A New Experience with a New Life – Part 3 by AugustusUnknown

A New Experience with a New Life – Part 3
by AugustusUnknown

A New Experience within a New Life – Part 3

Every day this week has been a hidden anguish; even Zack has been visibly nervous. We try our best as not to project more than we want to (that being nothing at all!) but our over-thinking is making it difficult. Last night was especially arduous; there we were, the three of us, sitting in the living room, watching some crappy TV, when she said it: “You two have been a bit weird this week.”. Fuck me, I swear my soul left my body. Zack, too. I don’t even remember what I said in response but she didn’t press any further. It still leaves me and Zack in no-man’s land but at least we are haven’t been shot by the truth. Thank fuck it is Thursday; we are all home this weekend as well, and all day Friday by some odd quirk of fate. We can use the time to try and get a sense of normality back, maybe even sweep everything under the rug before anyone knows the dirt was there.

FUCK!!!!!!! She texted me while I was working! Perfectly fine in as of itself but the wording: “I have a surprise for you later” is far from perfect. She knows. She fucking knows. That’s it. It’s done, it’s over. I don’t know what I am going to do. I was happy with this life, the happiest I have ever been, and I have fucked it all up. My delivery route is almost over, guess I will just have to go home and face the music. I continue my work the best that I can but if anyone saw me they would know how mortified I was. It’s finished now though. I’m now staring at my front door. I go in. It’s quiet. I do my best to shout out that I have arrived. “We’re in here.” is the response. I walk into the living room, Zack is there as well, he must know what is to come. Well, we’ve put ourselves in this situation, time to take it like an adult.

Julie – “You both have been acting weird this week. As it happens you have been a bit funny for a while now, but especially this week. This has me thinking. Maybe I haven’t been attentive enough; I certainly have been out of the house a lot lately, especially with work. This has meant that I haven’t been thinking enough about us, our family. So I have made a decision. We are going on holiday!”

Me – “A Holiday?!”

Julie – “Yes! Well, nothing too over the top, it was at short notice after all. With you two seemingly going a bit stir crazy lately what with everything that has been going on I thought the best thing to do is rent a house out in the wilderness for us. We have it from tomorrow until Sunday Evening.”

Me – “I love you, Julie; more than you can ever know!”

Julie – “Aww, I love you too. I just thought we could all do with a change, and with a whole house to ourselves and the freedom of the open air we could just relax for three days and get rid of all our worries. How about you, Zack? I know it isn’t the most exciting idea but I am guessing you could use a change of scenery as well.”

Zack – “Yes, Mum! I just wasn’t expecting it!”

Julie – “Neither was I! The opportunity arrived so I just leapt at it. We will leave first thing in the morning so we can all get ready tonight.”

I went over to Julie and hugged her tightly as if she had just pulled me from the edge. Whatever my anxieties were, I didn’t care. It’s what you get when you are in a relationship with a problem solver, they fix things they didn’t know were broken. I am going to start packing now but at the very least I will get a good night’s sleep for the first time in a while.

The following day we all piled into Julie’s car just as dawn was breaking. I’m sure this isn’t the type of holiday that Zack would normally like but even so he was beaming when we woke him up in the morning. Julie was driving us, as she had organised everything, with me in the passenger seat and Zack in the back. As high as his enthusiasm was, he fell asleep again pretty much instantly. I didn’t mind though, it allowed me to have a nice and pleasant conversation with Julie. The trip was relatively long but eventually we found ourselves at our holiday home. It was a pleasant little house surrounded by the open wilderness. Sure there was a nearby village but from our position it was masked by all the unbridled nature around us. Zack was awake by now so the three of us sauntered into the house and started exploring it’s mysteries. It had three bedrooms so me and Julie grabbed the main bedroom, Zack taking the second and the third we just used to dump our bags in. By the time lunch time reached us we were settled in nicely.

