Last Resort Ch. 3 by Eccho

Last Resort Ch. 3
by Eccho

(Also, please remember, this is a *commission*! Meaning someone paid to have their personal preferences be written. So there’s a good chance that their vision isn’t your vision! And if it’s not and you wanna go off of something else, there’s other stories on my profile. Consider giving those a read. Aight dasall.)

I wake up from my glorious dream of being surrounded by the beautiful women that turned me down yesterday. Yeah, that’s not a sign that I have issues at all. After sitting up, I immediately notice that mom’s not by me anymore. Then I start to smell something quite nice. I turn towards the dining area, seeing a breakfast plate with a note. Curious, I head over to the table and read the note.

“Didn’t wanna wake you up, so I’ll trust you can still read. There were a couple of boys that I met after that guy we saw with his daughter who wanted to meet me again. So I got you some breakfast before going to have fun. Good luck, sweetie. I love you.”

Huh. Looks like my plan worked. Call me the god of hookups. Glad to have her be reminded that she’s still blessed with startlingly good looks. Now she won’t go around thinking those things about herself anytime soon.

I eat my breakfast, take care of my hygienics, and head out to have some fun of my own. And considering it’s the place that opens the earliest, I head to the pool, testing my luck there. Once I make it there, I not only discover that I was right to do so, but I’m also lucky enough to spot twin redheaded sisters looking a little too flirty for any chances of platonic play time to take place. They must’ve had the same idea that I did, thinking that it’d be too early for anyone to catch them. And they were mostly right. But now they have an audience.

My show starts with them quietly chatting while lightly touching and groping each other. I’m too far to catch onto anything being said, but it looks like they’re just complimenting each other and giggling. One of them then pushes the other’s hair out of her face before leaning in and planting a few kisses on the other’s lips. It then escalates to deep passionate kissing with the initiating sister cupping the other’s face and lightly grinding on her.

Fuck, this is so hot. What I would give to be in there and join them. But as I’m enjoying the display of sisterly love, they break the kiss with the receiving sister saying something. I have my suspicions of what they’re talking about and I just hope that they aren’t correct. And my hopes are crushed as the other sister turns to the doors, staring right at me. Fuck.

But she doesn’t look upset. In fact, neither of them do. They almost look…happy that I found them like this. That’s a good sign, I guess. Before I question it any further, the receiving sister beckons me over with her finger. I obey her subliminal plan, walking inside and heading over to them.

“Don’t you know it’s rude to just watch people without permission, you pervert?” one of them asks with a coy smirk,

“I can’t help it,” I reply, “It’s human nature to stop and stare at something so, so goddamn sexy.”

They chuckle at my comment before the other one says,

“Well, since you like staring so much, how about this?”

They then get out of the pool and dry off before collecting their belongings and saying,

“Close your eyes.”

Uh, alright. I do as instructed, closing my eyes before they take extra precaution and blindfold me. That’s always fun. I’m then lead out of the pool area, left with only my imagination as to how much fun we’re gonna have.

After a while of traveling, we stop in front of their room as one of them pulls out their key and unlocks the door. They then lead me inside before sitting me down on an armchair. Then this becomes even more interesting as I hear and feel handcuffs being applied to my wrists and the armrests.

“So here’s what’s gonna happen, you perv~,” one of them whispers in my left ear, “You’re gonna sit here and watch while we have sex right in front of you on the bed~.”

“And if you get hard~,” the other says in my right, “You don’t get to join~. You’re gonna sit there for the next few hours watching us fuck without ever being touched once~.”

Well, that sounds like fun. They then kiss my cheeks before saying,

“Good luck.”

The blindfold is then pulled off of my face before it’s tossed aside and the two girls climb on top of the bed and start passionately kissing. It starts out relatively easy for me. They’re just kissing and grinding against each other. Nothing too unmanageable.

But that’s completely short lived. It doesn’t take long for them to make this way more difficult with the sister on top descending the other’s body and licking her pussy. Fuck, listen to that moan. And look at her sticking her ass in the air. She’s practically begging me to join in. But I can’t give in. I have to hold out longer than this. Of course, that’s easier said than done.

Time passes of the glorious sight and sounds of the two beauties enjoying each other’s taste. All the while, I’m trying to keep myself from enjoying it too much. But I’m just fighting a losing battle. I can’t keep this up forever.

