Better than a video game by sandstorm3636

Better than a video game
by sandstorm3636

At the end of the school day, Anthony and his best friend Nathan were walking home together. Anthony was in the middle of a story about the video game he had been playing recently. “It has a co-op mode but you have to use a different save file. I’ve been playing with my sister but she can’t really keep up.”

“Are you asking if I want to come over and play?” Nathan could guess where the story was leading.

“My parents are out together tonight, so it’ll be just us and Teresa. I’m sorta supposed to cook supper for her, but she’s can look after herself if we leave her alone.”

“Let me just text my folks and tell them where I am,” Nathan was already up for hanging out.

By the time the pair had reached Anthony’s house, he had already gotten his parent’s permission. Actually he had just told them he was not coming home until late and they really had no way to stop him. They were not the strict kind of parents that enforced a curfew.

Anthony’s sister Teresa was home already when they arrived. She was sitting upside-down on the couch watching TV. Her pigtails were dangling down to the floor and her sleeveless blouse was flopped up revealing her stomach slightly. She did not even look up when they entered. It was not until she heard Nathan talking that she realized her brother was not alone. She immediately sat up properly and then clamored over the back of the couch and up the stairs without speaking to them at all.

“I don’t recall her being that shy,” Nathan let out an impressed whistle.

“She’s like that around all boys recently,” Anthony explained.

“She has gotten cuter,” Nathan admitted. Anthony shrugged. He was not interested in his own sister’s body at all.

After gathering some food and drinks from the kitchen, the pair ventured upstairs. Nathan sat on the bed while he waited for his friend to setup the gaming console in his room. After waiting for several minutes he noticed his friend getting aggravated. “What’s up?” he asked.

“I was hoping we could just continue from the last level but the second player’s saved game has been overwritten. We’re gonna have to replay all of the lower levels or at least the second player will have to before we can do proper co-op.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad. I kinda wanted to start from the beginning anyway,” Nathan admitted.

“But my character is already more powerful than the early game bosses. If I play too then we’ll just blaze past everything,” Anthony complained.

“You could just sit and watch me play, Nathan offered.”

“Fine, you get started, I have someone to confront.” Anthony stood up while punching his palm as if preparing for a fight. Curious, Nathan decided to follow him. Anthony went straight to the other small bedroom and tried the door. Unsurprisingly it was locked. One good jerk on the knob though and he had it open.

Teresa was sitting at her computer watching a video. When she heard her door, she spun her chair around and stood up. She was about to ask what he wanted when she saw Nathan behind him and fell silent, too nervous to speak in front of a male that was no part of her family. She side stepped so that she was behind her bed from them. Anthony began to walk around her bed but she jumped up onto it to avoid him. When he tried to grab her, she leapt down and ran toward the door. Nathan instinctively blocked her path. She gave him a look of someone who had been betrayed as Anthony grabbed her arm and pulled her to the floor.

After some wrestling, he managed to position her in an arm bar where he was putting stress on her elbow joint. “Stop, I give up. What did I do!” she complained.

“You erased the save data from my game!” he explained.

“So? I wanted to play from the beginning. It’s too hard to play the later levels.”

“It’s not your game to erase.”

“You have the first player slot,” she continued to whine while struggling to escape her brother’s pin. Suddenly she realized why he was so angry. She jabbed him behind the knee so he would loosen his grip. She managed to escape and crawled along the floor until she was kneeling in front of Nathan. “I’m sorry,” she apologized profusely. “I didn’t know you were gonna play with him. I was gonna re-level my character before we played together again. I guess he got impatient and just replaced me.”

“Why are you apologizing to him? It was my game!” Anthony stood up and kicked her butt, which was jutting out anyway because of how she was kneeling. As he was barefoot it was not very painful, but Nathan was still concerned when she fell forward onto her hands.

“You don’t have to be so hard on her.” He winced sympathetically.

