Futa Daughter’s Naughty Temptation 3: Futa-Mommy’s Hot Temptation by mypenname3000

Futa Daughter’s Naughty Temptation 3: Futa-Mommy’s Hot Temptation
by mypenname3000

Futa Daughter’s Naughty Temptation

Chapter Three: Futa-Mommy’s Hot Temptation

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2020

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this!

Spice the Futa-Demon watched Sky Marlow step out of her house, her big dick tenting the front of her hastily donned Sunday dress. She was out on the prowl. Out to fuck MILFs. It was an acronym that so excited Spice.

Mother I’d Love to Fuck.


The concept alone had the futa-demon throbbing. She wanted Sky to fuck them all. To ram that girl-dick into each and every one of them and spurt that fertile seed. The mother tried to stop Sky, but no woman could ever be enough for that wild slut.

You’re going to make me proud, Sky, Spice thought. Go fuck the shit out of Mrs. Spencer!


Madeline Marlow

I stared at the angel’s reflection in the entertainment system. Her wings flapped and her body rose. I caught a flash of small breasts and a smooth belly then there was a cock. She was furiously fisting it. The angel pounded her girl-dick.

“You’re a futa?” I gasped.

It’s the only way, she spoke in my voice though she sounded just like me. Get ready. Open your mouth.

I did.

The angel’s futa-cum burst out of the glass and splashed hot into my mouth. My naked body shuddered. My asshole, brimming with my futa-daughter’s cum, clenched. The nineteen-year-old girl had grown a futa-dick at church. She wanted to fuck me and every other MILF she could.

I had already fallen into the sin of her clit-dick, but the church wives and Tiffany Spencer, the new mother across the street, still had a chance to avoid it. I would be their sacrifice, focusing all my daughter’s attention on my body.

I had failed. I had come so hard from being ass-fucked by Sky that I had fallen into a stupor. Sky had escaped me before I realized it. Now this angel splashed me in her girl-cum. It tasted so salty good. I moaned like a slut.

I had changed so much thanks to my daughter’s cock. I had to have that cock all to myself. So how would this cum change me…

Something burned down in my pussy. I grasped and shot my gaze down. Futa-cum dripped off my face and splashed on my boobs. Past those swinging mounds something pale and fleshy thrust from my crotch.

A cock.

My jaw dropped.

Oh, enjoy! the angel cheered in my mind. Please use it to keep Sky in line. You can do it. I believe in you! Keep her from ruining all those marriages and turning MILFs into sluts like you.

I blushed for a moment. I was a slut, but…

I had a cock. I could fuck my daughter now. I could slide into her pussy. This had to keep her attention wholly on me. How could she resist this big dick thrusting from my crotch? She couldn’t. She had to fall to her knees and love her mommy. Just suck on my big dick and make me explode.

This wave of horny lust washed through me as those wild thoughts filled my mind. I groaned at how amazing this would be. I hopped to my feet. I had to stop her. She was already heading across the street.

I had to be in time.

I darted for the front door, new cock and big boobs heaving before me. Futa-cum dripped off my face. I reached the door and wrenched it open. I stared out at the street, my tits heaving. I was naked. I couldn’t run out there.

Sky was already heading up the walkway to the front door of the Spencers. I had to stop her. I drew in a deep breath and howled, “Come home so Mommy can fuck you with her big dick!”

My daughter froze. Her blonde hair swayed about her back. She hadn’t zipped up her Sunday dress, just wore it with the back open. She spun around,the gown slipping off her shoulders and almost exposing her tits.

Nearby, a lawnmower roared to life.

“You don’t have a cock!” Sky shouted back.

“Sure I do!” I stepped out onto the porch. Someone would see me. Had to see me. This was insane. I grabbed my cock and shook it at her. “Come home so Mommy can fuck you with her big dick!” These words were so naughty. My cunt clenched.

