Cory’s Next Threesome! by Jillthegiantslayer69

Cory’s Next Threesome!
by Jillthegiantslayer69

So my plan was, to invite David over for some Netflix and chill (if you know what i mean) while my roommate Sharon was staying the night at her boyfriends house. (Yay me!) Anyhow i called David and asked him to come over. He jumped at the chance! What can i say, i give a damn good blowjob. Plus I’m his sister and he loves me, duh!

He arrived around 8:30 that night and the whole neighborhood practically rattled as he pulled into my driveway. His old Chevy is straight piped and super duper loud. I opened the door for him and he nearly tripped when he saw what i was wearing. Which in case you were curious, was a sheer white tank with my most form fitting briefs.

He had of course seen me in my underwear before. But that was when we were younger, not now since I’ve filled out quite a bit obviously. He walked in and i almost told him to close his mouth before he got dirt in it but honestly this is what i wanted. I smiled and gave him a hug, pressing my breasts up against his chest as i did so.

He ogled me for a second and then cleared his throat. “Hey sis, your already dressed for bed huh?” I smiled at him and said “In more ways than one!” I said this with a cheeky smile, then turned and sashayed over to the couch. I could feel his eyes on my ass and it was turning me on. He gave a little grin and joined me on the couch.

He threw his arm over my shoulder in a very familiar way. I snuggled in next to him and grabbed the remote. “So what are we watching?” He asked me as he slid his hand down my side to settle on my waist. I suppressed an excited little shiver, instead batting my lashes at him. “Oh i don’t know, something exciting! Maybe that new car movie with all the impossible stunts.” He nodded and i started the movie, knowing i wouldn’t remember it at all.

A few minutes after the opening credits, i felt David’s hand which was previously on my waist, move a little higher nearly cupping my left breast. I looked at him and he tilted his head at me basically asking permission to touch. I winked at him and he fully palmed my breast, slowly massaging it in his big hand.

I squirmed a little, his touch making me wet. He leaned over me and slid his other hand down my belly toward my briefs. They were nice briefs and i had picked them because they showed off my ass particularly well. He slid his hand further down and cupped my pussy, applying firm pressure with his palm.

I gasped and he grinned, his other hand still playing with my boob. He started slow circles with his hand and i closed my eyes in pleasure. I didn’t see him lean in to kiss me but i felt him move closer and felt his lips on mine. I parted my lips and he took the invitation to give me some tongue. He kissed me deeply for a long minute then slid his right hand beneath my panties and directly onto my wet cunt.

I let out a low moan between our lips, which were still locked. He slid a finger inside me and it was his turn to gasp. “Fuck Cory, i can’t believe how wet you are baby.” He started to finger fuck me then, his right hand working my dripping sheath while he tweaked my nipple with his left. I almost came right then, it felt that good. He paused for a second moving me onto his lap so both hands could explore his sisters body.

He started nibbling my neck while his hands played with my body. He really started fingering my mound in earnest. I felt myself on the brink of orgasm and tried to tell him so but before the words left my mouth he wrapped his other hand around my throat and squeezed hard. I couldn’t breath and that combined with what he was doing to my pussy threw me into ecstasy. I came almost explosively, my legs stiffening and the muscles in my thighs quivering involuntarily.

My brother drove his fingers deeper into my hole, for the duration of my orgasm. As i came down from my pleasure, he nipped my earlobe and released my throat, allowing me to breathe. I did, drawing in a gasping lung full and melting back into him, temporarily weak. He picked me up and arranged me bent over on the couch with my legs spread wide to give him access. He had had enough of foreplay apparently and i was perfectly fine with that. He quickly removed my clothes.