“She gets spanked all the time,” Anthony assured him. “She always up to something naughty.”

“Oh.” Nathan’s cheeks turned red.

“Dude, you are pathetic.” Anthony rolled his eyes.

Teresa seemed to think she was going to get spanked more and just waited, still on her hands and knees. Anthony smirked suddenly. Grabbing his friend by the wrist, he led him around behind Teresa. “You do the honors.” He patted him on the back.

“What?” both Teresa and Nathan gasped at the same time.

“Part of the reason she acts up is because she doesn’t see getting spanked as a real punishment. What if a stranger did it though? Maybe she’d be embarrassed enough to learn her lesson.”

Teresa looked mortified but she did not move. She had been raised to take her punishment when she deserved it. Nathan hesitated only momentarily. Just watching her butt jiggle in anticipation was enough to convince him to touch it. He reared back and swatted her on the back of her shorts very lightly. Anthony just snickered at him. Teresa looked embarrassed but was also a little confused why it did not hurt.

It took a few attempts before Nathan got the guts to actually hit her. She yelped in surprise from the sudden change in force more than the actual pain. “Again,” Anthony ordered Nathan.

Actually getting into the rhythm a little, Nathan swatted her butt a few more times. He kept increasing the force because she was no longer reacting.

From the front, Anthony could see that her freckled face was getting redder and redder from having a stranger touching her butt. Nathan was still confused about her lack of noise though. Eventually when he hit her she made a sound that was quite different than the first one. It was more of a moan than a yelp of pain.

Anthony burst out laughing at the embarrassed looks on their faces. “You two are adorable.” He turned and left the room.

“Um, can I stand up now?” Teresa asked. As her brother had left, she assumed that the authority she should obey had defaulted to Nathan.

Nathan peered around the corner of the doorway and confirmed the flashing lights coming from Anthony’s room. He had gone back to playing his game. Without answering Teresa’s question, he placed his hand on her butt gently and ran it back and forth.

She gritted her teeth and tried to keep from making more noise. When he lowered his hand and ran it over something slightly softer in the center, she could not help but squeak slightly. He quickly used his free hand to cover her mouth. Now completely committed, he grabbed the hem of her shorts and yanked them over her round butt and down to her knees, exposing her pink and black polka dot panties.

Her face became hot under his hand and she tried to speak. He could not keep her mouth covered so he just pushed his fingers into it so her lips could not meet and she could not speak. She kept making a groaning sound as he ran his fingers over the soft center of her panties. It was getting warmer and damper with each pass.

Getting bolder, he pushed the cloth of her panties inward slightly. Her eyes widened as she panicked and tried to spit out his fingers. He had to hook her cheek and pull to keep her from succeeding. At the same time her head was pulled to the side, he pushed his fingers deeper into her slit. She whimpered and moaned and he could feel drool running down his hand.

Much bolder now, and desperate to see exactly what he was touching, he pulled the cloth of her panties aside. He could feel the bulge in his pants growing just from looking at his prize, a pink slit with a nub of a clit, glistening and wet from him aggravating it. He wasted no time shoving his fingers inside and spreading it apart to he could see everything.

A little tired of struggling, Teresa just licked at his fingers and whimpered, waiting for him to let go of her cheek so she could speak. The longer she waited and the more he touched the inside of her cunt, the less she was able to focus on her goal. Tired of holding her head in the air, she slowly lowered her face to the carpet, breathing heavily. Her butt rose in the air more and kept twitching each time his fingers scrapped the walls of her cunt.

With her docile change, Nathan began to swirl his fingers around her drool filled mouth and pinch her tongue. He also moved the fingers in her cunt back and forth more and ran them along the sides of the opening. Eventually twitching became clenching and jerking and finally Teresa raised her butt as high as it would go by standing on the tips of her toes while wrapping her arms around her legs since they did not need to hold her front up anymore.

