Forbidden in Salinas by sanilas

Forbidden in Salinas
by sanilas

Forbidden in Salinas

This is my first try. Kindly provide feedback as I require them to improve. If the story is acceptable, the will be a continuation of this story. This is fictitious, only letting my imagination run wild. Thank you all.

Chapter 1: The siblings meet after 5 years.

Daniel looked out of the greyhound’s window as it made its way down the highway, heading towards Salinas. The vast acres of rolling hills seem to flow forever, beyond what his eyes could see. Somewhere, along this stretch of desolate calmness, a young James Dean had crashed his gleaming silver spider and a legend was born, which lives on until today. That was light years ago

Salinas has grown into a metropolis, so different from those wild days of Jimmy. At 25, Daniel was about to meet his elder sister which he had not seen for almost 5 years. Rachel had moved away from their parent’s home in Fresno after her marriage to Tom Maxwell. Tom was in the insurance business and they had met when she joined his firm after college. Tom was promoted as the manager of the new branch in Salinas.

Rachel was 10 years older than Daniel. They were the only children of Hank and Mary.

When the greyhound came to a standstill at the depot, Daniel lifted his backpack onto his shoulder and made his way off the bus. Standing in the afternoon sun, he shaded his eyes from the glare of sunshine, taking a sweeping look at the busy station. Then she heard her voice, calling out.

“Danny, Danny, over here!”

Turning his head, he saw her. She was waving and smiling. Daniel smiled back in relief and walked towards her. Brother and sister hugged each other, she kissing him on his cheeks and him returning the gesture. She smelled so fresh and nice. And she looked great.

“Mom sends her love and kisses. And she said she so wanted to come too, but you know, mom’s always busy with her many projects,” Daniel said.

“She’s fine, you’ll love her,” Rachel replied.

They walked to her car.

As she drove out of the depot, Rachel asked her brother about news from home. They chatted and laughed about old times when they were living in Fresno. Then they were on the highway, heading towards her house in the suburbs. The bantering between them slowed to a stop and the only sound was the gentle humming of the car’s engine.

At 35, Rachel was a beautiful woman. Daniel remembered those days back in Fresno when she had so many boyfriends running after her. She wasn’t the flirting type and Daniel was surprised when she finally married Tom at the age of 30. It never occurred to him to see Rachel falling in love with anyone. Maybe the closeness of their relationship refused to make Daniel accept that Rachel did love someone else besides him.

Danny turned towards her and said, “Rach, mom waited for you hoping that you’ll be back for dad’s funeral. I know that was almost 3 years ago but one of these days, just come home to see her.”

Rachel drove on in silence although she knew that Daniel was looking at her, waiting for her response.

Daniel continued, “I don’t know what your problem with dad was, but at least for mom’s sake, you should have come home when she needed you most.”

Rachel turned to look at him and almost lost control of the car as it rounded a sharp bend. But she was quick to react and just shook her head, driving in silence.

“Sorry sis,” Daniel said apologetically, “I didn’t mean to preach, just forget about it.”

His sister reached out to touch his hand in acceptance.

Rachel and Tom had just got their divorce finalized and she was in the process of tying up loose ends. That was the reason Daniel came down to Salinas. She had written to him, telling him about her marriage ending. She needed to get away from Salinas and had secured a position in another insurance firm in Houston. And Daniel had taken immediate leave for 3 weeks to assist her.

Although she was 10 years older than him, they had a very close relationship. She had always looked after him when he was in his tender years, almost taking the place of his mother who was always occupied with her various organizations. When Rachel married Tom and moved to Salinas, Daniel felt a real loss of companionship.

And now, her marriage had ended in divorce. Daniel felt a deep sorrow for his sister. Fate had indeed been unkind to this wonderful woman whom he loved so very much. He was here to comfort and help her in anyway he can.

They arrived at the house. It was a nice, quiet neighborhood. Rachel showed him the guestroom and announced that she’ll be preparing tea soon. Daniel took a bath and dressed in his casuals. He walked out of his room and took in the view of his surroundings. Then he proceeded to the kitchen.

Rachel had changed into her housecoat and was preparing some snacks and hot drinks for both of them. Daniel sat down and watched as Rachel was about to heat up the croissant in the toaster oven. In her housecoat, Daniel could see that his sister was really beautiful and now that he is an adult, he could understand why the males in the Fresno neighborhood chased after her. And the sultry shape of her body was accentuated by the silky material that clothed her. Suddenly, Daniel felt a stirring in his loins and was embarrassed by his feelings. At 25, Daniel had the odd occasions of liaison. And looking at Rachel made him think of his current girlfriend.

Rachel took the snacks out of the oven and turn to walk towards the table. Daniel was captivated, almost staring unashamedly at his sister’s chest, where her housecoat was slightly parted, exposing the tops of her breasts. Rachel smiled at him and unconsciously buttoned up. It was a natural and innocent gesture. Daniel hoped that his sister did not realize that he was actually leering at her.

