Teacher – 15 Day 4 – Sun AM – The Cost of Words & Waiting for a Table by DBSKR123

Teacher – 15 Day 4 – Sun AM – The Cost of Words & Waiting for a Table
by DBSKR123

Once again, they let Laura sleep in, in the morning. She did not wake up until nearly 10:00. The rest of the house was already up. She stretched as she got out of bed. She felt she had run a second marathon in as many days. Every muscle in her body felt used. Nothing really hurt, just well used. Well maybe her ass was a little sore. Everything was just a little foggy. She had survived a day with her family. And oh, what a day it was. She felt dirty. She thought she felt dirty yesterday morning. That was nothing compared to how dirty she felt today.

She wandered into the bathroom. She looked in the mirror and saw herself. As yesterday, she felt and looked matted. Today she also felt crusty. She sat on the toilet and emptied her bowels and bladder. As she was peeing, she realized how nice it was to do so in private for once. Then she looked at the multiple cameras in the bathroom and sighed, well maybe no one is monitoring them at the moment. She started the shower and half expected someone to come in, but she was left alone. It felt so good to be able to just stand under the hot water. She started on the top of her head by washing her hair. She worked her way down her body. When she got to her hips, she used the handheld unit and set it on pulse. She spread her legs and directed the pulsing stream up. It was almost too intense but only almost. She used her other hand to gather some body wash and spread the lather where she needed it most.

It was strange. She almost wanted more hands to help her wash. She knew that if she called out, she would probably get that help, but it was nice, for a change, to be alone. She washed down her legs to her feet. When she was done, she replaced the handheld unit and just stood under the water and slowly ran her hands over her body. Eventually the water started to cool. It was time to get out.

She took a soft fluffy towel and dried herself off. She glanced at her wrist band and saw that it was currently Yellow. Oh well, it was still the weekend, and she was in the house. It really did not matter at this point, Green or Yellow. She looked around and saw that the cameras were still mounted around the room. She wondered if Allen or Adam were watching her even now. They had already seen all there was to see of her, and more.

She walked out into the living room and saw Adam and Summer sitting on the sofa. Adam had his arm around Summer, and she was snuggling up to his side. He was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. She, of course, was nude. Adam was idly stroking her outer thigh. If she had been dressed, they would have looked like almost any other young couple from the last hundred years. They were watching a sitcom on the TV, and quietly chatting.

“Mom, I got a message from the H-Board. The transfer of Summer’s contract was made official this morning. They said that how I handled her at the school, and especially what I had her do at the party yesterday went a long way. Then when Aunt Heather wrote to them about me, they said that there was more than enough evidence that Summer would be making amends for her past misdeeds.”

“Congratulations Adam. How are you with this Summer?”

“I’m ecstatic. You are going to have to put up with me for a while more.”

“Where is your father, Adam?”

“He is getting boxes for Summer.”

“Boxes? What kind of boxes?”

“Since Summer is officially my responsibility, Dad, and I, thought it would be beneficial for everyone to have her live here. At least until her sentence is done. Maybe longer if things work out. He is getting boxes.”

“I really don’t have much. I have a small furnished apartment. Most of the things there stay with the apartment. I mostly only have clothes, a computer, and some other personal things.”

“Clothes! That’s funny, coming from the nude girl.” Adam said.

“HAY! I wasn’t always just the nude girl!” she laughed. “I used to have a bunch of really cute clothes. I still have them, really. Someday I will be able to wear them again, I hope.”

“I look forward to seeing you in those cute clothes.”

“Back to what Allen is helping set up. He said that I should move in with all of you. He said if I help pay for food, I can live here for free. That would be a huge help to me. Not only do I have a Yellow sentence, but I am also required to pay back the amount I stole with fraudulent credit. If I don’t have to pay for my apartment, I can pay that off sooner. I never dreamed that your family could be so generous to me.”

“Summer, in a very short time, you have had a very big influence on our family. It has been extremely hard on me to be a Green, and I have only been Green for a few days. Just having another sentenced female in the house is comforting. You have shown me that being sentenced is not the end of the world. I only have about three more days, if they don’t make me add time that is. If I was like you, a full Yellow, with required intervals of Blue, and have almost five more months. I don’t know how I would be able to handle that.”

“When I was first sentenced, I was alone. My parents died a while back, and I really don’t have any other family. I also don’t really have any friends either. The ones that I thought I had, were either too embarrassed to be seen with me, or tried to take advantage of the nude girl in the group. Your family are some of the first people to treat me like a normal person. You have opened your home up to me and accepted me in. We have been sitting here and Adam has been telling me a little about himself. I am not surprised he is a strait A student. He has great plans to become an engineer. He has a great sense of humor. He’s also good looking. He is nothing like who I usually tried to go out with. But despite my Yellow sentence, he treats me like a normal person.”

“Aunt Heather said I can treat you like a normal person at home, most of the time. But remember I still need to have you serve your penance. When we go grocery shopping with mom this afternoon, I have some ideas how you can do that.”

“Oh dear, I forgot I do grocery shopping on Sunday. Can’t we just go another week with food we have on hand?”

“Mom, we already have a full list of things we need and besides if Summer is going to be staying here, we need to get more, not try to scrape by what we have. Dad said that we can go out to lunch when he gets back with the boxes and then go shopping. After that we will bring things home and put the food away. I know you usually plan for school after shopping so dad, Summer and I are going to leave you alone and we will go get her things to bring here. Then we can make and have dinner at home.”

“I don’t mind the putting food away, planning for school, and making dinner at home part. I just don’t want to go out for lunch and the store.”

“Laura, you know that being sentenced, does not allow you to hide inside. You have to continue your life, just the same as if you were not sentenced. I still go to work 5 days a week. You need to do the things you would normally do, but just be bottomless.”

