Story – Thanksgiving in Reverse, Chapter 1 (2021) (Lesbian Incest Vomit Erotica) by JackDRipper

Story – Thanksgiving in Reverse, Chapter 1 (2021) (Lesbian Incest Vomit Erotica)
by JackDRipper

It was late afternoon when Sindee pulled up in front of the house she had grown up in. Coming home during breaks from college was always exciting and sentimental, but this trip was special. Sindee had just turned 21, and that meant she could come home for Thanksgiving.

Normally, she spent turkey-day with friends, her father’s family, or distant relatives. It was a tradition that the women in their family over 21 had a special, secret, Thanksgiving away from the rest of the family. What exactly they did was a mystery to everyone but those involved, and Sindee had always looked forward to this moment, when she could join her mother, her grandmother, and her aunt on Thanksgiving and finally find out what the big secret was.

Her grandmother had originally had some concerns about Sindee joining their Thanksgiving ritual, but over time she accepted the idea. This was because Sindee was originally born as Samuel. But by the time Sindee was in her early teens, it was clear to everyone that Samuel was a girl inside, so she had transitioned in her late teens. However, the one thing she hadn’t done was have any cutting. She was nervous and uncomfortable with the idea of unnecessary surgery, so she still was packing heat between her legs, and it wasn’t exactly small either. Her grandmother had once insisted that for her to accept Sindee as a girl she had to get the surgery, but over time she accepted Sindee as she was.

Sindee climbed out of the car as her Aunt Cathy came out of the house next door. Cathy and Mom had lived next door to each other for the past five years or so, and Mom had actually helped Cathy get her house. Mom was 39 and Cathy was 29, so in some ways, Cathy was more of a sister to Sindee than an aunt. And as an only child, Sindee was happy to have someone acting as a big sister role.

Cathy came over and gave her a hug. Cathy was a workout fanatic, and was toned and svelte with small, perky breasts and slim hips. As this was south Florida, she wore the almost requisite swimsuit with a pair of khaki shorts pulled over the thong bottoms. She had long, straight, dark hair that came several inches below her shoulder blades.

Sindee cut a somewhat different figure than her aunt. She had always tended to be a little on the bigger side, and while she wasn’t overweight, she was near the upper end of what was considered healthy. She carried the weight she had mostly in her bust and her hips, giving her a curvy hourglass figure. She wore a T-shirt and a pair of lycra shorts, and her dirty blonde hair was pulled back in a pony tail.

Cathy disengaged from her hug and leaned back, looking at her niece.

“Look at you, you’ve become quite a beautiful lady,” she said, kissing Sindee on the cheek. “This is so exciting, your first Thanksgiving as a woman. I can’t wait for tomorrow. Your Mom has some things she needs to clean up at the office tonight if she wants to take Friday off, and your grandmother’s flight isn’t arriving until 10:00 – if its on time – so it’s just you and me for the evening.”

She helped Sindee carry a couple of bags into the house and up to the room where Sindee had spent her childhood. Mom had left the room exactly as it had been when Sindee was a teenager living at home, so her boy band posters and similar paraphernalia still covered the walls. Her bed was made up fresh and a pair of stuffed animals sat next to the pillow, just like when she was a child.

She and Cathy dropped her bags on the bed, then Cathy tugged her arm.

“Let’s hit the pool before we have some dinner. Get out your bathing suit and come over.”

Cathy disappeared down the steps and out the back door towards the pool, and a second later Sindee heard the sound of Cathy diving in. The pool was in Cathy’s yard, but both Cathy and Mom used it and paid for its upkeep.

Sindee pulled open her suitcase and considered her options for a swimsuit. When she went swimming these days, she usually opted for a bikini top over a man’s bottoms. She still had a cock hanging down between her legs, and some folks were made uncomfortable by that fact. But today she was home, and everyone knew and accepted her, so she could dispense with that silliness. She pulled on a string bikini top and a thong bottom that made it clear she was packing some meat down below.

It was getting on in the evening, and it was dark outside, the pool area lit by lights. Sindee stepped lightly down the stairs and out the back door to the pool. Cathy gave her a playful wolf whistle and Sindee did a spin to show herself off before diving into the pool. Cathy splashed her and they had a splash fight before settling by the side of the pool and chatting.

“So tell me,” Sindee said. “What, exactly, are we doing tomorrow? What’s so special about this Thanksgiving women-only party? I’m 21 now, so tell me what’s going to happen tomorrow.”

“I can’t tell you,” Cathy said. “If I did, your grandmother would kill me.”

“Can you give me any hints?” she asked.

“Well, the night before my first Thanksgiving, I asked your mom about it, and she and I had this same conversation.”

“And what did my Mom say then?” Sindee asked.

“She didn’t say anything,” Cathy said, with a sly smile.


“Nope, but she did something.”

“What did she do?” Sindee asked.

Cathy had been standing beside Sindee along the side of the pool, but now she turned and moved to stand directly in front of her. She moved in close, pushing Sindee’s legs apart and pressing their bodies together.

There had always been a certain electricity between Sindee and Cathy that never really blossomed into anything (they were related, after all) but also never really went away. Now suddenly, with Cathy pressing her body next to her, with Cathy’s chest pressed against her own, Cathy’s slender thighs pushed against Sindee’s meat, Sindee felt those feelings stirring for real. She felt her nipples hardening against Cathy’s breasts with only to thin layers of fabric between. She felt her cock stiffening, threatening to break free of the thong and push its way up between Cathy’s toned thighs.