After what feels like an hour of the uncomfortable torture of seeing what I can’t touch, I start to believe I can actually do this. Nothing they’ve done so far is working for them. I just might pull this off. But then one of them brings out a strap on and lies down on the bed with the other one riding it.

“That’s it~,” the sister on top moans, “Fuck your sister’s pussy~. Right in front of our guest~. Yeah~. Do it just like mommy did~. Fuck my pussy like mommy taught us to do it~.”

That comment alone just might break me. Now all I can think about is how much better this would be if their mom would join in with them. Oh, I can just imagine how good it would be to join them in that scenario. Fucking a fully mature woman with her two daughters in the fray. What if I just fucked their mom while they watched? That would really be something to experience. Yeah. Having their own mother being violated right in front of them.

Oh, what if mom was here to take that place? How would these girls react to watching the stranger they brought fucking his own mother. Wait. No! What am I thinking?!

“Aww,” I hear one of them say in front of me, making my heart break as I clear my mind with the girls approaching me, “Isn’t that just an unfortunate circumstance?”

“Yeah,” her sister adds on in a condescending tone, taking my cock in her hand, “And you’re just the right size, too. Aww. Oh well. Looks like we’re gonna have to keep having fun without you.”

She then kneels down with the other one following as she starts stroking my member, continuing with,

“Yeah, it turns you on so much watching two sisters fucking like little bunnies, huh?”

“Did you get excited thinking about how much fun we had with mommy, you sick freak?” the other questions with a giggle, “I don’t blame you. She’s reeeeally fun.”

“Too bad you’ll never know how much fun any of us are, hm? You’re just gonna have to keep watching and thinking about it. Hehehe.”

I lightly groan from her starting to twist her wrist and slightly tighten her grip as she strokes my dick. At least I get this much. The other sister then gasps before saying,

“Oh, Mythra, it looks like you’re really making him feel good~.”

“Yeah~…Yeah, you’re right, Lizzy~. He looks like he’s really enjoying my touch~. Maybe we should give him a little taste of what he’s missing~.”

“That does sound nice~. I mean, it’s only fair~.”

They then giggle before slowly leaning in and locking eye contact with me as they open their mouths and stick their tongues out. I then brace myself for the sweet feeling of their soft tongues dragging across my length. That’s all I need. Please give it to me. I need it so bad. But right as their tongues are millimeters away from me, they chuckle again before Muthra stops stroking and removes her hand.

“But then again,” she says, “Maybe he should’ve thought twice before staring at a couple of girls minding their business like a creep.”

“Yeah. You’re right. Better luck next time, creepy loser.”

The next couple hours are just torture. Here I am being forced to watch a couple of girls having fun with each other without paying me any mind. And what’s even worse is I can’t stop thinking about how fun it would be if mom was here. Just having the four of us enjoying each other or just fucking our respective family members just drives me insane. It’s such a sexy thought.

After they’re done taunting me, they set me free and send me on my way with a few more scathing comments following suit. And, sure, anyone else would feel humiliated, embarrassed, hell, maybe even emasculated for enduring what I had to. But me, I’m still walking with my head up high. Yeah, being forced to fulfill a couple of girls’ voyeur kinks without getting anything in return may not be the best way to spend your time, but I left with some jerk off material. And that’s apparently enough to keep me feeling inadequate.

I step inside the room and similar to last night, mom’s sitting there on the bed watching TV. This time watching Rick and Morty. This woman’s definitely got some good taste. What’s also different is the fact that she isn’t decorated with cum on her face and chest this time. Hm. The boys must’ve finished inside.

“Hey,” I greet, stepping into the main room,

“Hey,” she replies, doing a double take as she notices my boner, “You strike out again?”

“Worse. It almost happened And with twins no less. But they were just interested in me watching them.”

“Oh, ouch. I’m sorry, baby.”

“It’s fine. It was definitely an experience. Not the ideal experience, but an experience nonetheless.”

“Uh-…Ok. That’s definitely one way of looking at it.”

“Yeah, well, either look at it like that or cry. And this furniture looks expensive.”

We share a chuckle before I join her in watching one of the greatest shows of the modern cartoon era. But I soon discover that I can hardly focus on the show. My mind is still fixated on how hot it would be if mom and I were to hook up next to those twins. I’m really tempted to find out if they’re gonna be here tomorrow to see if I can try to make it happen. But I wouldn’t do that to mom. Moments of weakness are one thing. But this would be premeditated with both of us in our right mind. She’d never go for it.