At that point Allen walked in the front door. “Hey all, I got the boxes. Laura, I see you have cleaned up. Did you sleep well? You were even more out of it this morning than yesterday morning. That was quite a party, wasn’t it? How do you feel today?”

“I’m a little sore down below, front, and back. I would appreciate if I did not have much sex today. My whole body feels like I have been working out. Other than a low-grade ache all over, I guess I am Okay. I expected to be much worse today.”

“Good. I was a little worried, but you did not seem to be in pain last night when I put you to bed, and you seemed to sleep comfortably. Summer even came in to check on you a few times last night.” Laura looked over at Summer, who nodded.

“Laura, go grab a top from the bedroom. You can put it on outside, not inside. The Yellow rule is still in effect because you are still number 4 in this house. We will see how things go for the rest of the day and I may promote you back to 3, at the end of the day. If that is Okay with you Summer.”

“Why does Sommer have a say. I am your wife. No offence to you Summer.”

“Laura, I know the kids have explained to you that Summer is going to be staying with us for at least the term of her sentence. As such she has a say in what goes on here. I am still number 1 and Adam number 2 but we will take everyone’s opinions into consideration, if warranted. If you step out of line too far, I will extend the House Yellow sentence longer than the end of today and I may even make it so for outside of this house. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” was all she said. Then looked down.

“Laura, if you behave today, I will gladly step down to the number 4 position. Allen is nice, just trust him. I think I understand what he is doing, but it is not for me to say. I think you can figure it out too.”

Laura looked at Summer, who was smiling at her, and sighed, she did not say anything but went to the bedroom and got some slip-on shoes and a top. As a yellow she was allowed shoes any time. She would just have to wait until she was outside the front door to put the top on.

When she returned to the family room, they were trying to decide where to eat. The choice seemed to be between IHOP or Denny’s

“But those places will be packed this time of day,” Laura said.

“But I like their brunch,” Adam said. “Oh! I just remembered something. Summer, I got something for you after you gave me your code, but with everything going on and the party yesterday and all, I completely forgot about it.” He jumped up and ran into his room and returned with a small brown bag. “I tested one of these on Mom, Friday morning, and she seemed to like it.” All eyes turned to Laura.

“Oh my god. I can’t say that I really liked it. It was very strange. It was more humiliating is what it was.”

“Dad, Here is Mom’s set.” He handed Allen two golf ball sized balls. One was silver and one gold. They were attached to each other, with a short string and the gold one had a bright green tail with a ring at the end. Adam then pulled out another set, This set also had a silver and a gold ball, but the tail was bright blue.

Adam hung onto the blue tail and bounced the balls at the end. There was a ringing sound that was barely audible. “See one of these has a little hammer inside that rings a little bell. The other one does something else. You know dad, I just realized, there are two openings down there. I wander what the effect would be if we put a set into each.”

“Adam, that is a horrible idea. One set is more than enough. I can’t imagine what two sets would be like.” Laura exclaimed.

“You know, that may be fun to watch. Next time we are at the H-Store we will have to pick up another couple of sets.” Allen said.

“Oh, Allen, Please don’t joke about that.”

“Who’s joking? I am serious. I wonder if one app can run multiple sets. Can we run two apps at the same time on our phones? Do we need to use two phones each?”

“Phones, apps? What are you talking about?” Summer asked.

“Do you know what these are?” Adam asked.

“They look like basic Ben-Wa Balls.”

“Not quite basic. They have a remote-control unit in the gold section. The Green one is linked to Dad’s phone and the Blue on is linked to my phone. We tried it out on Mom Friday before school. She liked it, no matter what she says now. There are multiple levels of stimulation, and the top level is pretty intense. At least that is what mom says.”

“Intense, is not even close. I lost all control at that level.”

“Now you have me a little worried.”

“You should be. These two can be very mean when it comes to those damn things.”

“Now Laura, I’m going to let that slide. You don’t want to make things worse for yourself. Settle down and behave. Come over here to the coffee table. You know the routine.”

Allen sat on the sofa and said, “Come on Laura, you know what you need to do.”

Laura stepped over Allen’s legs and sat on the coffee table, facing him. “At least this time it is you.”

Allen reached forward and ran a finger up and down her pussy lips. She shuddered. He inserted his index and middle finger then rubbed his thumb over her clit. A moan came out of her when he did that. She had closed her eyes, but when she opened them, she saw her son and Summer were kneeling on either side of her watching Allen do what he was doing. Both Adam and Summer ran a hand along the inside of her thigh, causing another shudder to run though her body. “Please, it is not right that my son and his, his, … sex girl … look at my sex and that they are touching me where they are touching me.”

“Mom, what are we looking at?”

“Please don’t make me say it. I don’t like that word.”

“Laura, they have every right as 2 and 3 in this house. I would suggest you make them happy.” He continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, and she was getting very wet.

“Mom, I have seen it before. I have put my fingers inside your there. I think you need to say what we are looking at. Don’t you Summer?”

“Yes, I do. You have a very lovely one, Laura. And I resent being called Adam’s ‘sex girl’.” She grabbed one of Laura’s prominent lips and pulled it and squeezed hard enough to cause Laura to yelp. “Now Laura, what is your ‘sex’ called by most people.?”

“I don’t like saying it.” Another pull and squeeze, by Adam this time, caused another yelp. “It is my pussy! There are you happy, you all are looking and playing with my pussy! Pussy! Pussy! Pussy!”

“There that wasn’t so hard now was it, Laura?” said Allen. “I have always loved looking and playing, and even tasting, your pussy. I love you, and I love your pussy. You should be proud of your pussy. It is very nice looking pussy.” He continued to slowly pump his fingers in her pussy. “Now for calling Summer a ‘sex girl’ you are going to need to be disciplined.”

