Forced to have sex with my daughter

Forced to have sex with my daughter

My name is Roger Wilkins. I’m a 58 yr old entertainment lawyer. I make seven figures a year and live the good life. My wife is 24 and sexier than any bikini model you can think of. I have one daughter from my first marriage. Her name is Sheena and She is 17 and gorgeous. I know as her father I shouldn’t even be noticing these things, let alone talking about them but the girl has the finest set of tits I’ve ever seen. She’s about 5’6, has long, silky blond hair and a face that should be on the movie screen. She is lean with perfect curves, and her legs would make the sexiest runway model jealous. But her tits, oh man, they have to be at least D cups and despite their size they are firm and high. I spent many a cold shower after seeing her strut around in her bikini.

My life was perfect until last May. On May 22nd my I came home to fine a note on my desk. It said they had kidnapped my daughter and if I wanted her back I was to call the number listed. If I involved the cops they would kill her. So I called. They informed me that I was to go to a specified address with 5 million dollars and all would be explained. I did that. When I arrived I was let in by a man in a mask. I was overpowered, tied up and set in a chair facing a bed. The man removed his mask and assured me that since I cooperated and brought the 5 million dollars, myself and my daughter would be fine. He said he and his partner had to have some insurance that I wouldnt call the cops when the exchange was over.

The door opened and another man pushed my daughter into the room. She was naked and crying. I know my first concern should have been her safety, and Im not proud of this, but my first thought was how perfect her body was. I felt my cock stir and had to close my eyes and force myself to think of something else to keep from getting a hard on for my own daughter. The first man walked over to my daughter who had her hands tied behind her back. He cupped her perfect tits and rubbed her nipples with his thumbs. He said, “Have you ever felt your little girls tits? They are nice and firm. Heavy. Makes me want to suck them.” Then he lowered his head and did just that. I didnt want to watch but couldnt help myself. Sheena stood with her eyes closed, crying. The mans hand moved down her body, over her mound, which was shaved clean. His hand slipped between her legs and began rubbing her. I couldnt tear my eyes away. I was tied in a chair watching some thug suck my daughters tits and playing with her pussy. It should have sickened me but it didnt. It excited me. On one hand I was glad my pants were on the tight side because it concealed my hardened cock. On the other hand it was a bit painful.

The man lifted his head and looked at me but continued fingering my daughters pussy. She was whimpering. I wasnt sure if it was fear or if her whimpers were because it felt good to her. I hated myself for even thinking that. “Im sure your little girls body hasnt escaped your notice Pops. Her pussy feels like velvet and she’s so tight too. In fact my dick is so hard from just fingering her that I need to release it.” He unzipped his pants and let his cock spring free. He stroked it while he spoke. “Mmm Pops, can you blame me for being hard? She’s exquisite. In fact she’s so exquisite I need to fuck her. So if you will excuse me for a min or so Im just gonna shove my cock in your baby girls tight little pussy and unload inside her.”

He took Sheena from the man holding on to her and pushed her onto the bed. He rolled her onto her stomach and positioned her, legs apart. “Keep your eyes open Pops, you know you want to see this.” Sheena was crying louder now. The man moved between her legs and pushed himself inside her. I had no idea if she was a virgin or not. Im guessing not since she just cried but not in pain. I didnt want to look but I couldnt help it. I watched the man thrusting his cock in and out of her pussy. “Hey Pops, I cant begin to describe how great this feels. Im gonna cum in no time. She’s so tight and warm. Oh yeah baby, young pussy always feels so good. Mmmmmmmm.” Sheena was sobbing. The man was grunting as he fucked her and the other one had exposed his own cock and was jerking off watching the other man fuck my daughter. Shameful as it is, I was wishing I could do the same.”

The man fucking Sheena let out a growl and his face contorted as he came inside her. “Mmm, yeah baby. That was nice.” He slapped her on the ass. He turned to the other man. “You want to finish off here?” The other man didnt speak, he just stepped between her open legs and pushed his cock inside her. He fucked her for about a minute before he gave a hard thrust and ground himself against her and came. He pulled out. Both men left their now limp cocks hanging outside their zippers.

The man in charge walked over to me. “Sorry you had to witness that but Im guessing maybe you arent.” He cupped my encased, hard cock over my pants. “I bet that is getting painful isnt it?” He said to me. I said nothing. He opened my zipper and reached into my pants and pulled my rock hard cock out. For a moment I thought maybe he was going to jerk me off or even suck me. Im not a gay man but at that moment, while I may have protested, I would have welcomed it. He didnt do either of those things. He told me about the insurance. “Just as I suspected. You are all excited. I cant blame you, first you get a nice look at your little girls luscious body, those big ole titties and her bare, tight, pussy. That was probably enough to get you all hot and bothered. Dont be upset by that, its only natural when you see such a sexy young thing. But them watching me and my buddy here fuck her. Id bet money you were wishing it was you giving her your cock.”

