Family fun 2 – more friends join. by Mounton

Family fun 2 – more friends join.
by Mounton

“That was a fun evening Daddy,” Suzy said.

Paul was lying on her bed, his daughter sitting astride his chest, he was playing with her breasts, stroking them gently and tweaking her nipples. Suzy had her hands behind her back holding his cock, pleased that she had got him back to full erection.

“It was very kind of you to let Corm fuck Mummy,” she said, “or did you only agree so that she would agree to you fucking me?”

“No,” he replied, “l told her she could have Corm regardless of what happened with you, l promised that if you didn’t agree l wouldn’t stop Corm fucking her.”

“Well there was no problem there then,” she giggled, “l’ve been longing for you to fuck me for ages, l’d seen you wanking in the shower about a year ago and couldn’t get the sight of your cock out of my head, then it started with Corm, l tried to forget about you because it was so much fun doing things with him but it didn’t work, he kept talking about Mum and what he would like to do to her, you wouldn’t believe some of the things he said Daddy, he’s a real pervert where Mum is concerned.”

“What do you mean?” He said.

“He watches a lot of porn Daddy,” she said, “we both do, but Corm likes looking at the BDSM sites, he talks about tying Mum up and doing stuff with her cunt and tits. Have you seen what they do, tying up tits so they go purple, he wants to do that to Mum.”

She felt his cock give a violent reaction.

“Ooooh,” she giggled, “does that idea turn you on as well,” she giggled, “would you like to do that stuff with me, l don’t mind giving it a try, it might be fun.”

“You are a randy little witch,” he laughed, “you keep coming up with new ideas.”

“I watch a lot of porn Daddy,” she replied, “l wouldn’t mind being a porn actress, when l think of all the cocks l could have, it sounds so exciting, l love being fucked Daddy.”

“Well climb on now then,” he laughed.

“No, this way Daddy,” she said, rolling off him, lying on her back with her legs spread wide. “Put my legs on your shoulders like you did when you fucked Mummy in her bum.”

“Do you want it in your cunt or your arsehole?” He said , getting between her outstretched thighs and lifting her legs onto his shoulders.

“Can you put it up my cunt first and get it slippery,” she said, “then l’ll try it in my bottom but l don’t know how much l can take, l want to be able to take it all but you will be careful won’t you.”

“Of course l will,” he said, moving closer and placing his cock inside her labia. Once he was positioned her surged forward, sinking himself full length into her.

“Oh god Daddy!” She sighed, “l don’t ever want to get bored of that feeling, you’re so big, you should be doing porn films with a cock like that.”

“And you’ll be doing porn films with me,” he laughed.

“Oh we would make a lot of money Daddy, a genuine father and daughter porn show. Now take it out and try it up my bum.”

He pulled out, shifting position and placed the head of his cock against her puckered anus, he could see the anxious expression on her face.

“You don’t have to do this,” he said.

“Yes l do Daddy,” she replied, “l have to do everything, l want to try everything, one day l might even try it with Major, can you imagine that Daddy, do you think l could take him in my bottom or would he split me, l’ve seen a girl on the internet take a horse in her bottom but her arsehole was gaping before she did it so she must have been practicing with something else. I’ve seen girls taking the thick end of wine bottles in their bum, l could try that.”

Paul couldn’t believe this was his daughter talking, she sounded more like a whore than his sweet teenage daughter. He pressed the head of his cock against her anus.

“Try to relax,” he said and noticed a slight movement in the puckered area. “That’s good,” he said as he felt resistance melting away and her anus parting for him. He pressed harder and the head disappeared inside her.

“Ohhhh, how much Daddy?” She asked.

“Just the head so far,” he replied, “do l keep going?”

“Oh yes,” she said, “don’t stop, even if l cry, don’t stop, l want to do this so badly.”

Paul inched his cock deeper, registering her change of expression with each movement.

“You’re doing well baby,” he said, “that’s halfway.”

“Oh it feels so big Daddy,” she said, “l thought it must be all of it.”

“Not yet baby, do you want me to stop?”

“No, don’t stop,” she said, “l have to take it all, l have to do it.”

He increased the pressure again, feeling her tight channel giving way with each tiny thrust. He saw the perspiration on her brow but her weak smile told him to keep going.

Finally his pelvis came to rest against her.

“That’s it,” he said, “you’ve got it all, you’ve taken a nine inch cock into your arsehole.”

“Really?” She smiled, “l’ve got it all inside me?”

“You certainly have young lady, l’m very proud of you.”

“Can you just leave it there for a minute, l want to feel it properly….there did you feel me grip you?”

“Yes l did,” he replied, “your tight little arsehole grabbing my cock, trying to draw it in further, trying to get my balls in you as well.”

“Oh god, that is so dirty,” she giggled, the vibrations passing down through her body and picked up by his cock.

“If you keep giggling l’m going to cum,” he said.

“You can take it out now,” she replied, “l want you to fuck my cunt.”

He started to withdraw slowly.

“Oh my god, that feels so weird,” she said, “this sounds filthy but it feels like l’m….”

“I know,” he cut her off, “just let it slide out.”