Sindee started to protest, but Cathy put a finger to her chin, then slipped two fingers between Sindee’s lips and pulled her mouth open. Cathy then opened her own mouth, and slid those two fingers inside, using them to tickle the back of her throat, pumping the fingers in and out across the rear of her tongue. After a moment, she slid them out, trailing a long, thick streamer of throat slime. She pushed her fingers into Sindee’s mouth, then pushed her lips closed around them.

Sindee wasn’t sure what this was supposed to mean, but she liked it, and she licked and sucked Cathy’s throat slime from her aunt’s fingers. After a moment, Cathy slid the digits back out of her niece’s mouth.

“And that is all I am allowed to say or do until tomorrow.” She planted a playful peck on Sindee’s lips, then pushed away, leaving Sindee confused and aroused.

“How about something to eat?” Cathy asked, climbing out of the pool.

“Sure,” Sindee said, watching her aunt’s ass in her thong as she walked inside. “What do you have?”

“How about a little pasta salad I made?” Cathy called from inside the house.

“Works for me,” Sindee called back and climbed out of the pool to follow her aunt inside.

They had supper and chatted. Sindee had a soda with her pasta, but she noticed that Cathy drank milk. She couldn’t remember ever before seeing Cathy drink milk. But whatever, that was her choice.

Cathy had put a large bowl of pasta on the table, and Sindee had only taken a couple of scoops. She figured she would just eat enough to tide her over until the next day, when the real eating would begin. But as she watched, Cathy ate mouthful after mouthful of the pasta salad, practically shoveling it into her mouth. In fact at one point she had so much food in her mouth that a piece of a pasta fell out and went rolling off her breasts and into her lap. Cathy finished off the entire rest of the bowl, and on top of that, she drank two tall glasses of milk.

When Cathy stood up from their eating, Sindee could see her stomach distended over her thong. She was that full. Sindee wasn’t sure what to make of it, especially considering what a fitness freak Cathy was, but then she shrugged it off, figuring it was Thanksgiving and anyone could be forgiven a little indulgence on that holiday.

Cathy stretched, her pert little nipples pressing against the fabric of her bikini top.

“It’s almost ten o’clock,” she said. “You should think of turning in. You have quite the day ahead of you. I’m sure your mother and grandmother will forgive you not being up to greet them when they get home.”

Sindee nodded. It had been a four hour drive back from school, so she was ready to turn in. She and Cathy shared a hug, then Sindee walked back to Mom’s house. Before she turned in, curiosity got the best of her, so she went into the kitchen and pulled open the fridge, wondering what they would be having for dinner the next day.

She had expected the standard Thanksgiving fare, so what met her eyes caught her by surprise. The top shelf of the fridge held gallons and gallons of milk. The middle shelves had containers of various rice and pasta concoctions, like what she and Cathy had just had for dinner. And on the bottom shelf were seasoned mixtures of ground, scrambled meats, though she wasn’t sure if they were beef or turkey. Meanwhile, on the counter, she noticed a half dozen loaves of bread, along with several tubs of different shake mixes, and bottles of antacids.

What kind of a Thanksgiving ***********ion was that?

She shook her head and considered trying to stay up late to meet her mother and grandmother, but decided against it. She walked up the stairs, made a pit stop in the bathroom, then walked to her room. She was about to flip on the light when a motion across the way caught her eye. She slipped into her dark bedroom and peered out the window.

Across the fence, the light was on in Cathy’s bedroom. Sindee gulped. As a teenager with mixed sexuality – she considered herself bisexual – she had secretly spied on her aunt more than once. Usually Cathy kept her curtains closed when she was undressed, but occasionally she had forgotten, leading to some memorable masturbation sessions while Sindee watched her aunt undress.

As she hovered in the shadows of her darkened bedroom, Sindee at first wasn’t sure what she was seeing, then slowly the picture cleared up in her mind. Cathy was sitting – no, squatting, on her bed. She was still in her bikini, but she had pulled the thong aside and was squatting over a ceramic bowl similar to the one that had held the pasta salad – in fact when she looked closely she realized it was the one that had held the pasta salad – and there were a few pieces still inside. Cathy’s stomach was still distended and hung over her thong looking almost like Cathy was pregnant. As Sindee watched, Cathy spread her labia and a spray of urine poured out of her. Most of it ended up in the bowl, but some shot out across the sheets on her bed. Cathy’s eyes were closed and she peed a long time, she had been holding this for awhile. The bowl filled up, and overflowed, sending more of the pale golden liquid across the sheets.

Finally the flow stopped, and Cathy wiped her pussy lips with the edge of her sheets. Still squatting on the bed, she picked up the bowl, spilling quite a bit more on the sheets, and lifted it to her face.

What she had been watching was shocking enough, but when Cathy opened her mouth and began drinking her own piss, Sindee gasped, her stomach turning. She was feeling a combination of horrifying disgust and a strange sort of arousal. She felt her cock begin to stiffen in her thong.

Meanwhile, Cathy gulped down her own urine, and she was not being careful about it. Her piss poured down her chin and across her chest and stomach, soaking her sheets even further. Her hard nipples stood out against the fabric of her soaked bikini, and her already distended belly stuck out even more as she poured urine on top of the milk and pasta already in her tummy. Now she definitely looked like she was pregnant and Sindee could see her stomach slosh when she moved.

