The Attic – A Ghost Story, Parts I-V by JackDRipper

The Attic – A Ghost Story, Parts I-V
by JackDRipper


It was around 9:00 when I pulled into the driveway. I had worked a late at the office then hit the gym on the way home. My wife, my daughters, and I had spent much of the summer moving into our “new-old house”, so now that September was here, I needed to get caught up on both work and my workout regimen.

I noticed that there were a half dozen heavy black contractor trash bags piled at the end of the driveway. The attic of the old house had been full of junk from the previous owners who had lived in the house for three generations. Some of the stuff might be sellable, but of a lot of it was trash. My twin daughters had volunteered to make the first pass through the attic if they got to keep anything they wanted. That seemed like a fair trade to me, and I was glad that they had followed through, as the bags by the curb indicated.

I grabbed my laptop case and my gym bag out of the car and headed inside. I could hear the voices of the twins, Callie and Mina, down the hall. I dropped my gym bag at the foot of the stairs, my laptop in the office, then headed down to the twins room.

The house was over 150 years old, and the master suite was at one end of the house off on its own while the bedrooms (and my office) were off on the other side of the house, forming sort of an “C” shape with the main living space in the middle wing, and an open patio courtyard between, leading to the backyard.

The twins’ room was at the far end of the hallway in that wing, and their door was open. I stuck my head inside.

“Hi guys,” I said. Callie and Mina, were sitting on their beds, bent over their college schoolwork.

“Hi Dad,” Callie said, smiling up at me. She and her twin sister got up and they both gave me hugs.

“Looks like you guys were working in the attic today. Find anything good you want to keep?” I asked.

“We’ve found a bunch of cool old dresses we’re keeping, and some old lingerie,” Mina said. “They are a little big for us, but with some needlework we can make them fit. There was an old music box Callie wants, and a few other things. There are definitely some vintage clothes and some old tools that you can sell. There are a couple of crates of old vinyl we poached a few records from, and even some 45’s you probably want to take a look at. We’ve taken what we want, so anything that’s left up there is fair game. Oh, and we didn’t drag that furniture out of the bedroom up there yet. I figured you’d want to look at it now that all the crap is off of it. It might be sellable. So, other than that, we’re done with our part.”

“Awesome,” I said. “I appreciate you taking the initiative on that. Anything else exciting going on?” I have to admit I wanted to change the subject because it looked like Callie was about to get up and go to the closet to dig out the clothes they found. I knew if this turned into a fashion show I’d be here until midnight.

“Each professor seems to think they are the only one assigning homework…” Callie said, gesturing across the pile of books and papers strewn across her bed.

Mina nodded. “And wait until you see the bill for the books.”

We chatted for a couple more minutes, then I said good night and started to make my way to my wife and mine’s wing. I climbed the stairs to our bedroom, then paused at the top, glancing at the door to the attic. Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the door, flicked on the switch, and headed up.

The bare bulbs that lined the peak of the attic ceiling shed a harsh light in the late evening darkness. Spaces that had once held disarrayed piles of boxes, clothes, and trash were now neat and organized with different boxes labeled with the contents. The trash was gone and it even looked like the twins had swept the floor.

I walked the length of the house to the far end. The twins had been thorough, I had to admit it. The place was almost unrecognizable from what it had been that morning. I was impressed.

At the very end of the attic stood a doorway and a large bedroom. It was strange, and a little creepy in a way, that someone might have lived up here in the far end of the attic. I pushed the door open and flicked on the light.

The twins had pulled out all the clothing and boxes that had been in the room and added them to the neat collection in the main part of the attic. So all that stood in the now-bare room was a bureau with a mirror, a large roll-top desk, and an old four-poster bed with an ancient mattress.

A faint earthy fragrance lingered in the room, like a scented candle or a lady’s cologne – sandalwood. I hadn’t smelled anything like that in my earlier trips up to the attic. I sniffed the air trying to find the source. It wasn’t coming from the desk or bureau. I knelt on the mattress and leaned down, sniffing the old fabric. If there was any sandalwood scent there, it was too faint to be the source of the odor in the room.


Now that the boxes and clothes were off the bed, I noticed that the mattress was amazingly soft. I sat down, then leaned back, laying on the bed. It was really nice. We could use this bedroom set in the guest room. I started up at the bare bulb hanging from the ceiling and thought about the work ahead. I had to sort through the stuff the twins had organized and decide what to do with it.

I sighed. I was tired. I should get up and go downstairs.

I closed my eyes. I would rest here for just a moment. Not sleep, just have a short rest.

A rest…

My eyes shot open. How long had I been asleep? I checked my phone. Only fifteen minutes. I better get up and go to bed before I ended up spending the night up here.

I stared up at the ceiling again. The room felt different somehow, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. A faint draft wafted over my prone form. I glanced over at the window – it was shut tight. I added caulking to my to-do list. An old house like this probably had a million different cracks for drafts to wander in. Or mice…

Then the draft passed again, in the opposite direction, smelling of sandalwood and burnt matches.

What the hell?

Still lying down, I looked around the room. I noticed for the first time that beyond the doorway the rest of the attic was dark. Had someone turned off the lights? Had we blown a fuse? The draft passed again, chillier this time, but definitely smelling of sandalwood and sulfur.

Something out in the dark attic moved. Two somethings. Of course. This had to be a joke. The twins probably found some old perfume and were playing some kind of a weird game. Either that, or this was some kind of a bizarre dream. I dug a fingernail into my thumb. Ouch.

I closed my eyes, hoping the twins hadn’t noticed I was awake.

I lay there for a moment, then the draft passed again, still carrying the sandalwood and sulfur fragrance. The sound of very soft footsteps crept into the room. I lay as still as possible, waiting until the girls got nice and close, ready to give them a scare.

They seemed to pause next to the bed, then a second later I felt the weight of a body laying down on one side of me, then another body on the other.

Now that was strange. If they were trying to spook me, why would they lay next to me?

There was a long pause. I could feel the indentations in the mattress on either side of me, and I could even hear faint breathing.

I lay there quietly, waiting for one of the twins to make a move. Seconds past, then a minute, then two. Nothing.

I felt a hand move to my thigh just below the lower edge of my khaki shorts. From the opposite side, a soft sandalwood-and-sulfur breath of air whispered in my ear. Another hand pressed against my stomach and slid up to my chest under my T-shirt. The hand on my legs slid up my thigh, pulling the shorts up my leg.

This was getting a little too weird. Whatever the twins were doing left me feeling uncomfortable. Time to put a stop to it. I opened my eyes.

There was nothing there. Just two indentations on the bed on either side of me.

All at once the indentations on the mattress disappeared. I went to leap from the bed, but something – hands – invisible hands – seized my arms, dragging me to the head of the bed. Ropes I couldn’t see bound my hands to the posts of the bed, another pair held my ankles against the rear posts. I tried to cry out, but the second I opened my mouth, a cloth of some kind – again, invisible – was shoved into my mouth.

As soon as I was bound and gagged, silence descended on the room. There were no more indentations on the bed, but the fragrance of sandalwood and burnt sulfur lingered strongly in the air. I looked frantically around the room. There was nobody there that I could see, but I could feel two presences. I can’t explain how I knew they were there, but I knew.

The burnt sandalwood scent got stronger, a faint reddish glow suffused the room, then suddenly I could see them. They flickered in like an old-fashioned neon light coming on. Then they were there.

They had long dark hair down almost to their waist. Their faces were murky, sort of there, sort of not, their features indistinct. From what I could make out I would say they were in their late twenties or early thirties. They looked like twins. Not my twin daughters, but other twins. They wore short green silk robes with a floral pattern that clung to their well-proportioned bodies.

They looked down at me.

I tried to say something that was a cross between “who are you” and “what the fuck”, but with the cloth in my mouth – which was also now visible – what came out was a soft “mmf fmmm mmfffff”.

I had never believed in ghosts, never seen anything that might pass as a ghost, never heard any unexplained voices or footsteps, never had any kind of an experience like this. It was entirely novel. My gut reaction was to try to run away, but unfortunately I was tied down by now-visible ropes.

The girl on my left knelt down on the bed next to me and leaned forward. She pressed her face next to the side of mine and gently blew in my ear. She smelled of sandalwood and burnt sulfur. I could feel her dark hair, soft and warm, against my cheek and neck. She pressed her cheek softly against mine, then slid her face down to my neck, kissing me beneath my ear. As she knelt beside me my eyes found (almost of their own accord) the widening gap in her robe, exposing more of her pale white cleavage. She pulled my T-shirt up and slid her fingers up my chest, pinching one of my nipples as she ran her tongue around my neck and back up to my cheek. Her robe pressed open wider and one of her breasts slipped completely free, revealing a hard, erect nipple at the top of a wide aureole.

