The O’Rourke Clan Pt. 1 by JSipes7798

The O’Rourke Clan Pt. 1
by JSipes7798

Have you ever wondered what it might be like growing up in a large family with lots of brothers, sisters, cousins, aunts, and uncles? Brody O’Rourke will tell you that first, you have virtually little or no privacy whatsoever. And you often must share a bedroom or possibly a bed with one or two of your siblings. It depends on how large your home and family are.

There can be fun times in a large family, but there can also be some not so fun times. There will be happy times and some sad times. There are light-hearted moments and then some tense soul-searching moments. In most large families, one can feel safe and loved, whereas, in other families, one may become vulnerable to sexual molestation. I’m not saying that large families are more prone to incest, but it can happen even in the most respectable families.

Incest is a genetic sexual attraction to a relative. The reason why close relatives are sometimes sexually attracted to one another is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question? The answer you get will largely depend on the Psychologist you ask. As you may have already figured out, this story is about incest. If incest is something you don’t want to read about, then I recommend moving on to another story. This story is for those who enjoy reading and fantasizing about incest. It is not to generate a debate about incest. If you choose to read on, then I hope you enjoy the story. Feel free to comment on the story but not open to debate about the appropriateness of the subject. Let’s save that for another day.


Let’s start by giving you a snapshot of the O’Rourke family structure to understand better what happens and why. Brody is the youngest of six children born to Grady and Maura O’Rourke. His brothers and sisters listed in the order of their birth are as follows: firstborn Timothy and Fiona, who are twins, followed by Patrick, Liam, Deirdre, and then Brody. Timothy and Fiona were eighteen years old when Brody was born. Timothy and Fiona have red hair, green eyes, and a sprinkling of freckles, just like their mother, Maura. Patrick, Liam, and Deirdre have light brownish hair, and blue eyes like their father, Grady. Brody has sandy red hair and green eyes like Timothy and Fiona, but no freckles.

Brody’s parents, Grady and Maura, are third-generation Irish-Catholics who got married straight out of high school. Grady O’Rourke followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather and went to work on the docks in Boston Harbor. The job was back-breaking work, but the pay and benefits were good, considering they were Irishmen. Most Irishmen had a tough time finding employment back then. The O’Rourke’s never had much money and live in a modest part of a predominately Irish neighborhood. They have always been a very close and loving family. Simple pleasures – that’s always been the key to their family happiness.

Maura O’Rourke, like most Irish homemakers at the time, became a stay at home Mom who had a newborn practically every other year. The laundry, cooking, and general housekeeping kept Maura quite busy. Grady and Maura were old fashioned Irish, and with so many children in such a short time, they followed Irish tradition and depended on the older children to help care for the younger ones. Everyone in the family had a specific job to do.

There is a nine-year age gap between Brody and Deirdre, which would indicate he was probably not planned for in advance. Brody, being the youngest of six and having three older brothers and two loving, older sisters, found that being the youngest had its advantages and disadvantages. Brody loved each of his siblings dearly, but being the baby of the family was also a bit like having two extra moms and three extra dads. That can be a good thing, but it can also be bad, depending on the circumstances.

Brody enjoyed having two extra moms because his older sisters always loved him and hugged him, also making sure all his needs were met. However, having three additional fathers was a different story. Brody always had one or more father figures making sure he walked a straight line and didn’t make the same stupid mistakes they had made. Timothy (aka Tim) was the strictest of all his big brothers, especially when it became necessary to discipline him. Brody loved having them look out for his best interest, but he didn’t need or want someone telling him every move to make as Tim often did.


Tim had been a very horny teenaged kid, and his parents received many, many complaints during his high school years about him defiling someone’s virgin daughter. Tim’s libido seemed to always be in overdrive. In other words, he couldn’t seem to keep his dick in his pants. Even though he was going steady with Kathleen Houlihan all through high school, he still needed to sample the other young women around him. Tim and Kathleen got married two months before graduating from high school and moved in with Tim’s parents. Tim married Kathleen just before graduating high school because he got her pregnant.

Tim and Kathleen’s full-term twin daughters, Shannon and Bridget, were born seven months after they graduated high school, and Tim went to work on the Boston docks to support his new family. It was a tight squeeze at the O’Rourke house, especially after Shannon and Bridget were born. Shannon is Tim’s and Kathleen’s firstborn, followed by her twin sister, Bridget, who arrived only six minutes later.