“Yes, she dies. That pissed me off. I know what I had to do yesterday for someone that I pissed off. I think it might be fair to do the same to you. But first I want you to eat me out. I know you claim to not like going down on a pussy, but I like it. Adam and Allen like going down on a pussy, I think you need more practice. Allen, you keep playing with her while I have her lay back and I am going to sit on her face. You have gotten better than you were when you first went down on me, when we first met, but you have room for improvement. When you are done, I am going to give you something for your comment.”

“Summer please. I am sorry. I did not mean it. I am still just so embarrassed by having people look at my … pussy. See, I said it. I don’t like it, but I said it.”

Summer helped Laura lay back and then turned so that she could straddle her head with her legs and sat down so that her pussy was lined up with her mouth. “Laura, open up. Oh yah, you have definitely improved your tongue technique. Get right in there. Good girl.” Summer rocked her hips and ground her pussy on Laura’s face. Soon she was moaning and panting. Then she shouted, “Yes, yes, YES!”

When she started breathing a little more normal, she said, “Adam, your mother has gotten better at pussy licking. I almost forgot, she got to lick her own mother and sister-in-law yesterday too. Didn’t you Laura?”

“That’s right, Mom went down on Grammy and Aunt Heather! Mom, you have had your tongue in more pussies than I have. And I like going down on a pussy!”

“Laura, I am so proud of you stepping out of your normal comfort zone. I know you have not done it willingly, but you have done it.” Allen continued to play with her pussy lazily. He could tell she was nowhere near Cumming but was maintained at a low level of arousal.

“Okay, Laura, I have recovered from my nice cum, now is time for you to pay for making the comment about me being Adam’s ‘sex girl.’ It pissed me off. I learned yesterday what the price of pissing someone off is. I had to drink the piss from all four of your neighbors. I pissed them off when I weaseled my way into having Jen’s boyfriend into taking me to a concert in place of her, then dropping him like a hot potato after the show. Back then, I did not consider how my words and actions affected others. I want you to see what your words felt like to me. I am going to piss, and you are going to drink it without spilling a drop.”

“Oh god! NO! That is disgusting. I will never drink pee!”

“But Laura, you already have. Yesterday, that flavored drink that you could not place the flavor. It was the pee that you did in front of us on Friday. I just added a flavor pack to it. You said it was nice. That was your pee with some additional flavor. Now you are going to drink pee right from the source.”

“Allen, please don’t let her do this to me. You can’t let her do it!”

“Laura, you are number 4 in this house. She is number 3 and well within her rights. You did say something very rude about her. You have already drunk pee, and even said you liked it. I don’t see why you are upset about this. I think Summer has found an effective way to make you pay her back. If you protest any more, I will ask Adam to do the same. He may want to do it anyway. It is totally up to him. He is responsible for her, physically and emotionally. Even I could join in if you protest too much. Do a decent job with Summer, and you will be done.”

“I hate this, but if you must, just do it.”

“I’m glad you are cooperating. I will try to not pee too fast. I want you to be able to drink it all down. When I was at the H-Store, I had to do it more than once, and yesterday I had to drink the pee from all four of your neighbors, one right after the other. If it’s only one bladder you are drinking, it is not so bad. I have not even had asparagus in the last few days. That kind of pee is nasty. Been there and done that. I have been well hydrated so it should not be too strong tasting. Now, open up!”

Summer repositioned herself so that she could line up with Laura’s open mouth. She settled down and said, “Ahh. I really did need to pee.” Allen and Adam could see Laura’s throat moving as she drank. It seemed to go on for a long time. Eventually Summer stood up and said, “See! I knew you could do it. I am very proud of you Laura.”

Laura felt a mix of humiliation and pride. Humiliation that she just drank pee from Summer peeing in her mouth, but then there was an unexpected pride in the compliment from Summer. She wasn’t expecting that. She did not know why she felt a rush of pleasure from that simple statement of Summer being proud of her. She felt very confused.

Summer moved away from Laura and said, “Now that we have that out of the way, you were showing us how you were going to insert a toy into Laura, Allen.”

“Yes, I was. I almost forgot with that show and all.” He took the silver ball and shook it. A quite ringing bell could be heard. He then placed it at the opening to her pussy and pushed it in. Then he took the gold ball and repeated the process. “Well, that is all for this part. Laura you can now stand up. You may want to wipe yourself off a little. Your pussy is leaking. I think you should leave the juices from Summer on your face; however, It will dry, and no one will see it, but you will still be able to smell her that way. It will give you something to think about.”

With a sigh, she got up and walked to the kitchen to grab a paper towel and wipe between her legs. When she came back into the front room. Adam was just inserting the gold ball into summer. The bright blue stood out against her golden tan skin. “Now what is so special about this little toy?”

Adam took out his phone and pulled up an app. He moved his finger on the screen. “Oh my. That is nice.” He moved his finger again. “Oh god, that is wild.” He moved his finger again. “Oh god, oh god.” He moved it again and her mouth dropped, and she made an “Ah, ah, ahhhh.” Sound. Her hips rocked and her eyes had trouble focusing. Had Allen not been standing behind her and catching her, she would have fallen back onto the coffee table. Adam left it on high for a few seconds before he moved it back down to the off position.

“Oh my god! That is intense. I have had remote controlled vibrators before, but they were nothing like those. How the hell do they do that?”

“I read up on them last night. Not only does the gold one have a vibrator, and that interacts with the silver one, but that is not all. There is a very mild electrical impulse that stimulates the nerves. It is not enough to feel though your hand, but in a tight, moist, location, especially where the nerves are close to the surface and very sensitive, it stimulates them.”