Now, we hadn’t brought any food with us so Julie announced we would need to head down to the local shop. We decided to walk down as a family, partly because it would be pleasant but more so that we would have three people to carry the shopping. The walk down was nice though; the fresh air was revitalising and the sense of freedom was captivating. Even Zack got in close and hugged me while we were walking; I thought it was quite bold to be so touchy with Julie here but she was basking in her success so who am I to complain. Shopping was simple enough with all the restrictions of the era but we managed to get all the food and drink we would need for the long weekend. By the time we got back it was already well settled into the afternoon so Julie opted to make a large lunch to see us out for the day. This gave me the opportunity to be alone with Zack for the first time since this all happened. I sat down with him already in the lounge. In my mind I was going to have a succinct conversation with him, to talk it out, but when I did I could see how settled and comfortable he was. I didn’t want to bring out any anxieties when everything was going so well so opted against talking about it; let’s just enjoy it while the going’s good.

We had a lovely meal, Julie whipping up a mini-feast with everything we purchased. She had already done too much today so I offered to do the washing up which she gratifyingly accepted. It was weird washing up in a completely different kitchen, like you were invading someone else’s personal space, but I got on with it nevertheless. It was nice looking out of the window and seeing nothing but nature and it made the banal task much easier to cope with. I was almost finished when I felt it. It seemed that in my distraction Julie had come up behind me. I didn’t say anything, instead opting to play her game as she played with me. She was silent as well, deciding to let her hands do all the communicating. First I felt the back of her fingers effortlessly tease across my neck and the underside of my chin. Then, when only fingertips remained, I felt them glide down to my clavicle and onwards to my ample breasts. I closed my eyes as I felt her hand take in my breast, massaging it for our combined pleasure. Satisfied, I felt her hand continue downwards with only my closely fitted clothing acting as a barrier. First I felt her on my stomach, then my hip, then my thigh. Then, to my surprise and after a moments hesitation, I felt her fingers dance to my nether region. She was gentle, letting her fingers rub up my stomach until they glided downwards, her fingers getting parted by my shaft. She may not be being aggressive with me but the feeling was electric and she could tell that I was already rising to her summoning ritual. Then I felt her body press up against my back with a hard stiffness nestling between by butt cheeks. Wait…

Me – “Zack!”

Zack – “Yes.”

Me – “Zack, are you out of your mind! We can’t do this here!”

Zack – “You seemed to enjoy it.”

Me – “That’s… that’s beside the point! Julie is here! She can walk in at any time!”

Zack – “Don’t worry, she is laying down on the sofa; she is going to be there for a while.”

Me – “Well she might be right now but she is going to wonder where we are if we keep this up for too long.”

Zack – “I suppose so. Maybe we should continue this another time.”

Me – “Yes. I mean, No. I mean…. get back in there!”

Zack smiled wryly has he returned to the lounge leaving me with my panicked brow. I quickly finished the washing up and headed straight into the lounge to hopefully a none the wiser Julie. To my relief she was napping peacefully. I suspect Zack knew this all along but it was still not enough of a thing to rely on. No, I would need to do something to stop his penis making his decisions for him as it is making the situation worse for the both of us. For now though, I woke up Julie and helped her up to bed. It had been a long day and she needed the sleep. I couldn’t sleep however. I sat there with my beautiful partner serenely sleeping next to me, and my lascivious admirer in the other room. Damn.

A new morning today though, and it is looking fantastic. The sun is literally beaming through the blinds and I’m pretty sure that is the sound of birds chirping at the window, almost cliché. I see that Julie is up already, not surprising given how early she fell asleep. After throwing some workout clothes on I head downstairs and go looking for everyone. As it turns out Julie is in the garden, simply stretched out on a lounge chair taking the morning in.

Me – “Good morning, lover. You’re looking particularly stunning in the morning sun.”

Julie – “Don’t I know it. What’s this then; you going for a run?”

Me – “Yeah. Figured it could be fun to go jogging for an hour or so, really start heaving the fresh air.”

Julie – “You do that. And oh look, if it isn’t the thing from the swamp. You look like you barely slept at all.”

