An unexpected sexual reunion. by TurkestanEmperor

An unexpected sexual reunion.
by TurkestanEmperor

The drive to Chicago felt longer every time Mickey made the long voyage from the suburbs of Charlotte, N.C. This was the sixth time he had made the trek for the annual Jefferson family reunion, which always took place at his grandmother Velma’s house in Lombard, Illinois, about 30 minutes outside of the Windy City.

The reunion always filled Mickey with mixed emotions. Between the anxieties of meeting long-distance relatives for the first time to the nervousness of leaving a good impression, Mickey hated the event and tended to sit alone and play with his phone during the festivities.

Freshly 18, Mickey had a muscular physique through multiple seasons of track and field. His arms became toned with his shoulders and chest broadening. Mickey was above average below the belt, sporting six inches with sizable girth. He had never heard any complaints about the size of his member.

Throughout the car ride Mickey worried there were going to be few, if any, family members his age. He and his parents stayed mostly quiet during the nearly 12-hour trip to Chicago, until an interesting sign caught their eye heading through Indiana.

“Protected sex is a sin,” the sign read, “that not even Jesus can forgive.”

Its verbiage left Mickey in awe.

“Did anyone just see that sign?” he asked. “Signs like that make me realize we’re a long way from home.”

Back in Charlotte, people didn’t care if you were having sex in school because everyone did it. Mickey and his ex-girlfriend made love every day after school and his parents even bought him condoms every now and again.

“We’re about two hours outside of Indianapolis,” Mickey’s dad Mike said from the driver’s seat. “For a lot of these smaller towns, there’s only a few buildings: a post office, a bar and a church. If they’re lucky, maybe a gas station with a small convenience store.”

Mickey fantasized about the idea of a small-town, church-going girl. “Oh, Daisy, you look so sexy!” He thought to himself. “Thank-you sweetie, now get over here and take off those pants! I’ve been dreaming about that thick cock since the sermon.”

Mickey ran over to the small-town girl. Daisy had a petite frame with generous features. She had nicely-shaped, round tits and her ass was full. While Mickey relished in her beauty, Daisy unbuckled his belt and exposed his stiff member.

“Mmmm,” Daisy wooed. “I think I should introduce myself to your friend. He looks rather happy to see me.”

She began to stroke Mickey off. Her small hands wrapped around his hard cock as best she could. With every pump, Mickey felt as if he were about to bust.

“You better not cum too early, mister.” Daisy warned. “I’m not even close to finishing yet. You better make sure you don’t make me upset neither.”

As the fictitious girl bobbed on his junk, Mickey started to feel the blood running towards his ever-stiffening dick.

He quickly retrieved his blanket from the back of the car and tried to cover his erection from his parents in the front seat. “Mmmm. I love the way you blow me.” Mickey thought as he started to stroke himself under the blanket. “Thank you sweetie, now lay back and let me ride your huge cock. OOOHH! You’re stretching me out so nicely.”

In his head, the woman continued to ride Mickey’s meat. Her hips rocked back-and-forth on his erect manhood. Her breathing synchronized with the sway of her body.

Mickey lay motionless on the bed, feeling the Daisy’s and after a while began to work faster and faster. He imagined grasping her firm breasts and playing with her nipples while she gyrated on his cock.

The first spurt of cum rocketed to the top of the blanket and on his shirt. The second landed on the seat between his legs and the rest of his load dripped down his clenched fist.

“Maybe this trip won’t be so bad,” Mickey began to think.


As Molly and her family boarded their flight to Chicago-O’Hare, she realized that there was no way of getting out of the reunion. Molly begged and pleaded with her parents back home in Spokane, Wash. to let her stay back and take care of the family’s two dogs while they made the trip to the Jefferson reunion.

After turning 18 two-months prior, Molly felt she should be treated like an adult. She had blonde hair, blue eyes and had been well-aware of her womanly figure for sometime. Molly had started to develop earlier than most girls her age, but didn’t grow into her slim-thick figure until recently.

She had medium-sized firm breasts, a shapely buttocks and a pretty looking pussy. Molly had overheard some boys in her school say that they had dreamt about spending a night with her.

With her newly-found sense of adulthood, Molly didn’t understand why she was forced to go to the reunion. Her family had largely been isolated from the rest of the Jefferson family. The only relation came from Molly’s dad, Jason, who had a brother that married into the family the year before.