She gave a final sigh as his cock vacated her. Paul moved to the side of the bed to stand up.

“Where are you going?” She said.

“To clean up before l fuck you,” he replied.

“No, come here,” she stopped him, taking his hand and pulling him back. “I want to do what Mummy did with Corm.”

“You don’t have to,” he said.

“I know,” she replied, “l want to, what is it they call it on the porn sites, ‘Ass to mouth,’ those silly Americans can’t even spell arse properly,” she giggled.

She pulled him closer, leaning forward to take his cock into her mouth, taking him to the back of her throat then releasing him, licking his shaft and sucking his balls.

“There,” she said, admiring the result, “all ready to plough my pussy, come on Daddy, doggy style.”

She jumped around on the bed, onto her knees, bottom up, hands spreading her bum cheeks to reveal her cunt.

Paul could see her arsehole still gaping and pulsating, he bent forward kissing the gaping hole then grabbed her hips and drove his cock into her cunt.

“Oh yes Daddy,” she squealed as his second thrust sent her sprawling face down.

He kept banging away at her cunt, full force with every thrust until she shook from head to toe and he felt the flood of her juices fill her cunt. One final thrust and he added his spunk to the mixture, staying deep inside her as his pulsating cock emptied his balls.

“God l’m shattered,” he said once he had pulled out and laid beside her, “you and your mother are going to kill me.”

“That’s why we need more cocks Daddy,” she said, snuggling up to him, resting her head on his chest as she listened to his heart beating. He was asleep before her, she just stayed there listening to his even breathing, kissing his chest and nipples gently until she began to drift into dreamland.

Paul and Suzy entered the kitchen together, Corm was already sat at the table, the coffee was waiting and Jenny was just placing a large plate of toast on the table.

“Toast Mum!” Suzy laughed, “l thought you didn’t cook.”

“Enough of your cheek young lady,” she replied.

Suzy went to her mother and kissed her, then kissed Corm before sitting beside him. Paul went to Jenny, kissing her, feeling her tits then putting his hand between her thighs.

“You’re wet,” he smiled.

“What do you expect,” she replied, “that boy is a fuck machine, three times last night, plus l sucked him off, then l wake up this morning with his cock in front of my face and him telling me to roll over.”

“You bastard,” Suzy said, playfully punching Corm on the arm, “l hope you’ve got some left for me.”

They all sat round the table eating breakfast.

“This is so sexy,” Suzy giggled, “all of us being naked like this, my pussy is so wet l want to be fucked all the time.”

“I know how you feel baby,” Jenny said, “but we have to slow down, these two studs can only do so much.”

“We need more cocks Mum.”

“I know baby,” she replied, “but it’s such a big step.”

“Why not start with Gregor and Jan,” Paul said, “we’re going to have to tell them something if we’re going to be walking round naked all day, shall l give them a call?”

All eyes turned to Jenny.

“It looks like you’ve all made up your mind,” she said.

“Go on Mummy,” Suzy said, “they are both good looking, they speak perfect English, they never go to town so they must be full of spunk.’

“Jesus Suzy your such a slut,” Corm laughed.

“You don’t complain about me being a slut when you’ve got your cock up my cunt,” she giggled.

“Fair enough,” he laughed.

“If we ask them to come in, we can’t be stood here naked,” Jenny said.

“Let’s put our dressing gowns on,” Paul suggested, “then we can take them off quickly if they agree to our plan.”

Suzy ran off to get her the dressing gowns while Jenny made the call.

“Hi Gregor,” she said when he answered, “are you busy…….good, could you and Jan come up to the house please, we are in the kitchen, we want to put some ideas to you both…..lovely, see you in ten minutes.” She disconnected. “There,” she said, “the die is cast, let it take us wherever it goes.”

“I’m proud of you,” Paul said, kissing her as he put his hand between her thighs.

“Me too,” Corm said, kissing her and squeezing her tits.

Suzy returned with their dressing gowns and they each put them on, standing around nervously waiting.

They saw the two men approaching through the window, they reached the back door and Gregor was about to knock when Jenny called out to tell them to come in. Her voice was rather squeaky with nervousness and Suzy giggled.

Both men entered the kitchen they both looked at the four people in front of them dressed in dressing gowns and glanced at each other.

“You probably wonder why we are all dressed like this,” Jenny said.

“None of our business missus,” Gregor replied.

Jenny smiled. “Well it’s like this,” she continued, “there is going to be a big change.”

Both men looked at each other.

“Don’t worry, your jobs are safe,” she said.

“Thank you missus,” Gregor replied, “we both like working here very much, you are good people to work for.”

“Well thank you,” Jenny replied. “The thing is, as a family we have decided that whenever possible we will be naked.”

Both men looked at each other again, Jenny detected a slight smile on Jan’s face.

“You mean in the house?” Gregor asked.

“And in the grounds,” Jenny replied, “except of course where we would be in full view from the road.”

“In short,” Paul said, undoing his dressing gown and letting it fall to the floor, “we are going to be like this.”

Immediately all the others followed and all four were standing before the two men naked. They looked at each other again, obviously confused.

“You mean we have to be naked as well?” Gregor asked.