I cant deny that he spoke the truth.

“Now” he said, “Youve seen our faces. So short of killing both of you, there is no real way to complete our deal without fear of you going to the police. You may not believe this but we didnt intend to fuck your daughter. Honestly. But once we got her here and seen how sexy she was, well, we couldnt help ourselves. What you just seen was just a taste of what we’ve been doing to her. I mean, come on, if you were a criminal with no morals could you have passed that pussy up? Of course not, so dont judge us for being normal, warm blooded men.”

“Here, lets stand you up” he said. He and the other man stood me up. As the other one started removing my pants, the one in charge began talking. “So about that insurance we talked about. You probably think we are getting the better part of this deal. We got the money and fucked, licked and sucked every inch of that fine little girl of yours. Well, that is true but you arent leaving here a loser my friend. Oh no. Now while my friend here gets sexy little Sheena ready, Im going to tell you whats about to happen.”

My eyes shifted to the bed where the other man was tying Sheena spread eagle on the bed. The leader continued. “What your going to do, is probably something you will balk at but inside you will be dancing with joy at gettng the chance to do what you never dreamed you would. You, you lucky sonofabitch, are going to have sex with your very own daughter.” I backed up a step. So many things going thru my mind.

No, I cant do that! Its so very wrong. On the other hand, I was so horny maybe a small part of me was excited they would force me to do that.

“You see, you are going to get naked and have yourself a good time. Youre going to get in there and lick that juicy, sweet pussy, youre going to suck those big titties and finally you are going to put this big, hard cock into her tight pussy and experience the best fuck ever. And while you do that, my buddy here is going to film it. That way if you ever go to the cops, we release the video and you are ruined and your daughter will be the slut that fucked her daddy. Sounds good huh? Did I mention that if you dont do everything I direct you to do, Id shoot her? Id fuck her again first and let my buddy have another shot, but then Id shoot her and along with her, your one and only chance to get a piece of that pussy will be dead.”

I was sweating. What he said repulsed me and at the same time, I didnt think it was possible for my cock to get harder but it did. “Do you understand? Tell me you do and Ill untie you so you can really enjoy her.”

I nodded my head. “I understand, jsut dont hurt her.”

“Good!” He untied my hands. “Take off your shirt and climb onto the bed. I want you to straddle her head and put your cock in her mouth.”

As I did what he said, he talked to Sheena. “Alright Sheena, open your eyes and look at your daddy. Look how hard his cock is and its all because of you. Did you think you could turn you daddy on that much?” Sheena opened her eyes and looked her my cock hovering over her face.

“Now daddy, use your hand and guide your cock into her mouth. Sheen you open up for daddy. If you dont do what I tell you, next time I fuck you it will in your ass. You want my big ole cock in your ass? Then do as your told.” What is wrong with me? Hearing this thug talk about fucking her ass excited me.

Sheena’s lips parted. I pushed my cock into her mouth. “Now say ‘suck daddies dick baby’ and Sheena you do it. I wanna see you sucking that big cock. I know you can, you sucked mine.”

Sheena did as the man said. I looked down at my own daughter sucking on my dick. Oh shit, it felt so fucking good, but I had to control myself.

“Pops, put your hands on the headboard and start fucking her mouth, and watch it it go in and out”

I did as he said. It felt so good I tried closing my eyes and pretending it wasnt her but something made me open them. I seen her face, I knew it was my daughter. Her eyes met mine and to my surprise, I didnt see revulsion in them. I couldnt be sure but I wondered if there was a chance she was enjoying sucking my cock a little. The thought excited me. I forgot the circumstances and lost myself in the deliciousness of the blow job. I heard a moan and realized it was me. I slowly thrust my hips, sliding my cock in and out of her beautiful mouth. Id forgotten there was a man with a gun watching us with his own cock growing hard.

“Feels great dont it Pops? Just go with it, enjoy having your cock in your daughters mouth” he said to me. I did just that, untill he ordered me to stop, bring me back to reality. “Thats enough of that, I dont want you cumming yet and Im pretty sure you dont either. Now make your way down her body and suck on those titties for a bit.

I did as ordered. I took one nipple in my mouth and sucked on it, then moved to the other. Without even being told, my hands cupped them and fondled them. I glanced up and Sheena’s eyes were closed and her tongue flicked out and licked her lips. I think she was enjoying it too. I couldnt help but think how different it was from my new wife who’s tits were rather small. I was pulled from my thoughts by the command to stop.