Sky drifted down the walkway back towards the sidewalk. Towards me. She reached it and stared across the street. She cupped her hand over her eyes, shading them from the glare. Then she gasped. She darted out into the road.

“Holy fucking shit, Mommy!” she cried as she sprinted across the street and then raced onto the lawn, not even following the more meandering path of flagstones. “You… You… Did that demon-girl give it to you?”


“That bitch didn’t mention you were getting a girl-dick,” Sky said. “Oh, my god, that’s gorgeous.” She stopped right at the porch. “My mom has a mommy-cock. Do you know how hot that is?”

“Yes,” I groaned. “Because you have a daughter-dick. And… and… I love it. In my mouth, pussy, or even my asshole.”

Sky giggled. “You certainly proved that.”

The lawnmower roared louder. To my right, Ron Pumpernick stepped into view, pushing his red mower forward, watching what he was doing and not noticing that I was naked and had a girl-dick. He turned away and then headed back out of sight.

“Well,” I said, stepping back into the house, shaking my girl-dick at my daughter. Her eyes followed it, flicking up and down. “Come and enjoy Mommy’s girl-dick.”

She licked her lips and stumbled after me.

I shuddered, I had the perfect temptation for my daughter. A way to keep her in line. She didn’t need to go out and fuck MILFs. I would do it all for her. Let her fuck me and then fuck her right back. I had it all.

She groaned as I retreated back to the stairs. She trailed after, leaving the front door open. Drool spilled down her chin. She salivated for my dick, her green eyes locked on it with such intensity. This was insane and hot all at the same time.

I backed up the stairs. My daughter followed. She panted, stumbling after me. She darted her head in and sucked on my cock for a moment before I stepped backward and rose onto the next riser. She whimpered.

“God, that dick is gorgeous,” she moaned. “Natalie is going to blow a gasket when she hears.”

I shuddered. Natalie was the slut who had led my daughter into all manner of immoral sin. She had to be the one who corrupted Sky into being a whore. That girl should pay for what she did to my sweet Sky. But now wasn’t the time.

I kept backing up and up. I hit the top of the stairs and went right. Sky scampered after, almost hypnotized by my mommy-dick. I remembered that same feeling when I had caught her masturbating. I couldn’t take my eyes off her girl-dick.

Was it any shock that I had fallen to my knees and then sucked that big girl-dick into my mouth. I had nursed on her with such hunger. It was amazing. Something that I would always remember. Now Sky would make that same memory with me.

I stepped into my bedroom. She followed after, absently shrugging out of her dress. She let it drop down her body. Her small breasts appeared. Those cute, little mounds that had me salivating, too. I licked my lips, my cunt clenching.

Then my daughter fell to her knees before me. She grabbed my futa-cock. She gripped me and leaned in. “Mommy-dick!”

With a squeal of delight, she sucked me hard into her mouth. I gasped at the hot suction that now engulfed the tip of my girl-dick. It was incredible. Something profound and amazing. My pussy clenched as my daughter nursed.

It was like having my nipple sucked, but far, far more intense. I gasped at the pleasure that flowed down my cock to my pussy. Then it reached up inside of me to these two hard points. They brimmed with something.

With your cum! I thought. Only I knew that was the angel. Your ovaries produce semen and eggs now. Isn’t that wonderful?

“Yes,” I groaned. “That is wonderful.”

Sky moaned, clearly thinking I was talking to her. She sucked even harder on my dick. I stared down at her, angel-cum dripping down my face. It felt so naughty on my skin. I shuddered and swiped it up. I popped it into my mouth.

I savored that wonderful flavor. I groaned, my tongue swirling the jizz around through my mouth. It was incredible to taste this jizz while Sky blew me. I shuddered, savoring having her suck on my dick while swiping up more of the cum off my face.

“Oh, Sky, you’re being such a good girl now,” I moaned between sucking jizz off my digits. “Mmm, you’re just loving your Mommy’s cock with all your passion.”

She nodded and moaned between her suckles.

