Quarantined with Kell, Part III by JackDRipper

Quarantined with Kell, Part III
by JackDRipper

My phone was ringing, a video call. I opened my eyes. I lay on the floor of Kell’s apartment. Kell was lying on top of me, in my arms. We had fallen asleep after our lovemaking.

The phone squawked again, Kell stirred. She rolled off of me so I could get the phone, then both of us swore. The skin of our stomachs was glued together with drying semen. It was like pulling tape away.

“It’s Bridget,” I said, snatching the phone. “We should probably answer it since the last time she talked to either one of us we were crying, plus we just avoided her call when we were . . . you know.”

“I guess,” Kell said. “Her timing before was just hysterical.” She started giggling again, and I had to fight to maintain a straight face. She hovered behind me as I answered the phone. Bridget’s face popped up on the screen.

“Hi Bridget!” I said. Kell waved from behind me.

“Um . . . hi,” Bridget said, peering at the image on her screen. “Did I interrupt something? Are you guys naked?”

“Interesting questions,” I said, giggling again, which unleashed another round of laughter from Kell. “The first time you called you interrupted something – but we’re finished now.”

Kell continued laughing. “You interrupted us at the exact same moment your mother interrupted us five years ago,” she said. “Down to the second. What a fucking hoot!”

“And, furthermore,” I added, “yes, we are naked.”

“Um, nice,” said Bridget. “The last time I talked to either of you involved a lot of crying, so I just wanted to check and see how you were making out. I didn’t necessarily expect you would, literally, be making out.”

This started the whole laughter thing again. Bridget shook her head.

“So I guess you two have sorted things out?” she asked.

“We’re getting there.”

“Good,” said Bridget. She looked at us, then bit her lip.

“What? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s you two,” she replied.

Kell interjected, “We make a cute couple, don’t we?” More giggling. She wrapped her arms around me from the back and rested her head on my shoulder.

Bridget nodded. “Now that you have connected, and the chemistry between you is out in the open, you make a really cute couple. Yeah. Wow.”

“We’re going to have a romantic dinner, then pick up where we just left off,” Kell said, hugging me tight.

Bridget bit her lip again.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“It’s just . . . oh, never mind.”

There was a long pause, then Kell put the pieces together.

“You’re trying to figure out how to ask if you can watch, aren’t you?”

The lip bite got even harder. Then Bridget slowly nodded. “Now that you have things worked out, you have a chemistry that is smoking hot.”

Silence took over the conversation.

“Hmm,” Kell said. “We would need to talk about that.”

“I’m sorry,” Bridget said. “I should never have opened my mouth. I apologize. Forget I said anything.”

I looked at Kell, and she looked at me. I wasn’t thrilled with the idea, but I also realized that if it weren’t for Bridget playing matchmaker this morning, Kell and I probably would have never connected. I would have gotten on a plane home and the door would have shut behind me. So if she wanted to watch me fuck Kell within an inch of her life, it seemed like she had earned it – even if it felt a little wrong. But my definition of what was and wasn’t wrong had undergone some pretty drastic revisions in the past few hours.

“Don’t apologize. If it weren’t for your help this never would have finally happened,” I said. “Let us talk it over, then we’ll let you know.”

“So you’re not mad?” Bridget asked.

“You saved our relationship when I was about to burn that bridge,” I said. “I’m not mad.”

“Thanks, bro.”

“No problem, sis,” I said. Then, changing the subject, I asked “How’s Ethan adjusting to quarantine.”

She rolled her eyes. “Not well. We’re only a couple days in and he was acting like a caged tiger. I sent him back to his apartment. So I’m here alone now.”

Bridget’s relationship with Ethan had become a little rocky as the wedding approached. Everyone assumed it was just the stress but now Bridget and some others had begun to wonder if Ethan just wasn’t a good fit.

“So nobody to stop you from watching later,” Kell said. “If we agree to it.”

“Nobody.” Bridget fingered the top button of her blouse nervously.

“We’ll let you know in a bit, after we talk,” I said. We said our goodbyes and ended the call.

“Wow,” I said. “That was unexpected. What do you think?”

