Forbidden View – Part 5 – Acceptance and Conclusion by laterlifestories

Forbidden View – Part 5 – Acceptance and Conclusion
by laterlifestories

* Note: This story details the actual progression, and events, Cindy went through as she pushed her own boundaries. Part-1 is mostly background detail. The erotic content starts in Part-2, and the primary sexual content is in Part-4.





If you skipped Part 1-4, here’s what happened.

In an effort to be seen as irreplaceable, Cindy began giving me videos of her daughters taken with a hidden camera pen while they changed or showered. Going further she also gave me a copy of the topless selfies Nicole had forgotten to delete from her tablet, thus encouraging me to “see” her as a horny teen whose arousal is visible in her breasts as she masturbates.

Cindy had never wanted to talk about the taboo files gave me or what I did while looking at them, but she began fearing she’d hate herself, or me, if she never confronted her actions.

Putting herself to the test she had me watch a video of Hanna showering while she sucked my cock. This taboo act made her feel like a “bad mom,” but the way I fucked her mouth, as I imagined being in Hanna’s tight pussy, left her so turned on that she actually came before the video ended.




Over the next couple of weeks Cindy would randomly comment about how much she had enjoyed giving me the blowjob that day. Just like the time she brought over Hanna’s panties and whispered a story about her in my ear, Cindy claimed it was my reaction that turned her on. In this case, she loved how I took control at the end to fuck her mouth and throat when I was about to cum. She liked making me lose control, and knowing she’d made me do that turned her on to no end.

In the months after the video and blowjob, I began receiving videos of her daughters more often. Most of the time Cindy just handed me a USB drive before she left, but every now and then she’d give me the drive early in the day. On those days she’d suck my cock or let me fuck her while I watched the latest video.

If Cindy found a pair of panties in the laundry that was heavily stained, sometimes she’d bring them over as an extra treat. She found that she enjoyed holding the panties to my face as I lusted over her daughter’s bare breasts or ass. On days she felt exceptionally taboo Cindy would place her daughter’s worn panties between our lips as we kissed. Once our kissing intensified she’d use her tongue to push her daughter’s stained crotch into my mouth so I could taste her even better. Eventually she’d place a hand to my cheek and say “look at her,” as she turned my head towards to the screen and the image of exposed teenage skin.

Because Cindy had stopped worrying about the videos she took, she started focusing on making them better.

Knowing all the videos with the hidden pen camera turned out dark prompted her to change the light fixture in the bathroom. Along with that she hung a full-length mirror on the back of the door and bought brighter light-bulbs. The true irony is that her daughters appreciated the updates and thanked her for finally doing it.

Cindy also purchased several other hidden camera devices in hopes of expanding the types of videos she could get. She placed two plastic key/clothing hooks, with embedded cameras inside, in her daughter’s room, but the area turned out to be too dark and poorly situated to get any worthwhile videos. There was also a hidden camera USB stick, but the camera died soon after purchasing. A hidden camera phone charger was purchased, but it drew more attention than Cindy was comfortable with, so it was quickly abandoned.

Of all the devices she tried, the best one was a wristwatch, with a hidden camera inside.

Cindy would take the watch off when she showered, or washed her hands, and then “forget” to put it back on. The watch had a much better camera than anything else she purchased and with the updating lighting, the bathroom videos were infinitely better quality.

Of all the videos that were given to me, four videos stand out, and I’ve masturbated to those four videos more than any videos on the internet.


VIDEO 1 – Extended View


The first video was taken as Hanna prepared to go out with friends. As Hanna took a midday shower Cindy came in to use the bathroom and left a hidden camera behind. Once Hanna’s shower was over, she dried off and went to the bathroom, without getting dressed.

During much of this video Hanna sat on the toilet looking at her phone, occasionally standing up to grab something before sitting back down. There were a few quick shots of her pussy as she stood or turned, but the real prize was the fact she remained naked, and in-frame, for nearly 20-minutes. No other video ever captured Hanna’s breasts that clearly and that long. Every time she stood up I was given a quick view of her pussy, and in most of those shots the vertical slit of her pussy was visible beneath her unshaven bush.

Youth really is an amazing thing and Hanna’s breasts stood straight out, without a hint of sag, the entire video. Anytime she stretched or arched her back her breasts were thrust forward even more, as if she was begging for them to be touched.

More than once I took screen captures from that video while she wiped, moved her hand and stretched. When those pictures are taken out of context, it isn’t hard to believe she is masturbating or cumming. Of course that wasn’t the truth, but the pictures and videos Cindy provided were all about fantasy and from those still images it was easy to fantasize about what she actually looked like during her private moments of self-pleasure.


VIDEO 2 – Bikini Be-Gone


The second stand-out video was obtained by accident and even Cindy was shocked when she captured it.