Her sister slipped onto the bed and straddled my knees, running her hands up and down my thighs. As she spread her legs her robe gapped, revealing a dark bush covering thick lobes. She undid my belt and pulled my shorts and underwear down, exposing my cock.

I have to admit, despite having two gorgeous, ghostly women giving me all their attention, there was nothing about this whole affair that struck me as erotic. I was tied down against my will. I had a wife I loved and two grown college-aged daughters I also loved downstairs. What I was seeing and feeling was scientifically impossible. I wanted nothing to do with this and I was not aroused in the slightest. Probably there was some part of my inner manhood that was mortified by the fact that I was as soft as overcooked linguine – but on the face of it, the idea of me having my cock in some ghost chick’s vagina was terrifying.

I struggled against the ropes that bound me, to no avail. They were secure. I looked down. The first girl had stripped and now had my T-shirt pulled all the way up to my neck. She was running her tongue across my chest, licking my nipples. The other girl still had her robe partly on, and she was bending over, her lips hovering above my shriveled meat.

The very, very last thing I wanted in that moment was to see those lips on my cock. Unfortunately, she cast off her robe, pressed her lips against the tip of my meat, and slowly sucked me inside of her mouth.

Despite being…well…a ghost, the inside of her mouth was soft and wet. And despite my terror, I felt a surge rocket through my body and the stirrings of an erection begin. At that moment, the first girl leaned down and pressed her breasts into my face, hovering her long nipples just an inch from my mouth. She slowly pulled the cloth from my mouth then pulled me towards her breast. I resisted – about the call out to my family for help – until her sister gave a hard suck on my cock and I felt a load of blood surge into my meat. The suddenly budding erection sent a fresh shot of hormones into my body. My brain tried to deny this was happening, but my arousal was starting to have other ideas. This had to be a dream, right? There was no way this was real. And if this was a dream, it was okay. I wasn’t cheating. I couldn’t get caught. It was just my mind playing games with me. I was, in reality, just laying on the bed in the attic room asleep, right?

Right. Of course.

I surrendered suddenly and totally.

A fresh surge shot through my body and my cock rocketed to full attention. I licked the pebbled aureole around the nipple in front of me, then sucked the hard tip into my mouth. She pressed her breast against my face and I sucked harder. A second later I felt a trickle of milk slide from her nipple into my mouth.

The second girl was now sliding her lips up and down the top couple of inches of my cock, teasing the sensitive spot under the helmet with her tongue, and riding her hand up and down the rest of the shaft, masturbating me. Then she pulled her hand away and began slipping her lips down the length of my meat. I moaned as the first girl pulled one milk-trickling breast away from my mouth and pushed the other in its place. As I latched onto the other nipple and sucked out a slug of milk, the second girl’s lips reached the base of my cock and I felt my head slip down past her throat. She shook her head around my meat and I felt my balls begin to pull up close to my body.

My hard, purple cock was pulsating in the second girl’s throat as she shook her head side to side, sending her long hair all over my thighs and stomach. She slowly slid her head back off my meat, then slid her hips forward, pressing her dark bush against my cock. A second later she slid her cunt down the shaft. I moaned as the first girl pulled her breast back and moved slightly forward, her pussy hovering above my face. I looked down. Her sister bent forward and began licking her cunt and ass even as she worked her own hips up and down my cock. She then slid two fingers from each hand into her sister’s ass and pulled it open, driving her tongue inside.

The first girl arched her back as a thick streamer of grool slipped from her cunt down towards my face. I licked it up greedily, then lifted my head and licked her clit. Her sister pressed her lips hard against her asshole, pushing her tongue even deeper into her ass, while still bouncing her cunt up and down my meat. More juice flushed from her pussy into my face.

I’m not normally a fast-firing lover, but this was too much. Fear and arousal mixed together, my balls tightened. A second later I felt my seed erupt inside the second girl’s cunt even as she ran her tongue in and out of her sister’s asshole.

I moaned and leaned my head back, closing my eyes, letting the orgasm wash over me.

I hadn’t had sex with any woman but my wife in over twenty years. We were a solid couple. But this was okay, right? This wasn’t cheating, because it was a dream, right?



I awoke.

I was laying on the bed in the attic. I shook my head. What a dream.

I propped myself up on my elbows, then I froze.

My shorts were pulled down around my ankles and my cock was still at half-mast, a thin trickle of residual semen sliding down the shaft. My T-shirt was pulled up around my armpits. I checked my wrists, to find the faint marks of rope burns. My ankles held similar marks.

I sat up and felt the bed, expecting to find the rest of my seed puddled on the mattress, but besides the residual trickle from my cock, the rest of my load was gone. I wasn’t a porn star, but I wasn’t a dry pop either – there should have been some semen somewhere. I checked the floor in case I had a long-distance shot. No sign of my missing load.

I rubbed my eyes. There had to be a logical explanation. I pulled my shorts back on and fixed my shirt, then made my way back down to the bedroom.

My wife, Lila, wasn’t in the bedroom. I poked my head around the corner into the master bath. She was lounging in a mountain of bubbles.

“Evening, love,” I said, leaning down and kissing her.

“Evening. You look beat. You okay?”

I rubbed my eyes. “I went up to the attic to see the work the girls did and fell asleep on that bed up there. I had a really freaky dream and it’s got me weirded out. That’s all. I’m going to get ready for bed.”

“I’ll be in in a bit.”

I dragged my 43-year-old body back into the bedroom. I pulled on a pair of pajama bottoms and moved to the bed and sat down, rubbing my eyes and massaging my shoulders.

The windows were cracked open, and I could hear soft music playing from the twins’ room as they studied. It wasn’t loud, it was soothing in a way.

Lila appeared, a towel wrapped around her curved mom-bod. She was in her mid-40s like me, but she carried herself well. Her chest and hips were a little bigger (or quite bigger, in the case of her tits) than when she had been younger, but she still was fit and beautiful. We both had made a conscious effort over the years to keep ourselves in good condition and we often were asked if we were our daughters’ older siblings rather than parents.

I absently watched as Lila rubbed lotion on her arms and legs. After a moment, she got up and moved to the window, following the sound of the music. She stood for a moment, then I heard her say something indistinct.

“Sorry, didn’t get that,” I said. She didn’t respond, so I moved to stand over her shoulder and look out the window.

The shape of the house, as I had already mentioned, was a “C” or “U” and this meant that we could look down across a small back courtyard and see the twins’ room windows. It took a minute for me to realize what I was seeing.

Mina and Callie were wearing a pair of very old green silk robes. I recognized those robes as the robes the women in the attic had been wearing. My heart lept into my throat. They were hugging. I didn’t think much of it at first, but after a second I realized that they were doing more than hugging, they were kissing. It was a long, drawn out, passionate kiss.

I gulped.

Callie and Mina were twins. And both Lila and I knew that sometimes twins have things going on that are different from the rest of us. They are genetically identical, so it’s like having another person who is you. Twins ran in Lila’s family and she had a pair of cousins who were in a distinctly non-standard sibling relationship.

All that aside, standing there seeing our daughters in a passionate embrace came as a shock.

And the fact that they were wearing robes similar to what I had just seen on those – those – whatever the hell those things were up in the attic who had pretty much raped me (there, I said it) – bothered me even more.

I moved away from the window and sat down on the bed. I didn’t want to see this. But Lila remained rooted to the spot. With her silhouette in the window I was worried that she was going to get spotted by the twins – creating something really awkward – so I killed the light, plunging the bedroom into the dark. But still Lila stood there, watching. Finally, I got up and moved back beside her.

Callie had partially opened her robe. Mina was now completely nude with her back turned to us. Both the twins were thin and lithe with small chests and narrow hips. They were kissing, and Callie was running her hands gently down Mina’s back. Their dark blonde hair mingled across their shoulders as they kissed.

Mina pulled Callie’s robe completely open, exposing her small, pert, breasts and long, hard nipples. She leaned down and licked her sister’s breasts, running her tongue over the hard, pebbled aureoles and nipping at the erect darts in the center. Callie leaned her head back and closed her eyes, her lips gently parted, engrossed in her sister’s attentions.

I gulped and glanced down at Lila. She was transfixed. I put my hand on her shoulder and gave her a nudge.

“We shouldn’t be doing this,” I said, softly.

She looked up at me, almost as if coming out of a trance.

“Jesus, Tim,” she said, turning away from the window.