“No,” Jenny said, “that wouldn’t be practical as you would be viewed from the road when looking after the lawns. No, it’s just that you will need to get used to seeing us walking around naked.”

“There is one other benefit,” Paul said, seeing the way both men were staring at Jenny and Suzy. “Obviously we recognise that you are a long way from home and you don’t go into town so have not had shall l say female company for a few months since you went home.”

“I don’t understand,” Gregor said.

“What Paul is trying to say,” Jenny said, “is that seeing us naked is obviously having an effect on you,” she indicated the growing bulge at the front of each pair of jeans. “We have also decided that if you wish you will be able to fuck us.”

Both men stood back in shock. “But missus,” Gregor said.

“That’s another thing,” Jenny said, “in future you should call us by our first names, Paul, Corm, Suzy and me Jenny.”

“Is there some kind of problem?” Jan said, “are you trying to sack us?”

“No,” Jenny replied, “l promise you this is genuine.”

“Look,” Paul said, “to prove we mean what we say, why don’t you fuck the girls now.”

“Oh yes please Daddy, my pussy is so wet,” Suzy giggled.

Both of them looked at each other as if some silent conversation was going on. They both nodded together. “Yes, we would like that,” Gregor said.

“Oh goody!” Suzy squealed, her hand going between her thighs.

“Why don’t you both take your clothes off and let us see what we’re getting,” Jenny said, “those bulges look impressive.”

Both men wasted no time, first their work boots and socks, then t-shirts, finally jeans and underpants were all removed.

“Now that is impressive,” Jenny said, walking over to Gregor, placing her hand on his chest then tracing it down and gripping his cock. “This is beautiful,” she said.

“And this one,” Suzy said, stepping over to Jan and holding his cock.

“I think you girls should show your appreciation properly,” Paul said.

“Mmmm yes,” Jenny said, dropping to her knees and taking Gregor’s cock into her mouth. He groaned as the heat of her mouth engulfed him.

“Me too,” Suzy said, doing the same to Jan, pulling him in deep causing him to place both hands on her head.

“Not too much girls,” Paul said, “l’m sure they would both like to shoot their first load up your cunts.”

Both Jenny and Suzy released their respective cocks. Jenny sat on the kitchen worktop, spreading her legs, Suzy bent face down across the table with her legs spread. Both men wasted no time and were soon banging away in the cunt they were offered.”

Paul and Corm stood back, both wanking slowly as they watched the scene.

“What do you think son?” Paul said, “are you enjoying watching your mother act like a slut?”

“She’s amazing Dad,” Corm replied, “l’ve had so many fantasies about her for years but the real thing is far better than the fantasy. I knew Suzy was a slut, she’s been sucking off cocks in school for over a year, all the boys talk about her, l can’t wait to speak to Cal and hear what he has to say, l bet he’s still wanking.”

“I’ve wanted to see you fucking her for a long time son.”

“Is that because you wanted Suzy?”

“I admit l wanted Suzy but l wasn’t sure she would agree,” he said, “but l still wanted to see you fucking your mother.”

They heard Gregor grunting as he rammed his cock into Jenny’s cunt, he gave one final thrust and they saw his buttocks clenching as he pumped his spunk into her. Jenny hugged him, wrapping her legs round his waist as he continued to unload.”

“Oh yes! Yes!” Suzy cried out as Jan rammed his cock deep into her, his body straining as he came.

“Fill me up,” she shouted, “fill me with your lovely hot spunk.”

“You slut,” Jan shouted at her, “you fucking prick teasing fucking slut.” He shook violently with the power of his orgasm.

“Oh god that is so good,” she said, “oh Daddy he’s got so much spunk.”

Jan looked across at Paul.

“Yes l do fuck her,” Paul said, “you might as well know now, and Corm fucks his mother.”

Gregor pulled out of Jenny’s cunt and she slipped off the worktop, bending to take his cock into her mouth to lick it clean. When Jan pulled out of Suzy she did the same.

When they were both satisfied that both cocks were cleaned, Jenny and Suzy went and stood beside Paul. Gregor and Jan were left standing by the table, shifting nervously as if they thought they had done something wrong.

“Don’t look so worried,” Jenny said, “that was a lovely fuck, you were very gentle Gregor but to be honest l do prefer it a bit rougher, l don’t want you to hold back next time, l want you to fuck me hard, Suzy is the same.”

“Oh yes,” Suzy said, “and when you fuck me from behind l like my bottom spanked and spanked hard.”

“So we can do it again?” Gregor asked,

“Yes,” Paul replied, “but we still expect you to do your job.”

“Of course,” Gregor said, “we love the job, we are very lucky to work for you and now we just got luckier,” he laughed.

“That’s better,” Jenny said, “just relax fellas, l know this must feel very strange for you but we don’t have a hidden agenda, Suzy and l just want to be fucked and Paul and Corm can only do so much, as Suzy would say, we need more cocks.”

“We are trying to arrange for more men to fuck the girls,” Paul said, “we have some other options but we would like you two to be part of the group, it would mean you coming to parties, there will be other girls there as well, you don’t only have to fuck Jenny and Suzy, you can fuck the others.”

