The Dark Punishment – Sex Stories

The Dark Punishment – Sex Stories

Coming to her senses at a blur.. Arlynn sight was dim and the air around her musky and damp. She slowly tries to pull her legs up to her chest. But to her dismay, they where shackled to chains on the ground that were connected opposite ends of the room she was in. As her sight became clearer, more things became apparent. She noticed iron bars a good 10 feet from where she was sitting. Then it finally hit her, she was a prisoner. But for what? She asked herself. The moonlight beamed into the cell only making a portion of it visible and the rest swallowed up by the dark. She writhed back and forth trying to ease the tight clamps around her wrists that where strung up over her head. She begins to panic as she jerks on the chains more frantically but to no avail. Her golden brown hair that usually cascaded down her back knotted up and battered as if she was dragged into this cell by its very roots.

All this commotion with the rattling of her shackles brought something else to her attention. She was not alone in the cell. Something lingered in the dark. She heard it creak as it leered forwards stepping either on a bone fragment or a dry leaf. She grew stiff in fear and her eyes glaring hard at the dark corner. Fear in her eyes and her heart speeding up. Pounding as if it would leap from her chest.

Finally it came into the moonlight. He was tall and rugged, his eyes were like stabbing swords though cloth. Piercing right through her and seeing her fear. His tongue slowly crept over his moist lips. She figured he probably has been in this cell for a long time. Judging by his scraggy appearance and lack of hygiene. And hasn’t seen a female in ages. What will he do with her? Will he leave her alone? These are questions that ran rampant in her mind as he drew closer. She tried to push herself further up the wall but the chains prevented even that. She was helpless and she knew it..

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#Dark #Punishment #Sex #Stories

The Dark Punishment – Sex Stories