Fiona helped her sister-in-law, Kathleen, with the twins for a couple of months and then moved into the Convent of the Poor Shepard and became a Nun. That made more room for Tim and Kathleen at his parent’s house. Fiona completed her high schooling at the Convent while becoming a novice nun. She continued to help Kathleen with the twins when time away from her Nun duties permitted.

Six months after Shannon and Bridget were born, Tim’s parents helped him, and Kathleen buy a small house down the block from them. A month after they moved into that new house, Tim and Kathleen had a third daughter (Katie) who arrived only eight months after the twins. That put an additional burden on Kathleen, but Deidre stepped in along with Fiona to ease the burden. Brody, Tim’s new baby brother, was born the day before Katie’s birth. To simplify things, Fiona and Deidre volunteered to babysit Katie and Brody when possible.

Katie was born to Tim and Kathleen on August 1st, just minutes after Brody was born to Grady and Maura near midnight on July 31st. Katie and Brody both had strawberry blonde hair and green eyes at birth. Most people think that they are twins even though they had different parents, and Brody was born in July and Katie in August. However, they do celebrate their birthdays together each year.

Katie and Brody did look enough alike to be twins. They also seem to have that secret communication between themselves that twins often have. They spent much of their early years together because their families lived on the same block and regularly celebrated holidays and birthdays. That could account for the secret twin-like communication between them.

Fiona and Deirdre became the designated babysitters for both Katie and Brody because Kathleen had her hand’s full tending to her twin daughters. Neither Katie nor Brody suffered from a lack of attention. Fiona often treated the two as though they were her children. Fiona taught third grade at Saint Patrick Catholic School so, Deirdre cared for Brody and Katie when Fiona was busy tending to her duties as a nun. If Deirdre were attending classes at Boston College, she would drop Brody at Kathleen’s house. Between Tim and Kathleen, Patrick, Liam, Deirdre, and Fiona, Brody, and Katie never had to worry about their needs, not being met. Fiona and Deidre were very loving, but Tim was notably strict with Brody.

Brody practically grew up in the same household as Tim’s children. Brody learned to walk before Katie and often held her hand, helping her learn to walk. Everyone thought it was cute how Brody and Katie held each other’s hand as they walked about the house. They bonded early and became best friends. They would both get apprehensive when separated.

Katie and Brody attended the same Catholic Elementary Schools. After seeing each other at school every day, on the weekends’ Brody would either walk down the block to Katie’s house or Katie would walk to Brody’s house. Thinking back, Brody spent more time at Tim’s house than his own home. Katie and Brody would play together for hours at a time, running around outside, building forts from blankets and watching movies on the VCR. Brody never objected when Katie insisted; he play tea party with her. They would even have sleepovers together. They were not allowed to sleep in the same room, but their parents were happy with their close friendship.

Brody is officially an uncle to Tim’s daughters, and they are his nieces, but he felt as though they are more akin to be his sisters rather than his nieces. However, that didn’t stop the girls from calling him Uncle Brody, which caused him a lot of grief all through elementary school and high school.


Katie and Brody couldn’t have been more than ten or eleven years old when they shared their first kiss. That happened at a classmate’s birthday party when they were playing spin the bottle. Katie gave the bottle a good spin, and it ended up pointing straight at Brody. He turned about three shades of red but said nothing. Katie saw his reaction and offered to spin again, but the classmates would not hear of it. The rules stated that the person spinning the bottle had to kiss the person it landed on. The only exception is if the bottle landed on someone of the same gender.

Katie and Brody sat staring at one another, but neither tried to effectuate the kiss. Their fellow student started chanting; kiss, kiss, kiss……! Finally, Brody leaned in and gave Katie a quick peck on the cheek and then set back with a smile. Their classmates ruled that a kiss had to be on the lips and last at least to the count of five. Katie walked over to Brody, took his hand, and pulled him to his feet. Standing on her tiptoes, she placed the palm of her right hand on Brody’s cheek and pressed her lips to his. They both closed their eyes as their lips touched, and their giggling classmates began a slow count.

Brody felt a spark of electricity the moment their lips touched. Katie felt a tingling throughout her whole body. She couldn’t explain it. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before. When the classmates reached the count of five, Katie and Brody continued to hold their kiss. They were both oblivious to what was going on around them. When they realized their classmates called time, they both turned multiple shades of red. It may have caused them some embarrassment, but they each had to admit that they enjoyed the kiss.