“I’ve never felt anything like that in my life. I see why you were concerned Laura. Those things could be hell. Death by pleasure!”

“These two used it on me Friday before school. They first set me off in the house and then they made me walk around the block and then set it off again in front of the Benson’s across the street. I had no control. Fortunately, they allowed me to take it out before I had to go to work. What are you two planning by putting these in us now before we go out to lunch?”

“Not too much. Just think of it as an insurance policy for you. If you get out of line, I will just dial it up a bit.” Allen said.

“And for you Summer. I just want to have a little fun. These things are linked to our accounts and your bands will say where you are and if I turn it on. Think of it as giving credit for your contract.”

“I’m not sure I am going to like this. I trust you but… Do I have a choice?”


“Okay, Lets go.”

“We are not done yet. I have more for you.” He reaches around and grabs a jump rope that she had not noticed on the end table. It had two wood handles on pivot joints. “Please stand here.” He indicated a spot in front of him. He grabbed the rope and let it hang from his finger and adjusted it until he had found the center. He placed that at the center of her belly and wrapped the rope around her body. When he had several loops around her slim body, he took the ends and strung them between her legs. One rope on either side of the blue tail from the Ben-Wa balls that were stuck inside her. He then ran the ends up the front and under the loops just below her belly button. He let the cords dangle. It appeared that if left alone the wooden handles would bump into her pussy as she walked. “That is just right. I didn’t know they would do that, but it appears that if left alone the handles will give you a little extra stimulation. Walk around and let me see.”

Summer tentatively walked to the front door and back. As Adam had predicted, the ends of the handles would swing in and out and bump her on the pussy. “How does that feel Summer?”

“I know I will not be running with this rope on me. The handles bump me enough to know they are there but not so bad that they hurt. I am not sure if I ran what they would do, however. At least the rope running down between my ass crack is smooth. It would be unbearable if it were rough. It is not comfortable, but it is bearable. How the hell did you come up with this configuration?”

“I was doing some research last night before I went to sleep. I wanted to see if there was a way to show others that I am your contractor and you my contractee. This was one of the ways. There are others that we can try later. I can lead you around if I take the handles in my hand, or I can let them go and they do their bumping thing. I am just lucky that your waist and the rope happen to allow them to line up like they do. It was suggested that the ends be trimmed to this length if they don’t line up like this. We are just lucky that it worked on the first try.”

“I think it is horrid what you are doing to her.” Laura said.

Allen took that opportunity to turn on her Ben-Wa balls to a little over level 3 for a moment before turning it off again. Laura let out a startled yelp when he did so. “Laura, this is between the two of them. He is not hurting her. Let them figure this out.”

“I’ve gotten used to being nude all the time, inside or outside buildings, but I have only really been humiliated in the H-Store, with a limited audience. You aren’t going to let me be only humiliated indoors, are you?”

“No Summer, I am not. I did some reading about what a Contractor’s responsibilities are and I am just trying to fulfill my part. This is what you wanted from me when you gave me your code, isn’t it? You don’t want me to not do my part and have our contract revoked, do you?”

“No, I don’t want that.” She bit her lip and looked down for a moment. “Adam, You said you respect me, even though I am sentenced as a Yellow and I agreed to be part of the H-Store/Special treatment sub sentencing to reduce my time. You have seen me give multiple BJs and go down on women. You have seen me drink Pee. I have been fucked by others in front of you. Now that you have seen me do all these things, do you still respect me?” She said in a quiet voice.

“Summer, you are the bravest and strongest girl I know. You have done those things because you realize you messed up. You used to use people for your own gain. Now you are allowing yourself to be used and abused to make up for what you did. On top of all that, you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever met. You treat me well and you are always nice to me. I have more respect for you now than I have ever had in the short time we have known each other. I am doing this, not because I am trying to be cruel or degrading. I am doing this because I don’t want to lose you. For the next five months, I have to prove that I can make you make amends for your past. Once that time is over, I want to… Well, if you are interested, that is … I would like you to stay with me. I am doing what I am doing because I want to show the H-Board that I am worthy of you.”

Summer looked up and had tears in her eyes. “Oh Adam, How the fuck did I get so lucky as to choose you. You have been so nice to me. You are always thinking of me and what is best for me. Adam, I have never felt like I do for you with anyone else in my life. You always say the right things. You are smart. You are good looking. If you will have me, I would be willing to stay a Yellow with you as my controller until I am a hundred, if that is what you want.” She ran the short distance that separated them and launched herself into his arms and kissed him a deep lover’s kiss.

Laura and Allen looked at the two with shock. After a minute or so, Allen cleared his throat. He did it again and on the third time got their attention. “Ah, well then, it seems that we may be having you around for a longer time than you just fulfilling your sentence and paying off your debt. It may be too early to say this but, Welcome to the family.”

Summer let go of Adam and looked at Laura and Allen. They were both smiling at her. She launched herself at them and caught them in a group hug and said, “Thank you both so much. I have never really had a family. I did, but my parents were always distant. Your family is close to each other. I never thought it really existed until I saw it here. I have fallen for Adam in a big way. I love playing with each of you too. I just want to let you know that you can do anything you want with me, and I do mean anything. I know Adam won’t mind, will you?” She looked at Adam and he shook his head, No. “Laura, you and Allen are both Yummy. I really do want to keep that up if that is Okay with you. And I can think of a few things we have not done together yet. I want to keep expanding our fun.”

Laura broke the hug and said, “Summer, this has all been a bit overwhelming for me these last few days. You have made it much easier for me to adjust. Welcome to our home.” She tried to kiss her on the cheek but Summer grabbed her head and turned it so she could kiss properly. Summer gave Laura a similar kiss she had given to Adam. When they broke, she stepped up to Allen and repeated the performance.