“Yes but we are hoping that you would prefer to fuck us,” Suzy smiled.

“What do you say,” Paul said, “are you happy to join us.”

Gregor looked at Jan who nodded enthusiastically.

“Yes,” Gregor said, “we would like that very much.”

“Great,” Paul said, “l suppose you should be getting back to work for now, but you will see us walking about and as long as the work is done you are free to fuck the girls any time you want.”

They both started to dress, exchanging glances and still glancing over at Jenny and Suzy as if they still could not believe it was happening.

“You also have to start calling us by our first names,” Jenny said, “you can’t be calling me missus when you’re fucking me, it sounds so silly.”

“Okay mis….”Gregor stopped himself, “okay Jenny,” he said.

“Can l ask a question Jenny?” Jan asked.

“Of course,” she replied.

“Will you be wanking Major again?”

Jenny’s face went bright red.

“How did you know?” She asked.

“I was up in the hay loft fixing a light when you came in the stables,” he said, “l can tell you now that l think you are beautiful, l love watching you. I watched you go into Major’s stall and start to groom him, then l saw you put your hand under him and start playing with his cock.”

“Oh my god!” She said, “did you see…”

“Yes,” he said , “l saw you bend down and suck the pre cum from his cock.”

“Oh my god!” She said, “what must you think of me.”

“I think you are a very beautiful and sexy lady,” he said, “and now you are even more beautiful and sexy, you shouldn’t be ashamed of what you did, l know now that you are very sexy, you were just doing what your body told you to do, that is good, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it, but if you want to play with his cock again if you tell us then we can make sure you get some privacy.”

“I don’t really know what to say,” Jenny said, “but thank you for being so understanding.”

“I grew up on a farm with three brothers,” he said, “my father died in an accident when l was three, l am the youngest son, my mother was still quite young and pretty but we lived miles from anywhere, we were her only male company. When l was older l started to notice that some evenings my eldest brother would go into the bedroom with my mother. Then the next oldest started to go with her, then the next one. One evening, my mother was in the bedroom, my eldest brother told me it was my turn, l didn’t know what he meant but when l went into the bedroom my mother was naked, l was nervous but my other brothers came in and told me what to do, After that we would all fuck her whenever we wanted. What l mean to tell you is that my mother is still a very sexy lady and we have often seen her doing what you did with Major, we have a bid horse called Ivan and we have watched her make him cum, we have also watched her being fucked by Po our German Shepherd.”

“Your mother lets a dog fuck her?” Suzy said, “oh that is so hot.”

“Where we live,” he said, “there are many women who are being fucked by dogs, a lot of women lost their husbands when the Soviets were in charge and Polish women are very passionate they need a lot of loving, if they steal someone else’s husband it causes problems so they end up getting their satisfaction with their dog.”

“Wow!” Jenny said.

“I don’t wish to be rude,” Gregor said, “but you said you wanted more cocks. This is just a suggestion, l hope you are not offended.”

“Go on,” Suzy said, an excited look on her face.

“When we first came to England,” he said, “we didn’t have a job, we moved around for a while working washing cars but the money was poor, then we met someone we knew from Poland, he said he could find us work, it involved driving to places and picking up girls, taking them to houses then taking them back. We knew they were whores but that didn’t bother us, the money was good and every now and then we were allowed to use one of the girls.”

“I bet you had fun with them,” Suzy said.

As Gregor was speaking, Jenny had moved next to Corm, he had his hand between her thighs and was fingering her spunk filled cunt.

“It was fun for a while,” Gregor said, “but gradually the girls got younger and Jan and me started to realise we didn’t like what we were doing. The boss got angry with us because we said we didn’t want to fuck the new girls because they were too young, then we found out that the boss was using dogs, that was when we left, we went back to car washing for a while, then we saw the advert you put in the local shop window we came looking for the job and got lucky, very lucky. What l’m saying is that if you want more cocks, sometimes it is easier with dogs because all they want is sex and my mother says they are better fucks than most men.”

Jenny leant into Corm, she gave a sigh and trembled, he felt his fingers coated with the mixture o spunk and cunt juices as she came.

“It looks like Mummy’s in favour of that solution,” Suzy giggled, “that makes two votes in favour from the girls and as we’re the ones getting fucked by the dogs that means the motion is carried.”

“We’ll talk about it,” Paul said.

“We should get back to work,” Gregor said as both of them finished dressing.

Suzy ran over to them, kissing each one in turn. “Thank you for agreeing to join,” she said, “thank you for a lovely fuck and thank you for giving us a wonderful idea.”

Jan’s hands smoothed over her body as she spoke, he gently squeezed her breasts.

“That’s enough for now,” she giggled, pushing his hands away, “there will be more later, you two have lovely cocks.”

Both men went over to the back door, both glancing back for one last look at Suzy and Jenny before going back out into the garden. Suzy watched from the door as they walked away, both of them laughing and chatting.

“Well that went well,” Suzy said, turning back to face her family.

Corm was helping Jenny to a chair, she looked unsteady on her feet.

“Are you okay Mum?” Suzy said, running over to her and kneeling before her.