Amazingly, Cathy drank – or spilled – about two thirds of the bowl before she set it back down in the puddle of piss on her bed. Her belly was painfully distended. An evil smile played across her face, and Sindee could swear that Cathy even glanced out the window at her own darkened room.

Cathy unhooked her bikini top and thong and tossed them to the side, kneeling naked on her drenched bed. The ceramic bowl was between her knees in front of her. She ran her hands up and down her piss-covered body, then slipped three fingers into her mouth, sliding them all the way to the back of her throat.

Sindee felt herself involuntarily stepping backwards, moving until her butt had bumped against the wall of her bedroom. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Even worse, she couldn’t believe how aroused she was feeling. She pulled her thong aside, letting her cock pop free. It was already about 75% hard and now being unleashed it immediately leapt to attention, reaching close to its full nine inch erect state. She stroked her meat as she tugged off her bikini top, letting her soft, full breasts swing down, their nipples pointing slightly upwards. With one hand she slowly stroked her meat, with the other, she rubbed her breasts, teasing her nipples. It was almost more than she could take, and she could feel her balls starting to tighten.

Through the window, Sindee could see Cathy still poking at the back of her throat, hunched over the bowl. Suddenly the huge distension of Cathy’s stomach shook and a thick combination of milk, pasta, and piss shot from her mouth and nose. Some of the vomit landed in the bowl, but more ended up covering the sheets of Cathy’s bed. Heavy streamers of puke hung down from Cathy’s chin to her tits. Cathy leaned back a little and continued to tease her throat. A second later another load of pasta, piss, and milk sluiced from her mouth, coursing down across her small, erect breasts and her toned stomach.

Even as she continued torturing her throat and inducing more vomiting, Cathy used her other hand to finger herself between her legs. Moans of pleasure were interspersed with fresh loads of brown-and-white vomit that poured from Cathy’s mouth. The nasty combination covered her body, her chest, her thighs. Some ended up in the bowl, but even more covered the sheets. Cathy kept shoving her fingers in and out of her mouth, and more puke poured out. She paused only long enough to gather some of her vomit up in her fingers and rub it across her body, shoving a whole handful into her vagina and swallowing a mouthful.

As soon as she gulped down the handfuls she had gathered up, it was as if her body decided it was time to get rid of everything. Her stomach convulsed and a huge load of puke shot from her mouth and nose, followed by another, then another, coating her body and her bed. The ceramic bowl was full of piss and puke, and the sheets and blankets ran thick with her bodily fluids.

Meanwhile, Sindee had been slowly stroking her cock. As the latest round of exertions drew the massive ejection from Cathy’s body, Sindee knew she needed to come. She ramped up the pace of her cock stroking, watching lustfully as Cathy slipped forward, more puke pouring from her mouth as she rolled around in seeming pleasure on sheets that were covered in her urine and vomit. The bowl that had been laying on the bed fell over, spilling its foul contents onto the sheets. Cathy licked the puke and piss from the bed, then took a handful, stretched her ass, and pushed the nasty mix up her asshole. Once she had two or thee handfuls in her ass, she created a fist and shoved the entire thing into her pukey ass, pumping it in and out before pulling it out and gaping her foul asshole. She pushed her pink assflesh out of her anus, creating a dome, and Sindee could see the pink folds of flesh, the brownish white puke mixed in.

Seeing Cathy like this, coated in piss and puke, stretching her asshole wide full of vomit, was more than Sindee could take. She gave a few final strokes and her cock exploded. She was able to grab her T-shirt from the bed just in time to keep herself from shooting her seed around the room. She wrapped her shirt around her cock as she sank down onto her own (thankfully dry) bed. The waves of her orgasm washed over her and she closed her eyes while load after load of her juice shot into her waiting T-shirt.

Finally, she felt the orgasm begin to subside. She opened her eyes and peered out the window. Cathy still lay on her bed, covered in piss and puke, and was still slowly stroking her pussy. But her ardor had subsided. After another moment, she seemed to drift off to sleep, the emanations from her lust drying and crusting on her skin.

Sindee reached over and pushed her door closed, then didn’t even bother turning on the light, but instead just collapsed into her bed, getting to sleep quickly, her mind fantasizing about what it would have been like to join her aunt in her play.

* * * *

Sindee woke up on Thanksgiving morning slowly, faintly aware that something had changed in her bedroom. She still lay on her bed in just her bikini and thong, but the covers had been pulled up and her T-shirt had fallen on the floor, her come partly dried. Her curtains had been drawn to keep out the morning sunlight. She reached for her phone and checked the time. It was 10:00. She had seriously overslept. Leaping out of bed, she pulled on a robe and darted down the stairs.

Her aunt Cathy and her grandmother were sitting in the kitchen in their bathrobes.

“Well, look who’s finally up!” her grandmother said. Her grandmother was 55 and had a definite mom bod, not unlike Sindee’s – wide hips, large breasts, but a narrow waist. She wasn’t as much of a workout freak as Cathy, but she definitely kept herself in shape. Her hair was dyed blonde with just enough tinted gray to look becoming. Her grandmother’s name was Gina.

Gina embraced Sindee in a warm hug.

“Where can I get some coffee?” Sindee asked, when they disengaged, looking wistfully at the empty coffee pot.

“No coffee this morning,” Gina said, handing her a caffeinated shake in a bottle. “This will have to do.”

