The Girl on the Video, Parts IV – VI by JackDRipper

The Girl on the Video, Parts IV – VI
by JackDRipper


Megan pulled up Brenda’s OnlyFans page and logged in. My aunt had an extensive collection of pictures and videos engaged in a wide variety of sex acts. One thing I had to admit, my aunt was hot and she knew what she was doing when it came to selling sex. There were toy videos (really big toys), bondage videos, peeing videos, anal, girl-on-girl, boy-on-girl, girl-on-tranny, double-penetration, triple-penetration, fisting, combinations of all of the above, and so on. You name it, she had done it. All of it. There were things there I had never even heard of or considered until that moment.

Megan ***********ed a particular video and queued it up.

“Every month or so, your aunt is visited by this other woman, who she calls her Mommy Dommy. This guest always wears a mask that covers the top half of her face, so she obviously doesn’t want to be recognized. Usually, she ties up Brenda and does various forms of torture on her – hence the ‘Dommy’ part of her name. Some of the stuff is pretty extreme, including hitting, cutting, burning, piercing, and the like. But after the abuse, the session always ends with some intense girl-on-girl sex between the two of them, usually with some big ass toys.”

The video that Megan was playing was pretty extreme, and Brenda was tied up to a rack, spread-eagled, and the dom lady was using a pair of pliers to stretch her nipples and her labia. There was blood. Brenda was moaning in seeming pain. The camera zoomed into the face of the guest dom in profile, and Megan froze it.

“Does she look at all familiar?” Megan said.

“You can’t see most of her face,” I replied.

“You can see her chin, the bottom of her nose, and her lips,” Megan shot back. “Look carefully.”

“Oh shit,” Jesse said all of a sudden. “That’s our mother.”

I gasped. She was right.

“So much for worrying she would reject you for sibling incest,” Megan said. “She’s not only fucking her sister, but doing it for money.” She fast-forwarded the video past the bondage scene to the girl-girl sex part and let it play. I had to admit, if I didn’t know it was my mother, I would have wanted to stroke one out. In fact, even knowing it was, I still wanted to masturbate. Our mother and our aunt were having an incredibly hot sex scene. They weren’t doing it because they were making a video, they clearly liked it and were into each other. It was incredibly erotic.

“Wow,” I said. I wanted to turn away, but instead I was mesmerized by my aunt who was eating out my mother. A moment later they switched and my mother returned the favor. The camera panned slowly down my aunt’s body then continued down my mother’s body, finishing up with a super close up of my mother’s snatch, glistening and wet, dribbling as she stretched and ate out her sister. Above her cunt was her asshole, slightly gaped, pink inside.

“Christ,” I said. “I want to fuck our mother.”

“I want to fuck our mother too,” Jesse said.

“Me too,” Megan said.

We sat there staring at the screen as our mother and aunt orally gratified each other, then our mother pulled on the biggest strap-on I had ever seen and slipped it into my aunt. She began reaming my aunt out, then switched from her pussy to her ass. I couldn’t stop watching, I couldn’t help myself. How could my aunt not be screaming in pain just from the size of that thing? When our mother pulled out of Brenda’s cunt and drove the dong into her ass, Megan audibly gasped. Finally the video wound down and finished. We were still sitting there in stunned silence trying to cool off when the pizza guy knocked.

We took the pizza into the living room and once we all had a slice we started debating next steps.

“I need to call my mother,” my sister said as we ate. “We have to tell her. This has gone on too long.”

“And to think I went to juvie to spare her feelings when she was fucking her sister all along,” I said, shaking my head. “Fuck her and fuck her sister.”

After we ate, Jesse called my mom. It was a short, terse, uncomfortable conversation, but she reluctantly agreed to meet us at her home tomorrow, Saturday, around lunch time. It had to be early because Jesse and Megan had concert tickets for that night, and they wanted to get home in time to get all prettied up for the concert.

Once things were arranged, we found ourselves gravitating back to my aunt’s OnlyFans. One thing led to another and we spent the next two hours in a group circle jerk watching the videos with our mother in them. They were hot, they were incredible, and they were – outrageous.

The next morning the three of us convened at my sister’s place and drove over to the hotel where my mother lived. It was in a very nice part of town and stood twenty five stories high. She lived in the penthouse at the very top.

All three of us were very nervous as the elevator dinged the penthouse level and we stepped out into a small antechamber. My sister and I looked at each other. I hadn’t even spoken to her in several years, and my sister hadn’t seen her in person in about that long.

Our mother must have been alerted to our arrival by the front desk – after all they had to unlock the elevator for us so we could go to the penthouse – and as we stood there gathering our wits, the door opened and my mother stood in front of us.

My mother stood almost six feet tall and had dark hair with a managed touch of gray and light skin. She was curvy and had a definite mom shape – but not overly so. She was a lot like a curvier version of my sister and the resemblance was undeniable. She wore very little makeup, a conservative blouse that was buttoned up almost to her neck, a pair of baggie jeans, and tennis shoes. She did not look at all like a porn video actress, she looked like a middle aged mom.

There as a very awkward moment, then my sister stepped forward and she hugged my mother. My mother turned to me. I hadn’t seen her since the trial and I could see the disappointment still writ large across her face. We hugged awkwardly and then my sister introduced Megan as a “friend.”

A few minutes later we were seated in my mother’s living room. We tried to make small talk but the efforts were uncomfortable and fruitless. Finally, my sister cut to the chase.

“Mom,” she said. “There’s a reason we’re here. This isn’t just a random visit.”

“Go on,” my mother said, looking around at the three of us.

“This is going to be uncomfortable, but we think it’s time that we came clean about Bryce’s accomplice, and how that all went down.”

“So why are you coming to me?” my mother asked, dismissively. “You should talk to the police, or you -” she looked at me “- you should talk to your parole officer.” She said the words “your parole officer” the way you might say “intestinal parasite”.

“I plan on it,” I said. “But we wanted to talk to you first. You need to know what really happened, and why it happened, and why we didn’t tell you before now, and who else is involved.”

“I really don’t…” she started, but I cut her off.

“Give us five minutes.” I said. “At the end of five minutes if you don’t want to hear the rest of the story, we will leave and you will never need to look at my face again. Never is a long time. Don’t you owe it to yourself to at least hear what we have to say before you send me back to the outer darkness?”

My mother made a dismissive motion that I interpreted as assent. So Megan took out her laptop and showed my mother the video, showed her the evidence. Then I told my mother about that night when Brenda caught Jesse and I. I told her about the aftermath, and why I ended up in that jewelry store that night. And finally Jesse told her about how we had discovered her videos on Brenda’s website, and realized it was time to come clean.

My mother didn’t kick us out after five minutes. Forty-five minutes later, she sat in stunned silence as we finished our tale. Her eyes were wet.

“I can’t believe it,” she said. “I know I was not the greatest mother, but this…I can’t believe it. I am incredibly sorry.”

She turned to me. “What you went through to try to protect my feelings…I…” She leaned forward and we embraced. “I can never make it back up to you, but I will try.”

The next couple of hours were spent talking about what we had been doing the past few years, how I was getting on after college (so-so), our relationship with Megan (our new mutual girlfriend) and our financial situation (sucked).

“Would you like to join me in the hotel business?” my mother asked when we were discussing finances. “I can give you the other penthouse in this hotel, or one in one of the others. Furnished or unfurnished, your call. You guys can live there and learn the family business.”

It didn’t take Jesse and I a lot of convincing – giving up our tiny, shabby apartments and second hand crap furniture. By the time the mid-afternoon rolled around, we had an agreement we would meet the next day to see the apartment she was offering. Megan said she would live with us but wanted to continue her current job and career. At least we solved the boss-relationship problem.

Towards the end of the discussion, my mother brought up the videos on Brenda’s website.

“I had never expected you guys would find them or figure out it was me,” she said. “That’s why I wore the mask. I am sorry.”

Before any of us could answer, Megan spoke up.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said. “They were hot. We watched a bunch last night and had a circle jerk.”

“Megan!” I interrupted her. “Not cool.”

She shrugged, but my mother laughed.

“Did you like them?” my mother asked. I nodded, so did Jesse.

“Megan’s right,” I added. “They were incredibly hot.”

My mother smiled a wicked little smile and looked at us slyly. “I’m really glad you liked them.”

For a moment, the facade of the sweet middle aged mom was gone, and instead I could see her other side in her eyes. The side that came out in those videos. She took in me, my sister, Megan and I knew by her face that she was having thoughts like those we had when we watched her movies.

Jesse and Megan had to go because they had concert tickets for that night. I had to go with them since they were my ride.

“Why don’t you come back after you get your car?” my mother asked. “We have a lot we need to catch up on. We can go somewhere for dinner or have room service deliver. I have several rooms, you can sleep here for the night.”

It sounded fine to me.

Jesse, Megan and I were in the car, riding back to their apartment, mostly in silence when Megan broke the ice.

“She did not look like a girl who would make porn videos,” Jesse said. “I was surprised. I almost expected her to meet us at the door dressed like a camwhore.”

Megan shrugged. “She didn’t want to meet us initially, she didn’t know we had seen the videos, she wanted to play the sad, dejected mother. The real test will be how she is when you go back. If you go back and she’s still miss prissy, I’d tell her to quit playing games. We all saw that look on her face when we talked about the videos.”

I wouldn’t mind a shot at the girl I saw in the videos. And, honestly, I wouldn’t mind a shot at both the girls in the videos – including my aunt. Though the feelings for my aunt was more a rage fuck than love.

I rode back with Megan and Jesse, swung by my apartment to grab an overnight bag, and went back to my mother’s.