“I’m fine baby,” Jenny replied in a rather shaky voice, “your brother made me cum and l felt a bit dizzy.”

“I bet it was the thought of loads of dogs lining up to fuck you Mum,” she giggled, “it does sound exciting doesn’t it.”

Jenny looked from her daughter to her son and then to Paul. Both men were playing with themselves, both had full erections.

“It has to be your decision,” Paul said.

“Well it looks like you two have decided,” Jenny gave a weak smile, “l know we’ve seen it on the internet Paul.”

“Yes,” he said, “and it’s you that keeps going back to it.”

“And what about Major Mum?” Suzy said, “if you like playing with his cock, what’s the difference.”

“I wasn’t getting fucked by Major’s cock,” Jenny said.

“Not yet,” Suzy giggled, “but who knows where this will lead, oh it’s so exciting.”

“If we do decide to do it, we have to find a dog, one that will do it,” she said.

“You’re joking,” Paul said, “you show any dog your cunt and he’ll fuck it,”

“Jackie has a dog,” Suzy said, “whenever l go over there he’s always trying to fuck my leg, we giggle about it.”

“We don’t even know if Jackie and her mother want to join us yet,” Jenny said, “let alone bring their dog to fuck us.”

Paul went over and stood before Jenny, his cock was only inches from her face, he was still stroking it.

“Stop messing about Jen,” he said, “make a decision, yes or no, you know you want to do it you just have to admit it.”

He had inched closer, his cock almost touching her lips, he was wanking harder. Jenny looked at it, the purple head was pulsing, the eye was as if it was breathing, she had always loved watching his cock when it got to this stage, she knew he wasn’t far from orgasm. She looked up at his face, she could see the strain as he tried to hold it back. She smiled at him.

“Yes,” she said, “we’ll do it.”

She looked back at his cock as it pulsed again and the first ribbon of hot white spunk fired out, hitting her full in the face. She opened her mouth and pulled Paul to her taking his cock as it pulsed and pulsed. She swallowed hard as the deluge filled her mouth, dribbling down her chin and falling onto her breasts. Paul held her head as he continued to cum, his knees buckling, he groaned and almost fell against her. She put her arms around his thighs holding him steady as she swallowed and swallowed.

Soon the pulsing started to ease, she had swallowed what was in her mouth. He pulled out, the last dregs oozing from the eye of his cock, Jenny could only see with one eye, that first blast of spunk had shot across the other one. She kissed his cock, taking the last of his cum.

“You never cease to amaze me you know,” he said, looking down at her face covered in spunk. Lines of it down her chin and onto her tits, “you look beautiful,” he said, “l love you so much.”

“I love you babe,” she said.

“Look at me Mum,” Suzy said.

Jenny turned to face her daughter, she was holding her phone in front of her, Jenny heard the click as the photo was taken.

“I’m going to get that blown up and framed and it’s going on the living room wall,” Suzy giggled, “then everyone can see how beautiful you are.”

They all started to laugh. Corm went over to Suzy, he was still stroking his erection. Suzy looked down at his cock, “Oh go on then,” she giggled, dropping to her knees.

Corm started pumping his cock hard and in seconds it erupted sending line after line of spunk across her face. She opened her mouth to try and catch as much as she could but Corm directed the jets down onto her tits until he was happy with the effect. He then put his cock into her mouth for her to finish him off. Once he had finished he pulled out, took her phone from her and stepped back taking her photo.

“And that one can hang beside Mum’s,” he laughed, “then everyone can see what beautiful sluts l have for a mother and sister.”

“Yes and l want one of you each with a dog’s cock up your cunts,” Paul said, “for our bedroom wall.”

Jenny fetched a piece of kitchen towel for Suzy and wiped her face with another.

“In your dreams,” she smiled at her husband as she passed him given him a playful punch in his groin.

“Oh you fucking bitch!” He said as he doubled over in pain.

“Serves you right,” she laughed.

“You’ll pay for that later,” he said, still bent over holding his balls, trying to catch his breath.

“Promises, promises,” she mocked him. She took Suzy’s phone from him and gave it to Suzy. “Give Jackie a call,” she said, “ask if it’s convenient to speak with her mother.”

Suzy pressed the speed dial for Jackie then handed the phone back to her mother.

“Hi Jackie, this is Jenny, Suzy’s mother,” Jenny said when the call was answered. “Hi…yes…yes everything is fine here…..good…..l was just wondering if l could speak with your mother… sweetheart there isn’t a problem, l just want to invite her over….no sweetheart, l promise, there isn’t a problem…..okay sweetheart, that’s fine…..thank you.”

A few seconds later another voice came on the line.

“Hi Susan?” Jenny said, trying hard to sound casual, “it’s Jenny, Suzy’s mother….yes hi…no there’s nothing wrong…’s just that Suzy and Jackie have been friends for so long, l know you’ve been over here dropping Jackie off and we have chatted but we’ve never really got to know each other……yes l know….yes it’s not easy with your work l understand…. I was wondering if you are free this morning, if you would like to pop over for coffee….oh….no that’s fine……later, yes, that would be fine, whatever suits you, would you like a light lunch…..oh, l see…. oh yes of course we are on the road to the golf course…..yes that sounds lovely…yes….see you about twelve then…..lovely…bye..bye.”

