Mommy’s Little Stripper by JackDRipper

Mommy’s Little Stripper
by JackDRipper

It was 10:30 PM on a Wednesday night when my cell phone buzzed. I was already in bed, but the call came from my sister. I’m a morning person, which is why I was already asleep, but my sister is a night person, which is why she was up and at work.

My sister worked for a security firm – sort of. It was the sort of security where you work in a closed room in an establishment like a nightclub or a casino and monitor a bank of cameras, alerting the security detail if there’s anything untowards going on. That’s the sort of job that was great for a night owl like her.

I’m a personal trainer who starts work at 4:00 AM and caters to the pre-rush-hour gym rats. Which is a great job for an early bird like me.

We both respected each other’s schedules, so getting a call from her late was unusual – frighteningly so. I answered.

“Hey Kris,” I said.

“Hey Joey,” my sister responded, then paused.

“You okay?” I asked.

“No, not really.”

I was now wide awake. The fact that Kris had called and wasn’t okay at 10:30 at night was way concerning.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Ugh. This week I was assigned to work security at a strip joint – a male strip joint – the one not far from you as a matter of fact. And you aren’t going to believe who just appeared on the cameras…”

“Um, I don’t know, Angelina Jolie?”

“Be serious.”

“Hillary Clinton?”

She giggled. “I’m not joking, Joey!” she insisted.

“I give up, who?”

“Mom…and Aunt Chloe…”

I was now wide awake. Our mother was in her mid-forties, and her sister Chloe was a few years younger. They were both really attractive older women. But them appearing on the security monitors at a cock bar was – unexpected.

“Wow…” I said, unsure what to say.

“Can you come over?” Kris asked.

“Come over…what?”

“Come by. I hate to be stuck here alone watching…this…”

“You’re at work, I can’t just come wandering in and let myself into the security station at a male strip bar and act like I belong.”

“No,” Kris replied. “It’s fine. I can vouch for you. Come to the back door. I’ll see you on the cams and let you in. If they say anything I’ll claim your a coworker. In a pinch you could totally pass as one of the entertainment.”

“I…” I didn’t want to go. I didn’t want to see whatever it was my sister was seeing.

“Please…I’m feeling really weird about this…” my sister begged.

“Okay, I’m on my way.”

“Thanks bro, I owe you.”

I pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and dashed out to the car. The place was about ten minutes from my apartment, and I was there within a few minutes. There were only a few cars in the parking lot. I parked in the back and walked up to the rear entrance. Before I even got to the door, Kris was opening it and gesturing me inside.

The thump of the beat from the stage made the entire building throb. I followed my sister down a back hallway to a small, dark room with a bank of monitors and a couple of chairs. One entire wall of the room was a one-way mirror looking out over the main part of the bar.

Kris thoughtfully handed me a beer – I don’t think she was supposed to be drinking on duty, but under the circumstances I understood – then pulled me to the mirrored window and pointed out two women sitting at a table along the far wall drinking a couple of umbrella drinks.

Our mother stood about 5-9 and was fit and well-proportioned. She had filled out some since her younger days, and her bust and hips were a little wider than they used to be. But overall, she was attractive and looked younger than her mid-forties. She wore a slinky blue-and-black super-mini dress that rode a several inches up the curve of ass. It clung closely to her body, showing off her shape and plunging deep enough into her unencumbered cleavage to almost reach her naval. The intense blue of the dress accentuated her auburn hair beautifully, and the gap in front was wide enough that I could make out the very edges of her stunningly wide aureoles. The darts of her erect nipples poked against the fabric.

Aunt Chloe was like a slightly younger and slightly curvier version of our mother. Her hair was jet back and she he wore a super-short leather mini-skirt wrapped around her substantial ass. Her miniskirt rode high up her ass, showing off the black thong straining to hold back her thick pussy lips. The red blouse she wore was translucent, revealing a black nearly-invisible bra containing her big, heavy mom-tits.

This was a shock. Our mother had taken care of us as children, cared for us, been around for us, and worked her ass off after our father left. As far as we had known, she had never even set foot in a strip club. This was shocking.

“Holy shit,” I said.

“Yeah,” Kris added.

“Is this all they have done so far?” I asked. “Just hang around and drink foofy drinks?”

“Yeah, they have pretty much just watched. When one of the dancers came around looking for tips, they seemed to brush him off. But this is their second drink, and mom’s not a heavy drinker, so I am wondering what’s going to happen now that those two are getting their buzz on.”