“Why do I have to go?” Molly whined to her parents before arriving at the airport in Spokane. “We don’t even know anyone that’s going except for Uncle Rick and Aunt Suzie. I could’ve stayed home and hung out with my friends that are leaving for college soon.”

She knew deep down that her dad thought the same way, but wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of hearing it.

“Oh, come on.” Jason said. “We’re going to have a great time. You’ve never been to Chicago and I’m sure you’ll find somebody at the reunion to talk to. Besides, if it’s that bad, we can cut out early.”

His daughter scoffed at the remark.

“Then turn around the car right now, because it’s going to be miserable for everyone.”

The no-seatbelt light extinguished above Molly and her family’s heads. The flight attendants made their rounds offering refreshments and light snacks. The four-hour flight started to bore Molly, so she opened her phone to find three text notifications to her friend, Jenna.

Molly was surprised to see her friend so antsy.

“OMG! Guess who texted me?” The first message said. “Brett Harris. OMG, what should I say?”

Brett was the captain of the school’s lacrosse team back in Spokane. “It was true,” Molly thought. “He was very handsome.” All the girls in their school were interested in Brett. He would often workout after school with his teammates shirtless in the school’s weightroom.

Molly knew that the conversation had elevated, because she hadn’t opened the texts in some time.

“He says he wants to hang out.” Jenna typed. “Do you think he likes me?”

Picturing his sweaty body curling dumbbells with his muscular features bulging with every move, Molly’s jealousy quickly rose. “That should be me, goddamnit.” She thought to herself.

“OMG, I’m driving to his house rn. Am I going to fuck the hottest guy in school? I wonder if he’s hung? LOL.”

Molly, desperate to hear more quickly typed, “Holy shit, tell me everything that happened.”

After hitting send, Molly waited a few minutes and thought about Brett’s athletic prowess dominating her friend in bed. His strength convincing Jenna to move at his every command and their bodies making love in a coordinated unison.

With jealousy and lust dancing in her head, Molly reached between her legs and felt the dampness of her wet sex. She quickly rose out of her seat in search of the bathroom.

“Where are you going?” Her mother asked.

Molly tried to think frantically. “Um, to the um, bathroom.”

She managed to get past her parents sitting next to her and rushed towards the bathroom. The door was locked. Fuck. Molly opened her phone to another message from Jenna.

“OMG,” she wrote, “I got to his house and he turned on a movie in his room. He started getting closer to me and then started to feel my leg. I was so turned on that I began touching his leg, too . . .”

Molly’s pussy began to twitch and she felt her panties start to moisten.

“. . . He told me that he thought I was pretty,” she continued, “And I told Brett I felt the same way. He pulled out dick and asked me what I thought of it. It was pretty big. I eventually started sucking it for a while, until his brother screamed for him to come help him. He jumped out of bed and ran downstairs. OMG he’s coming. I’ll text you more later.”

As she read the last words of the message, the door to the restroom sprang open. A man exited, leaving a foul stench upon Molly’s entrance. She tore off her pants and panties to the wetness of her hungry pussy.

The image of Jenna making love to Brett danced in her head as she inserted her index and middle fingers deep into her body’s clefts. She let out a soft moan as she worked herself in and out.

Molly quickened the pace to the thought of Brett bending her over his bed, sliding his hard cock up and down her wet lips till her entrance became inviting and slowly guiding himself deep into the depths of her body.

The feeling rushed through her. Molly, very audibly, let out a deep moan and shot juices all over the door of the bathroom. She quickly wiped up the mess and ran back to her seat.

“What the hell did I just do?” She asked herself.


Two hours had passed since Mickey and his family arrived at his grandmother’s house. A handful of relatives had gathered for a small dinner before the next day’s events.

Mickey listened to his Uncle Rick tell him about his college days, something he had longed for since graduation. Freedom, he thought.

“There was this one time,” his uncle remembered, “A couple o’ us went to this rather shady bar near the railroad tracks about a mile and a half away from the school. When we finally got to this bar, the first person we saw was covered in tattoos from head-to-toe. I was scared at this point. We walked inside and ordered a few drinks, after being ridiculed by the bartender…”

“Why were you being ridiculed?” Mickey asked.

