Playing Twister with Mom, Sis…pt.3 by Alex Mead

Playing Twister with Mom, Sis…pt.3
by Alex Mead

Mary clutched her knees together and wimped, “oh. my. god. I can’t believe that just happened Mom! What are you doing?!” she cried,”you just froze and the next thing I know you headed butted me in my crotch! Now I’m standing here… and I can barely move you slapped into me so hard. I honestly might lose control and have an accident in front of everybody! I don’t think I can take a step!” 

“Excuse Me?! Head butted you?! You just squatted down onto my face like it was your own toilet seat! And those inappropriate underwear you are wearing missy. They don’t cover you up! In fact you basically just put your bare privates down onto my face! And I don’t even want to say aloud what I think is coming out of your behind!” Laura yelled

“Omg! Catherine yelled, “Mary are you…having an accident?”

“I’m about to!” She cried

Her shitter buckled and Jason saw a dollop of white creamy cum slide out. 

“She is not having an accident, Catherine. She is just proving once and for all that she is slut. There, look. Semen. She’s not about ot have an accident- she’s about to release some lowlifes semen right here on our game.” Mary was stern.

Catherine stepped in and took Mary by the waist and carried her off the mat. She glared at her twin sister Laura in disbelief. On her first step, Mary opened her legs and a small jet of piss hit the mat. “See!? your poor daughter told you she had to go and you try to humiliate her? Well Laura…There’s your evidence right there.”

Catherine led Mary up the stairs in careful and slow steps, She led her into the bathroom, spoke a few words to her, closed the door, then turned back at Laura and her son who were looking around for something to do awkwardly. Laura shook her head again and threw her hands up. Jason stood and offered to get something to clean up the pee. 

“Stay right there Jason!” Katherine yelled, “Laura look at me! How dare you speak to her like that? Infront of her brother… telling him that his sister is a slut, suggesting that his sister had cum dripping out of her asshole right in front of him… I want you to clean up that piss. I want you to see that she was telling the truth. You are accusing of her of something while she’s desperately not trying to humiliate herself in front of us? What if she had just lost it here could you imagine how embarrassing that would be, standing in front of her brother and mother?

“Katherine, I know for certain that what she was holding back was the evidence that she was… She was having anal sex…” Mary said

“Oh please!” Katherine said, “She just peed clear as day, isn’t that proof enough for you? You say you saw cum leak out of her? How would you even know? Huh? that happen to. you alot? youre and expert on cum farting?  Did you ever think that it might be rectal grease?? you know… the liquid your anus starts making when you have a shit plugged in there for two long?!”

Laura was suddenly self conscious and timid in front of her bossy sister,  “Oh…I suppose i hadn’t thought of that…I’m sorry, I was stupid and I’ll clean that up.”

“Yes. You will. We’re not done playing yet and I don’t want Jason stepping in his sisters pee.”

Obedient to her bossy sister, Laura went and got a paper towel. She came back to the spot right in front of her son where the yellow puddle collected. 

” Could you please, um, step back so I can clean up” Laura said to her son

“oooooh no said Katherine, he has got to stay on his mark. I told you we are not done with this game. You know the rules, I only made an acception for Mary, and I ought not to have let you leave the mat for a towel. I should have made your lick it up for doubting it was even piss to begin with.  Once you clean that up,get back into position and we will contine when Mary has finished”

Jason inadvertently shifted to move out of the way, but his aunt snapped at him to stand still. His mother knelt down before him and wiped up the piss. His legs straddled two color dots and Laura was right down below him mopping up the light yellow puddle that had collected between Jason’s two foot positions.

Laura quivered a little as she cleaned up, trying not to look ahead and think about her sons cock. It was hanging aloft before her sunlight silhouetted its definative meaty hang.She saw it swing and knock gently side to side. Laura eased herself onto all fours  to reach the last of her daughters piss and couldn’t help but stare now at his powerful meat. 

“ Katherine… Laura said with sinful lust, I don’t trust that Mary didn’t have to go to the bathroom… She was trying to hide the fact that she is having anal sex. There was… There was semen leaking out of her anus. And I could tell the look of her privates that they had been used by a cock. You had every right to defend her. But I am her mother and I am requesting that you recondsider, and trust that her mother knows best.” 

Laura looked up at her son, who was looking down at her shocked.”You saw it didn’t your Jason? it happend right in front of you. Do not deny it, this is serious. What leaked out of Mary’s anus?’ 

Jason stammered, his cock thickened and began to arc forward. Before he could reply his aunt cut himoff

“ Even if that were true, Mary is definitely going to the bathroom as we speak.”

“No! said Laura, “she was holding back come from her rectum, and she lied. And I do not stand for my children lying to me. It’s one problem that my daughter is a slut. But another entirely that she lied”

“Well Laura, we will just have to see whether or not she was lying. That way I can get you to stop focusing on your daughter and son’s penises, vaginas, and her anus that you are so obsessed with. Ha!” Cathrine shouted. Scolding now that her little sister have the nerve to question her. Catherine’s eyes dropped and a terribly wicked grin came over her face.

