Son slowly changes a mother’s concept of the truth

Mom and Son, Incest story, son slowly changes a mother’s concept of the truth

“But I don’t understand. Yesterday you said I couldn’t have any money at all,” DeShawn said leaning toward his mother.

Brenda recognized the truth in the statement. “I-I guess I just thought about it and realized that I should give you money” his mother replied “I guess.”

DeShawn sat back in his seat. He smiled.

“Mom, are you really busy,” DeShawn asked his mother noting that her face shouted exhaustion.

Son slowly changes a mother's concept of the truth

Brenda looked up at her son, “Yeah baby I am kinda ti…”

“Oh, ok, I was just gonna ask if you would help me again. It would only take a few minutes,” he looked down sadly “but I guess I understand.”

The mother sighed to herself. She could take a few minutes to help her son with his latest invention she figured. Yesterday had been pretty easy and whatever he was doing she wanted to be supportive. After all, all she had to do was follow a light pattern on his computer screen.

“Ok D, I’ll do it” she said with no energy.

DeShawn was ecstatic. The 19 year old had been working on his plan for nearly a year. The induction should go easily seeing as she had been induced before and she was obviously tired. Today was the day he really began this experiment. Yesterday had emboldened him. His mother sat down thinking one way and got up acting completely opposite of that thought. They had a conversation in which she had expressed that he needed a job if he wanted money and she was unwilling to give him any more until he did so. After she had gone through his experiment though she was perfectly willing to give him money upon request.

Honestly, he had not expected it to work so well. The light induction pattern worked perfectly. The progressive statements combined perfectly at the end of the progression to produce a different and seemingly native thought pattern in his mother. He had two separate thoughts that each built to create an if then statement that his mother prior to the process had not believed. Each path built on a statement that was true to the mother and by getting her to accept a statement that progressed from that statement he was able to have her accept statements that were a slight leap of logic so that if he set the statements up carefully he could get her to accept statements she initially would have completely disagreed with.

Brenda sat down and went through the induction process. DeShawn was as nervous as he had been the night before. He had no plan for what happens if the induction doesn’t hold or she does not accept the statements or any of the successor statements. When the induction process was over two statements appeared on the screen one on the left side and one on the right.

DeShawn is a good boy.

People feel guilty when they have not done all they could do in a given situation.

“Yes” Brenda stated flatly.

DeShawn clicked enter, the lights sequenced and the next set of statements appeared on the screen. He was less nervous now that the first set had gone fine.

DeShawn and Brenda slowly progressed through twenty two statements culminating in one final statement in the center of the screen.

DeShawn did an incredibly selfless act for me and I am feeling guilty because I can’t remember it and so I have done nothing to acknowledge it.

DeShawn waited. He looked at his mother.

“Yes” she stated…again, flatly.

DeShawn’s eyes lit up. All sorts of ideas flooded his brain. He began the exit process.

When the process was done it took a moment for the fog to lift from Brenda. She sat still for about two minutes before her head cleared.

“How did it go this time,” she asked curious that it seemed like she had just sat down “what did we just do anyway?

“It went great mom. Just great” he chuckled to himself “do you really want me to explain this stuff you usually glaze over when I start.”

That was true. DeShawn would start and she would usually be lost by the third sentence…if it took that long. She had asked the question more to show interest than anything else. She looked at DeShawn, shook her head and laughed, “no…I guess I don’t.”

“Oh, hey mom I think I want to go hang out for a little while do you have twenty dollars” deShawn asked offhandedly.

“For you baby, of course I do,” she was eager to give the money now as she reached in her pocket for it “go have fun.”

“Thanks mom” DeShawn said happy that the prior day’s statement held.

Brenda got up to leave and was hit by a feeling of guilt for not doing enough for this wonderful son of hers. She knew he had done something huge and she didn’t even remember it. She knew that he deserved some kind of payment or reward and she hadn’t given it. And he said nothing about it. What an incredible boy. That made the guilt even more powerful. She reached in her pocket and fished out another twenty.

“DeShawn, I want you to take this too” she handed the money to her son.

He took it looking at the expression on his mother’s face which he understood to mean that it was the least she could do. Brenda left the room unsatisfied she knew the extra twenty was not enough.

Brenda was stunned. She knew in the back of her mind, if she was honest, that DeShawn probably had seen porn. Maybe he even liked it. To find it so haphazardly hidden was stunning though. His magazine was on his night table with just a book covering it and the book wasn’t even large enough to keep it hidden.

She sat on her son’s bed and pulled the magazine from its hiding place. It was a milf magazine. She started thumbing through the magazine but soon realized that several pages were stuck together. Just before the pages joined was an article title page: Good Mom, Bad Son. The article had an image of an older woman standing in a kitchen looking back at a younger man (her son) seated at a kitchen table with a mischievous look on his face. She couldn’t see any other pictures from the article because the were all stuck together.

Brenda felt uneasy.

She continued through the magazine until she found a similar situation where the article was about an apparent mother son combination and the pages were stuck together. Brenda’s stomach felt sick. Not only was DeShawn looking at porn but he seemed to key in on a very particular type and that was mother and son porn.

Questions began to race through her head even as it began to spin. The room seemed to close in on her. What was driving this? Was DeShawn fascinated with images of this type of porn? Did this mean that he thought about this sort of thing? Wanted it?

Brenda had to get out of this room. She tossed the magazine back on the nightstand and stood to leave. As she began to leave something pink caught her eye. Brenda turned toward the pink object on DeShawn’s bed and discovered that it was a pair of panties – hers. She picked them up and her stomach flipped as she realized they were wet, dripping wet and that the liquid that coated them was her son’s cum.

The room spun again. How could he? Where did all that cum come from? Did he use those panties multiple time? Was he able to do that on one attempt? Did he think about her when he did it?

That thought did it. Brenda’s feet began moving before she realized why she was running. She was on her knees at the toilet with barely a second left. Everything that she had eaten was now floating in pinkish brown chunks in the toilet.

“Mom,” DeShawn called out excitedly as he entered the house.

Brenda sat in the dark of the living room. She sat forward on the couch. Her hands gripped the cushion tightly. She was preparing herself for what she had to say to DeShawn.

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