She squealed loudly as liquid ran down her thighs and soaked her panties and shorts. To get a better look at her face, Nathan removed his fingers from her mouth and looked at her head upside-down pressed to the carpet.

Her cheeks were red in embarrassment but her mouth was still open in a gleeful smile, dripping with saliva. She wanted nothing more than to hide her butt in the carpet as she came but she was also exhilarated to have a cute guy watching her orgasm as she continued to push her toes down in order to raise her butt up as far as she could, practically thrusting it at him.

When she ran out of energy, she fell over to the side with a thud. She lay perfectly still for a moment with the same gleeful expression. It eventually wore off as her senses returned. When she realized the sorry state she was in, she scampered to her knees. Before she could stand up though, she came face to face with something that nearly made her scream.

Nathan was no longer behind her. Instead, he was standing right in front of her with his waist at head level. His rather engorged member was exposed through the fly of his pants and was a mere inch from Teresa’s mouth. She did not know why she stopped herself from screaming. Part of her just realized it was not as shocking as she had originally thought. In fact, considering what he had just done to her, this was a rather normal progression.

She did not move and simply waited to see what he would do. It was not long before he stepped forward and pressed the head of his exposed cock to her lips. As her mouth was still quite wet, it glided over them easily. She did not close her mouth or open it any wider though. She was frozen in embarrassment and fear.

Nathan took the initiative to push his thumbs into the corners of her mouth and force her mouth open. He slid the head of his cock in-between his lips immediately after. She made a slight gagging sound as it touched the roof of her mouth.

Again her own drool allowed it to glide into her mouth with ease. When it reached the back, it curved and began to slide down. She instinctively tried to close her mouth but his thumbs kept her from doing so. She then tried to use her tongue to push his cock up and out of the back of her throat. Slightly annoyed, he pulled on her cheeks and slid it further inside.

She tried to swallow as she felt the tip hitting her uvula but again she could not close her mouth. Her drool was now running straight down her throat and made her feel like she had a cold. This made her think about her breathing more and realize her nostrils were clogging up with mucus, making breathing harder. She breathed out harshly and succeeded in clearing her nostrils but quickly blushed in embarrassment as she realized she now had mucus streaming down her face and lips.

“You’re freaking adorable,” Nathan was not upset in the slightest. He wiped the mucus away from her mouth and even patted her head. She felt her chest swell with pride for some reason. She even opened her throat a little more, eager to please this cute guy that desperately wanted to fuck her mouth.

Nathan took full advantage and pushed a full inch past her uvula. She gagged and closed her throat around him. The drool she had been swallowing was blocked off and spilled from her mouth, soaking her pink blouse. Looking down Nathan could now see she was not wearing a bra. Her nipples were visible through her wet shirt and they were quite stiff.

He removed his fingers from her mouth and lifted her shirt up over her chest. Again her face turned red. She could not believe she had a person’s living member inside her mouth while they played with all of her private spots. It was like nothing of her was off limits to him.

Despite the fact that he was unable to move his cock anymore since it was trapped by her closed throat, it was still stimulating to feel the hum of her breathing around him. Additionally, getting to see the bare chest of a girl glistening with drool and sweat was exhilarating for a virgin like him. It did not take him long to start cumming. With his fingers out of her mouth, Teresa had no trouble pulling her throat off of his cock as soon as she felt the first spurt of hot cum hitting the inside of her esophagus.

The next three spurts hit her face, her mouth, her forehead and her left eyebrow. She was too busy gasping to care though. Nathan smiled at her as he watched her bare chest rising and falling with each breath. He thought she looked even more adorable coated in his cum. When she looked up at him the color drained from her face though.

Nathan looked over his shoulder to see his best friend smirking and shaking his head. “I was wondering what was taking you so long.”

“This isn’t… this is…” Nathan did not know what to say.

“Teri, go and clean yourself up,” Anthony ordered his sister. “Pull up your pants, dude,” he then addressed his friend.