When they broke, Allen said, “Okey then. Who is hungry?” They all laughed.

Summer asked Laura, “Where are your towels?”

“In the hall cupboard, Why?”

“Restaurants are a little particular when it comes to the Sentenced. They like us to have our own towels to sit on. And knowing a little bit about how those toys work and how the minds of these two guys work, we are going to need them. You may even want to just have a few extras in your cars. You never know when they come in handy.”

Summer retrieved four mid-sized towels and returned to the front room.

“I should pee too.” Laura said and headed to the bathroom, but Allen stopped her. He took her to the kitchen and pulled out a carafe from the cupboard and then pulled her to the front room.

“Oh Allen, really?”

“From now on, until your sentence is over at the school. This is where and how you are going to pee. You need to stay used to it.”

“Damn it, It is bad enough that I have to do it as school, but in front of my own family is embarrassing.” But she took the carafe and spread her legs and peed into it. When she was done, she looked at Allen.

“You can go flush it. No need to keep it now. Summer explained that she used what you peed on Friday at the party so that you would know that it would not kill you, even if you did not realize what you were drinking at the time. We did not expect to have to play that card again so soon however.”

Summer opened the front door and stepped out. Laura followed, and the others. Just as they were about to close the door, Laura rushed back in and retrieved her top off the sofa. “The last day and a half I have not been allowed to even wear this and I almost forgot. If I am seated at table, I can at least try to pass as a clothed person.” She laughed.

The ride to the restaurant was uneventful. When they pulled up to Denny’s there was a line out the front door. In fact, the parking lot was full. They had to park about a block away off the main street and walk to the restaurant.

“Allen, Adam, do we really have to eat here? Can’t we go to a restaurant that is less busy?” Laura asked.

“We could but this is the one we usually go to. It is just a bit busier than normal. We are about an hour later than normal. This is what it is like when we leave. We can wait. All we have to do is go shopping after this and then home. We don’t have any other plans.”

There was a line of people waiting outside the door. Much to Laura’s surprise. There was more than one group that had at least one person nude or partly nude.

“You all wait here; I will put in our name.” Allen said and walked into the building. He returned a minute later and said, “They say that there is a 20-to-30-minute wait. They gave me this puck that will alert us when they have a table ready for us. There are several groups that are finishing up and then they should be able to seat us in the next wave of people.”

“See mom. You and Summer are not the only sentenced ones. Let’s walk and see the others.”

Laura knew enough to not argue, so she joined them as they walked up the line. Near the door was what appeared to be a typical family of Mother Father and two daughters. One was about Adam’s age and the other a little younger. The strange thing was that the man was wearing a Yellow and Blue band and a large pink ball was strapped in his mouth. The younger girl was stroking his erect 7-inch cock while the older girl was playing with his balls. The wife was saying, “Come on Ted. You know that Amber has made the rule that if you don’t cum before our name is called, you cannot take your gag out until we leave. That means that you will not be able to eat.”

“MMMMMm mmmmm mmm mm mm mmmmm” was all that Ted could say.

“Ted, I know you can do it.” the mother said. He shook his head side to side. “Aren’t they stimulating you right? Is that what you are trying to say?” He shook his head up and down this time. “Girls, do you have any idea what you are doing wrong?”

“No Mom. We are doing it the same as we do at home. It usually doesn’t take this long. He isn’t even as hard as he gets when he is close.”

“Ted, are you even trying? All these people are watching. You don’t want them to think that the girls don’t know what they are doing now do you?”

“MOM, he is getting softer! What should we do?”

Ted closed his eyes, shook his head, and moaned.

“Ted, are you embarrassed? Is that the problem? You are embarrassed do have our girls jack you off in front of this busy restraint?”

He nodded his head. He looked up at his wife and moaned “MMMMmph” He closed his eyes and looked away.

“Mom, should we kiss it like you do?” Ted’s eyes popped open, and he shook his head from side to side.

“You don’t want our daughters to kiss your cock dear? Isn’t that a man’s dream to have teen girls play with his cock? I know you have fantasized about it. Why else would you have hidden the cameras in the bathroom like you did? Oh, that’s right, you don’t want the world to know that you are a perv that likes to spy on females that used the bathroom. All that you would have had to do is set the hierarchy in the house and sentence them. But you like doing it on the sly and be hidden about it. You enjoy not letting ANYONE know they are being watched, don’t you?” She said in a louder voice than was necessary. Many of the people in the line were now looking at them. “Remember girls, you are not trying to reward your father by playing into his dreams. You can play with him to make him cum, but you should not reward him by giving him a BJ. He would enjoy that too much.” She looked around and saw Adam holding onto the jump rope around Summer’s waist. “You there, It looks like you have this Yellow under your control. Do you think you would be willing to allow her to help us out?”

“Sure, we can do that. What do you want?”

“Well, the girls want him to cum before we go in so that we have some fresh Cum for him to put on his pancakes. He hates that but that is part of his punishment. Well, they are having trouble getting him to cum. We don’t want to reward him by having his own daughters give him a BJ, but could you ask your …” “Contractee.” Adam supplied. “Your contractee, to get him close enough so that he Cums for us in a little cup. We don’t want him to Cum in her mouth because we need his cum for later. Can she do that for us?”

“Sure, she can, Just a moment while I make a little adjustment.” Summer’s band turned from Yellow to Blue. “OK Summer, You know what to do.”

“Yes sir.” She said with a smile.

She squatted down, spreading her knees as she did so. She leaned over and took Ted in her mouth. Adam knew that Ted did not stand a chance. In a little over a minute, she leaned back and said, “any second now.” One of the girls put a cup in front of his cock and as Summer pumped a few more times with her hand and he soon started Cumming into the cup. When he was done, they gathered the last little drips from his tip. One of the girls moved behind her dad and removed the ball gag. “See dad, you were able to cum. Now we can put that on your meal, and you can eat with us.”

