mom made breakfast, and we chatted about our antics. Grace and Ashleigh appeared in the doorway

“Morning” mom said, as she went to get them a plate “sleep well?

“Eventually” Grace winked at me “We couldn’t get to sleep”

“Yeah, I finally drifted off about half one” Ashleigh yawned

“I wonder why that was.” Mom said, winking at me as she walked past

“Don’t know” Grace said sitting down next to her.

They ate breakfast, and stood up to get changed

“OH Grace, Ashleigh!” Mom shouted after them

“Yeah” they replied together

“Don’t forget your dildo” Mom giggled “It’s in Marks room, and your nipple clamps are at the bottom of the stairs”

I smirked at Grace and Ashleigh, their faces were a picture.

“You know…” Ashleigh stuttered

“You need to be more careful where you leave your toys girls” mom said as she walked towards them

“You never know who might take them”

To Be Continued…

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