“She has to go into town first then she and Jackie are meeting Jackie’s father and Uncle at the golf course at three.”

“I wonder if Jackie is the nineteenth hole,” Suzy laughed.

“Come on, let’s get cleaned up ready for them.”

Jenny said they would have to wear some clothes for the meeting so they both settled on thin tops and short skirts. Jenny giggled when she could see that their nipples were clearly on show and that their skirts barely covered their bums.

“We look like a couple of whores.” She laughed.

“We’re not charging enough,” Suzy giggled.

It was decided that Paul and Corm would stay out of the way until Jenny called them.

“We’ll be in the study,” Paul said, “watching porn and wanking.”

“As long as you don’t waste any spunk Daddy,” Suzy kissed him, squeezing his cock .

Susan and Jackie arrived more or less on time. Jenny greeted them at the door with a hug and kiss on the cheek. She ushered them into the kitchen and asked Susan what sort of coffee she wanted.

Susan eyed the expensive looking coffee machine. “Oooh l’d love a black American,” she said.

“Oh so would l,” Jenny giggled, winking at the double meaning, Susan giggled as well which Jenny thought was a good sign.

She made their coffees, both Suzy and Jackie opted for diet cola, then Jenny suggested they go into the lounge.

They made small talk for a few moments but it was obvious that Susan suspected a hidden agenda.

“There is something l wanted to talk to you about,” Jenny said.

Susan raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘l knew it’.

“It’s just that we have made some changes here,” she continued, “we have decided that where possible we will be nudists.”

Susan almost choked on her coffee. “Pardon?” She said when she had recovered.

“I know it’s a bit of a shock,” Jenny said, “but we have all agreed that it is how we want to be with each other, of course, when Jackie comes over we don’t expect her to join us.”

“Oh l don’t mind being naked,” Jackie said, “it sounds like fun.”

Suzy was beside Jackie on the sofa, she reached for Jackie’s hand and gave it a squeeze as they both smiled at each other.

“But is it practical?” Susan said.

“Oh we have thought about the road and said that we would only be naked in those areas where it is not visible from the road.”

“We’re starting now,” Suzy said, standing up removing her top and skirt, leaving her naked. Jenny promptly did the same.

Susan stared at them open mouthed.

“Me too,” Jackie said, standing up and starting to undress, soon she was down to bra and panties.

“Just a minute,” Susan stopped her.

“Oh Mummy,” Jackie said, “what’s the difference we do it at home with Daddy and Uncle John.”

“Jackie!” Susan said sharply, going red in the face.

“Oh Mummy,” Jackie said, “Suzy knows all about me Daddy and Uncle John.”

Susan stared at her daughter, speechless.

“Don’t worry Susan,” Jenny said, “we’re in no position to judge as we have a similar situation with Suzy her father and brother.”

“Oh great Suze,” Jackie said, hugging her, “you finally managed it then, l know you said you were doing it with Corm but you weren’t sure if you could get your father to do it.”

“Oh yes, it’s fantastic,” Suzy said, “he can’t keep his hands off me, oh and you should see his cock Jack, he’s bigger than Corm.”

Susan looked at her daughter, trying to silence her.

“Oh come on Sue,” Jenny said, “do you mind if l call you Sue?”

“Sue is fine,” she replied.

“Great, and l’m Jen,” Jenny said, “let’s not kid ourselves, we know about Jackie with her father and Uncle and we know you like to watch. You know that Suzy is getting fucked by her father and brother and l like to watch. Why don’t we all get together and fuck each other.”

“Oh yes Mummy,” Jackie said, “you know Daddy wants to fuck Suzy, he never shuts up about how he would love to fuck her tight cunt.”

“Not as tight as it used to be,” Suzy giggled, “but my bum is still tight.”

“Come on Mummy,” Jackie said, “don’t be a gooseberry, take your clothes off.”

“It’s alright for you with your perfect bodies,” Susan said.

“Oh come on Sue,” Jenny replied, “you’ve got a great body.”

“I’m fat,” she said.

“No you’re not,” Jenny replied, “okay, you’re not slim but neither am l, you’ve got a great shape, all the curves in the right place.”

“My tits are sagging,” she said, “l offered to have them lifted but Frank refused to let me.”

“Good on him,” Jenny said, “you keep them natural, of course they will sag a bit, they look big and heavy but men like tits they can grab hold of.”

“Oh Frank and my brother like grabbing hold of them alright, they like tying them up too.”

“Oh that’s fucking brilliant Sue,” Suzy said, “l’ve seen that on porn sites, it looks so sexy, would they do that to me, does it hurt, l don’t mind if it does.”

“Come on Mummy,” Jackie said, “get naked, let Suzy and Jen see you.”

Susan stood up and began to undress.

“How does this nudist thing work then?” She said, “Jackie tells me you have two gardeners, how do you avoid them?”

“We told them this morning,” Jenny said.

“Yes and they both ended up fucking us,” Suzy said.