As they ate, Daniel looked at her and said, “Rach, what happened between you and Tom? We never had any inkling that things had come to this?”

Rachel did not answer him for a while. Then she said in a soft voice, “It’s for the best, things just did not work out between us. Please Danny, I would rather not talk about it, ok.”

That was that. So they had their tea and Rachel announced that she had to go into town to meet someone and told Daniel to rest and make himself at home while she was gone.

Chapter 2: Daniel’s dilemma.

She had changed into a white blouse and blue jeans. Daniel thought that Rachel looked like some model in the magazines. And when she kissed him on the cheeks, she smelled wonderfully enticing. Then she was out of the doorway and the sound of the car leaving the house.

Daniel watched the car move away and walked to the sofa, switching on the television. He must have dozed off as he was feeling the effects of the long bus ride earlier. Stretching himself, he got up and decided to have a good look at Rachel’s house. Passing his sister’s room, he paused and looked in. He knew from Rachel that Tom did not live here anymore. He had moved out about a month ago when the divorce was finalized.

As he stood at the doorway of Rachel’s room, his heart began to beat faster. Then, taking a deep breath he pushed the door wider and stepped in. Daniel knew that he was wrong invading the privacy of his sister’s room. Walking slowly, he crossed the room and reached her bed. He could savor the aroma of her perfume, just as powerful as when she kissed him before she left the house. His eyes caught the tiny panty and her bra at the corner of her bed. He looked at them for awhile and then walked to the edge of the bed.

Memories of the incident when he was 8 year old came flooding back. Dimmed by time, it was like grasping at straws. He had never confronted Rachel or his father, neither had both of them ever talked about it nor explained anything to him. As he grew into pubescent, he could still vaguely recall what he had witnessed. And when he started masturbation, it was always that moment that stayed imprinted in his mind.

Hesitantly, his hand reached out and picked up her bra. Daniel does not know about bra size, but he could see that the cups would fit a full bosom. He brought it to his face and rubbed it against his face. His penis grew hard. Putting his sister’s bra back on the bed, he picked up her panty. It was quite small and wondered how it could cover her crotch. Wild thoughts played on his mind as he brought the item to his nose. He inhaled and the faint smell of dried urine wafted into his nostrils. Almost afraid to be caught, his tongue snaked out of his mouth to gently brush against the crotch of Rachel’s panty. Daniel pulled down his slacks and pushed his boxers down to his knees. Taking Rachel’s panty, he wrapped it around his throbbing phallus and started to masturbate.

As he was imagining holding his naked sister against his chest and thrusting his hardened penis against her soft belly, the sound of her car made him stop momentarily. However, at that very moment, he felt his testicles tightened and he could not stop himself as his sperm ejaculated in spurts, coating Rachel’s panty and wetting the palm of his hand. Shuddering uncontrollably, Daniel’s knees dropped to the edge of the bed as he continued to masturbate the final drops out of his mind.

With his heart pounding, Daniel held the soaked panty, looking for somewhere to hide it. Hearing the car coming to a stop, he noticed the pile of unwashed clothing at the corner of the room. Hoisting his boxers and slacks up, Daniel quickly rushed to deposit the illicit evidence under the pile and walked out of his sister’s room, as he heard the front door being opened.

Once he was in his room, Daniel locked the door and stood behind it, his breathing ragged and a feeling of weakness in his knees, as he sank to the floor, holding his head in his hands.

Rachel looked around and noticed that her brother was not in the living room. She saw the door of the guestroom closed and presumed that her brother was resting, probably sleeping. The poor dear must be tired after his long journey, she smiled to herself. Rachel too was exhausted, after fetching Daniel from the bus depot, and then going into town again. It was almost 3 in the evening and she decided to take a nap. She changed into her housecoat and headed for her bed.

She saw her bra at the edge of the bed and proceeded to put it on the chair. As she was about to climb onto her bed, she turned around absent mindedly to look for her panty. There was no panty to be seen. She looked again and then walked around to see if it had fallen on the floor. She was quite certain that when she changed into her fresh bra and panty before leaving, she had left soiled ones on the bed. As she was tired, she thought probably she had put it among the pile of used clothing. Brushing aside her uncertainties, Rachel curled up on the bed and soon fell into a deep slumber.

Chapter 3: Rachel’s and Hank’s dilemma

The clap of thunder awoke Rachel from her sleep. It had not rained for quite sometime. Looking out of her window, she could see the dark clouds in the sky. Time to get, sleepy head, she said to herself. Looking at the clock on the side table, she saw that it was 7.30pm. She had to prepare dinner for both of them. Stifling a yawn, she stretched like a cat and got off her bed, to walk to her bathroom.

As she passed the pile of soiled clothing, she picked them up to put into the washing machine inside the bathroom. She placed them one by one into the washer. When she picked up her panty, she stopped and wondered whether it was the same one that she looked for earlier. Funny, she thought. She was so positive that she left it on the bed with the bra.