“Let’s face it,” I said. “They’re both grown adults. They’re allowed to be here.”

“I know, but it’s not so cool that I have to watch their escapades.”

“Understood, but still, all their doing is having a couple drinks and watching. Did they know you were here tonight?”

Kris knitted her brow. “I…I don’t think so…I don’t know…they know I work security here sometimes…”

“So they knew when they came here you might be doing security.”

“I…guess,” Kris murmured. “I don’t know…oh shit…”

“What?” I said, then followed Kris’s gaze through the mirror.

I was about to argue the point when a dancer came sauntering over to the table where my aunt and mother sat. He looked to be about my and my sister’s age and was buff as hell. He was wearing nothing but a banana-sling thong that was about to burst from the pressure of trying to contain nine inches of hard meat. From what Kris had said she had seen so far, I expected my mom and aunt to blow him off. But instead, my mom dug into her purse and pulled out a pair of twenties, which she stuffed into the guy’s thong, giving his monster cock a hard stroke in the process.

The dancer pulled his thong down, exposing his meat for my mom. She looked at my aunt, then up at the guy’s face, his cock hovering a couple inches in front of her chest. My mother grabbed his cock and gave the staff several more strokes, then – to my shock – she pulled her top down, exposing her tits.

I had never seen my mom topless before, she was pretty rigid about these things growing up, so suddenly seeing her globes unleashed from their confinement in front of me came as a shock. She had big, soft mom-tits and wide, slightly-downturned nipples. She lifted her mounds in front of her and wrapped them around the stripper’s cock, sliding her mounds up and down the shaft.

I am embarrassed to admit that I felt a stirring in my shorts. I threw down the rest of the beer and Kris handed me another. I hadn’t eaten since a light dinner three hours ago – the beer was going straight to my head and I felt a rush of wooziness.

“So at what point do you call security?” I asked, taking a swig of the fresh beer and rubbing my forehead. “What are they allowed to get away with.”

“That’s at the dancer’s discretion,” Kris said. “They give me a sign if it gets out of hand and I send in the bouncers, but I’ve been told to stand down unless they give me the sign.”

“So how far could this go?” I asked.

She looked around the room. “There are only a couple of other patrons here tonight. It’s slow, so my guess is the sky’s the limit. If mom and Chloe keep the bills flowing, they’ll get whatever they want.”

“Aren’t there laws?” I asked.

“Around here, they’re pretty much enforced only for things like non-consensual activities, trafficking, or juveniles. Consenting adults they don’t much care about. But I think they are about to break off.”

While we had been talking, the dancer and our mom had been staring at each other, sort of sizing each other up. Our mother backed off and pulled her top back up and the dancer seemed to lose interest.

My sister’s phone rang and she took the call while I listened to her end of the conversation.

“This is Kris. Yeah…yeah…uh oh…really? Oh wow…okay…okay…I’m sorry…understand…I’ll check and let you know…thanks.” She hung up, then looked at me and bit her lip.

“What?” I asked.

“The owner had to go home, and one of our dancers had a family emergency and had to leave. We were already down to two, so that leaves just one dancer left.”

“Shouldn’t be a big deal, there’s hardly anyone out there,” I said. “Except for mom and Chloe.”

“I know, but…” she trailed off.


“The remaining dancer has been on shift since the rush hour crowd. He needs to leave.”

“Okay, then they close early. Mom and Chloe have to go get their jollies elsewhere and we get the fuck out of here”

Kris was still biting her lip. “The owner saw when I let you in.”

“So what. She can see when you and I leave.”

“I wasn’t supposed to let you in. If my security company finds out I had a family member in the booth – and that you and I were drinking in here – they’ll fire me…”

“Is the owner going to tell?”

“Yes, unless…”

“Unless what?” I asked. I had a very uncomfortable feeling beginning to build in my gut.

“Unless you fill in for the dancer.”


“I can’t force you to do so, but I could get fired if you don’t…”

I looked out at the bar. There was only our mother and aunt Chloe, and another pair of patrons at another table. The beer was sloshing around in my skull making it hard to think clearly.

I looked out at our mother in her slinky dress that was practically back off her tits. I had to admit, she did look hot.

Something stirred in my shorts. Kris leaned in close.

“You have to admit, she is pretty hot,” she whispered.