Zack – “I did sleep some but I’m just not used to being here yet.”

Julie – “Why don’t you go for a jog as well then. Help blow out the cobwebs.”

Me – “Yeah, it’s about time I saw you do something!”

Zack – “Urgh… yeah, alright. I’ll get changed.”

Julie – “Brilliant.”

Me – “Perchance you were thinking of joi-“

Julie – “No chance. I’m happy right here, thank you very much.”

Me – “Ha, no problem then!”

I leave Julie be and head to the front door to wait for Zack. He eventually appears dressed in some reasonably suitable clothing. It’s a contrast to what I’m wearing, that being skin tight running gear, but it’ll do. After a quick pep talk we head out of the door and start jogging in a random direction. I don’t try to make the exercise too difficult; Zack is a capable lad but definitely not used to running this early while the hour is still in single digits. We make a pleasant go of it though and I will admit it is nice spending quality time together, especially when it is something like this that I usually have to do on my own. It is particularly enchanting getting to jog in such unabashed wilderness; the ground is easy going but we are surrounded with unrestrained nature and it frames our view at every angle. Eventually we reach a point where I sense it is a good time to rest. Zack can certainly use it and sits down at the first opportunity. I am not so knackered so take the time to do some stretches. My clothing is tight and sticks firmly to the contours of my body as I pull it in all the directions it can achieve. The sight must have been having an effect on someone else as he was locked on my body as I moved.

Zack – “You know, we could have some fun out here.”

Me – “What? You’re not enjoying yourself?”

Zack – “Oh no, I am certainly enjoying myself. I mean a different kind of, fun.”

Me – “Wait, you mean… out here? We can get caught?!”

Zack – “We are in the middle of nowhere. There is no chance we will be seen out here. Go on; I was thinking about you all of last night.”

I couldn’t believe it. We have done things with each other before but this is another level. But then, maybe if I did something now I could calm him down for the rest of the trip, and I can see just how much he wants me by the strain in his running shorts…

Me – “We are not doing that out here, Zack… But I can at least do something.”

I saunter over to him, unwittingly swaying my hips as I stride. He has stood up in anticipation of the act but is more nervous than the demeanour he wants to put out. I am silently impressed with his bravado but I would never let him know. We are looking deeply into each others eyes by the time I am standing next to him, my breasts mere inches from his chest. I hold his gaze allowing me to regain some of the control from the moment before finally acting on our mutual desire. I drop down slowly, letting my hands lead my head down his frame. Eventually I am on my knees staring at the crotch of my lust fuelled paramour. He is still locked in position but his cock is clearly bursting to break free. I let my hands grip his waistband, holding it in place while I see the beast baying at the gates. In one slow movement I pull his running shorts down from his waist. First the root of his shaft appears, blood surging into it as it touches the free air, then the rest of it as his clothing falls away. The final bit stutters as it tries to get over the last of his manhood but in a jolt it is free and I am staring directly at the very hard cock that has been bursting to be inside me. I let a breath connect with it first, the rush of air causing it to spring in response. I know I will not need long to satisfy this phallus and part of me is eager to do so. Using a free hand I grip the root and angle it to point directly at my supple lips. A quick look up confirms that Zack is enraptured with my dance giving me all the prompt I need to bring my lips to his manhood. I first kiss the tip to announce my intent before letting it part my lips and enter my oral embrace. Silken warmth flows down the length of his shaft as I move to completely take in all of his impressive cock. Allowing my tongue to fully lubricate every facet of his shaft I prepare to start sucking him off in earnest. In smooth but poignant motions I start slathering his cock, taking it all in until letting it return to the open air, then bringing it back into the warmth of my oral grace. He is lost to the sensation of me doting complete oral satisfaction upon him; a meteor could crash to the floor next to him and he would be none the wiser. I am just as lost to the sexual act, taking equal satisfaction in the pleasure I am able to provide. It is not long before the oral assault is driving him to a completion. I can feel his hands reach into my hair as his cock jitters in anticipation at an explosive release. I let my tongue dance around his glands to beckon his orgasm which works in spectacular fashion. He shows remarkable resilience at keeping quiet as his fires reams of cum into my throat, glazing it with his essence. When he is finally spent he falls back onto a nearby tree, his cock popping free from my lips as he does so. I smile at his relief before swallowing his load, doing my best to get the substantial contribution down in one mouthful.