“I must be embarrassing, your mother so much! She was always so embarrassed about sex. Shes acting tough right now to try and impress you. She can’t stand that I have always been in charge. Don’t worry Laura I’m not trying to one up you. Let’s see how tough you are Laura!Jason, your mother hardly was ever even naked growing up because she didn’t want to see her self and accept that she has a sex too and that it might just be for taking cocks. that she has one too, well two too get it? beacuse Laura… if you didn’t know assholes are for that too hate to break it to you! Hahaha! In fact, I used to walk around our room, naked, and pretend I was her mirror. I remember one time when she was sleeping I stood over her. With my skirt pulled up and no panties on.The first thing she saw that morning was exactly what her undercarriage looked like! I bet the only two penises she’s ever seen are yours and your father’s!I remember when you were super young you already had a man’s package between your legs. I think your mom had a hard time not thinking it was another man’s cock!”

“Catherine!” Laura shouted

“Hush up!…right now!” Catherine said with some new conviction “Unless you really want me to embarrass you in front of jason… remember the public pool…?” She smirked, “now, Laura, both hands on yellow, one foot green one red! Right now!”

Lauren blushed, she couldn’t believe what her sister was saying, she felt shame and the comfort of obeying her bossy orders. Laura took her position, she was one foot inform of her son, one back to the side of him, her back faced him and her ass was just up against her waist, she bent forward but had to keep her ass in the air to keep her foot astride her son. 

Jayson, both hands yellow

He reached underneath his mothers legs and put them in place. He had to hold he’s head and jaw back they were so close to his mothers bent ass, they were positioned like football players, or like Kama sutra drawings 

His quick breaths blew against Laura’s crotch, she tightened up, and doing so clenched her silks between her ass, when she released they were clung to the ridge between her legs. Pinched into the cleft of her pussy, and firmly in the clutch of her powerful sphincter.

“Laura, squat forward.” Cathrine ordered“Your son is about to do to you what you did to Mary” she said, “But Catherine she sat down o me!” Laura pleaded, while she obediently lowered herself, the ring of her ass released like a spaceship door, and the twisted knot of silk was freed. Her weight shifted and now her pussy was mashing against the silk. Like a towel it quickly darkened as it blotted his mothers wet meat clam.

‘You were spacing out for a solid minute with your mouth open, you looked like you were about to tackle Jayson at the waist when you lunged right up into Mary! Your face planted right into her vagina, Laura, you pushed so hard her panties came off and you ended up tickling her  so bad she had to go!Now, dip forward so your son doesn’t do the same thing to you by accident.

Laura lowered herself further with embarrassment and jayson could now look clearly into his mothers legs. The silk was nearly see through, her dark cunt lips, her brown tea plate of an asshole, they were on full display. The fabric was saturated where it lay against her holes. Laura turned her head slightly and asked,

“Jason are you really that close? I didn’t mean to sit on you…like your sister. Did to me. She wore those inappropriate panties on purpose. You are lucky I never wear anything like that right now. She wanted that to happen. To trick me while we were playing twister. She wanted me to look at her boyfriends handy work. 

“Laura, if you are sure of what you are saying than I want to to stand up for yourself, you are telling me that you will just let your daughter squat, her naked holes on your face treat you like a little bitch? Is she your daughter or is she your dominatrix? If you suspect she is having anal sex, I want you to inspect her. Got it? Instead of telling me and your son about it why don’t you get Mary into this conversation and get to the bottom of it”

“ OK Katherine, I will. I am strict with them. I do not let her. Just do what she wants.” “ good.” Said Catherine “ if you really want to set strict boundaries you had better be strict. Does she have sex in your home, Laura? Do you let her have boys in her room?”“She is not allowed to have sex in the home, no but I have a feeling she does. I promise she has been taking cock, I could tell right away, probably many partners, maybe men with big…penises… a man with a strong…cock, he could using her, and she couldn’t resist. And now she’s lying to hide the fact that 

“Laura, if that’s the case then you are in for a challenge a true and powerful cock, an alpha penis, that is unfortunately the natural order of the world. There’s nothing you can do to make her disobey a sledge hammer like that…but you will have to discipline her either way…And for your son?… are you strict with him properly also. Is he having sex in your home or is only masturbating under your roof”

“I whoa! Jayson stammered, I’ve never… I don’t”“ he has masturbated. But he is not permitted to any longer” said Laura. “And I can’t say for certain that he’s ever even seen naked woman that wasn’t on a computer screen. You get no real concept of what a woman looks like up close without make up air brush. Until he appreciates the reality, and understands that what he is face to face in person with is erotic. Then he will not be touching his penis under my watch.“

Laura was shakily breathing and inntensly aware that she was on proper display for her son…she could feel her self heavily damp, and she wondered if she was showing through the fabric “ real women have dark tainted lips of their vaginas she said quitely. They do not have a perfectly bleached anus. When you are with a woman it doesn’t matter if she has hairy pussy, or if her asshole is broad and dark. Those are the sun and moon of your world. And you need to display your gratitude toward them.