Sindee took it, shrugged, and took a long pull of the vanilla shake. It went down well, calming her stomach that was a little nervous about what this special Thanksgiving may be all about. As she drank the beverage, she glanced at Cathy, suddenly remembering the show the night before. Her aunt didn’t look any worse for wear.

Sindee waved at the fridge and the counters. “This doesn’t look like a normal Thanksgiving setup.”

Gina giggled.

“Nothing today is going to be normal,” she said with a wink.

Sindee’s mother, Marlene, came into the kitchen, also in a robe. She hugged her daughter.

“Happy Thanksgiving, mom,” Sindee said.

“You’re first Thanksgiving as a grown up!” Marlene said. “This is exciting!”

“When are you going to tell me what this is all about?” Sindee asked, as they disengaged.

“Soon,” said her mother said. “Finish your shake, then you can start getting ready.”

‘Getting ready’ turned out to be extremely strange. It involved two showers and several enemas. Cathy oversaw the operation and was patient and supportive. Sindee had only had enemas once before and she almost balked, but Cathy promised her it was worth it, so Sindee went along. When she was done with them she felt cleaner and emptier than she had ever felt before. She showered, shaved everything at Cathy’s direction, then went to her room, where an outfit had been laid out for her.

The clothes consisted of a tiny tank top that barely covered her tits, a thong, and a tiny miniskirt. Cathy instructed her to get dressed and then wait here until she was called, while everyone else got ready.

Sindee pulled on the tank, thong, and skirt, and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked extremely slutty, but she had to admit, she looked hot. The tank was barely big enough to keep her nipples from poking out, and they pressed hard against the fabric, her aureoles threatening exposure every time she turned. The bulge of her cock was obvious under the skirt.

Why was she being dressed this way? Would the others be dressed like this too? What was this all about?

Cathy had also left three bottles of a nutrition shake in the bedroom as well with instructions that Sindee was to drink all three.

Sindee sipped the first shake and wandered to the window, hoping that Cathy might have left her curtains open again, but no such luck. She shrugged, gulped down the rest of the first shake and reached for the second. As she sipped, her phone buzzed with an incoming text, it was from her mother.

“ready in 15” the text read. “finish ur shakes.”

It was almost showtime, time for her to finally find out what this Thankgiving tradition was all about.

She finished the last of her shakes just as a knock came at her bedroom door. Her stomach felt full and she could feel it slosh as she stood and walked to open the door.

Outside the door stood her grandmother Gina. Gina was made up perfectly and wore a bandanna top that barely covered her gargantuan breasts, along with a mini skirt similar to the one that Sindee wore.

Gina, like Sindee, looked hot in a slutty way.

Sindee had never felt any sexual feelings toward any family members except Cathy. But suddenly this version of her grandmother was stirring up feelings she wasn’t sure how to handle it.

Gina smiled, reading the emotions playing across Sindee’s face.

“Go with it,” her grandmother said, running a finger down her cleavage and winking. “It’ll be easier than fighting it.” She took Sindee’s hand and led her down the stairs to the kitchen. As they walked, Sindee let her eyes wander down her grandmother’s body. She thought about what it would be like to suck her tits, to fuck her, to fuck her GILF asshole. Her cock stirred under her skirt.

In the kitchen, the table had been removed and the entire tile floor cleared. The counters were covered with the bowls of food from the fridge, along with shakes and antacids.

On one side of the room, stood Marlene, Sindee’s mother. Marlene had a slightly more slender version of the mom bod Gina wore. She was wearing a tiny tube top and a miniskirt like what Sindee and Gina wore. Next to her stood her aunt, Cathy, in a bikini top and a similar mini skirt.

In the center of the room stood a chair, all alone.

Without much fanfare, Gina gestured to the food on the counter.

“Happy Thanksgiving!” she said. “Dig in.”

As if this was the moment everyone had been waiting for, Gina, Marlene, and Cathy all began shoveling food into their mouths from the bowls on the counter. There was no use of utensils like knives and spoons, instead they each just grabbed handfuls of rice, or pasta salad, or meat mixture, and shoved it into their mouths. Cramming it in as fast as they possibly could.

Sindee was shocked. Was this was this special Thanksgiving ritual was all about? Dressing up like a slut and eating like an animal? This was unexpected, and unacceptable.

“Wait,” she said, and everyone turned. “Is this all we are doing? Dressing up like whores and pouring food into our faces? What the fuck?”

“Oh, there’s more to it,” Gina said, around a mouthful of rice. “This is just the start.”

Her grandmother turned to her mother. “I told you she’d be resistant,” she said.

“She’ll come around,” Marlene said. She picked up a bowl of pasta and approached Sindee. “Eat up,” she said.

“What the fuck, mom,” Sindee said. “The enema was bad enough, but this is just too weird. I’m going back to my room.”

Sindee turned, but her mother snatched her hair and pulled her back, pushing her into the chair that sat at the center of the room. Her grandmother moved and stood over her, her oversized bandanna barely containing her breasts.

“If you won’t eat, we’ll feed you,” Gina said.

Gina had poured enough food and shake down her gullet that her stomach was distended. She undid the tie at the back of her bandanna top and let it fall to the ground. Her large, pendulous, freckled tits swung free, the wide aureoles hanging slightly downwards. She unzipped her miniskirt and pushed it down, standing in front of Sindee in just her thong.

The feelings about her grandmother – and about her mother as well now that she saw her all sexied up – were so confusing. Her grandmother’s breasts looked so delicious, so inviting. And her thong barely covered the thick lobes that hung down between her legs. But this was incest, wasn’t it? Wasn’t that wrong?

