My Playground by lastlonger

My Playground
by lastlonger

Mom had recently died. A heart attack took her at 63. She never remarried after dad died and lived with me and my wife, Gloria. She was a good mom, a great grandmother, a good housekeeper, and she loved the taste of my cum whether she gave me a blow job or by cleaning up Gloria’s asshole after I butt fucked her.

She’ll be sadly missed.

I remember it all… Like it was yesterday.

Growing up, I was large for my age, slightly taller, definitely heavier than my classmates. I had an attitude and always seemed to get in fights with the older students. Going into high school I was a bully and always in trouble it seemed.

Mom and dad put up with my crap for several years. They were always talking to me about school and going to college. Mom tried several things to settle me down, mainly talk. Blah, blah, blah, school, school, school.

My father finally had enough and called me out to the garage one evening.

“Been in any trouble at school lately?” he asked me.

“No. Nothing lately.” I answered.

Just then a bolt out of the blue hit my face. I was dazed and regained my senses on the floor. I had been in many fights, but no one had ever hit me this hard or with this consequence. I was dizzy, my nose was bleeding, and God did it hurt.

“Get off your ass” was all he said.

I stood up staring at him.

“Before you decide to do something stupid, stand there and don’t fucking move a muscle. If you ever lie to me again, I will fucking hurt you. Now again, have you been in any trouble at school?” he said.

“Yes. I was caught fighting again. I was told next time and I’m looking at a week’s suspension. As it is, I have to stay after school an hour every day for the next three days as some sort of enforced study hall. ” I said looking downward while blood was running out my nose.

“I know. They called me. We talked. Tear this in half, stick it each nostril, and tilt your head back.” He told me handing a paper towel to me.

I knew the drill; I’d had bloody noses before.

“You’re going to have a swollen beak and a couple of black eyes for the next couple of weeks to remind you of this conversation. You think your hot shit and all that with your little butt hole buddies in school. You’re nothing more than a punk on the fast lane to nowhere and I am going to fucking break you or you will be in a lot of physical pain. Do you understand…” he said.

“Sure.” I said.

Next thing I realized was my right cheek was stinging and I was leaning over. I’d been slapped.

“Look at me and say YES or NO or I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION, SIR” he yelled at me.

I stood there stunned.

He grabbed me by my throat with his left hand, pushing me against the wall, and then lifted me about six inches off the floor.

“I told you the answers. What is it boy.” he yelled at me.

I had never seen dad act this way before and I was scared.

“Yes” I answered weakly.

“Yes what”

I was confused and gasping for breath.

“You don’t have all day, fuck stick. Yes WHAT” he again yelled at me.

“Yes sir” I said while trying not to pass out.

He released me and I fell to the ground.

“Wait until I tell mom what you did to me. You’ll be in trouble!” I said while starting to cry.

“Go tell mommy. Hell, I’ll even lead the fucking way. I will tell you ahead of time though that it won’t matter.

That bitch won’t say one word. I broke her a long time ago. What will happen is that you will get an ass beating that makes this conversation look like a group hug.” he said.

Continuing on, he said, “You think you’re a tough guy and look at you. Crying and threatening me with telling mommy. Your days of fighting and school trouble stop today. Do I make myself clear?” he stated.

“Yes, sir” I said looking everywhere but at him.

Now my left cheek was on fire and I was leaning over. The blood soaked paper plugs that were in my nose had gone somewhere. Blood was running again. I stood back up straight.

“Look at me when you speak to me. Got it.” he said.

“Yes, sir” I stated looking him square in the eyes.

“Good, let’s go clean up. Get your act together Jake. High school grades give you a shot at a decent college. I will not let you fail, but it is all on you.”

We went back into our house. Mom was waiting in the kitchen. I just walked straight through going towards my room. Dad had said something then I heard mom say “Yes sir” in response.

Dad and I had a few more conversations in the garage that year but I got the message.

I had no more problems at school after our third conversation. I had a hard time adjusting to not getting into trouble or fights. The sight of some bully wannabe picking on kids I used to pick on pissed me off. The thought of what dad would do really scared me. I looked at him in a different light. My grades improved but I had no friends. Too many kids were afraid of me because of my reputation.

