My Mom_(6) by pammy2288

My Mom_(6)
by pammy2288

My Mother
I had learned a lot about sex in the last couple days, a lot and mostly how much I liked everything I had done so far. And I liked the fact that twice I got paid for what I loved to do. First it was fifty bucks to give a blowjob to a stranger and then seven hundred bucks to spend the day with that same stranger. But now my big problem was how to explain to my Mom how I came up with $750.

My Mother is one hot lady. I only hope when I get to be her age I am as hot. You could call her a cougar or an MILF or anything you want to but she is hot. She works hard and takes good care of me. She goes out usually once a week on Saturday night and maybe ever couple weeks or so she will bring a guy home for a while or the night. They are usually very quiet so that’s why I was so surprised to get woke up with quite a bit of noise in the hall outside my bedroom.

I recognized Mom’s laugh and then the voice of Donald who had been here before. But I didn’t recognize the third one. I could tell it was a guy but didn’t think I had heard it before. They all went into Mom’s bedroom and things were quiet. For a while I dozed off for and then awoke again to moans that I recognized as the moans of pleasure. Mom was definitely having a good time with the two guys.

I got up and crept down the hall but her door was completely shut. I was afraid if I tried to turn the knob it would make a sound so I just listened. Mom was moaning and saying fuck me, fuck me. I recognized the sound of a hard cock pounding a wet pussy and decided that with as much noise as they were making they would never hear the door open so I very slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open a crack. I about fell over because of what I saw. Mom was in the middle, on top of one cock in her pussy while the other cock was fucking her rosebud. I could see her face and she loved every minute of it. And so were the guys. They were pounding away. It was only a few minutes later that the guy in her ass stopped and just left his cock all the way in her. I knew he must have filled her with his cum. Then shortly after the guy fucking her cunt filled it and the game was over.

The guys didn’t waste much time dressing and leaving. Mom just laid there like she was asleep. I watched a few minutes and was about to go back to my bed when I saw between Mom’s legs. The cum was seeping out of her pussy and her asshole. My pussy was weeping and I could hardly breathe. I had to get a closer look and maybe a taste of the combination of two guys and Mom’s cum. I slowly moved over to the bed and reached in and picked up some cum off the sheet without touching Mom. It was really good. There was more in her cunt that was begging me to lick it off. I touched Mom and she didn’t react so I gently pushed her legs apart.

With no reaction I moved over between her legs and got my face right at here box. My tongue flicked a bit of cum off and still no reaction so I pushed in a little further. I licked three or four times and was moving down to her asshole when she moved her pussy around like she was really enjoying it. When my tongue touched her other hole and started penetrating she grabbed my head and held me there. Then she sort of rubbed around on my head and bolted upright.

“What are you doing?” She screamed.

I slapped her ass and told her to lie down and shut up and enjoy. Then I buried my face in her pussy and started licking again. She squirmed around but I had a pretty good hold on her and finally she realized how good it felt and laid back and let me take care of her. I spent about 10 minutes cleaning her pussy and her asshole and even made her cum. My pussy was about to explode so I started fucking myself with two fingers. But that wasn’t getting the job done.

What I needed was someone else helping me. I thought what the fuck, Mom is letting me lick her pussy, and maybe she would like to lick mine. Without out any further thought I quickly moved up and lowered my cunt down on Mom’s face. There was no resistance on her part; it was as if she wanted to eat me. It wasn’t long before I had one of the biggest climaxes of my short sex life. I squirted my juice all over her face and in her mouth.

I moved down beside Mom lying with my head on her shoulder with my mouth right by her nipple. Leg over her body with pussy rubbing her thigh. “We need to talk Mommy,” I whispered.

“Well Duh,” she replied with a quiet laugh. “First I have something I have to tell you. My hours at work have been cut almost in half so we won’t be able to stay here. We will have to find a cheaper place to rent.”

I thought to myself, we may find a new place to live but it won’t be cheaper. “No Mom, not a problem. That’s what I want to talk about.”

I ran to my bedroom and got the money. As I dropped it on her tits I said, “I made this in the last two days and enjoyed every minute of my work. And I’m sure there is a lot more where this came from, particularly with a Mother-Daughter team.”

“Tell me more, little girl,” she said about half serious. I decided I wasn’t going to tell her how but would rather show her.

I went back to my room and called Henry to see if Edward was there. He was so I explained what I wanted to do. Henry said OK so I returned to Mom. “Let’s shower and then I have some place for us to go.”

We did and a while later found us going in Henry’s back door with Henry setting there and motioned to the dryer. There laid 2 fifty dollar bills. I picked them up and handed one to Mom. Then we went down the hall to the closet. After we were seated Henry placed the cardboard wall in front of us and all was quiet. Mom looked a little nervous but didn’t say anything. Then this big beautiful hard black cock poked thru the hole. I looked at Mom and she looked both surprised and pleased. I didn’t have to show her anything. She leaned forward and kissed the head and started licking it. I pulled on the ball sack so his balls came thru the hole and started licking and sucking there. With two mouths and two tongues doing their job it didn’t take long for a series of long, hot man cum to start shooting out. Either her mouth or mine were in position to catch it all.

After we had sucked it dry the cock disappeared and Henry removed the cardboard. We went into the kitchen and were served hot coffee and donuts. I didn’t hear anything but after a few minutes Henry picked up a towel from the table. There were two fans of 7 one hundred dollar bills each. “He’s ready if you are,” Henry said.

I looked at a very puzzled Mother and asked. “Are you ready for a few hours of sucking and fucking and licking and cumming?”