“One of my buddies ordered a mixed drink,” Uncle Rick chuckled. “I guess it was considered weak if you did that at this place. One of the meanest looking women, I think to this day I’ve ever seen, grabbed my buddy by the shoulder and dragged him into the bathroom. All four of us at the table were shook. After a few minutes we really began to wonder where he could have gone, but as soon as we began contemplating what we should do, he returned. Long story short this big woman sucked his dick raw. He said that was the best head he’s ever gotten.”

A knock came from the door.

“Hello?” A man’s voice bellowed from the front door.

Uncle Rick bolted to the door and hugged the man.

“Jason, it is so good to see you!” Uncle Rick exclaimed. “How was the flight? Can I help grab anything from your Uber?”

Uncle Rick’s brother seemed to be thrown off by the flurry of affection and only managed to sputter a few words out.

Mickey had never met his uncle’s brother, and he barely even knew Rick. Behind his Uncle’s brother was one of the most beautiful girls Mickey had ever seen.

He watched as her form-fitting clothing hugged her curves and highlighted her best attributes. Mickey had always been a fan of blonde-haired girls, so seeing this mystery girl stirred emotions he was afraid of. We’re related you horny fuck.

“Molly, come meet your cousin Mickey,” Uncle Rick called out, “He’s the same age as you, so you can’t complain to your father about not having anyone your own age.”

Mickey and his new cousin locked eyes. Her shiny, blue eyes glittered as she strode through the entryway. With every step Mickey began to think she was more beautiful than the last.

“Hi.” Molly squeaked.

“What’s up? I’m Mickey, it’s nice to meet you.”

“I… I’m Molly. It’s nice to meet you as well.” she squeaked again.

The pair stared at each other for what felt like ten minutes. If it wasn’t for Uncle Rick, Mickey feared he would’ve looked awkward.

“Come on now,” his uncle directed, “I’ll show you where you will be sleeping.”

Uncle Rick helped grab all of the luggage and guided his cousin’s family through his grandmother’s house. Mickey watched as his cousin left the room and fantasized as Molly’s ass swayed with every step.

He didn’t see Molly and her family for the rest of the night. When Uncle Rick came back out into the great room, he said they were going to lie low in their bedroom for the night after a long day of flying.

The night started to grow incredibly dull for Mickey.

Relatives three times his age argued about random topics from the president to lawnmowers. Growing tired, Mickey bid his relatives a good night and went into his family’s sleeping quarters on the other side of the house. The long hallway was filled with pictures of his various family members. He spotted one of himself, which was his fourth-grade class photo of him in a SpongeBob shirt.

In his family’s guest bedroom, Mickey threw on a pair of sweats and a plain white T-shirt and headed towards the bathroom to brush his teeth.

The bathroom was down the hallway four doors down. Mickey had only used it once, since his family had never stayed at grandmother’s before. As he approached, he noticed the door was slightly ajar and quietly crept towards it.

Mickey peered through the slight crack in the door and found Molly sitting on the toilet naked, masturbating with a small vibrator.

His heart sank.

She was wearing AirPods and could not hear anything, or anyone, that might alarm her. Mickey watched and listened to the slight whirr of the device navigate through her slippery pussy. He eyed her bald mound and her small hands working in a rhythmic unison causing her to let out shallow moans.

Mickey felt the blood start rushing to his ever-stiffening cock. He looked in both directions down the hall in fear that someone might see what was happening. His blonde cousin began to work the vibrator faster in and out of her wetness. Mickey pulled out his cock and began stroking it, wishing for a better view.

Molly let out a more audible moan as she worked the device faster and faster into the depths of her pussy.

His cock fully-erect, Mickey was cranking himself off like a madman with his eyes never leaving the small device and his cousin’s wet clefts.

Molly started to torque her head straight back with the device flying in and out of her body. The sound of the vibrator’s movements became louder, to Mickey it sounded like a squishing buzz. She jolted her whole body backward violently and let out a half scream. A jet of juice squirted from her pussy while she yelped once more.

The sight became too much to handle. Mickey, pumping himself off furiously, felt his nuts load up with cum. As his head started to flush, he stumbled slightly towards the opening of the door.

He fell through the door opening with his erect cock in hand and exploding his seed all over the bathroom as he caught his balance.

Molly, who saw the commotion through the corner of her eye, was pelted with a rope of hot-load on the side of her leg and another hit her on the foot.

The two cousins stared at each other blankly with their naked sexes out. Nobody moved. Mickey tried to say something, but before anything understandable came out of his mouth, Molly darted out of the bathroom silent.

~~ To be continued ~~

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