Passionate tale w/ young blk woman & white Navy Seal

Passionate tale w/ young blk woman & white Navy Seal

He was driving her crazy! Ten years of wanting that man. Ten years of admiring, loving and lusting after him. It’s a wonder Sienna lasted all these years. In two days she would be 18 and she was determined to have him. She knew that his morals and his love for her father would keep him from touching her until then, but only two more days and his ass was hers!

She remembered the first time she laid her young eyes on him. She was only 8 and her father had a party at their house after SQT(SEAL Qualification Training). Sienna didn’t know much about the Navy Seals and what they did, but she knew that her father always hated BUD/S training . She knew whatever it was they did, it was hard.

They had all completed training tonight and instead of going out for a night on the town where they surely would get wasted and fight…her father, LT. Jackson Branson decided to keep his boys safe and close. He knew all the hell the Navy put them through over the past few months would cause some to get rowdy as they celebrated. And he cared about his men. She had seen all of these movies with men in the military who were mean to their platoons or trainees. Her father was the opposite. All of his men respected him and only had high praises.

At first she was going to spend all her time in her room, but with the loud music, she couldn’t concentrate and the smell of food from the grill started to waft through her window. So she headed downstairs. When she rounded the corner she ran into him and bounced back. He caught her in his arms before she hit the ground.

“Jesus kid, I’m sorry,” he said in a deep voice. “You okay?”

She looked up into perfect green eyes. He was much taller than she was at her young age. Since her mother had left years ago, she never really read many fairy tales, but if she could ever imagine a prince charming, it was him.

“You alright, Sienna?”

He knew her name. Good thing, because she had forgotten it. He had dark brown hair, she thought. Or could be blond. She never could tell because of the close shave they gave the new Seals through training.

“Yes, I’m fine,” she managed to squeak out.

He finally let her go and smiled down at her. ‘Cute kid,’ Brandon thought to himself. He knew that the Lieutenant was a nice looking man in that Denzel Washington kinda way that women seemed to like. Even being a straight guy like Brandon, he had to admit the LT was handsome. But he figured this kid took after her mom. He had seen a picture of the LT’s wife once before in his office. She was a beautiful woman. Gorgeous in fact. She looked like one of the older black supermodels that he’d seen in magazines before.

“Well, the LT’s been telling me a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you,” he said.

Sienna felt so strange staring up at him. She was actually embarrassed. She wondered what her father had been telling him about her.

After a few seconds, Brandon grabbed her hand and led her outside.

“Hey LT, look who I found!” He yelled across the crowded lawn.

She saw her father stop his conversation and lower his beer to look at her. He smiled widely and motioned for her to come over. She didn’t want to but this strong prince charming started pulling her hand as he walked swiftly over to her father.

“Ah, LT she’s a beauty. You’ll have to watch her in a few years. Keep the boys at bay,” one of the other graduates said. He was a skinny tall kid with red hair.

“Oh God, don’t I know it. Maybe the fact that my body is a trained deadly weapon can help,” he said through a smile.

They all laughed. Sienna didn’t really see what was so funny. She just stood there. She had been around her father’s friends and Seals before, but for some reason this particular one who still held onto her hand made her nervous.

Her dad took her hand and pulled her onto his lap. “Alright gentlemen, this lovely young lady is Sienna Rose Branson.” Her father then proceeded to point out the names of the men around her. “This is Terry, Jacob, Darren, and Brandon. And you know LT Jr. Grade Nick.”

She looked around at the 5 men her father pointed out. Terry was the tall, skinny redhead who had spoken about her earlier. Jacob was a shorter, intense looking guy. Sorta stocky and full of muscles. Darren was a good looking black guy with a shaved head. But Brandon was HIS name. HE was her prince charming. He looked down at her and smiled again.

“My name is Brandon Temple, but you can call me BT if you want,” he told her.

Later that night Sienna wrote on a pink piece of paper over and over Brandon and Sienna Temple. Sienna Rose Temple. She liked the sound and sight of that. From that day forth, she knew that she belonged to him. And would never belong to another. Her 8 year old mind went to sleep peacefully dreaming of Prince Charming.


“What about this one?” Sienna asked her friend Lori while they searched through the newest hip clothing store in the mall.

“Too long. You want something shorter if you plan on seducing him tonight,” Lori answered back.

