Twin lover affair chapter 6: Family secrets Part one and Sally prepare Stephanie for deflowerment. by Darkone82

Twin lover affair chapter 6: Family secrets Part one and Sally prepare Stephanie for deflowerment.
by Darkone82

********* Mark ********

Sunday morning

After an extremely eventful night with my younger sister Stephanie, which after a lot of haggling between the two of us over the moral aspect of me impregnating my younger sister Stephanie, I finally came to the realization in that moment that my younger sister Stephanie figuratively had me by the balls and that I had no other option other than to relent and give into her demands. In which I would willingly sleep with her in order to impregnate her. Let me tell you something about Stephanie. She was a master at the art of manipulation, the second she received that text message from me, she know she had me, and that very prerogative and very revealing lingerie outfit that she wore last night was just the icing on the cake.

At that very moment, I realize I was like a Clump of putty in the palm of her hand. Just seeing her dressed in that highly prerogative outfit last night completely made me forget that she was my own flesh and blood sibling and caused me to start to view her in a completely different light. Stephanie was a very luscious young women, I would be lying if I didn’t mention she had all the characteristics that I look for in my ladies, Stephanie was wild, rambunctious soul that no man could chain down, thinking back on it now, Stephanie was everything that I wish Sally could have been to me, and if I played my cards just right, than its very highly likely that I could have my way with my sister, and she wouldn’t have a care in the world.

I was awoken from my slumber early the next morning just as the early morning rays of sun light were starting to creep their way through my bedroom window, when I suddenly felted this sensation of Stephanie blowing her scorching breath up against the highly sensitive exposed flesh on the shaft of my cock as her breath came in contact with it. Now I didn’t immediately wake up at first because I thought at first it was just one of those dreams that I’m used to having seem to become far too real. But I immediately realized that I wasn’t dreaming the very second that I felt Stephanie’s long coursed saliva rich tongue running upward along the full length of the shaft of my cock.

The very moment that I felted Stephanie’s plush lips come in contact with the Glan of my cock, I immediately started to stir awake slowly, I was in the stage of hypnagogia ( in which is the stage when a person is in between the state of asleep and awake). But I was quickly snap out of the stage of hypnagogia and was fully wake and fully aware of what was happening the very moment that Stephanie had completely swallowed my cock into her mouth, and I could feel her already tightening and loosening the muscles of her mouth and she was already bobbing her head in swiftly manner up and down on my cock .

I looked her directly in her eyes and she had this crazed look in her eyes, and that hunger that I saw in her eyes as she consumed my cock, just seeing that look in her eyes drove me over and edge to the point where I tossed my head backwards and let out a muffled moan and then at same time I reach down and grabbed ahold of the side of her head putting pressure on her head which caused the Glan of my cock to slide directly into her throat. Which at first caught Stephanie a little off guard and she gagged for a moment, but regardless she didn’t miss a beat as she flexed the muscles in her throat allowing for my cock to fully enter into her throat and the only sounds that I was hearing from her was the sounds of her gargling as she worshiped my cock.

{Heavy breathing} “Oh fuck Stephanie, God Damn sis, this is one hell of a way to woken up in the morning, (loud moan) damn I still can’t believe that you have been serving my morning wood for me every morning for years, without me being aware of it. ( start to thrust hip to match my sister pace) “Oh my God Stephanie this feels so God Damn good to be wrong… ( Stephanie let out a muffled moan as her muscles in her mouth suddenly clamps down tighter along the fully length of my shaft of my cock) “ Oh fuck yes Stephanie just like that baby…. Mmmmmmm God damn Stephanie you know just how I like it, don’t you even fucking think of stopping, Worship my cock!”

I increased the pace of my thrusting of my hips to match her and I tossed my head back and let out a loud moan as I started to feel the pressure beginning to build down in my loins and I knew it was only a matter of time before I would erupt my massive load into her mouth. Then all a sudden with out warning Stephanie one again tighten her muscles in her mouth, as if she was trying to milk my cum from me, cock. Suddenly without any forewarning Stephanie raise her free right hand up towards my nuts sack and she gently took ahold of them in her palm, and she then gently rolled them around in her hands. The Act of that literally sent me over the edge, and I noticed that my cock had begun to throb.