The pressure in my ovaries grew and grew. I must be coming closer and closer to cumming with it. This was such a heady experience. Unlike anything else I had ever experienced. I groaned, my cunt clenching from the force of my daughter’s sucking.

I swiped up another line of cum off my face and popped the angel-jizz into my mouth. I groaned at the salty flavor spilling over my taste buds. My cunt clenched, this heat washing over me. It was incredible to experience.

I bit my lower lip and groaned at Sky’s naughty sucking.

Then she did something really wicked.

She cupped my pussy and thrust two fingers into my cunt. My eyes widened as I felt my daughter’s digits slide into my twat. She filled me up while nursing on my dick. I groaned, savoring this wonderful delight. My hips wiggled back and forth. The heat swelled and swelled in me. My cunt was on fire. I groaned, the heat rippling through my body.

She sucked on my clit-dick and fingered my twat. Two different sensations rippled through me. No one should ever experience this, but I was. I groaned, my big boobs shaking as the digits probing my pussy only swelled my orgasm faster.

“Sky!” I moaned, my cunt clenching down on her digits. “Oh, Sky, that’s amazing.”

She whimpered as she stared up at me. Her fingers curled. She slid them along the top of my pussy like she was searching for something. She rubbed and caressed my hot flesh, sending naughty tingles through me.

Then she brushed one spot.

“Oh, my Lord!” I gasped as my entire body spasmed.

Something wicked gleamed in her green eyes. She massaged it. Pleasure burst from that spot and rippled through my pussy, bathing my ovaries. Then the bliss rushed to the tip of my cock. There, it added to the swelling pressure.

“Oh, Lord, Sky!” I whimpered, my big boobs shaking. “This… You… I’m going to cum!”

I erupted.

My pussy went wild about her digits massaging that special spot. My futa-cock exploded. Hot cum jetted out of me. I gasped with each blast as I flooded my daughter’s mouth. She gulped it down, moaning as the ecstasy hammered my mind.

An intense, focused burst of pleasure fired from my cock every time I erupted. It was so different from the other orgasms my daughter had given me today. While intense, those had been gentler. Waves rippling out of my pussy instead exploding from my futa-dick.

Those waves were there, almost drowned out by the bliss from my cock.

“Oh, that’s so good!” I howled, stars bursting across my vision.

Sky pumped her digits in and out of my cunt while she gulped down my jizz. She sucked it out of my futa-cock with such hunger. I swayed there, my hair rustling down my back. I groaned, shocked by how good this felt.

How much I wanted to float. This was incredible. I swayed in place. My heart pounded in my chest. It was amazing to experience. Just something awesome. My futa-dick fired one last blast of cum into Sky’s mouth while I swayed from the intensity of my orgasm.

Then I stumbled back. My futa-dick popped out of her mouth, her digits sliding out of my cunt. I hit my bed and fell onto it. I bounced on the mattress. My futa-cock smacked into my belly. I groaned, my body trembling.

“Oh, Lord, what did you do to me, Sky?” I whimpered.

“Found your G-spot, Mommy,” she cooed, standing up. She had such a slender form. Small breasts that hardly jiggled, her futa-dick thrusting from the shaved folds of her girlish twat. She slid her fingers into her mouth, sucking off my juices.

I thought the G-spot was a myth. Almost like feminine orgasms. I had never experience either until today.

“Mmm, you came hard,” Sky purred after sliding her fingers out of her mouth. “So wonderfully hard. I couldn’t believe it. You practically drowned me, Mom. That was fucking awesome.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it,” I groaned.

“Mmm, I am going to enjoy you,” she said and crawled onto that bed. “Your dick is huge. I don’t think I’ve taken a dildo that big. Natalie doesn’t have any this size.”

“Natalie,” I muttered.

“Why don’t you like Natalie? She’s awesome?”

“She corrupted you,” I said. Then I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. Just let Mommy love you with her big futa-dick.”