When I got to her apartment she was still wearing the mom clothes from earlier. I had to admit I was disappointed. I still wanted to get to know her better and to rebuild that relationship, but I had done time in juvie trying to save her feelings while she was fucking the woman who sent me there. It wasn’t right.

“So do you want to go somewhere to eat or eat here?” she asked. We can eat out on the terrace with room service, or go downstairs to the hotel restaurant – which is really good – or go out somewhere.

“Let’s go out somewhere to eat,” I said. “Someplace nice, where you dress nice.”

“I know just the place,” she said.

After making the reservation, she showed me to my room and we both went into different bathrooms to get ready. I showered and pulled on slacks and a dress shirt. I was sitting in the living room when my mother came out of her room dressed in a conservative dress and blouse.

I had to admit I was disappointed. I knew it was wrong, but I had suffered so much for her and this was the best she could do?

I didn’t know what kind of a reaction I was going to get from her, but I decided to take the bull by the horns.

“You’re not going like that are you?” I said.

“What do you mean?”

I rolled my eyes. “If you were going out to dinner with your sister, how would you dress?”

She bit her lip but didn’t say anything. So I took her arm and gave her a gentle shove back towards her bedroom.

“Making up with Jesse and I will be easier if you cut the act,” I said. “Go put on something more appropriate – or should I say inappropriate. You know you want to, you practically telegraphed it earlier. Your reaction was topic A on the ride home.”

She still didn’t move, she just stood there, frozen.

I slapped her ass then gave her a gentle shove towards the bedroom.

“I’ve already seen every inch of your body,” I added. “After what you put me through, you better be ready to use it to make me happy. Every inch of it, every hole.”

The wicked smile I had seen flash to life earlier in the day crawled back across my mother’s face. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips gently, then put her cheek next to mine and whispered in my ear.

“I knew I raised you right,” she whispered. “I’ll be a few.” Then turned and walked very slowly into her bedroom, stripping off her blouse and her dress along the way and leaving them laying on the floor. She paused at the door to her bedroom in just her bra and thong. She bent over and gaped her ass behind the cord of the thong, then turned, winked, and disappeared inside.

When she emerged a half hour later, my mother wore a thin red spaghetti tank that accentuated her curves, showed a lot of cleavage, and revealed her nipples at just the right angle and light. She had on a tight fitting stretchy denim mini skirt, that barely covered her ass, fishnets, and heels. Her makeup was flawless.

I literally gulped when I saw her. The woman we had met with earlier in the morning had been conservative to a fault. The woman I stared at now, mouth open, I could envision as the star of those videos we had seen. She was incredibly hot and beautiful.

She twirled once in front of me,

“Better?” she asked.

I nodded.

She came forward, pressed her chest against mine, and kissed me long and hard on the lips. She slipped a hand down and ran it up my thigh, cupping my suddenly-awake cock.

“I’m glad you like it,” she said, then disengaged.

“You better be,” I said, pinching her nipple through the fabric.

We went to an Italian place for dinner. I had been battling butterflies in my stomach all day, so I just ate light, and my mother followed suit. We had a really nice, relaxed dinner. My mother looked gorgeous.

As we talked and chatted, I noticed that her top seemed to keep sinking lower and lower, revealing more and more cleavage. I really didn’t want to keep looking at her chest, but every time I looked down, I seemed to keep finding it.

She didn’t seem to mind, and I wasn’t sure if her top crawling down her chest was her doing or just something that happened organically. But either way, by the time we finished dinner, I could just make out the top edge of her aureoles poking above the fabric.

After the dinner we went back to the hotel and dipped into the bar for a nightcap. We took a seat in a booth in a corner and ordered drinks.

My mother leaned over and lay her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her. I could smell her perfume, her chest against my side. Her top had slid down even further her right nipple was in danger of complete freedom.

I felt a budding erection in my pants.

My mother put her hand on my knee, then slowly slid it up my leg until it was resting just below the tent in my pants.

“You know,” she said. “After what you did for me, I can never deny you. Nor can I deny your sister, or probably that friend of yours, since she seems to be the one who sorted all this out. Anything you want, just say the word.”

Her hand hovered next to my cock as she looked up at me.

I leaned forward and kissed her. I ran my hand across her breasts underneath the thin fabric of her tank, letting my fingertips hover over her nipples.

“Do you want me?” she asked.

“I want you. Jesse wants you. Megan wants you. We all want you,” I said. “But do you want me? Do you want us?”

She smiled and kissed me as an answer, kissing deeper, letting our tongues intertwine. I slipped a hand inside her top and gently caressed her breast. She moaned and stroked my cock faster.

We threw back the rest of our drinks and scurried to the elevator – need, desire, lust driving us. Once the elevator doors closed and we turned the penthouse key, we grabbed each other as the elevator – and my cock – rose. I pulled down her top and released her big, soft, mommy tits. I ran my tongue around the pebbly nipple, tasting the tip, flicking my tongue. My mother moaned as I finally planted my lips on the end and sucked gently. Her nipple hardened in my mouth.

I had seen videos of her tits, I had watched Brenda suck at them, and I had seen my mother pull them up to her mouth to lick them. But the video was nothing compared to the soft, bountiful, delightful real thing, and I buried myself in them.

I ran my tongue down through the valley between her breasts to the other mound and repeated the performance, licking around the nipple before finally pressing my lips and sucking. I stretched her nipple out, more than doubling its length, but my mother only smiled down at me. Behind me the elevator dinged and doors popped open on the penthouse level.

Without even pulling her top back up, my mother pulled me across the hall and into her apartment. Once inside the door she pushed me against the wall and pressed her lips against mine, unbuttoning my shirt and pushing her mountainous breasts against my chest. I ran my hands down her back and down her ass, pulling down the zipper in the back of her skirt and pushing it to the floor. I stretched her ass apart then felt between her legs – she wasn’t wearing any underwear and my fingers met with her thick, soaking wet labia.

She unbuckled my belt, unhooked my slacks and pushed them and my boxers to the floor, grabbing my cock in her hands and stroking it. We stood there just inside the door, hands stroking each other’s bodies, lips locked on each other, moans of pleasure filling the air.

Finally, my mother pulled back, grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the living room, pushing me down onto the couch. She was naked now except for the fishnet stockings and the high heels. She knelt down in front of me and spread my legs, pulling my rock hard, purple, throbbing erection between her burgeoning mommy tits and squeezing it, lubricating the shaft with her spit and pre-come that was dribbling from the tip when she squeezed. She rubbed her tits up and down my meat, stroking it and teasing the tip with her tongue. I reached down and pressed her tits together even harder as she increased her pace.

She pulled back, disengaging my cock from her tits, and instead ran her tongue down the underside, then back up, forcing out another dollop of pre-come that she eagerly devoured. She sucked on the head, teasing the sensitive spot underneath the helmet, sending shivers through my body. I moaned.

She squeezed my balls with her hand as she drove her mouth down my cock, forcing my meat deep into her throat. I had never been deep throated like that before. It was incredible. She slipped her mouth up and down my cock, faster and faster. I felt my balls tighten and knew I was close to coming, but she didn’t stop.

My balls contracted and I shot my load into her mouth. Amazingly she didn’t flinch or even pause, just kept sucking and stroking my cock, taking load after load of my thick juice into her mouth and throat and swallowing it down. I felt my cock begin to lose tone and I leaned back on the couch, expecting her to stop or at least pause, but she didn’t. She kept sucking at my cock, draining every last drop of my come she could and swallowing it all. I closed my eyes, I thought I had died and gone to heaven.

My meat was shrinking and I thought I was ready for a break, but she still kept at it and I wasn’t ready to tell her to stop. After a couple of minutes of her continued ministrations, I felt a fresh surge and my meat began to rise again.

As soon as she felt my cock coming back to attention, she stood up, pushed me back so I was lying on the couch, and straddled me, facing forward, pushing her pussy into my face. She was mostly shaven with a tidy landing strip above. I lapped at her thick lobes, pulling them into my mouth and tasting them, then setting up an even rhythm. She moaned and leaned back. Above me her heavy, pendulous tits were quaking, the nipples hard and erect.

“Eat mommy’s pussy,” she said. “Make mommy come.”

She sounded incredibly hot, but I didn’t need the incentive. Her juices ran down my cheek and chin as I licked, teasing her labia and her clitoris. I slipped a finger inside her, then two, reaching for that magic spot inside. She groaned as I found it and a fresh load of her grool coursed into my mouth. Her back arched and I felt her come under my ministrations.

It was my turn to keep going. I had seen her videos, I knew she could take a lot more than just two fingers. I added a third, then a fourth, pushing inside until the webbing of my thumb pressed against her clitoris. I pressed the thumb against my palm and the rest of my hand slid easily into my mother’s well-used cunt. She pressed her body downwards on my hand, pushing me deeper until the tips of my fingers bumped into the muscular ring of her cervix.

I took my other hand and slipped a finger into her asshole. She groaned and another wave of an orgasm shot through her. She leaned forward and pulled her crotch away from my face, instead leaning down to kiss me. Our tongues intertwined, our lips crushed together.

“Fuck me,” she whispered.

She slipped her stretched cunt from my hand, then lay back on the couch and spread her legs. I gave my cock several hard strokes and hovered it over her gaped, sopping snatch for a moment, then slowly began sliding my cock inside her.

She was soaking wet as I slipped inside, feeling every inch of her as she squeezed hard against my cock and moaned. I pushed, forcing my way in, pushing all the way until my balls bumped against her asshole.

This was the moment I had been waiting for ever since Megan figured out that our mother was the dom on Brenda’s videos. My cock inside my mom. It was amazing.

“Fuck me, hard,” she whispered. I squeezed her tits as I began pistoning in and our of her.