“Oh, Shit Stephanie, I’m about to cum!!!! ( I tossed my head back and let out a thunderous moan! And I also grip ahold of my sister sheets so tightly that my knuckles turned white)

“ What the hell are you waiting for Mark. Cum already God Damn it, I want your incestuous seed to satisfy my craving, the unbearable hungry that burns deep in my stomach that only can be satisfied by you filling my belly full of your delicious incestuous seed, God Damn it mark give to me already damn it!” Stephanie said in muffled demanding tone of voice as she tightened her grip on my nuts.

As Stephanie tightened her grip that she had on my nuts, I winch in utter pain as she did this, all sudden I felt my massive load of incestuous seed being force upward my highly throbbing and spasming cock. I let out a loud grunt as my entire body tightened as stiff as a board at very moment that I felt my massive incestuous seed erupted with the force of a volcanic eruption as I started to pump my incestuous seed into my hungry sister’s mouth.

****************** Stephanie******************

I felt my brother body stiff as tight as a board and the very next moment I heard him grunt loudly as he finally reached his climate, and I felted his massive scorching incestuous seed erupted with the force of a volcanic eruption into my mouth and his seed slammed into the back of my throat before sliding down the back of my throat and filling my craving and hunger to have his incestuous seed in my belly, but who was I kidding, as great as my brothers incestuous seed tasted and filled my the hunger that I had in my belly, but all it really did was pour more fuel on the conflagration (massive damaging fire) that was burn out of control deep within my extremely fertile womb. I long for my brother incestuous seed to extinguish the flames.

After Mark had pumped the reminder of his incestuous seed into my belly, I slowly lifted my head off of his massive cock, I locked eyes with him as I slowly but playfully cleanse any of Mark incestuous seed residue that remained on his glorious cock. Once I was satisfied burn the mask that there was not a single drop left the finish left . I rolled onto my back, and while I laid there silently beside my brother Mark, I decide that I was going to stick my long-wet tongue in between my plush red lips and I swirled MY long tongue across my plush red lip just to make sure I didn’t want to allow a single drop of his Incestuous seed to go to waste.

I really couldn’t recall just how long my brother Mark and I laid there beside one another in utter silence. But what I can tell you is that this silence was starting to drive me nuts. During this period of silents, I Turned my head in the direction of my brother Mark. He was laying flat on his back just steering up at the ceiling of his room. As I laid there just watching his chiseled chest rising and falling, I started to wonder just what he was thinking about what just occurred. I mean if you take into consideration everything that had occurred between us in less than 24 hours period. I can understand how his mind might be in a state of central overload just trying to process it all. This silence lasted for what seemed to be hours, but really only lasted all but 10 minutes, before Mark suddenly broke the silence.

“ Omg Stephanie, I still can’t fathom the fact that you have been secretly taking care of my morning wood, for years without me being aware of it. ( Mark take a deep breath in and let it out) “ I just wonder did you enjoy your morning Protein Shake? ( Mark let out a laugh and shifted his body weight to turn on his side to face me)

I playfully swatted my brother across his chiseled chest with the palm of my hand. “ Well Mark someone had to take care of it, I mean you just don’t understand how wet I became, every morning that I bear witness to your magnificent massive cock standing at attention, to be honest with you Mark, I had to continuously fight the overwhelming urge to just drop my panties and mount you and ride your cock until you filled my fertile womb with your incestuous seed. (sighs) but every time that urge all most overtook me, it was at that moment that my subconscious would kick in and remind me that would be considered has rape, and I didn’t want to do that to you, because of the fact, if that would have happened, I would have lost any chance of you willingly engaging in an incestuous relationship with me… ( I lifted my left hand up toward my brother face, I cup his left cheek with my hand ) and Mark to answer your question how I enjoyed my protein shake from you this morning, it was the best protein shake I ever had in my life.”

“First of all, Stephanie, you should be fully aware by now that you can’t rape the willing. Yet to be completely honest with you sis, it would be quite awkward moment at least for me that is, to be awaken for my slumber and see you riding my massive cock in the early morning sun light…. Now just answer me this… Just how the hell was this protein shake the best one that you have gotten from me sis?”

“Well Mark, to be completely honest with you, I have been technically raping you for years, because I have been giving you a blow job every morning for years, and in the eyes of the law, you never give me verbal consent to go down on you. I’m just Lucky that you never woke up.”

“ Ok sis, you really should know me by now, I wouldn’t press charges on you right?’ Mark said to me.