“What’s the harm in it? It’s not like you guys haven’t seen each other naked before. I mean, you guys have even slept in the same room at times. She’s seen your morning wood. Plus, haven’t you ever fantasized about being watched?” she asked.

I had fantasized about being watched while I had sex. My last girlfriend I had before moving here had an exhibitionist streak and fantasies about being caught. We had done three dangerous fucks before I finally broke it off for fear of what it would do to my career if I was on a sex offender’s list.

“Bridge is a safe way to indulge those fantasies,” Kell continued. “She’s not going to tell, we won’t get into trouble, and she gets to fulfill her fantasy of seeing her hot brother fuck her hot aunt. She probably has wanted to see you have sex or masturbate ever since puberty. And if we ask, she might even give us a strip-n-rub show of her own. I’d love to see her come.”

I pictured my dark-haired, dark-eyed, busty baby sister playing with herself. Another hidden fantasy suddenly came to life. I knew she had some hot toys too.

My cock answered for me before I could speak. “I want to see her use her toy collection,” I added verbally.

Kell pushed me back on the floor, and laid a kiss on me that brought me to full attention. She gave my cock a tentative rub.

“Want me to tide you over until after dinner, or do you want to save it all for baby sis?” she asked, tickling the tip.

“Save it for Bridge,” I said. “I want her to see the maximum load when big brother comes all over her favorite aunt just for her. And come all over you I will.”

Kell squealed in delight.

“This is going to be so fucking hot. I can’t wait to set this up.” She rolled over to where her phone was and before I knew it had snapped a pic of me lying on the floor with my cock pointing at the ceiling.

She sighed and texted away contentedly on her phone while I watched her. A minute later, she showed me a shot Bridge sent her. It was a pair of soaking wet panties.

I stared at the ceiling thinking of anything but sex until my erection softened a little.

“I need to take a shower and start cooking,” I said, getting up.

“I’ll join you.”

“Nope. There will be no more funny business until Bridge is on the line. Save it for her. You can shower when I am done.”

“Ooh, denying me. Sexy.” She made a pouty face.

“And we need to decide what we are wearing to our romantic dinner,” I added.

“Oooh, can I pick your outfit?” Kell asked.

“Only if I can pick yours.”


She crawled over to where my luggage and boxes were and started pawing through them. I already knew what I wanted her to wear. I went back into her bedroom where she had a walk-in closet with a lot of room and a lot of clothes. I didn’t immediately see what I sought, so I went one-by-one through both racks on both sides. In the very back, hidden where she wouldn’t have to see it and be reminded of her heartbreak, was the sleek, silk electric blue dress she had worn that first night we met when I came to town. The night I had broken her heart.

In the studio, she was still on her knees digging through my boxes. When she saw the dress, her heart caught in her throat. She sank her head in her hands and cried.

“I am so sorry I broke your heart,” I said. “You looked so beautiful in this dress. I want you to wear it tonight so I can make it up to you.”

She stood and embraced me, sobbing into my chest, then she pulled back and nodded.

“I will wear it,” she said.

“And nothing else,” I added.

Her sly smile returned behind her tears.

“And nothing else.”

She picked me out a pair of soft khaki slacks and a dress shirt, which she insisted be mostly unbuttoned, and added her own “and nothing else” instructions.

I showered, shaved, dressed and came out for her inspection. She unbuttoned a couple more buttons then gave me a thumbs up and I got to work on the kitchen while she took a long bath and shampoo. I took her in a glass of wine.

When she came out from her bedroom right before we ate, she wore the blue dress. The spaghetti straps cascaded down her shoulders, partially hidden by her mane of curly red hair. The fabric draped softly over her breasts accentuating them within the folds. Her upward-facing nipples pressed sharply against the satin, clearly visible, and she had left a deep V in the neckline that reached all the way down to her navel. Below the belt, I could see flashes of her freshly trimmed red pubic hair when she walked. Nothing underneath, as I had directed.

I, too, wore nothing underneath, and I didn’t even make an effort to try to hide how beautiful and desirable she looked.

A single tear traced down her cheek as she walked towards me and did a pirouette, smiling.

“I bought it just for you,” she said.

“I love it,” I whispered back as she leaned in for a kiss. “And I love you.”

