Family Secrets 7 : The journey by Mounton

Family Secrets 7 : The journey
by Mounton

As Dan was rounding the corner to his house he saw his father coming towards him, he looked to be in a bad mood. Dan spoke to him but he didn’t respond, just walked past. When he got home his mother was in the kitchen, he said he’d just seen his father.

“Yes,” she replied, “he stormed out because l didn’t have his meal ready, l was so busy talking to Laura l forgot the time.”

“Where is she?” He asked. She told him his sister was in her room.

“How did she take it?” He said.

“Surprised, obviously,” she replied, “it’s not every day you find out your brother is fucking his mother, it took a lot of explaining, especially when l told her about Jack and Fiona as well. She’s been up in her room for half an hour, go and check on her, l’ll get you a meal.”

Dan walked straight into Laura’s room, she was on the bed fully clothed.

“I don’t know why l even have a door,” she said, “but you’re out of luck l’m not undressed this time.”

“I haven’t come to fuck you, l’ve come to talk,” he said, “but you can change my mind if you want.”

“You really are a pig aren’t you,” she said but couldn’t help smiling.

“So, what do you think then?” He asked, sitting on the bed and stroking her leg. He was pleased that she didn’t move away.

“It’s unbelievable,” she said, “did you ever have an inkling about it all.”

“No never,” he replied, “l never even thought about her when l was wanking, l used to think about you though.” He continued to stroke her leg and had moved up to her knee.

“I don’t know if l want to know that,” she said.

“What do you think about when you’re masturbating?” He asked.

“Not you that’s for certain,” she replied.

“What, even now after we’ve done it,” he laughed, his hand moving to the inside of her thigh, still she didn’t try to stop him.

“I try not to think about that,” she said.

“Liar!” He laughed, “l bet it makes you hot to think about it, makes your cunt wet.” His hand slid further up her thigh and he was rewarded when her legs parted slightly.

“Do you have to talk like that,” she said, “it’s so crude.”

“But you like it Laura,” he said, “you find it exciting. I find it exciting when Mum talks like it, l love hearing her talk about her cunt and about me fucking her.”

Laura’s face was getting redder by the second. His hand had almost reached the top of her thigh.

“Did she tell you about Jack and Fiona?” He asked.

“Yes,” she replied, “now l know why she’s always so excited before she goes and so happy when she comes back, somehow l wasn’t surprised, Jack has often put his hand on my bum and a couple of times he’s touched my boobs, he made it look like an accident but l saw him smiling.”

“Would you let him fuck you,” he said, his fingers making contact with the crotch of her panties, he could feel it was damp.

“Are you going to do it with Fiona?”

“And Carol,” he said, “l can’t wait to see those tits they are massive.”

“It’s those corsets she wears,” Laura said, “she showed me once, she’s worn then for years, they squeeze her waist in and push everything up, making her boobs bigger. She let me try one, she didn’t lace it very tight, not like hers.”

“I bet you looked great,” he said, his fingers working into her panties, he could feel her labia wet and sticky.

“You’re a bastard Dan,” she said, “you shouldn’t be doing that.”

“You didn’t stop me,” he said, slipping two fingers into her and hearing her sigh. He pushed them in up to the knuckle.

“Look what you’ve turned me into,” she said.

“Come off it Laura,” he laughed, “l never made you open your legs for Paul, you wanted the job and used your cunt to get it.”

She trembled when his thumb made contact with her clitoris.

“Is this how you are with Mum, treating her like this,” she said, “she told me that it was her that suggested you raped me, what sort of mother would suggest that.”

“She knew that was what you needed Laura,” he flicked her clitoris with his thumb, she groaned. “She likes me to be rough with her so she knew you would too. Don’t tell me you prefer Paul, Heather says his cock is small, she doesn’t rate him at all for sex.”

“Well she should know,” she snapped, “whatever made you pair up with her, everyone knows she’s a slut.”

“Because l like her,” he said, “she doesn’t pretend to be any more than she is but she’s fun to be with.”

“But she’ll cheat on you Dan.”

“She won’t cheat because she’ll tell me who she’s fucking, just like l will tell her,” he replied.

“Will you tell her about Mum and me?”

“She already knows,” he said, sliding a third finger into her cunt, “she’s done a threesome with Mum and me, Mum loves her, she wants to do it with you too.”

Laura’s body jerked and more juices flowed.

“I want to fuck you now,” he said.

“You have to wear a condom this time,” she said.

“There is another way,” he replied, “l could fuck your bum hole.”

“No way!” She said, “Paul suggested that when l told him he had to use condoms, l said no to him and you’re much bigger than him. Have you done that with Mum?”

“Yes, she loves it.”

“Didn’t it hurt?” She said, fidgeting on his fingers.

“Yes but Mum likes me to hurt her, it gives her a better orgasm,” he said, “you liked it the first time l fucked you, l know you were pretending you didn’t but l saw it in your face and felt your cunt responding. Let me try it up there, see if you can take me.”