I noticed something at home I had never paid attention to. Mom and dad talked in what I call “normal conversation” around the house when I was around them. There were many times I’d hear mom say “yes sir and no sir” to dad when they didn’t know I was in another room within earshot.

I had always thought mom was the enforcer growing up. It was her that spanked me and enforced rules that I broke. She was just five foot five and weighed probably one thirty to one forty pounds. I little wide in the hips, but I towered over her and had probably eighty pounds on her. I was a couple inches taller than dad, but we weighed about the same.

Now I realize dad was trying to let her run me and it didn’t work. He had to step in.

Going into my senior year, I finally had friends who talked to me about everything. I had dated a few girls of loose pursuit and had sex with many of them. I hadn’t been in any trouble for a couple years. My grades were good, not great but a solid 3.0. I had colleges sending me info.

Then, one day in April I was told to go to the office by my teacher. “What the fuck did I do now and how will dad react” was all I thought making that trip to the office I had so wanted to avoid.

I walked in and saw the principal, a police officer, and mom. Mom looked like she had been crying.

The principal nodded and the officer approached me.

“Are you Jake?” he asked.

“Yes sir” I responded without even thinking.

“Sit down Jake. I have some news for you and I want you seated.” he said looking me right in my eyes.

I sat while he told me my father had been killed that morning a traffic collision on his way to work. I was stunned at first not realizing exactly what he had said.

“How bad is he” I blubbered.

“No Jake. He’s dead.” The officer responded.

Life goes on. Several weeks later, I graduated from high school.

College was on hold for now until home life was settled. Mom was a basket case for several months. She just stayed in her bedroom or walked around the house in a house robe.

We’d talk about stuff, never mentioning college. Sometimes we’d get in arguments over what I consider petty things now. I’d go out with my friends from time to time, but basically, just hung around the house. Sometimes, my friends would drop by to visit, but mom would find a way to run them off.

I’d hear mom crying in the middle of the night. Sometimes waking me up, other times, I was already awake.

Mom would only get dressed if we had to go shopping for groceries or other needs.

At some point she bought some whiskey. She and dad always liked to drink highballs on weekends. She started drinking one Saturday afternoon and was quite drunk by evening. It was the first time she’s drank since dad had died. I’d decided to stay home, yet again, on another weekend day in case she did something irrational. I wouldn’t call her suicidal, but she was depressed as hell.

I was in my room wearing jean shorts with no shirt on, sitting at my desk watching porn movies on my computer. I heard mom in the hallway before she got to my door so I was able to close everything on the computer before she came in. The last thing I needed was to hear was her yelling at me about something.

“Mom, you need to talk or something?” I said.

She started to cry again. “God, I miss him so much” she stated over several times.

“Yeah, we both do.” I said twisting side to side in my chair.

“Oh, he loved you honey. That’s why he was so hard you. He wanted you to clean up, go to college, and get a good job. Not fight and scrounge like he had to. He was a hard man but a fair man. When you did something wrong, and he would explain what was wrong, there are consequences. You know that as well as I did. ” She said weeping out tears.

“Sure mom, he was a good man.” I said.

“Yes he was. The insurance money from his life insurance will cover your college costs and get me by for years until I figure out what I want to do. Then there’s the money coming in from the insurance claim against the drunken bastard that killed your father. Thank God that son of a bitch was loaded with insurance. Our lawyers are suing that bastard for every cent they can dig out of his ass.” She slurred.

“Well Jake, I guess you’re the man of the house now with dad gone” she slurred while throwing herself backwards on my bed.

I had never really thought about mom before other than mom.

“I watched too much porn tonight” I thought to myself.

“What did you say, mom. I wasn’t listening” I said.

“What honey, oh, you’re the man of the house now that dad is gone.” She again slurred out.

This was the moment. It’s all or nothing. Going for broke….

“Yes I am” I said out loud looking at her.

I reached over my bed and picked her up like she was a sack of potatoes.