“Mmm, yes,” Sky groaned. “But I’m going to love your big dick with my tight cunt, Mommy. I have to have this huge girl-cock in me.” My daughter shuddered, her blonde hair spilling around her face. “You have no idea how wet I am for your mommy-dick.”

“Oh, I have an idea,” I groaned.

She giggled. “Mmm, yes, I bet you do. Such a naughty Mommy. You’ve done so many wicked things today, haven’t you?”


She grinned and straddled me. She gripped my futa-dick, her own thrusting out over me. I gasped, realizing she was going to ride me. This was called cowgirl, right? I shuddered as she held my cock upright and lowered herself towards it.

She groaned as her pussy nuzzled into the tip of my dick. Her hot flesh spread and spread over the crown of my futa-cock. I gasped at the sensual embrace of my daughter’s cunt. No mother should ever feel this wicked delight.

But I did.

I was a futa-mommy.

“Mmm, look at you grinning,” Sky cooed as her cunt swallowed inch after inch of my dick. “Looking so proud of yourself.”

“I am,” I moaned as she engulfed my cock. Pleasure I had never experienced, far more intense than her blowjob, rushed down my cock to my twat. I squirmed on my bed as she bottomed out on me. “I get to feel your pussy around my futa-dick.”

“Yes, you do, Mommy,” she said, holding onto her own futa-cock. She wagged it at me, precum spilling from the tip and splattering my breasts.

I shuddered as she then slid back up my cock. I groaned, my back arching at the silky embrace of her pussy. She squeezed about me, teasing me. I groaned, loving every second of her snatch wrapped around my clit-dick.

She worked her pussy up and down my shaft. She massaged me. It was intense. Amazing. I trembled through the bliss. My eyes squeezed shut as I enjoyed every second of this amazing cunt working up and down my cock.

“Yes, yes, yes!” I moaned. “Oh, that’s good. Oh, Sky!”

“Mmm, Mommy!” she purred and slammed down my cock.

That silky twat massaged the tip. The spongy crown drank in the friction of her juicy walls. I groaned at how great it felt. How amazing this was. My brow furrowed. The pleasure rippled through me. This was intense and amazing.

I loved it. My cunt celebrated every last second of her pussy working up and down my shaft. My big boobs jiggled while my daughter gripped her own cock, holding it but not stroking it. That seemed like such a shame.

I shuddered, realizing how depraved I had become.

I grabbed Sky’s clit-dick and stroked up and down her shaft. I rubbed the spongy crown. She gasped, her cunt tightening on my cock. That swelled the pleasure flowing down to my pussy. My toes curled and I stroked her faster.

“Oh, Mommy, yes!” she groaned. “Stroke my big dick while I ride your cock. Isn’t that hot.”

“Uh-huh!” I moaned, savoring the friction of her twat sliding up and own my cock. “Ooh, I’m going to cum in you!”

“Yes!” she hissed. Then she stroked herself, knocking my hand from her shaft. I let her have it as she groaned, “I want your mommy-cum to flood my pussy!”

I had her. This cock gave just so much temptation. She would never need another MILF. Just her sexy futa-mommy. Such a big grin spread on my lips while I watched her hand stroke up and down her girl-cock. She fisted herself faster and faster.

She moaned, her precum soaking my palm and lubing my hand to piston away at her. She rode me, her little titties hardly quivering. Her hot cunt clenched me while her face twisted in pleasure. Every time she reached the pinnacle of my cock, she plunged down it.

What a rush.

“Yes!” I gasped, my heart pounding in my chest. “That’s so good. Oh, my Lord, Sky! You’re going to get a pussy full of mommy-cum!”

“Yes, yes, yes!” she moaned as she bounced up and down my cock. “Oh, Mommy, you know I want that so much. I want your cum in me. I want to drip with all that jizz. It’s going to be so fucking incredible!”

Her cunt slammed down my dick. I gasped at how amazing that felt. This wonderful, hot, tight, sucking pussy that then slid back up me. My ovaries brimmed with that release. I had to explode into her. I had to baste my daughter’s pussy with all my seed.