I kissed her, my chest pressing against hers, her hard nipples pointing skyward atop their soft, fleshy mounds. Her skin was soft and supple and her lips tasted faintly of wine. The smell of sex filled the room as our sweaty stomachs slapped together.

“Harder,” she said, arching her back. “I’m no fucking amateur. Fuck me hard.”

“No problem,” I said, redoubling my efforts as I drove my cock in and out of my mother’s slit. She rubbed her clit and squeezed her tits. I adjusted my position, lifting her hips up off the couch so I could get better leverage to drive in even harder.

“Fuck yeah,” my mother said. “That’s it, that’s how you do it.”

An arch of her back, a moan, and a gush of fluid across my balls and thighs told me she had come again, but I didn’t stop, still ramming in and out of her body. Her eyes were locked on mine as she came again, her tits rocking back and forth, her ass shaking and quivering with the motion.

“Is this better than your fucking bitch sister?” I said through gritted teeth as I kept driving my cock home.

“Fuck yeah,” said my mother. “Let’s make it even better.”

She put a hand on my chest and I slowed. She slipped off my cock and padded into the bedroom, coming out with a bottle of lube. She bent over on all fours, spread her substantial ass, and pointed her asshole at me, dropping a thick glob of lube on her sphincter, and another dollop on my cock.

“Fuck mommy’s ass,” she said.

I gave my cock a hard stroke, spreading the thick lube along the shaft. My mother leaned forward and used both hands to spread her cheeks wide. I had seen her gaped, well-used asshole in the videos, but seeing her raggedy, stretched sphincter yawning open and slightly prolapsing right in front of me was a whole other thing entirely. My cock was already hard, but I felt a fresh surge flow through me. My meat was so blood-engorged and erect that it almost hurt.

“Fuck mommy’s ass,” she repeated. “Fuck it hard.”

I reached down with my thumbs and spread my mother’s asshole open even wider. A small crumpled dome pushed out an inch or so, lube trickling off it. I ran the head of my cock over my mother’s extended assflesh, then pushed my purple meat into her ragged sphincter. She moaned as I pushed inside, bearing down and squeezing so I had to push harder for each inch. The sensation was incredible.

Her slit was still soaking wet as my balls finally came to rest on it, my cock all the way inside her. But however deep my cock was, I could tell she had definitely had deeper.

“Fuck my ass hard,” she whispered. “Make mommy come more.”

I didn’t need the encouragement. I pistoned my cock in and out of my mother’s ass as hard as I could. Her heavy mom ass shook as I worked her over, quivering with each stroke. I slapped her ass, hard, leaving a red mark.

“Slap it again,” my mother cried. “Slap mommy’s ass.”

I slapped her cheek again, and again, and again, over and over. Her ass turned bright red.

I grabbed her substantial mom hips and went back to reaming her asshole, slamming my cock into her ass with abandon. She moaned. I pressed harder, sliding in and out of her pink asshole. My stomach slapped her ass as I pushed faster and faster.

I felt her tighten her muscles around my cock. As I pulled back out on the next stroke, a sheath of my mother’s assflesh gripped my cock, sliding out of her anus several inches, before popping back in when I drove my cock back inside her. On the next stroke it again grabbed my meat and slid out, so I pulled back even further, seeing how far out it would go. It came out close to five inches before it slipped from my cock back into my mother’s gaped asshole, leaving a little bit of reddish-pink tissue hanging out. I drove back into her overused asshole.

“Come inside me,” my mother whispered. “Fill mommy up. Come in mommy’s ass.”

That was all I could take. I gave a huge final thrust and came, shooting thick seed deep into my mother’s asshole, unloading load after load into her.

I slipped forward into her arms. We embraced and kissed as I slowly emptied into her. She moaned and smiled at me.

“That was fucking awesome,” she said.


My mother and I cuddled on the couch for awhile, basking in the afterglow, our skin wet with our sweat from our lovemaking. Then my mother turned the conversation to her sister.

“I’m really hurt that Brenda did that to you,” she said. “I’m sad, hurt, and a lot of other things all at once. I understand that you have to turn her in because you need to clear your name. But before they arrest her, I’ve been thinking. I’d like to get back at her, expose her for what she is, humiliate her in front of her fans.”

“So you want to do an expose right on one of her camwhore sessions?”

“Exactly,” she said. “What I’d really like to do is bring you and your sister – and your girlfriend if she would like – onto her show, then spring it on her. I usually act as a dom when we do video sessions, but I have never wanted to humiliate her like I want to humiliate her now. I usually use handcuffs that have a quick release for the wearer, but I probably can swap them out and get them on her before she even knows that happened.”

“I’ve never done a camming session,” I said. “But I guess there can be a first time for everything. We should talk to Jesse and Megan about it.”

Like clockwork, I was interrupted by the ringing of my phone, and a picture of my sister on the screen. I answered.

“Hi Jesse,” I said. “How was the concert?”

“Awesome,” she said. “Did you and mom get along okay?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact she’s right here with me right now…”

“Are you two in bed together?” Jesse asked.

“No, we are not in bed, we’re sitting on the couch,” I replied.

“You guys hooked up, didn’t you? I can read it in your voice,” Jesse said. “Awesome! But you know what? The concert is over and it’s only 11:00. How about if you guys meet us somewhere for a nightcap?”

“How about if you come over here for a nightcap,” my mother said, loud enough for my sister to hear on the phone. “We have a well stocked bar in the lobby.”

“Sounds good. See you in about twenty minutes.”

My mother pulled her outfit back on, while I pulled on my slacks and shirt – skipping the underwear.

We went down to the bar and the girls arrived shortly. Jesse was wearing an outfit that was a whole lot like what my mother was wearing except even thinner and all black, and Megan had on a way-too-short cut off T-shirt without a bra (she lost it somewhere at the concert), black tights that were almost transparent, and no underwear underneath.

“Wow,” Megan said, looking my mother up and down. “What a difference eight hours makes.”

“Watch it,” I said, jokingly. “That’s my mother you’re talking about.”

“And is that your semen I see running down her thigh?” Megan asked. She put her arms around my mother and gave her a long kiss. When she pulled back she looked at Jesse as if to say “your turn.”

Jesse didn’t miss a beat. She gave our mother a kiss that lasted at least 30 seconds. The entire bar had turned to watch the two girls making out, though I don’t think most realised that was mother and daughter. My slacks were definitely tenting when they finished.

“Wow,” my mother said.

“Yeah, wow,” Jesse said, blushing.

I cleared my throat.

“Before anyone else gets busy, we have something we need to discuss,” I said.

Megan pouted but my mother put her arm around her waist and patted her ass.

“This will just take a moment, dear,” my mother said, in an almost motherly tone. It sounded surprisingly sexy.

“So what do you want to discuss?” Jesse said, sitting next to my mother, her hand rubbing up and down our mother’s thigh, threatening to rub against her already damp slit. Megan was standing next to Jesse, her arm around her waist.

“Bryce is going to come clean to his probation officer, but first I think we should humiliate her,” my mother said. She laid out a plan, and by the time she was done, we were all nodding.

“Wow,” Jesse said. “I never thought I would be a camgirl, but there’s a first time for everything. I want to humiliate her in ways she had never even dreamed of.”

“Sadly, she probably already dreamed of them,” my mother said. “And I have probably already humiliated her that way. But even when we are playing for the camera, she is still in control and ***********s the interaction. This time, we will be in control, and before we fuck her into submission, we tell her entire audience what she did. Then when we humiliate her – without her control – it will really sink in. She’ll hate it.”

“So what happens to her show when we’re done?” I asked. “She can’t run a camshow from prison.”

My mother winked. “I have some ideas, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there.”

“So, now that’s settled,” Megan said, “Let’s do something fun. It’s still early.”

“How about a dip in the pool,” my mother said.

“I don’t think anyone but you has a suit here,” I said.

“I can lend suits to Megan and Jesse,” my mother said. “You’ll just have to watch from the sides until 12:30.”

“What happens at 12:30?”

“The pool closes.”

“So they kick us out?”

“It’s my hotel – our hotel now. They can’t kick us out, we can kick everyone else out,” she said, winking. “Wait here. Us girls will be back in a jiffy.”

She took Jesse’s arm in one hand, Megan’s arm in the other, and slowly walked back towards the elevator. She had managed to hike her skirt up slightly so the bottom of her cheeks were visible and her thick labia below. Every male eyeball in the place watched the three of them as they made their way to the elevator.

I took a napkin and cleaned my semen off the seat where my mother had been sitting – bare-assed – and tapped an uncomfortable riff on the table. I couldn’t deny it, I was nervous that the girls would do something that could drag me into trouble.

They didn’t waste any time. Ten minutes later the elevator doors opened and they emerged. I gulped.

My mother wore a thin blue bikini top that strained to hold in her bountiful bust, her nipples poking against the fabric, and a gray thong that similarly struggled to contain her lobes. My sister, who had a body shape similar to my mom’s, fit neatly into a similar green bikini and thong combo. Megan, who was much smaller and lithe, had to make due with a narrow V-shaped one-piece that had a thong in the back and a deep plunge in the front. Megan’s swimsuit was clearly designed for a much more curvier body and threatened to gap from just about any angle you looked.

My mother waved me over and led the way to the pool. It was getting late but there were still a few night owls hanging around. Two college aged girls roughhoused in the water, and a young couple lounged at the far end. My mother pressed her chest against mine, gave me a kiss, and stroked my cock through my slacks.

“Sorry,” she said. “You have to wait until closing. You can just watch us have fun.”

With that she hopped into the pool. Megan came over, did the same press-kiss-stroke thing and followed my mother into the pool. She swam over to my mother and embraced her, the two sharing a kiss, before my mother playfully pushed her back and splashed her.