“I would have rather gone hungry, but I just know you would find some other way to humiliate me. What the hell. I guess I don’t have much choice, do I?”

“Nope dad. You are right. If you don’t do this and then say what we want you to say, when we get in there, We will just find something that you may like even less.”

“Shit.” Was all he mumbled and looked down.

“Thank you for helping our family out. We really appreciate it.”

“That is what Summer is all about. Helping people out. Aren’t you dear?” Adam said.

“Yes sir.” She said and flashed a big smile at Adam. When she stood up, she wrapped her arm around him and squeezed him, as a sign of affection. He slapped her on her bare butt.

“See Laura. You are not the only parent exposing themselves here. I’m not even going to make you climax out here. I’ll just turn you on to the lowest level to make you feel good.” He started his Ben-Wa app at the lowest setting.

“Allen, you really don’t need to do that. It is embarrassing just having a green tail come out of my, you know.”

“Your what?” He bumped it up to max and back down to minimum so fast she did not have a chance to react to the spike.

Laura’s eyes went wide and said, “My pussy.” Quietly

“What about your pussy?” Allen asked as he bumped the level of stimulation up a fraction.

“Okay, damn it, It is embarrassing to have this green tail coming out of my pussy. There are you happy?”

“See, that was not so hard, was it?” Allen gave her a hug. Then he called over to Summer, who was still standing near the family with the nude father. “Summer, Laura said she was embarrassed about having her Green Ben-Wa balls tail sticking out of her pussy. How do you feel about having your blue Ben-Wa balls tail sticking out of your pussy?”

“Allen!” Laura exclaimed and hit him with an open hand on his arm.

“It is a bit embarrassing, but I have had to do much worse. At least Adam has not turned mine on yet.”

“Oops, Sorry about that, let me correct that.” He turned it on to the second setting.

“Oh god, can’t you take it down a bit.”

Adam wrapped his arm with the phone around her waist and bumped it up to the next level.

Summer started rocking her hips and saying, “Oh god, oh god, that’s not down. That’s up damn it.” He bumped it up just a little more, and in moments she was panting. When it looked like she was about to have an orgasm, he pulled up hard on the handles of the jump rope running between her legs causing enough pain to prevent the pending orgasm. She yelped in surprise but was soon headed back to the pending orgasm. When she was near to it, Adam once again pulled hard on the jump rope ends. This time the yelp was more of a yell of frustration. Adam moved the indicator on his phone up just a little bit. She called out, “Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuuuck!” This time Adam pulled up hard enough to almost lift her off the ground. Had he not had his arm around her waist, she may have fallen. The jump rope was soaked, and fluid was dripping down her inner thigh. Then Adam bumped it down to about .5 and after a few moments she was able to talk again. “Damn it. Won’t you please let me cum?”

“Not at the moment.”

“You are so mean. I hate you.” But she wrapped her arms around him tightly and smiled.

“I’ll let you cum a later.” Adam said.

Laura watched the interchange between Adam and Summer and stood there open mouthed. She was about to say something to Adam but was interrupted. “Ms. Burk? Is that you?” Laura groaned inside. Who had recognized her now?

Turning, she saw Todd standing there. “It is you. Mom, you remember Ms. Burk. She is one of my teachers. She is the one I told you about being sentenced to green.” Todd’s mother was a tall curvy woman that was as naked as Summer and was wearing a Yellow band. Standing next to her were Todd’s sisters. One was wearing a bikini top and the other the matching bikini bottom. All the females had cuffs on their wrists that were currently clipped together behind their backs. Standing next to them was a middle-aged man in brown T-shirt and jeans. Todd was dressed like his dad, but his shirt had a Hawaiian hula dancer design. The hula dancer was topless.

“Hello Todd. I see you have your whole family with you.

“Yah. You have met my Mom and Dad in conferences, and you had Megan last year in your class and this is Chrissy my younger sister.”

“Hi Megan. Nice to meet you, Chrissy. Mr. and Ms. Morris. Todd told me that you had a hierarchy with sentencing in your house. I did not realize you took it outside of the house.”

“This is the first time. April and the girls went shopping yesterday and spent a month of income on clothes. When I told them that they could not keep them, they had a fit, so I made the rule that they could do without any clothes for a while. The girls really lost it. They begged to at least wear a bikini. I thought about it, and I agreed. They could wear one bikini. They flipped a coin to see who got the top and who got the bottom. I thought as an added penalty, we would go out to eat today.”

“Mom and my sisters haven’t been outside while sentenced so they tried to cover up. Dad and I had to put them in cuffs to make them behave.” Todd added. Then he saw Adam and Summer standing nearby. “Hey Adam, is that the girl that is contracted to you? Was she misbehaving?”

“Yes, this is Summer. Summer, this is Todd. We know each other from school. No, Summer was not misbehaving, This is just part of my side of our contract. I need to subject her to humiliating situations and this is just the current situation I have her in. She has some remote-controlled Ben-Wa balls in her. I had turned them on a while ago. When she got close to orgasm, I yanked on the rope to distract her. I am not letting her Cum until later.”

“That sounds pretty mean, man.”

“It is.” Summer said. “But when he does let me cum it will be wonderful.”

Ed turned to Allen and said, “I see your wife has a tail like Summer. Is it part of a remote-control unit too?”

“Yes, it is. I promised her I would not turn it up too much during our outing today. I have it on at the lowest setting and as you can see her pussy is a bit moist but not dripping. Do you want to see it?”

“I would love to.”

“Laura, Pull your toy out so the Morris’s can see it.”