Things were different after that day, and they started viewing each other in a different light. They were no longer just related to each other. They were more, but neither could explain what had changed. Brody felt a new attraction to Katie that he was too young to understand. She felt a similar attraction toward Brody but had no intention of telling him. She was afraid it would hinder their relationship. Katie’s friends became Brody’s friends, and Brody’s friends became Katie’s friends.

Even after they started high school, Katie and Brody remained close and continued hanging out. Katie attended St. Agnes Academy, an all girl’s Catholic School. Brody attended St. Paul’s High School for boys. Katie still came to Brody’s house at least once or twice a week, or Brody would go over to her house. But by that age, they had both stopped playing juvenile games together. Tea parties were a thing of the past. That activity was replaced with games like Truth or Dare. They both became more curious about the opposite sex, especially after Katie developed boobs. Boys were paying more attention to Katie because of her newly developing breasts, as was Brody. Brody knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t help getting an erection whenever he fantasized about Katie’s naked tits. Brody got very jealous when boys gawked at Katie’s breasts. Brody got very angry when boys made off-color remarks about what they would like to do with Katie even though he had similar thoughts about her.

Katie and Brody would often close her bedroom door and look out for her parents whenever they played the truth or dare game. Even though they knew it was inappropriate, they were both more interested in what the other had beneath their clothing. They never crossed that line or attempted to have intercourse with each other but, they did teach each other how to French kiss, and Katie divulged to Brody what girls liked when they made out on dates, and he told her what guys fantasized about when they made out with girls. They became each other’s confidants and shared many secrets they would never dream of sharing with others. They considered themselves soulmates.


Tim was more of a father to Brody than a brother. Brody never really viewed Tim as just a brother. Tim was his father figure and was as strict with him as he was with his daughters. Tim had become a devout Catholic and was very protective of his daughter’s virtue. God forbid if Brody or anyone else uttered anything about sex in front of Tim’s daughters. If something sexual were mentioned in Tim’s daughters’ presence, one would think the world was coming to an end. Anything about sex was taboo and not allowed in front of Tim’s daughters. Sex was something only he and Kathleen could talk about with their daughters. Brody once said something about masturbation in front of his nieces and was severely chastised by Tim.

When Shannon was a senior in high school, Brody couldn’t help but gawk at her luscious tits. Bridgett had nice tits too, but nothing compared to Shannon’s. Brody had to be careful that Tim didn’t see him gawking at either of them because that would lead to a severe scolding. Sometimes Brody watched Shannon with binoculars from an upstairs bedroom window when she sunbath by the pool. He pretended he was playing video games upstairs, but every time she worked on her tan by the family pool, Brody was watching and masturbating. Shannon would lay on her stomach and unfasten her bikini top to allow for an even tan. She would place a magazine in front of her and rise on her elbows to read it. With the help of the binoculars, Brody often got a glimpse of her nipples.

Tim’s strict attitude about anything sexual in front of his daughters was maybe why Shannon became a nun straight out of high school like her Aunt Fiona. Brody always thought that Shannon becoming a Nun, was a terrible waste of good pussy. He still rues the day Shannon entered the Convent. Brody was sad because Shannon was such a beautiful teenage girl with fantastic tits that no man will ever see because of the apparel Nuns have to wear.

Brody was just as horny as his brother Tim but was better able to control his urges. He was able to take matters into his own hands rather than harass the young females around him.


Tim’s daughter, Bridgett, enrolled at Boston College the same year Shannon entered the Convent. Shannon went on to teach fifth grade at St. Mary’s Catholic School, but that didn’t stop Brody from using her for masturbating fodder. If anything, it increased his desire to claim her cherry. Brody often fantasizes about fucking her while she is wearing her nun apparel. He often jacked-off while imagining Sister Mary Shannon bending over her teaching desk while he fucked her from behind. Brody found it more arousing that Shannon was a little over a year older than him and still a virgin. At least he thinks she is still a virgin.

Brody had often heard that the Convents are overrun with older lesbian Nuns who had sworn off men but were sexually attracted to the young novice Nuns; especially if the Novice is sexually inexperienced. They loved dipping their tongue into a wet virgin pussy. When Brody gets horny, he likes to masturbate while visualizing Shannon lying naked in bed with the Mother Superior’s face between her thighs. Brody loved to fantasize about Shannon squeezing the Mother Superior’s head with her thighs and twisting the hard nipples on her young breast as she rode out one orgasm after another. He heard that pussy licking happened quite often in many of the Convents, but let’s save the Convent fantasies for another story.