Jesse turned to me, pressed her body against me for a moment, and kissed me. She held the kiss for a long time, rubbing my cock through my slacks with her thigh. Then she followed my mother and Megan into the pool, where they had a splash fight.

I looked up at the clock. It read 12:10. I moved to a lounge and lay back, lifting one leg up to hide my growing erection. The teenagers weren’t paying much attention and the couple were pretty much engrossed in each other. I was grateful for that and I seriously hoped to get out of this situation without any embarrassment. The next twenty minutes were going to be torture.

After about five minutes of splashing each other and chatting, my mother moved to my side of the pool and Megan and Jesse followed.

“Fifteen minutes to go until closing,” my mother said, winking. She glanced around to make sure nobody was watching and pulled one side of her bikini top back, pulling her right breast free. She pulled it up to her lips and sucked for a moment.

“Jesus, mom,” I murmured. Jesse came up beside her and leaned over, pulling my mother’s mouth to hers for a kiss, then leaned down and sucked at our mother’s bare breast. Megan slipped in beside her, shielding them from the other swimmers, then bent down and had a turn at my mother’s bared breast, running her tongue around the aureole and sucking the nipple. Meanwhile her hands were all over Jesse’s body.

“You guys are going to get me in trouble,” I whispered, leaning forward put trying not to make my erection obvious. “If someone busts us, my parole officer will shit. I might go to jail – and not juvie this time.”

I looked up at the clock. It read 12:21. Nine more minutes to closing.

“Relax,” my mother said. “Everything will be fine.” She pulled her bikini top back up and slipped back into the middle pool. Jesse followed her, but Megan climbed out of the water and approached me, sitting on the lounge next to my legs. The too-large swimsuit gapped liberally, showing her pert, tight breasts.

“Hey, you’re wet,” I said.

“Yes, I’m really really wet,” she said, smiling. She leaned over and pressed her body against the leg of my slacks, then rung her hair out over my crotch. She soaked my slacks through, pasting them to my leg, making my burgeoning erection stand out.

I looked over at the clock. 12:24. Six minutes to closing.

Megan ran her hand slowly up the inside of my now-soaked thigh, slowly stroking my meat through my drenched slacks. Any chance I had to losing the erection disappeared. I looked over at the pool. My mother and Jesse were in the near corner. Their faces were inches apart, their bodies pressed together. I couldn’t see for sure because of the water angle, but I was pretty sure our mother’s hand was between Jesse’s thighs.

Jesse leaned in and kissed our mother.

Suddenly one of the college girls noticed what my mother and Jesse were doing. She tapped her friend and they both started watching. I cursed. This wasn’t going to end well.

By this point, my sister and my mother were fully engaged in a girl-on-girl kiss. Their breasts were pressed together and my sister’s legs were wrapped around our mother’s hips. She wasn’t grinding yet, but I was sure that would follow shortly.

The clock read 12:26. This last four minutes couldn’t go fast enough. Megan knelt on the lounge and straddled me, leaning down and kissing me, pressing her almost-bare breasts against my chest. She started unbuttoning my shirt.

“Look, wait, I can’t…” I protested.

“A guy can’t get in trouble for not wearing a shirt in a pool, relax,” Megan said.

“But I can if the girl taking it off me is almost out of her top and straddling my boner.”

Megan unhooked the last button and pushed my shirt open, pressing her chest against mine and planting a kiss against my lips. She pushed her hips down so her vulva was against my cock.

When Megan came up for air, I looked at the clock. 12:29. One minute. Just one minute.

It flipped to 12:30. I gently pushed Megan’s lips back from mine.

“That’s it!” I hollered. “12:30! Everybody out!”

The couple who had been in the corner climbed out of the pool and left quietly. The two college girls who had been watching my mother and Jesse go at it, were more reluctant to leave.

“Hey,” I called. “Out!”

They hesitated. My mother noticed them watching and pulled away from my sister.

“You guys want to watch?” she asked, an evil smile on her lips.

The two girls glanced at each other, then nodded.

“The pool’s closed, but if you want to stay and watch, there are two rules.”

“What are they?” the blonde girl asked.

The evil smile on my mother’s face got wider.

“First, you have to strip. And second…” she trailed off.

“And?” the blonde girl prompted.

“You have to get busy with your friend.”

“She’s my sister, you pervert,” the girl said.

“So what?” my mother said. “This is my daughter that I’m making out with, and that’s my son over there. My ass is already full of his semen, I’m angling for him to do it again before the night’s out. You want to watch, you got to pay. If not, pool’s closed.”

She turned back to Jesse and the two began kissing again. Megan was still straddling my cock through my slacks. She reached down, unhitched my slacks and pulled them down, letting my cock pop free. It was purple, throbbing, and hard. Megan pressed her tidy little pussy against it and began rubbing it up and down the underside of my cock.

I looked over at the two girls. They were watching my mom and Jesse make out, and Megan slide her slit up and down my shaft. But they were just watching, not doing anything.

“Hey, you two,” I finally called. “You heard what my mom said, either get busy or get out.”

“Did you really fuck your mom’s ass today?” one of the girl’s asked.

“Damn right, and I’ll fuck her ass any time I feel like it. But if you want to see it, get undressed and get busy.”

The sisters looked at each other, then the dark haired one finally shrugged and reached over to her sister. The blonde girl was hesitant for a moment, but they kissed, disengaged, kissed again, then pulled back and looked at each other nervously before sinking into a more passionate kiss. This time it looked like they meant it. Their bodies came together.

“That’s better,” I heard my mother say a moment later, when the girls broke the kiss. “But it’s still not enough. Get naked and I want to see someone eating someone else’s pussy by the time I count to five.”

The blonde girl stripped off her suit, revealing cute pert breasts not unlike Megan’s. She hopped up onto the side of the pool and spread her legs. The dark haired girl moved into position and began lapping the blonde girl’s pussy. It was pretty clear this wasn’t her first rodeo with another girl. The blonde girl caressed her tits as she hungrily watched my mother and Jesse, who were still kissing and fondling each other aggressively.

Megan had been sliding her pussy up and down the underside of my cock while all this was going on. I reached up, pulled off her swimsuit, and fondled her cute, tiny little tits, pulling her forward to my mouth, sucking at the hard little nipples. I reached down, grabbing her hips, then her ass. I guided her pussy to the tip of my pulsating cock and pushed myself inside her. She moaned again and slowly slid her cunt down the shaft of my hard, purple cock, a steady stream of juice flowing from her slit as she took me inside.

In the pool, my mother and Jesse had disrobed and Jesse had her lips locked on our mother’s breasts, sucking and tasting them. Jesse had one breast in her mouth, and my mother pulled the other up to her own lips, sucking at her large, wide brown nipple, tasting her own flesh. She moaned as Jesse ran a hand down her stomach and between her legs. My mother pulled Jesse’s mouth up to hers and they kissed again, then she motioned for Jesse to get up on the side of the pool. Jesse did so, spread her legs, and my mother dove in. Jesse’s heavy pendulous breasts shook with pleasure as she moaned under our mother’s efforts.

Megan meanwhile was slowly working my cock over with her hips, slipping up and down, rotating, finding new and insane ways to make me groan with pleasure. I leaned up and we kissed as the sound of a moaning orgasm came from the direction of the two sisters.

“I want to fuck you,” I whispered to Megan.

“Then fuck me,” she whispered back, rolling off my cock and positioning herself on all fours in front of me. “Doggy style.”

I didn’t need additional coaxing. I slipped inside Megan’s slit and began to slowly and gently slide in and out. Megan was a small girl and her slit was tight and wet, her juices trickling down my cock and dribbling off my balls and running down my thighs. I slowly worked in and out, in and out.

Across the pool, the girls had changed position, and now the dark haired girl was eating out the blonde. I looked over at my mother and Jesse. They also had changed position, and now our mother was on her back on a lounge, while Jesse was sucking on her clit and had several fingers deep inside her slit. My mother’s mammoth tits were pointed skyward and slightly outward, and they shook as an orgasm wafted through her body.

Megan lifted her body up so her back was pressed against my stomach, forcing my cock against her special spot. She reached back and we kissed as I continued to piston in and out of her snatch.

“Hey, you,” the blonde girl said. I looked in her direction. “So I did what you said. When do I get to see you fuck your mom’s ass?”

“We need lube,” I said.

“I keep a stash by the pool, along with a couple toys,” my mother said. “Just for late night dalliances.”

She disappeared into the lifeguard shack and emerged a moment later with a tube of lube, a small strap on, and a monster strap on. She dropped the dongs on a lounge then knelt down in front of me. The blonde girl smiled.

“Fuck her,” she said. “I want to see you fuck your mom’s ass.”

My mother, never one to miss a chance to put on a show, turned her ass towards the girls and made a show of lubing up, including sliding four fingers inside and stretching it open for their view, revealing the remnants of my come still inside her ass. By this point the other girl had moved and now the two sisters were sitting side-by-side on the edge of the pool, fingering each other while they watched. They were really cute, and really hot.

My cock was diamonds as I rubbed some lube onto it then pulled open my mother’s asshole. The flesh inside was still reddish-pink and inflamed from my earlier sodomization of my mother – but that didn’t seem to bother her one bit. I could see remnants of my earlier come shot inside her. I stroked my cock and pointed it at the girls, then slowly slid it into my mother’s waiting ass. The girls on the deck moaned louder than my mother. Meanwhile, Jesse and Megan had paired off and Megan had her face buried between Jesse’s thighs.

I began pistoning my meat in and out of my mother’s asshole (not for the first time that night) when a shocked voice spoke up from the direction of the pool entryway.

“Girls! What is the meaning of this?’

The two girls gasped and we all turned. A woman – looked to be about the same age as my mother – stood in the entryway. She had dirty blonde hair that was wet like she had just come out of the shower, and wore a tank top and a pair of cargo shorts.

