Never Forget_(1) by simon461

Never Forget_(1)
by simon461

It was never supposed to be anything more than what it became. Kyle had grown up with Katie. He had watched her grow up into the beautiful young woman that she was. She was his best friend. She was his twin sister.
They were seventeen. While Kyle had darker blonde hair and blue eyes, his sister had bright blonde hair and blue eyes. They were both slim and fit. Katie had matured well for a girl her age. She had medium sized breasts and a round, toned buttocks. She was a tan beauty that all of the guys at school drooled over. None of them would ever have the bond that he had with her, though.
It all started on the morning after their seventeenth birthday. Kyle yawned as he woke up, stretching comfortably. Today was going to be a great day. He smiled and slid out of bed, not bothering to get dressed as he walked out of the room. In the bathroom, the shower was running. He was used to seeing his sister naked, so he knew that she wouldn’t care if he went piss.
As he urinated, Katie stuck her head out of the glass door of the shower. “Hey, Kyle! You’re up late!”
“It’s Saturday. I figured I would sleep in.”
“Well, Mom and Dad are out. You can hop in here with me.”
They had showered together for years, and had only stopped between six and fifteen. Now it was just a usual thing when their parents were gone. It wasn’t sexual. Just two siblings washing each other. They like to take care of each other. That’s just how they were. “So, what do you have planned for the day?” Kyle asked as he stepped into the shower.
“Not much. I was going to relax around the house. Maybe I will play some computer games.”
Kyle took the wash cloth and dampened it before applying soap. Then he began washing his sister. They always caressed each other as they washed. Even when washing each others sex, it was purely natural. There were no limits between them. They had respect for each other.
Katie smiled as she hugged her brother. Her breasts pressed firmly to his bare chest. “I am glad I have you around. You’re my best friend.”
“Well, instead of sitting around here all day, we should go out for lunch.”
She smiled. “Good idea. I’ll go get dressed. The mall food court would be fun.”
He nodded. “I will be down in a bit.”


The food court was packed as the twins sat down with their Chinese food. Katie smiled as she ate. It was nice to go out for a meal with just her brother. Maybe she would drag him along to go shopping and dress him up nicely. After they ate, she thought that it sounded like a good idea to go shopping. “Let’s hit the stores,” she said.
As they began to leave the food court, Kyle froze. Across the area, he saw his girlfriend Michelle, making out with a guy a little older than himself. Michelle was pretty hot. She had medium sized breasts, and a slim figure that led to a nice ass. He hair was long and red. But it was clear to Katie from the start that the girl was a complete slut.
When Katie saw the hurt in her brother’s eyes, she dragged him away. “Fuck her. Let’s have fun, Kyle.”
“You’re right,” he said as they walked.
“You deserve better than her any way. She was a bitch.”
Kyle sighed as they went through store after store. Katie picked out several outfits for him, which she bought with her birthday money. After that, she had a good idea. She wanted to get his mind off Michelle. “Come on, you can help me pick out some new panties,” she said as she dragged him to Victoria’s Secret.
He always helped her pick out clothes, and it was normal. She wanted to make it more, though. He needed to know that someone loved him who would never leave him. Once they were in the store, she grabbed several thongs and boy shorts panties. “I need your help,” she said, turning to him.
“Will you stay in the dressing room with me in case anyone tries to peek in?”
Kyle smiled. “Sure. Let’s go.”
They slipped into a dressing room and closed the curtain. Katie began by pulling off her pink t-shirt. Then she slowly pulled off her tight jeans. She loved letting her brother see her in her pink lace bra and panties. He licked his lips slightly as she removed her bra. “I wish my breasts were bigger,” she mumbled, pulling on her already hardened nipples.
“They are fine, Katie. You are beautiful.”
She turned and smiled at him. “You really think so?”
“Of course. You are gorgeous.”
Katie blushed, and then removed her panties. “You’re so sweet, Kyle.”
He held her close. “I love you.”
Katie unbuttoned his jeans, quickly lowering the zipper. “What the hell, Katie?” he asked, jumping back.
“We love each other. We should be together.”
“You’re my sister,” he stammered as she lowered his pants and boxers.
Katie palmed his throbbing cock. “No one has to know but us.”
“Katie, we can’t do this.”
She slid up and kissed him softly, pulling his tongue into her mouth. She stroked his cock with her soft hand. Suddenly, though, Kyle moved her away. “Get dressed. We’re going home. This can’t happen.”
As he got dressed and stormed out of the dressing room, his mind was racing. He had just made out with his twin sister, and it had been amazing. He knew that it couldn’t happen, though. So he waited for her so they could leave.