Sienna shot Lori the most evil look. “Sshh,” she whispered to her. “I don’t want everyone knowing. You know how things get back to my father.”

Lori rolled her eyes and continued to look through the racks.

“I found it!!” Sienna squealed.

She had been searching for the right outfit for over a month. You shouldn’t take lightly the dress you were going to lose your virginity in. It was a peach colored, soft cotton dress that tied around her neck and had a low plunging neck line showing off her full C’s that she was proud of. After all, it took them until she was 17 to reach their full size. She had been flat-chested all through middle school and most of high school.

Since the dress was made of soft cotton it hugged her tiny waist and full hips and stopped about two or three inches above her mid thigh. She knew her father would not approve. She had actually never worn something this sexy before. Every now and then when she knew Brandon would be over at her house, she would put on some booty shorts or her bikini. Nothing ever worked. He’d usually just glance at her and quickly smile then turn his attention back to her father.

Her father was no longer actively engaged as a SEAL, and now had a desk job. She hated it. Before, her father worked late and sometimes would be gone for weeks at a time. This elderly lady who lived across the street would babysit. Which was fine with Sienna. She felt like she had more freedom.

But it was always bittersweet. Her father’s absence meant that Brandon was gone too. It scared her when they had to leave for dangerous missions. Half of the time she didn’t know if they were just a few miles away or in another country. Brandon used to tell her that whenever there was war, that meant they failed at their mission. She then realized how many more wars could have been going on had it not been for men like Brandon and her dad. But the thought of him being hurt made her shiver. She wouldn’t know which end was up if she ever got that morbid news. She realized she was daydreaming again and snapped back to reality.

“Oh, girl…that is so hot! Damn, and it looks so good on you,” Lori commented. Sienna stared at herself in the mirror again She really did look good in this dress. The light peach color accented her caramel brown skin. She knew her father would be upset, but she didn’t care. She damn sure wasn’t wearing it for him.

“Okay, let’s go,” she said, as they went to the register and paid. Operation Get Fucked was in full progress.


Her father was able to use the ballroom on base to host her 18th Birthday party. She was so excited. She and Lori had invited most of the senior class to her party. Her other friend’s older brother from college came back home to DJ and the place looked amazing.

She also invited Brandon, Darren and Terry. She had grown fond of the other two over the past 10 years. They all stayed in the Navy Seal program and had been serving together ever since then. Darren was extremely nice to her all the time. She had a semi crush on him too, but nothing like her crush/obsession with Brandon. He was on her mind every night before she went to bed and every morning when she got up. She couldn’t count the times that she had pleasured herself thinking of him. She would massage her wet clit and stroke her fingers in and out of her pussy until her legs shook and she came while screaming his name into a pillow.

She wanted to wait until Brandon was there before she made her grand entrance. She felt like a princess. Like she belonged on the show Sweet Sixteen. Except the only gift she wanted was him. She was sitting in the kitchen waiting for Lori to give her the signal. Lori burst through the kitchen doors.

“He’s here. So is your dad. And Sienna…” she said lowly.


She shook her head from side to side. “Damn girl, he looks so fine! He’s not in uniform. Just a white polo shirt, jeans and clean white sneaks. Damn!”

Sienna immediately got wet. She didn’t want this to happen so soon, but she could feel the dampness between her legs. Everything about that man drove her crazy! His voice, his 6’3 chiseled swimmer’s frame, his laugh…everything. But then she snapped back to reality again.

“My dad?!” She screamed. “What the hell is he doing here? He said he would stay away!”

“I don’t know, but they’re all waiting on you. Come on!” Lori said, practically dragging Sienna down the hall.

When Lori opened the ballroom doors, a flood of blue lights and music hit Sienna at once. The DJ stopped the beat and yelled into the mic, “There she is, looking fine as hell. Happy Birthday, girl.”

She was bombarded with her friends from school, all wishing her happy birthday and hugging and kissing her. She mindlessly chattered with some of them while looking over their heads for Brandon. He was over in the corner talking with her father. She was just about to excuse herself from the conversation when she noticed a tiny blond woman in a short black dress saunter over to Brandon. She lifted his arm and put it around her neck. Brandon didn’t stop to acknowledge her, but he didn’t remove his arm either. Sienna felt like she’d been punched in the stomach. She stood there staring over at them, in a trance. He had the nerve to bring some whore to her birthday party!