“Mom!” one of the girls gasped. “Look, this isn’t what it looks like.”

“Pool’s closed,” my mother called, not even bothering to pull her asshole off my cock. “You have to leave, ma’am.”

“If the pools’ closed, what are my daughters doing here? What are you doing here?”

“I’m the hotel owner, and they are my special guests. You aren’t. You are going to have to leave.”

“I’m not leaving without my daughters,” the woman said. She had folded her arms across her chest – apparently remembering she didn’t have a bra on and becoming self-conscious.

“Girls,” I said, speaking up for the first time. “Do you want to leave?”

The two girls looked at each other, then at their mother. There was a pregnant pause. Then they shook their heads.

“Okay, then,” my mother said. “They don’t have to leave, but you do.”

“Unless you want to stay,” I added. “But there’s a price.”

“A price? I’m not paying you to sit here and watch this depravity,” the woman said.

“It’s not a monetary price,” I said. “You have to strip and join your daughters.”

A look of mortification crossed the two girls faces for a moment, then they looked at each other and giggled. Their mother, on the other hand, turned beet red.

“I am not doing…that. No way.”

“Then please leave,” I said. “I’m trying to fuck my mother but you’re making me lose wood.” I popped my cock out and stretched my mother’s pink asshole wide in the direction of the woman. My mother pushed out a dome of crumpled flesh to accentuate the point, thick streamers of lube and semen slid from her overused asshole.

“Lady, either get busy or get out,” I said.

“There’s another option,” my mother said.

“What’s that?” I asked.

“If she doesn’t want to have sex with her daughters, I’ll have sex with them, but she has to let you fuck her ass like you’re fucking me.”

The woman stood there, unsure of what to do. She looked back and forth at all of us. Finally, she shook her head and peeled off her top and shorts, revealing nothing beneath. She had a curvy mom bod not unlike my mom’s. She dove into the pool and swam over to where her daughters were sitting. There was an awkward moment, but then the blonde girl spread her legs and pulled her mother’s head between them. There was another pause, then her eyes lit up.

It appeared it wasn’t her mother’s first time with a girl either.

I returned my attention to my mother’s asshole and picked up the pace. My mother was intoning me to go harder and faster and I complied, pistoning my cock in and out of her ass. I grabbed her thick hips for support and slammed my stomach against her ass, making it shake and quiver. I slowed, reached around, and squeezed her thick tits.

Jesse and Megan had come over and now were in front of my mother, sucking at her tits while I pounded her ass. My mother’s head was thrown back in ecstasy as I felt an orgasm wash through her. Her juices flowed down her thighs. I pulled her cheeks apart so I could get even better depth and pushed deeper inside of her. She squeezed her flesh against my cock and several inches of her abused, inflamed anal tissue gripped my cock and prolapsed out with each stroke.

Across the pool, the two girls were now sitting on either side of their mother and all three were rubbing themselves as they watched me rip my mother’s asshole. I made it a point to be sure they had a good view of her flesh gripping my meat and her raggedy sphincter.

I felt another orgasm wash over my mother and my balls tightened. I was almost ready to come. I increased the pace yet again. My cock was slicking in and out of her ass, her pussy was gushing, and Jesse and Megan were sucking her tits.

Another orgasm coursed through my mother and that was it. I unloaded into her asshole, shooting load after load of my juice deep inside her. She moaned and pressed her back against my chest. We kissed as I emptied inside her. My semen trickled out of her asshole around my cock.

“Can you do that to my mom?” came a voice from across the pool. I looked over and the blonde girl was smiling but the older woman was aghast, shaking her head.

“No,” she said.

“Come on mom, you know you want it. You haven’t had a good fuck in way too long. I know you love anal, go with it.”


My cock was still inside my mother, I was still pumping my juice inside of her, but I found myself getting hard again.

I locked eyes with their mother. She wanted to say no, but her eyes were screaming yes. I pulled out of my mother, picked up the lube, and walked around the pool to where the woman sat between her daughters. Globs of come were still dribbling off my cock. I glanced back at my mother. She was still on all fours, smiling, as a heavy lobe of pink flesh hung from her asshole, lube and come dripping off it.

I turned to the woman in front of me. My meat, thick, purple, wet, hovered in front of her face. She gulped.

The blonde girl lay down on the tarmac, spread her legs and pulled her mother’s face down into her snatch. That had the effect of lifting up her mother’s ass. The dark haired girl pulled her mother’s cheeks apart, her pink puckered asshole faced me. I dropped a dollop of lube on her asshole, pulled it apart with my thumbs, and slipped inside.

The woman moaned but didn’t complain. She continued eating out her daughter’s pussy as I began to slowly slip deeper and deeper inside her asshole. Her hips weren’t quite as generous as my mother’s but they would do.

I glanced across the pool. My mother was still on all fours while Jesse and Megan took turns sucking my comeshot from her gaping, extended asshole.

My stomach hit the woman’s cheeks, I was all the way in. I pulled back out slightly and began a slow but deliberate motion. I felt an orgasm course through her body as I worked her asshole over. She moaned again.

The blonde girl pulled her mother’s face into her snatch, while the dark-haired girl grabbed her mother’s cheeks and pulled them apart even wider. I pushed harder and went even deeper into the woman’s asshole.

She pulled her lips back from her daughter’s cunt just long enough to intone me to go faster, then went back to eating out her progeny’s cute little slit. I cranked it up. I felt an orgasm wash over the woman’s body and she stiffened, moaned.

I cranked up the pace even harder, my balls pounding against her slit as my cock slicked in and out of her asshole. Her daughters now stood on either side of her, stretching her asshole wider. The blonde girl slid two fingers into her mother’s asshole next to my cock and stretched it. The woman groaned again, another orgasm rolling through her.

I felt my balls start to tighten. I was close to the edge. The woman came again, her muscles tightening. That did it. I shot my load into her waiting ass. The blonde girl pushed me back. She pulled my cock straight from her mother’s ass into her own mouth. She sucked, draining my come from my meat.

Suddenly, my sister appeared.

“If you think you are getting out of here without unloading into my ass too, you’re crazy.”

Jesse sucked on my cock until a fresh surge shot through me and my erection began rising again. Then she rolled over onto all fours. She had already lubed her asshole, and it lay waiting for me, slick and ready.

I pulled her cheeks aside and stretched her ass, revealing the pink underneath, then slid inside. My sister and the woman I had just been fucking kissed and the dark haired girl began pairing off with her sister again. I watched the two college sisters eating each other in a 69 as I ripped my cock in and out of my sister’s asshole.

The blonde woman had turned around and pointed her asshole at my sister, who began licking and sucking my come from her pink sphincter. It was hot watching my sister her eat my juice from this stranger’s ass while I fucked her. My sister’s ass jiggled as I pistoned in and out of her ass.

Meanwhile, across the pool, Megan had pulled on the large dildo and was reaming out my mother’s asshole, her anal flesh grabbing the gargantuan dong with each stroke.

I ramped up the pace again. I could feel an orgasm course through my sister, then another. Her body shook and her ass jiggled. She arched her back and her muscles tightened. So did mine. I moaned as I shot my load into my sister’s ass.



The next few days were busy with little time for sex. On Sunday we saw the penthouse next to our mother’s and loved it, so we broke our leases and started making moving plans. On Monday, both Jesse and I gave our two week notices at our jobs. For me that was sort of a formality since Megan was my boss – but I sent her an official work email anyway.

Meanwhile, our mother got in touch with Brenda and arranged a “special” camshow for Wednesday night. Our mother said she would be bringing some additional guests for the show and promised something hot. Brenda ate it up.

Finally, I called my parole officer first thing Monday, told him I was ready to come completely clean about my accomplice, and asked for a meeting with him and the authorities. We met on Tuesday and I turned copies of all the evidence over to the police. They asked if I had any suggestions as to when they could pick Brenda up. I said I would arrange for her to turn herself in Thursday morning, so that was set.

Then came Wednesday…

Megan, Jesse, and I had all planned on working half days to give ourselves the afternoon to get ready. We had moved some basic stuff into the penthouse and were living there as we prepared to move the rest of our meager belongings following weekend. Around 10:00 AM I was at work and got a call from my sister.

“Hi Jess, what’s up?” I asked.

“We have a problem. Brenda is freaking out. She says someone is stalking her.”

“Stalking her?”

“A fan or something like that,” Jesse said. “She says it’s a woman, but she hasn’t been able to get a good look at her. Apparently this chick is always wearing a raincoat, a hat and some kind of a veil over her face. She seems to know some of the places Brenda frequents and keeps showing up and lurking about.”

“That’s creepy,” I added.

“I know, right? Brenda doesn’t feel safe at home. Mom is going to put Brenda up in a room at the hotel and we are going to run the camshow from the extra bedroom in mom’s penthouse. We have to be really careful when we go home later today so Brenda doesn’t see us.”

“Got it,” I said.

“The strange part about it is that our mother doesn’t appear to be worried about all this. Thankfully that calm demeanor is rubbing off on Brenda some. If Brenda were to lose her shit and go to the police, she’d probably be taken right into custody, and we don’t want that until after the show tonight.”

When Jesse and I got back to the hotel early that afternoon, we snuck in the back entrance. We were going to take the freight elevator up to the floor beneath the penthouses and walk the rest of the way, but Jesse wanted to make a quick check in at the front desk to find out if Brenda was in her room. We walked up the service corridor to a doorway that opened to the area behind the front desk.

The lobby was mostly empty except for a couple of people passing through and two staff members behind the front desk. While Jesse asked about Brenda – who was apparently in her room – I scanned the area and noticed that there was also a woman sitting in a chair on the far side, near the bar. I tapped Jesse on the shoulder and pointed.