Then he removed his jeans and started rubbing his cock against my fuck hole. He teased me for a minute, then lined up his cock to my entrance and rammed into me in one deep thrust. My cunt was really fucking wet and he opened me up no problem, his shaft stretching me deliciously. I couldn’t help the mewling sounds that broke from my mouth. I felt like a bitch in heat as i arched back into his thrusts and egged him on. “Harder baby, fuck me harder. Please, i want it. Give it to me David. Fuck your sister’s tight little pussy.” He increased his pace, his abs and thighs smacking me with each thrust, making wet slapping sounds against my flesh.

He was grunting and his breathing was quick and shallow. I looked over my shoulder at him and he looked me in the eyes and smiled showing all his teeth, then he slapped my ass hard. It stung and i yelped, in surprise more than pain. He slapped my other cheek and then did it again in rapid succession. All the while his wonderful cock was sliding in and out of me in deep hard strokes that, combined with the spanking, made me cum hard.

I screamed and would have frozen except his hands were on my hips digging into my flesh, the skin coming up through the cracks between his fingers. I knew it would bruise but the orgasm took me and swept me away until i couldn’t see or hear or do anything except feel the pleasure.

I came to with my brother pulling his dick out of my pussy and flipping me over. I let him flip me onto my back. He leaned toward me and whispered “open your legs for me Cory.” I did as he told me and opened my legs for him. He slid his rod back into my juice box and leaned down on his elbows, bringing his face level with mine and only inches away.

He started moving again and i gasped because at this angle his rod was pushing against my g spot much harder than before. I felt my eyes nearly roll back in my head and i let out a groan of my own. David increased his pace and whispered in my ear “your so fucking wet right now, all i want to do is cum inside you baby. No foreplay, nothing i just want to fill you up. Again and again until i can’t get hard anymore.” I turned my face toward his and kissed is lips. I didn’t have the breath to reply but hopefully he read my intent well enough.

A few minutes went by in which i swear i nearly passed out from pleasure. All i could focus on was my brother’s cock moving in and out of my wet penis glove. The feel of his chest pressed against me and my tits gently rubbing him as he thrust into me. I heard him moan and felt him stiffen slightly. He slowed and buried his cock inside me all the way to his balls. I felt him cum inside me in hot pulses that painted my pussy with semen.

He shuddered and thrust deeply one more time with a loud gasp. I felt goosebumps on his back where i gripped him. I wrapped my legs tighter around him keeping him in place as he shuddered into me. He slowly relaxed, his full weight bearing down on me and his breathing slowed. He lay his head on my breast and looked up at me with a smile.

“Damn sis that felt good.” I heard keys drop onto the floor by the door and turned my head to find Shanon standing there, a shocked look on her face. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her. She shook her head. “Oh no, i did not just catch you fucking your brother on our couch. What the actual fuck Cory? The couch really? I sit there too you know.” She continued to stand there, a torn look on her face like she didn’t know what to do. It dawned on me that Shanon had been crushing on my brother a little bit and i had an idea.

“So are you just gonna stand there? Or do you want to join in? Because i, for one would like to have more sex tonight. The more the merrier!” I said this while looking her full in the face, still trapped beneath my brother. Who looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged at him as best I could and he blinked, then nodded. “Yea Shanon why don’t you join us?” It wasn’t exactly a speech but i appreciated his effort.

Shanon blanched, then seemed to come to a decision. She dropped her purse next to her keys and started stripping. Shanon is a little taller than me at 5’7 and a few pounds heavier. She has bigger boobs than me, though her ass isn’t as fat as mine. Guys gravitate towards her curvy figure.

That reminded me “I thought you were spending the night at your boyfriends house tonight? What happened Shanon?” She grimaced while removing her bra letting her d cups come free. “He dumped me. So I’m glad this came up actually, it’ll be a good “fuck you” to the bastard.” She then proceeded to walk towards us on the couch, her gait confident and bold.

She looked at David and me and then said “How about we take this to the bedroom hmm?” So me and my brother followed her to the bedroom. She turned and looked at me with a deadly serious look. “Get on the bed and open your legs Cory. I’m gonna lick your brothers cum out of you.” I blinked, then did as she said. Sitting on the edge of the bed then scooting back a little and spreading my legs wide for her.