“I was thinking the same thing…”

“We have masks in the dressing room. She’ll never know.”

“Unless we tell her,” I added. “Who knows. Maybe she would be into the idea.”

“I think that’s the beer talking,” Kris said.

“If I go out there without a mask, either she’s going to run away or she’s going to get off on the idea. Think about it. She knew you might be here, and she knew that if you were spooked the first person you were going to call was me. While the sexual piece is new, we both know she plays head games like that. Fuck it, I’m going out there and showing mom my cock. I think that’s what she wants.”

Kris looked at me. “You’re serious, aren’t you…wow, I got twenty bucks she takes off like a frightened hare,” Kris said, throwing a twenty on the console.

“I got twenty that I’m inside her before the night’s out,” I replied. It was total beer-bravado, but at that point I didn’t care. I was staring at our mom and all I could see was a hot middle-aged woman. My cock was rock-hard.

Kris led me to the dressing room and I took a fast shower. I found a thong that fit me and slicked my toned body down with a thin layer of oil. Then I made my way to the bar.

I didn’t enter through the stage, I snuck through the side door. It let me slip into the room about ten feet from the table where mom and Chloe sat. I peeked out and could see them giggling and drinking, and occasionally glancing up at the empty stage impatiently.

My nine inches was hard as a rock as I slowly slipped towards my mom. She spotted my out of the corner of her eye, and immediately her gaze went to my cock that was straining against the fabric of my banana sling. Her eyes went up a tad, then she let her eyes slowly wander up my abs, across my chest, and, finally, to my face.

When she met my eyes, I felt a chill move through me.

She just smiled, then glanced over at the mirror behind which Kris lurked, then back to my eyes.

“I knew if I came here tonight, Kris would get all weirded out and call you.,” she said with a sly smile. “This was just too easy. I’m tired of staring at my son’s tight body just wishing. It’s time for some action.” She pulled her top down to reveal for me the mountains that I had been admiring through the window. Her big, brown nipples were hard and stood out like iron darts. I hovered my package a few inches from her face.

“If you’re serious, put your money where your mouth is,” I said.

Mom reached out and pulled my cock free from my thong, pushing the tiny patch of fabric all the way to the floor and leaving me standing naked in front of her. She gave my cock several hard strokes while softly squeezing my balls, then she wrapped her gargantuan mom-tits around my meat, tit-fucking me in a long, slow motion. With each stroke my cock popped out between my mother’s cleavage. After the third or fourth stroke, mom slid her lips down and flicked her tongue across the tip of my shaft. I moaned.

I pinched her nipples hard enough to get a little squeal, then slipped my cock out from between her tits and hovered it in front of her face. My mother leaned forward and slowly slid her lips down the long shaft. She got about halfway down and pulled back, then slid her mouth all the way down until her lips hit the base of my cock.

“Holy shit,” I mumbled as a surge shot through my body. My cock pulsated at the back of my mother’s throat.

That’s when things got really out of control.

Mom slowly slid her mouth back from my meat, letting my cock pop free of her mouth and leaving thick tendrils of throat slime sliding down her chest. She pulled her dress all the way down to the floor, pushing it off her body and showing her hot mom bod to everyone there. She was naked underneath and leaned forward, pointing her ass at me. Aunt Chloe pulled mom’s cheeks apart, revealing – to my shock – a crinkly, meaty, overused asshole and heavy labia around a sopping wet, gaping cunt. A thick streamer of grool rolled down from her hard clit that was standing well clear of its little hood. Chloe ran her tongue up the inside of her sister’s thigh, licking and tasting my mother’s juices.

Chloe followed mom’s lead and peeled off her outfit, revealing her somewhat curvier, soft, fleshy mom bod. Her heavy tits shook as she dropped to the floor and sucked on mom’s meaty lobes, even as mom bent over and started to suck on my purple, pulsating cock.

I was so enrapt by what I was watching that I hadn’t given much thought Kris. I glanced towards the security mirror and discovered she had come out from the booth and was now sitting at the table next to ours. She had pulled her security-company-issued polo shirt off and wore just her bra and tights. One hand was massaging a breast, and the other was down her tights rubbing her clit. She caught me looking.

“What? You don’t think this is hot as hell to watch?” she asked. And as if to accentuate the point, she pushed off her tights, leaned back in the chair, and spread her legs, revealing her own cute little pussy. I had never seen my sister’s cunt before. It was a nice little puffy innie that was now slightly gaped and dribbling grool as she rubbed her clit frantically.