Then Rachel felt stiffness on the soft material. The crotch of the panty seemed to stick together. She rubbed her fingers on the sheer cloth and was taken aback when she realized that there was a faint coloring as though dried starch had caked the spot, making it stiff. Remnants of her sleep clear from her head as she held her panty, and the unmistakable odor of dried semen rose to her nostrils. She felt dizziness from the shocking discovery.

Rachel stood motionless, holding the panty in her hand. She felt herself shaking as she held onto the edge of the washing machine to steady herself. She did not want to believe what her mind was telling her. She knew that she had left that item on her bed when she changed into her new one before she left to go into town. And Daniel was the only person in the house. Her head throbbed in confusion.

Rachel tried to banish the thoughts playing on her mind as she showered. Tears began to fall as memories of those dark days in Fresno, in her parents’ house. She had desperately pushed the reminders of what happened to her into the deepest recess of her mind but today, it all came flooding back to haunt her.

She was 18 and Daniel was only 8 years old. Daniel was always playing with his friend in their neighbor’s house. Rachel was always alone at home. Her mother was the neighborhood’s busy beaver, forever attending meetings and organizing functions. Their father, Hank, was the foreman of a construction company. He was a doting father and loved the children as any father would. Hank Slater was a big man, and the tough work made him muscular and solid.

It was 1989 and the company that Hank worked for lost the contract to build a multi-storey building due to bad management. He and many others were laid off. It was a rough time for the family as jobs were scarce and Hank had to stay home and be the house husband while Mary became the breadwinner. At first, live was bearable as the prospects of Tom securing a position elsewhere seem possible. But as weeks grew into months, and nothing was available, the situation at home became strained. Mary was absent from home more frequently and Hank began to show his frustration by turning to the bottle. The serenity of family life that Rachel and Daniel knew had disintegrated into a sullen and dark environment.

Rachel had felt a change in her father’s closeness with her. At 18, she had experienced the occasional kiss and petting as every adolescent goes through in life. One afternoon, when she was alone at home, she was shocked when her father, during his less sober moment, clasped her in his arms and held her tightly. It was something that he had usually done before in a playful manner. But on that occasion, he just held her, his powerful arms encircling her with her back against his chest. His head fell towards the top of her head and she heard him murmured softly, “Your mom is always not at home, but I have you and daddy loves you.”

Then she felt the palms of his hands cupping her breasts, ever so gently, kneading her flesh through her blouse and bra. Rachel was frightened and tried to break away from his grasp. But Hank held her firmly. One hand held her while the other reached under her blouse to push up her bra making it rest against her armpits. His callous fingers touched her nipples.

The initial contact of her father’s rough skin against the softness of her nipples made them popped out hard and turgid. Rachel had never experienced such exquisite feeling in her life. No one had touched her breasts before, skin on skin, except through her clothing when she petted. And that were clumsy adventures. Her knees began to buckle when Hank used his finger and thumb to tweak her erected nipples.

Hank heard the front door closing. He immediately released Rachel’s breast and pulled down her blouse. He whispered in her ear, “Pretend that nothing happened.”

Rachel had difficulty breathing as she walked unsteadily to her room, in a trance. On the way, Daniel ran past her and turned around saying excitedly, “Rach, Bobby’s rabbit had just given birth.”

She reached her room and shut the door. Leaning against it, Rachel began to cry. She felt ashamed and dirty. She knew what had happened was taboo and sinful. It was unforgivable. Her father had committed the ultimate sin by touching her intimately. But the erotic pleasure that she had succumbed to was impossible to forget. The tingling feeling of her young sensitive nipples still persisted. Then she realized that she was wet between her thighs. It felt sticky.

She went into her bathroom and disrobed. As she pulled down her panty, the bottom part was completely wet with her secretions. After taking a long shower, Rachel dressed and sat on her bed. She did not leave her room.

Hank, recovered and completely sober, was in his room. Sitting on his sofa chair, he pondered over the recent events and sigh a sign relief that Daniel did not see what transpired between him and Rachel. He was almost thankful that it was not Mary who returned.

At 54, Hank was a man who still needed sexual gratification. In recent times, Mary had almost lain off sex. Compounded with his job loss, it made him feel impotent and restless. If he was still at work and earning, he could have gotten his satisfaction by paying for his sex needs.

He had always felt protective towards his children. He had never looked at his daughter as a woman but someone whom he had loved as his child all this while. All this changed on that Monday morning, when he was home with only Rachel, a few weeks after he lost his job.

Walking along the corridor, he passed Rachel’s room. It was usually closed but today, it was ajar. Without any ulterior intentions, Hank turned his head and there stood his 18 year old daughter, in front of her dressing table. The table was off the direction of her door and with the door half opened, she would not be able to see clearly if someone was standing outside. The vision in his sight was one that he saw only in girly magazines.

Rachel was combing her long raven hair, with skin so fair, nude except for those tiny knickers, tight against the swell of her buttocks. Han was captivated by his daughter’s hour glass body. He gasped at the perfection of her breasts, full and firm. How could someone so slim have such lovely breasts? He could not tear himself away as he stood and watched.