The woman matched Brenda’s de***********ion of the stalker. She was wearing a very light full-length, gray raincoat and a black brimmed lady’s hat. The hat had a heavy layer of black lace draped over the face, so it was impossible to make out facial features. She either had short hair or it was pinned up inside her hat. She had on black high-heeled shoes and dark tights or stockings that weren’t quite shear but weren’t quite opaque.

Jesse and I scurried back to the freight elevator, took it to the level below ours, then walked up to the penthouse level and knocked on our mother’s door.

“The stalker is down in the lobby!” I said when our mother opened the door.

She shrugged.

“Don’t worry about it,” she said.

“Don’t worry about it?” Jesse said. “If Brenda goes down there and sees her, she’ll freak out. She’ll cancel the show tonight. If she calls the police she’ll end up in custody.”

Our mother shook her head.

“If she cancels the show, we’ll have it anyway and just go down and drag her up in chains. That might be fun,” she said, smiling. “And she won’t go to the police without talking to me first and getting my take. I’m not worried. Now let’s get busy on setting up for tonight.”

Megan showed up a few minutes later, and we spent the next couple of hours setting up a spare room in my mother’s penthouse as a cam studio. Then Megan, Jesse and I went back to our own suite to get ready.

We had instructions to watch the show from our own penthouse, not come over until Brenda was restrained, and to enter the room in a certain order. So shortly before 8:00 the three of us gathered in our living room. Megan wore a pair of sheer booty shorts, no underwear, and a bikini top. Jesse had on a corset-and-bra getup and a pair of fishnet stockings. At my mother’s orders, I dressed up. I wore a dress shirt, a tie, and a pair of slacks – but no underwear. I also had a black gimp mask I was to put on before I came into the room with the camshow.

I fired up the laptop (making sure the camera was off) and hooked into the camshow site. There was a brief wait before Brenda started up the show, but then her cam came up and the image of the third bedroom in our mother’s penthouse leapt into the screen. Brenda was dressed in a red baby doll only, and our mother wore her usual leather dom outfit that consisted of a corset, large nipple piercings, a black thong, and thigh-high boots. She looked incredibly hot.

Brenda went through her usual pre-show routine, talking to the audience a bit, who I could see had swelled to several hundred viewers. She also introduced our mother – her sister – as herself for the first time. Previously our mother had worn a mask and her identity had been a secret, but today her face was bare. When Brenda said that she was her sister, the chat box in the camshow lit up and awards showered in.

After the intros, Brenda reached over to our mother, as if she was going to touch her breasts and kiss her.

Our mother grabbed Brenda’s hair and forced her head down towards the floor, making Brenda lick her boots. Brenda’s top slipped down, accidentally I’m sure, exposing one of her breasts as she licked her way up my mother’s tall leather boots.

This was all pretty much standard foreplay when they did a dom show, so it was part of the usual ***********. Brenda’s tongue reached the top of our mother’s boots, and she tried to slip higher up our mother’s thigh, but again, our mother snatched her hair and forced her to focus on her boots. This was repeated one more time, and this time our mother grabbed Brenda’s arm and snapped on handcuffs, pulling her arms behind her back.

Brenda had been through this routine many times, and she smiled at the camera as she lay on the bed, her ass in the air, as my mother slapped her hips hard enough to leave red marks. After a few strikes, our mother stepped back and produced a pair of leg cuffs that she snatched onto Brenda’s ankles then anchored onto the legs on the bed. Brenda’s ass and snatch were pointed at the camera.

This was our cue. The three of us slipped out of our own apartment and into our mother’s. Meanwhile, our mother ripped Brenda’s babydoll off her body, leaving our aunt naked in front of the camera, then turned to the camera.

“We have several special guests for tonight’s show,” she said. “The first one is another family member. My daughter Jesse, come on in.”

Brenda looked back at the camera with an initial look of surprise and something else – fear maybe? Jesse sauntered into the room in her outfit. She did a complete turn for the camera, then stood in front of Brenda.

“Hi Auntie,” she said. She pulled down the cups of her bra, exposing her breasts. Her heavy mammaries and silver dollar sized nipples hovered just inches in front of Brenda’s lips, but when the older woman leaned in to try to suck on her niece’s hard, erect nipples, Jesse jerked back and slapped Brenda’s face. It wasn’t a play slap, it was the real thing and if left a red mark on Brenda’s cheek.

“Not yet,” Jesse said. She stood in front of Brenda and ran her fingertips over her own breasts, teasing her own nipples and pulling them up so she could suck her own tits. She rubbed them together and squeezed the nipples, stretching them out, gently. She leaned forward again and hovered them in front of Brenda’s lips.

Brenda, feeling a little hesitant after the previous slap, held back. Jesse ran her tongue over her lips, pursed them, and blew Brenda a kiss, then pushed the tips of her nipples even closer to Brenda’s face. The hard, erect, points of her pendulous breasts hovered just an inch from Brenda’s mouth. The older woman’s mouth opened, she looked up into Jesse’s eyes, then pressed forward towards her breasts.


Jesse’s strike was hard, she wasn’t playing games. It was enough to turn Brenda’s other cheek bright red.

Jesse gazed down into Brenda’s eyes, but Brenda glared back up. I could see in the video that Brenda sensed something wasn’t going as planned, but she wasn’t ready to call a stop to it. After all, wimping out on a bondage show when your entire audience was looking for abuse wasn’t going to help grow her fan base. So she stared angrily back up at Jesse, but didn’t say anything.

My mother moved to stand in front of Jesse, and she embraced her daughter. The two of them kissed, pressing their breasts together. Our mother running her hands up Jesse’s ass, down her chest, and leaned down to suck at her daughter’s breasts greedily. Brenda, just inches away, watched jealously as my mother sucked my sister’s nipples and gently squeezed my sister’s mountainous breasts. Jesse moaned, and Brenda echoed that moan as she watched my mother work on Jesse’s chest.

On the camshow, the audience was eating it up.

My mother pulled back then pushed Jesse into a chair in the corner of the room, and turned to the camera.

“Now watch me eat out my little girl’s pussy,” she said.

Slipping her tongue down her daughter’s stomach to the tidy landing strip above her snatch, our mother planted her lips on her daughter’s clitoris. Jesse closed her eyes and moaned again, leaning her head back and surrendering to the experience as our mother slipped one finger, then two, into her slit and licked her labia and clit. She pushed her fingers in deep, finding that special spot and tickling it with her finger tips. Jesse moaned and an orgasm coursed over her body. My mother didn’t stop but continued to work over Jesse’s now-drenched cunt.

Brenda was practically panting as she watched. She leaned forward and tried to push her tongue into our mother’s ear, but Jesse opened her eyes and spotted her in time. Jesse lifted her leg and kicked her in the side of the head with her stiletto boot heel. It wasn’t a hard kick, but it was enough to hurt a little, and Brenda retreated again with a snarl that looked pretty real, not played for the camera.

In the chat room on the webcam show, the audience was totally into it, both the abuse and the incest. The awards were rolling in and the room was over 500 viewers – including men and women. Several audience members had their cams on and were jerking or stroking. The side screen was full of audience wet slits and hard cocks. This was turning into quite a show.

My mother, meanwhile, was still working over my sister’s pussy mercilessly. Jesse had her legs on our mother’s shoulders and had her eyes closed. She was holding the chair in a death grip as an orgasm washed over her, and a fresh load of her juices washed over our mother’s face.

Our mother pulled back, her chin dripping with her daughter’s cunt juice, and turned to Brenda, pursing her lips as if she was going to give her a kiss, but when Brenda leaned forward she instead received another punishing slap. Her cheek had gone from being pinkish red to being fire-engine red inflamed and several welts had erupted along the cheekbone and the jawline.

“You bitch,” she murmured, glaring darts at my mother and Jesse. “You fucking whore.”

“Flattery will get you nowhere,” my mom said, and hit her again.

Jesse was still sitting in the chair, smiling, slowly stroking her slit. My mother turned to the camera.

“Send out our next guest,” she said. “The office gimp.”

That was my cue. I pulled on my mask and stepped into the room.

Brenda looked at me and her eyes brightened. She had no idea who I was, and I think she thought I was going to fuck her while Jesse and my mom continued their makeout session. She was wrong.

My mother, her face still dripping my sister’s cunt juice, reached down and unzipped my pants, letting them fall to the floor and freeing my cock that had risen while watching the show on the computer. She leaned down on her knees in front of me and immediately took my cock into her mouth, sucking it all the way down her throat on the first stroke. I moaned and looked down at Brenda, who was watching intently as my mother deepthroated my meat, then pulled back, streamers of throat goop cascading down her breasts, past her pierced nipples, and over her leather dom outfit.

My mother pushed my hard, purple, pulsating cock towards Brenda, hovering the gaping tip in front of her mouth. Brenda hesitated, then shook her head.

“Not falling for that shit,” she said, then spit on my cock that was just a couple inches from her face.

“You don’t want his cock?” my mother asked.

“I’d love his cock,” Brenda said. “I just don’t want to be hit again. This is getting a little intense.”

“So suck it already,” my mom said. “I won’t stop you and I won’t hurt you. Just be sure that’s what you really want before you start sucking it.”

Brenda squinted her eyes above her pink, welted cheeks. She glared up at my mom as if considering if it was safe, then looked up at my face. But all she could see was my gimp hood and eyes looking out of two slits.

“You won’t hit me?” she asked.

I shook my head, and both Jesse and my mom said “no” almost simultaneously.