Then I had to lick her clean.

That idea blazed in my mind. I had to enjoy every bit of my daughter’s body. I had to show her I was the only one she needed. I shuddered as she slammed her cunt down my cock again and again. My big boobs jiggled. She stroked her clit-dick. She fisted herself over and over again, this wild look in her eyes.

“That’s right,” I groaned. “That’s so good, Sky. You’re going to make your mommy cum. Then I’m going to lick you clean!”

“Holy fuck, yes, Mommy!” she gasped and slammed her pussy down my cock. Every inch of her cunt engulfed my cock while her hand pumped with furious strokes right at the tip of her dick. Her head threw back. “Yes!”

Hot cum erupted from her clit-dick. It splashed across my heaving boobs and struck my lips. Her pussy rippled around my cock. I gasped at the sucking delight of her cunt. My twat clenched as the pleasure radiated down my shaft.

“Mommy!” she squealed, her dick spurting again and again, painting my tits in her cum. “Yes!”

“Sky!” I groaned, my face twisting with delight. The pleasure swelled in me. I groaned, squirming on the bed. This was incredible. “Oh, yes, Sky!”

I erupted, too.

My pussy went wild, just like hers did around my spurting cock. The wonderful pleasure caused by my erupting futa-dick slammed through my body. I gasped as I pumped my seed into my daughter’s pussy.

I might be breeding her. I groaned, my mind burning with the heat of this moment. My toes curled, my clit-dick spurting over and over again. I basted her cunt. I pumped her full of all my jizz while she coated my tits in her futa-passion.

“Sky!” I whimpered as I shuddered through this wild moment.

“I know, Mommy!” my daughter cooed. “I fucking know. It’s so hot, isn’t it? This is just the fucking best! Fill my cunt so you can lick me clean!”

“That’s what I want, Sky!” I moaned, my mouth salivating for it.

Her futa-cock fired a final blast of cum while mine kept unloading in her. I shuddered, my jizz-splattered boobs swaying. They smacked together. The stars danced before my eyes. I groaned, savoring every moment of this wild passion.

I groaned as I hit that peak. I quivered on my bed, jizz dripping down my big boobs. My entire body buzzed with delight. I felt like just sinking into oblivion. I licked my lips, gathering up some of my daughter’s spunk that had landed on them.

“Oh, Mommy,” she panted. “Ooh, you fired so much cum into my pussy. I bet you’re so hungry for my spunk.”

“So hungry,” I groaned.

I gasped as she slid off of my dick. My toes curled and pussy clenched. I whimpered at the stimulation of her sloppy cunt on my aching girl-cock. Then I flopped out. My dick smacked wetly into my belly.

She purred in delight as she moved over to sit on my face. I just lay there and let her throw a leg over my head. I stared up at her shaved twat. My cum dribbled out. A drop fell down and splashed on the bridge of my nose. It ran across my cheek.

Then her pussy planted on my mouth and my salty cum poured into my mouth. For a moment, I just lapped up my salty jizz flavored by her tangy cunt. This was a new delight. I shuddered, loving it. I lay there as the flood slowed to a trickle.

“You got to lick Mommy!” she moaned, squirming on me.

“Sorry, your mommy was just reveling in the delight of having your cunt on my face.”

“I know,” she cooed. “It’s hot, but I need that tongue lapping at me.” Her hands grabbed my tits, smearing her jizz over them. “Mmm, and look at the mess I made. This is so hot.”

I agreed and licked at my daughter’s pussy for the second time.

This time, I gathered my own jizz out of her. I licked the spunk out of her while she kneaded my tits. She rubbed my cum into my boobs like it were a moisturizing lotion. I loved the feel, my cunt clenching, this heat rippling through my body.

My tongue thrust into her twat. I swirled around in her, loving the way she shuddered. She squirmed on my face, grinding her bald muff across my hungry mouth. I loved the taste of her. This was incredible.