She hesitated and he worked his fingers deeper inside her.

“If l say yes,” she said, “do you promise to stop if it’s too painful.”

“I promise,” he said.

“I’ve heard that before but l hate those rubber things, they’re so sordid. Go on then, l’ll give it a try, if Mum can take it l should be able to.”

“Have you got any lube?” He asked.

“I’ve got some l use on my vibrator,” she reached into her bedside draw and took out a tube, handing it to him. “I can’t believe l’m doing this,” she said.

‘Like mother like daughter,” he laughed, taking his jeans and pants off. “Get naked.”

“Just take my panties off,” she said, “at least l can pretend l didn’t surrender completely.”

He took hold of her panties and took them off then told her to turn over and get on her knees.

“You will be careful won’t you,” she said, turning over and drawing her knees up, presenting her bottom to him

He lifted her skirt and smacked her bottom hard.

“Ow!” She yelled, “that hurt.”

“It was supposed to,” he said, smacking her again, two red marks appearing on her tender flesh. “Pull your bum cheeks apart, show me your arsehole.”

“Oh god!” She said, doing as he said, her body trembling with shame and anticipation.

He put some of the lube onto her anus then began to work it in with his finger. He pressed his finger against it and it gave way enough to enter up to the first joint.

“Relax,” he said.

“How can l when l know you’re going to stick that thing in me,” she replied.

He took his finger out and smacked her again, once on both cheeks.

“Ow!” She howled again.

He put some of the lube on his cock, massaging it in. He moved behind her, placing the tip of his cock against her anus.

“Oh god!” She said when she felt the size of him pressing against her.

He pressed harder, the head of his cock mushrooming with the force required to make her give way. Suddenly he felt her anus surrender and the head slipped just an inch or so into her.

“Oh god it’s huge,” she cried out.

“You’ve only got the head,” he said, “now you get the rest.” He pushed again and half his cock disappeared into her bum hole.

“Oh….oh…..oh!” She said as he slid into her back passage.

He pulled back slightly then slid another two inches into her.

“Oh god no further,” she yelled, “you’re too big, l can’t …..l can’t.”

He pulled back almost all the way.

“Oh Jesus what are you doing,” she cried out, “your dragging my insides out.”

He slid back in.

“Oh god, oh ,oh …..ooooooooooh,” she sighed as he sank deeper inside her.

The door opened and Jean entered, she sat on the bed beside Laura.

“Clever girl baby,” she said, “he feels so much bigger in there doesn’t he, tell him to fuck you baby, it feels so good when he fills you with spunk.”

Laura knew she should have been horrified for her mother to see her like this, but to hear her saying those things, encouraging her, plus that piston thrusting back and fore inside her bottom, it was all too much, her body convulsed, it was an orgasm unlike anything she had experienced before. She screamed again as he landed on top of her and she felt the heat of his cum deep in her bowels.

“Good girl baby” her mother told her, “we’re both his sluts now.”

Dan pulled his cock out of her.

“You know what she has to do now baby,” his mother said to him.

Laura had collapsed onto the bed, her body heaving. Dan moved around her until he was holding his cock in front of her face.

“Oh no,” she said, moving back but finding her mother behind her.

“You have to baby,” Jean told her, “it’s the final submission, take it.”

“I can’t Mum,” she pleaded, “l can’t do that, have you done it?”

“Of course l have baby, now be a good slut and take it.”

Laura looked from her mother to the cock only inches from her face. Dan was tempted to grab her and force her but he knew it had to be her decision, she had to submit to him. He looked at his mother and she smiled at him.

Laura looked at his cock, it was glistening with his cum but it was where it had been that was stopping her. She looked to her mother once more but knew she wasn’t going to get help there.

“Perverts, we’re all perverts,” she said, then moved forward and took his cock into her mouth.

“Good girl baby,” her mother said as she watched her daughter clean Dan’s cock.

When Laura finally fell back on the bed, her mother leaned over her and kissed her.

“What have we become Mum?” She said, “what has he turned us into, l’m ashamed.”

“Don’t be baby,” her mother said, “he didn’t turn me into anything as you’ll find out when you come with me to Fiona’s.”

“I can’t Mum,” she replied, “l’ve only just started this job, l can’t ask for time off yet.”

“Next time then,” Jean replied, “l’ll ask Jack if we can go up more often, he sends me the money to pay the fares, you’ll love it Laura, Jack has wanted to fuck you for years, you’ll love the parties.”

“You make it all sound so natural Mum, but it’s not the way normal people live, it’s……it’s.”

“Perverted,” Jean finished for her, “l suppose it is baby but it is so much fun, Fiona and Carol are going to love Dan’s cock,” she leaned over and kissed his cock. “Tell me you didn’t enjoy it and l’ll make sure he never does it to you again,” she said.