Chapter One

The moon light shined through Kyle’s window as he rolled over in bed. It was difficult to get his mind off the incident with Katie. He liked it, but she was wanting something that was wrong. In his mind, though, he found himself rationalizing it all. In every sense of the word, he love Katie.
Kyle yawned as he slid out of bed in only his boxers. If he went through with this, he knew that there was no going back. But something told him that he would never want to. So he walked out of his room and into his his sister’s.
Katie’s room was all pink, fluffy, and girly. She was very preppy, but that was one of her many cute qualities. When he was close to her bed, he saw that she was sleeping naked. That was normal for her. So, Kyle slid his boxers off and slid into bed with her.
Under her covers, he ran his hand steadily up her flat stomach to the soft breasts that he had seen so often. Toughing her now felt so different. It had an entirely new heat to it. He twirled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and Katie opened her eyes. “I knew you would come,” she whispered.
He kissed her hard, letting the passion flow through him. He spread her legs as he climbed on top of her soft body. The heat between them both was like fire; it was a raging inferno of passion. “I love you,” he said, as he guided his cock into the opening of her shaved cunt.
She grunted as he slid inside. His manhood met a wall of resistance. “Be gentle, Kyle. It’s my first time.”
He smiled and pressed in further, stretching her pussy around him. The resistance broke, and she cried out softly in pain. He kissed her, moving his hips gently in and out. She was so tight and wet, much more than he had expected from a girl. This was exactly how he knew that his first time should feel.
As Katie’s cries became soft moan, he moved faster, loving the sensation of being completely buried inside her. She was like velvet, caressing and squeezing him. He her hands ran through his hair. Her legs wrapped around him, pushing him in deeper. It was as if they both wanted to melt together. Their hips moved as one, and when they both came, it was a moment of pure bliss.
Katie smiled as he held her in his arms. Their legs and arms were like an endless interlocking statue of pure bliss. She kissed him softly. “You don’t need a girlfriend, Kyle. You have had one since birth. We are one, through soul and body. I am yours and you are mine.”
“Always,” he whispered.
She nodded. “I love you, Brother.”
“I love you too, Sister.”