Nathan went to the bathroom to wash his hands and then came back to Anthony’s room to find him playing his game again. “I’ve gotten past two levels,” he explained.

“Look, about what just happened,” Nathan sputtered.

“I don’t really care who my sister fucks. Just try not to do it when we’re supposed to be hanging out,” Anthony was either extremely unconcerned or good at pretending to be. Nathan sighed with relief and took the second game controller.


After an hour of playing the game, the boys were interrupted by Teresa. They had not closed the door so she just walked in and sat down on the bed behind them. Neither one of them bothered to look at her at first.

After a while of being ignored, she pressed her foot onto Nathan’s back. He brushed it off and continued to play. She did it again a few more times before he finally turned his head. He was met with a sight that made his cock twitch inside his pants. She was sitting on her brother’s bed wearing a black and red skirt. Her legs were apart so he could see between them and she was not wearing any panties at all. He could see her glistening pink cunt in all of its glory.

Looking up at her face he saw that she was wearing mascara and makeup to hide her freckles. He was slightly disappointed that she was not still covered in his cum but it was an unreasonable request. Reluctantly, Nathan had to return his attention to the game almost immediately.

Finally, when a cut scene started and he could take his hand off the controller, her reached behind his head and touched Teresa’s bare leg. He ran his fingers up until they reached the warm wet folds of her cunt. He pushed them inside her without warning, making her gasp while covering her mouth.

Anthony heard and peeked out of the corner of his eye. When he saw what they were up to he shook his head but ignored them. After the cut scene ended though, he waited for Nathan to return to the game but he did not.

“Alright.” He paused the game and set down his controller. Teresa shrieked when he pressed his palm to her forehead and pushed her down onto her back. She had no chance to resist as he spun her around so her head was hanging off the near side of the bed. He then climbed up on the bed and straddled her waist, sitting down on her stomach so she could not move.

She struggled and grunted but stopped when he pinched the sides of her jaw with his thumb and index fingers, making her open her mouth. Nathan stared at the siblings in utter confusion. “Go on, you wanted to fuck her mouth again, right?” Anthony inquired.

“Well…” Nathan was stunned.

“She’s shy as hell, so you have to be a little rough with her.” He pulled her shirt up over her chest, revealing that she had put on a bra in the last hour. “Come on, she’s waiting for you.” He pinched her jaw again to make her open her mouth more.

Nathan licked his lips as he stared at Teresa, pinned to the bed and waiting for his cock with her mouth open. He had no idea why Anthony was offering her to him and he did not care. His cock had already grown back to full size just from getting to fiddle with her cunt, not to mention watching her struggle on the bed. Her small form looked adorable to him no matter what she was doing.

Without wasting time, he brought out his cock and pushed the head past her lips. It was not as wet or warm as before. In fact, he quickly realized that she had used mouthwash as he could smell the mint on her breath. The walls of her mouth had been dried out from the mouthwash and it was much harder to move. To reduce the tugging on his skin, he pushed his fingers into the corners of her mouth alongside his cock, making her squeal from having her orifice stretched more than she expected.

For several minutes, Nathan tried to move back and forth in her mouth to no avail. He could not get as deep in her throat as he had before. It was just too dry. He knew he should not have been mad at her. She probably did not enjoy the taste of cum and washing her mouth was the obvious solution but it had ruined his chance to fuck her throat again. Thinking to punish her, he plugged her nostrils with his thumbs.

Immediately she began to squirm and flail. Anthony lowered himself so he was pinning her legs and grabbed both of her wrists. He held her down as she tried to suck in air through her mouth. Her mascara began to run as tears rolled up her upside-down face. The pulsing of her mouth as she tried to breathe was enough to get Nathan off finally. He came directly into her mouth several times. When the inside was finally slick enough with his cum, she spat out his cock and gasped for air.

She swished the cum around in her mouth until it was in one spot and then pushed it out with her tongue. It ran up her face and smeared her makeup in the process. “You’re supposed to swallow it,” Anthony scolded her.