The chatter began to cease as the DJ put on a slow mix and couples joined on the dance floor. Sienna walked to the side of the ballroom. She noticed several young guys staring at her. She knew what they had on their minds. She figured this dress would work. It had to. But now, she’d have to work even harder if he brought someone with him.

Her father and Brandon were still talking when her father turned to her and was about to wave, but he stopped and frowned. Sienna gulped loudly. She knew why he was frowning. This was the kind of dress that was in Victoria’s Secret Catalogs and he didn’t want to see it on his only baby girl. Brandon turned to see what had taken her dad’s attention away. She started walking toward them and she could see the smile slide right off Brandon’s face. She could feel his eyes scanning over her body and clothing or lack thereof. She suddenly felt naked.

When she reached the party of three, she noticed out of the corner of her eye the young blond woman staring at her and glancing over her a few times. She looked like she was in her mid twenties and she wore too much makeup. Her blond hair was an obvious bottle job, but her face was pretty. Sienna couldn’t look Brandon in the face just yet. She stared at her father for a second. Commander Branson wasn’t good at confrontation, so she knew he wouldn’t say anything right then, but she would catch hell later.

“Hey baby, happy birthday,” her dad quietly said.

“Thanks, daddy.”

Sienna knew HIS eyes were burning a hole through her. She knew she had to acknowledge him sometime. She took a deep breath and turned to him. His eyes were a piercing green and narrowed just a bit. If you didn’t know him, you wouldn’t be able to tell he was angry, but Sienna knew better. She had studied his face for years, and she knew every slight change in it. He was mad. No, he was pissed the fuck off!

“Hey Sienna, happy birthday,” he muttered through clenched teeth. He didn’t bother to introduce the girl. She decided to chime in anyway.

“Yeah, happy birthday missy. 18 is a fun one. Finally legal!”

She noticed Brandon tense up and squeeze the girl’s shoulders. Her mouth formed an ‘o’ like she was about to say “ouch”, but the expression on his face shut her up.

“Thanks, BT and…,” Sienna searched for her name.

The woman looked up at Brandon, as if to see if it was okay for her to give her name. When he didn’t take his eyes off Sienna, she turned slowly and said, “April”.

“..and April, thank you for coming.”

The silence was painfully uncomfortable. Her dad stared over to the kids who were no doubt trying to spike the punch, April stared down at her dress and picked some imaginary piece of lint from it, and Brandon continued to stare at Sienna. She stared back, trying not to look away first, but she lost. She felt self-conscious and folded her hands over her chest, which was on display for everyone in the room.

She was not going to let him make her feel bad on her special day. If he only knew that she had worn this dress for him and that later that night he could tear it off of her. She decided to be bold. She held her head up high and looked him straight in the face.

“BT, since it is my birthday, mind giving me the first dance?”

He stood there for a minute, not changing his face. April stared incredulously at her, and her dad smiled awkwardly.

“Sure,” he muttered through tight lips, and walked past her to the center of the dance floor.

He stood there with his hands on his hips, neck craned, looking up to the ceiling, waiting on her to follow. She turned on her high heeled sandals and walked toward him.

When she reached him, he stuck out his arms to grab her waist. More roughly than she would have imagined. He wasn’t looking at her, but over her. She placed her arms around his neck and tried to get his attention, but he refused to look at her.

“I hope you’re having a good time. The DJ is new, but–” was all she got out before he interrupted her.

“What are you doing?” He asked. He still was looking over her head. But he was breathing rapidly through his nose.

She didn’t know what to say. She knew he was talking about the dress, but she decided to play dumb.

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t fuck with me, Sienna. You know damn well what I’m talking about. You embarrassed the hell out of your dad wearing this outfit.”

“It’s my party and I can do whatever—” she stopped mid sentence again, as he squeezed her waist with his strong hands. She had only seen him mad once before in her life, and it was scary, but also turned her on in a strange way.

He stared down at her and flexed his jaw. His eyes burned with irritation…and lust? No, her eyes must be playing tricks on her. She saw his eyes briefly lower to her breasts and then slowly they traced a line up her neck, to her lips, then her eyes.

“Do you know what all the guys in this room are thinking? When a girl wears a dress like this?” he asked.

Sienna was so lost in his eyes she failed to notice the malice dripping off his words. “No, what?” she managed to get out, while still staring into his eyes.