The school bell rang, jolting Kyle from his nap in English class. He gathered his things and quickly left the class room. In the hallway, he moved quickly to his locker. He was going to meet Katie to take her home after her softball practice. At his locker, he quickly grabbed his backpack. “Hey, Kyle,” a familiar voice said behind him.
He turned and faced Michelle. He tried to ignore the sexy low cut t-shirt she wore that was too sizes too small and the low riding blue jeans that showed off her nice ass. “What do you want?” he asked.
Michelle looked hurt. “You never called me over the weekend, Babe.”
“I saw you Saturday at the mall. Did that guy’s tongue taste good?”
She looked hurt. “Oh. You saw that? I am sorry. I don’t know why I did that. I was just so horny and you never want to have sex.”
“I wasn’t ready. But it’s nice to know that you never loved me.”
She grabbed his arm before he could walk away. “I do love you! Give me another chance!”
Kyle glared at her. “Why? So that you can go jump on another guy’s dick the second I am not around?”
She leaned forward and licked her ear lobe. “Come to the my car, and I will show you why you should forgive me.”
Something inside him clicked. He wanted to follow her. There were still feelings for her inside him. So Kyle followed her to the parking lot and got into her father’s Hummer H2. The vehicle was comfortable. He sat back and relaxed as Michelle rubbed his thigh. “I always wanted you,” she said, kissing his neck.
He smiled and turned to kiss her lips. They were warm and soft, much like Katie’s. Michelle was different, though. She was all about heat. She wanted sex. Katie made love.
Kyle pulled at Michelle’s shirt, giving in to his exhibitions. The garment was easy to remove, and then he made quick work of her tiny blue lace bra. Her breasts were soft in his hands, her nipples hardening under his palms. She moaned softly as he kissed her neck, and slowly lowered his zipper.
Kyle groaned as she stroked his cock with a firm grip, and unbuttoned her jeans. Once he had her down to her thong, he was tired of waiting. He ripped the garment clean off and shoved his hand between her legs. Michelle squealed as he massaged her wet cunt, sliding two fingers into her. She straddled him, sliding his cock deep into her. Though she wasn’t as tight as Katie, she was equally amazing.
He groaned as she rocked her hips, and her muscles massaged his aching manhood. Then he did the single most idiotic thing in his life. “Oh, Katie,” he moaned.
Michelle jumped off him, a look of pure disgust on her face. “That is sick! You just called me your sister during sex!”
“Please, Michelle, I am so sorry.”
“Save it. Get the fuck out of my car.”
He nodded and zipped his pants. Once he was walking back toward the school, he realized that perhaps it was meant to be this way. He honestly did love Katie, and Michelle would have just cheated on him again. Even if Michelle told every one about what had happened, he didn’t care. So what if people couldn’t accept who he loved?
Out on the softball field, he watched Katie play. She was a goddess. And her uniform looked amazing on that tight little body of hers. As soon as practice was over, she ran over and hugged him, wrapping her arms legs around him as well as her arms. Kyle held her up by her buttocks and kissed her. “Did you have a good day?” he asked.
“Yeah. But I missed you. Can we go home now? I need a shower.”
She jumped off him as the team approached. One of the girls, a sexy, slim brunette around their age, hugged Katie. “Good game. I will call you so we can hang out sometime.”
As the girl walked off, Kyle gave his sister a confused look. “She’s new,” Katie explained.
They walked up to his car as they talked. “So the coach just let her on the team halfway through the season?”
“No. Coach saw videos of her games, and begged her to join the team. She is awesome. And kinda cute too.”
They got into his car. “Since when are you bi, Katie?”
She shrugged. “I figured she might be able to join us some time.”
They drove down the road, simply holding hands. Then Katie leaned over and kissed his cheek. “I love you, Kyle!”
He smiled. “I love you too. So after you get a shower, what would you like to do? Mom and Dad aren’t going to be home until late.”
“I say we order a pizza and watch a movie. I am too tired to do anything else.”
At the house, Kyle called in the pizza and waited for Katie to get done with her shower. It had been a long day for him as well. He was exhausted. But he loved spending time with her. So when she came out in her long pink t-shirt, he smiled happily. “What kind of pizza did you order?” she asked as she cuddled up to him on the couch.
“I ordered extra cheese, Ms. Vegetarian.”
She beamed. “Thanks, Brother.”
“My half is meat lovers.”
Katie gagged, making him chuckle as the door bell rang. She grabbed the money and ran to the door. After a while, she came back with the large pizza and sat with her legs crossed beside him. “This is really cheesy,” she said as she picked up a slice.
“It’s to make up for your lack of other toppings,” he joked.
She playfully smacked him as they started watching the movie. After two hours, she was laying her head on his lap as she slept. He smiled as he turned off the television and carefully got up. He put the pizza box away and went to grab a blanket. In her bedroom, he grabbed her blanket. The picture on her night stand made him pause. It was one of them at the beach. She looked so beautiful and happy. A smile spread across his face.
Back in the living room, he covered her and kissed her cheek. “Kyle?” she asked, her beautiful eyes fluttering open.
“Hey. Go to sleep. We will hang out more tomorrow after school.”
“Okay. I love you.”
“Oh, and wear something nice tomorrow. We’re going to go get our pictures done.”
She smiled as she slipped back into the world of dreams. Kyle went to his room and laid down. It was nice to know that he had all that he could possibly ever want. He was happy.

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