When Rachel turned to pick up her bra, Hank silently left the scene and headed for his room. Once inside, he locked the door and took off his trousers. Snatching a bundle of tissue, he stroked himself. He had not masturbated for a long time. The pent up frustration had to be released and within a short time, he came, spurting gobs of cum into the soft tissue. As he creamed, he called out Rachel’s name silently.

As he sat on his sofa, he could vividly recall the texture of her flesh and how her breasts grew firm and those nipples hardened and stood out to his touch. It intoxicating and it consumed him. He had sinned but it was like a drink for a man almost dying of thirst.

Chapter 4: Alone with Hank.

Hank and Mary, Rachel and Daniel were sitting at the dinner table. As they ate, Mary was telling them of her problems with her charity committee. Meanwhile, Daniel was rattling away about his friend’s rabbit litter. Hank and Rachel ate silently, each with their own thoughts of their recent unholy liaison. Father and daughter had not made any eye contact nor spoken to each other ever since it happened.

Gradually, the conversation toned down. It was then that Mary announced she and her chairperson were selected to attend a charity affair in San Francisco and she would be away for 3 days.

“When are you leaving?” Hank asked.

“On Friday morning and I should be back Sunday night,” she replied. “I’m sure you can look after the kids, after all Rach is around. She can get dinner ready when she’s back from school. Mommy will get for you something, Danny,” she continued.

“Uh huh,” Hank muttered.

Rachel could feel herself panicking, realizing that she’ll be alone with her father at home for 3 days. She excused herself and fled to her room.

“What’s wrong with Rach, is she under the weather?” Mary asked, to nobody in particular.

“I think she’s got a lot of school work,” Hank replied unconvincingly.

He was relieved that Mary did not pursue the matter further. Eventually, dinner was over and they all retired to their rooms.

Rachel and Daniel shared the same room, but they slept on separate beds. Rachel’s bed was beside the window and Daniel’s was at the other end, round a corner, partitioned by a false wall. When Daniel walked into the room, he saw his sister huddled in the middle of her bed, hugging knees to her chest. Even at the tender age of 8, Daniel could feel that something was wrong with his sister. He walked up to her and sat at the edge of her bed.

“What’s wrong, sis, was dad angry with you,” he asked. “Why are you crying, did he hit you,” Daniel looked worried.

“It’s nothing Danny,” Rachel looked at her brother, her heart softening. He’s just a kid and he’s so concerned for me, she thought. She reached out for him and kissed him on his forehead. “Go to sleep,” she said, affectionately.

Danny kissed his sister on her cheeks, bade goodnight and headed for his side of the room. As he lay on his bed, he could hear Rachel sobbing quietly. Danny was confused as to what was happening. Eventually, he slept.

In the morning, the siblings woke up and got ready for school and college. When they stepped out of their room, Rachel saw her father sitting alone in the living room.

When she passed him, Hank looked up and said, “What time will you be home, Rach?”

Rachel did not answer her father and kept on walking to the kitchen. Daniel joined her and they had their breakfast. Then they both left the house and headed for the bus stand.

Hank walked towards the window and watched his children got onto the school bus. He couldn’t help but kept looking at Rachel, longing for her. He needed to hold her again, to touch her flesh, his very own daughter. How did he sink to such a depravity? Hank knew that it was incest but the wonder of the young girl’s body completely blew him away.

For the next two days, Hank did not go near his daughter. He could hardly wait for Friday when Mary was leaving for San Francisco.

When Mary got into her friend’s car to head for San Francisco, Hank waved them bon voyage. His heart was already beating unsteadily as wild thoughts ran through his mind. The vivid memory of him and Rachel kept coming back into focus, that wonderful feeling when he cupped her magnificent breasts in the palms of his hands, and those incredibly long erect nipples. How he yearned to suck on them. All this made him grow stiff and hard.

At 12.30pm, Daniel came home. Walking in, he spotted his father sitting and watching the tele. “Hi dad,” he called out.

Hank turned around. He asked, “What you doing after lunch, son?”

Daniel replied, “Don’t know. Maybe go over to Bobby’s to see his rabbits.”

“Tell you what son; I’ll give you ten dollars if you promise me that you’ll take Bobby to see the movies. After all, you’re always at his house and eating his snacks. Time you treated him,” his father said.

“Gee dad, that’s great,” Daniel replied excitedly.

After lunch, Hank anxiously dispatched Daniel out of the house, handing him the tenner plus loose change.

At around 2pm, Hank heard the school bus stopping in front of the house. He quickly peeked through the window and watched as Rachel descended, and walking up the pathway towards the house. Hank proceeded to his room and partly closed the door, leaving enough room for him to peep out. He heard the front door opened and saw his daughter walked in.

Rachel sensed an eerie quietness and her eyes wandered around. Her father was nowhere in sight. She knew that her mother had already left in the morning and a feeling of foreboding made her uneasy. Daniel too was nowhere to be seen. Most likely he was in Bobby’s house, she thought. She walked to her room, closed the door and took off her school uniform. She had her shower and change into a light blouse and skirt.