We kissed. She hugged me and pressed herself close. The feel of her body under the satin dress was sleek and sensual. She slid a hand down my chest, to the front of my khakis, running her fingers along my cock through the fabric.

“You sure you don’t want me to take care of that before we eat?” she asked. “I know there’s plenty more where that came from.”

“Nope. Baby Bridge is going to have to watch while paint every inch of your body with my seed.”

“Promises, promises,” she said.

She took a selfie of the two of us and sent it to Bridget, making sure one of her tits was sticking out and my erection was obvious. Bridget shot back a photo of herself in just a handbra.

Kell and I sat down to eat. We talked about growing up, about our relationships with my mom, about our relationship with each other. The fish came out perfect and we had a delightful candle light dinner over glasses of wine.

When we were done, I started to clean up.

“That can wait,” Kell said. “I think we’ve teased poor Bridget long enough.”

With Kell’s stage direction, I set up a webcam in the bedroom pointing at the bed. I hooked up a video cable and twiddled the settings so the picture of Bridget would go through the bedroom TV, while the picture we were transmitting would appear on the smaller laptop screen – so we could see what she saw. Kell and I sat on the edge of the bed. I videoed Bridget and a moment later she came to life on the big screen.

I caught my breath.

My baby sister was sitting on her bed. You couldn’t fairly call Bridge fat, but she wasn’t svelt. She had a big bust and solid hips, but a narrow enough waist to really pull it off. She wore a black corset, lace panties, garters and fishnet stockings. She wore no bra and her breasts hung over the top of the corset. She had done up her hair and put on makeup.

Kell squealed. My jaw dropped.

“Oh my god,” she cried. “You really outdid yourself. You look gorgeous.”

Bridget smiled.

“Hey there, big big brother,” she said, holding her hands out in front of her like she was holding an immense cock that had suddenly sprouted between her legs.

“Hey there, big little sister,” I replied, juggling an invisible pair of large breasts in front of my chest.

“You like?” she asked me, running her hands across her breasts and down the corset.

I smiled into the camera.

“Bridge, you look like a goddess,” I said.

Kell stood up and spun around, showing off her dress for the camera.

“I bought this for our first dinner when Jacob moved here,” she said. “I’ve been waiting five months to get it all sticky.” She threw her hands over her head and shimmied, swaying her hips side to side, dancing to an invisible beat only she heard in her head. She rotated slowly, running her hands down her body. Finally she turned and pointed dramatically to Bridget on the screen, throwing her hips forward.

“What do you want your sexy-as-fuck aunt and your hung-like-a-horse brother to do first?” she asked my baby sister.

“Kell, you are so gorgeous,” said Bridget “I want you to open that dress and spread your legs so Jacob can taste that beautiful pussy of yours.” There was no hesitation in that answer. I swallowed. My sister just asked to watch her brother eat out her aunt. And I was getting harder and harder at the thought.

“Perfect!” Kell exclaimed. She spun 360 degrees on her toes, then turned and pointed at me. “And you, what do you want your big-sexy-titties baby sister to do first?”

“Bridget, I can’t believe how beautiful you are,” I said. “I want you to rub and suck your delicious breasts, slowly.”

“Excellent choice!” Kell cheered. She did another pirouette, coming to a stop directly in front of me, her legs spread apart, her hands on her hips. She looked over her shoulder to Bridget. Bridget had just started slowly rubbing her breasts, squeezing the nipples, even lifting them up to her mouth and sucking them. She had wide, brown aureoles that pointed just below horizontal.

This was my baby sister. She was beautiful, she was confident, and she was sexy.

Kell pointed at the tent my khakis. “You better whip that thing out, mister, before you bust your zipper.” She turned to Bridget. “I’ve offered twice to provide him a little relief while we waited for tonight. He said he wanted to make sure his little baby sister got the full effect when we shot his load all over me. He said he was going to drown me in his juice. You ready to watch that, sis?”

“I can’t wait,” Bridget whispered.

I unbuckled my khakis and kicked them off. My cock was at full attention and pointed skyward. I moved the camera into position, and Kell shoved me back on the bed. Opened her dress, revealing her breasts, her high nipples, her fiery red bush over pink lobes that hung down. She looked amazingly hot. Even Bridget gasped.