And what about this strange food orgy? And why had she been forced down into the chair like this. This whole situation was fucked up.

She was about to open her mouth and tell Gina to leave her alone, when Cathy snapped Sindee’s head back. Over her, Gina leaned forward and stuck three fingers into her own mouth, tickling the back of her throat.

Marlene straddled Sindee and sat on her lap. Sindee could feel her mother’s pussy pressed against her own cock that was, inexplicably, coming to attention. This was not what she wanted. She was feeling constricted, restrained, forced into something she wasn’t sure she wanted. But she was also feeling strangely aroused.

Sindee tried to stand and pull away, but her mother and aunt held her fast. Over her, her grandmother shoved her fingers in and out of her throat until suddenly she made a retching sound and a thick mixture of bile, slime, pasta and shake shot out of her mouth and straight into Sindee’s mouth.

Sindee swore, coughed, and spit the nasty fluid out of her mouth, covering Marlene’s face and chest. Sindee’s mother collected the vomit in her hands and pushed it up to Sindee’s mouth, but Sindee kept her lips tightly closed.

Her grandmother, not one to be denied, squeezed Sindee’s nose, forcing her to open her mouth. Immediately, Marlene shoved the noxious mixture in and ordered Sindee to swallow.

Sindee wanted to vomit, but she did as she was told, chewing on her grandmother’s puke, and swallowing it, forcing it past a gag reflex that threatened to eject it, along with the contents of Sindee’s stomach.

Above her, Gina had begun poking her throat again.

“No…” was about all Sindee managed to get out before a fresh load of pasta puke gushed from her grandmother’s mouth onto her face and into her mouth. Marlene immediately put her hand over her daughter’s mouth and whispered “swallow”.

Sindee did as she was told, feeling her stomach getting light and threatening to eject its contents.

Marlene reached down and pulled off her top, then leaned back and slipped out of Sindee’s lap. She slid onto her knees and reached for Sindee’s skirt, pulling it all the way down, revealing Sindee’s monster cock that was half way to full attention restrained only by the thong. Sindee’s mother pushed the thong aside and let Sindee’s purple, throbbing nine inches pop free, pre-come already slithering from the gaped tip.

Above her, Sindee’s grandmother was still teasing the back of her own throat, but she had leaned back, and now a steady stream of thin vomit was trickling down her chest, across her breasts and hanging in thick nasty globs off the ends of her long nipples. Gina pressed her breasts into her granddaughter’s face.

“Lick it off,” she whispered.

From behind Sindee, her aunt Cathy’s face suddenly appeared, ejecting a thick thread of puke onto Gina’s tits. The vomit sluiced down Gina’s chest and onto Sindee’s face.

The shock was starting to wear off and Sindee was realizing that there was something going on here that was gross and disgusting – but exciting and stimulating and…she had to admit it…a turn on. She leaned forward and grasped her grandmother’s immense glands in her hands and pulled them towards her face, running her tongue across the puke-coated mountains, flicking the big chunks into her mouth, sucking on her grandmother’s long nipples. She ran a hand down Gina’s stomach to her thong and slipped a couple of puke-covered fingers inside her grandmother’s pussy. Gina’s well-used snatch let Sindee’s fingers slide inside easily, and Gina pressed herself down on Sindee’s hand. With little effort, Sindee felt her entire hand and wrist slide into her grandmother’s loose snatch.

Marlene, meanwhile, had begun sucking her daughter’s cock, running her tongue up and down the nine-inch, purple, puke-covered, pulsating shaft. She tickled the tip of the meat, then pulled the cock into her mouth, pushing her lips slowly down the shaft until most of the nine inches was inside her. Once she had the entire cock in her mouth, she started shaking her head back and forth. After a moment, a thick load of vomit poured from her mouth around Sindee’s cock, coating her meat and her balls with her mother’s puke. The puke was hot and soft, straight from her mother’s stomach, and Sindee loved how it felt against her cock buried inside her mother’s mouth.

Marlene pulled her head back, a fresh load of puke coursing from her mouth. She rammed her head back onto Sindee’s cock for a brief moment, then stood up and kissed Sindee, emptying the more of her stomach’s contents into her daughter’s mouth.

Sindee had surrendered to the experience and accepted her mother’s puke readily, chewing on the big chunks and obediently swallowing it. Another load poured from Marlene and Sindee sucked it loudly through her pursed lips, letting some dribble down her chin and her vomit-covered chest. As soon as Marlene pulled back, Cathy spewed her own vomit into Sindee’s waiting mouth. Sindee just smiled and swallowed her Aunt’s foul gift. What she couldn’t fit into her mouth ran down her chin and across her tits.

Sindee could feel her stomach swelling with the other women’s vomit. She ran her hands down her stomach and could feel the goop sloshing inside. Her tummy was distended. She felt stuffed and nauseous, but incredibly hot and erotic. She moaned. She wanted more. She reached for her grandmother’s breasts again, pulling them to her mouth, begging her grandmother for more vomit.

Gina stuck her fingers down her throat and tickled the back of her throat some more, making her breasts jiggle as she did so. Sindee sucked at them while she waited for the next gush from Gina’s endless throat. She didn’t have to wait long. A few seconds later, a fresh load of puke coursed down Gina’s breasts. Sindee’s sucked the nasty gunk up lustily.