She sat down on the bed and I realized for the first time that I had the beginnings of an erection poking at the front of my pajama bottoms. Trying to conceal that I moved to sit next to my wife on the bed.

I took a deep breath. “They’re twins. We knew this might be the direction they went. In today’s world, that’s okay. They can carve their own path.”

“Right,” Lila said, absently. “But it’s one thing to know that intellectually, it’s another to just have watched them making love. And their window is right across from ours. Is this going to become a nightly thing?”

“Maybe we remind them to close their curtains?”

“Maybe. But that means we still have to tacitly acknowledge that we witnessed that. Ugh…”

I looked over at the window. I realized right then, that I really, really wanted to go back and watch. I looked at Lila and our eyes met. She and I have been married over twenty years. We can read each other’s minds.

I knew Lila was thinking the same thing.

“Let’s not do anything rash,” Lila said. “We have to get up in the morning and look them in the eyes.”

“Right,” I said. “I can’t believe I even feel this way right now.”

“Me neither,” Lila said. “They’re our daughters.”

“And they’re grown adults,” I added, pointing out the obvious. That thought by itself sent a surge through my erection I was trying to lose.

“Not helpful,” Lila said. Beneath the fragrance of Lila’s lotions and notions wafted the faint scent of her arousal. I wasn’t the only one struggling a little.

“It doesn’t help that they’re both beautiful,” I added.

“Really, really not helpful,” said Lila.

I leaned back on the bed, any idea of hiding the fact that I was hard as a rock was gone from my mind and my pajama bottoms tented in front of me.

“Just one more look,” I said.


“I want to know if they’re just…you know…playing making out, or if this is like a real thing.”

Lila sighed. “Is this a good idea?”

“Maybe you can look and tell me then.”

“What? Me look again?” Lila stammered.

“God!” I said. “This is exasperating. We’re like a couple of kids. Let’s be grown ups about this. We will go to the window, confirm what exactly they are doing, then close the curtains and go to bed.”

She stared at me.

“This is nuts,” she said as I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me to the window.

Callie was on her back on the bed completely nude. Her small, hard breasts were pointing skyward and her eyes were closed. Her hands gripped the sheets in her passion. Between her thighs, Mina’s blonde head was bobbing up and down. The sound of Callie’s soft moans of pleasure wafted through the night air, mixed with the music. Callie slid her hand down between her legs and rubbed her clit as her sister slid her fingers gently but insistently in and out of her cunt and licked her labia.

The sensations that were going through me – and Lila – at this were indescribable. I felt like a man possessed. As much as I wanted to turn away, I was rooted to the spot. I literally was unable to move.

Callie arched her back, her face a mask of passion, her pert nipples erect and standing out almost two hard inches from the mounds of her breasts. More of her moans wafted through the air.

Another orgasm came over Callie and she pushed her sister’s head away, gasping for air, her skin flushed. Mina slowly ran her tongue up Callie’s stomach, past her naval, between her breasts, up her neck, and the two kissed, Callie tasting her own juices on her twin sister’s lips. Mina slid forward, moving her hips up so her own pussy was perched over Callie’s face. She lowered her hips down and Callie dove in.

Mina pressed her palms against the wall in front of her and closed her eyes, slowly gyrating her hips over her sister’s face. Her mouth opened in a silent moan as Callie ran her tongue up and down her cunt, then stretched her cheeks apart and rimmed her asshole.

I stood there, transfixed. I couldn’t move. It felt like an addiction, watching this incredibly erotic action between my twin daughters.

Lila finally broke the spell. She reached up and pulled the curtains closed abruptly.

Without another word, she pulled my pajama bottoms down. My cock was rock hard and stood up big as life. She knelt on the bed on all fours, rubbing her thick labia and exhorting me to fuck her.

We had been married for over twenty years, we knew the fastest way to orgasm. We had ditched any pretense of foreplay and we both just needed release. I stroked my throbbing erection and slid it down Lila’s slit. She begged me to get busy.

I complied, pushing my cock inside her and driving all the way in. She moaned and I began moving in and out of her as she rotated her hips. Our simultaneous motions quickly escalated to a pure drive towards orgasm. Her heavy mom-tits shook as we fucked and I reached around, squeezing them. She leaned back and we kissed, but our hips never stopped moving. In fact, as our lips locked on each other, our pace increased. I moaned as I felt my balls pulling tight against my body.

Lila let out a soft groan as I felt her come in a hard orgasm, followed almost immediately by a second. My balls tightened and a thick load shot into my wife’s body. It was my second orgasm of the night, and it was probably even more intense than the first.

Lila slowed her motions and I hugged her from behind, her soft body pressed against me, my cock still dumping pulse after pulse of my seed inside her. Finally she sank down and we lay side-by-side staring at the ceiling.

As the passion ebbed, I realized that something had just happened that was tied, somehow, to what I had been through in the attic earlier in the evening.

The one thing I couldn’t admit to myself…yet…was that as my wife and I fucked, the thought that was going through my head was what it would be like to fuck Callie or Mina. My daughters. That was pretty fucked up. And on some level, I was pretty sure something similar was going through my wife’s mind as well.

Lila leaned over and hugged me.

“We need to talk,” I said.


“Ya think?,” Lila said. “We just got turned on by watching our twin daughters having sex and we followed it up with earth-shattering sex of our own. We sure as hell need to talk.”

“I think there’s more going on here than just that.”

“What do you mean?”

I sighed. I had been married to this woman for over two decades. We knew each other intimately. We knew each other’s thoughts, each other’s deepest fears, each other’s fantasies. There was no way I could withhold what I experienced just an hour before.

“Something happened up in the attic, right before I came into the bathroom when you were in the tub.”

I trailed off and took a deep breath. Lila looked concerned.

“You okay?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said. I reached up and turned on the light, holding out my wrists. The rope burns were still visible.

“What the hell? Where did these come from?” Lila asked, startled.

“Something I thought was a dream,” I replied, and told her the whole story, in graphic detail.

“I’m sorry,” I said when I was finished. “We’ve been working so hard on getting moved in and squared away that I thought I was just having a weird wet dream. Then I woke up and found that my clothes were pulled off and I had rope burns on my wrist and ankles. It became real. I am so fucking sorry, I didn’t intend to cheat on you.”

“Holy shit, that’s fucked up.”

“I know.”

“For what it’s worth,” Lila said after a pause. “I don’t think you cheated on me. If I were in your shoes, having some freaky supernatural experience, I would logically have assumed I was having a dream, I would have responded the same way. I am way more worried about us having gotten so worked up about watching our twin daughters than I am about some ghost goth chicks in the attic. Come on.” She rose from the bed and headed towards the door without even bothering to pull on a robe.

“Come where?”


“The attic?” I asked, caught offguard.

“Yeah, totally. You think I’m going to let you be the only one to have fun with these attic girls?”

“Wait, what happened to me was an accident. Intentionally going up there with dubious motives might have…unintended consequences…”

“They didn’t hurt you except for the ropes on your wrists, right?”

“Right, but we don’t know if they did anything to the twins.”

“We can ask,” Lila said.

“Let’s ask tomorrow, it’s been a long day.” I lay back on the bed. Lila went to the window and peeked out between the curtains.

“They closed their curtains, but I can see their light is still on..”

“Talk tomorrow, bed now,” I commanded, but Lila ignored me. She picked up her phone and texted Callie, and a couple minutes later we were all sitting in the living room. Lila had pulled on a robe, and I had tugged back on my pajama bottoms, but had left off a shirt – something I regretted the moment I had to look the girls in the eye. The twins, I noticed, still wore the floral robes from the attic, and it looked like they may not have had anything on under them. A light sheen of perspiration glowed on their skin.

“What’s up?” Callie asked.

I was a little uncomfortable with the conversation, but Lila forged ahead.

“Did anything strange happen when you were up in the attic today? Or anything strange happen since?” Lila asked.

“Strange in what way?” Mina asked, suddenly cagey.

“Did you see or hear anything out of the ordinary?” she asked.

“I don’t know what you’re driving at, but no, not offhand.”

“What about smells?” I asked. “Like a sandalwood scent?”

“Yeah,” Callie said. “We definitely smelled sandalwood and a burnt odor, it’s all over the old clothes up there. See?” She held out the arm of the robe for my wife and I to sniff. Sure enough, they smelled just like the two apparitions I had seen.

“But nothing else strange?” I asked. “Any strange experiences…or dreams?”

When I said the word ‘dreams’ a furtive glanced passed between the twins.