She moved her upper body onto the bed between my legs and widened her stance, turning and looking at David. She spit into her hand and lubricated herself with her saliva. “Come here and fuck me David.” He walked over to her, his penis hard again, despite his earlier orgasm. His grabbed her hips and slid into her. She gasped, still in between my legs and her eyes closed as he entered her love tunnel.

She opened her eyes and reached for me, a determined look on her face. She grabbed my hips and buried her face in my pussy. She stuck her tongue into me and closed her lips around my wet cunt. She sucked David’s semen out of me with a wet slurping sound. She then swallowed and did it again. Meanwhile David watched over her head while he fucked her from behind.

“Fuck Shanon that is so fucking hot. Eat my cum out of my sister’s cunt. That’s right you little slut, eat her pussy.” He was really thrusting into her hard and her face was being pressed into my wet fuck hole pretty hard. Her teeth were getting involved and while not my preference, I can’t lie, it felt good. Teeth and all, i had fantasized about fucking Shanon but never worked up to it. Now look at her driving her slutty little tongue down my hole.

She came up for air a moment later and screwed her eyes shut and started shaking as she came on my brother’s big dick. I grabbed her head and ran my fingers into her hair, forcing her to open her eyes and look up my body at me. “Look at me bitch. You started something here, so dont stop until you lick up all that fucking cum. You hear me you little slut?” I then forced her head pack toward my little pussy.

She started licking me again with gusto. It was like she was starving and i was a bowl of milk that was her only meal. She slurped and sucked, her tongue swirled around my clit. Her saliva and my cunt juice were mixing together and running down my ass onto the bed. My brother gave a little grunt and pulled out of my roommates fuck hole.

“Switch positions with Cory, Shanon. I want to fuck her ass.” She pulled away from me and i stood. I turned around and shook my ass at David as Shanon moved onto the bed and spread her legs apart for me. I winked at her as David spit onto his cock and then slid into my butthole. I groaned along with him as he slid deeper into my tight ass.

“Fuuuck, you are so fucking tight Cory. I could fuck your ass every day sis.” I just ground my ass against him and he began ass fucking me. Shanon was looking at me wide eyed. “I didn’t know you liked anal, Cory. You never told me before.” She actually sounded a little butt hurt about it. I rolled my eyes at her and grabbed her ankles spreading her legs even wider.

I leaned down as started to lick her wet beaver. She gasped as i thrust my tongue deep inside her and then slipped a finger in and started caressing her g spot. She squirmed beneath me her moans loud and her face red as blood rushed to her head. Her neck and shoulders were red as well, her pale skin stark against the rush of blood.

David was fucking my ass hard and fast and i knew he wouldn’t last at this pace. I groaned as he spanked me again, the combo of his thrusting and the taste of Shanon in my mouth driving me to orgasm. It hit me almost by surprise, my legs giving out and David catching me as i fell, shaking. He picked me up and sat me on the bed, a huge smile on his face.

I nudged Shanon and she scooted toward him, her legs dangling over the edge of the bed. He gabbed her thighs and thrust into her with a groan. He began fucking her hard, his hands leaving marks on her skin where he gripped her thighs. She was moaning as he thrust in and out of her wet love hole. I was still shaking from my own orgasm when she let out a little gasp and wrapped her arms and legs around my brother as an orgasm of her own took her.

David grunted when she gabbed him and he pushed his hips into her, burying his cock deep into her vagina. He threw his head back and came in her pussy. He pulled out and drove back into her, hard. She was still mid orgasm herself and took it like a champ. He shuddered and slowly pulled out of her. Cum dripped out of Shanons cunt as she lay back on the bed with a sigh.

David collapsed next to me, in between me and Shanon. I threw a leg over him and intwined my fingers with Shanon’s who spooned with my brother. We fell asleep like that, all tangled up and thoroughly well fucked. We even left the tv on in the living room!

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