After a moment Gina pulled back and went back to the counter to reload. Marlene stood up and stood over Sindee. She pulled Sindee’s top off so Sindee sat there nude – her tits hanging free, her cock pulsating as it stood straight up almost between her tits, her mouth open – waiting for her mother’s next load of puke. Marlene worked her fingers in and out of her own throat, while Sindee waited. Finally, Marlene’s stomach shook and a burst of vomit shot from her lips, some of it hitting Sindee’s face, the rest coating her body.

By now, Sindee’s hair was slicked back with brownish-white puke and her face, tits, thighs, and cock were coated with the chunky vomit. As she chewed and swallowed her mother’s puke, she realized she had never felt so hot, so horny, so beautiful, so erotic as she now did coated with her mother’s, aunt’s, and grandmother’s puke. Sindee chewed and swallowed what her mother shot into her mouth.

Marlene leaned back and stepped away to the counter, to reload like Gina. Cathy took Sindee’s hand and gently guided her to the floor, where she had Sindee lie on her back. The floor was coated with a thick layer of vomit, and Sindee wanted to lick it up, but Cathy instead wanted her to lay on her back on the slick tile floor.

Cathy spread her legs and pulled her labia apart with her fingers, exposing her pussy and her peehole. A second later a stream of piss poured from her into Sindee’s mouth. Sindee had secretly fantasized about this moment ever since she had watched Cathy the night before, but feeling Cathy’s warm pungent piss on her face and lips was beyond what she had even dreamed of. She eagerly drank up her aunt’s urine, swallowing it and begging for more.

Overhead, Sindee’s grandmother reappeared, her stomach distended from a fresh load of pasta, rice, and shake she had gorged herself with. She pushed Cathy’s head back and vomited down her tits and stomach, letting her thick puke mix with the stream of piss from Cathy’s hole. The combination made Sindee cough and sputter for a moment, but she managed to gulp it all down without choking.

By now, Sindee’s stomach was ready to burst. She looked down at her belly and realized that, even lying on her back, she still looked almost pregnant – and incredibly hot with her nine inches of cock sticking up in the air, pre-come trickling from the tip. She swallowed the rest of Cathy’s piss, then slowly sat up.

“Are you ready to unload your stomach?” her grandmother asked. Sindee nodded.

Sindee’s grandmother rolled over onto all fours. Cathy moved to one side of her mother, and Marlene the other. They both used their fingers to pull Gina’s crinkled, ragged, overused asshole open. From inside, Gina’s flesh domed outwards, forming a pink crumply mound. Cathy and Marlene slid their fingers inside the hole in the center of the rosebud and pulled it wide open, stretching the mounded bud wide. Sindee could see the pink flesh inside her grandmother’s gaping, yawning, stretched asshole.

“Fill up my asshole,” Sindee’s grandmother moaned.

Sindee had never made herself vomit before, but as bloated as she was feeling she was pretty sure she wouldn’t have much trouble. She slipped two fingers into her mouth and began tickling the back of her throat. The taste of vomit and piss already filled her mouth, and a moment later a thick, hot stream of vomit wrenched from her stomach. The nasty goop shot out of her mouth and into Gina’s gaping, pink, prolapsed hole. Sindee kept teasing her throat, bringing out the mixture of the other women’s vomit and Cathy’s piss that had filled her stomach. Gina had slipped her fist into her snatch and seemed to be using it to help gape her asshole even wider, deepening the cavern already yawning between her ass cheeks, allowing her to take in more and more of Sindee’s puke.

Finally, Sindee felt empty. She leaned back and sat down on the floor.

Marlene and Cathy slid their fingers out of Gina’s asshole. The gape at the center of the pink mound closed up, but the pink flesh still hung several inches out of Gina’s raggedy, well-used asshole.

“Who wants it?” Gina asked, rubbing her hand across her puke-covered, prolapsed, asshole and sliding more globs of the vomit into her cunt. “Who wants my asshole full of Sindee’s puke.”

“I do!” Marlene said. She leaned forward and opened her mouth, hovering her face just a couple of inches in front of Gina’s pink anal mound. Gina squeezed her abdomen and a thick stream of puke and piss shot out of her asshole and into Marlene’s mouth. Marlene sucked it down and swallowed, drinking the puke pouring from her own mother’s pink-domed asshole like it was the finest champagne. A couple more inches of pink flesh slid out of Gina’s asshole as she pushed the puke-and-piss mixture from her anus. Marlene pushed her lips against the pink flesh and sucked, pulling more and more goop from Gina’s ass.

Sindee rolled onto her feet and made her way to the counter, grabbing handfuls of pasta and rice and shoving them down her throat, followed by more shake. Dumping more food into her gullet while she watched her mother suck piss and vomit out of her grandmother’s pink, domed, well-used asshole made her incredibly horny. She poured food into herself until her stomach was distended again, then turned back to the other three women.

Standing there, covered in vomit hat was still hanging in globs from the end of her tits, with a full load in her stomach, her cock sticking out in front of her hard as a rock, she looked incredibly hot.

By now, Gina had emptied her asshole into her daughter’s mouth, and now she was squatting over her other daughter and pissing into her mouth. A huge mound of pink, puke-covered flesh still hung out of her asshole Sindee slid two fingers down her throat and coaxed out a heavy load of vomit that she poured across her grandmother’s face and heavy breasts. She leaned down and kissed Gina, their mouths opening just in time for her to deliver a huge blast of puke straight into Gina’s mouth. Gina gulped her granddaughter’s puke down voraciously and begged for more – which Sindee was happy to provide.