“Allen, please. It is bad enough that people can see the tail sticking out, but to pull it out is even worse.”

Allen bumped the control up a little and said, “Laura, either you pull it out yourself or I will bump this up to a level that you don’t want, and after a bit I will have Adam pull it out for you.”

“Okay, damn it. I will do it.”

“Wow, just a little nudge of the control on your phone appears to keep her under your control!” Ed said.

Laura was squatting down a bit with her knees spread wide, reached between her legs, and pulled on the green tail sticking out of her. There was an audible plop, and plop, as the two balls slid out. She did it facing away from the street for a little more privacy, but as she looked up, she saw several dozen patrons in the restaurant looking out the wide windows at her. Several gave her a thumbs up sign. She felt her face turn hot with embarrassment. She handed the still glistening balls to Allen.

“See one of the balls, the one on the end, has a little bell built into it. Just walking causes it to vibrate. The second one has a little motor built into it that is controlled by my phone. Also, the metal casing emits a very mild electrical pulse. You can’t feel it on your fingers, but they say that in a more sensitive moist spot it greatly enhances the vibration. At the high level they lose all control and can get hurt if you don’t hang onto them. Right Laura?”

“It is very intense. I have no control. It is the most intense orgasm that I have ever felt.” Laura said.

“I can second that it is intense. Adam has only bumped it to max for a second at home to show me. Even at the lower settings it is intense.” Summer chimed in.

“Would you allow April to try it out?”

“Ed! I don’t want that disgusting thing in me. Especially after it has been used by this, this woman. Todd said that she masturbates in front of her classes. Only a slut would do that. That is sickening. It is fucking bad enough that you force me and the girls to parade around like this today. I hate all this humiliation shit. I hope you and Todd are getting your fucking jollies out of this.”

“April, I was only going to make you stay nude for a day. That outburst just earned you a full week.”

“You are a fucking perverted bastard. I’m going to have a vote when we get home and the girls, and I will overturn your fucking hierarchy and I will make you go without clothes for a while. Right girls?”

“Mom, Megan, and I have talked this over with Dad and Todd. We are going to make you number 5 in our house. We don’t like how we are now, but we all agree that you would mess things up even more.” Chrissy said.

“Chrissy is right. Dad is just finally putting you in your place. She and I can put up with a little shame, but you need to learn some humility.”

“You are all fucked up. I will fight this. You will all be sorry about this!” April said. “I will get even. I will make you pay for this.”

“April, I am extending your nudity to a full month. You will go to work nude, you will go to the store nude, you will be exposed as you are when you see your parents. You will be nude when your friends come to visit. You will answer the door when we order pizza nude. You will be nude for the next month for whatever you do. Do you understand me? Do you know your place in our house?”

April looked as if she were going to be sick, and after a pause said, “Yes sir.”

“Okay girls, I am going to unclip your hands. I want you to hold onto your mother so that she can have the toy put into her. Stand together behind her. Step forward with each of your legs that are together and then grab an arm and wrap your arms around it. Good, now step back with your outer legs. Perfect!” Ed said. April was leaning back on her daughters and her hips were thrust forward.

“Todd, would you please help your mother put the toy into her pussy?” Ed said.

“Actually, I think Adam should do it. He has done it before and knows how to do it. Besides, I think it would put mom even more in her place than if I did it. Is that OK with you Adam?”

Adam looked at his Mom and Dad. His dad made a small nod, His mother still looked mad at being called a slut. When he looked at Summer she was grinning, and he could tell she was all for it.

“Todd, put your foot inside your mother’s stance and pull her leg out with your leg. I am going to do the same on this side.” Ed said. Now April had her feet were now at least three feet apart and her pussy was lewdly displayed.

“Sure, I have put them in Mom a few times and Summer too. I am sure I can show you how to put them into your Mom.” He knelt so that April’s pussy was eye level. “You see, you take the end one and just push it in as far as you can reach with your fingers like this.” Pushing the end ball deep into her pussy. He ran his finger over her clit as he did so, sending a shudder through her. “Then once you have it in as deep as you can, you do the same with the other one. The tail sticks out. I guess it makes it easier to remove and it also is nice and bright so that everyone know something is buried in her pussy. Okay Dad. Show Mr. Morris how the app works on your phone. The balls are deep in her pussy and should work now.”

Allen opened the app on his phone and showed it to Ed. “See, as I move this little marker up, it causes the toy to stimulate her. You can move it up and down cause it to pulsate.” As he did so April’s body reacted. Had her two daughters not been holding her in place she would have surely fallen. Allen handed his phone to Ed to play with. Ed moved the marker to the top for a few moments and April kicked out with her feet and then he dropped the control down to off before she could cum. He gave her a moment to rest and catch her breath and did the same thing again. After the third time she cried out in frustration at coming so close but not quite making it over the top.

“Anything wrong dear?” Ed chuckled. April remained quiet but glared at him. Turning to the Burks he asked, “What happens if you have another set up the ass?”

Allen laughed and said, “We don’t know. We were thinking about getting a couple more sets so that we could try that very thing. We were thinking about going to the H-Store this afternoon to get them. One for Laura and one for Summer. We would probably have to be careful not to overdo it, however. I don’t know how intense it could get.”

“Do you think we could use the one from Summer on April now, to see how she reacts?”

“Summer, come over here and let me get your toy.” Adam said. He loosened the jump rope thong, so that he had easier access to the toy. “I know you are going to miss this toy, but you will get it back in a little while.” He pulled on the tail and the first one and then the second one popped out. “Todd, you want the honors, or should I put them up your mother’s ass?”

Todd looked at his mother’s face and knew she did not like either option, but he guessed she would like Adam doing the deed the least. “You did a good job putting the first set up my Mom’s pussy. I think you should put the second set up her ass too. Don’t you think Dad?”