Laura just looked at her mother, she didn’t speak.

“There,” Jean said, “that settles it, just relax and enjoy it baby, Dan’s fucking you a lot at the moment but he won’t be able to keep it up servicing you, me and Heather, he’ll have to slow down.”

“I’ve spoken to Peter,” Dan said.

“What!” Laura sat up, “what do you mean you’ve spoken to Peter?”

Dan explained to her the arrangement he’d made with Peter, telling Laura to put a candle in her window when she was free for him to fuck her.

Laura listened open mouthed in shock, she looked to her mother for support.

“Did you tell him about the condoms?” Jean said.

“Yes he knows about that,” Dan replied, “he doesn’t like them either but he has promised, l told him that he could always use her bum hole instead.”

“Mum!…….Mum!” Laura pleaded, “please, he can’t do this to me.”

“It sounds sensible to me,” her mother replied, “we need at least one more cock and Peter is a nice lad, you don’t have to let him have you every day but a couple of times will be great, l bet he’s a better fuck than Paul.”

“We’re all going to go to hell Mum,” she said.

“Oh l hope so,” Jean laughed, “all those monsters with massive cocks, mmmmmmmm.”

Despite herself Laura started laughing with her. “Oh fuck it, why not,” she said, “l might as well be a slut like Heather, she always seems to be happy despite the fact that just about every girl in town hates her.”

“Good baby,” Jean kissed her, “now you go and get yourself cleaned up while Dan and l get packed for tomorrow, unless you’d like me to lick the cum out of your bum.”

“Oh god!” Laura said, hugging herself as she shivered.

“Oh this is going to be such fun,” Jean said, lying between Laura’s outstretched legs, she lifted her legs onto her shoulders as her mouth latched onto her arsehole.

Dan offered his cock to his sister to suck and she took him hungrily as she felt her mother’s tongue invading her anus, she trembled again in orgasm, drawing his cock deep into her mouth. Dan didn’t have much cum for her but she took it, licking and sucking him. When he pulled out he bent and kissed her, his tongue exploring, her responding, her mother’s tongue deep in her bottom.

Later, while Laura was in the shower, Dan and his mother packed a bag, she showed him a dress that she had hidden away, it was very similar to the one Heather had worn. A thin summer dress, very low cut top and a very short skirt.

“Jack likes us to wear revealing clothes when he takes us out,” she said, “he often makes me walk in public with my tits out, it’s so exciting.”

When Dan asked what else she was taking she said that everything she needed was already there. She told him to pack very little as they would be naked most of the time.

When Laura came downstairs, Dan and his mother were on the sofa, he had his arm round her, her dress was open and her tits were out, Dan was gently playing with her nipples. She had his cock out of his jeans and was tracing her fingernail around his head, teasing the eye.

Laura was wearing her dressing gown.

“Come round here,” her mother indicated for her to stand in front of them. “Let us see you.”

She undid the dressing gown and let it fall, standing naked before them.

“Beautiful,” Jean said, “Jack is going to be thrilled when l tell him he can fuck you, perhaps it’s best that you don’t come this time, he won’t use condoms, won’t allow them in the house, says they are disgusting. We’ll get you back on the pill then everyone will be happy.”

She told her daughter to turn round, spread her legs and bend forward, then told her to spread her bum cheeks. Laura obeyed without question. Both Dan and his mother saw her cunt glistening.

“Have you been frigging yourself?” Jean asked.

“I couldn’t help it Mum,” she replied, standing up and facing them.

“That’s okay baby,” her mother said, “it’s good, it shows that you have accepted that what your brother did to you was fun.”

“I still don’t know Mum,” she replied, “my body keeps telling me it feels good but l know it’s wrong, that l shouldn’t be doing it.”

“You have to leave your conscience behind baby and follow what your body is telling you. I was lucky, Jack was fucking me before l married your father.”

“But why did you marry Dad Mum?”

“He wasn’t like he is now then, he was charming, l’d just lost a boyfriend that l was madly in love with and l was afraid l would be left on the shelf. My boyfriend was a black man, he was American, based at the army camp, he was killed in an accident they said but it was all mysterious, all the local men my age knew that l had been with a black man, they wouldn’t come near me, your father had transferred into the factory from down south, he didn’t know anything about me, when he asked me to marry him it was my only chance, we didn’t even have sex until we were married, by then it was too late when l found out he had a tiny cock, luckily Fiona was already married to Jack, he’d got her pregnant so had to marry her. She’d let him fuck me when she was too pregnant for him to be rough with her, he likes to be rough when he fucks and it was exciting, so it was a regular thing with him before l married your father.”

“How did you not get pregnant with Jack?” Laura asked.

“When my father and Uncle Brian used to fuck me, usually they pulled out but if they didn’t my mother had some liquid that she squirted inside me, l’m not sure how effective it was but l was just lucky, it took a long time for your father to get me pregnant, he insisted it was my fault but even when he did manage to get in me he came too soon. Fiona did say she was okay with letting Jack get me pregnant but then l caught for you.”