I tore my eyes away from my sister’s dripping slit and back to my mother, who had turned back around, dropped to her knees, and was again gently running her tongue around the pulsating end of my purple cock. I felt a thick streamer of pre-come slide from the tip onto her tongue. She pulled the clear, salty goo into her mouth and swallowed, then slipped her lips down my cock, pulling my shaft all the way back down her throat.

My mother began sucking my cock like a thousand-dollar-whore. It was incredible. The way she worked her head up and down with the occasional shakes to the side left me breathless. Unexpectedly, she pulled back and stood, pulling me and Chloe to the stage. Chloe lay on her back and Mom straddled her and pulled my cock back into her mouth. Mom’s thick lobes hung down above her sister’s face, allowing Chloe to lick and suck at the meaty flesh. To my shock, Chloe slipped three fingers from each hand inside mom’s ass, gaping mom’s fleshy asshole and letting some of my mother’s pink ass flesh slip out from her stretched sphincter.

I heard Kris moan as she came next to me, but I dared not look in her direction. I didn’t want to come until I was good and ready.

The two other women who were still in the bar had leaned back in their chairs and were gently stroking themselves under their dresses, watching intently as my mother sucked my cock on the stage. Finally my mother pulled back, leaving my cock covered in her slime, glistening in the stage lights.

“This is my son and daughter,” my mom said. “And this is my sister,” she added, indicating Chloe. “We just decided we prefer to keep it in the family.”

My mom stood up and and pressed her heavy mom-tits against my chest and her lips against my mouth. I could smell her perfume. Her skin was soft as I pulled her breasts up to my mouth and wrapped my lips around her long, hard nipples. She moaned as I sucked hard on her big, mountainous mom-tits. They were delicious, delightful.

Next to us, Kris had stripped and climbed on stage. Chloe had bent over on all fours and Kris was ploughing her cunt with a ten-inch strap on. My sister was nude, her perky little nipples were hard and erect, pointing skyward like darts as she pounded her aunt’s slit with her dong. Kris pushed the thick shaft all the way into Chloe’s sopping pussy, eliciting a groan from her.

My mom pulled back from me, pushing me away from her delightful mom tits and slipping onto her knees again. Mom looked up at me, meeting my gaze with doe eyes as she ran the tip of her tongue over the end of my cock, licking the end, flicking across the soft, sensitive spot under the helmet. I moaned as I felt more thick dribbles of pre-come slide from the tip.

Meanwhile, Kris had changed holes and now had her dildo reaming out Choe’s asshole. My aunt was moaning and panting under the onslaught of my sister’s artificial cock.

My mom drew my attention back to herself by driving her lips all the way down to the base of my meat yet again. I groaned as my cock hit the back of her throat. Her mouth was warm and wet. She pulled back, the did it again, her tits shaking with each stroke. I reached down and grabbed her hair, slowly face-fucking her. My mother didn’t seem to mind, she relished the sensation of having her son fuck her mouth with his thick meat. Heavy streamers of throat goop slipped from her lips across her mom-tits and dribbled off the end across her thighs.

I heard Chloe come for about the fourth or fifth time, and Kris finally pulled out of her aunt’s wrecked ass, leaving the sphincter gaped, red, and inflamed. Chloe lay back on the stage, trying to gather her wits as Kris looked for another place to use her artificial meat.

Mom saw Chloe looking lost and slid her lips from my cock. She rolled over on all fours and pulled her cheeks apart, revealing her puckered, still-gaping asshole. The sphincter was thick, meaty, and used to being stretched and used. She dumped a dollop of oil on her ass, then another streamer on my cock, then used almost her entire hand to pull her ass open. Her pink crumpled anal flesh begged me to sodomize her.

That was all the incentive I needed to drive my cock into my mother’s waiting, gaping asshole. She moaned as I pushed all the way in. Then she leaned forward and pulled my sister’s strap-on – that had just come out of Chloe’s asshole – into her mouth.

The sensation of my cock inside mom’s ass was incredible. And the idea that I would be kneeling on a stage in a strip joint with my sister spit-roasting our mom was unthinkable. Sodomizing my mother felt like the hottest thing I had ever done.