“I’m not sure I understand,” was her reply.

“Well it is very simple, we will spend the next 6 or 8 hours having our way with a wonderful man as he has his way with us. We can say no to anything he tries and stop any time we want to. But frankly, I never had any thought of saying no or stopping.”

Mom had that I don’t know if I should look on her face but it was definitely not a NO look so I picked up one of the fans and handed it to her and picked up the other one for myself. Then I got up and waited a bit for her and she joined me. “Just sort of follow my lead for a while. I’m sure it won’t take long for you to get with the program.”

Edward was lying on his back. I cuddled in beside him and planted my leg over his body. His hard cock was thumping it and my pussy started its reaction. Mom hesitated a minute and then joined us on the other side. Edward looked at her with a big smile and kissed her on the forehead. I wouldn’t say it was the look of love but there was very definitely a mutual connection. I felt a hand on my butt and I could see two black hands so smiled when I realized it was Mom’s. Then it was on the hard cock that was rubbing my leg. It didn’t take Mom long to move down and start sucking. I worked on his tongue while she worked on his cock.

“I think she enjoys sucking a cock as much as you do,” I was told. “Should I cum in her mouth like I do you?”

“Oh Yes, for sure,” I replied, “I don’t know if she likes cum like I do but she has to learn not to leave a big mess.”

Edward and I kissed for a little while and then I moved up so he could work on my tits. Mom was sort of curled up between his legs really doing a work out on his cock. Then she got up on her knees to get a better angle so I decided to move down and do some work on her. Her pussy was dripping with love juice and I started running my tongue up and down the crack of her ass. Her rosebud was puckered like it wanted something and I was sure it was going to get something before the day was over. I pushed my tongue in and out and then moved to her pussy. She was pushing her head up and down on the big cock and I could tell from experience that Edward was about to cum. I moved up and put my arm around Mom’s shoulders. When the cum started to flow I pushed down on her head not letting her lift off of his cock.

“Swallow it Mother slut,” I whispered, “Swallow all of it, don’t waste a drop.”

After a bit I let up on her head and she slowly pulled off his cock. The way she was smiling as she turned to me I knew she had kept a mouthful of juice. I smiled back and turned around with my face under hers and she opened up and let his cum drool into my mouth. Then she lowered down and gave me one hot kiss. Our tongues danced around in the goo until we both swallowed what was left. Mom collapsed onto her back next to Edward with one hand on her tits and the other down on her stomach. I turned to give some cleanup to the big, black cock that was still standing at attention. Then Mom said,

“You know what; I really enjoy being a slut.”

“You must get that from me,” I said with a laugh.

We all just laid there for a few minutes until I decided it was time to resume our activities. I looked at mom and asked, “Do you like it when I lick your pussy?”
“MMMMMyes,” was her reply.

“Well if you like an amateur tongue do its thing you are about to find out about a professional tongue and what it can do,” is said with sort of a laugh. Edward got the message and moved down between Mom’s legs. I moved up beside her so I could work on the top half.

In our brief sexual history I had been able to bring Mom to some high levels of sexual arousal and audible moans and groans of pleasure but in the next few minutes she went to a new level. I told her to pull her legs up which she did so Edward had a wide open playing field. And he took every advantage. His tongue, lips and fingers moved up and down from her rosebud to her cunny. She was flopping about and moaning and groaning and squirting. I moved down and licked her juice off her thighs and stomach as Edward continued his assault. And then it was over. After a major climax Mom went silent. No sound, no movement, nothing. Having done that myself I wasn’t worried so I pushed Edward over on his back so I could attack his hard cock.

Mom started to cum around so I turned my attention to her. “Oh my,” was her first communication. Then, “That was wonderful.”

I asked, “Do you want to stop now?”

She rolled over towards us and reached for his cock. “Are you kidding, I’m just getting started.”

And then there were two mouths and two tongues and four hands working on this big, black lover. For the next couple hours I climaxed and Mom climaxed and Edward climaxed and I couldn’t begin to guess how many times. I do know that I was fucked in all three holes as was Mom. And I know that I licked cum out of all three of her holes as she did me. And I know that I licked and sucked my juice and Mom’s juice and his juice off the big, black cock so many times I couldn’t keep count. It was around 4 o’clock when Edward said,

“I’m sorry ladies but I have a meeting to go to. You stay here and play or whatever you want to do.”

With that he was up and headed to the shower. I cuddled with Mom for a bit until she said we had better head for home. We dressed and were headed out when I said,
“We have one more thing to do before we leave.”

“What’s that she asked?”

I led her into where Henry was. And as usual he was setting there, cock in hand watching porno. “We have to thank Henry,” I said. “Won’t you join me?”

I dropped to the floor between Henry’s legs and took over on his cock. I stroked it for a bit and then my hand was joined by Mom’s. I bent over and started licking his balls and soon Mom was sucking his cock. And as usual it didn’t take very long before Henry started jerking and moaning and Mom had a mouthful of his cum. I looked at her and she kissed me and shared with me. We cleaned him up and got up to leave. We ran into Richard on the way out and he said,

“Do you ladies realize how much money you could make what you just did today. There are guys and gals that would pay big bucks to spend some time with a Mother-Daughter team like you.”

With that he was gone and we were home. We showered together and went to bed together and slept for a long time, like 14 hours. I awoke when the phone rang and when I answered it was Richard.

“I’m going to have a car pick you up at noon so we can have lunch. Be ready.”

That was all, no explanation. I told Mom and she looked a little puzzled too.

Our lunch with Edward will start a new life for me that I will call “My Adventures With Mom.”

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