But what’s even weirder is the fact that mom can’t seem to take her eyes off my cock. I mean, I can see why it would be such a distraction. Not every day you’re sitting next to your son with his erect dick in your peripheral vision. I should probably shift my position to get it out of her sight.

“Y-you know,” she starts, grabbing my attention, “If-…if it’s that bothersome to you-…I-I wouldn’t-…I wouldn’t exactly mind-…taking care of it for you.”

Is…is she serious? Are those actually the words that came out of her mouth? And…she sounded a little too open for it like…almost like she wants me to say yes. Well who am I to deprive her from helping me when she really wants to?

“Um…Ok, sure,” I reply,

“I mean, only if you want me to,” she nervously reiterates, “If it’s too weird for you, we can just pretend I never said anything.”

“No, no, it’s fine. I…I don’t mind at all.”

She then gives me a nod before reaching for her lube on the nightstand and pouring a generous amount on her palm. She then slowly wraps her hand to my shaft before pumping it up and down my length. I sigh in delight, leaning back on my hands as I savor the feeling of my mother’s soft hand wrapped around my cock along with the cool soothing sensation of the lube. This feels way better than I thought it would. Maybe I should get blue balled more often.

I get a good look at her face and she’s expressing various emotions. Her face is flushed from embarrassment, but she also looks like she really likes this. Like me, she obviously knows that this is wrong and we shouldn’t be doing this. But at the same time, it’s almost like that’s what’s making this feel great in the first place. Plus, who’s gonna stop us? We’re all alone. Yeah…we’re all alone.

“Does that feel good?” she whispers in my ear, “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“N-no. It feels nice…Actually, you could squeeze it a little tighter.”

She does as instructed, tightening her grip on my length as she continues her slow and steady strokes.

“How’s that?”

“Fuck, that’s perfect.”

She giggles at my comment, turning me on even more as we lock eye contact with each other. Looking into her perfect green eyes through her lenses is so hypnotic. I…I don’t even care how wrong this is anymore. I don’t care how this looks for anyone else. No one is here. And this isn’t even that bad. We’re both responsible adults. We’re both completely consenting individuals who clearly want this. There’s nothing anyone can do about it. I want my mother. I want her so bad!

Without thinking I lean forward, planting a kiss on my mother’s soft lips for the second time on this trip. This time, however, there’s no initial resistance. Instead, I feel her guide her free hand to my face, caressing it as she kisses me back. She then pushes deeper into the kiss, completely taking control as she speeds up her strokes.

Minutes into the kiss, I moan more into it, gripping onto the sheets as my orgasm builds from mom’s stroking. Taking notice of me reaching my climax, she breaks the kiss and blesses me with a look of pure lust plastered on her face. She then cements the perfect scenery by saying in her breathy velvety voice,

“That’s it, baby~. Cum for me~. Let it all out for mommy~. Give me all of your cum, sweetheart~. Yeah, that’s right~. Look at me while you do it~. Look at mommy~.”

And with those comforting words of encouragement, I do as I’m told, staring deep into mom’s eyes as rope after rope of my cum shoots out of my cock and onto her hand with her looking on in blissful enjoyment in the process. She strokes me for a little longer, ensuring she gets every last drop, giggling and saying,

“There we go~. That’s a good boy~. You came so much for me~.”

That’s it. That completely demolishes how I previously felt about this. And I’ll never look back. Hearing that in that way just makes me want her more. But before I can capitalize on the situation, mom pulls away from me, clearing her throat before saying,

“Uh-…S-so I guess you should be feeling a lot better now, huh?”

“Oh, Um…Y-yeah. Yeah. Thanks.”

“I-it’s nothing. Just doing my job…as a mother…I’m gonna…gonna go take care of this. Be right back.”

She then stands up and heads to the bathroom to clean my cum off of her hand. I’m then left to reflect more on what just happened. My own mother just gave me a hand job. And she clearly liked it. But she’s still convincing herself that this shouldn’t happen. So there’s gotta be a way to make her see that…whatever this is isn’t that big of a deal if we don’t let it be.

And like that, I have my plans for tomorrow set in stone. Don’t worry, mom. After tomorrow, we’re both gonna realize that there’s no one else we need but each other.”

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