“But what you don’t seem to understand is Mark… if our Parent would have been alerted to what I had been doing to you. They would have not only had kicked me out of the house, but also, they would have surely charge me with criminal charges, and Rape alone carries depending on the degree which I was charge I could be facing 25 years to life in prison, add on top of all that another five years for Incest if authorities charge me with a felony, if they would charge me with misdemeanor, it could be several month add on top of my sentencing, Needless to say I would most likely never see the light of day again Mark, (crying) I couldn’t live without you in my life, Mark I would surely wither up and die without you in my life!” I said to my brother with tears just streaming down my face I was a nervous wreck.

I firmly believe Mark could sense the change in my demeanor because, it was at this moment Mark shifted his position on the bed moving closer in toward me. Mark lifted both of his arms and I slide in between them and then he tightens his arms around me pulling me closer to him, I laid my head upon this chiseled chest. Just watching his chiseled chest rise and fall as he inhaled and exhaled his breath. Just lying there on his chest seem to soothe my nerves and ease my guilt of me literally raping him all these years.

“I wouldn’t have allowed them to criminal charge you Stephanie, you’re my twin sister after all, even if technically, I’m a year older than you since I came out at 11:59pm on the 31st of December and you were technically the first-born baby is a new year day.”

“Oh my God Mark remember the looks on people face when our parent tried to explain to them that we were twins, I mean if you when by our birthday date Some thought I would be a whole year younger than you” I Tell my brother while tracing his chiseled chest with my index finger.

(Laughs) “ Yeah, they would usually end up walking away just shacking their head, still trying to figure out it out…. “ Mark said to me before falling silent once again.

Knowing my brother Mark like I did, silents like this with him, meant he was deep in thought, or he was wrestling with his feelings about a certain subject, I had to get him to start talking again.

“ Mark please talk to me… I don’t know how many more time that I can apologize to you for raping you like I did for all those years!” I told my brother as I playfully pinch his nipple.

“Stephanie, I have told you already that you didn’t rape me, because you can’t rape the willing. (Sighs) “What I was thinking about Stephanie was the fact that I nearly rape Sally, I mean I want to have my way with her and when she resisted it made me extremely angrily, But I’m kind of glad she did, because most likely I would be either end up in prison or dead!” Mark said as he sighs and tilted his head away from me slightly.

I reach up with both my hands and took ahold of the sides of his head and turn his face back to look me directly in the eyes and I lean in a little and gently kiss him on his lips.

“Listen to me closely Mark, you won’t ever have to worry about that with me babe, ( I took ahold of his right hand and slowly lower it toward my exposed shaved pussy) “My pussy and my body belong to you Mark, and you can have your way with me however you wish and whenever you wish, and Mark as much as I just love the taste of your incestuous seed and how it fills and warms my belly. But we both know where I really want your incestuous seed to be mark?” I tell my brother as I take his index finger and insert it slowly into my pussy and I let out soft moan.

“ Tell me Stephanie where do you exactly want me to put my incestuous seed at ?” Mark said as he slide his finger deeper into my tight virgin Pussy.

I let out a loud gasp as he worked his index finger slowly in and out of my tight virgin pussy.

“Oh, Fuck Mark, I want you to plant your incestuous seed deep into my highly fertile womb, I want your incestuous seed to flood my womb and end up fertilizing one of my eggs that awaits it. I can’t wait to feel your baby growing inside of me Mark. God I can’t wait until noon, I want you now…” I Told my brother as he sped up the pace of his index finger sliding into and out of my pussy.

“Stephanie I surely believe that you can wait just a little while longer, because remember the promise we both made to Mac and Sally remember they want to watch! “Mark said to me.

“But I really want your massive cock in me now Mark, you don’t seem to understand that my cunt is literally on fire. I need to cum so badly please mark extinguish this fire that rages down in my cunt” I told my brother while giving him the sad puppy look. “Pretty please Mark? ”Well Stephanie, you did just tell me moments ago that I could have my way with you anytime I want … Flop over on your back now Stephanie… and I surely hope you don’t mind losing your favorite pair of panties!”

“Mark your wish is my demand (I let out a loud gasp) “mmmmmmm, to be completely honest with you Mark. I really couldn’t give too fucks about these panties; I can always buy another pair later…. (I forcedly grab a hold of my brother hand) Mark you really need to hurry the hell up and extinguish this conflagration that burning down in my cunt.” I told my brother in a very seductive but demanding tone of voice.