Both of Cindy’s daughters had ordered new bikinis and Cindy went to their room so they could show them off. Hanna’s top tied around her back and around her neck; whereas her bikini bottom was held on by tying strings on each hip. Nicole’s bikini was more modest, resembling a sports bra and briefs, and both pieces just needed to be pulled on

Cindy was laying on one of her daughter’s beds, pretending to use her phone so she could discreetly record the fashion show for me. The string on Hanna’s back wasn’t tied to her liking, so she turned away from her mom so she could tie it again. While she was doing that Nicole came over and quickly pulled the string around Hanna’s neck, completely undoing her top.

Hanna struggled to grab the dangling strings as she held her top up with her other hand. Cindy laughed but also asked Nicole to “go help your sister.” Instead of helping, Nicole grabbed Hanna, spun her towards her mom and pulled the bikini top out of Hanna’s hand. Stunned, Hanna stood topless facing her mom as Nicole dropped her sister’s top to the floor. Nicole laughed at her own antics while Hanna told her to “stop being stupid.”

Hanna bent over to pick her top up off the ground and as she stood back up, Nicole pulled the top out of her hands again, causing it to fall to the floor once more. Before Hanna could reach for her top a third time, Nicole pulled Hanna’s bikini bottom down. Her bottoms didn’t drop to the floor because Hanna managed to grab them, but they’d gone low enough to expose Hanna’s unshaven pussy.

Hanna started to pull her bikini bottoms back up but Nicole was determined to frustrate her sister. Instead of trying to push Hanna’s bikini bottom down again, Nicole just pulled the string on the side of her bottoms. Hanna now found herself unable to cover up as her bikini bottom was untied on one side, and her top was lying on the floor.

At that point both Nicole and Cindy were laughing as Hanna stood there, facing her mom, her only clothing being a half-tied bikini bottom, dangling from her thigh.

During this entire exchange, Cindy kept her phone pointed at her daughters. The video captured each of her daughter’s entire body, from their face to their feet. More importantly, the phone’s camera provided a high quality video of Hanna’s bare breasts and hairy pussy, which Nicole was unknowingly putting on display for me.

Eventually Hanna’s bottoms were tied and pulled back up, but so much time had elapsed that the shock of being naked had passed. Instead of reaching for her top, Hanna remained topless and facing her mother for the next 3-4 minutes, as the three girls talked. When Nicole started joking about Hanna’s bush, Cindy tried to push Nicole into proving she wasn’t secretly sporting one too. Hanna jumped on the chance to embarrass her sister by taunting, “Come on, show us what you got, prove it”, but sadly, Nicole didn’t take the bait. Soon after that exchange Hanna approached the bed to ask for help tying her top and Cindy had to stop the video, or risk being caught.

I’ll admit it, the entire exchange was bizarre, but watching Nicole strip her sister and completely put her body completely on display, was highly erotic.

By editing screen captures from this video I have been able to indulge other fantasy scenarios too. While some edits put dildos in their hands, or in the background, my favorite edits showed Hanna standing naked, and then bending over, while Nicole wore a purple strap-on over her bikini.


VIDEOS 3 & 4 – Entrance to Paradise


The final two videos on the list were very similar in theme. The stand-out difference in these two videos was that one was of Nicole and the other was of Hanna.

By the time these videos were made, Cindy had added a small stand in the bathroom which held a potted plant, magazines and a few other random items. While this stand was decorative, and offered a perceived purpose, its true intent was to provide the hidden camera a different angle, and lower view. Just like the other videos, trial and error was needed; along with a bit of luck from her unsuspecting daughters, but persistence paid off because eventually each of her daughter’s pussy became the star of their own video, with their forbidden flesh filling the screen.

All of Cindy’s hidden videos were long, typically ranging from 30-60 minutes. Due to that, I would edit the best videos, leaving me with 3 different copies:

1) Original – Unedited

2) Subject Only – Off-screen and uneventful elements removed

3) Highlight – Nude elements only

Both of these videos were ones I edited, and because of that I know that each video contained 3-4 minutes of an unobstructed, and up-close view, of each daughter’s pussy.

Yes, I do mean the videos of their pussy were up-close. This was not only because they stood near the stand the hidden-camera watch was sitting on, but also because Cindy had somehow turned the “zoom” feature on. She had no idea how she activated the zoom nor was she ever able to turn it off. The zoom being on was a blessing and a curse that we learned to live with. On one hand the zoom made it harder for the girls to stay in view of the camera, but when they did, the image was more detailed and focused on what you wanted to see.

One these particular two days, Cindy had managed to turn and angle the watch perfectly, allowing the video capture her daughters from mid-thigh to the top of their hip.

The resulting view was so clear and close I could see Hanna’s “5 o’clock shadow” and each red bump from where she’d recently shaved her pussy bare. This wasn’t the first a video confirmed the days of Hanna’s pussy being natural were over, but it was the first video to offer high-def detail of her completely hairless pussy and the contours of those supple lips.

Unlike Hanna’s video, there were no bumps around Nicole’s pussy; possibly due to the fact Nicole was no stranger to shaving. In Nicole’s video, I watched water drip from her pussy and I fixated on the inner folds that barely stuck out from between her outer lips. When Nicole bent over to let her curly red hair dangle as she dried it with a towel, I was offered up-close views of her breast from the side and a quick view of her face, removing any doubt as to who this unsuspecting female was.