Tentatively, Brenda leaned her mouth forward and touched her tongue to the tip of my cock. When she wasn’t slapped immediately, she got a little braver and ran her tongue around the head, teasing the underside and flicking across the base of the head. A thick glob of pre-come formed and she flicked it off into her mouth. Then she sucked the head into her mouth.

As soon as my cock was inside her mouth, I grabbed her hair, pulled her head back, and rammed my meat down her throat.

The sudden onslaught made her choke and gag for a moment, but then, like a good porn star, she recovered quickly. I cranked up, ramming my cock in and out of her throat. Thick globs of her throat slime ran down my balls as I pistoned in and out of her mouth, and her gag reflex wrenched her stomach, but I wasn’t ready to stop.

At this point, my mother called in her next guest as I pounded my aunt’s throat.

“Megan, come on in and bring your computer,” she said.

I kept ripping in and out of Brenda’s mouth as Megan sauntered in and did a turn for the camera, then tossed her bikini to the side and stood naked in front of the lens. She slid a hand down between her legs and rubbed her cute little innie pussy. Then she flipped open her own laptop and sat in a chair she drew up in front of Brenda.

I finally slowed my pace and pulled my cock from Brenda’s mistreated throat. Globs of throat slime and pre-come dripped from the tip. Brenda’s already-red face was even redder as she glowered up at me, streamers of snot, spit and throat slime – and maybe even a little bit of puke – trailing down her chin and her mommy tits as she knelt, shackled on the bed and stared at us.

Megan opened her computer and pointed the screen at Brenda at an angle that the folks on the camshow could also see.

“What’s this?” Brenda asked. “And who are you?”

“My name’s Megan, and I’m Jesse and Bryce’s girlfriend.”

“Bryce, that little fucking delinquent,” Brenda spat. “He should have been left to rot in prison. His slut sister Jesse too.”

I restrained myself. I wanted to slap her again, but decided against it. Yet.

“I have a video I want to show you,” Megan said. “Here, watch this.”

She was about to hit “play” when my mother spoke up.

“Stop!” she said. “Wait. Before you show you that video, I want to introduce our next special guest.”

Jesse, Megan, and I turned to our mother, somewhat bewildered. She had never said anything about anyone else but us.

My mother reached for her phone and sent a text message to someone. A moment later the front door to the apartment opened and the sound of stiletto heels made their way across the penthouse to the door of the bedroom.

Slowly, a figure crept to the doorway. It was a curvy woman in a full length raincoat and a hat with a heavy veil over her face.

“What the fuck,” Brenda said. “The fucking stalker, get her away from me.” She pulled back and tried to disconnect the handcuffs, discovering for the first time they weren’t the quick-release ones she was used to wearing in her shows.

She sat up on her knees, then tried to shimmy off the bed, but found her legs were too tightly shackled.

“What the fuck,” she repeated, her face, already red and inflamed, turned even redder. She turned to my mother.

“Tough shit, bitch,” my mother said and drew back as if slap her again. Brenda cowered and my mother stayed her hand.

The mysterious woman who stood in the doorway slowly unbuckled the belt on her raincoat and let it fall to the floor. She wore a full-length black, semi-transparent body suit. She looked to be somewhat older than our mother and Brenda, but she clearly had had some surgical assistance. Her breasts stood out firmly in front of her body, and long, pert nipples pointed to the sky atop upturned mounds. Her stomach was firm and fit, showing times at the gym, and though her hips swayed outward, they were fit and her legs were well toned.

Around her waist and between her legs she wore a harness and hanging off it was a huge dildo that had to be close to eighteen inches long and nearly as big around as my fist.

Something clicked in the back of my mind. I realized I knew who this woman was as she reached up and pulled her hat and veil off her head and tossed them to the floor atop her coat. Long black-and-silver tresses cascaded over her shoulders and down her back almost to her waist. Her face, like her body, showed the signs of surgical enhancement.

I gasped.

“Grandmother…” Jesse and I said simultaneously.

My mother spoke up. “This is my and Brenda’s mother, who has come to participate in her youngest daughter’s humiliation.”

A little backstory here: our grandmother had decided when she was about the age our mother was now that she would not go into old age quietly and had been having little surgeries here and there over the years – along with a small army of personal trainers – to keep herself looking as gorgeous as possible.

As I stood here looking at her, with a huge latex dong hanging between her thighs, I had to admit, she had been successful. She looked utterly hot, and pretty damn fuckable. She was the quintessential MILF – or GILF, I guessed. I hoped I would have a chance to fuck her at least once before the show was over. And I also wondered if she would be a regular lay like my mom.

Brenda swore, bringing me back to the moment.

“Keep that fucking thing away from me, mom,” she said, staring at the immense schlong my grandmother had on.

“My lovely daughter,” my grandmother said, rubbing her hands down the sheer bodysuit that encased her well-tended body. “Had I known you for what you were, I would have shoved this up your ass a long time ago.”

“Fuck you.” Brenda asked.

My mother spoke up.

“Megan, start the video,” she said.

Megan complied, and for the next three minutes the room was silent except for Megan’s narration explaining how she figured out it was Brenda on the security video that led to my arrest. When the video was finished, Brenda sat in silence. The webcam audience watched, enrapt, and about halfway through, started sending invectives at Brenda for her betrayal.

The video ended. Brenda glanced nervously around the room.

“Game over, bitch,” my grandmother said.

I looked at my mother and she nodded. I unzipped my hood and pulled it off.

Brenda’s eyes got wide as saucers as she looked up at me.

“Yeah,” I added. “Game over, bitch.”

My mother turned to the camera.

“This is my other child, Bryce,” she said. “He spent time in jail because of what Brenda did to him, to his sister, to the entire family. Today is revenge, the first day of many.”

My mother threw a bottle of lube to my grandmother who dropped a couple of dollops on Brenda’s asshole and then coated the dong.

“Don’t you fucking dare shove that thi…” Brenda started, but I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, shoving my cock back into her mouth and down her throat. Simultaneously, my grandmother began sliding the huge dong into her asshole. Brenda moaned and tried to pull away, but I shoved my cock all the way in. She gagged once then beat at my thighs with her shoulders, but it didn’t do any good. I pistoned my cock in and out of her mouth as trickles of throat slime and even a trace of vomit, slipped out of her mouth and down her chin.

My grandmother showed more mercy than I would have, and stopped when she was about halfway into Brenda’s asshole, then began slowly sliding the immense dong in and out of her hole. My aunt’s asshole gripped and slipped up and down the shaft of the huge artificial cock, her stretched sphincter pushing in and out along the thick meat of the dildo. Brenda moaned around my cock that was still buried in her throat. I loosened my grip and let her slide out for just a moment before ramming it back in. A fresh glob of throat slime and a tiny dribble that might have been puke slid down her chin.

My grandmother and I smiled at each over over Brenda’s spit-roasted body. We both leaned forward and shared a kiss, and I ran a hand up her stomach to her breasts. I could tell they were surgically enhanced, but they were still soft, firm, and delightful with long, hard, upturned nipples. She had super soft skin that was a joy to touch. I pulled her closer and bent down, licking and sucking her tits through the thin fabric of the body suit.

My grandmother used her fingernails to rip the nylon fabric and bared her breast for me. I locked my lips around the nipple, licking and sucking.

Then I reached around my grandmother’s hips and pulled her closer, which pushed the dong even deeper into Brenda’s asshole. She let out a moan around my cock which was still buried in the back of her throat. I didn’t care, and actually it felt pretty damn good. I had spent years in lockup because of this bitch, she could spend years with my cock down her throat. My grandmother and I shared a deep soul kiss while Brenda struggled and tried to get free impaled between us.

My grandmother and I kissed again and Brenda gagged, tightening her muscles around my cock. I felt my balls contract and knew I was about to unload. I disengaged from my grandmother’s kiss and leaned back, giving two, three, four hard strokes into Brenda’s throat, then pulling out just as my first load of the evening rocketed from the end of my cock. I coated Brenda’s face as she cursed at me.

“Why so mad?” I asked. “I watched all your vids. I thought you liked it rough?”

“Fuck you, you little delinquent,” she said, trying to wipe the come, spit, and throat slime off her face and tits. But instead my grandmother gave another stroke and pushed the monster dong even deeper into Brenda’s ass. She groaned and uttered another “fuck you”, leaning forward onto her shoulders and tits, trying to find a comfortable position as her mother drove the gigantic dildo ever deeper into her asshole.

The camshow audience was now approaching a thousand viewers and awards and kudos were pouring in. We were raking in cash.

The shots of come from my pulsating cock lessened and I leaned back from Brenda’s defiled face. My cock was beginning to lose tone. I began slowly stroking it when my mother appeared next to me.

She turned to the camera.

“I’m his mother,” she said. “I helped send him to prison wrongly and I have a lot to make up for.”

My mother leaned her tits against my chest and kissed me, our tongues intertwined. I bent down and licked her soft, delightful, giant mommy tits, pulling her nipple piercings and stretching out the nipple. She moaned and ran her hands down my stomach to my cock that was still only at half staff after shooting my load all over Brenda’s face. A drop of semen still hung from the tip of my meat as my mother began stroking it.

I buried my face in my mother’s cleavage then pressed her mammoth tits together and sucked both nipples at once. I looked up at her face and she had her eyes closed, enjoying the sensation. I pushed her down so I could slip my cock between her tits as I squeezed them together.

Meanwhile, on the bed, my mother’s mother had her eighteen inch dildo almost all the way into Brenda’s asshole and was making the final push towards glory. Brenda moaned and cried, but nothing was stopping my grandmother. She was going to make her daughter take it all whether she wanted to or not.