“Has Dad ever got violent with you?” She asked.

“Oh no, he’s not man enough for that, he just gets drunk and calls me names. I wouldn’t mind if he got a bit rough, perhaps he would manage some kind of fuck, l don’t mean for him to beat me up but spanking and other sexy stuff like Jack does with me would be okay but your father is weak, all talk and no action.”

“Why do you stay with him Mum?”

“I wouldn’t split the family when you two were young, Fiona has said many times l could live with them, they’d use me as a sex slave, l’d like that.”

“Really Mum, you really would like that?” She said.

“That’s why l like it when Dan is rough with me,” she bent forward and kissed his cock, “l grew up being used as a fuck toy and loved it.”

“What about the American?”

“Oh Eugene was sweet, he was a big man but so gentle. He wrote poetry, he wrote me one just before he died.”

“Would you have gone to America with him?” Dan asked.

“Not to where he came from,” she replied, “he said where his family lived was in the South, he said if a black man had sex with a white woman it was classed as rape, even if she wanted it. He said they hung black men for having sex with white women. There were two other girls that got pregnant with black soldiers, they both had to move to the city so they could blend in better.”

“What about sex Mum, was he big, they say all black men are big.”

“Trust you to only be concerned with his cock size,” Dan laughed.

“Rapist pig!” She said to him with a smile.

“Says the girl standing there naked hoping l’m going to fuck her,” he laughed.

Just then they heard the garden gate shut. Laura quickly grabbed her dressing gown from the floor and ran upstairs while Dan and his mother sorted themselves out and moved apart.

The front door opened and closed and a few seconds his father appeared at the living room door. Dan could tell by looking at him that he had been drinking heavily.

“Bed now!” He barked an order at Jean, then turned and went upstairs.

“He always tries to fuck me on the night before l go away,” she said to Dan as she stood up. “He probably won’t be able to get hard and even if he does he’ll cum before he gets in my cunt.” She bent and kissed him. “See you in the morning, it’s going to be wonderful.” She followed his father upstairs.

Dan called in at Laura’s room as he was passing. She was sat up on the bed.

“I thought you might call in,” she whispered with a smile.

He quickly undressed and joined her on the bed.

“I just wanted to check that you’re okay about Peter,” he said, “l don’t want him disappointed.”

“So you had to get undressed to ask me that did you,” she giggled, then moved onto her knees and straddled him, she raised herself up and guided his cock into her cunt before sliding down onto him.

“Don’t worry, l’ll whore for you with your mate, he had better know what he’s doing though l don’t want some fumbling virgin.”

“Heather doesn’t complain,” he said, grabbing her tits squeezing them, feeling her cunt respond.

“Well she’s the expert,” she said, “doesn’t it bother you that she fucks other boys?”

“It turns me on to be honest,” he kissed her nipples and felt a flow of warmth in her cunt.

She started rotating her hips on him. “Does that feel good?” She said.

“You be careful l don’t cum,” he said.

“Oh shit, l forgot,” she said, moving to get off him.

“Stay on me,” he said, “one more load of spunk won’t make any difference.

“You really are a callous bastard aren’t you,” she said, reaching into the drawer and taking out a condom. She sat back on his thighs as she opened it. “Do you want to fuck me or not?” She said.

“Go on then, put it on,” he replied.

She started rolling it down his cock, “it’s a good job Mum bought these they are large size, l’ve got smaller ones for Paul but even then he has to hold it on.”

“Yes but you have to keep fucking him Laura,” he said, “we both need our jobs and if he likes fucking you it could work out for both of us, you can always come to me for a proper fucking.”

“Conceited and callous,” she giggled, happy that the condom was on she raised up again and slid her cunt down on him, “now let’s see if I can make you cum,” she smiled.

He reached up and pulled her nipples, twisting them as her hips rotated on him.

“I’m going to love using you like a whore,” he said, pulling harder. He felt her tremble in response.

“I’ll tell all my friends they can fuck you,” he said.

“Bastard!” She hissed, her hips working harder.

“They’ll come round and fuck you in your mouth, your cunt and your arsehole.”

She gasped, dragging her nails down his chest.

“I’ll have you and Heather side by side in a fuck race to see who gets the most cum, then you have to lick it out of each other.”

“She sighed deeply and shook all down her body as he felt her cum, hot liquid pouring over his cock and balls.

“I want you up your arse,” he said.

She didn’t protest, just climbed off him , got on her knees and leaned forward, pulling her bum cheeks apart.

He pulled off the condom and laid it on her back then knelt behind her. He knew he couldn’t hold back much longer, his balls were hurting. He pushed his cock into her cunt, covered it with her mucus then pulled out and straight into her arsehole. She groaned loudly as she took him.