Seeing each of her daughter’s pussy fill the screen like this was a dream come true, but a frontal view of their pussy, shot from below, wasn’t the only gem in these videos. For instance, while facing away from the camera, Hanna reached back to scratch her ass, which caused her ass cheeks to separate enough that her forbidden hole was brought into view. Additionally, both Nicole and Hanna wiped, touched and dried their pussies several times on video, causing their pussy lips to spread open. As their lips parted I was able to see their inner folds, clit and pathway to their vagina. Finally, in Nicole’s video, she bent over while facing away from the stand, which gave me a nice view of her pussy from between her legs, making it easy to imagine fucking her in that position.

In all my time looking at porn, I’ve never found any two pussies that were more arousing than theirs. Thanks to these 2 videos, I no longer had to rely on quick, or far away views of her daughter’s most tender flesh. Cindy had known what I’d see in those videos, yet she’d still given them to me because she wanted me to have a very detailed view of her daughter’s hairless slits, that went on for minutes, not seconds.




In time Cindy watched each of those four videos with me, sometimes blowing me, sometimes letting me fuck her as her daughter appeared naked on my screen. She accepted her role in providing taboo videos and she was turned on knowing that she was the only person in the world that could fulfill this particular fantasy for me.

At no point did I ever purchase a hidden camera device, micro SD Card, USB drive or card reader. Cindy always insisted that she would get them. She needed the videos to be a product of what she did. She was afraid that if I bought something then she might feel obligated to keep taking them, even if she wanted to stop.

When the hidden-camera wristwatch started malfunctioning Cindy thought about replacing it, but I suggested getting one of the hidden-camera smoke detectors. That device didn’t need charging, had a night vision option and offered remote-viewing capabilities, when attached to wifi. Not only did this remove all the discrete charging and file-transfer problems she had to deal with, I loved the idea of having a 24/7 bird’s eye view into Nicole and Hanna bedroom. With that device I’d been able to watch, or record, whatever happened when a boyfriend visited, April spent the night or they decided they should “love themselves” more. Sadly, the smoke detector was never purchased and the watch was never replaced.

Eventually Cindy began to ask herself, “What if he’s only staying with me because of those videos? Does he like them more than he likes me?” The answer was obviously “no”; however, once doubt crept in it was hard for her to shake it. Later she realized those doubts had been silly, but by then she’d gotten out of the habit of taking videos and she’d disposed of the hidden camera devices, out of fear they might one day be discovered.

Having pushed her doubts aside once more, whenever one of her daughters would change in the room she was in or they’d go into a dressing room together, Cindy would then seize the opportunity to take a few covert pictures or short video with her phone. Those pictures never captured more than panties, bare ass or bare breasts, but the fact she still offered me indecent views of her daughters meant she still wanted to feed the fantasy, just at a reduced rate.

In truth, Cindy didn’t need to keep recording videos to prove her devotion or willingness. She had turned a corner when it came to her acceptance of my arousal and how far she’d go to please me. Not only had she done what few mothers would even consider, she had even discovered that it was ok to be turned on by it as well.

In the months after the videos stopped, Cindy continued to surprise me as she continued down her road of sexual exploration, but those are topics for a different story. Until then, just know that it is impossible for me to ever convey how hot that time of my life was.

It’s difficult for me to even fathom there had been a time when I could be going down on a woman, and after her own orgasm she might say. “Get your laptop,” followed by, “find last week’s video of my daughter”. It’s a surreal feeling when a woman takes you into her mouth while her naked daughter is on your computer screen. How do you describe the taboo feeling of knowing a woman hopes the video of her daughter’s pussy will make you fuck her so hard that she’ll still be sore the next day? Could I ever explain what it’s like to fuck a woman in her daughter’s bed while also having that same daughter’s naked body displayed on the phone next to you?

As one final note, just because I sometimes fucked Cindy hard as a video of her daughter played, that was only because she preferred I didn’t hold back from whatever I felt. Had I ever touched, licked, or fucked Hanna or Nicole, I wouldn’t have been rough. How can I say that? Easy. More than once Cindy decided to speak, act and respond exactly how she believed Nicole or Hanna would. On those days, she gave me the chance to “practice” seducing, pleasing and fucking the daughter whose exposed body filled the screen beside me.

Cindy knew that I’d never actually “touch” her daughters or pursue them sexually, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t do her best to let my senses believe I was. So, while some people will role-play or offer a fantasy like this lip-service, Cindy went through a phase in which she believed, “a picture is worth a thousand words”. On the days “a thousand words” wasn’t going far enough, she’d produce two pairs of recently stained panties, one from Hanna, the other from Nicole. One pair would be placed directly over pussy as I licked her, the other pair would separate our tongues while we fucked. And yet, that wasn’t Cindy’s most taboo act.

Within the realm of fetishes and taboos involving her daughters, the thing I considered the most extreme involved Hanna. However, that requires its own story.

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