Susan stopped mid way through removing her blouse.

“It wouldn’t be fair for us to be walking round naked,” Jenny said, “they haven’t been home for months, they never go to town, if we hadn’t sorted it out there could have been trouble.”

“Yes they could have raped us,” Suzy giggled, “that would have been fun.”

“Rape isn’t fun Suzy,” Jenny admonished her.

“With Gregor and Jan it would be,” Suzy replied, “they are lovely, and they’ve got nice cocks too Jack, you wait till you have them up you.”

“Come on Mummy, get naked,” Jackie said, “l want this, l really do.”

“You won’t regret it Sue,” Jenny said, “l can get Paul and Corm her in seconds, they’ll fuck you together if you like.”

“I never agreed to be fucked,” Susan said.

“Well l do.” Jackie said, “l’ve wanted Suzy’s dad to fuck me for ages.”

“Oh what the fuck,” Susan said, taking the rest of her clothes off.

“Wow, you look fantastic,” Jenny said.

“Thanks for the compliment,” she replied, “but l know l’m fat with sagging tits.”

“Rubbish, let me call Paul and Corm and see what they say.”

“Oh go on Mum,” Jackie said, “you know you want to, when is the last time someone other than Daddy and Uncle John fucked you besides Baz that is.”

“Jackie!” Susan shrieked.

“Oh sorry, l forgot l’m not allowed to talk about that.”

“Baz?” Said Suzy, “that’s your dog, are you getting fucked by your dog?”

“Your mouth is going to get us into trouble young lady,” Susan said to Jackie.

“Not here it won’t,” Jenny told her, “it’s been suggested we try it.”

“Yes, we need more cocks,” Suzy said, “if we have you, Jack, Mum and me that’s four cunts, four bum holes and four mouths. We’ve got Dad, Corm, Jackie’s dad, her uncle John, Gregor and Jan, that’s only six cocks that’s not enough, Corm thinks he can get another boy from school, he delivered pizzas here last night and mum and l were naked when we took delivery, but that’s still not enough.”

“What is it like with a dog?“ Jenny asked.

Susan didn’t answer straight away, she new she was trapped, that her secret was out, she decided she had to trust these people.

“If you must know it’s the best fuck l’ve had for years,” she said.

“I knew it,” Suzy cheered, “Jan was right, he said we needed dogs, he said they are great for recovering.”

“Well Baz can fuck Mum three times in an evening and she still sucks him off,” Jackie said.

“I knew it,” Suzy said, “that settles it, we have to get dogs, lots of dogs.”

Jenny reached for her phone, she made a call, waited a second then said, “She’s ready.”

Paul and Corm must have been waiting outside the door because it opened immediately, they both walked in naked, both with full erections.

Susan shrieked then instinctively tried to cover her tits and cunt with her hands before realising how futile it was and giving up. Jackie on the other hand reacted by standing up straight and pushing her chest out as if trying to impress with her tits. Her problem was that she was stood next to Suzy so in any tit competition she was on a loser.

Paul walked straight over to Susan.

“Wow,” he said, “you are gorgeous, you really shouldn’t wear those awful clothes you wear, you should show this body off more.”

“I tell her that all the time,” Jackie said.

“Yes and you’re a sexy thing too,” Corm said, going over to her and reaching for her breasts, squeezing them and tweaking her nipples, “l’ve been wanking out there thinking about you, do you want to fuck here or upstairs in my bedroom.” He reached between her legs, “your cunt is nice and wet.”

“I like that you’re smooth like me,” she said, “my Uncle John is smooth but Daddy won’t do it.”

“Well you can tell him he can’t join the party then,” Paul said, “we don’t allow body hair here.”

“I can’t wait any longer, let’s do it here,” Corm said.

Jackie didn’t resist as he led her to the armchair, sat her down and spread her legs wide.

“Is your father bigger than me?” He said.

“No he’s a bit smaller,” she replied, “Uncle John is about your size, not as big as your father though.”

“Yes Dad is big, you can have him next time.”

He braced himself on the arms of the chair then slowly lowered himself, Jackie guided his cock into her cunt and in one movement he was buried deep inside her.

“That feels nice,” she said.

“I was about to say the same thing,” he laughed.

Across the room, Paul was massaging Susan’s tits. “These are gorgeous,” he said.

“They are sagging,” she said, “l’m fat.”

“You are certainly not fat,” he laughed, “and as for these,” he squeezed her tits, “they are beautiful, don’t ever think of trying to get them altered, l hate the way women butcher their bodies, stay natural. Now kneel on the sofa and lean over the back, l want to fuck you from behind and get really deep in your cunt.”

Susan did as he had told her, she wasn’t used to men complimenting her, both her husband and brother were constantly telling her she was fat, that no-one else would want her, now she had a good looking man with loads of money and the biggest cock she had ever seen on a man, he was giving her compliments and wanted to fuck her. She knelt on the sofa, leaned over the back and spread her legs.