“You’re starting to creep me out,” Mina said, shrinking back a little, crossing her arms, and clutching at the neckline of the robe. She and Callie passed another glance. “What’s going on?”

I looked over at Lila with my best “this was your idea” look. She bit her lip, seeming to realize that maybe she should have thought this course of action through a little more. I waited a moment, then decided to bail her out.

“Something happened to me up there tonight, right after I stopped by to talk to you two.” I held out my arms and showed them the rope burns, then gave them a very general precis of what had happened, leaving out the graphics. As I talked, the twins’ eyes got wider and wider.

“So has anything along those lines happened to either of you when you were up there today, or since?” I asked.

Both of the girls had their arms crossed over their chests and were holding their robes closed tight at their neck. Callie had taken a step backwards. Mina stared at the floor and brushed her hair out of her face.

“It’s okay,” Lila said. “You can tell us anything.”

Callie looked up and started to speak, but Mina put a hand on her arm.

“No Callie,” Mina said.

“It’s okay,” Callie said, putting her hand over her sister’s then turning to me. “Mina and I both fell asleep while we were studying. We both dreamed we were lovers, and we woke up wearing these robes. I think we actually did something in real life, not a dream.”

Lila took a deep breath. “Actually, you did.”

“How do you know?” Mina said.

“You’re curtain was open and we looked out the window at just the…wrong…time…”

“No, we closed our curtains,” Callie said.

“Then you must have re-opened them.”

“So you…watched us?” Callie said.

“We did…a little…” I confessed.

“A little?” Mina said, a look of pure accusation and betrayal on her face.

“I’m not sure we were completely in control of our actions…” I said. “I think there’s something going on. The way we felt wasn’t…normal…”

There was a really long pause. Callie and Mina looked at each other, then up at Lila and I. I felt horrible, like I had just betrayed my offspring. A sinking feeling started in my stomach – until I looked at Mina and found her eyeing the muscles in my chest and arms in a way I never had seen from her before. Her vision wandered down to my pajama bottoms, then up to my chest again. She caught my eye. There was something in her look that was…unexpected.

“Let’s think this through,” Lila said. “Besides the kinky rope burns, nobody has been hurt. It sounds like the experiences you’ve all had were pleasurable, even if only marginally consensual. And yes, I will admit that your father and I…um…enjoyed what we saw. But overall, things could be worse. Honestly, I’m ready to go up to the attic and lay on that bed myself, just to see what happens.”

When Lila had finished, there was a pause in the conversation. I think somehow Lila had just opened a door in our collective psyche that everyone had been dancing around for the last couple of minutes. There was a shift in our relationships at that very moment, and I was pretty sure things could never go back to the way they were.

Callie and Mina had moved closer to each other, and Mina had her arm around her sister’s waist. They were no longer clutching at their robes, in fact Callie’s was open to below her navel. I caught Mina’s vision wandering again across my body again. She looked away, then looked back. I let my own eyes roam, noticing how the silk robe fell over her breasts and erect nipples, how it spread over her narrow hips. I wondered what she would feel like on all fours, taking my cock while her sister ate out her mother. I shook my head trying to clear those thoughts.

“Let’s slow down,” I said. “Before anybody does anything too crazy, maybe we should all go to bed. It’s around midnight. Let’s get some sleep and regroup in the morning.”

“There’s no way I’m getting any sleep tonight,” Callie said. “I have no idea who I’m going to fuck while I’m asleep.”

Mina laughed, her voice suddenly loud in the quiet room. “Yeah, and I’m totally fine with that.” She looked up at Lila and I furtively again, then squeezed Callie and looked back down at her feet. “But I agree we should probably get some rest.”

“Right,” I said. “We can regroup in the morning over breakfast. We’ll skip school and work tomorrow, and since it’s Friday we’ll make it a long weekend to focus on this…issue.”

We broke up and each headed back to our rooms. When Lila and I got to our bedroom I lay back on the bed, my head spinning. I wasn’t sure how successful I would be getting to sleep. The implications of the conversation we had just had were essentially incest. Was I ready to have sex with my daughters?

Lila had moved and was standing in front of the window texting on her phone.

“Isn’t it time to put that thing away and get some rest?”

“No, I think it’s time to even the score,” she said. “Come here.”

“What do you mean?”

Rather than answer, she reached over and pulled the curtains open, then pulled off her robe, standing nude framed in the window. Her big mom tits hung down in front of her – soft, firm, pendulous, and her landing strip and labia were clearly visible. She made a “come hither” gesture to me, while running her fingers down between her legs.

Even the score. The part of me that didn’t want to do what she was suggesting was rapidly losing ground to the part of me that was totally turned on by the idea of our twin daughters watching us fuck. I stood up, pushed my pajama bottoms to the floor and moved to stand in front of Lila, slowly stroking my rising cock. I looked out the window and could see the twins framed in their window. They had pitched their robes and stood nude, side-by-side watching. Mina’s hand was already between her thighs making slow circles on her clit, while Callie stood motionless.

Lila slowly ran her hands down the muscles in my chest, then knelt down in front of me and began sucking my cock which was now up to full attention. Though I had already come twice that night, the fact that my daughters were watching made me rock hard all over again. The very idea of having Mina and Callie watch their parents fuck would have been mortifying just a few hours ago, but now it was the hottest thing imaginable. I looked over and Mina was standing behind Callie, softly running her fingertips across her sister’s breasts while kissing her neck. Both of the twins had their eyes locked on their mother’s workover of their father’s (my) cock. It was one of the most erotic experiences I had ever had.

Lila licked my cock, teasing the head, sending shivers up my spine. She opened her mouth and pushed her lips all the way to the base of my meat, deep-throating me. She slowly slid her mouth back, leaving thick streamers of throat slime sliding down the shaft. She pressed her throat against my cock-head several times then squeezed my meat between her tits and tit-fucked me before deep-throating me again. I moaned loud enough that I knew the twins could hear me.

Lila stood up. She and I kissed, then she slid her tongue down my neck, running it across the muscles in my chest, flicking my nipples. I looked over at the twins. Mina was on the bed on all fours, and Callie was behind her, licking her slit and ass.

I bent down, sucking Lila’s big mom tits into my mouth, licking and tasting the flesh of her wide aureoles and erect nipples. After a moment, Lila turned her ass towards the window, bending over. I pulled her cheeks apart so her daughters could get a good look at their mom’s meaty lobes, her gaped cunt, and her puckered asshole. I slid a finger into her asshole and pulled it slightly open.

Lila moaned and reached into the nightstand, pulling out a bottle of lube. She dumped a dollop on her asshole, rubbed some on my cock, and showed the twins her sphincter one last time before I slipped my meat into her ass.

Her moan wasn’t sufficient to mask the moan that came from the twins’ room. I didn’t dare look over for fear of coming immediately. I just closed my eyes and pistoned my cock in and out of my wife’s ass, knowing that my twin daughters were watching every stroke and getting off on it. Lila’s tits shook and her ass quivered as I sodomized her. I felt her come once, then twice, and I could tell she was heading towards a third.

I glanced over at the twins. They were laid back on Mina’s bed masturbating, their legs spread, their pussies and assholes visible. Looking across at my daughters’ cunts and sphincters pushed me to the very edge. Lila sensed I was about to come and slid her ass off my cock, dropping back to her knees and sucking my meat back into her mouth, working my cock frantically. My balls tightened. Lila pulled back, letting thick ropy threads of my come pour across her mom-tits out as our twin daughters looked on. Their moans of passion mixed with our own.

At that moment, my mind admitted something it had been pondering ever since we had watched Min and Lila making love earlier…it would only be a matter of time before my wife and I were physically involved with our twin daughters. I was completely okay with that, and I was sure Lila felt the same way. The sooner, the better.


As my cock throbbed out its load across my wife’s tits, I would have sworn that I heard the sound of a moan floating down from the attic…

[To be continued]


I knew sleep was going to be difficult that night. The strange occurrences emanating from the attic had everyone on edge, and there was a sexual tension in the air that our evening trysts had failed to quench. We all kept our lights on, and barely slept, frequently texting each other or waving out our windows at each other across the courtyard to make sure everybody was okay. By morning, the texting had become borderline sexting. Having not slept a wink, we were all trooping down to the coffee pot by six AM.

Nobody said much at first, I just handed out mugs as we all sat around the kitchen table staring blearily and vacantly into our java. The tension from the previous night was still thick in the air. It was Lila who broke the silence.

“Unless someone comes up with a really good reason, tonight I am going up there and laying on that bed in the attic,” she said. “I let you guys talk me out of it last night, but that’s my starting position today.”

There was another pause, then Mina giggled.