She shook her head and tried to sit up. He rolled off of her to the side and pulled her to her knees by her arms. She had red marks on her wrists from where he was holding her and her makeup was a complete mess. Nathan felt uncomfortable putting his cock back in his pants with it covered in cum so he left the room to go to the bathroom.

Teresa was just about to climb off the bed when she realized Anthony was still holding her wrists. She tried to jerk free but gave up quickly. He always won when they wrestled. She somewhat assumed what he wanted but was not sure he would actually make a move on her. She did not have to wonder for long though.

Holding both her arms above her head with one of his hands, he put the other hand on the back of her head and pushed it down toward his crotch. He then unzipped his pants so his cock could spring out. She lifted her head enough to look at him, daring him to change his mind. He just pushed on her head again until the tip met her lips.

Wanting to get things over with as quickly as possible, she obediently bobbed her head up and down in his lap. She stuck out her tongue and licked his shaft as well as coiled it around the tip. She was even starting to drool some when the sound of Nathan’s footsteps from the doorway froze her in place.

Anthony ignored her embarrassment and just pushed her head down again. This time his cock slid up into the back of her throat, making her gag. Nathan frowned as he watched his friend deepthroating the girl he had failed to face fuck properly a moment ago. He wanted to complain but he had no grounds. He was the one who first touched her in her own home. He had no right to claim that siblings doing oral was any worse.

Instead he resolved to take full advantage of the situation. Teresa’s eyes had become dull and lifeless as she let her brother push her head down into his lap. They only lit up in surprise again when she felt someone touching her clit from behind. She squealed but could not scream with her mouth full. She struggled but Anthony held her hands above her head. She could do nothing but accept it as Nathan pushed his thumb into her cunt and fiddled with her clit with his index finger.

Teresa’s terrible situation continued for several minutes. She let her brother force her head down on his cock as far as he wanted in hopes he would cum quickly. She also tried her hardest not to cum herself from the abuse her cunt was receiving from Nathan as he tried his hardest to make her do just that. The last thing she wanted was to have an orgasm while sucking her brother off.

All the while, she kept the same gleeful smile though. Part of her knew that by coming here without panties on she had invited Nathan to touch her like this. As humiliating as it was, she had pretty much asked for it and that turned her on more than the actual stimulation.

When Nathan grew bored of trying to please her, he decided to please himself instead. He removed his fingers from her cunt and unzipped his pants again. He had just pressed the head of his cock to the outside of her wet cunt when Anthony spoke to him sternly. “I hope you’re not planning on taking my sister’s virginity right now,” he warned him. “The poor girl can’t even argue with her mouth full.”

Teresa began to kick at Nathan, trying to ward him off. Sighing, he pressed forward but let his cock slip past the opening of her cunt. It rubbed the outside and stimulated the folds without actually penetrating her. She shuddered as she felt her orgasm getting closer. He pulled back and slid forward again, making her toes curl as she tried not to cum.

This new torment went on for several minutes, her whole body shaking as she anticipated penetration that never came. Finally, the vibrations were too much for Anthony who began to cum inside her mouth. When she felt the first spurt, Teresa tried to lift her head. Anthony grabbed both her pigtails and pulled her all the way back down, embedding his cock in her throat. The next six spurts all went into her esophagus.

When he finally let go of her hair, she made a vomiting sound as she pulled up and off of his cock. She stared at him miserably, as if expecting an explanation. “I told you that you need to swallow,” he answered. She was about to complain when she felt Nathan’s cock sliding along her cunt again, at a different angle since she was no longer bent so far forward. In fact, he managed to pull her into his lap so his cock was in front of her cunt and spreading the folds perfectly.

Her words caught in her throat as she began to squeal shrilly. Liquid poured out of her cunt and coated Nathan’s cock and the sheets. She grabbed her own face and stuck her tongue out between her fingers as it wagged endlessly along with her orgasm.