“They think she’s a slut,” he whispered into her ear.

That word was like a bucket of cold water being doused on her. Her mouth dropped open. She released her arms around his neck and tried to push his shoulders away, but his grip tightened on her. She couldn’t believe he called her that. She felt her eyes glass over. But she refused to cry in front of him. She only wore this dress for him to want her. Didn’t he know that?

He leaned down again, and whispered in her ear. “And you’re not a slut, are you?” He stated it as a fact more than question. She shook her head no, but felt like she couldn’t move any other part of her body.

“That’s right, you’re not. So I don’t ever want to see you in public in some outfit that barely covers your tits and ass. Wouldn’t want guys getting the wrong impression.” Then he looked her straight in the face and said, “Because then I’d have to kill them.” He said it so seriously that she shivered. He released her and turned his back and walked back over to April, who was sitting in a chair looking very bored. He grabbed her hand, said a few words to Sienna’s father, shook his hand and then walked out without so much as glancing in her direction.

In Sienna’s mind, the party was officially over.


“Oh fuck, BT! Gawd…fuck me harder..oh, oh, oh!!!” April screamed, while on all fours in the middle of his bed, with Brandon fucking her from behind. He had her short blond hair in one hand and his other hand on her small tit, squeezing hard. His body was so tense, he was trying to fuck her pussy into oblivion to get some release. Both of them were covered in sweat. He didn’t care if his dick would be sore after this. He was fucking her hard. The bed slammed up against his wall with every thrust. He knew he was using April, but he really didn’t give a fuck.

He was trying to calm himself down since that fucking party. He couldn’t believe she had worn that damn dress. When she walked, the dress barely swished over her ass cheeks. She had the best ass he’d ever seen. If he were honest with himself, he began staring at it when she was 16. She was about 5’6 and had the best toned caramel thighs. Small waist and beautiful tits that were just a handful for him. Jesus, this girl was driving him crazy.

As soon as he saw her, he wanted to drag her out to his car and fuck her up against the hood. In the past, he had imagined making love to her, but tonight…he wanted to fuck her. Hard. He wanted to own her..claim her body as his. And if he was thinking that, he knew what all those young punk assholes were thinking too. Normally in front of her father, Jackson, he had always maintained a cool distance to Sienna. Never letting on that she affected him. He respected her dad too much. Jackson had singlehandedly changed his life. Brandon felt he owed his life to him. He would do anything for that man. He was definitely the father that he never had.

Brandon never knew his real dad, and when he was 6, his mom decided to leave him with his aunt when she went to work. She never came back. He stayed with his uncle and aunt in Boston until he was 17. They were horrible to him. On several occasions his uncle took to beating his ass every night for some reason.

Until one day when Brandon fought back. He had just taken a beating from his Uncle Harold, and when his uncle went into the kitchen to grab a beer, Brandon smashed his little league bat across the back of his head. His uncle immediately fell to the ground. Brandon just stood there looking over him, unaffected by the blood that was seeping out of his head. He calmly grabbed the phone and dialed the police. He told them what happened. When the ambulance got there they rushed his uncle to the hospital. He was unconscious but still breathing.

His aunt wanted to press charges, but one of the police officers who knew Harold and thought he was a piece of shit, warned his Aunt Sara that Brandon had hit him with the bat in self defense. Which was easy to claim from the busted lip and bruised eye that Brandon had suffered at his uncle’s hand from earlier that day. Aunt Sara had no choice but to let it go, but when they returned home she put all of Brandon’s clothes out onto the stoop.

His face was on fire from embarrassment as she cursed, to the high heavens, the day he came to live with them. Neighbors came to their windows to stare and people passing by on the street slowed down. He had never been so humiliated. He grabbed some of his things and put on his tough exterior that he knew he had mastered in order to survive, and left.After that he squatted at different friends’ houses. He had wanted to drop out of school, but it was almost over, and he figured it was better to have some piece of paper to show for all those years he’d spent in this government made jail. After school, he got a job working part-time at Burger King. He knew then his life sucked. But to make some extra money on the side, he and his friend Kevin would steal cars and take them to chop shops. That paid pretty well.

He and Kevin had a one bedroom apartment they shared with Kevin’s girlfriend Nina. When Kevin was at work, Brandon and Nina would fuck like rabbits. He wasn’t really attracted to her and couldn’t figure out what Kevin saw in her either, but pussy was pussy. And when he wasn’t having sex with her, some random local girl would do.