I shifted all my body weight rapidly to the left, which caused me to flop over onto my back and once I was lying flat on my back, I stared directly into my brother’s eyes, while wiggling my hips wildly in the air in aparticipation of just what he was going to do to me. Then all of a sudden, I noticed this crazed look appeared in my brother’s eyes. Mark next move caught me off guard, when he suddenly reached down with both of his hand and grabbed ahold of the silky fabric of my G string and with one swift yank on my G string. All sudden I felt the silky fabric of my G string beginning to rip apart and I could hear the silky fabric starting to tear and then I felt the cool morning air burst up against my extremely inflamed lips of my cunt. A cold chill ran through my body as the next thing I could remember was of mark tossing my tore G string thong into the floor beside of his bed, and then he suddenly shifted his body in between my thighs as he forcedly spared them apart.

“Ummm Stephanie, I’m so going to eat this lustrous cunt of yours until you scream bloody murder, and you literally beg me to stop!” Mark said to me as he lowers his head in between my thighs and blow his scorching breath over my lips of my cunt.

“Oh God Damn Mark… (Moans) “Fuck Mark would you please stop with the torture already and feast on my cunt already…. Ahhhhhh. God, Damn it Mark I Really fucking love you, just remember don’t tear my hymen with your tongue, I want your massive cock to do that!” I scream out loud as I felted Marks long wet tongue flick across my cunt.

As Mark continuously plunged his long thick tongue deeper into my cunt, I wrapped my long legs around his torso tightly which force his tongue to slide deeper inside of my cunt, I could feel the tip of his tongue brushing up against my hymen, God Damn his tongue felt so fucking good inside my cunt, I only wish it was his magnificent massive cock in there instead of his tongue. I felt my orgasm starting to build, and I started to grind my hips over his open mouth to match the pace in which Mark was thrusting his tongue in and out of my cunt.

“Oh God DAMN Mark that the fucking spot… AHHHHH Mark please be careful, so you don’t break my Hyman with your tongue, I want your magnificent massive cock to break it. Ahhhhhh, MMMMM, OH SHIT MARK I THINK IM ABOUT TO CUM!!!!!!!” I let out thunderous moan as my body tighten as stiff as a board and I tossed my head back and then all sudden my orgasm stuck so hard that it made my toes curl, and I felted the massive wave of my Orgasm erupted out from my cunt with the force of a volcanic eruption. I felt my female juice begin squirting all over my brothers face coding it in a thick layer of sticky residue. “Oh, fuck Mark if you can make me cum that hard with your tongue, I just can imagine how hard I’m going to erupt on your cock later yeah, I do think we need to rest, because we both are going to need our strength.” I Moan out as both of us collapse on the bed beside one another.

************* MAC And SALLY House **************

10:00am Sunday morning. (Sally POV)

Both Mac and I were laying in Uncle Tom luxurious California king size bed, we still recovering from our last sexual encounter, I felt the remnants of his incestuous seed starting to seep it way down my inner thigh. I quickly lowered my right hand down between my thighs and i swiped his runaway my brother incestuous seed up with my fingers and brought my fingers to my mouth and with one quick movement I insert it my fingers into my mouth and sucked the remnants of my brother incestuous seed clean from my fingers. This was the moment that I tilted my head in the direction of my uncle’s nightstand that sat on the left-hand side of his bedroom set, in which my uncle’s state-of-the-art digital alarm clock sat. I quickly took a perk to see what time it was and when I saw it was 10:00 am, I thought I was still dreaming, So I quickly sat up straight in my uncle’s California King size bed and rubbed my eyes with my hands, and part of me was really hoping that I just happen to misread the time on the clock.

“ FUCK ME! Mac wake the hell up damn it we overslept!” I yelled at my brother mac as I retch over and started to shake him violently in an attempt to awake him from his Slumber.

(Flash back to years ago)

My Brother Mac wasn’t the kind of person who you would want to wake up suddenly, I had firsthand experience of what happen when you wake him up suddenly years ago. So, I quickly slide over toward the edge of my uncles bed out of his arm reach, by Brother Mac was the type of person who if you were startle him awake, he would surely come up swing until he recognized just who the fuck was waking him up. I still remember this one time when both Mac and I was in middle school, this was before our parents were die in that car wreck, that certain morning, Mac had either forgot to set his alarm on his clock, or he did set the alarm and when it when off he rolled over and press snooze.

I can still remember my mother telling me “ Sally sweetheart, would you please go up and wake up Mac, because it seem like he has overslept once again, and if he doesn’t start getting ready for school than he going to miss the bus.” My mom told me as she was packing our lunches.