Hank looked at his watch and knew that he had about 2 hours before Daniel was back from the movies. The throbbing erection between his legs and the uncontrollable urge that pumped in his chest made him move out of his room and deftly walked toward his daughter’s.

Opening her door, he walked in. Rachel had just buttoned up her blouse when she turned to see her father standing inside her room. Her eyes widened and she said shakily, “Dad?”

Hank closed the distance between them and holding without so much as a word, he grabbed her hands, pushing her backwards, until Rachel’s back was pressed against the wall. Taken by surprise, she tried to push with both hands against her father’s chest to ward his off. But Hank held firm and releasing one hand, he used the other to hold both her hands, raising them above her head. Pinned against the wall, she watched in horror as her father proceed to unbuttoned her blouse. In his aroused state, he ripped the last two buttons off. Rachel pleaded with him but she could only see his lust filled eyes, as they dropped down to feast on the top of her heaving breasts, bunched together against her bra. Hank looked hungrily at his daughter’s pale flesh, his heart thumping. He was consumed with an incredible erotic urge to just touch her. His head moved downwards to kiss the tops of Rachel’s semi exposed breasts. This made Rachel squirmed as she tried desperately to escape her father’s wet lips.

She cried out in despair at the contact of his lips on her skin, “no, no……, please stop it,” but to no avail.

Hank pushed her bra up, exposing the twin cones of her firm and full breasts. His mouth clasped onto her right nipple and he sucked as though he was trying to milk her. Rachel gasped, as he felt her nipple began to hardened and push out, erect in his mouth. He alternated between both nipples and when he lifted his mouth off her; he could see that both were firmly standing out, incredibly stiff and firm.

Hank looked at his daughter’s face. Her cheeks were wet with her tears and her eyes were closed but she was moaning softly. The illicitness of his act was consuming him. His penis was straining tightly inside his pants, making it painful for him. He caressed her breasts, feeling the wonder of its resilience and fullness. Then he kneaded her flesh which filled the palm of his hand. Her sensitive and virgin nipples gave rise to a most wonderful sensation, as she gave in and submitted to her father’s incestuous touch.

Releasing her hands, Hank dropped to his knees. Rachel’s arms fell to her sides as he pulled down the zipper of her skirt. When her skirt fell in a bunch at her ankles, he placed his fingers onto the top of her panties and pulled them down. Hank gazed in awe at Rachel’s naked crotch, at the soft down hairs, the slit between her thighs, now glistening with dewy secretions. He could smell her arousal as his tongue reached out and licked away the tangy honey.

Rachel’s body jerked uncontrollably as she felt something soft and wet against her sex organs. She could not bring herself to open her eyes as her father’s tongue began to rasp against her. She gasped inaudibly and her upper body dropped towards him. She placed her hands on his shoulders to stay upright. Rachel shuddered as she felt him kissing her womanhood. She felt hot flushes intensifying as Hank brought his mouth to completely close over her puffy vagina lips and started to suck on her.

A strangled mewing cry emitted from her lips as Rachel unconsciously widened her legs to allow her father access to her crotch. Hank held her tightly, hands clasping around her buttocks. He felt her shivering as his tongue licked her clitoris, finally capturing it with his mouth. As he sucked and pulled with his lips, the tiny bud protruded out. In an act of sexual fulfillment, Hank used his fingers to rub and parting Rachel’s vagina lips, gently pushed his tongue just inside her body.

Rachel’s molested body responded violently as she exploded with carnal orgasm. Unconsciously and without prior experience of such sexual stimulation, she came. Hank was taken aback as Rachel squirted, secreting her cum into his mouth. He did not know that a woman can ejaculate like that. During orgasm, when fucking his wife, Mary had only wet herself. But Rachel had actually ejaculated. He felt a tremendous urge to fuck his daughter. But he knew the fatal consequences so he continued sucking and finally swallowing her daughter’s intimate juices. As Rachel’s shuddering diminished, Hank disengaged his mouth from her swollen vaginal lips. Rachel slowly sank to the floor beside her father, still emitting soft whimpers.

Chapter 5: What did Daniel see?

Rachel had dropped to the floor in a squatting position in front of her father. Hank was kneeling facing her; his swollen and hardened penis directly pointed towards and touching Rachel’s heaving breasts. A film of pre-cum wetted the top of her tits as Hank held her against him. His balls were so full with impending ejaculation. Unable to stop himself, he moved towards her and placed his penis between the swells of her breasts. Using the palms of his hands, he pressed the flesh together and fucked her breasts.

Rachel opened her eyes. She did not understand what her father was doing but it was so erotic. She felt and saw his hot hard penis being pumped up and down between the valleys of her breasts, pressed tightly together by her father’s hands. As Hank pulled her breasts towards his stomach, she naturally began to haunch her shoulders inwards, making it easier for him. She felt the friction of flesh upon flesh, which was soothed by whitish foam forming in the valley of her breasts, when suddenly; her father began to stiffen and pressed her breasts together more tightly.