“Kell, you are so beautiful,” she said.

Kell raised her arms over her head and did the little sexy dance again like she had done at the start. She was so beautiful, so sexy, so perfect. I loved her in a way I didn’t know I ever could.

I slipped to my knees beside the bed as Kell sat down and spread her legs, pointing her perfect little pussy straight into the camera. Bridget gasped again and made a little squeaking noise. Kell’s musk was delightful as I moved my nose closer to her auburn jungle.

The curly patch of fur tapered down to just a light, short, buzz cut around her pussy lips. Her labia were pinkish-brown, soft and meaty. I ran my tongue up them, curling it at the end to catch the underside of her clit that was just peeking out from inside its little hood. I repeated that performance several times, then used my thumb and forefinger to gently part her lips and grant me access to her deeper parts.

“God that’s good,” Kell murmured. I lifted my head just enough to peer past her red bush. Her head was laid back, her eyes close, her hair a halo about her face. With one hand she caressed a breast. The other she was sliding down towards her pussy. When it reached her clit I lifted it and moved it away.

“No cheating,” I said.

“Ugh . . . god, well quit slacking and get busy.” The hand I had pushed away suddenly grabbed a handful of my hair and pressed my entire face into her snatch. I came away wet from forehead to chin, with more running down my neck towards my chest. “Lick me, damn you!” she cried.

I slipped my tongue into the depth of the folds of her labia and ran it up. When I got to her clit, I planted my lips full around the tip and sucked. She moaned. “That’s better,” she murmured.

I glanced over at the TV screen. Bridget’s nipples had shrunken and hardened, tightening her breasts. She was running her fingers lightly across them, up and down, and occasionally licking them. All the while, her eyes were locked on the screen, watching me at work between Kell’s thighs.

I worked up and down Kell’s slit for another minute, eliciting sighs and a steady flow of grool, then I slipped a finger inside of her, feeling for that magic spot. When I found it I gave it a flick with the tip of my finger. She arched her back so I repeated the performance, again and again. I added more licks up the labia, sucks on the clit. Kell groaned loudly and arched her back again. Her tits were pointed skyward, her nipples hard as darts. She grunted and a flood of liquid gushed into my mouth and down my chin as she reached orgasm.

I continued my ministrations until she came again.

As Kell gathered herself after her second orgasm, I looked at the screen again. Bridget was still working over her breasts, but also had slipped another hand into her panties. “Enough of that,” Bridget said. “Suck his cock,” she ordered.

I adjusted the camera again. It was my turn to lay back on the edge of the bed and Kell leaned forward and kissed me. Our lips met, parted, she slipped her tongue into my mouth. To the side, Bridget moaned. Kell unbuttoned my shirt all the way and pushed it to the side, then ran her tongue down my chest. When she got to my cock, she dove right in, shoving her lips all the way down right away. I groaned and threw my head back.

Kell pulled back, stopped halfway, the slid all of the way back down.

“Fuck yeah,” I murmured. “Suck it.”

She pulled back to the tip, teasing the underside of the head with her tongue, drawing strings of pre-come and throat-slime from tip. She pulled free and looked over at the screen.

Bridget’s eyes were wide as she watched Kell work my cock. I could see the outline of her fingers rotating around her clit underneath the thin lacy fabric of her panties.

“Lose the panties, big little sister” I said to Bridget. “I want to see your pussy.”

“Yes, big big brother,” she purred. She stood up slowly, running her hands down her body and her legs, then bent over, pointing her slit and ass straight at the camera, and slipped her thong downward. Her slit was shaven bare with only the narrowest landing strip above it. She, too, had meaty lips like Kell.

“Good girl, now get back to work,” I ordered.

“Yes brother,” she said. She sat back down on the bed and spread her legs. Her lobes glistened with moisture. She ran her fingers up and down her slit and masturbated.

Meanwhile, Kell licked the underside of my cock, working up from the base to the tip and back. I looked over at the display showing our camera angle and realized that Kell’s hair was blocking Bridget’s view. I stopped her for a second, reached over for a hair ribbon. Kell’s unruly, curly mane wasn’t the type that lent itself well to pony tails, but I managed to wrestle it into a rough approximation that got the hair out of her face and gave a clearer shot to the camera. I shifted the camera so that my cock and Kell’s ministrations filled the screen. With a full, front seat view of Kell swallowing my pole, Bridget had slowed her motions and was focusing on watching us rather than pleasuring herself.