“You want to be my whore,” he said.

“Yes,” she hissed.

“Anything l want,”

“Yes, just fuck me.”

“Never complain again.”

“I’m sorry, just fuck me.”

He pulled back and rammed his cock into her in a series of short thrusts.

“Oh god…..oh god!” She groaned as she came again.

He gave her one last surge and came deep inside her.

She moaned again, falling forward, he followed, lying on top of her, his cock pumping his spunk into her. He felt her clenching as his cock pulsated.

“You’re mine now completely,” he whispered in her ear, “my whore.”

“Yes,” she sighed, clenching on him again.

Dan sensed a movement as his mother came to the side of the bed and sat beside Laura.

“He passed out before l could get him hard,” she said, “l had to come and watch, it was beautiful, you’ll never regret it baby, l’ve been Jack’s whore for years, it’s wonderful.”

Dan pulled out and immediately his mother took his cock into her mouth, sucking the last of his spunk out of him, licking around the head, then licking his cum from his shaft and down to his balls.

Laura could only lie and watch her mother, she felt no revulsion, her bum hole was throbbing.

Jean was satisfied that she had cleaned his cock, she pushed him aside them pressed her mouth to her daughter’s arsehole, delving inside with her tongue to clean out her son’s spunk. Laura could only groan, using her hands to pull herself open trying to get her mother’s tongue deeper.

Dan sat back admiring the scene, wishing Heather had been there to see Laura’s ultimate submission. He waited a few minutes then went for a shower. As he came out of the bathroom his mother was leaving Laura’s room.

“She’s sleeping,” she said, kissing him, “l’ll wake her in time for work in the morning, and you as well, the train is at ten, your father wants to come to see us off.”

Dan went to reply but she stopped him.

“Let him,” she said, “l don’t want him to suspect anything just yet.”

“You mean you are close to telling him?” He asked.

“We’ll see,” she said, “so much has happened in such a short time, l need to think.”

He kissed her, giving her breasts a squeeze, she smiled and returned to her bedroom, Dan caught a glimpse of his father’s naked body lying face down on the bed fast asleep.

In the morning Dan came downstairs just as Laura was leaving for work. She appeared nervous, looking behind to see if anyone was there. He guessed that his father must be in the kitchen.

“Good morning slut,” he whispered with a smile.

She looked behind again, “Shush!” She said.

He leaned over and kissed her on her lips, he felt her respond. He squeezed her breast, happy that she made no effort to stop him.

“Make sure Paul enjoys himself and don’t forget the candle in the window for Peter,” he said.

“Bastard,” she replied with a smile, kissed him and walked out the front door.

As Dan entered the kitchen his father came out.

“Just going for a piss then it’s time to go.” He said, walking past.

Dan checked that his father had gone into the toilet then went to his mother, he kissed her and felt her breasts.

“Laura seems happy,” he said, sitting at the table and starting his breakfast.

“Amazing what a good fucking can do to a girl,” she whispered into his ear.

Dan put his hand under her skirt but she swatted it away when she heard the toilet door opening.

“He’s happy because he thinks he fucked me last night,” she whispered quickly before turning away.

Dan and his mother walked side by side through town to the station. His father was in front of them carrying the bag, he’d commented that it didn’t feel very heavy but Jean said they were only staying a few days. As they walked she repeatedly allowed her hand to brush against his, turning and smiling at him every time. At one point they had to shuffle past a woman pushing a pram, as she moved in front of Dan her hand brushed against the front of his jeans, she could feel the outline of his cock and pushed back slightly, turning and smiling again. Dan thought he had never seen her this happy but tried to think of something mundane to stop his erection from growing.

They got to the station with ten minutes to spare. Jean paid for the tickets.

“Where did you get the money from?” His father asked her.

“Saved it bit by bit each week out of pittance you give me,” she said.

Dan could see his father’s mood change instantly, he wasn’t used to his wife talking to him like that but there was nothing he could do. They all stood in silence waiting.

When the train arrived there was one carriage different to all the rest at the back, it consisted of separate compartments each with it’s own door. His father made straight for it.

“If one of those carriages is on the train l always go in one of those, it means that once the train gets going l’m not going to be bothered by anyone, l know it means l have no access to a toilet but l can manage for a few hours.”

They found an empty compartment, Dan and his mother got in and closed the door. There was a window in the door that slid down, Jean opened it and stood there with his father standing outside. Neither of them spoke as they waited for the train to move.

The compartment had two long bench seats the full width of the carriage. Dan sat facing the direction of travel next to his mother. As she stood there he ran his hand up the back of her leg, under her skirt. When he moved to the inside of her thigh she parted her legs.

His hand travelled up to her naked cunt, her cunt lips were wet. He slipped two fingers into her cunt and she sighed. His father thought she had said something but she said she had just coughed.