The liquid shooting out of the tiny opening on the head of his penis splattered onto her neck. It kept spurting until he slowly released the grip on her breasts. Finally he let go of her. The thick white secretion flowed down onto the tops of her breasts and down the valley.

“God, you are so good,” her father muttered.

Hank stood and pulled Rachel up with him. Rachel felt weak, her knees almost giving way beneath her but her father held her firm. As she got to her feet, Tom placed his arms around and lifted her, in a standing position and carried her towards her bed. Rachel clung on limply, her hands around her father’s neck, her sperm covered chest tight against his. She felt the bed when Hank placed her onto it, with her legs dangling down from the knees, at the edge. Hank gently pushed her flat onto her back and stood up, still with unabated desire for her young body. In spite of having just ejaculated a load on her breasts, his penis was still solid and unyielding.

An unimaginable thrill ran through him, reveling in the unadulterated, taboo sex that he had never imagined participating in before and visions of still forbidden acts played on his mind. Things he wanted to do with her body begin to form as Rachel laid, in total surrender, her eyes tightly shut. He had made her cum and she had wantonly savored the pleasures, although it was not of her asking. Her cum had flowed freely into his mouth and she had capitulated so erotically, culminating in squirting her love juice. He moved forward, between her thighs and lightly placed his finger on her reddened and swollen sex.

Rachel’s tender and sensitive flesh quivered. Her father’s debauchery of her body had activated an unknown desire and her legs parted with a life of its own, her buttocks lifted slightly, stimulated by his touch. This made Hank’s pre-cum leaked and dripped, wetting her thighs. In a perverse act, Hank collected his pre-cum on his finger and rubbed it onto his daughter’s mouth. As she moaned, he slipped his finger inside her mouth. The erotic act made his body shudder as a spurt of uncontrolled ejaculate splashed onto Rachel’s stomach. As Hank removed his finger from her lips, Rachel’s eyes opened, staring in confused fascination, as she watched her father scooping more liquid off her stomach with his finger and bringing it to her lips again. She watched him moving his finger towards her mouth. His eyes were fixed intensely at hers and she inexplicably understood what he wanted her to do. Opening her mouth slightly, she felt him placed his finger onto her lips and pushed into her mouth. The translucent thick liquid tasted like egg white and had a musky flavor. Hank swirled his finger onto her tongue. At eighteen, Rachel knew that much that it was her father’s sperm that was on the tongue.

He said softly, almost trancelike, “Suck my finger, Rach.”

Rachel did as she was told. Hank removed his finger, and lean down, kissing her lips, pushing his tongue into her mouth. Sucking her tongue, they kissed passionately and deeply. Hank took her hand and placed it on his engorged phallus. Rachel felt her father’s penis and she could hardly close her fingers onto it because of its wide girth. It felt uneven with the veins fully blooded and it seemed to have a life of it own, throbbing in her hands. It was so wrong, yet she held it firmly in her soft hands.

Even in his frenzied aroused state, Hank knew that he could not go all the way. Rachel is still a virgin.

Rachel’s body responded to her father’s kiss and her sex organs were wet with her secretions as Hank’s finger began to caress and touch her clitoris. As her body squirmed and jerked spasmodically, she began to suck on her father’s tongue.

Sensing Rachel’s submission to his love making, Hank moved his lips from hers and slipped backwards, placing Rachel’s legs on his shoulders. Rising up to a standing position, he lifted her off the bed so that he was carrying her upside down, with her back against his frontal body and his mouth at her crotch. She felt an exquisite explosion at her vitals when her father pressed his mouth between her thighs and began to suck on her. She had a tremendous urge to release something from her body, and with a cry of helplessness, she released her cum for a second time that day, squirting onto Hank’s face. As throes of orgasm cascaded through her, Rachel’s thighs clamped tightly against her father’s neck.

As the syrupy flow washed onto his mouth and face, Hank could not control himself as he too started to spurt, spattering Rachel’s back with gobs of his ejaculation. Father and daughter came simultaneously. In the dying moments of their orgasms, Hank was first to sense a presence. He turned around, with Rachel still hanging from his shoulders.

In devastating horror, he saw his young son standing at the entrance of the room; eyes wide open, staring at them. The three of them just stood transfixed.

Daniel stared at the naked forms of his father and sister, momentarily unable to fathom what they were doing, he holding her like that.

Rachel’s eyes finally opened and had trouble focusing at the presence of her brother, as she was still upside down.

Time seemed to stand still. Without a word, Daniel turned and walked away.

With his heart pumping furiously having realized the enormity of the moment, Hank immediately lifted Rachel up by grasping her arms and placed her onto the bed. Father and daughter could not look into each other’s eyes, knowing that their unholy act had been witnessed by Daniel.

In indescribable despair over his actions and the gravity of being found out, Hank said gently to Rachel, “He’s too young to understand,” as his hand reached out and lightly brushed his daughter’s cheek.