“Your starting position…” she said, and giggled again. “Your starting position was on your knees from what I saw last night. Your finishing position, too.”

“Like you have a lot of room to talk,” my wife shot back with a smirk.

That broke the tension and we all laughed.

“Seriously,” Lila said, when the giggling slowed down.

“I think before you do that, we need to figure out who those two ghost women are upstairs,” I said. “And what the deal was with that bedroom.”

“How do we do that?” Callie asked.

“There are probably three avenues of approach,” I said. “One avenue is to look for news articles about this place, either online or at the library. The second avenue is to talk to the neighbors. And the third avenue is to check back with the Realtor to see if they have any background on the house or the family that used to live here.”

“Callie and I can do the research angle,” Mina said. “We’re doing so much of it already for class that it makes sense for us to do it.”

Lila nudged me. “You should talk to the Realtor,” she said. “Miss Angelina definitely has the hots for you. Lay on some charm, show her a little of those pecs, and I bet her mouth and her legs open right up.” I rolled my eyes.

“You would trust me to talk her after what happened up in the attic last night?”

Lila kissed me on the cheek.

“Outside of our ghostly roomies, I trust you to keep it all in the family,” she said and winked at the twins. I looked down at the the table and brushed away a crumb awkwardly while the twins giggled. I cleared my throat.

“You can chat up the neighbors,” I said back to her. “You’re very good at that.”

“Seriously though, to Mom’s earlier point,” Mina added, a hint of angst creeping into her voice. “We probably want to make a solid investigation of the attic and all the stuff again, together, not alone. I’ll bring that trash in from the curb before the collectors come. We should go through it again in case there’s something relevant to our situation.”

“That makes sense,” Lila said. “So we all get of the house by 8:30 and we convene back here by 12:30 for lunch and a nap, then we attack the attic again. Agreed?”

We all nodded.

“One final thing,” I said, a thought coming to me. “Before my adventure last night, had anyone been up there after dark for any extended period of time?”

Shakes of heads around the table confirmed what I had thought.

“Then let’s make a new rule that nobody goes up there alone.” Everyone agreed.

The realty office opened at 8:00. I figured face-to-face was a better approach. I called and Angelina said she would be around, so I drove over.

Angelina was roughly the same age as Lila and I, maybe a couple years older, and her family had lived in the town for several generations. She knew her way around and some of the history of the place, so I was hopeful. When she had shown us the house, she had mentioned that the previous family, the Helmsworths, had lived there for three generations and had taken pretty good care of the place. The last grandkids had moved and sold the place when they took a job out-of-state. They had been on a tight timeline and part of the reduced price of the house had been that we had to inherit the junk in the attic – or at least that was what we were told. We had had the place inspected three times before we closed the deal – including specific plumbing and electrical inspections – and it seemed like a steal. Now I was beginning to wonder.

Angelina had taken a liking to me, and I got the feeling that the fact I was married would not be a hindrance to her if I responded in kind to her advances. I had no intention of doing so, but she didn’t seem to care. She was going to continue to try to get my attention.

I didn’t exactly discourage her. I wore a button-up short sleeve shirt with enough of the top buttons unbuttoned to make sure she could get a look at those pecs Lila crowed about, and my sleeves were short enough to display my guns.

Angelina was in her office and gave me a smile when I came in. I held out my hand to shake hers but instead, she came around her desk and embraced me in a big hug that was a bit closer and was held just a smidge longer than decorum would seem to require. She pressed her body against mine for as long as she could get away with. I was glad when she finally disengaged.

“It’s nice to see you today, Tim,” she started, when we were seated with a desk safely between her and myself. She spoke a little fast and disjointed, like we were on a date or something. “Everything going well in your new house, I trust? How are the twins doing? What were they studying again? You were very vague on the phone, what can I do for you?” I noticed as she talked that the blouse she wore was open a bit deeper into her cleavage than I would have expected. I could see the edge of one of her bra cups and the tiny little lace flower at the center of the bra.

“We love the place,” I said, forcing my most charming smile. “It’s a beautiful old house, I can’t believe we got it for that price. Callie and Mina are adjusting well. They’re both studying graphic design, but Mina is more focused on the artistic side while Callie has always been a shutterbug. That’s part of the reason we loved the house, there was room for both my wife and I to have our own offices, the twins to have a studio, and Callie to have a darkroom in the cellar. But the reason I reached out was because I wanted to ask a couple questions about the stuff in the attic, and the Helmsworths.”

“Sure,” Angelina replied, nodding. “If the stuff in the attic is too much to go through, I can arrange for it to be assessed, the good stuff sent out for auction and the junk hauled away. You might even break even in the deal.” And as she talked, she absently fingered the topmost button that was still buttoned, as if she was trying to figure out a way to unobtrusively unbutton that one too.

I wasn’t buying what she was selling, however, in the interest of keeping her engaged I casually made it a point to let her see me stare at her cleavage a couple times.

“No, we’ve already made a first pass through the stuff,” I replied to her. “The thing is, we just want to know a little bit more about the folks who lived here before. Some of these old clothes are pretty vintage, and you know how it is, these things sell a little better if they have a story to go with them. Plus, we noticed that a lot of the clothes seem to come in pairs, like they were owned by twins. Were there ever any twins that lived in the house? I have a pair of twin daughters and twins run in my wife’s family, so that point is also particularly of interest to us.”

“Yes,” Angelina said, turning to glance out the window as she remembered. I noticed that she had managed to unobtrusively pop open another button, revealing a healthy slice of skin below the bra. She casually fiddled with the next button in line as she continued. “That would be Dorothy and Lorelei Helmsworth. They were born in 1968 and lived in the house for their entire short life. Sadly, they died in a car crash in their early thirties. It was New Year’s eve 2000, the millennial celebration. They were out partying, had a little too much to drink, and became another sad reminder that drinking and driving don’t mix. It was quite tragic.”

“Oh wow,” I said. “They lived in the house – my house? Did they by any chance live in that room in the attic.”

For the first time, I noticed something flash across Angelina’s face, like I had hit a nerve. She stifled it almost immediately, but it had been there. She turned back towards the window, gazed out, and, sure enough, another button popped open. If I kept this conversation going long enough, she would have been topless by the time we were done. She turned back and I again made it a point to let her see me eyeing her offered decollete.

“I surely wouldn’t know. I never set foot in the attic until the house came on the market. They were a very…strange pair, and they did some rather unnatural things. They died when I was in my early twenties, but they were kind of insular. They lived there with their married other sister who was a few years older and had a son. That son is the one you bought the house from.”

“Is the sister still around?” I asked.

“No, she sadly passed two years ago. Stroke. Sudden and shocking.”

I felt like I was reaching the end of useful questioning. It was helpful, but I wasn’t sure I really had unearthed anything groundbreaking.

“Thanks for the help,” I said, rising to go. “Out of curiosity, are the twins buried around here anywhere?”

The dark look flashed across her face again.

“Nobody in this town would give them a proper burial, and sadly, hardly anyone grieved their passing. I know they were cremated, but I have no idea where their ashes are. They were an odd pair, and you know how small towns can be.”

There was an uncomfortable pause in the conversation, then Angelina shrugged and smiled, still fingering her blouse. “Here I go again, acting like the town’s crazy cat lady. The Helmsworths must have disposed of the ashes. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

I thanked her and rose, but before I could slip from the office she darted around the desk and gave me another full-body hug. She managed to rub her chest up my shirt so one of her breasts was just about free of her bra when she held it against me. Her nipple was hard through my shirt. She embraced me for longer than I was comfortable with then she stepped back and smiled.

“If there is anything else you need, or if you run into any issues at home…” she left a brief pregnant pause right here and looked at me hopefully, one of her breasts practically bare “…you just let me know. I’m always here to help.”

I was really glad when I made it back out into the light of the mid-morning sun, free of the overly-helpful and overly-hopeful Angelina.

Before I went home I swung by the town’s main cemetery. The Helmsworth plot was easy to find, they had been in the town for generations, and as Angelina had indicated, there was no headstones for Dorothy or Lorelei anywhere. It was as if they had never existed.

I got home around 11:30. The twins were already back and they were in the living room with Lila, papers strewn across the coffee table.

“What’ve you got?” I asked, sitting down and looking expectantly.

“You first,” Lila said. I nodded and filled them in on my discussion with Angelina, including her gratuitous displays of cleavage.