Dan took his fingers out of her cunt and pressed them against her anus, she groaned and had to disguise it by coughing as two of his finger slid easily into her bum hole, it was obvious she had already lubricated herself.

There was the sound of a whistle and the train started to move, neither Jean or his father said anything. Slowly the train began to gain pace. Jean remained standing there, they were coming to the end of the platform when she moved, Dan took his fingers out of her arsehole. When she turned she had already undone her dress and opened it to reveal her naked body. She took off her dress and threw it onto the bench opposite Dan.

“I won’t be needing that until we come back,” she said, “come on, get a move on, get naked l need fucking.”

“I’m as horny as fuck Mum,” he said, “l don’t think l can last long.”

“I don’t care,” she shouted, “neither can l, just get your cock up my cunt and fuck me.”

By the time he was naked she was waiting on her knees on the seat her legs parted and bum raised.

“Which hole ?” He said.

“In my cunt,” she replied, “you can have my bum later but l need you in my cunt now.”

He could feel his cock was so hard it was becoming painful, he needed to get release. He knelt behind her, she reached under and guided his cock into her cunt. He grabbed her waist and rammed in all the way in one movement.

“Oh Jesus yes!” She cried out, “now fuck me you gorgeous boy, fuck Mummy.”

He began pounding her cunt, their bodies crashing together. She was pushing back to meet each thrust, shouting obscenities with each one.

He could feel his orgasm building.

“I’m going to cum Mum,” he shouted.

“Try to hold on baby,” she said, “I’m nearly there, keep going.”

Two more thrusts and she cried out, shaking violently, juices squirted from her cunt. He sank deep in her as he came, his cock pumping wildly, filling her with spunk.

“Oh yes baby,” she shouted, “your cum is so hot, l can feel you pumping it deep in my tummy. Oh you beautiful boy, promise me you will always fuck Mummy.”

“I will Mum,” he replied, his body slowly relaxing, “l’ll fuck you forever.”

When he pulled out she turned over, looking up at him and smiling. She had her legs wide open and he could see his spunk leaking from her cunt. He leaned forward, pressing his mouth to her cunt, his tongue entering her as he licked and sucked his cum out of her.

“Oh yes baby,” she said, “eat your spunk out of Mummy’s cunt.”

He switched from delving into her cunt to sucking her clitoris, it was hard in his mouth, he sucked hard then bit down on it.

“Oh god yes !” She screamed as she came again, her juices spraying over his face and into his mouth. She hugged herself, her body trembling.

He left her cunt and stood up, standing over her face. “Suck my cock ,” he said, “clean my cum and your cunt juice off my cock.”

She took him hungrily, licking and sucking, taking him to the back of her throat. She caressed his balls, squeezing them gently. She could feel he was still hard. She released him from her mouth, looking up at him.

“You’re still hard,” she said, “do you want me again ?”

“In your arse,” he said.

“Yes baby, l’d like that but let’s do it this way.”

She told him to sit on the seat, she stood up and turned with her back to him.

“Guide him into my bum hole when l sit down,” she said, “l’m well lubricated, Jack insists l have to keep my arsehole well lubricated when l’m with him.”

He held his cock in position as she lowered herself. The head of his cock pushed against her anus but slipped inside easily, she sank down on him until she was sat on his lap, his cock buried deep in her bowels. He reached round and grabbed her tits, squeezing them.

“Yes baby, hurt Mummy’s tits,” she said, “is my bum hole tight on your cock, you’re right up into my tummy, aren’t l a clever Mummy to take you that far into my bottom.”

She started moving up and down, just inches at first and slowly but then the speed began to increase until she was bouncing on him, his cock going deep each time.

“Oh he’s so big baby,” she cried, “you’re stretching Mummy’s bum hole, stretching it wide, you’re the biggest cock l’ve had up there.”

He pinched her nipples hard, he felt liquid leaking from her cunt onto his thighs, her arsehole clenched hard, pulsing against his cock.

“I’m going to cum again,” he shouted.

“Yes baby, cum in Mummy’s bottom,” she cried, “make Mummy your whore.”

She sat down on him hard and that tipped him over the edge, he came, unloading what spunk he had left.

“Oh that feels good,” she said, “you filling me with cum, oh yes baby.”

Dan leaned back, he felt like his body was being drained.

“I’m fucked out Mum,” he said.

“Oh l’m sorry baby,” she said getting off him.

Dan looked at his cock. “I need tissues,” he said.

“No you don’t baby,” she said, dropping to her knees.

“You don’t have to do that Mum,” he said.

“Oh but l do baby, l’m your whore remember, that’s what whores do.” She moved forward and took his cock into her mouth, her tongue working around the head and teasing the eye, then she concentrated on his shaft and down to his balls. When she was satisfied she sat back. “There, nice and clean.,” she smiled.

She stood up and reached for the bag, taking out a bottle of water, she took a mouthful as she slid down the widow, rinsed her mouth the spat the water out of the window.