“What, what are you doing Jake” she said startled consciously.

“What the man of the house should be doing”. I said carrying her into the bathroom.

I laid her down in the bath tub with her just looking up at me.

“What’s going on Jake” she said.

I started to pull my shorts down.

“Jake, what do you think you are doing” she said now acting fully sober.

I bend over her, grabbed her face with my hand, and tell her “Just fucking lay there. The man of this house
has something to say!” I said in a loud tone.

I stood back up while she laid back into the tub looking at me. I took my shorts off then started to lower my underwear.

“Jake, Jake, what are you doing. I’m your mother” she said starting get up.

I continued to lower my shorts to mid thigh. Then I started to piss on her. I aimed at her face and mouth as she was now fully aware of what I was doing.

“God Dammit Jake. What the fuck….” was all she said.

Slap was the sound heard as my hand went across her face. With that, a look of horror appeared looking at me.

“Now that I have your attention again, this is how I feel about you” I sneered at her while I resumed peeing at her face again.

“OK. Can I get out of the tub and my pissed soaked clothes now” she said.

I bend over grabbing her by the throat and yell at her “THE ANSWERS ARE YES, NO, OR I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE QUESTION, SIR!”

Then I release her.

She looks at me and then asks “May I go clean up and change my clothes, SIR!”

“Yes, after you give me a blow job.” I respond.

“What, WHAT, if you think I’m doing anything like that”. She started to say.

“Bitch, shut the fuck up. Listen to me. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s all on you. Now suck me off. Understand” I said to her staring into her eyes the whole time.

She looked down, then up, then down again. I knew she was thinking.

“We don’t have all night shit for brains. Suck my dick, NOW!” I said again looking into her eyes.

She shifted in the tub and reached up grabbing my dick. I have a normal dick about five inches long which she took easily into her mouth. Mary Jane had given me many blow jobs while we dated, but those were nothing compared to the knob polishing I was getting now. Mom played with my nut sack while her tongue danced around my dick. Her head was bobbing up and down my shaft at a moderate speed. I quickly came shooting a decent load into her mouth.

“Drink me dry” I said looking down at her. She just gazed up at me.

I backed away from the tub to let her out. She was mad and you could tell. Her face was still beet red from where I had slapped her. She stood staring at me.

“You have ten minutes to clean up and get ready for me” I said to her.

“Ready for what?” she responded.

Slap again across her other cheek.

She was bent over, crying, looking at me.

“What?” she pleaded.

“The answer was ready for what, SIR” I yelled at her.

She shrunk within her frame looking at me with tears coming down her face.

“I’m sorry I forgot the sir part. Please don’t hurt me again, sir” she cried.

“I won’t hurt you as long as do what you are told. Do you understand” I said holding both her shoulders looking directly into her face with my face inches from hers.

“Yes sir” she said meekly.

“Good, now go clean up. You got about eight minutes left. You don’t need to wear anything special. I want to see what my bitch looks like. Understand?” I said.

“Yes sir” was her response.

She practically ran off into her bedroom. I heard water come on in her shower. I turned the water on in the bathtub then hit the diverter lever so it went to a shower. I stepped out of my underwear and climbed in.

With hot water rushing over me, all I could think was “thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU dad for telling me years ago of how the bitch was broken”.

I climbed out of the shower, dried off, and walk towards mom’s bedroom.

When I open the door, the lights are on and she is standing in the middle of the room butt naked.

I breathe heavily as I take in the sight of my mom.

“Bitch, let’s get some ground rules established now. I will do anything I want to you but I will not hurt you as long as you do what is required. Do you understand?” I said.

“Yes sir” she responded quietly.

“When we are outside this house, you may call me Jake. I will call you mom. Inside this house when we are alone you are just a cum catcher and I will call you by whatever name I desire. Do you understand?” I said.

“Yes sir” she again responded quietly.

I still remember the raging hard on I had walking towards her bed. Climbing in I tell her “You are a great cocksucker, dad taught you well. Show me your other talents butt hole buddy.”

She looked down at the floor as she walked towards the bed.

To be continued…

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