Rachel, now fully recovered, flinched at her father’s touch. She turned away from him and buried her face against the mattress as tears of shame began to flow and shook her body.

Hand stood by her bed, not knowing what to say or do, totally deflated and full of remorse over his unforgivable lust that he had forced on his daughter.

“Forgive me Rach, I promise you it won’t ever happen again,” he pleaded.

Taking the blanket, he covered his daughter’s naked body and then he was gone.

Chapter 6: Déjà vu in Salinas

Rachel’s stomach was in knots after discovering her missing panty, and what was on it. However she tried to dispel the thought that Daniel was not responsible, in her heart, she knew that there could only be one certainty. Her brother had lusted for her, just as her father did, so many years ago.

After Daniel caught them, Hank had never laid a hand on her again. A few weeks after the episode, Hand accepted a position in Alabama and only came home sporadically. As time went by, the visits became less frequent.

Rachel had many suitors but she only decided to get married when she was 30. In a way, she was scarred for life and did not enjoy the company of men. She was beautiful, sexy looking but she did not like the flirtatious males who were always trying to get her into bed, whenever a relationship started. Some did get close but she hated the sex part. Maybe, subconsciously, however she despised her father, she could not feel the same with others, the way Hank made her felt over those few days when she was 18.

Her husband Tom was almost 15 years her senior. Theirs was more of a companion relationship. They had met when she was working in the same company. Throughout their courtship, Tom had neither demanded her affections nor imposed upon her. It was only after their marriage and when they moved to Salinas that Tom showed his true self. He began to make snide remarks on their sex life. When they made love, she wanted it over quickly. There was an occasion when Tom tried to make her suck him. She refused and their relationship started to deteriorate. Eventually, he started to have affairs. It came to a head six months ago and they decided to end their marriage. The settlement was amicable, leaving her with sufficient to live quite comfortably. She had got a job in Houston and also decided to settle there. She had called Daniel to help her move; furthermore, she had not seen her brother for 5 years.

When Hand died in an accident three years ago, she did not attend his funeral. She got the news when Daniel called her on the phone. It was the end of the darkest part of her life.

Rachel had always loved and cared for her younger brother. But she also carried the lingering memory of that day in Fresno, when he had walked unannounced into the room. She knew that he was only 8 then. But even a boy that young, to see her hanging onto their father like that, naked in their throes of after multiple orgasm, satisfying Hank’s perverted use of her body, made her tremble.

She realized that Daniel was only human and he had kept that secret with him all this while. It would have traumatized him but in a adverse way, as he grew older, been affected by the incestuous taboo between father and daughter.

“He wants me the way dad had me”, she ponder the thought to herself.

Now she realized the way Daniel had looked at her while they were in the kitchen, when he thought she did not noticed. She decided that it could not go on and to confront him later that day. It was something that she had to do, for her own peace of mind.

That evening, while they had dinner, brother and sister ate in a strained atmosphere. Daniel did not talk much and only replied in one syllable answers whenever she enquired about anything. Daniel kept stealing glances at Rachel whenever he thought she was not aware. When they had finished, Rachel cleared the table and Daniel said that he wanted to watch the tele. Rachel had the intuition that her brother was unduly tensed. She knew that she could not put it off any longer.

Daniel was sitting on the sofa when she walked into the living room. He was looking aimlessly at the news.

Rachel took the seat beside him. They sat in silence, their eyes looking in front of them. The room light was dim and finally, Rachel took the control and switched off the tele.

Daniel was taken aback as he turned to face his sister. In the dim light, Daniel took in the beauty of Rachel and he tried to look away.

Then he felt Rachel’s hand on his.

“We have to talk, Danny,” she said softly.

Rachel could feel the electricity in the air. It was now or never.

“I know you had been in my room,” she said.

“No, I did not. What do you mean,” Danny replied, not looking directly at her.

Rachel heaved a sigh of resignation and continued, “I found the panty, Danny.”

“What are you talking about,” Daniel replied, his voice almost stammering.

“I’m not accusing you Danny, just tell me the truth. You masturbated into my panty,” Rachel said.

Danny raised his eyes to meet hers, tears beginning to moisten his eyes.

Her heart went out to him, knowing how he felt that moment. The sordidness of his act and being found out.

“Why, Danny, why did you do it,” she said with a catch in her voice.

Danny felt his heart palpitating at a tremendous rate.

“You really want the truth,” he said, “ok, I’ll tell you the truth.”

“I had this image of you since I was 8 year old. Rach, I could never get you out of my mind. You were and still are so beautiful, and I wanted you all these years, just as dad did. I could only have you in my dreams and imagination. I don’t want any other woman in my life. It’s you and you alone,” he said, exposing his pent-up feelings to the woman sitting next to him. “Yes, I was in your room and when I saw your bra and panty on the bed, it just broke me and if I can’t have you, at least I know I had you in a different way,” he completed, as he held his hands to his face, sobbing uncontrollably.