“Oh look!” She said, pointing to where they were passing. The train was slowing down, coming to a town. On the outskirts was a large school, the playing fields running alongside the railway. Dan could see a group of boys on the rugby pitch, it looked like they were training, they looked slightly younger than him.

His mother was leaning out of the window, waving. One of the boys spotted her and called to the others. They all stopped to look at the naked woman leaning out of the train, her big tits swinging.

They started to wave back, they were shouting at her but he couldn’t hear. He saw his mother hold her tits and bounce them, the boys started clapping. One of them pulled his shorts down and held his cock, pretending to wank, his mother waved to him. She kept waving until they had passed the school.

“That was fun,” she said as she took a face cloth out of her bag, poured some water onto it then used it to wipe her bottom, tossing it out of the window when she had finished. “There,” she said, “all clean again now, l’ll shower when we get to Fiona’s.”

The train was slowing down for the station. Dan put his jeans and top back on.

“Don’t get dressed,” he said to her, passing her her dress. “Just hold that over you, if anyone gets in here you’ll have to deal with it, if it’s a man he’ll have more entertainment than he was expecting.”

Jean laughed. “Jack loves showing me off,” she said, “he’s always making me get my tits out.”

“I’m going to when we get home,” he said, “l’m going to bring all my mates round and you can dance naked for them.”

“That sounds like fun,” she said, “what about Laura, will you make her do it as well ?”

The train came to a stop before he could answer. He heard a bang and realised it was the door to the next door compartment closing. Then a young couple, they looked to be in their mid twenties, started to walk past. The window was still down and the woman suddenly turned and walked up to it.

“That was the most exciting train journey ever,” she smiled, “we heard almost every word, Paul fucked me twice in two hours listening to you, usually l’m lucky if l get it twice in a week.”

Jean dropped the dress and stepped up to the door.

“Is he really your son ?” the woman asked.

“Yes he is,” Jean replied.

“We’re trying for a baby,” the woman said, “if it’s a boy l hope he fucks me like that one day.”

“Show the lady your cock Dan,” Jean said.

He stood up and undid his jeans, taking out his cock. He was still half erect.

“Oh my god !” The woman gasped, she grabbed the man. “Look Paul,” she said, pulling him towards the carriage, “look at what he was fucking her with.”

“Fucking hell !” He said, “did we hear you taking that up your arse ?” He asked.

“Yes,” Jean replied, “all the way.”

“See,” he said, turning to the woman, “l said you could take me, you said l was too big but she can take that monster, l’m fucking you up your arse tonight.”

“Oh god,” she turned to Jean, “you’ve turned him into a sex pervert, thank you, it’s been great meeting you, and what you did for those schoolboys, l’d love to do that.”

The train started to move.

“Do it,” Jean called to her, “don’t have any regrets in your life, have fun.” She leaned out of the window waving goodbye to the couple. The few people that were on the platform looked on in amazement as the naked woman passed them waving.

“They were a lovely couple,” she said, closing the window and sitting down, we have just over an hour before we get off. I’ve brought some sandwiches,” she took them out of the bag and unwrapped them, passing some to Dan. “You need to rest now and build up your strength,” she said, “no more fucking with me, Fiona will be wanting you to fuck here as soon as we get there, l’ve told her all about your cock and she’s eager to sample it for herself, she will be annoyed at me if you don’t have any spunk left for her.”

They ate their sandwiches and talked about what they’d done, and about the other couple. Dan still had his cock out and it was getting hard as they talked, the sight of his mother sitting there naked with her legs wide apart didn’t help.

“It’s so good l can do that to you at my age,” she said, looking at his cock.

“I could manage another,” he said.

“No !” She replied, “you have to be ready for Fiona, she likes it rough as well, l want her to get a proper fuck for her first one with you, l don’t think Carol will be there until later, her husband goes back to the oil rigs tomorrow.”

Dan left his cock out as they travelled. Only putting it away as they approached the town. Jean took her new dress out of the bag, she put it on then tidied her hair and make up, using the mirror above Dan’s seat. She packed the bag with her old dress and their rubbish then stood before him.

“What do you think ?” She said, turning full circle.

The dress was similar to Heather’s but even more revealing, the skirt flared out and barely covered her bottom, her tits looked like it was only her nipples that was stopping them from falling out.

“You could get raped wearing that,” he said.

“Oh l hope so,” she giggled, “l was so jealous when you did it to Laura, l want to be held down kicking and struggling as l’m forced to take cocks in every hole, she was so lucky, l think she realises that now.”

The train pulled into the station and Dan could see how excited she was, she was almost jumping up and down waiting for it to slow down. Before it had stopped she was out, she stopped, looking up the platform until she spotted Jack. Her shriek attracted attention as she ran towards him, her skirt flying up and revealing her naked bottom. Men were staring appreciatively as she ran past them envious of the centre of her attention.