Me – “I hope that is enough to keep you satisfied, Zack.”

Zack – “Like you wouldn’t believe. That was absolutely amazing. I don’t know how I am going to walk again.”

Me – “Ha! Well, we have to get moving soon but I will give you a few moments to get your composure back.”

I waited there looking around to see if anyone spotted our carnal act. Fortunately I am only greeted with the natural surroundings that frame our every route. Eventually Zack does get his running legs back so we decide to head back home. I do hope that is enough to keep him satisfied for the rest of the trip. I am shocked he was so willing to do something outside like this but at least there is no chance of Julie seeing us out here. When we get back to the house we find her still stretched out on the lounge chair we left her on. She is clearly in a very good mood so I wave to her as we arrive before heading in to jump in the shower. It’s been an interesting trip so far but here’s hoping that it’s as interesting as it gets.

The rest of the day played out pretty normally. Julie was calm and composed, Zack was relieved and laid back, and I was active yet cautious. However, by the time night fell we were all comfortable in our malaise and really taking in the separation from the rest of the world. When we all went to bed Julie went out like a light. Now, I wouldn’t say Julie was at all a prude but she has had a noticeable lack of sexual interest during this trip. As I think about it though I realise that she too had probably needed this trip as much as me and Zack did. That’s just like her; outwardly thinking about others while inwardly keeping her own needs private. I will openly admit though, especially after what me and Zack did out in the wilderness, I am feeling somewhat horny. But I suppress my own desires in the interest of what is best for her; she clearly needs the rest and relaxation she is getting here and it is best to let her shake off her own troubles. I get to sleep relatively easily after my realisation, comfortable with my partner’s presence.

In the morning I wake up and as before I see that Julie is already awake. I zombie myself downstairs after putting on a bathrobe. There will be no running today; in fact I plan to have as little physical activity as possible. Julie is found in the kitchen whipping up a light breakfast. I greet her smiling face with an attempted morning face of my own prompting her to chuckle at my efforts. Exhausted after my heroic attempt at morning brightness, I throw myself down on the sofa. Julie then joins me carrying a cup of tea and some light food for the both of us. It is nice; just sitting here getting nourished in the company of a vibrant personality such as hers.

Julie – “So I was thinking; we should probably head off around four o’clock if we want to get home with some time to spare. With that in mind I was going to cook up all the remaining food so we can both finish it off and not have to worry about anything tonight.”

Me – “Sounds good.”

Julie – “Brilliant. I am thinking that it is missing that one killer ingredient though.”

Me – “I wouldn’t worry; whatever you cook up will no doubt be satisfying.”

Julie – “Nope. I have an idea in mind and I know just what it needs.”

Me – “Well I’m certainly not going to be the one to stop you! Do you want us to pop back down the shop? It’s quite the journey…”

Julie – “Don’t you worry, I’ll walk down there now and leave you to wake up. It’ll only take me about an hour so we will still have the rest of the day ahead of us.”

Me – “Righto, I’ll leave it all in your capable hands.”

Julie – “Very capable, I might add! I’ll let Zack know before I head out.”

Me – “No problem at all; looking forward to you getting back already.”