Cathy rolled over and pulled Marlene to her. She stretched her sister’s pussy and unleashed a mixture of piss and puke into her waiting hole. The puke filled up Marlene’s snatch and overflowed, running down past her asshole.

Marlene pointed at Sindee’s cock.

“Shove that thing inside mommy’s pukey pussy,” she said. “I want all of it.”

Sindee had been stroking her cock casually, but now gave it several hard strokes then rammed it into her mother’s snatch. Loads of vomit squirted out around her cock as she drove it home, then began sliding it in and out of her mother’s pussy. Gina appeared overhead. Sindee looked up and smiled, opening her mouth wide as her grandmother dropped a fresh load of puke into Sindee’s mouth and across her chin and her tits. Cathy knelt down and licked the overflowing vomit from Sindee’s neck and large breasts.

Another load from Gina’s stomach landed in Sindee’s mouth. She gestured for someone to bring her some food and shake from the counter, and Cathy complied. Sindee gulped down several handfuls of pasta and a bottle of shake, then vomited it out across her mother’s tits and face.

The experience was too much, she felt her balls beginning to tighten. It would only be another second or two before she came. She ramped up her speed as a fresh load of puke shot out of her mouth across her mother’s tits and face. That was all it took and she unloaded raw semen straight into her own mother’s puke-filled cunt.

The orgasm that washed over her was unbelievable, unlike anything she had ever experienced. The stink of puke, pussy, and piss was now mingled with the smell of semen dripping from Marlene’s cunt. Sindee slipped her cock out. It was coated with puke from Marlene’s pussy and thick streamers of jizz. Sindee’s grandmother Gina knelt down and began sucking on Sindee’s meat, teasing it, coaxing it, vomiting fresh loads of puke down its long shaft.

As Sindee came back to attention, Gina stopped her ministrations and instead began taking handfuls of puke that coated the floor and shoving it into her gaping asshole. Fistful after fistful she shoved into her anus. Marlene and Cathy helping by stretching her ass wide again and pushing the nasty puke inside. When it looked like she was about full, she reached around and slid her entire fist into her asshole, gaping it wider and making even more room for the puke from the floor. When she pulled her fist out, her flesh came with it, doming again, and making a crinkled rosebud that Cathy and Marlene pulled open to pour still more puke inside.

“Get over here and shove that cock of yours up my asshole,” she said to Sindee. “And don’t be gentle.”

Sindee, who was already just about back to full attention, didn’t hesitate. She used her thumbs to stretch her grandmother’s asshole open even wider, revealing crumpled pink flesh and loads of pissy vomit. She slowly slipped her nine inches inside. Puke and piss squirted out around Gina’s ragged asshole as Sindee forced her way inside. Gina moaned and shoved her puke covered fingers into her slit, pounding them in and out as Sindee pushed her pulsating meat deep into her grandmother’s vomit-filled ass.

About half way in, Sindee paused.

“How deep should I go?” she asked her grandmother. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Hurt me?” Gina laughed. “I want that monster cock of yours all the way in my puke-filled ass.” As if to prove her point, she slipped three fingers from her hand inside her asshole alongside Sindee’s cock and pulled upwards, gaping her pink, domed asshole around Sindee’s titanic meat.

Sindee smiled. “Sure thing grandmother.” She pushed her cock the rest of the way into Gina’s ass and began pistoning in and out. Chunks of puke slid along the shaft of her cock as she rammed in and out of her grandmothers asshole, and vomit and piss provided lubrication. Gina tightened her asshole muscles and her flesh grabbed Sindee’s cock. Her grandmother’s asshole meat stretched several inches out of her ass with each stroke, sliding in and out, foaming the filth that sluiced from her gaping ass.

“Harder,” Gina moaned, and Sindee complied, pumping her cock in and out of her grandmother’s asshole faster and faster.

Suddenly, Sindee felt a pair of hands pressing her forward onto her grandmother’s back, her cock still inside her ass. A second later, fingers pulled Sindee’s asshole apart and a warm, thick streamer of puke poured into her. She had never felt anything like it. It was warm, comforting, filling, and strangely erotic. Behind her she could hear both Marlene and Cathy vomiting into her stretched, gaped asshole. She moaned.

Slowly she felt her insides fill up with Marlene’s and Cathy’s puke. When they had stopped, she clenched her asshole muscles to hold their puke in and went back to reaming out her grandmother’s asshole. She called for some food and shake, which she shoved down her throat them vomited back all over her grandmother’s back and hair.

Gina begged her to pound her harder and faster, and she ramped it up to full speed. Her thick, purple cock sluiced in and out of Gina’s asshole, pulling out the pink, vomit-covered flesh of her asshole and prolapsing it with each stroke. Cathy pulled Gina’s head back and vomited in her face, while Marlene planted a soul kiss on her daughter’s lips and the two exchanged puke.

Gina gave a moan and Sindee felt her come, but she wasn’t ready to stop, so she kept reaming her grandmother’s asshole, in and out. She pulled her grandmother’s vomit-soaked hair, tugging her head backwards as Cathy poured more puke across her face. Gina moaned as her pink ass flesh clung to Sindee’s purple, pulsating, puke-covered cock and more orgasms rolled through her.

Marlene moved in front of Gina, spread her legs and pulled her mother’s face towards her cunt. When Gina’s lips were just an inch from her lobes, a heavy stream of piss shot out of Marlene into Gina’s mouth. She drank up her daughter’s piss as she came and as Sindee continued to ream out her puke-filled asshole.