“Keep going, sis,” I commanded. “I want to see toys.”

“No problem. It’s time for you to fuck him, Kell” she shot back.

Kell giggled. “Yes, ma’am,” she said. “What camera angle does the sister want? Side view, POV, or asshole view?”

“Side view.”

I adjusted the camera. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Kell as she straddled my cock. The insides of her thighs were wet as they pressed against my side. She slipped her slick pussy onto my erection, tightening the muscles as she pulled me in.

I looked over at my sister. She had a medium-sized dildo propped up on the bed and she was sliding herself up and down it slowly. It glistened as she worked it in and out of her slit.

Kell’s breasts bounced up and down directly above me as she fucked me. I slipped my hands up her stomach, and cupped her chest, caressing them. Kell moaned. Bridget moaned. I moaned.

Kell had fallen into a steady rhythm. She leaned forward, making sure that she was putting pressure on the underside of my cock head, and bumped up and down. Though open, the blue dress still hung about her shoulders. I glanced over to Bridget, she was still working that dildo, with her eyes glued to the screen.

I adjusted the camera angle to make sure Bridget had a clear view of Kell bumping up and down on my member. I was starting to edge. I wasn’t sure I could last too much longer.

Then Bridget gave another order. “Doggy style. Fuck her doggy style.” I wanted to argue because a felt like I was about to bust. But my baby sister just gave me an order of what she wanted me to do to her hot auntie. What was a guy to do? Kell looked at me with a “can you keep going?” look and I nodded. I would keep going until I couldn’t stand it any longer.

Kell moved to all fours and perched on the edge of the bed. I shifted the camera to get a good view, gave myself three good strokes, then plunged in.

Kell moaned loud. “Just fuck me,” she said. “Please just make me come.”

“Yeah, fuck her. Fuck her hard.” Bridget said. She had shifted her webcam so it was directly in front of her screen, so she looked straight at us. She was right next to her laptop camera. I could see every rivulet of grool that slid down the dildo she was slipping in and out of herself.

I slid our own camera over in front of the screen, so I looked straight back at Bridget. She and I gazed into each other’s eyes as she worked her pussy over with her toy and I pounded Kell from behind.

Somewhere I found the self control I needed to keep from blowing my seed too fast. My stomach slapped Kell’s ass, my thighs smacked her thighs. Her juice flowed down our legs. It didn’t take long for Kell to shiver in another orgasm, followed quickly by yet another.

I had reached sensory overload. The sounds of me, Kell, and Bridget. The smells. The tastes. The feel of my cock inside Kells body – the body of the woman I loved regardless of every reason I shouldn’t. The fact that I was fucking my aunt while my sister watched and masturbated – and my sister and I were locked eye-to-eye while we did this.

I felt my self control starting to wane. I pulled out. Kell spun around and knelt on the floor in front of me.

“Give me that load you’ve been promising me,” she said. “I want everything you got. Every last drop.” I pushed the camera inches from my cock and Kell’s face and tits. I stroked once, twice, three, four times and ejaculated.

My eyes remained locked on Bridget’s. She let out a high pitched moan. From almost a thousand miles away, my sister and I stared into each other’s eyes as we both came.

My legs almost buckled. I had been building up this load ever since our sex that afternoon. Tease after tease by Kell and Bridget. I was full to bursting. I shot load after load across Kell’s face, her chest, her stomach. When my arm faltered, Kell picked up where I left off, stroking until every drop I had to give was gone.

She was covered. She pushed me back on the bed, leaned over and kissed me, smearing my body, my face, with my own juice. In the background I heard Bridget say “Jesus bro, what a load. Fuck that was hot.”

Kell took her blue dress and wiped her face and chest with it, then wiped off my body and face as well.

“Those stains in that dress may never come out,” Bridget said.

“I bought that dress for your brother to stain,” she said, and kissed me. “I want to wear it the rest of my life with his come stains all over it.”

We had another slower, less frantic session before we said goodnight to Bridget.


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