She came over and gave me a quick kiss before heading out of the room. Next I could hear her go into Zack’s room with the sounds of muffled conversation confirming it. Within minutes she was dressed and heading out of the door. Feeling a sense of guilt at her doing all the work I get up and head to the door to see her off. She is walking down the front garden path when I reach it so call out to say goodbye, waving as she turns to respond with a gratifying smile. As she does so I feel Zack pull in alongside me. He too starts waving making Julie especially pleased to look back at her family. With her eyes she can see both her partner and her son looking back at her with happiness and fulfilment. There is something she can’t see however. What she can’t see is Zack’s left hand, and a good thing too as it is currently finding its way to my firm ass cheeks and massaging them upon their successful arrival. I masterfully keep my composure and hide both my desire to keep calm and my desire for sexual satisfaction. Soon Julie has walked far enough away to be obscured from view so I immediately shut the door and look back at Zack. He is remarkably comfortable and confident, standing there with a particularly manly presence. He clearly wants me, both his demeanour and his bulge attesting to that desire. And who am I to lie to myself; I want him as well. The internal battle inside myself is played out solely within the gaze between my eyes and Zack’s but soon the battle is won. I grab his arm and stride purposely towards the bathroom. He is on board immediately and offers no resistance as we move. When we arrive I turn and once again look back at him, his face still confident and insistent. In one move I raise my arms to my shoulders and pull back my robe from my frame, letting it drop to the floor in one quick motion. With this last remaining barrier removed I stand there completely naked. My feminine curves, my supple breasts, my firm ass, my hardening erection; all offered to Zack’s eager eyes. His response is instant and he too starts removing his clothes with lust fuelled haste. I scan his body as more and more of his skin is revealed until I too am greeted with the rock hard erection pointed directly at the target of his affection. While still staring into his eyes I stretch out towards the shower and activate it, the sound of water cascading to the shower floor instantly providing a backdrop to our mutual wants. Then, when the moment is perfect, we launch at each other. We are kissing with all the lust and reckless abandon of people who have been kept at bay for years. Hands exploring every facet of each other’s body while the unmistakably feel of erect penis’s bounce across our skin. We are both aroused beyond our limits by the time I drag the pair of us into the shower; the feel of the water crashing down on us doing nothing to douse our desire.

Our lips are still locked in a warm embrace as the water covers our bodies. Each of us fight for dominance but I know damn well that I will be the one to cave first. There is no way my cock can get any harder and I can feel how he is in just the same situation. He is the one to break our kiss but he does so to turn my body around. I stand there, pushing my ass against his rock hard phallus, letting it glide between my firm buns as it finds its rightful place. All the while Zack is groping hard at my breasts, massaging them completely as his hands do their best to cover them entirely. There is no way that he is going to wait any longer though and soon I feel a hand fall away and drop to his manhood. I arch my back in anticipation causing my ass cheeks to part to his fore. The next thing I feel is the tip of his cock pushing at my gate. I want it all and his hardness attests to him wanting to give it. I slam my hands to the adjacent wall as I feel him push into my body; the entire length passing into me with powerful insistence. The following sensation is that of his cock pounding into me, the feeling both electrifying and orgasm inducing. I lose all sense of time and awareness, my mind focused solely on the feeling of his phallus claiming my body for its own. I can’t stop myself from letting my hips join him in his chorus, the sound of our bodies colliding together seemingly echoing around the room. I feel his hands glide down the contours of my frame, then finding themselves holding hard at my waist. He is slamming his impossibly hard cock into my body, activating every possible lust drenched nerve in the process. I cannot stop myself from bringing a free hand to my own phallus, masturbating in line with the anal assault from behind. Soon I can feel the sensation peaking as every thrust of his cock sends a pulse through the root of my own. I make no attempts to hide that my own orgasm is soon to arrive but it still blinds me from the hints that his own was just as close to completion. Then suddenly the pounding increases to a speed and ferocity that I could in no way be ready for, until finally I feel the final slam into my person. The next feeling is that of cum flooding into my body, reams and reams of it, so much that it feels as if it should spill over. At the moment that I feel as if I couldn’t be any more filled, the next feeling shocks me like no over. With my hand holding hard onto my shaft I feel a new hand join it in its efforts. Zack had reached forward and joined my grip in the embrace of my rock hard erection, the sensation boiling me over instantly and causing me to explode into the adjacent wall. It is an ejaculation like I have never experienced before and it sends me into a lust drenched haze, my mind completely spent. I cannot say how long I am lost to it; it is only when I feel Zack remove his cock from my ass that I am brought back down to earth.