Nathan held her steadily while wishing he could lift her up and slide his cock into her wet cunt. With his cock now covered in her liquid it would probably slip in with ease. She would not even have time to complain.

Anthony was watching his sister’s orgamsing face with intrigue. Earlier he had not agreed when Nathan said she looked cute but now he was completely convinced. He could not get enough of the faces she made when they wrestled or when they argued. He thought she was adorable when she was upset or angry but now he thought she was even more so when horny.

Suddenly the expression on her face changed. Her face twisted and froze with her lips wrinkled and her left eyebrow raised. It twitched a few times as Nathan pushed on her back and made her lean forward. Then he pulled her back into his lap and her eyelids fluttered as her eyes became crossed. Anthony could not help but laugh at her expressions. They were far from that of someone in the middle of orgasm. She looked like she was in utter discomfort.

Looking down, he saw that her cunt was still exposed, meaning Nathan had not taken her virginity. His cock was no longer in front of her crotch though, spreading it. “Stop laughing,” Teresa complained.

“You look ridiculous though,” he answered.

“I’m sorry but having a rod shoved up my butt feels unbelievable.”

Anthony adopted a confused expression. Teresa pushed her feet down on the bed and lifted herself up out of Nathan’s lap. Slowly his cock emerged from inside her anus. Her eyes rolled around in her head and her tongue hung out as she strained to pull herself off of it.

Nathan lifted her by her thighs and straightened her legs so her feet could not touch the bed as he lowered her back down. “No!” she shrieked as his cock slipped back into her anus with an audible pop. Her eyebrow twitched the entire time she was sinking back down. She felt like he was scraping every nerve in her rectum. “It’s like you shoved a spoon in my butt and stirred it!” she wailed. “I can’t see straight. Make him stop,” she pleaded with her brother.

“Wait.” Anthony grabbed his phone from the bedside table and began recording her face. She could barely focus her eyes enough to see what he was doing. “Say something for the camera,” he urged her.

“They’re fucking me!” she wailed. “Two penises. They shoved them both in me at the same time.”

“Move again,” Anthony instructed Nathan. He lifted her off his cock again so Anthony could record it going back into his sister.

She crossed her eyes and gritted her teeth as it slid out and back into her. Saliva sprayed from her lips as she breathed roughly. “How does it feel?” Anthony asked.

“Like sand paper. Like my butt’s being turned inside out. Please, just fuck my pussy instead. I’m sick of swallowing semen and choking on penises. You can fuck me all you want, just be gentler.”

Nathan tipped her forward out of his lap onto the bed. Once she was on her hands and knees, he gripped her ass and began to thrust his hips against her. She shrieked again and then bit a mouthful of sheets to keep her voice down. She also gripped the sheets between her fingers until her knuckles turned white. Her eyebrow kept twitching the entire time. She did not say it outloud but she almost felt like he was gouging her brain with a spoon since the feeling of her anus stretching was traveling right up her spine to her head.

Anthony recorded his sister getting anally violated for several minutes straight. She kept moaning and grunting the entire time. Finally, she stiffened when Nathan came inside her asshole and fell over when he pulled out. Anthony circled around behind her to record the white globs of cum being forced out of her anus as she flexed it.

Though she had been biting the sheets a moment before, as soon as her anal torment ended, the same gleeful grin with her tongue hanging out returned to her face. She was not turned on by having her asshole rammed repeatedly at all, but the knowledge that Nathan had been actually fucking her did turn her on. She could not hide the satisfaction on her face.

When she noticed Anthony recording her face instead of her butt again, she put up double V signs. She then collapsed on her side and promptly fell asleep, utterly exhausted. “Should we carry her back to her room?” Nathan asked.

“She can sleep in my bed tonight,” Anthony answered. Nathan wanted to protest but held his tongue. Somehow he felt that Teresa was far from done getting fucked that night.

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