He no longer really cared about people. His so called friends were okay, but he knew none of them would care much if he vanished off the face of the earth. His father didn’t care or know about him, his mom left him, his uncle abused him and his aunt kicked him out. He would sometimes get on pity parties and go through self-destructive phases. He and Kevin would get so drunk and start shit with guys in bars. He would bust people’s windshields on their cars with bricks. He would dare anyone to fuck with him. Maybe if some asshole did get enough balls, someone could finally put him out of his misery.

It was one day while he had just left from fucking Nina, and was waiting at the bus stop for Kevin, when he saw a bus pass by. It wasn’t his usual bus, but it was the sign on the side of the bus. It was one of those be all you can be posters for the army. He had never entertained the idea. He knew he could never do something like that. He had seen movies…there was no way in hell some Sarge was going to get in his face and tell him to kiss his ass. Brandon knew his temper. He’d punch the guy in his goddamn face. But then Brandon thought about his life here in Boston. Bean-town was a hard place to live at times. It was all he had ever known. And it was all pain.

Later that night, he was surfing through the channels. Nina and Kevin were in their room going at it. He could hear her panting that he was so used to. She was close to coming now he smirked to himself. He stopped at a program on the Discovery Channel about Navy Seals. Shit, what they were doing looked so hard, but also really bad ass.

He saw that their training facility was in California. Right then and there he decided that’s what he wanted to do. He started packing his shit(which wasn’t much). It actually all fit in one small duffel bag. He wrote a note to Kevin. ‘Hey man, I’m out. If you ever get the urge to leave this shit hole, come look me up in Cali. Peace. BT’

With his duffel bag in hand and 306 dollars in his pocket, he threw his key on the table and walked out. It was funny..the air smelled different to him. He walked quickly to the bus station and bought a one way ticket to Coronado, California.

“Oh fuck, baby!” April’s annoyingly shrill voice brought him out of the past. “Damn baby, that feels so good,” she cried as she looked back at him. He could feel his balls start to tighten. Truthfully, he just wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up so he could come, but that was the old him. Jackson had told him that if he wanted to make it in this world, he had to reign his temper in. He knew it was good advice. Would probably save his life one day.

Before meeting Jackson, he treated girls like shit, and wanted to fight guys all the time. But when he got to Coronado, he enlisted in the Navy Seals Program. He never thought he could make it through BUD/s. Jesus…even the thought of it made him sweat. That was the hardest shit he had ever done. Much harder than any missions thus far. He remembered them telling the trainees during cold weather training to piss on themselves to keep warm. He never thought in a million years he could do it, but he did. And the running, swimming (or drowning to be more accurate), starving and sleep deprivation. Many times he wanted to tell them all to kiss his ass, but it was his LT who kept him from doing it. When he had first met Jackson, he seemed like a gentle man. Not like the other LT’s he had met. He had warm eyes and smiled a lot.

After a fight with another trainee one day, Jackson pulled him aside and told him that his possibilities were unlimited if he learned respect and discipline. He talked to him like a father to a son. Brandon for the first time realized that someone believed in him. He had never had that before. And Jackson never seemed to mind that this hotheaded young man who was causing problems was white. He still treated him like a son.

“Oooohhh!!!!!” April screamed as she shuddered and fell to the bed, bringing him back from his memory. Brandon went with her and continued to pummel her pussy until he felt that tingling sensation and released his juices into the condom with a grunt. He laid on her sweaty back for a few seconds, then rolled off of her and removed the used condom. She laid there a few minutes not moving. He was about to tell her he had an early day tomorrow when he heard the first snore. ‘Fuck,’ he thought to himself. The old Brandon would have woken her ass up anyway and sent her packing. He stared down at her with resentment. She wasn’t the woman he wanted tonight. It was HER. Always her invading his dreams.

When he had first met the Commander’s daughter, she was only a little girl. So cute. She had shiny thick jet black hair and big brown eyes and a cute pouty little mouth. As he began to spend more time with the Commander he started to treat her as if she were his little sister. He had never had one, but figured this was as close to one as he would get. He knew that this cute little black girl had a crush on him, but it didn’t faze him. He laughed at her attempts to get his attention.