She reached Jack and threw her arms around his neck, kissing him. She turned to look back as Dan carried their bag, he saw that her left tit had fallen out but she made no attempt to replace it.

Women on the platform were tugging at their husbands as they stopped and stared at her. As Dan passed one middle aged couple he heard the man say that he wished his wife would do things like that, she quickly replied that he’d never asked her to. Dan smiled thinking his mother had just made one other couple happy on this trip.

“So this is the all grown up Dan,” Jack said shaking his hand, “welcome to sex land,” he laughed, “from what l hear you’ve got all the equipment for it, l look forward to seeing it in action.”

“You’ve got a tit hanging out Mum,” Dan said.

“Problem solved,” Jack said tearing her dress down the front leaving both tits on display.

“I told you he likes to show me off,” Jean giggled.

Jack led them out of the station and across the car park to a big red American convertible.

“Is that a Cadillac ?” Dan asked.

“Sure is son,” Jack replied in a fake American accent, “l had it imported.”

Dan could see people stopping and staring as his mother walked beside Jack with her tits on display. Her dress was still attached at the bottom which meant her cunt was covered. Jack put his arm around her, resting his hand on her bottom. He lifted her skirt to show off her naked bottom to the crowd that was gathering.

They reached his car but before he opened the door for Jean to get in he tugged at her dress, removing it completely. Jean giggled but Dan could tell how excited she was, her nipples were fully engorged.

Dan sat in the back, his mother sat beside Jack. It felt strange to Dan as the steering wheel was on the left hand side. The front seat was one long bench so his mother was sitting up close to Jack, he had his right arm around her as he drove, his hand feeling her right tit. Dan realised the car must be automatic as Jack didn’t need to change gear.

They drove through town. Every time they stopped at traffic lights other motorists, especially lorry drivers could see his mother was naked. Some sounded their horn and she waved back to them. Dan was feeling uncomfortable, his cock was pressing against his jeans so he unzipped and released it.

His mother turned to him to say something and saw that he had his cock out.

“Oh you naughty boy,” she said, “don’t you go wanking back there, your Aunty Fiona will not be happy if you waste your spunk before she gets a chance.”

“We won’t be long son,” Jack said as he pulled her towards him.

Dan saw her bend down and as he looked over the back of the seat he could see that she had taken Jack’s cock out and she was sucking him.

“That’s how my Heather’s parents were killed,” he said, “her mother was sucking her father’s cock, he came and crashed the car into a tree.”

“There was a case like that not far from here last year,” Jack said, “l have a friend in the police force, he told me that they couldn’t understand why there was so much blood until they found his cock in her mouth.”

“Oh l don’t want that,” Jean lifted her head and giggled, “just your spunk will do.”

“No you don’t madam,” Jack said, “you can suck me but don’t make me cum, l want to fuck you when we get there.”

She went back to sucking him while Dan resisted the need to wank, trying to make sense of everything.

“You can give Fiona a good fucking Dan,” Jack said as they drove through the countryside. “Carol can’t come over this evening, her husband wants to take her out for a meal before he goes back on the rigs.”

“Does he know you fuck her?” Dan asked.

“Oh no, it would devastate him,” he replied, “he worships Carol, thinks she’s as pure as driven snow, stupid bastard,” he laughed.

They turned off the road into a sweeping driveway.

“Is this where you live now?” Dan asked. “Looking in amazement at the huge house in front of them.”

“Yes,” Jack replied, “l bought it three years ago, l had a good investment.”

“There’s two swimming pools,” his mother said excitedly, “indoor and outdoor, we can skinny dip.”

“Yes but no fucking in the pools,” Jack said, “the spunk fucks with the filters.”

“Spoilsport,” she replied, “we did last year, l was fucked in the pool loads of times.”

“Yes and l had to change the whole filter system after you left there was so much spunk leaking from your cunt and arsehole.” He said.

“Oops, sorry,” she giggled.

They pulled up in front of the house. Jean got out but Jack told her to stand there while he took his time getting out and retrieving the bag from the boot. She was in full view of the road and there were a number of horn toots from passing vehicles. She waved back each time.

“What if any locals see her ?” Dan asked.

“There’s a village up the road,” Jack replied, “l should think most of the villagers know what goes on here by now, a lot of them have been invited to parties and nearly all have joined in, we had a few huffy ones, especially when they realised Carol was my daughter but most of the men wanted to fuck her so they weren’t going to do anything. Now the word will be out that your mother is here so l’ll invite a few to the party mid week, last time l was in the pub a couple asked me when the next time would be for her to come up.”

He walked around behind Jean.

“Welcome Dan,” he said, “we have looked forward to your visit, especially Fiona and Carol, now you are about to see why, for your mother, this is the house of pain.”

With that he gave her a hard smack on her bottom, hard enough to make her shriek and stumble forward.

“Go on slut, you know what to do,” he said, then he and Dan followed her into the house.

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