Me – “Damn, Zack. That was… that was… wow…”

Zack – “Yeah… that was… Yeah…”

Me – “I think we are going to need some time to recuperate after that session!”

Zack – “If I get the feeling in my legs back I will let you know.”

Me – “Just be glad it is only your legs, Zack.”

We soon get our psyche’s quenched in the rejuvenating waters falling down upon us. It is a miracle but eventually we are returning to what can be called functioning human beings again. I leave the shower first, drying myself off with a nearby towel while he looks back at my body. I smile at his gaze but don’t stop myself from grabbing the bathrobe and putting it back on. Leaving him to continue showering, I head out of the door and out into the hallway. I stand there, the door closed behind me, once again alone to consider my actions. Just what is all this? It is getting beyond complicated while still being remarkably manageable. I contemplate everything: Julie must never find out, will Zack be satisfied with sex alone, will I be able to live with betraying someone that I love, can this all play out with no-one getting hurt. It is just as I am considering all the facets of my situation when I hear Julie walk up to the front door. She walks in carrying a bag of shopping and genuine surprise at seeing me greeting her.

Julie – “Oh hello, honey! Everything still good back here?”

Me – “Yes we’re all good here. Can finally say I have woken up.”

Julie – “That’s good to hear! Where’s Zack?”

Me – “He’s just gone in the shower after me. Shouldn’t be too long if you need to get in there.”

Julie – “Don’t worry, I’ll let him take his time. Anyway, I better get all this in the Fridge. I must say you do look better now though.”

Me – “Yes, I can safely say I am ready to get on with the rest of the day!”

The rest of the day goes over nicely. Julie is happy and makes a fabulous feast with what is left of the food, rejoicing at the sight of the three of us consuming it with joy and satisfaction. I can honestly say that the day continued with all the comfortable familiarity that comes with a family happy with its place in the world and by the time we were packed and ready to leave, we were pleased with where we were at. The journey back was quiet but it wasn’t unpleasant, I just spent a lot of it thinking to myself. Things have been able to stay as what they are. And all the while, things have been just as electric as when they started. I am getting everything and losing nothing. Maybe, just maybe, I…

End. There it is, the thing I didn’t think I was going to write: part three, partie trois, teil drei, một phần ba, гуравдугаар хэсэг, google whakamaori. Yes I am once again giving you time to stop reading before I get into the shop talk, which is especially poignant this time around as I will be talking about things that could be considered to be spoilers.

Before starting this part but after I finished the previous one I did some thinking about where I can take the story. There were plenty of options, and at least four concrete ones I built up plans for, but ultimately I settled on this one. I figured the holiday would give them space and isolation to really let the idea of their relationship focus inward with the rest of the world cut off from them. And fortunately one of the other ideas looks ideal to do next as I continue to develop the story. Saying that, I still have no end in mind so unfortunately the end might just end up being me not writing any more content. One thing that I am almost certain of, which is where the big spoilers are, is that Julie will never be involved in the protagonists and Zack’s relationship. I am still leaving it as ambiguous as to just how much she knows but I am not going to have her directly involved. If she does then there is a danger that the whole story just becomes a fuck pit, which is no bad thing but it is better suited to a more visual media. Even so, while that is my thinking now I can’t be certain it is how my thinking will be in the future. Maybe the idea of it becoming a three way relationship is hot enough to take it in that direction; I don’t know. Anyway, that’s it for now. If and when part four is written all depends on whether I get inspired to do it. Also, I’m moving these to Fiction now. I wasn’t sure what to choose when I first did this (not having done anything like this before) so looked at how the Genre’s were being used and it appeared to be more about how the story was presented, but now I’m thinking the more this goes on the less the genre “True Story” is going to give it any credibility. After all, whatever truth’s are there are lost in just how much details I obscure and allow for the reader to fill in the gaps, and I would never want enough details to make people identifiable.

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