It is always the little things that cause problems. Everything big starts as a little thing, but then becomes a big thing. This issue began three days after Katie and Brody’s eighteenth birthday. As young kids, Brody and Katie often cuddled together on the den couch under a blanket at Katie’s house and watched TV. You would find them together on the couch with Katie’s Mom and Dad every Friday night. Bridget never enjoyed TV night and would go out with friends or just hang out in her bedroom. As Katie and Brody got older, they did other stuff together, like go out with friends and so on, but still, on Friday nights, the family TV evenings would carry on. Brody was in the habit of spending Friday and Saturday nights at Katie’s house. He even had his bedroom for the weekend at Katie’s home. Tim and Kathleen were usually present on the couch with them. It was cozy and innocent. Always innocent until it became a big thing.

Katie started dating, Clancy Ahearn against Brody’s advice. Clancy is a year older than Katie and Brody. Their relationship was not too serious. Not yet, anyway. They’ve been going out for about six months. Brody didn’t like Katie dating Clancy. He didn’t feel Clancy would treat her right. Brody would never admit it, but he was more jealous than concerned about how Clancy would treat Katie.

Even though Katie was dating Clancy, she and Brody still had a few simple pleasures they shared. One of the chief pleasures has been to sit down together and watch TV every Friday night. Clancy had to help in his Dad’s store on Friday evenings, so Brody and Katie would still curl up on the couch, sometimes under a blanket, and watch TV together. When they were younger, they shared the sofa with Tim and Kathleen, but as Brody and Katie grew, her Dad migrated from the couch to a recliner chair by the window. When Tim moved off the sofa, Katie’s Mom continued to sit with them on the couch. Everyone had their favorite place on the couch. Katie, at the far-left end, Brody in the middle and Katie’s Mom on his right.

This story actually begins on a Friday evening three days after their 18th birthday. The family sat down at about eight o’clock to watch a movie—all in their usual places. Katie was wearing her night stuff. An extra-long tee shirt with a bra and panties underneath. Brody wore a tee shirt and boxers. Nothing unusual there. They sat down together on the sofa with Katie’s Mom on his far-right side, and Katie is resting her head on Brody’s left shoulder. They shared a blanket with Katie’s Mom when it got chilly in the evenings.

After half an hour or so into the movie, Brody put his arm around Katie’s shoulder and let his hand dangle down by her left arm. This action was again something he had done many times over the years. It’s hard to say how long Brody stayed in that position, but it felt comfortable to him and Katie. He moved his arm a bit, let his hand rest in the hollow between her shoulder and her left breast. The blanket concealed the position of his hand. Tim or Kathleen couldn’t see it.

A couple of minutes pass before Brody’s hand slides down the outside of her shirt and rests gently near her left breast. Katie felt her heart beating harder as this was a bit over their established routine! Brody cupped his hand over her left breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. Katie’s heart was really pumping now, and she wondered if Brody was aware of what he was doing? Was he awake, or had he dozed off? She glanced sideways at him and saw him gazing impassively at the TV.

Katie glanced at her mother to see if she was paying attention to what they are doing. She wasn’t. Brody’s hand remained like that for what seemed like ages. Katie found the risk of being caught by her parents exciting and unnerving at the same time. She wondered why she didn’t just move his hand away. It would be a matter of simply pushing his hand away. She didn’t know why she didn’t move his hand. She really couldn’t explain, in the same way, she couldn’t begin to explain why his hand was there in the first place, especially with her Mom sitting there with them.

Katie almost jumped off the couch at the next thing that happened. The hand that was casually lying against her boob suddenly caressed it again and began to toy with her nipple through her tee-shirt and bra. And Brody’s left index finger began to rub and circle her erect nipple that was poking against her bra. Katie, all of a sudden, felt lightheaded. She was almost on the verge of fainting.

Katie wanted to scream, “Brody, what the hell are you doing? Do you even know? Are you aware that you are fondling my breast?” Katie didn’t do or say anything.

Katie’s Mom shifted and stood up to go to the bathroom, causing the blanket to slip down, exposing Brody’s hand on Katie’s breast. Brody quickly removed his hand and grabbed the blanket, pulling it back to conceal his naughty shenanigans. Katie was hyperventilating, but she instantly realized that she missed his hand when he pulled it away. Katie knew it was wrong for him to touch her like that, but she didn’t want him to stop. She was so confused.