“Definitely” was the reply.

The balls were still slick with the lubrication from Summer, but even though they were slippery, he was not able to push the first ball in. “She is clenching her ass too tight. I can’t get it to go in.”

“Keep pushing. I’ll distract her.” Ed said as he moved the control up a bit on the set in her pussy. Soon the sensation in her pussy got so distracting she was unable to clench her ass and with a sudden motion, the first of the Ben-Wa balls disappeared into her ass. Adam pushed it in as far as middle and index fingers would go. He could feel the vibration from the balls in her pussy though the tissue between her ass and pussy. He then pushed the second one in as easily as the first. He had two fingers that had been in her ass. He was not sure what to do with them when Ed noticed his indecision. “Stick your fingers in her mouth so that she can lick them clean.” April turned her head and glared at him, but opened her mouth to allow Adam to stick them in. She ran her tongue around them and soon Adam pulled them out of her mouth. They were damp, but clean. He then wiped them on his pants leg.”

“Here Todd, let me show you how to operate the set I just put in.” He gave Todd his phone and showed him the controls in the app. Soon Todd and Ed were playing with various levels of stimulation between her front and back openings. Try as she might, April was soon unable to keep quiet and started to make animalistic sounds. Had it not been for both her daughters hanging onto her arms tightly, she would have been quivering on the ground.

Then when Todd and Ed moved the controls to maximum at the same time and left them there April opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She was not able to make her voice work. Her whole body shook. They left the toys on high for what all the Burks thought was an excessive amount of time when suddenly April went limp.

At the same time both phones went dark. Then the screens lit up and a text appeared. It read:

“Warning, safe use of multiple class-6 stimulation devices at Maximum setting have been detected and devices have been deactivated for the next 4 hours. Monitoring devices in the area have identified that the devices were used at Maximum setting by Ed Morris and Todd Morris on April Morris. Continued excessive use of the same or similar rated devices, on an individual not currently serving a state sponsored sentence, could result in a state sentencing of the user. Use of class-6 devices, alone or in conjunction with similar devices, for excessive cumulative time is considered excessive discipline.”

“What the fuck” both Ed and Todd said.

Adam spoke up. “When I was reading about how to use those things, there was a warning about overuse. I never thought I would see it. When you used them together, the total time must have been added together so the allowed time was only half the time of what it would have been if you had used only one.”

“How the fuck did they get our names and everything?” Todd said.

“Todd, you are smarter than that. Look around, there are at least three cameras that I can see from where I stand. You were also looking at our phones with cameras,” Adam said. “Your faces were clearly visible as the controllers of those toys. We only held it a maximum for a moment or so on Mom or Summer. We only used one at a time on them. You had two units, in close proximity to each other, and they communicated with each other. I knew there was some mention of inter-device communication, but it did not make sense until now. Your actions exceeded the safety protocols for them. The H-Department computers simply looked at what was going on and identified you and warned you. It is not that big a deal unless you have multiple violations. Then the state could sentence you.”

“But you said how you were abusing Summer by allowing her to get close to climaxing and then you would yank on her ropes causing pain and preventing her from Cuming. Isn’t that excessive?”

“What I did with Summer is called tormenting, not torture. There is a difference. Look it up. Besides Summer is serving a State Sentence and has a higher threshold for what can be done. I am not being mean. What you just did to your Mom what just mean.”

Adam turned to Summer and asked, “Are you mad at me for me tormenting you in public?”

“Annoyed and frustrated, yes. Mad, no. In a way, it is actually a turn on.”

Megan and Chrissy were still holding up their limp Mother. As they were waiting for her to come around, a family that had been on a bench in front of the restaurant got up and offered it to them to allow April a place to sit. When April was able to speak, her first words were, “What the fuck just happened?”

“Dad and Todd over did the use of the toys in you, and they had a safety cut off. Are you okay mom?”

“I feel like I had a stick of dynamite go off in both my ass and pussy. God, that was intense. I could not move. I could not even breath for a little bit when it was at the most intense point.”

“Ms. Morris, I am sorry that it was so much. You will need to discuss what is allowed for a household level punishment. I need to retrieve our toys from you. May I do so?”

“God yes! Get those fucking things out of me!”

Adam knelt in front of her as she sat on the bench. “You are going to need to scoot your hips forward and spread your legs so that I can pull the one out of your ass.” She did so and Adam gently tugged on the tail that stuck out of her ass. There was a plop and then another plop as the two balls came out much easier than they had gone in. “Now for the ones in your pussy.” He repeated the process and soon both toys were free.

“They are a bit … messy. Especially the one from her ass.” Adam said.

“I was going to have April clean them off in her mouth,” Ed said. That gained him a glare from April. “But considering that we have already violated some damn H-Department rule already today. I guess we can skip that option. Todd, run inside and get a couple of napkins to clean them off.”

“Yes sir” Todd was in and out in a moment and started cleaning off the flecks of brown from the set that had been in her ass and the slippery one from her pussy. When he was done, he took a couple of clean napkins and wrapped a toy in each one. “Here you go man. Thanks for the test run. I guess we need to do some more reading about what is and what is not allowed. I sure as hell don’t want to swap places with Mom if I don’t have to.”

“Yah, things are changing. My aunt is a lawyer, and she has said numerous times that ignorance of the law is no excuse. If you stay in the right place, it can be a hell of a lot of fun as I have recently learned.” Adam said, as he stood next to Summer and an put his arm around her as squeezed her waist. Summer put her arm around Adam and did the same thing.

At that point, the alert puck went off for the Burks telling them their table was ready.

“I will see you in school Monday.” Todd said. As the Burks filed into the front door.

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