Jesse had positioned herself behind our grandmother and was reaching through her legs to drive three fingers into Brenda’s snatch – working on numbers four and five. Meanwhile our grandmother had pulled her ass cheeks apart and Jesse ate out her asshole while she tried to fist Brenda. Jesse got the other fingers inside Brenda’s cavernous cunt, then turned her hand, sliding it along the dildo in Brenda’s asshole from the inside. Juice gushed from Brenda’s vagina and she made a sound that was half pain and half pleasure.

I think Brenda was starting to enjoy the humiliation.

At Brenda’s other end, Megan had found a strap on and was picking up reaming out Brenda’s mouth where I had left off. More slime and bits of stomach contents slipped from Brenda’s abused throat.

My mother pulled my meat from where I had been sliding it between her mountainous tits and began sucking it. Her ministrations on my cock brought me back to full attention. She knelt down on the bed near Brenda and pointed her own asshole at the camera.

“Watch my son fuck my asshole,” she said, and stretched her cheeks apart, exposing the pink inside. I dumped a dollop of lube on my mother’s asshole and slid my thumbs inside to stretch it even wider – showing the gaping hole to the viewers. Then I slipped my purple, pulsating cock inside. My mother moaned as I slid my hard cock further and further into her asshole, delighting the audience that had swollen to over 1500 viewers who kept the awards rolling in.

I grabbed my mother’s hips and picked up the pace, my stomach slamming against her ass, sending ripples through her wide hips. She grabbed her tits and squeezed them, pulling one up to her lips so she could suck on it. Her assflesh grabbed my cock as I powered my meat in and out of her anus.

It was incredibly hot, fucking my mother’s sphincter in front of a horde of viewers who knew she was my mom and were getting off on it. It was more than hot, it was intoxicating. I felt like a porn star. I ripped off my shirt and tie – the only articles of clothing I still had on – and continued pumping my meat in and out of her ass, my balls slamming against her slit, her assflesh prolapsing with each stroke. Jesse pulled back from eating our grandmother’s asshole and fisting Brenda. She leaned over to me, pressing her tits against the side of my chest and kissing me. Our lips locked and our tongues intertwined. I pulled out of my mother’s asshole long enough for Jesse to deep throat my meat a couple of times before ramming it back home into my mother’s pink, gaping sphincter while my sister and I kissed and I fondled her giant tits.

Meanwhile, grandmother had her foot-and-a-half dong fully inside Brenda’s ass. Seeing my aunt’s raggedy asshole pushed beyond its limits was a thing of beauty. Megan had pulled out of Brenda’s mouth and Brenda now had her head down, buried in bedsheets that were soaked with her spit, vomit, and my come. I think she was crying. When I thought of how I had spent years in juvenile jail because of her, I had no sympathy. In fact, watching her suffer made me even harder inside my mother’s asshole.

I leaned forward over my mother’s body and squeezed her tits. She turned her head back and we kissed as I ramped up my work on her asshole.

I think our grandmother decided it was time to give Brenda a break, because she slowly slid the monster dildo out of her asshole. It slipped from my aunt’s sphincter inch-by-inch as muffled moans of relief came from the shackled Brenda. Brenda’s assflesh grabbed the dong as it slid out, prolapsing out six or more inches from her sphincter. When the head of the massive dildo finally popped free from Brenda’s asshole, it gaped open in front of the camera and just hung there, seemingly pushed beyond its limits. The audience had a long view of the gaping hole and the crumpled, pink, abused flesh inside Brenda’s ass. A streamer of lube trickled out before the muscles finally contracted and the sphincter tried unsuccessfully to slam shut, instead just gaping slickly open, a lobe of abused, inflamed flesh hanging out.

That was about all I could handle and I felt my balls tighten again. My mother felt it too and she bore down with her muscles, squeezing my cock tight as I pistoned in and out of her asshole. That was all I could take. A thick load of semen rocketed from my cock deep into my mother’s hungry, well-used asshole.

As I shot my sticky wad into my mother, my grandmother stood next to me, pressed her tits against my chest and we kissed. I reached down and tore was what left of her bodysuit from her and buried my face in her soft, firm tits even as my cock continued to dump my come into my mother’s deep wet asshole. My grandmother’s breasts were incredible. I licked the wide aureoles and pulled the long nipples inside my mouth, even as I slipped a hand between her legs and tugged gently at the heavy, meaty labia that hung there.

My orgasm was ebbing and my cock was flagging. I slipped out from my mother’s gaping asshole and my grandmother immediately grabbed my still pulsating, cock. She dropped to her knees and began sucking my meat, teasing it, trying to bring it back to attention. My mother rolled over and sat their watching us, stroking her own thick labia, teasing herself to more orgasms as she looked on, even as lube and my come dribbled from her pulsating, stretched asshole.

It only took a couple of minutes of work for my grandmother to bring my cock back to life. I had wanted to get inside her the moment she appeared, so I had been primed. She climbed on the bed and pointed her own asshole at me.

“Get inside me,” she said breathlessly, pulling her cheeks apart and dumping lube between them.

She was my grandmother. I had to do what she told me, right?

I slipped my thick, resurgent cock into my grandmother’s ass. She groaned as I slid inside. My mother watched, rubbing her pussy harder and faster as I pushed deep inside her mother’s asshole.

Beside us, Brenda was laying silently on the bed. She seemed to have stopped crying and was quietly watching us, not saying anything. Her red, inflamed asshole still stood open, lube dribbling from the gaping flesh. I think she hoped we had forgotten she was there so there wouldn’t be any more abuse. I glanced at the camshow screen. We had several thousand viewers and awards and accolades were pouring in. My aunt’s camshow account was raking in the money.

Across the room, Jesse had pulled on a small strap on and was giving Megan’s cute little pussy a slow, passionate, incredibly hot fuck. Megan had her eyes closed and seemed to be in Nirvana. The two were lost in each other, the rest of the world had gone away.

My grandmother also had her eyes closed and was bearing down on my cock, making me feel every muscle in her asshole as I worked my well-lubed cock in and out of her hole. She groaned as her assflesh, like my mother’s, grabbed my cock and slid in and out of her sphincter with each stroke. My mother leaned over and she and my grandmother kissed, then my mother slid up and spread her legs in front of my grandmother, who dove in and began devouring her wet, thick, meaty labia and hard, erect clit. My grandmother slid two fingers from each hand into her daughter’s asshole, pulled it apart, and began sucking lube and my come from my mother’s ass, gulping it down. My mother pulled one of her breasts up to her own lips and sucked.

Brenda, peeking up tentatively and watching the three-way that was going on beside her, leaned over and made a tentative movement towards my mother’s other tit. My mom watched her out of the corner of her eye, and as soon as Brenda’s tongue caught the tip of her nipple, she lashed out, giving Brenda’s red, welted cheek another strike. Brenda cowered away and buried her face back into the sheets. I slapped her ass, hard, then refocused on my grandmother’s well-used ass that I was pistoning in and out of.

My grandmother looked up from my mother’s snatch, then leaned back. We kissed over her shoulder.

“Are you going to finish me or not?” she gasped, before diving back into my mother’s snatch.

I didn’t need more motivation. I ramped up the pace. My grandmother moaned as my cock reamed in and out of her asshole – the flesh of her ass shaking with each stroke as my stomach pounded against her hips, and her anal tissue grabbing on to my meat. She moaned again and cranked down her muscles, tightening against my cock. I gave one more mighty stroke and my balls unloaded, dumping a load of my seed into my grandmother’s ass.

I groaned as shot after shot of my pearls dumped into my grandmother. I looked down and met my mother’s eyes. She wore a smile from ear to ear.

Things became a blur. I fucked my mother again, then Jesse, then Megan, then went another round with my grandmother. I think we all kind of forgot that Brenda was shackled in the middle of the room and just did our thing around her. I have no idea how many times I fucked the women in the room. Two hours later, covered in grool, spit, lube, and semen, we closed out the camshow. It had been an incredible night.


We took Brenda to the police station the next day and she confessed. She made bail and was remanded into my mother’s custody. My mother refused to help with her legal fees and Brenda had to sell her house and moved into a tiny hotel room my mother provided downstairs from her. She continued to cam, though it was with a whole lot less gusto than she had shown previously.

My name was cleared and my probation was ended. The judge decided I had paid my dues and my record was expunged. I had a fresh start.

We (myself, my mother, Jesse, my grandmother, Megan) talked a lot about what to do with Brenda in the weeks between her arrest and the trial. Brenda pled guilty on several lesser charges and was going to be sentenced to about two years in prison. But on the day of sentencing, the five of us appeared in court and asked that, instead of jail time, Brenda be given house arrest.

The judge agreed and Brenda was remanded into our custody where she is not allowed to leave the hotel. For the next two years (at least) she is our personal servant. I’m satisfied with that outcome. Yeah, it would have felt good to know she was locked up getting the same treatment I got, but instead we have a servant and, basically, a personal slave. She has to do anything we tell her or she risks getting sent to lockup. I slap her ass hard every time I see her, and we humiliate her regularly. And any of us can fuck her whenever we please. She hates it, so I love it.

We took over Brenda’s camshow and now we have twice-a-month shows, an OF page, and all the usual stuff that comes with being camwhores. It’s fun.

Megan, Jesse, and I continue to work on our relationship. We are very content. Jesse and I did end up finding a therapist we could work with and now we each see her individually twice a month, and then as a group (all three of us) once a month. The relationship we are developing is beautiful.

Our mother still lives in the penthouse next to us and yes, we all have sex pretty regularly. My grandmother comes to town every couple of months and joins in. Brenda gets to join us a few times a year but most of the time is forced to just watch from the sidelines, if we let her in the room at all.

Jesse and I are learning the family business and expect to inherit the hotels someday.

And the mother with the two college aged daughters we met in the pool come back to the hotel a few times a year for a fun, sexy, little reunion.

Life is good.

(And they lived happily ever after)


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