Katie’s Mom came back, and they all watched the rest of the movie in a somewhat routine fashion. Except all Katie could think about was what her uncle had been doing. She didn’t remember watching the last part of the movie. Tim stood, stretched, and announce it was bedtime. Kathleen turned off the TV and took some dirty dishes to the kitchen while Katie sat in stunned silence. Brody acted as though nothing out of the ordinary took place. He also stretched and followed Tim upstairs. Katie and Kathleen soon followed and went off to bed.

Brody was shaking inside by the time he got to his bedroom. What was he doing, he asked himself? What was he thinking? Why did he touch Katie like that? He couldn’t explain it. Was he upset because she was dating Clancy? Brody didn’t know for sure. One minute he was watching TV but not really watching it. And then, all of a sudden, his hand was drifting toward Katie’s soft bra encumbered left breast. He was so embarrassed at what he’d done and vowed never to let it happen again. He assured himself it was a one-off thing.

But that still didn’t explain why he did it in the first place. Was he jealous of Clancy? Maybe. Was he afraid he would lose Katie’s affection for Clancy? He agreed that too could have been a motivating factor. Clancy had more experienced with girls than Brody. Clancy was more experienced in just about everything, especially sex. The tales Clancy had told Brody about his exploits with the opposite sex had Brody feeling inadequate. According to Clancy, he had done almost everything, with practically every girl he had ever dated! Girls he met at dances had succumbed to his charms. Brody did not want Clancy to do any of those things with Katie. That’s assuming Clancy hadn’t already done those things with Katie. Clancy even claimed to have had sex with a teacher at school. All their teachers were nuns. Brody wanted more details on that but was reluctant to ask. Brody peeled off his tee-shirt and boxers and slid between the crisp sheets. His cock was so hard he was afraid it would break off in his hand if he touched. Nevertheless, he vigorously stroked it until sexual relief covered his belly up to his chin. Come morning; there was a dried crusty mess covering his chest.

Katie stared at herself in the bathroom mirror as she combed out her hair before retiring. She was both nervous and excited inside. She was angry at Brody yet aroused by his unexplained actions. He had never done anything inappropriate to her in the past. Why now? Why tonight with her Mom sitting there? Katie climbed into bed but could barely sleep for thinking about the move Brody had made on her. He had never touched her sexually like that before. Why now, she wondered, and why didn’t she voice her objection when it happened? She had no answer for either question. Sleep finally came, but it was a restless sleep. She had sexual dreams about Brody; she was embarrassed to admit.

At breakfast, when the family sat together, Katie kept glancing at her Uncle Brody, but he was acting normal as though nothing unusual had taken place the night before. Katie’s Mom and Dad didn’t seem to notice any behavioral changes between Katie and Brody. They left the kitchen the instant after eating breakfast and asked Katie to tidy up. Brody sat quietly, sipping his coffee, and watched Katie as she moved about the kitchen. He could feel an erection coming on. Brody wasn’t sure if he wanted Katie to know she was causing him to get hard. He decided not to make an issue of it because she appeared to be fretful.

Brody, would you like another cup of coffee,” Katie asked as she wiped down the breakfast table?

“No, I’m good for now,” he casually answered.

Katie wanted to speak to Brody about the previous night, but say what? She wasn’t sure if she should confront him. She didn’t know where to begin. Was it her fault? Did she give off a signal that she wanted that to happen? Should she have stopped him? When Katie’s Mom told her about the birds and the bees years earlier, one of her key lessons was if you don’t like something a boy is doing or trying to do, then stop him. She didn’t say anything about what to do if you did like it. Katie had mixed emotions at that point. Did she like it or not?

If she didn’t like it, then why didn’t she speak up when it happened, she wondered to herself? Katie’s mind was racing ninety miles an hour. Could it have been she wanted it to happen? Maybe…, maybe not, she wondered. So, Katie said nothing about it to Brody and went about her cleaning as usual. Brody didn’t initiate any further conversation either and left the kitchen when he finished his coffee.


Katie had a girlfriend over the next Friday evening, and every time Brody heard them laugh or giggle, he imagined they were talking about what he had done to Katie. He was starting to feel paranoid. He wondered if she had invited the friend over to prevent him from touching her like that again. The evening proceeded without any unusual incidents. They laughed and joked and watched TV as usual. Everything seemed normal, and Brody relaxed and enjoyed the company of both girls.