“Oh, Mommy!” she purred. “Will you look at this.”

She squeezed my tits around a fleshy shaft. It took me a moment to realize it was her clit-dick. I shuddered as she rubbed my boobs up and down her cock as I licked at her pussy. I caressed her twat, gathering out more of my cum.

“I can enjoy a titty fuck from your magnificent boobs and have my pussy licked. God, being a dickgirl is amazing.”

“I bet,” I groaned, my clit-dick throbbing.

“This feels great,” she said, working my boobs up and down her dick. She used them to form a sheath and pleasure herself.

I thrust my tongue into her cunt. She moaned, her pussy clenching around my tongue. I shuddered and licked at her while she enjoyed my breasts. I groaned, my boobs bursting with delight. The pressure of her hand squeezing them around her cock made my clit-dick ache more and more.

I wanted her to do something to them, but she just focused on pleasuring her own cock as I scooped my cum out of her tangy twat. Well, I was here to distract her. To tempt her. If she wanted to enjoy my tits and leave me frustrated, I could endure.

“Oh, Mommy, this feels incredible,” she groaned. “Having your tongue lapping at my cunt while I enjoy your big boobs. Fuck, MILFs are hot. I’m going to cum hard.”

“Good, Sky,” I moaned. “Enjoy Mommy however you want.”

“I am!”

She squeezed my tits tighter together. She worked them faster, her own cum keeping the boob tube nice and slick. She moaned, squirming on my mouth. She rubbed her shaved vulva across my lips and brushing my nose. I licked at her.

I stared at her butt as I did. Her back arched. She moaned, her asscheeks clenching together. I thrust my tongue deeper into her cunt, wanting to get out every drop of my futa-cum out of her as I could.

I wiggled around, the salty flavor dwindling. But I still had her tangy pussy to enjoy. Her cream spilled down my tongue. Every so often, I gulped down her ambrosia, loving the taste. I had become a slut so fast.

“Oh, Mommy, yes!” she moaned, her butt-clenching. “Ooh, I’m going to cum hard doing this. This is hot.”

“I’m glad you love Mommy’s boobs!”

“I fucking do!” She ground her cunt hard on my lips. “Fuck, Mom, get that tongue in me. I’m going to explode hard.”

I purred in delight and swirled my tongue through her hot cunt. She worked my tits up and down her futa-cock faster and faster. I loved the wet glide, my pussy drinking in the sensations. My futa-cock twitched and ached.

I was so eager to fuck her again. Or to be fucked by her. I really didn’t care, just so long as I could enjoy myself again. I was lost to this sin. But it was okay. A futa-angel gave me this clit-dick to tempt my daughter.

I was doing the Lord’s work.

“Oh, fuck, Mom!” groaned Sky.

Her tangy juices swelled in intensity. Oh, yes, this was the Lord’s delicious work.

I fluttered my tongue up and down her folds. Her moans hit a feverish peak. Her butt-cheeks clenched tight. She pumped my tits up and down just the crown of her cock, stimulating that most sensitive part.

“Oh, shit, yes!” she gasped.

Tangy pussy cream gushed into my mouth.

Hot cum fired down my body. The stream splashed my cock thrusting out and over my belly. I shuddered at the thick splashes of cum that struck my shaft. My pussy clenched while I drank down the delight gushing out of her pussy.

She trembled through her orgasm, her futa-cock pulsing between my tits. I whimpered, loving the fact that I had pleasured my daughter. It was such a rush. Such a thrill. I loved every moment of this. I gulped down all her cream.

“Oh, fuck, Mommy!” she groaned, squirming. The last blast of her cum splashed over my belly and filled up my navel. “That was incredible.”

“It was,” I moaned as she squirmed around on me. “Mmm, what shall we do next.”

“Lots of naughty things!” Sky moaned. “Mmm, I have a few ideas. We’re going to have so much fun.”

“Lord, yes,” I purred.


Sky Marlow

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