It’s kind of like… a lot of men have less than impressive penises. But women love them in person and they respect them…as they should. They need to respect their partners cock no matter what.  A picture perfect asshole on a girl is great…but most women have…well they might be embarrassed by it”

Jayson spoke up “but mom… a truly picture perfect anus isn’t small and bleached… I have always preferred when it… when it is dark, way darker than the skin around it. And I am firmly attracted to and only attracted to the ones with some girth… and I like the heavy lips of true sexuality. I want to be able to see a silhouette between their legs. And I know my place is to worship them both.

“I accept that I am beneath a class of penis… I know that… I deserve to have my vagina and my anus slapped with the heavy cock… I… can’t be upset if she is like me… because my cunt and my…shitter…” Laura trailed off as Mary came to the top of the stairs.“Finish what you were saying, Laura. Don’t be embarrassed now that Mary is here. And Jayson needs to hear this too. Since you are going to start being very disciplined about sex with them start by telling them what you just said, tell them what the absolute master over sex is”“Laura panting now, I said my cunt and shitter and the two most important things in our household and they have to be absolutely respected… only a serious  penis, a giant cock is more important”

Good job Laura, now I want you to inspect your daughter like we talked about. Unless jayson has a master cock he’s going to drop on the table right now You need to listen to your mother, she wants to inspect you, in front of all of us. And this is going to be routine, every night. And in the morning if you’ve snuck someone into your bedroom.”

“But I— the bathroom! The toilet is broken!”

Jayson will fix that once you are done here, your mother wants to do this in front of everyone here. Isn’t that right?”said Catherine 

“Uhh yes Catherine.”

“And when you are home and I’m not there, jayson will need to be present for every inspection. He is going to submit pictures for me to be included”

“So Mary… I think…I think I need to check to see if you were lying.”

“About what?!”

“Shut up Mary, DO NOT SPEAK! Your mother doesn’t believe that you had to poop. She thinks you were brimming full of cum. She thinks you have been a little slut and have been taking loads of cum in your ass. So be silent and come here.!”

Laura was getting hot, she pushed her asshole outward toward her son. “But I just shit!”

“Stand here in front of me and bend over. This is not up for discussion anymore. Remove your panties. And stand in front of me, Catherine come over this way and get in a good spot for viewing… jayson stay exactly as you are, I want you looking right down the barrel. I’ve caught you looking up your sisters skirt before, but now you’re going to have to take on the real thing…this isn’t like that pornography you’ve been watching either, son. Catherine make sure he gets a proper look.”

Mary stepped to, but her heart was racing. Normally she went out of her way to sneak an exposed flash of her tits or her camel toe and butt. She liked being “caught” but now she felt a whole new weight hit her. She couldn’t tell if her shivering was out of fear or if she might cream herself.She tried to speak but her mother silenced her. she tugged and let her panties dropped to the floor, they were heavily wet. She walked up to her mother braced out on the floor. She was glaring up at her, behind her Jason shifted his gaze from their mothers ass, up to her embarrassment.

Turn around. And spread. 

She bent forward, her tiny dress immediately rose above her waist. She stood astride and bent forward. Her meaty clam swung as she shifted. She pull open her cheeks and her fat amber wrinkle opened to the world. The cool air on it left Mary no doubt that she was on full display.

“Squat lower!”

Mary did, she was silent. 

She cupped her cheeks wider. The fan of her pubic hair circled her like a wispy mane. Jayson immediately smelled the husky taint of her ass. There were white flecks of toilet paper. Her pussy gaped open with a wet sucking sound. Her shitter winked slowly. Mary’s humiliation only magnified as she felt her sexual perversion growing from this shame. Mary was painfully aware of the silence, her cunt gasped again, gulping air hungryly. It queefed a humilating wet cunt fart. Her meat curtains flapped low hanging in her squat. She felt the thick drool of excitment slide down from her pussy. It collected on the bottom of her cunt lips. and then a long drip descended to the floor before dropping fee and splating on the floor.

“that was not cum, i swear” she said after a painful silence.

“I know that, mary. That was the unmistakeable sign that you are slut. You are aroused. You are 

“You had cum leaking out of your asshole. Not only did I see it. But I could smell it. I can smell it now. Tell me the truth. The only thing you just pooped out was a man’s come. Do not lie because I can smell it.”

“Laura I heard her defecating. And I don’t smell anything to be honest it smells like your daughter just went to the bathroom, truly I think I only smell her sex and her earthy scent …. Jahson, you know more than anyone in this room what come smells like. Isn’t that true?”


“ Jahson, I have caught you masturbating, you are the foremost expert on what it smells like because you do it. Smell your sisters, shitter and decide whether or not there is come.”

Jayson stood up and bent over his mothers back to get into Mary’s ass is cock knocked against his mothers, upturned crotch. 

Jason inhaled deeply. He was going to pull his head away when Katherine grabbed him and ordered him to get back in there. “Smell her shitter.” Order Katherine.

part 4 coming now

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