“Wow,” Mina said. “That connects partially with some things we found. Here are a couple of key points. First off, Dorothy and Lorelei Helmsworth did die in the early hours of January 1, 2000. Here are copies of some of the paper accounts of the apparent accident.” She slid some printouts from microfiche machines across to me. “The official word is that they had been drinking at the time, at least that was the story the folks in the town told. Unfortunately for the locals, next to their sleepy little hamlet is a larger and somewhat more cosmopolitan college town, so at the state level, they didn’t quite buy the story. There was an official investigation.” More papers slid across the table. “The final report was very interesting.” Another paper. “The coroner found no trace of alcohol or drugs in their systems…but they had bullet holes in their heads.” Another paper. “And nobody was ever charged, it’s considered a cold case.”

“Bullet holes?” I asked, shocked.

“They were murdered, nobody was brought to justice, and the local papers said nothing about it.”

“Neither did Angelina,” I added, irked.

“She may not have known,” Lila said. “If they covered it up.”

“That girl knows everything that goes on in this burg. She knew. Damn her.”

Callie gave a wry shake of her head. “Two unpopular young women are alone in a car late on New Years Eve. They’re murdered on a lonely road in a small town. Nobody around to see what happened. Props to the state for trying, but it seems like the town probably closed ranks around…someone…and the state reached a dead end.”

“By the way,” Mina said. “When you had your…um…thing with the Helmsworth sisters last night, did you notice the tattoos on the back of their shoulder blades? They each had their name written there. It’s in the autopsy report, and it seems like the only way to tell them apart.”

I shook my head. Lila smirked.

“I don’t think their shoulders were the body parts your father was focused on…” she said. The twins giggled.

“What did you find?” I asked Lila, trying to bring the conversation back around.

“Most people in the neighborhood seemed to have collective amnesia about the sisters. The old lady at the very end of the block said something vague about a pair of twins who did ‘unnatural things’ and used to have what she called ‘special friends’ who came over sometimes. The guy that lives with his son two doors down, Mr. Dover, he was kind of weird. He said he had known the twins, and said he had even dated Lorelei at one point. He also mentioned ‘unnatural things’ and seemed to still be carrying some kind of a grudge after all these years. While he didn’t overtly say it, it felt like he thought they got what they deserved. And he said the same things as Angelina about nobody wanting them to receive a proper burial. I can’t say why, but I think he knows a lot more than he is letting on. And he got real twitchy talking about Angelina. Super strange, like there was – or had been – something between them.”

“‘Unnatural things’ sounds like a twin thang,” Callie said, nudging Mina. “Oh, and one more thing. Random as fuck, we stumbled upon some old photos of a parade in town in the 90s. One of them had a shot of our house. Notice something different?”

Another paper slid across the table at me. I studied the grainy photocopy.

“Not offhand,” I said.

“There’s a set of stairs on the side leading up to the attic.”

“There’s a room up there, that’s not surprising if someone was living up there.”

“But there are no doors up there to the outside. And look closely. The stairs lead up to the back. The attic is in the front of the house in the center wing. Neither of the side wings have serviceable attics – or so we were told. But those steps lead to the back. What the fuck.”

I stared. She was right.

“So, pulling this all together,” I started. “There were these twins who apparently lived in the attic who may or may not have been lovers, but were doing ‘unnatural things’ and who had some ‘special’ friends who visited them from time to time. They were murdered in their early thirties and the town covered it up. They were seemingly denied a proper burial and their ashes are MIA. There seems to be some additional sections to the attic that we haven’t uncovered, we will need to search for them this afternoon. This means we will likely need to bash through some walls. Am I missing anything?”

“Just the part about where we get lunch and take a nap before we go up there,” Lila said.

Unfortunately, when you have four people who got no sleep the previous night and who are a little scared of sleeping at night, and you feed them lunch then let them take a nap in the daylight, the nap can be long.

It was 4:30 PM when I woke up. I roused Lila and the twins, then while Lila and Callie made coffee and filled a couple of thermoses to take with us to the attic, Mina and I went down the basement to gather the tools we would need for the likely demolition project that would be waiting for us upstairs.

It was almost 5:00 when we got up to the attic. I made a beeline for Dorothy and Lorelei’s room. If there was an entryway into the part of the attic we saw the stairs leading to in that old photo, it would be in the back wall of that room. We pulled all the furniture away from that wall and I studied it closely.

“No electrical outlets or switches on this wall,” I said. I ran my hands along the wall, then banged a few places. “It looks like pretty much standard studs and drywall. The drywall here doesn’t match the plaster on the rest of the walls. This wall is a lot newer. I’d say this wall was probably put up maybe twenty years ago.”

“Not long after Dorothy and Lorelei died,” Mina said. I nodded.

“Well, I guess it’s time to get to work.” I handed dust masks to everyone in the room, opened the windows in the attic, and Mina and I grabbed work gloves and wrecking bars.

I made the first strike, driving the bar into the wall. The bar got about three inches into the wall and hit something hard, like masonry. Mina drove her bar into the wall a couple feet away and got the same result. We pulled back several pieces of drywall, revealing a brick wall painted black. I moved over a couple of feet and punched another hole. Behind that drywall section was a thick wooden door, also painted black, with a heavy doorknob.

“Bingo,” I murmured.

[To be continued]

Since Part IV had no real sex, I am following it up immediately with Part V, which definitely has a lot of sex. Enjoy!


It only took the four of us about a half hour to rip down the drywall and studs, exposing the black brick wall and the heavy black wooden door. When we were done we stood back and surveyed the mess.

The brick wall and wooden door were painted glossy black, and the bricks ran from the floor to the ceiling. The door had a heavy doorknob and a deadbolt. We checked the keys we had been given when we bought the house, and a couple of other rings the twins had found in the attic, but none fit.

“So what do we do now?” Callie said, as we sat there and stared at the literal brick wall blocking our path. “The way I see it, we either need to hack through the door or the brick.”

“I vote door,” Mina said, already was hoisting an axe from the tool pile.

“Not so fast, Paula Bunyan,” I shot back. “I bet there’s a key hidden somewhere, we just don’t know where.”

“What about the other wing?” Lila asked.

“Damn good idea.”

We walked down to the other end of the attic and pulled the boxes away from the wall. Close inspection revealed another relatively recent – within the past twenty years or so – drywall job. A little more work with the wrecking bars and we faced another black brick wall. Except the door on this wall was of a more modest make and didn’t even have a lock on it.

I looked around at the others. “Ready?”

“It’s almost dark,” Callie noted, looking outside.

“Hopefully we aren’t pissing off any ghosts,” Mina replied.

“Well if I had been trapped in an attic for twenty years, I wouldn’t mind being found,” Lila shot back. “Let’s just do this. Worst case scenario, we get fucked. Best case scenario, we get fucked. So, basically, we get fucked either way.”

There were murmurs of assent. I reached for the doorknob and turned, then pulled the door open.

Darkness seemed to spill from the room into the attic, along with a strong fragrance of sandalwood and sulfur. I reached inside and found a light switch, flicking it and turning it on. A string of colored lanterns hanging from the ceiling lit up, casting a soft glow along this new area of the attic. The area was about twenty feet long and maybe eight feet wide. Along the left were some tables that looked like makeup tables. The right side was lined with five closed wardrobes. At the far end were two bathroom stalls and three shower stalls.

“What is this…some kind of dressing room?” Callie asked as we stepped inside. She reached for the first wardrobe and pulled it open. “Holy shit.”

The wardrobe was full of corsets, bodices, and similar lingerie. Leather, lace, and everything in between. The next wardrobe had a full gimp suit, some hoods, lots of latex, and a variety of heels and boots. The third wardrobe was a toy box loaded with dildos, strap-ons, and other toys in a wide range of sizes and shapes – some were inhumanly huge. The fourth wardrobe held harnesses, ropes, ball gags, and other forms of restraints. And the last wardrobe held miscellaneous bizarre, extreme objects like pumps, enema bags, and several sizes of speculums.

“So these were what they were up to with their ‘special friends’?” Mina asked. “This is a little bit more than just your normal, everyday ‘twin thang’.”

Callie pulled out a leather corset and held it in the air, then framed it against her mother’s body. She let out a wolf whistle.

“I don’t know baby, maybe we should make it part of the everyday ‘twin thang’, or that whole ‘family thang.’ Damn, you would be hot in this, Mom.” Callie said.

The sexual tension had pretty much been non-existent since we had been working in the attic, but now we were all starting to feel it. I think with the falling of darkness, Dorothy and Lorelei’s influence began to grow. My imagination had me doing nasty things to my wife and daughters – with them wearing the outfits they were perusing. The glances I saw them casting to me and each other left me sure that their minds were going along the same lines as mine.