He would be in the Commander’s study going over strategies and he’d see her peek in. He knew it was way past her bed time. When she thought he wasn’t looking, he’d suddenly look up and wink at her. She would jump back, startled and take off running up the steps.

Even when she got a little older, she would try to hold his attention by bringing up worldly subjects that he knew she really didn’t care about. But he would play along and pretend to be interested and ask her questions.

BUT…as mother nature always does…she changed and grew up. Before she was this skinny flat chested little girl. But around that certain age that girls blossom…and she blossomed in all the right ways…he began to notice. He noticed that her shorts became tighter and shorter and molded her beautiful tight bubble ass. Her tits defied gravity and always teased him through her shirts. Yes, he had many cold showers thinking about that body. But she was the Commander’s daughter. He would never ever touch her.

Plus, he knew her type. Because she was the Commander’s only child, and a daughter, to boot…so she was spoiled rotten. She got whatever she wanted. She would flirt with him in her designer shoes and handbags. She would stomp her little perfectly pedicured feet and pout her lips when her father wouldn’t cave in. On several occasions he had to force himself to leave for fear of saying something he would regret when she threw her temper tantrums in front of him and her father.

He knew what she needed, and that was a paddle to her ass, and he was more than willing to give it to her. When he had been in Boston, he knew girls like her. Spoiled little rich brats. Of course they would fuck him, because he knew how to take them into euphoric worlds that their preppy boyfriends didn’t even know existed. But take him home to daddy? Fuck no. And he resented them for that. And secretly he resented Sienna. He knew not only was he too old for her, but that he also wasn’t good enough for her. Sure he had made a name for himself in the Seals, but he was still a misfit broke white boy from the poor side of Boston. Nothing more.


“So he called you a slut! Oh, he must really like you,” Lori said as she wiped the nail polish off her toes.

“What? Why would you say that?” Sienna asked.

“Because, duh, he was jealous.”

Sienna thought about that for a second. Maybe he was. She would catch him every now and then looking at her. He would quickly turn away, but sometimes too late. She had seen the look in his face. She used to love to tease him. She took every opportunity she got when her father wasn’t watching. She remembered one time when he was sitting on their couch watching TV.

Her dad had run to the grocery store for some extra hamburger meat for dinner that night. She walked into the living room and laid down on the floor right in front of him pretending to watch the program. She was wearing a bikini top and white terry cloth shorts from Victoria’s Secret Pink College collection. She loved that damn store. The shorts were so short and had LOVE written in pink on the back of them. At first she kept her legs together, but as she pretended to be more interested in the show, she began to spread her legs. She thought she heard him moan. Maybe it was her imagination, but she would keep trying harder.

During a commercial, she slowly raised up on her hands and pushed her butt in the air while she lowered her elbows to the carpet pretending to stretch. She heard him moving on the couch. She wanted to turn around so bad to see what he was doing, but honestly she was a little nervous. This was the most obvious thing she had ever done. She had almost built up enough courage to turn around when she heard her dad’s car door slam. When she looked back, Brandon was already half way down the hall. He turned and went into the bathroom. She sat up Indian Style as her dad came in the door.

“Hey pumpkin, where’s Brandon?” He asked. He always called him Brandon instead of his nickname that everyone else seemed to use.

She shrugged her shoulders and slowly ascended upstairs.

Another time she could remember was when she was 16 and he had been helping her dad build a deck for the backyard. Her father had left again to get more materials, so Brandon went to lie down in the shade underneath a tree. She had been watching him from upstairs. Her father had been wearing a wife beater and jogging pants. Although the military kept him in shape, he was an older man and getting just a little soft around the edges.

But Brandon…he only had on a pair of loose fitting athletic pants. His bare chest was beautiful. Perfectly defined. He wasn’t overly muscular like some body builder, but more like a swimmer or model. He definitely had a six pack. And with his pants hung so low on his body, it might even be an eight pack. And she was definitely inspecting closely.

When she walked out into the backyard, she quietly walked over to him. His eyes were closed. She was pretty sure he was still awake since they were used to sleeping light when on missions. She never got to sneak out of the house because her dad was the lightest sleeper she knew. Brandon’s hair had grown out over the years. He still kept it short, but was enough for her to bend down and push it away from his face.