I went about it with gusto, sliding my cock in and out of my mother’s ass with abandon, even as my sister reamed out her throat. Mom tightened her ass muscles against my cock as I worked, heightening the sensation and making thick lobes of her ass flesh prolapse in and out of her sphincter with each stroke. I ran my fingers around her asshole, feeling the thick, meaty flesh, realizing that my little cock probably was only the beginning of what she could have taken. But with her bearing down hard, it was enough, my throbbing cock was reaming her out effectively. I used my fingers to press her pink flesh against my meat and pulled back six inches, tugging her pink prolapse out even further. My mother moaned and reached back, running her fingers around her crumpled flesh before sucking it back into her raggedy, meaty asshole.

My mom begged me to fuck her harder. I was afraid to hurt her but I increased my pace and thrust deeper into her asshole. After a moment, she put her hand on my chest and stopped me, sliding her lips off Kris’s dildo.

“Look Joey, you need to understand,” my mom said. “When mommy says harder, mommy means harder. Give me everything you got, understand?”

I reached down and gave her big, bountiful mom tits a hard squeeze.

“You got it, mommy,” I said. I grabbed her big hips and slammed my cock inside her ass with everything I had. Her big ass shook with the impact.

The sensation was incredible. Her assflesh prolapsed out even further as I stroked my long meat in and out of her ass. After a half dozen strokes I felt mom have an orgasm, then another. My own balls were tight against my body. I pulled my cock out and pushed three fingers from each hand into my mom’s asshole, pulling the sphincter wide. Mom gave a loud moan. The pink flesh inside her asshole spilled out, long tendrils of lube slipping down past her gaping cunt.

I rammed my cock back into her ass and pounded away, slamming my body against her flesh, making her ass and tits shake with each stroke. I sodomized my mother with everything I had. My balls were tight against my body, poised, ready to unload. My mother came again, her ass tightened, grabbing my cock. That was all I could take. I moaned hard as I shot thick ropy seed into my mom’s gaping, bottomless asshole.

Pump after pump of my juice dumped into my mother’s begging ass. I closed my eyes and felt like I had left my body. Throb after throb poured through me like it would never end, and my mother slowly slid her ass along my cock, teasing me to come more.

After what seemed like an eternity, my cock softened some and I pulled it out, leaving my mother’s pink flesh hanging out of her asshole, dribbling lube and thick streamers of my semen. Below her asshole, her cunt was also gaped and I could see her pink cervix hovering inside, almost slipping out.

My sister pushed me aside and bent down, attaching her lips to our mother’s pink ass flesh and sucking out my come. She made a slurping sound as she drained her mother’s asshole.

My cock was still semi-hard and pumping out a slow stream of come. I stroked it, begging it to come back to attention. My sister was on all fours with her bare cunt and asshole in the air. Her ass was definitely less-used than our mothers had been. I leaned over and ran my tongue up her cute, puffie innie cunt, tasting her juices. She moaned and reached back, pulling her sweet little pussy lips apart.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

“You lost the bet,” I said to her. “If you want me to fuck you too, you need to double the payout.”

She looked over her shoulder and glared at me for a moment, then shrugged.

“Whatever,” she said. “Just get busy.”

I gave my freshly-hard cock several strokes and slid it into my little sister’s sopping wet slit. She moaned and looked back at me, her eyes begging me to fuck her. I complied, pistoning in and out of her young snatch. Her juice gushed out around my pulsating shaft, running down my balls and thighs. I closed my eyes and focused on the sensation of my meat pounding my sister’s cunt, her muscles tight around my shaft.

How long I went on like this I wasn’t sure, but I definitely felt Kris come at least three times. When I opened my eyes finally, I gasped.

My mother was still positioned in front of Kris, but now Chloe was beside her, pulling mom’s cheeks wide. My sister had her hand well past her wrist inside our mother’s meaty asshole and was fist-fucking her. Mom was practically over the moon with her moans. Thick streamers of grool slid down from her slit.

One sight of that and my balls unleashed their thick threads into my baby sister’s unprotected cunt. Kris let out a soft scream as my raw semen coated her bare cervix. She slipped her arm out of our mother’s asshole, leaving it gaping and raw. I hugged my sister from behind as pulses of my come poured into her young hole.

Finally, I pulled out and leaned back on the stage, propping my back up against one of the brass poles. I was spent and ready for a break. My mom came over and kissed me, pressing her big mom tits against me.

“So, how about we keep things in the family from now on?” she asked.

