The Reputation of a Brother And Sister Get’s The Best Of Them by BreePhillips

The Reputation of a Brother And Sister Get’s The Best Of Them
by BreePhillips

When ever I wonder why I’m the way that I am, I just have to think back to everything I’ve experienced. Especially fresh out of high school in a small town in New Hampshire. Mike and his sister Tiffany stand out to me. Mike was on the football team. And because he was generally a nice guy, he was very popular in school. Tiffany was very pretty and petite, she might have weighed a hundred pounds soaking wet. But She was really only know around school because of her very popular brother. Their parents had money, so they didn’t want for anything ever. Unlike almost the rest of us all in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Both Mike and Tiffany where very close, despite Mike being a few years older than her. So close in fact, they had a reputation around school. Those of us that knew them, thought they had a sexual relationship of some sort. Others thought they where boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though Mike was also know to be well hung, had many different girlfriends all the time. But that never stopped the gossip of them having a sexual relationship. I knew Mike, even though we where different people. I got picked on (being called PeeWee and girlyboy) a lot in school. And I think the gossip about him made him realize how people in our small school really where.

I Mike and I graduated together and had been out of school for a couple years. His sister Tiffany had just graduated high school and had just married a guy from the next town over from us. I had ran into Mike at the pizza shop and he said he was having a small party of just close friends. I didn’t think we where close friends, but we did live close to each other. I showed up to his parents huge house, a place where so many huge high school parties had been held. That I had never been too, so it felt odd to finally being there for a party. I walked up to Mike talking to another guy. He said he was glad that I had came, and that his house is my house. His parents are out of town, and his friend was like ‘imagine that’. Since that’s why so many parties happened there, his parents traveled a lot. Mike said at least this time the cops shouldn’t need to break it up. His friend then noticed Tiffany walk in and asked where her husband was. Mike had an odd smile on his face, and said he was out of town on business. She walked up to us, wearing a sundress looking really good. Then first thing she asked was ‘what’s up with that smile?’. She noticed also, I wasn’t the only one thinking it was kinda different. Mike said he didn’t know, he was really glad she came. And it was time to drink.

They had couple people in charge of making drinks and cooking. I started to think it wasn’t going to be a small party. Things started to pick up as the sunset, and the party was mostly outside now. More and more people showed up, and a couple girls where walking around handing out shots. I was starting to get pretty hammered, just really drinking and people watching. I noticed Mike and Tiffany seemed to be together a lot, almost like they where at their own party. I started to think that was kinda odd, but I had never been to any of their parties. As I strolled by them at one point when they where kinda away from everyone, they seemed to be flirting with each other. That’s when I started to think maybe there was something between them. Or maybe I was too drunk, and was reading it all wrong. I decided to head inside a lay down, before I fall down and pass out in the grass. I headed to the small living room, that no one used. I grabbed the decorative couch throw to cover myself and laid on the couch. I was awoken sometime later by a guy and girl laughing as they entered the room. I didn’t move much, I just took a quick look to see who it was. I noticed Tiffany pulling Mike by the hand as they entered the room. I wondered why they came to this room, even I knew nobody used this room. Other than them laughing as they first entered, nothing was said.

Tiffany stopped as she reached the middle of the room and let go of Mike’s hand and turned toward him. They just stood there staring into each others eye’s for what seemed to be forever. I saw her head kinda tilt and her smile suddenly disappeared like something serious came over her. Mike took one step forward, and without saying a word. Mike grabbed the back of her head, and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. Tiffany threw a one hand onto his shoulder and the other on the back of his head. Their tongues entered each others mouth aggressively. I was like oh shit, I almost stopped breathing so they wouldn’t know I was there. I figured they would leave after they where down with a quick make out session.

I see Mike’s other hand make it way down Tiffany’s back till he found her little ass cheek. That was good for like one second, then his hand found it’s way under her sundress. As they seemed to turn, I could see he found a bare ass cheek. She had a thong on, and he was squeezing the shit out of it causing her to moan into his mouth. Her hands move down, I could see what she was doing. But his pants fell toward the floor after a minute. She seemed to be surprised to find him not wearing any underwear. She pulled away from their kiss and said ‘Oh shit’. He quickly pulled her back into kissing her. Her hands found his ass, and was getting a good grip with her small hands.

Mike grabbed the bottom of her sundress and pulled it over her head and quickly removed her small bra. She had small boobs, but in the darkness I could see she had some very stand out nipples. She stepped back and pulled at his tshirt to remove it and he helped get it off. In the darkness I could see his huge cock, had to be all of eight inches long semi hard. Mike then grabbed her and slowly lowered her to the floor, with him hovering over her small body. I was now thinking ‘shit they are going to fuck right in front of me’. I grabbed my own balls to hurt myself, I had to be dreaming this. They kissed for a minute. Then I hear Tiffany loudly say ‘stop, what da fuck are we doing Mikey. This isn’t right to begin with, it’s incest. And I’m married for christ’s sake’. Mike said ‘I don’t know, what I do know is I love you. And I want you more than anything else in the world. If you can tell me that you don’t feel the same way, I will roll aside and let you up’. They just stared into each others eye’s for a while. I could hear their heavy breathing, and it seemed to get even heavier. I totally thought to myself, this is the fault of everyone claiming they where already romantic together. The pressure of being put into a position, that maybe they would have never thought of otherwise.