Suddenly Paul slapped her bottom hard, she squealed then shuddered as she came, he hit her again and again, she sobbed but still lifted her bottom, encouraging him to hit her again. Three more times he hit her, swiping his hand back and fore across her buttocks, she trembled again and as she was cumming he rammed his cock up her. She screamed and shook violently. Paul put his arms around her, grabbed her tits and used them to pull her back onto his cock. He had been wanking all the time he’d been waiting, watching porn. He knew he couldn’t last long so he rammed into her as hard as he could. She cried out with each thrust but he felt her pushing back to meet him each time.

A few more thrusts and then the final lunge and he came, staying deep inside her as his cock filled her with spunk. He felt her cunt contracting, squeezing his cock, timed to his pulsations.

“Good, that’s good,” he said to her,”milk me you fucking slut.”

She cried out again, shaking as more of her hot juices flowed over his cock.

“No more, no more please, l can’t cum again, l can’t,” she begged.

“Yes you can you fucking whore,” he said, humping deep into her, “l’m going to watch you with dogs, l’m going to watch you with horses, l’m going to watch you sucking animal cocks and drinking their spunk, You’re my slut now, you and your slut daughter, is that right, are you my slut?”

“Yes, yes,” she sobbed, “l want to be your slut, l want my daughter to be your slut.”

Paul grabbed her tits again, twisting them hard. She cried out with the pain then her whole body went into convulsions as liquid spurted from her cunt, then she collapsed like a rag doll, slumping down onto the sofa sobbing, hugging herself.

He walked over to where Jackie was slumped in the chair, her legs were still spread with Corm’s spunk sitting just inside her cunt.

“Do you want me too?” She smiled, “I would like that, Suzy knows how much l want you to fuck me.”

“I know,” he replied, “she told me all about you. No l’m not going to fuck you now, l’ve just given your mother all my spunk for now, next time you come l promise l will fuck you, do you take it up your arse?”

“I do with Daddy and Uncle John but you are bigger, l’ll make sure l lubricate my bottom before l come next time.”

“That’s good,” He said, “now suck my cock clean.”

She took him into her mouth, sucking and licking, then licked down his shaft to his balls, sucking each ball in turn. She stopped and looked up at him, nodding across the room.

“Aren’t they beautiful together,” she said.

Paul looked across to where Jenny and Suzy were lying together in the classic sixty nine position, each with their mouth pressed against the other’s cunt.

“I do love Suzy,” she said, “l think l would like to marry her one day, l still want men but l want to spend my life with Suzy. I know l couldn’t live without cocks fucking me though, you could make babies in me, l would like that.”

“We’ll have to see about that,” he said, “for now we just need to get the parties organised and sort out the dogs.”

“Oh that is so exciting,” she said, “l’ve watched Mummy with Baz, l told her l wanted to try it but she said l was too young, l have sucked his cock though but she doesn’t know.”

“Well it won’t make any difference now because at least one of the dogs will be fucking you at the party,” he said, “now you had better take your mother upstairs and use the shower or you will be late to meet your father.”

She raised herself out of the chair, standing on tip toe she kissed him on his lips, taking hold of his cock. “Thank you for a lovely time, and thank you for being nice to Mummy, l keep telling her she’s not fat but Daddy has taken away her confidence.”

“Well he has to change or he won’t be taking part in the parties,” he said, giving her tits a squeeze and pinching her nipples. Jackie giggled.

“Serves him right,” she said, “it would be good if he had to watch your wife being fucked and fucked by the dogs but wasn’t able to join in, l’ve hear him telling Mum that he would love to fuck Jenny, it would be so good if he could only watch her having a good time.”

“We’ll have to see what we can arrange then,” Paul said, ideas swimming through his brain.

Jackie helped her mother to her feet and they went upstairs together. Suzy followed carrying their clothes.

Everyone was in the kitchen when they came down freshly showered and dressed.

Susan went to Jenny and kissed her. “You have a lovely home,” she said.

Jenny thanked her then kissed her back, kissing her deep, her tongue exploring her mouth.

Susan looked shocked but smiled as they parted them went over to Corm and kissed him. She moved to Suzy and thanked her for being such a good friend to Jackie. When Suzy kissed her and gave her her tongue, Susan was ready and returned the kiss, her hands going to Suzy’s tits.

“You are so beautiful,’ she said when they parted, “you and your mother are so beautiful.”

She finally went to Paul.

“Thank you so much,” she said, “you’ve made me feel like an attractive woman again.”

“You are an attractive woman,” he said, kissing her and squeezing her tits. He saw tears in her eyes when they parted.

“I’ve never been fucked like that before,” she said, “not by a man anyway, Baz knows how to fuck me but it’s so much better when a man is doing it and you are a fantastic fuck.”

“Don’t worry,” he said, “there will be plenty more of those and we will sort out that husband of yours and change his attitude.”

Susan and Jackie left by the back door, the family waved them off, making sure they were out of sight from the road. As they were waving to them they saw Gregor and Jan standing by the stable watching them, they were talking to each other.

“I hope they are saying dirty things about us,” Jenny giggled then blew them a kiss.

“Right,” she said once they were back inside, “if you think l’m getting lunch for you lot you are mistaken. Come on, shower and dress and into town, l don’t know about you but l’m hungry.”

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