Sunday evening came around, and Brody found himself seated on the couch between Katie and her Mom watching TV. “Behave yourself,” he kept reminding himself under his breath. And he made every effort to do just that. They sat watching a movie from about eight to about ten-thirty. Katie even leaned against Brody’s shoulder as though he had never touched her inappropriately. That relieved him a bit and helped him to relax and enjoy the evening.

“Apparently, it WAS just my imagination about last Friday night,” Brody told himself. “Everything IS back to normal now,” he happily assured himself.

Katie snuggled close to Brody and squeezed his arm. That only confused him more. “Why didn’t she stop me if she didn’t want it also,” he still asked himself? “Maybe she does want us to be more intimate with each other, but how will I know if she does tell me?”

At about nine forty-five, just before the news came on, Brody put his arm around Katie’s shoulder and rested his hand by her arm again. “Back to normal,” he assured himself again. Brody cautiously shifted his hand from where it rested on her elbow and gently pressed the back of his hand against her breast. He could feel her chest rising and falling as each breath got faster and faster.

“It felt so natural the last Friday night so, I’ll just try it once more and see how she reacts this time. Please don’t panic, Katie”, he thought to himself.

Katie didn’t try to move Brody’s hand, so he took a deep breath and cupped her breast. Katie said nothing, so he squeezed it a few times. Still nothing from Katie. He could feel an erect nipple under her tee-shirt and bra. He decided that was a good sign and then circled her nipple with his fingertips. Katie let out a barely audible murmur and placed her hand on his thigh.

“Maybe she does like it, she hasn’t tried stopping me,” he muttered to himself.

Katie snuggled closer and gave every indication she was alright with his actions. He could feel himself getting an erection and worried that Katie’s Mom might notice the bulge growing in his pants, but thank God the blanket was covering his lap. He decided not to press his luck and dropped his hand to her side and watched TV. Katie sighed to herself. She missed his hand not being on her breast but was relieved at the same time. The news finished. Tim switched off the TV and announced, ”Bedtime.”

Brody and Katie jumped to their feet at the same time; both stammered their goodnights as though everything was normal. Katie blushed a bit, but Tim didn’t seem to be aware anything unusual had taken place. Katie’s Mom started clearing snacks from the coffee table and carried them to the kitchen.

Back in his room, Brody couldn’t believe it had happened again, and Katie said nothing.

”Boy, you’ve got to stop this in front of Katie’s parents. No more. She’s your… your niece. Just a young, innocent girl”, he muttered to himself. “If Tim were to catch me fondling Katie, he would kick my ass.”

Brody took a deep breath, looked at himself in the bathroom mirror, and asked, “What was it that Tim had said to Katie on her eighteenth birthday?”

”You’re a woman now, Katie. Not just my little girl anymore.”

”I’ll always be your little girl, Daddy,” she had replied tearfully.

“My sexy niece,” Brody said out loud. “Katie is my sexy niece, and I masturbate thinking about her practically every night. What the fuck is wrong with me?”


For most of the next week, Katie was in a haze. Twice now, her Uncle Brody had felt her breast through her shirt, and she had not tried to stop him either time. Why? Could it be that she didn’t want to admit it was something she had fantasized about many times this past year? Katie had to admit she liked being touched that way by Brody and wanted it to continue. She just didn’t want to face the consequences if her Daddy caught them.

The next Friday night, Katie, Brody, and Tim sat down to watch an action movie on TV. Kathleen went out with girlfriends, so it was just Katie and Brody on the couch, with her Dad in his armchair. The movie was starting at eight, so just before it began, Katie went into her room to change into her nightclothes. The usual, a tee-shirt, Panties but no bra tonight. She was curious how Brody would react to her unfettered breasts! She got excited thinking about it and could feel her panties getting wet. It was a bit warmer tonight. So, no blanket. Brody turns up in his usual tee-shirt and boxers. They sat on the couch and snuggled together. Tim had drunk a few beers with dinner and started to nod off in his armchair even before the movie began.

