Mother and Son play while Dad is away

Incest stories, Mother and Son play while Dad is away,

Lori Cooper stood at her bathroom mirror in just her panties, considering her reflection carefully.

Not for the first time, she concluded that being middle-aged sucked.

Oh, she was still a very attractive woman – the kind who could and did draw lingering, hungry looks from the men who’s paths she happened to cross – but the years were not passing her by without leaving their mark. Things were starting to sag, wrinkles were appearing, and she no longer had that trim and perfect figure that she had always been so proud of. It also didn’t help any that she kept finding new strands of gray mixed into her dark hair.

She had always known that she wouldn’t be young and beautiful forever of course, but it was still an unwelcome shock to suddenly realize that your best years were behind you and that it was all downhill from here.

Mother and Son play while Dad is away

God, what a depressing thought!

Even so, she could not quite rid herself of the wide and happy smile that seemed to have taken up permanent residence on her face that evening.

What did she have to complain about after all? She had herself a guy who loved her with all of his heart, who desired her no matter how old or fat she got. No, when looked at it that way she knew that she was a very lucky woman indeed.

So long as her husband didn’t find out about him anyway . . .

Turning away from the mirror at last, she took her dressing gown down from it’s hook and slipped it on.

It was time for bed.

Wearing an old T-shirt and a pair of shorts, Mark just happened to find his way into his parent’s dimly lit bedroom just as his mother was emerging from her bathroom and naturally his eyes went to her immediately.

She smiled softly, holding her robe closed with both hands. “Hey, babe.”

The college senior answered with nothing more than a playful grin, holding her gaze with his own as he waited expectantly.

She would not keep him waiting for long.

The hands that she had been using to keep her robe closed were now used to pull it wide open, revealing her very nearly nude body to her only child.

She knew all too well that she didn’t have to worry about him not liking the view as had seen it plenty of times before and never seen anything but raw lust in his eyes. Her son had proven time and time again that he absolutely worshiped the ground she walked on and was utterly convinced that she was the most beautiful woman who had ever walked the earth. He craved her as fiercely as any addict ever craved their drug of choice.

Unlike with her husband, when she was with Mark, she never had to listen to any comments about how she should maybe exercise more to keep everything where it should be or how she might want to consider going on a diet.

He loved her just as she was. She suspected that he would still want her just as badly if she were a hundred pounds heavier or twenty years older! This was what kept her just as addicted to him as he was to her.

She stood still for a time, watching with a delighted smile and a girlish titter as his eyes darted eagerly over every inch of her exposed flesh. He stayed rooted to the spot though over there on the other side of the room, not moving any closer even as she let the robe slip off and fall to the floor behind her.

He heaved a long, shuddering sigh as she turned this way and that for him, the bulge in his shorts growing quite obviously.

Lori was such a happy girl! As much as she loved her husband, she was so glad that he took such frequent and lengthy business trips, giving her so many opportunities to be with their handsome son.

Lori had slept with her lover every single night that Joel had been away – not to mention all of the fooling around they had done during the day, of course – but she knew that tonight was going to be special because it always was. They always managed to have a big blowout on the last night before his father came home and they were forced to keep their hands to themselves again.

Yes, tonight was certainly going to be a night to remember!

Lori reached out a hand to her son and that was all the invitation it took to bring him rushing across the room to her.

He came a little too fast as it happened, stumbling slightly as his foot caught the edge of the bed’s footboard, but it would have taken more than that to stop him. It was likely that nothing short of his father suddenly and unexpectedly turning up could have stopped him now, for that matter.

Assuming he would even notice his dad’s arrival. At the moment, the only thing he was capable of paying attention to was the mother who was waiting for him.

Gathering her up in his arms, he crushed her body against his and kissed her firmly and full on the mouth. She kissed him back just as hard, her mouth opening to admit his probing tongue. There could be no slow and romantic build up when your man was as keyed up as Mark was, but that was just fine with her as she was in pretty much the same boat.

As they shared a seemingly endless stream of deep and wet kisses, he was not content to just hold her. Keeping one arm tight around her waist, he put his other to work by relentlessly running his hand all over that bare skin. Her own arms had gone around his neck as soon as he’d claimed her and her grip on her son only strengthened when she felt that hand go roaming.

His mouth left hers abruptly, leaving her gasping for air as he next applied himself to her neck and throat and shoulders.

Every time he did this, she was tempted to warn him not to leave any marks. She could remember all too well how she had once been forced to hide a hickey from her husband, covering it up with make-up and praying to God that he wouldn’t notice that distinctive mark on her shoulder. It had been an awkward and difficult couple of days and she had been scared to death the whole time, so it was not something she cared to repeat.

She did not say the words though as there was no need. Her boy had learned his lesson about leaving marks and she knew that she could safely put herself entirely into his hands.

Speaking of hands, she felt that exploring one of his grip one of her cheeks back behind her and as a result she let out a happy little cry and lifted up on her toes, moving against him. The stiff dick that was squeezed up in between them got rubbed by all of this and so she wasn’t at all surprised to hear him let out a low moan.

With his dick on her mind, Lori decided that she would like a taste.

Pushing against him popped her free of his griping arm, but he let her go only reluctantly, holding her tight being a whole lot of fun. She sank right to her knees, which forced him to let go of her butt as well. He didn’t complain however as he had figured out what she had in mind just as soon as she dropped.

Grabbing hold of the sides of his shorts and boxers both, she hauled both down at the same time and laughed when his hard cock sprang out at her face as if trying to leap down her throat. With his clothes down to about the middle of his thighs, she surrendered them and moved both of her hands to his manhood.

Her son let out what could have been credibly described as a growl as she held his shaft in one hand, his balls in the other.

Lori knew from experience what her son liked and she was only too happy to give it to him with all of the skill and precision of a seasoned whore, and the enthusiasm and passion of a lover.