She kneeled over him for a while, staring at his face. He had light freckles on his shoulders. You could barely see them. She assumed working in the sun made them easier to spot. His lips were also beautiful. Pink. Not too big, and not too small. Just perfect. He had long, dark brown eyelashes. She couldn’t help herself. Before she could stop it, she leaned down and kissed him.

At first it was a timid peck for fear that he would wake up. But when he didn’t, she kissed him a little harder and licked his lips. She was about to pull away when his eyes opened. Her eyes opened even wider in shock and fear. He just stared up at her. She felt so embarrassed. She jumped up and ran back into the house. When she got to her room she glanced out the window, but he was gone. She leaned out of the window to see if she could see him, but he was no longer in the back yard. Then she heard it. She heard someone walking up the stairs.

It was him! He stopped outside of her room. She could see his shadow underneath the door. Her heart stopped. Was this it? Was he about to come in here and fuck her senseless and claim what was his? She held her breath.

But then she sighed as she heard his footsteps retreat and practically run down the steps. She heard her father’s voice call out for him. He answered him and they went back to work. She laid on her bed breathing hard. She slowly ran her hand down her body and into her pants. She closed her eyes and satisfied herself while listening to him talk to her dad.

Getting back to the present, Sienna sighed. “I don’t know if he’s jealous. I mean, he brought that woman to my party. He obviously doesn’t really care what I think. And honestly, why would he? He’s 28, a Navy Seal, hot and can get any girl he wants. Why settle on some 18 year old black girl with a crush on him.”

“Come on, your race has nothing to do with it. Hell, it might even turn him on. Plus, don’t act like you aren’t hot stuff miss thang. You were way cuter than that broke down girl he brought. Did you see the way all the guys were looking at you?! Especially Marcus. His tongue was wagging out of his mouth,” Lori laughed. “You need to keep that dress forever!”

Sienna laughed, too. She really did like the dress. And if it could evoke those kind of emotions out of Brandon, then it somewhat did the job. Fuck it, she thought. The night wasn’t over yet. She hopped up from the bed and put the dress back on. Damn it if I’m not going to follow through with my plan, she thought.

“Where are you going?” Lori asked her.

“To get fucked by my prince charming,” she answered, as she snuck out her window and down the ladder. Lori just shook her head and continued to do her nails.


Sienna knew it was a little bit of a hike to get to his house, but she didn’t care. She was a woman on a mission. Several cars slowed down and asked her if she needed a ride. All men, of course. She politely thanked them and said no. One car with two guys, one white and one Mexican, wouldn’t leave her alone. They followed her for a while. She started to think this was a bad idea. She hadn’t even grabbed a jacket. She folded her arms in front of her again and told them to leave her alone or she would call the cops. They followed her a little bit longer, daring her, so she got out her cell phone and pretended to dial. They eventually drove off.

When she reached his house, she stopped briefly to catch her breath. This is it, she thought. No turning back now. She was just about to knock on the door when he opened it, wearing nothing but his dark jeans, unbuttoned, and a shocked look on his face, an unlit cigarette between his lips. He obviously didn’t even know she was there. He had just come out to have a quick smoke, and there she was, as he almost ran into her. She was lucky that his eyes had adjusted quickly, because he was about one second from swinging at the intruding figure on his door step. But when he looked down and saw her standing there shivering in that DAMN dress, he almost lost his shit.

“What the fuck are you doing?!” He asked her, this time his voice raised much higher than it was on the dance floor.

“I, I…um,” words seemed to stick in her throat. When she first saw him, there was shock in his face, which was very quickly replaced with anger. Pure anger. His hands were balled into a fists. His breath became shallow and quick.

Before she could stutter any further, April came to the door. She had his white polo shirt on and panties. Her hair was sticking in different directions. He never took his eyes off Sienna. She stared at the woman longer. ‘Of course,’ she mentally scolded herself. Of course he wouldn’t be alone tonight.

“What’s she doing here?” she asked. They both ignored her. After a moment, Sienna knew she’d have to forfeit. She felt like a fool. He always seemed to make her feel that way.

“I’m sorry. I’m leaving right now. I’m so stupid,” she muttered. As soon as she could turn around she felt herself being lifted off the ground and hauled into his house. Her short dress rose up above her butt cheeks. She screeched and went to pull it down, but not with much luck.

April started protesting immediately.

“What the hell?!” she said. “What are you doing?!”