About an hour into the movie, Tim began to snore lightly. Brody wrapped his arm around Katie’s shoulder. Her panties were so wet she could smell her arousal and wondered if Brody could smell her. It wasn’t long before Brody’s arm relaxed, and his hand wandered across to her tee-shirt. It was a bold move with Tim in the room, but Brody felt compelled to explore. He gently placed his hand against the side of her breast and then seemed to pull back as though struck by a bolt of lightning.

“That’s right, Uncle Brody. No bra.” Katie snickered to herself.

Brody recovered from his initial shock, checked to see if Tim was still snoozing and began to squeeze her breast and toy with her nipple. He got a much better feel of her tit without a bra. Katie’s breasts are not massive, but about average size or maybe a bit larger. For perhaps fifteen minutes, she let Brody examined her breasts without objection. She wanted him to touch her wet pussy but didn’t have the nerve to ask him. They both pretended to be interested in the movie, but it was apparent they were more interested in each other’s sexual parts. Katie’s nipples were so hard they were beginning to ache. She told herself that if Brody didn’t pinch them soon, she would pinch them herself.

Katie wondered if Brody’s cock was as hard as her nipples and guardedly placed her hand on his thigh. Brody gently squeezed her breast, indicating he had no objection to her hand being there. He gently pinched one of her nipples and couldn’t stop the squeal that escaped her mouth. They both check to make sure they hadn’t drawn attention from Tim. Katie got bolder and was just about to further slide her hand up his thigh to feel for his hardness, but her Mom came through the kitchen door at that exact moment. That pretty much put a stop to Katie and Brody’s sexual pursuits. They both pretended to be engrossed in the movie but greeted Kathleen when she entered the den.

The movie was nearing the end, and Tim had slept through most of it, so when Kathleen kissed him on the forehead, he awakened and announced that he was retiring to the bedroom. Kathleen took a seat on the couch in her usual position and chatted with Katie and Brody. Katie was hoping her Mom didn’t smell the arousal odor from her saturated pussy. Kathleen had consumed a fair amount of wine while out with her girlfriends and didn’t give any indications she suspected anything. When the movie ended, Kathleen turned off the TV, and they all went off to bed.

Once in bed, Katie’s fingers found their way to her wet pussy, and she masturbated, thinking about what she had just let Brody do to her and what she was preparing to do to Brody before her Mom arrived unexpectedly. Fantasizing about Brody’s cock sliding deep into her throat pushes her over the edge. She licked her fingers clean, pretending they were Brody’s cock and then drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Saturday morning at the breakfast table, everyone chatted as usual. It never ceased to amaze Katie how people can act so normally. It may just be her guilty imagination, but she was so sure her Mom and Dad were aware that something had been going on between her and Brody. She wondered how neither smelled her arousal the night before in the TV room. She was soaking wet the whole evening, and she was more than sure Brody had breathed in her sexual aromas. They cheerfully ate their breakfast and engaged in their usual banter.

Katie looked across the table at Brody and asked, ”What do you have planned today, Brody?”

”Not much. I’m just meeting up with a couple of friends and then going by my house to shower and change into something more comfortable,” Brody answered. “And you?”

“I thought I’d catch up on some of my chores around the house and then maybe work on my tan by the pool later this afternoon. Are you coming back over this evening?” Katie asked.

Brodie nodded, yes. Katie smiled.


The next Friday night, Tim had gone out for a few beers with his other brothers. Tim always got stinking drunk when he went out with his brothers and would come home in a terrible state of intoxication. That evening Kathleen, Katie, and Brody sat down to watch TV. Katie was on one end, and Kathleen, on the other end. Brody occupied his usual place in the middle of the couch. They watched a silly sitcom while waiting for a chick flick to come on. Brody wasn’t really into chick flicks but was willing to endure one so long as he could be close to Katie.

Katie chose to wear a pale blue cotton nightshirt with buttons up the front that came down to a little more than mid-thigh. When sitting, it just barely covered her cute little butt. She boldly opted for no bra or panties. Brody wore a polo shirt and some denim cargo shorts. There was a bit of a chill, so Kathleen sat with them and pulled a blanket across them.

Within minutes Brody’s arm was over Katie’s shoulder and his hand exploring the outside of her shirt. Brody had no hesitation these days since Kathleen couldn’t see his hands under the blanket. Brody soon learned Katie was not wearing a bra again. Katie had to stifle a sigh when Brody circled her nipple with his fingertip through her nightshirt. It was more exciting for both with her Mom sitting right there. Katie got wet immediately, and Brody’s cock stiffened to where it was painful.