Needless to say, if I hadn’t been paying close attention that morning, than Mac would have surely had accidentally given me a black eye, because damn I most have given him a real scare that morning when I woke him up. Because when he did awake up, he surely did come up swinging like a madman, let just saying the only thing that saved me from going to school with a black eye that morning, was the fact that Mac had opened his eyes just enough in mid swing and noticed that it was me, let just say boy, Mac cussed me out really good, I do believe he even used some cuss words that weren’t in the book.

(Return to present day)

This time Mac let out a deep grumble with sound a lot like a grizzly bear and instead of him swing at me, He stand straight up in the bed like the old wrestler the undertaker, he grabbed ahold of his pillow and slung it at me with all his might, and the pillow that he had slung at me hit me square the face.

“ God Damn it Mac, that fucking hurt!” I yell at him.

“ Really Sally it was a soft pillow, would you have had rather me drilled you in directly in the face with my fist, I do believe that would have hurt ten time as much than the pillow I slung at you?” Mac said as he busted out laughing his ass off.

I grabbed ahold of the pillow he a slung at me and slung it back at him with all my might, Luckly for him I have horrible aim, and because the pillow smack the wall just over his head .Mac give me this what the fuck is wrong with you look.

“Damn it sis, you near got me in the face, Shit fire… Just what the hell crew up in you this morning, Damn we had an amazing night of passionate love making, and now you are treating me like this? What the fuck gotten into you this morning?” Mac yelled at me .

“God Damnit Mark, do you really want to know what the fuck has gotten into me this morning… how about you take a close look at what time it is… it 10 o’clock Mac!… Have you forgotten that Mark and Stephanie are coming over in two hours?” I scolded him in a harsh tone of voice.

“God Damnit Sally, ( Mac slung the bed cover off of him) Damn it Sally I could have sworn that I told you to make sure to wake me up no later than seven o’clock this morning… ( Mac quickly stood to his feet and start to race around our uncle’s room) Jesus Christ Sally you do know now we are going to have to run around the house like a God Damn chicken with it head cut of just to make sure we have all the cameras set up so we can record Mark impregnating Stephanie. ( Mac starts breath start to deepen) “ For the love of God, Sally please tell me that you have already set up our account on familykinks and what other sites you were planning to upload the videos?’” Mac said to me in a panicked tone of voice.

I couldn’t help but to burst out laughing, as I sat there on the corner of our uncle’s bed just watching him literally running around our Uncles bedroom like a chicken with it head cut off. Mac was panicking so bad that his face had to beat red, and I started to worry that he might just have a stroke. So, I got up off of the corner of the bed and walked over to where he was standing and place both my arms around his neck and give him a passionate French kiss in attempt to try to calm him down a little, after Mac had chilled out a little and took ahold of his hand and brought him our Uncles bed and had him take a seat on the corner of the bed, then I took a seat on the edge of the bed beside him.

“Breath Mac, ( I took ahold of his right hand and brought it to my breast) Mac as much as it was funny to see you running around the room like chicken with its head cut off. You kind of started to worry me when your face suddenly turned at least five shades of red it less than five seconds. I really that that you were on the verge of stroking out.” I told Mac in a very calming but seductive voice.

“ I’m sorry Sally I didn’t mean to pop off at you like that, I just know how much shit we have to get set up before Mark and Stephanie come over and it going to be all most impossible for us to get it all set up and test to make sure it going to work before, they come over in less than two hours!” Mac said to me in a panicked tone of voice.

I then noticed the level of panic and stress in Mac’s voice, it seemed like he blamed himself for us over sleeping, and who am I kidding with the amount of love making we have been doing and how often it been. We both should be completely exhausted, and we both should be raw and sore. So, I retch up and cradle the side of his face with my hands. I then lean in to give him a quick peck on his lips, before I reached up and ran my hand through his hair. Once he had calmed down a little, I told him of what I had already done in preparation just in case we would have overslept.

“Mac sweetheart there is nothing that you have to worry about setting up….” I started to say right before my brother Mac would cut me off in mid-sentence.

“Sally look at the time it now 10:30, now we only have an hour and thirty mins before Mark and Sally arrive, So please do enlighten me sis, there so much left to do, making up the instructions signs for both Mark and Sally to follow once they enter the house, and do get me start on all the other stuff we have to do like setting up the site….” Mark said to me in a slightly panicked tone of voice, as I return the favor by cutting him off in mid-sentence.