I squeezed her tits.

“Why did you wait so long to ask?” I replied, grabbing her hair and forcing her mouth back down to my still-pulsating cock.

My mother let me push her mouth down onto my still-throbbing, still-pulsing cock. She slid her lips down the shaft as I pressed her face all the way down to the base and held it there for a moment before I let her come up for air. She laughed when I let her up.

“You still have so much to learn about what your mommy can do,” she said. “Dare me to do something and see if I say no.”

Before I could answer, Kris spoke up.

“It’s amateur night down at the Wet Kitty Club until 1:00 AM downtown,” she said. “Let’s see mommy get naked in front of a room full of strangers, not just a couple, but a crowd. I dare you.”

“Hah, that’s not a dare” I said. “This a dare: mommy dear, I dare you to come with us to the Wet Kitty Club and let us triple-penetrate you on stage. All holes filled.”

“Wait,” Kris said. “Are you saying I have to get naked on stage too?”

“Your choice if you get naked, but you do need to pull on a strap on and help rail out our mother.”

Kris thought for a moment, then shrugged.

I turned to my mom. “So, you game there mommy? All three holes, on stage. Your sister in your cunt, your baby girl in your mouth, and you pride and joy up your ass. You game?”

My mother kissed me hard on the lips.

“Let’s go,” she said, giving my cock one final stroke. “There’s still a lot you need to learn about your mommy.”

Besides a short detour to an all-night store where we could get some appropriate stripper attire, the ride to the Wet Kitty Club was passed mostly in silence. Despite the fact that my mother and my sister both had taken heavy loads of my semen already that night, the sexual tension in the car was intense. When we got to the club, there were two solo young women and an MFF threesome queued up to dance ahead of mom. Mom went up to the emcee and spoke to him. He said he would squeeze her in at the end, but that she would have to wait for the other acts.

That didn’t seem to present a problem for my mom. She came back to us and proceeded to add some more ammunition to her buzz. I think the other three of us were way more nervous than she was. When the threesome went up on stage, we ducked in the back to get ready. I went with just a basic thong. My baby sister had on a tiny bikini top, a pair of open-toed pumps, and her footlong strap-on that was going to be headed for mom’s mouth. Aunt Chloe pulled on a corset and bustier top that failed miserably at holding in her monster mom-tits. They spilled over the top. She wore a fifteen-inch strap-on that was bound to be buried in my mother’s cunt and a pair of red thigh-high stripper boots. Below the harness for the dildo, her thick cunt lobes hung down, meaty and moist, a dribble of grool hovering at the tip of her heavy clit.

Mom had decided she liked the dress she already had on. She just added a garter, fishnet stockings, and fuck-me shoes. She had the front of the dress held open by her long hard nipples. She had it pulled up high enough that the gape in her cunt and a little pink flesh hanging out was clearly visible when she walked.

Just looking at her, my cock was already surging. She saw my meat pressing against the front of my thong and leaned over close, pressing her big tits against my bare chest.

“You know you need to take that cock around the world as part of this show, right?”

My pulsating meat practically tore open my thong.

“I was already planning on that,” I said. “Before Chloe or Kris get inside you, I need to plough the field.”

As I said that, prior act filtered back and the emcee called us to the stage. I slapped my mom’s ass.

“Get ready to get ploughed, bitch,” I whispered to her.

“Promises, promises,” she said, and slowly sauntered out onto the stage.

The crowd was about two-thirds male and a third women. Before the music started, a couple of folks called out remarks about my mom’s and Chloe’s ages, but my mom ignored them. As the music began blaring, she nudged Chloe and Kris to the back of the stage, and pulled me forward.

There were a couple of chairs on the side of the stage. My mother grabbed one, set it down in the center of the runway, then pushed me into the chair. She proceeded to give me a lap dance. I had only had a private dance once in my entire life – I had lived a sheltered existence – and having one from my mother was not on a list of things I expected to experience in life.

She straddled my body and pressed her thick cunt lips against my nine-inch cock that was practically bursting out of my thong. Her cunt gaped and a lobe of pink flesh hung out, thick streamers of grool trickling down. She ran her tongue down my bare chest, teasing my nipples and outlining my tight muscles underneath the skin. She continued her tongue down the ridges of my stomach, then bit into the thong and tore it off my body, letting my purple, pulsating cock slide free.