Rachel was stunned by her brother’s confession, half expecting it. She looked at the man in Daniel and in that moment, she saw the image of Hank, and she knew what she had been searching for all this while. Closing her eyes, a feeling of terrible longing came over her as the memory of how she felt in her father’s arms, at that moment just before Daniel burst into the room. She stood up and left him, and she walked to her room, not saying a word.

Daniel felt as though his world had come crashing down around him. He just sat back, his mind blank and empty. He had lost the only woman he ever loved in his life. He must be mad to say all those things to Rachel. It was unforgivable and dirty and he could not face her again. He had to leave; she would not want him around.

Then he saw Rachel walking towards him. He gasped. Was he dreaming, it was not really happening?

Rachel was completely naked as she came to stand in front of him.

She was a goddess. Those magnificent breasts that he had seen only once before, now fuller and drooping slightly, hanging from her chest. Her waist curved inwards and her hips flaring out into full and firm buttocks. His eyes were transfixed on the bushy pubic hair that covered the apex of her crotch.

Rachel looked at him and said in a whisper, “Was this what you saw and what you wanted?”

Daniel felt himself growing instantly hard. If this was a dream, he did not want to wake up. He stood up and began to undress, as Rachel watched. When he pulled down his underwear, Rachel took a deep breath. His penis was standing up firm and turgid, pointing at her. The circumcised head was flaring and his girth was a distant memory of the size of the man who had carried her.

Daniel held out his and Rachel took it into hers. No words were spoken as he led her to her room. Once inside, he switched on the light.

“I want to see every inch of you,” he said.

He held her in his arms, her back against his body. Tenderly, he cupped her breasts in the palms of his hand. Her head fell back to rest on his shoulder. He caressed her breasts, and his fingers and thumbs rolled her nipples. It grew stiff and long as they protruded out. Rachel felt his penis against the crack of her buttocks. It felt so good.

“I love you Rach,” he whispered into her ear. “If only you could imagine how much I dreamt of this.”

Rachel sighed as Daniel began to knead her breasts.

He turned her around and their lips met. It was a kiss that fulfilled wonderful promises. The passion they felt for each other was expressed when they swallowed each others saliva. His lips were on her breasts, kissing them in reverence and just like that day, he too sucked at her nipples, almost urging them to produce her milk. She moaned incoherently as her vaginal secretions started flowing out, a few drops wetting the floor.

“Are you safe,” he asked her. “I want to fuck you.”

She almost came hearing her brother’s question.

“Yes,” she replied haltingly.

Daniel could not hold on much longer. Streaks of his pre-cum had rubbed onto her soft belly. He took hold of Rachel’s hand and placed it on his penis.

He told her to rub it against her vagina.

His mouth closed over hers as she rubbed his velvet head, moving it onto her crotch. Her wetness coated him as he bended his knees to seek her opening. Rachel spread her legs, as she placed the head against her vagina lips. With a gasp, he entered her.

“Did he….” He said.

“No, I was still a virgin when he left,” she replied.

The length of Daniel’s penis penetrated into Rachel’s body until his balls was against her vagina lips.

“Put your arms around my neck,” he told her.

Bending his knees further, Daniel put his arms between her legs and lifted her up so that he carried her, his hands supporting her buttocks.

He pushed himself in and out of her in prolonged strokes.

Her mouth seek his but before she could clamp onto him, he said urgently, “Look at me and tell me to fuck you, sis.”

Her eyes were glazed when she opened them.

“Fuck me Danny, fuck me,” Rachel told him hoarsely.

Danny began to fuck his sister, standing in the middle of the room, and as he moved faster, the sound of flesh meeting flesh made a clapping noise.

Rachel grabbed onto him tightly as she started to convulse. Her body shook and Daniel felt warmness around his penis, and a flow of liquid drenching his balls and inner thighs as multiple orgasm racked his sister. He thought that Rachel had urinated.

The erotic thought that he had made Rachel urinate in her orgasm triggered his ejaculation. He stiffened and grunted as gobs of his semen burst forth, coating the inside of his sister’s vagina. He pushed in as far as he could, unintentionally being quite rough with her. He kept spurting his incestuous sperm inside her sister’s womb. Again he felt a rush of liquid spewing out of her. He kept on fucking into her and came a second time. The floor beneath them was wet.

Finally he slowed to a standstill, holding Rachel in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder, as she calmed down, taking deep breaths. A thin sheen of sweat covered their bodies after their exertions. He tried to fuck her again but she said softly, “I’m sore Danny.”

Joined at the hip, he carried her to her bed. His phallus was hard when he pulled it out of her.

Rachel felt an emptiness as his manhood left her vagina. Placing her in the centre of her bed, he walked to her toilet and got a wet hand towel. Gently, he cleaned away their body fluids, tenderly parting her thighs and wiping, ending between the crevices of her buttocks. He cleaned himself.

Danny switched off the lights and climbed into bed with his sister, holding her in his arms as they fell into an exhausted sleep.

To be continued.

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