When Mom got up to go to the bathroom, Katie carefully unhooked the top three buttons on her nightshirt, being careful not to expose anything. Brody watched her do this and smiled at her. She kept the shirt tightly closed until her Mom came back and sat down again. Kathleen pulled the blanket back over them. Katie’s shirt was not buttoned, and her breasts were not covered. Only the blanket coverage protected her modesty.

Brody’s hand returned to feeling Katie’s breasts then slowly slipped inside her nightshirt. Brody carefully ran his hands over each of her breasts. He was amazed at how well he could make out the size and shape of her bare tits. Her nice young firm titties. Not too small and not too big but certainly a good feel. They are the size of a medium orange. Round and pert. Tasty firm young titty flesh with no sagging. Brody felt as though he had died and gone to heaven.

Katie sighed as Brody’s fingers brushed her bare flesh and then jumped at what felt like an electric shock hit her as he found her erect nipple. Brody stroked, squeezed and tickled Katie’s breast and rolled her erect nipple between two fingers. He wondered if she was wearing panties but wasn’t ready to remove his hands from her breasts to find out. He pushed his hand across to her other breast and did the same. Only the blanket hid his deed from Katie’s Mom, and Brody was cautious to keep his movements to a minimum so as not to attract Kathleen’s attention.

Feeling bolder, Katie reached down to Brody’s cargo shorts and was delighted to feel a bulge pushing against his denim shorts. She slipped her hand up the leg opening of his shorts and squeezed the head of his cock. Brody almost prematurely released his spunk into her hand. It was all he could do to stifle the gasp that was about to burst from his mouth. Brody couldn’t believe they were doing this to each other with her Mom sitting there next to them.

The sitcom was almost over when Kathleen announced she was going to her bedroom to change into her nightwear before the movie started. As soon as Kathleen went upstairs, Brody leaned in and kissed Katie gently on her lips. Katie parted her lips and kissed him back. Their kiss quickly became a passionate kiss—the kind of kiss usually reserved for seasoned lovers.

A minute later, Brody’s mouth found Katie’s erect nipple, and vigorously sucked it into his mouth. Brody’s right hand slipped under Katie’s nightshirt and, as though guided by radar, found her wet virginal opening. Katie pulled Brody’s mouth back to hers and probed it with her tongue. She used her tongue to fuck his mouth as he robustly finger fucked her saturated pussy. Brody moved his fingers, slowly at first, then quicker and more in-depth. He brushed the walls of her vagina while she panted, sweated and moaned barely audible.

“Oh shit. I’m cumming. Oh my God, Brody, I am fucking cumming,” Katie screamed.

Brody tried to cover her mouth before her Mom heard her. Too late! Suddenly there was a loud crash when Kathleen dropped a tray of refreshments she had prepared before returning to the den.

“Brody! Katie!” Kathleen screamed at the top of her lungs.

Brody and Katie leaped off the couch in a panic. Katie hurriedly buttoned her nightshirt as Brody tried to cover the tent pole in his boxer shorts with his hands.

“My God! What is it with you, O’Rourke guys and the need to fuck your sisters,” Kathleen screamed?

Katie and Brody looked at each other with baffled expressions and said in unison, “Sisters?”

Kathleen realized her mistake and quickly replied, “Sisters, Cousins, Nieces or Aunts, it all incest. And the O’Rourke men can’t seem to resist the urge to stick their cocks into the females of the O’Rourke Clan. It is absolutely disgusting as far as I am concerned.”

Katie looked at Brody and then her Mom. Katie was beet red, and her voice quivered when she asked, “Are you going to tell Daddy about us?”

“Of course, I’m going to tell your dad,” Kathleen shouted. “I’m just not going to tell him tonight when he gets home,” she replied in a softer tone. “Your Dad will be very drunk when he gets home, and that would not be a good time to talk about this.”

Katie and Brody both sighed relief. Brody wanted to hug Katie, and she wants to do the same for him. They stood silently, gazing at each other, and dreading the thought of facing Tim the next morning when he was sober.

“Brody, I think you need to go home and remain there until Tim contacts you tomorrow,” Kathleen suggested.

“You want me to go home right now,” Brody exclaimed?

“Yes! Go home this very minute. I can’t let you stay here tonight,” she answered. “And you, Katie, you should get to your bedroom and pray to God that your Dad will be able to handle this as calmly as I just did.”

To be continued.

The best is yet to come.

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