The crowd had been pretty sedate up until this point, but now they started to get into it, egging my mom on. It dawned on me that nobody in the crowd had any idea that this couple in front of them were mother-and-son. They just thought it was a cougar/cub sort of thing, and they called for her to get busy on me. She didn’t waste any time complying. She peeled off her dress and wrapped her big mom tits around my meat, beginning to tit-fuck me. Meanwhile, she lifted her asshole up and pointed her meaty, gaped cunt and thick, crinkly anal spincter at the crowd. They ate up the show.

After several strokes of my cock with her tits, she pulled back and leaned against a pole, lifting one of her legs and pressing a foot against my chest.

“How about if you warm up mommy’s cunt?” she whispered.

I stood up and gave my cock several strokes, then moved into position, sliding my pulsating meat into my mother’s dripping slit. Once my balls hit her asshole, she lifted her legs up and wrapped them around my waist, urging me to fuck her against the stripper pole. Then she pressed her lips against mine and drove her tongue into my mouth, pushing her big mommy tits against my chest, her nipples like darts against my skin.

I grabbed her ass and held her as I fucked her hard. Her cunt was so hot it practically steamed as I pistoned my cock in and out of her snatch. Thick streamers of grool ran down my cock and hung off my balls as I pounded my mother’s snatch in front of an audience. She squeezed her muscles and pressed her flesh hard against my meat. I could feel the hard, muscular ring of her cervix bounce against the end of my cock with each stroke, and could feel it stretch backwards. I knew she could take a lot more than my paltry nine inches.

While I fucked her, mom gestured to Chloe, who slipped up onto the stage next to us. She did a slow strip, showing her big curves to the audience, then bent over, showing them her gaping ass and meaty cunt.

Meanwhile I continued to ream my mother. The spotlights were hot on our skin and my sweat mingled with hers, slicking our bodies together. After a few minutes of fucking, my mother whispered into my ear to pull back. I slipped out of her pussy and a heavy load of grool gushed after, running down her thighs. Her cunt gaped wide, a meaty lobe of pink flesh hung out.

My mother pushed Chloe to the floor of the stage, leaving the fifteen-inch black strap-on standing up straight in the air. My mom moved into position and knelt down, straddling her sister’s legs. She slowly fellatiated the dildo, then lifted her body up, and pulled the monster dong inside her drenched cunt.

Inch by inch she slid her slit down the strap-on, the crowd watching as she took all if it inside of her, then leaned down to kiss Chloe. The two milfie sisters pressed their mommy-tits together as they wrapped their tongues around each other in a long, passionate soul kiss. Grool gushed from mom’s cunt, sliding down and mixing with the slime pouring from her sister’s own, gaped slit. The pressure from the dildo inside mom caused her asshole to gape even wider, forcing her meaty sphincter open and pushing out a lobe of pink ass flesh.

I let my mother and aunt make out for a few moments while I cooled a little, then I stepped back into the fray. I grabbed my mother’s auburn hair and lifted her face off of Chloe’s, pulling her attention back to my purple, pulsating nine inches. She looked up at me with doe eyes as I pushed her face onto my meat, sliding my cock all the way past her tongue and deep into her throat. Her balls hit my chin and I felt what I initially thought was a gag, but I realized was a giggle.

Mommy thought it was funny.

I slipped my cock back out and began face-fucking my mother, holding a thick wad of her auburn hair and sliding my pole in and out of her throat. Long streamers of slime ran down her chin and into Chloe’s waiting mouth beneath her, but she opened her throat and took it all without a struggle. After a dozen strokes I pulled her back. Her chin and lips were covered in throat slime, but she laughed.

“Nice try,” she said. “Why don’t you let your sister get to work with that footlong she has? Maybe that might do the trick.”

I gave her a gentle slap across the face.

While I had been facefucking my mother, Kris had come forward and had stripped off her bikini top, sat in the chair, and, rather than try to be a dancer, had simply masturbated while she watched me ream out our mother’s mouth. She had come at least twice and the crowd seemed to be on the fence what to think of this girl.

I gestured to her and she came over.

“Don’t even think of being gentle,” I said. As if to prove the point, I grabbed mom’s hair and pushed her face most of the way down the dong. I felt another little giggle come from her as she pushed herself the rest of the way down the footlong monster. Then she pulled back and looked up at me.

“There’s one hole left, Joey. Don’t disappoint me.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “Hope you can take it.”