Sindee felt her ball’s tighten, She gave three hard thrusts that quaked Gina’s big ass, and a second later her seed shot into her grandmother’s waiting asshole. She slowly slid out one final time, letting Gina’s pink asshole prolapse and gape when she slid out, thick semen and chunky vomit sliding from the wrecked sphincter. Gina moaned again.

Sindee still could feel the load of vomit inside her own asshole. Cathy leaned down and put her lips around Sindee’s ass.

“Squeeze it out,” she whispered. “Squeeze that puke out of your asshole into my mouth.”

Sindee pushed, forcing the mixture of puke and piss she had been holding in her bowels out into her aunt’s waiting mouth. Sindee moaned and a fresh load of come poured from her half-erect cock even as a fresh load of puke slipped from her mouth. Cathy sealed her lips around Sindee’s asshole and sucked, pulling out the rest of the puke that was inside of her asshole.

When the last of the puke sluiced into Cathy’s mouth, Sindee’s aunt still kept sucking. Sindee felt her insides slide towards Cathy’s sucking, and suddenly part of her insides slid out of her asshole into aunt’s mouth. It was a new sensation, and Cathy licked and sucked the puke from Sindee’s new pink dome.

Sindee moaned and rolled onto her back on the floor, amid the puddles of piss and puke the coated the tile. She sighed and looked up at the three other happy faces above her.

Gina smiled down at her granddaughter.

“So have you been enjoying your first Thanksgiving as a big girl?” she asked.

“Oh fuck yeah,” she murmured, as her grandmother unleashed a fresh load of puke across her face.

“You can’t go completely soft yet,” Marlene whispered, spreading her legs to shoot a spray of piss across Sindee’s face. I want you inside my asshole too.”

Sindee moaned, but knew she couldn’t deny her mother. She rolled over on all fours and felt her stomach heave. She moved into position just in time to dump the contents of her tummy all down her mother’s big soft tits.

Marlene rolled over on all fours and spread her asshole like Gina had done, pushing out her pink ass flesh and letting Gina stretch that, until a deep chasm lay open inside her ass. Before Sindee could like up her resurgent cock, Cathy appeared. She puked inside her sister’s ass, then stood up and pissed into Marlene’s gaping hole that Gina was holding open with three fingers from each hand. When Cathy had finished, Gina added some puke of her own then slid her entire fist inside her older daughter’s puke-filled asshole.

Sindee felt another convulsion run through her stomach, and she unloaded a fresh load of puke across her grandmother’s tits as her grandmother slide her fist in and out of Marlene’s gaping asshole. When she slid back out, she pulled her daughter’s prolapsed asshole wide, revealing the pink flesh inside, and loads of brown puke and piss in the cavernous asshole.

“Ram her,” Sindee’s grandmother intoned, and Sindee complied, slamming her cock into her mother’s asshole. Puke and piss slipped out around her meat as she rammed all nine inches home and her puke-covered balls slammed into her mother’s cunt. She began ramming in and out of her mother’s asshole with abandon, feeling her flesh grip her cock as she pulled out, prolapsing her mother’s ass slightly.

Gina jerked Sindee’s head back, pressed her lips against hers, and shot a fresh load of puke in her mouth. Sindee swallowed hungrily and begged for more. Her grandmother was happy to comply. After she had dumped her stomach, she stood up and pulled Sindee’s face into her cunt, pissing into her granddaughter’s mouth. Sindee sucked up her grandmother’s piss with abandon.

Sindee felt her stomach filling up again, so she pulled her grandmother’s face down to hers, and puked into her mouth, letting her grandmother eat back up some of the puke she had given her granddaughter.

Marlene intoned Sindee to get back to work reaming out her asshole, so Sindee cranked up the pace, shoving her meat in and out of her mother’s asshole. Her balls slammed against her mother’s cunt and thick loads of puke foamed in the rapid motion. Sindee reached down and grabbed her mother’s hair, pulling her head back. Marlene moaned at the abuse and begged her daughter to fuck her harder. Sindee slammed her cock into her mother’s ass and Marlene tightened her muscles, forcing her assflesh to cling to Sindee’s cock. Sindee pressed a ring of her mother’s anal tissue against her cock and pulled two thirds of the way out, stretching the pink tissue far from Marlene’s raggedy, gaping asshole. Marlene moan ratcheted up to a scream as her flesh was stretched further than she had ever experienced.

Sindee slammed her cock back in, then in and out of her mother’s asshole. Finally she felt Marlene come. Sindee pulled her cock out completely for a moment, puked a fresh load into her mother’s ass, then rammed her cock back in, squirting fresh puke everywhere.

Gina reached down and slid fingers into Marlene’s asshole on either side of Sindee’s cock, pulling it wide and letting Sindee push even deeper into her mothers gaping vomit-filled hole.

Sindee’s mother had another orgasm and Sindee felt her balls tighten. One, two, three more strokes and a load of Sindee’s hot come poured into her mother’s asshole as both Sindee and Marlene emptied out everything that was left in their stomachs.

Sindee’s cock softened and slid slickly from her mother’s prolapsed, puke-spewing asshole. Sindee lay back on the floor.

This had been an incredible Thanksgiving. And as she watched her mother, grandmother, and aunt reload from the food on the counter, she knew it would be a long, hot afternoon…


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