The attic had been a little warm, and I noticed that in the past couple of minutes the twins had peeled off their t-shirts and were now wearing just sports bras and their short tights. I fought the temptation to peel of my t-shirt as well. I wanted my thoughts focused on the business at hand.

To try to clear my mind a little, I went back to look at the showers and heads. I found what looked like a master valve and gave it a couple turns. Pipes that hadn’t held water in a couple decades screeched and hissed but seemed to hold. I went through and turned on all the showers, sinks, and toilets, testing each one. They all appeared to be in good working order. There was even still soap in the soap dishes and some clean towels on shelves.

“Hey, I look!” Callie exclaimed. I turned. She had moved from the wardrobes and was standing next to the dressing tables pointing to a jailer-style key ring on the wall. “I bet I know what that opens!”

The erotic tension ratcheted up another notch as I took the key from Callie and headed back out to the locked black door in the other room. On the way Lila joined the twins in pitching off her t-shirt. Her heavy mom-tits were barely contained by her sports bra and I caught both of her daughters checking out her curves in a way I had never seen before.

I could feel a rising sensation inside that I wanted to start peeling off layers as well. I could see the light perspiration glistening on the skin of the twins and Lila, mixing with the dust from the drywall that was everywhere. I paused with the key hovering just outside of the lock. The feeling was strong.

I slid the key in the lock, unwillingly fantasizing that it was my cock going into Mina’s ass. I turned the deadbolt, then unlocked the doorknob. I took a deep breath and pushed the door open and flipped the light switch inside.

“Whoa…” Mina whispered.

The room was about the same size as the room on the other wing. Its use was apparent – it was a dungeon. Devices of sorts I couldn’t even begin to imagine lined the walls. In several places chained manacles hung down, and whips and crops of various sorts and sizes were neatly hung on a rack. Several more ropes and restraints also hung on the wall.

Everything was neat and tidy, as if the original owners were about to show up any second and put all these accouterments to good use. It was uncanny.

As we stepped into the room, the sense of desire – no, lust – that had been building got even stronger. My cock was shifting in my shorts, threatening to harden. I wanted to peel off my clothes. I wanted to chain my daughters to the wall and penetrate every single one of their young orifices. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Hoping to assuage the lust a little, and hoping to cool off some in the warm attic, I pulled off my T-shirt. But the feel of my bare skin just inches from the twins and my wife only made it worse.

“Oh my god…” Callie said suddenly, gesturing and pointing to a shelf on the far wall.

On the shelf were two nonde*********** brown plastic boxes of the kind that cremains are often given out in.

“I think we found Dorothy and Lorelei,” Lila said. As she said that, a breeze wafted through the room smelling of sandalwood and sulfur.

I approached the boxes and picked one up.

“Empty,” I said. “But what’s this?” Next to the empty cremains boxes was another box with photos in it. I flipped through them. They showed people – men and women – using the various devices around the room. Basically, they were porn. I flipped through a few, then grabbed another batch.

The first picture in the second batch made me curse.

“Angelina,” I said, and cursed again. She was bent over on the rack-like device and a guy in a gimp suit was railing her from behind. There were a few other shots with her in them, one where she was giving a BJ, one where she was masturbating on one of the massage tables, and a third where the Helmsworth twins had on strap-ons and were spit-roasting her.

“So much for never setting foot in the attic until the house came on the market,” I said, swearing yet again. “Liar.”

Below the box with the pictures was another box. This one had a windshield scraper, a couple of pairs of sunglasses, an ancient pack of gum, and some other odds and ends. Lila came and stood next to me.

“These look like the sorts of things you might take from someone’s car if it was totaled.” she said. “Oh look.” She reached in and pulled out a camera.

Callie appeared beside us and took the camera, looking it over.

“There’s film in there,” she said. “A full roll.”

“It might be evidence of the Helmsworth twins last night on earth,” I said.

“I’ll develop it when we’re done up here,” Callie replied.

On a lower shelf was a larger wooden box with carved floral designs and inlaid ivory on top. It was very ornate. I flipped it open. Inside were two small pistols with pearl inlays. In *********** on the handles of the guns were the names Dorothy and Lorelei.

“Wow, cool,” Mina said as the twins and Lila huddled around.

Another fragrant breeze wafted through the attic.

Before I could stop them, Mina and Callie reached out and picked up the pistols.

We owned a shotgun and a pistol that we kept locked at different locations in the house, just in case. The twins knew how to handle guns.

“Not loaded, thank God,” Callie said, giving the Remington the once over. “Nice weapons.”

A pale red glow had suffused the room, as if the twins touching the pistols had been the final trigger to open the gates. My cock pressed against the front of my shorts. Lila had moved and was standing next to a large wooden contraption that sort of looked like a cross with straps for a person’s wrists and ankles. She leaned back against the pillar portion and slipped her arms and hands in the appropriate position. She let her lead ease back and closed her eyes. Something seemed to ripple up her inner thighs and rub her crotch. She let out a soft moan.

Mina and Callie had returned the pistols to their case and now were wandering towards the wall with the manacles. Mina suddenly moaned and looked down. The bottom of her sports bra was being pulled upwards by unseen hands. The same thing happened to Callie. Not seemingly alarmed in the slightest, they both raised their arms over their heads, allowing the bras to be pulled off and standing there topless. Their long nipples were hard and erect, and the skin on their breasts flushed.

The red glow in the room got more intense. There was a flash and everyone turned. As had happened the night before, the Helmsworth twins flickered into existence like an old-style neon bulb being turned on. Then there they were.

Tonight they wore leather corsets and thigh-high stiletto boots. Their faces looked a lot more distinct and defined than they had yesterday. One of them faced us, while the other was turned side-on, her chest pressed against her sister’s arm. The side-on one was turned just far enough that I could see her bare shoulder blade and the name “Dorothy” tattooed on her skin.

Dorothy disengaged from her sister and moved to Lila. My wife opened her eyes and didn’t even flinch when she saw the tall, dark brunette spirit standing in front of her. Dorothy buckled the restraints on Lila’s wrists and ankles then picked up a riding crop from the nearby rack and began gently, slowly rubbing it across Lila’s labia under her short tights.

Lorelei had knelt down next to Callie and Mina and slowly pulled down their shorts. My daughters’ lithe, young bodies stood in the mellow light from the lanterns, glistening with sweat from the warmth in the attic and the heat coming from their own arousal. As Lorelei stood, Callie and Mina leaned forward and pulled her substantial breasts to their mouth, latching onto her wide aureoles, sucking on Lorelei’s hard nipples. As had happened the previous night, thin trickles of milk slipped from her breasts and into my daughters’ mouths. Callie moaned and slid her hand between Lorelei’s thighs, pressing two fingers in between her lobes. Mina sucked harder at Lorelei’s breast, begging for more milk.

Nearby, Dorothy slid the crop up Lila’s body, between her pendulous tits, and up to her mouth. Lila licked the end of the crop. Dorothy betrayed a shocking level of strength as she ripped Lila’s bra and shorts from her, leaving her naked. Then she knelt down and lapped at Lila’s labia, eliciting moans from my wife. She slid one hand up Lila’s body, pinching her nipple as she continued to lick at her thick lobes. Then Dorothy pulled Lila’s meaty flesh back to expose her erect clit, which she tapped with the crop.

Lila’s moan filled the room. Dorothy licked the clit, sucked at it, then hit it again gently. Lila writhed, her hands and feet still bound, somewhere in the middle of pleasure and pain, her nipples hard as rocks at the end of her thick tits.

I was watching all this and was becoming hard as a rock.

Meanwhile, Lorelei had strapped both the twins into the manacles hanging on the opposite side, and now Callie and Mina were shackled to the wall, close enough that they could kiss. Their lips were locked together, their chests pressing against each other. Callie had one of her legs lifted up and wrapped around Mina’s thighs and they were grinding their hips together. Lorelei came over to me and knelt down in front of me, pulling my shorts down. My cock popped to attention immediately, hovering just an inch from Lorelei’s lips. She looked up at me with doe eyes, then licked the underside of my cock.

I moaned as I felt a thick streamer of pre-come slide from the tip of my throbbing, achingly-hard meat. I pushed my hips forward, trying to push my cock into Lorelei’s lips, but she pulled back, still smiling. She stood up and reached to a strap-on that was sitting on a shelf, pulling it on and buckling it. She turned Callie around and bent her over, stroking the dildo up and down Callie’s ass crack. Lorelei pulled Callie’s cheeks apart, kneeling down and licking Callie’s puffy cunt. Mina watched, then turned to me, spreading her legs, pointing her soaking pussy in my direction.