I pushed her head back onto Kris’s dong then moved behind her. When I pulled her ass cheeks apart, I found a bottle of lube half out of her asshole. She must have hidden it inside of herself when she got dressed in her stripper clothes. I pulled it out then slid three fingers from each hand inside her ass and stretched it wide, showing my mother’s gaping pink assflesh to the audience, who cheered.

Her asshole was raggedy and fleshy, begging for more abuse. I coated my hand with lube, then slid three fingers, then four, then my entire hand into her gaping asshole. My mother came as I gently ran my fingers along the inside of her asshole, up the length of the dildo that was already embedded in her cunt, her asshole clenching and unclenching around my forearm as her body wracked in the orgasm. I pushed even deeper and felt another orgasm come over her.

I figured it was time to let the audience know what was really going on. I slowly pulled my hand out of my mother’s gaping, abused asshole and stretched it wide, leaving it hanging open. Her pink crumpled flesh and abused meaty sphincter begged for whatever I could do to it.

“There’s something you all need to understand,” I said to the crowd. “That hot milfie chick laying on the floor is my aunt. That gorgeous young girl on her knees over there is my sister. And this bitch in front of me? That’s my mother, and I fucked her ass on-stage at another, smaller club, then I dared her tonight to come here and let us triple penetrate her in front of a big crowd. So to finish her off, I’m going to fuck her ass like I already did once tonight.”

I’m not sure what I expected from that pronouncement. There was a moment of surprised silence, then some half-hearted cheers, then more cheers, then the crowd started getting into it, egging me to fuck my mom’s asshole.

I took the bottle of lube and lubed my cock and dumped a bunch more on my mom’s asshole. Her thick, fleshy sphincter was now gaping of its own accord and a meaty rosebud of red flesh – still inflamed from her earlier workover – was hanging out. My cock was purple and throbbing as I ran the tip around the outside of her assflesh, then used my fingers to open up the pink tunnel in the middle.

My mom leaned back from my sister’s dildo.

“Are you all talk or you going to fuck me already?” she sneered.

I drove my cock hard into my mom’s gaping, overused, ragged asshole. She moaned as I slipped in, pushing all the way until my balls bounced against my aunt’s dong that was buried in my mother’s cunt. The feel of the soft-but-firm dildo pressing against the underside of my cock through the thin layers of flesh surrounding my mother’s cunt and asshole was incredible. I could feel my mother come hard from the sensation.

I slid in and out of my mother’s asshole several times, then pulled out and stretched her asshole for the audience again. Her red anal tissue hung out several inches from her gaping, fleshy orifice. Thick streamers of lube and the leftovers from my previous comeshot streamed down from her hole. The audience went wild, practically begging me to ream out my mother’s ass.

I was happy to comply. I drove my meat back into her, slamming my stomach hard against her substantial ass. She came again and her ass shook as I pounded my cock in and out. My mother squeezed her ass muscles, gripping my cock and making me work harder. It didn’t slow me down a bit, and I forced my cock in and out of her sphincter, making her inflamed assflesh grip my cock even harder, extending out several more inches from her gaping, meaty orifice. I leaned forward and pressed down, pushing her body all the way down the 15-inch dong that Chloe had buried in her cunt, putting even more pressure on my cock in her ass. Another lobe of flesh slipped out of her asshole, extending the red ring of assflesh that hung out of her hole around my cock. With each stroke more and more of her tissue slid out.

The crowd by this time were chanting “fuck your mom’s ass! Fuck your mom’s ass!”. Even as I drove my mother’s cunt down on Chloe’s dong and pressed my meat all the way into my mom’s ass, my sister had her hands buried in mom’s hair and was driving the dildo into her mouth with gusto.

My balls were tight against my body, my cock was pulsating hard, I knew it was almost time. Mom tightened her asshole again in the throws of an orgasm and that was it. I began blowing my thick, ropy seed into my mom’s deep, gaping asshole.

After the third or fourth pulse, I ripped my cock from her ass, leaving it ragged, gaping, and inflamed. I moved back in front of her and gently nudged my sister aside. I took my mother’s hair and pressed my cock that I had just pulled from her asshole into her mouth, pushing it all the way until my balls it her throat. She looked up at me with doe eyes and a wicked smile on her face as she drained ever drop of my seed from my balls.

I sank back on the stage and stared up at the ceiling, utterly spent.

My mom won the amateur night contest. 🙂


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