He dropped Sienna on the couch with a thud. Her whole body shook as she landed not so gracefully. “Owww, BT! What the–,” she started, but the look he gave her silenced her immediately. He then turned to April. She had this crazy look in her eyes. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” she screeched at him. He stared at her for a few more seconds, then went to his bedroom. April and Sienna both looked down the hallway at him like he had lost his damn mind.

When he emerged from the back, he had all of April’s clothes and purse in hand. He shoved them at her. She stood there a minute, dumbfounded. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to calm his temper. “April,” he finally said, “I need you to leave. I will call you tomorrow, but I need you to leave for now, okay?”

She didn’t say another word. She was silently throwing daggers at him with her eyes. She pulled off his polo shirt and stood there topless in front of both of them. Sienna looked down, but Brandon stared at April’s face and tapped his foot for her to hurry up. She pulled on her tight black dress and slammed the door on her way out.

For a brief moment, Sienna was glad she was gone, until he turned around and looked at her. Then fear started prickling her spine again. He turned his back to her and put his hands behind his head. She couldn’t be sure, but she swore he was counting backwards from 10.

When he hit 0, he turned back around. His eyes were a little more calm, but still showed he was pissed.

“What are you doing here?” he asked calmly.

“I wanted to see you,” Sienna admitted quietly.

“She wanted to see me,” he repeated to himself.

“Okay, grab your keys. I’m taking you home. I’ll drive behind you since I’m going to have a little talk with the Commander,” he said, as he was looking for his keys, also.

“I don’t have my keys. I didn’t drive,” Sienna said.

He looked up at her and then walked over to the window. “Who dropped you off?”

“No one, I…I uh, walked here.”

He stood staring at her for a long time. She could swear he didn’t move an inch. The only movement she could detect was the throbbing of the veins in his neck.

“You walked from your house to my house in that dress?” he asked incredulously, through clenched teeth. Sienna was scared to say yes, but she slightly nodded her head.

Then he exploded. “You FUCKING walked all the way here in that fucking dress?!!” he screamed at her again. “Goddamnit, Sienna, motherfucker!!’

She jumped back on the couch. She was scared, but she wasn’t going to let him talk to her like that. Her own father didn’t talk to her that way and he damn sure wasn’t her daddy.

“Who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” she said a little more shakily than she wanted. “I don’t have to answer to you. You’re not my father,” she yelled right back, raising her voice to match his level.

That was it. He knew at this moment he had lost his mind. He could see himself doing it, and he couldn’t stop. He was about to teach this spoiled little piece of hot ass a lesson. He grabbed her and pulled her down on the couch with him. He pulled her over his lap and lifted her barely there dress to her waist.

Sienna tried to sit up, but he pushed her head back down. The knot tied in the back of her halter dress had come undone and her tits were almost hanging out. He couldn’t see them, but she could feel her bare nipple rubbing up against his jeans. But his focus was on her ass. This was part of his torture. She had on a black thong. He gently rubbed his hand over her two smooth brown globes before he smacked the hell out of her ass. It made a loud crack in the quiet house.Sienna jumped with the first spank. “Ah..No!” she screamed at him, but he wasn’t listening. He was too far gone. He continued to wear her ass out. The caramel flesh was turning red in some parts. She had been screaming for him to stop but he noticed her screaming turned into a light moan. She quit struggling against him. He continued to assault her young ass with his stinging blows. After the last smack, he dropped her to the ground and leaned back against the couch, calming his breathing. She slowly got to her knees and began rubbing her butt trying to stop the fiery feeling that was painfully creeping up her backside. Tears were streaming down her face. She couldn’t stop those either. She was trying to pull her top up but couldn’t stop wiping her face.

He felt like an asshole for making her cry, but he tried to convince himself he was just trying to teach her a lesson she wouldn’t forget. When he heard her sniffing, it was like a swift kick to his gut. He didn’t mean to get that carried away. His hand was actually bruised, so he knew he had hurt her. Well good, he thought. Maybe she’ll stay away from me now. She can do so much better. He looked up at the ceiling.

“Sienna, please grab my keys and go wait for me in the car.”

She didn’t look at him, but she quickly and quietly got his keys and went out the door. He continued to stare up at the ceiling. He had three months until she left for college. Damn, this was going to be a long summer.

#Passionate #tale #young #blk #woman #white #Navy #Seal

Passionate tale w/ young blk woman & white Navy Seal

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