The look in my daughter’s eyes was pure need, pure desire, pure lust. Her lips were slightly parted, her nostrils flared, her eyes half-open. Strands of Mina’s hair were plastered to her forehead and cheek by her sweat. Her face, her neck, her chest, her entire body were all flushed, and practically steaming. A thick streamer of pussy juice slid from her cunt, running down her thigh.

This was my daughter. My pride and joy.

I wanted to fuck her more than I wanted anything else in life.

I stroked my purple, throbbing cock and stepped towards her. Her eyes followed me. She didn’t say a word, she didn’t need to. I ran my fingers gently along her puffy cunt and parted her lips. Another slick load of grool sluiced out into my hand. I stroked my cock with it and pressed the head against her cunt lips. She begged me with her eyes to penetrate her.

I knew this was it, once I entered her there was no going back. The idea had been out there for almost 24 hours now, but up until that point it had only been theory. Now the head of my purple meat was just a millimeter from making it reality.

Beside me, Lorelei was sliding her strap-on in and out of Callie’s cunt. My other daughter’s sighs and moans filled the air, and the soft sounds of my wife’s gentle bondage at Dorothy’s hands came from across the room.

I was about to slide my pulsating meat into my daughter when the decision was taken out of my hands. Mina thrust her hips forward, wrapped her legs around my waist, and drove her cunt down my cock.

The only time I had ever felt a part of a human body that hot had involved a triple-digit fever. Mina’s vag was practically steaming. Thick streamers of juice were forced from her body by my shaft, they ran down my balls and dribbled off onto the floor. The intense heat emanating from the walls of her slit caused me to gasp, even as Mina moaned. Her nipples were rock hard as she pressed her body against mine and pulled herself up grasping the chain that held her. She kissed me, forcing her tongue into my mouth.

I pressed her against the wall, setting up a steady motion, thrusting my cock in and out of my daughter’s cunt. She gave tiny, breathless moans with each stroke. I felt my balls bang against her puckered asshole as I drove in and out of her, her legs still wrapped around me.

I had raised this daughter from a child, I loved her, I protected her, yet I had never felt closer to her than in this heated moment of passion as I fucked her against the wall of this bondage dungeon. The sweat on our skin ran off in rivulets, the muscles of my chest sliding slickly across her hard nipples. I reached around and grabbed the tight little cheeks of her ass, getting better leverage to continue stroking my cock in and out of her cunt.

I glanced to my side. Dorothy had released Lila from her rack, and now Callie was bent over a massage table. Lila had donned the strap-on, lubed up, and was pumping Callie’s ass. My wife’s pendulous mom-tits shook and jiggled as she penetrated her daughter’s slit. Callie had her face and chest pressed against the table and seemed to have entered her own little world. Both of them were coated in sweat and flushed from their arousal.

I felt Mina come again. I could feel my own balls starting to tighten up.

I felt a pair of hands on my chest – Lorelei. She gently unhooked Mina’s legs from around my waist and tugged me back from my daughter. Mina gave a soft, pleading “no” as my cock slicked audibly from her soaking slit. Lorelei turned Mina around and positioned her so she was bent over, her ass in the air. Lorelei dumped a load of lube in my daughter’s asshole, then used two fingers to pull it open.

I shook my head. There were limits to what I would do.

“No,” I said to Lorelei. But Mina interrupted me.

“Please…” she murmured. “Please…”

Mina looked over her shoulder at me. Her eyes were begging from behind the hair plastered across her face. She moved her ass side to side and spread her legs as wide as they would go.


Lorelei rubbed lube on my cock, then gave me a shove forward. She pulled Mina’s cheeks open again, slightly gaping her pink little puckered, lubed asshole.

“Daddy…” Mina moaned. “Please…do it…”

How could I deny my little girl?

Mina’s eyes were locked on mine as I slowly slid my cock into my daughter’s asshole.

Her ass was even hotter than her slit had been. I felt Mina come almost instantly, I almost followed her but fought for control. I grabbed her hips and began fucking her sphincter. She moaned and lifted herself up by the chain, arching her back. She stifled something that might have come out as a scream, leaning her head against the wall and murmuring “yes…yes…yes…” with each of my strokes.

On the other side of the room, my wife was making long strokes in and out of our other daughter’s puckered ass. Callie was silent, her face downturned, her mouth open in an “oh”.

The Helmsworth twins were scissoring on a massage table while they watched my wife and I sodomize our daughters. The room stank of sandalwood, sulfur, sweat, and sex. It was a heady, erotic, almost nauseating mix in the heat of the late summer evening.

Mina gave a moan and I could tell she had come again. She was gripping the chain so hard that it had cut into her hand and a thin trickle of blood was running down her forearm and dribbling off onto the floor of the attic, adding an irony tinge to the thick miasma that hovered in the air. My balls were tight against my body, and as I felt my daughter’s asshole quiver in another orgasm, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold out much longer. I tried to slow down my pace, but Mina begged me to go faster and harder. Mina’s body shook as she came yet again and her asshole tightened hard around my meat. That was all I could take. I moaned as I came hard.

The sensation of my semen rocketing from my cock into my daughter’s ass was so intense I almost lost consciousness. I held onto Mina’s muscular hips for support as I poured my load into her. My sense of time, space, reality slipped away. All there was was my cock, my daughter’s asshole, and my seemingly bottomless ejaculation.

As my orgasm ebbed, my senses came back online. I slowly slid my cock from my daughter’s red, inflamed asshole, and she turned around and kissed me. Her asshole was still gaped and my seed trickled out and down her thighs. Lorelei appeared, sucking the remaining semen from my cock, then licking up the stream sliding from Mina’s ass. Lila was hugging Callie from behind, the two also basking in the afterglow.

I reached up and gently unhitched Mina from the chained manacles. She collapsed into my arms and I carried her to one of the massage tables and let her lie down to recover. When I moved away from Mina, Lila appeared and bent over her. Mina and her mother kissed. I went over to check on Callie, who was still leaning against the massage table. I helped her up onto the table, expecting her to sink back down for a rest, but instead I found her legs wrapped around my hips, her arms around my shoulders, her lips on mine.

Callie kissed me hard, rotating her hips against my cock that was still trickling come from having just sodomized her sister. She pressed her pert, hard little tits against the muscles in my chest and hugged me, laying her chin on my shoulder next to my ear.

“Your turn,” she whispered. “Fuck me.”

I had thought I was done after the fucking I had given Mina, but I found my cock coming back to attention. Callie deftly shifted her hips and maneuvered herself so the tip of my meat was next to her puffy, red pussy.

“Fuck me,” she repeated and drove her hips forward, pushing herself down my cock.

I moaned as Callie wrapped her arms around me and rotated her hips. I slowly began sliding my cock in and out of her slit. She begged me to go harder, faster, gripping my shoulders, her fingernails scratching my back. I picked up the pace. Her hot breath was in my ear as she urged me on.

“Fuck me, daddy,” she whispered, her voice almost identical to what Mina’s had been imploring just a few moments before. “Fuck me hard.”

I complied. I grabbed her ass cheeks, took her in my arms and lifted her body up and down in rhythm to my own strokes. She clutched her body to me, her cunt slamming into the base of my cock with each pass. Her whispers in my ear exhorted me to continue with little cries of “…yes…yes…yes…” Thick streamers of her grool poured out around my meat, ran down my thighs and across her asshole, soaking my balls with each stroke.

On the next table, Lila was deep between Mina’s thighs, licking her cunt and rimming her asshole, sucking out the load I had dumped in there a few moments before. Mina gripped the table, her back arched, her eyes closed and mouth open in silent passion.

Callie came and her fingernails dug deep into my quads. I felt a trickle of blood run down to the small of my back, but I kept up the pace. She came again and her cunt tightened hard round my meat. My balls pulled up close to my body. I knew that the next time she came I would follow her. A moment later, she let out a loud “oooh” into my ear and had a crushing orgasm that carried me away with her. My balls pulsed their load into my daughter’s steaming hole.

Callie sank back onto the table and I leaned over her, exhausted. There was a couch to side where I collapsed down, my wife joining me a moment later. We kissed.

To my surprise, the Helmsworth twins were still there. I had expected they would disappear once we had run our course, like they did the night before. But instead, they were now standing off to one side, near the shelf where the empty cremains containers and the boxes with the pictures and the pistols lay.

I had an idea.

“Can you guys talk?” I asked.

I saw Dorothy’s lips move, but nothing came out. I shook my head.

“But you can hear me?”

Dorothy nodded.

This was interesting. Maybe we could figure a way to communicate…


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