I see Tiffany lean up to start to kissing Mike again. Her hand slides down her own body toward her crotch, and run’s into Mike’s cock resting over top her crotch. Her little hand starts stroking the large shaft. Mike’s hands slide down her sides till they find her thong, and he starts to pull them down. She starts to help him to remove her thong. Their lips and tongues never leave each other, as she folds her legs up in between their bodies to remove her thong. She throws her thong almost half way across the room. As Mike lowers his body back down to meet her, she spreads her legs apart. They have barley done anything, but I can the shine of their sweaty bodies. I can’t imagine whats really going on in their minds. Mike starts to kiss her neck. Tiffany say’s ‘Oh my god, are we seriously going to do this Mikey’. Mike pulls out of her neck to look at her, he only lets out an moan. She say’s ‘but your so big, what will I do when my husband can’t please me after this’. Mike says he doesn’t care about her husband, and that he’ll always be there for her no matter what happens. She leans upward, giving him access to her neck again. I could hear his sucking on her neck, thinking he surely was going to leave a hicky on her neck. Something her husband would surely notice first.

Mike’s hips start to move, her arms start to wrap tightly around him. She then starts to let out a very loud struggling sound. And she yells out ‘oh my god, ohhhh mmmyyyy godddd it’s sooooo bigggg’. I didn’t notice any real movement, until she let out another yell of ‘Oh Fuck’. Mike’s hips suddenly seemed to lower as her pussy gave into his huge cock trying to penetrate her. Her legs wrap tightly around him, she seemed to be trying to prevent him from going any deeper inside her pussy. He tells her she’s as hot and wet, his cock feels like it’s going to melt inside her. She begs him to please be gentle. And that he’s too big, she feels like she’s tearing apart. They just laid still together for a while. The Mike starts to slowly move in and outward. They moan nonstop, as Mike’s pace slowly picks up. Her grip on her brother lightens, giving herself to him totally. He was surely going to make this moment with his sister, something she would never forget. I saw the look on his face, the face of serious passion. A face of a man that was going to leave his mark at totally fucking her brains out of her. She also saw the look, she again begged him ‘Please Mikey’, that’s all he allowed her to get out. As he had slowly raised his hips, and then slammed down into her. She yelled out, like it was going to matter.

Mike released a full on aggressive fucking, and her body quickly betrayed her mind and began meeting his motions. As Mike’s slamming into her slides her slightly across the floor. This now allows me a slightly be view of his cock slamming into her little pussy. She was only taking about half of his cock at the time. But she started to quickly take more and more, as Mike relentlessly pounds into her very wet pussy. They where so wet it sounded like they where fucking in water. His sister yells out ‘Oh Fuck I’m cuming Mikey’. Mike just keeps on pounding into her, and it wasn’t long before she seemed to be almost taking all of his cock into her now loosening pussy. They yell out each others names and loud aggressively moans. Mike then grabs her legs and throws them over his shoulders. She shacked her head no at him, but she quickly threw her head back as he sunk back into her finally giving her every inch of his large cock. She shortly yells out cuming again. Then Mike slows and starts back at sucking on her neck, he lets her legs fall off his shoulders. His sister was totally exhausted, her legs just fell to the floor spread apart still. He tells his sister something that burned even me. He said he was about to cum, as nine inches deep inside her. She yells out ‘Oh Fuck’

She quickly say’s ‘You can’t! I’m not ion the pill, my husband wears condoms. And I’m at my most fertile time, what da fuck are we thinking. Oh fuck Mike, what are going to do?’ I notice Mike slowly start to pull out of her. She tells him it’s probably too late. He asked her what she wanted him to do. She told him she didn’t know, she so confused of whats going on. He tells her, he’s sorry. She say’s it’s not just him, it’s her fault too. Something told her not to come to the party, she was actually afraid that they would make love tonight. I noticed she was shacking almost ready to cum again. He asked her again what she wanted him to do. She asked him ‘Do You Really Love Me Mikey’. He said he does. She say’s ‘Even if you gotten me pregnant just now?’ He shook his head yes, and kissed her. Her legs wrap around his hips. She pulls away from their kiss and Yells out ‘then take me completely, I’m all yours Mikey’. He unleashed another aggressive hammering into his sisters pussy. But this time it was different, now they knew they are out right mating with each other. All came to a full stop, Mike’s nine inches of cock buried inside her little body. She yell’s out ‘Oh fuck Mikey, I feel you. Your flooding my insides, I’m so fucked. Oh Mikey I’m cuming again too’. They just laid still, brother and sister together in a intimate moment. A very shocking moment of incest, in which there’s no going back now from. I would have not believed it if I wasn’t hiding in plain site.

As they remained still for a long time, not an another word spoken. Tiffany’s body went completely limp from mental and physical exhaustion. Her arm’s and legs spread apart laying flat on the floor. Mike slowly pulls his large cock out of his sisters now sore vagina. I watched closely as Mike’s cock makes a final pop out of her pussy, a long thick string of cum followed his cock. The yarn like string of semen kept them connected, maybe a lot more than they realized. She was very red and she was left gaping open. Mike grabbed her clothes from around the room. He got down on his knees beside her. Then did something that I really thought was odd. He closes her pussy lips together, and then puts her thong on pulled up tightly. It was really like he wanted her to keep his semen inside her, did he really want her to get pregnant with his baby. He leaned her up enough to slide on her sundress, and picks her up and carries her out of the room. I quickly follow to see where they go. He takes her upstairs to his bedroom. I was so shocked I left the house and went home. I noticed I was so wet from pre cum myself. It was really a crazy night that I would have never seen coming. I did find out many months later that Tiffany did indeed get pregnant that night. And shortly after got divorced from her husband.

Everything was kinda hush hush, all that I could find out is that Tiffany and Mike moved away. And that’s the last anyone from town heard from them. Of course there was many rumors of name changing because of incest. Like I said, it was almost like our very own peers created and made it possible. Their hatred because the family was better off than the rest of us? I wonder

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