“Enough of that. Now lick your way down to her pussy and eat it like a starving man.” The man knew I didnt need to be told twice. Id forgotten about the threat and the gun, I was consumed with enjoying my daughters body. I couldnt get to that pussy fast enough. I slithered down and started licking her. My tongue plowed thru her pussy lips, lapping at her. I heard a moan and this time it wasnt me, it was Sheena. It felt good to her. That just encouraged me. I found her clit and flicked it with my tongue before sucking it into my mouth. Sheena’s hips jutted up at me. I held her lips apart and went to work. Soon her moans because pants and gasps and pleas of “yes daddy, dont stop” “yes daddy, yes daddy!” She was thrusting up at me begging me to make her cum. It wasnt long till she was crying out and writhing on the bed. As I continued to lick at her, she came, flooding my face with her pussy juices.

The man didnt need to tell me what to do anymore, any pretense of not wanting this was long gone. She had come and was panting now. I got up on my knees and pressed my cock head against her opening. I wavered between wanting to slam into her and wanting to savor that first stroke. I chose to savor. I slowly pushed into her, sinking my cock into her pussy all the way to my balls. I stayed that way for a moment just enjoying the hot tightness of my daughters pussy. I gave her a couple long slow strokes, reveling in how good it felt.

Sheena couldnt believe how good her daddy’s tongue and lips had made her feel. She’s come harder on her fathers face than she ever had with her boyfriend. Now she watched as her daddy slowly plunged his big, hard cock in and out of her pussy. She was scared when the men took her, she cried the whole time they were fucking her all afternoon. She couldnt deny that the things they did to her felt good but she was being raped and you werent supposed to enjoy that. When they marched her into the room and seen her daddy sitting there she was mortified that he was seeing her naked. Having the men fuck her in front of him was terrible and by the time they stopped she was all cried out. When she heard the men talking about how her daddy had gotten hard after seeing her naked she was embarrassed for him. She knew men couldnt help it. Hearing the man say he was going to force her daddy to have sex with her made her want to die on the spot. That was disgusting. When she was forced to suck her daddies dick, things changed. Being naughty always turned her on, giving her boyfriend a blowjob behind the bush in her back yard was a turn on, fucking in the bathroom at the park was exciting. But sucking on her daddies big cock was something else. At first she wanted to cry but then she started to enjoy it. It was so wrong but daddy was so big and hard that she coudlnt help feeling a little excited by it. When she heard her daddy moaning with pleasure because she was sucking his cock, she forgot all bout it being wrong and stared enjoying it. When he started licking her pussy, she gave in completely and got into it. Her boyfriend had licked her pussy before but not like daddy did it. She couldnt stop the orgasm that took over her body as he ate her pussy. Now his big cock was sinking into her pussy and she was loving it. She didnt care anymore. She begged him for it.

“Fuck me daddy! Fuck me harder! Give me that cock!” Hearing my daughter beg me to fuck her was driving me to the edge. I picked up the pace and started fucking her faster and harder. I was grunting and growling and she was moaning. We fucked for what seemed like a long time. She squealed and her body bucked and another orgasm took hold of her. I rode it out,”yeah baby, come for daddy!” I growled. When she calmed down I ask, “You want me to cum in your pussy or in your mouth?” I asked her. Between pants she said, “come in my pussy daddy, give me your cum!”

I did just that. I let out a howl and my balls emptied into her pussy. I slipped out of her and collapsed next to her. The man turned off his camera and both of them stood over her and jerked their cocks till their cum puddled on her tits. I didnt know what to do. I just lie there. When the men had come and put their dicks away. They gathered their stuff. Before leaving, the leader stood by me and said, “We’re going to be on our way now. Remember, no cops or this video gets shared with all the world. You may have started out because you were being forced but by the time you pulled your dick out of her mouth you didnt need any encouragement from me. You both had a good time. Dont think of this as a crime. Just think of it as a small price to pay for terrific sex. Now you can continue fucking your daughter and know that its what she wants too. Think about it, 5 million is a small price to pay for the years to come of pleasure you will both be getting from each other.”

The two men left. I got up and untied my daughter. We sat on the bed not saying anything. Finally my daughter spoke. “He’s right ya know. Its no use lying now. We both enjoyed that. Maybe not at first but by the end. There’s no reason we cant keep doing it.” My heart swelled. Sweeter words were never spoken. To show her I agreed, I pushed her back and dove between her legs again. I ate pussy till once more she screamed out in pleasure. She sat on my lap and guided my once more hard cock into her dripping pussy. She rode my cock while I liked and sucked at her tits. It didnt take long for me to cum again. Not like last time but it still felt incredible. We showered together and I fingered her to yet another orgasm before we dressed and went home. That was last May. We’ve been fucking ever since. I cant get enough of that pussy and she cant get enough of my cock.

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Forced to have sex with my daughter

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