“Mac snap out of it already, like I was going to say before you rudely interrupted me, I was going to tell you, that I figure that our random love making would end up costing us to oversleep in the morning. So, after you had turn in for the night after fucking my brains out one last time . I was way to exited for what was going to take place this morning and I couldn’t sleep. So, while you were fast asleep. I quietly got out of bed and spend the next few hours searching the web for trustworthy porn site and I have numerous accounts set up on various porn site, ( I raise my Index finger to my brothers mouth so he wouldn’t interrupt me.) “ Please Mac let me finish ok ( Mac nod his head in agreement) “ We have account set up on not only on familykink but many of the major porn sites as well.” I told my brother as I bend in to plant a passionate kiss to his lips.

“ Ok that all good and all, but we have yet to test this camera set up, I mean we did want one of them to be on a live stream, right?” Mark said to me in a calmer tone of voice.

“Mac sweetheart, you must have bumped your head on the headboard last night and you can’t remember that we thoroughly tested out the whole camera set up last night?” I said as I playfully give my brother balls a squeeze.

“Wait a min Sally, are you tell me that you live stream us fucking last night and have already upload that 3-hour long video of us fucking?” Mac ask me in a shock tone of voice.

“Sure, did and let me tell you something, Just you wait until you see the amount of the revenue check when it come in the mail. And Check this out Bro?” I told him with a smirk on my face.

“ Check what out, now you have me kink of worried Sally? My brother Mac said to me in a cautious tonal voice.

“ Oh, what I going to show you going to blow you mind Mac!” I said as I playfully paw his chiseled chest.

I slowly slide myself out of the bed and when to get my laptop from my uncle’s roll up desk, I brought it back with me as I made my way back over to the bed, I took a seat next to my brother on the bed. I lifted the screen of my laptop and when to show the comments that were left on our video on familykink. When he saw them, his jaw nearly hit the floor. He turn his head toward me wit this dismay look on his face.

“What the fuck am I look at here Sally, damn here I was thought what we were doing would be shunned and damn it look like we might have inspired more siblings to engage incest and what the hell?” Mark said as he scroll though the comment section.

Mac slowly scroll through the comments until he spot one that draw his attention and it was one of the last comments that had been entered and it read “Hell yeah the family tradition continues” and another one that was just posted that read “ I guess the cat out of the bag” Mac look up at his sister with this bewildered look on his face.

“ The family Tradition continues, and I guess the cat is out of the bag, what the fuck does this mean Sally?” Mac look up at me with this bewildered look on his face.

I just shrug my shoulders as I was as clueless as he was “If I am reading this correctly Mac, I can only assume that our family has some dark family secrets that we haven’t been told of, but that can wait until later, Mark and Stephanie going to be here soon, so we have to finish getting everything set up.” I told my brother as we both got up off the bed and quickly change the sheets of my uncles bed and then we set about the final preparations and once we were finish, we took a shower but with us oversleeping like we did there was no time for him to fill me once again. Once we were done in the shower, I noticed that it was 15 minutes to noon.

“You ready Mac?” I ask my brother as I when over to pick up my cell phone off the bedside table and started to dial Stephanie number.

“ Hell Yeah, the fact that Mark is being forced to impregnate his own sister makes me extremely aroused, make sure you tell them to follow the instructions at the door when they come in.” Mac rub his hands together eagerly.

I couldn’t explain to you the look that I saw in my brother eyes at that very moment, it was like his eyes were blazed, and just seeing that look in my brother eyes, caused a similar reaction to occur deep down in my cunt, and I noticed at that moment that I had become extremely aroused, and I could feel my female juices starting to flow out from my burning cunt. Damn if it wasn’t for the fact that Mark and Stephanie were about to come to our house, and that the whole world was about to bear witness to Mark taking his own twin sister virginity, and hopefully the result of this would result it’s Stephanie becoming pregnant. I took a deep breath and started dial Stephanie phone, and I place it to my ear, and I hear the sound of Stephanie phone ringing. Stephanie pick up the call.

******************************** Stephanie***************************

I was a nervous wreck, as I stood in front of my bedroom mirror, I had spend the last hour, ***********ing the most scandalous and revealing set of lingerie that I owned, I couldn’t believe that one of my darkest and warped fantasies was about to come true and but I couldn’t shake the feeling of guilt that those fantasies had drove me to literally violate my brother multiple times over the years by giving him a blow job every morning, but that guilted I felt for doing that do him had been eased by him telling me that he forgive me, and that technically you couldn’t rape the willing multiple times in the span five hours, when he finally caught me red hand.

(Flash back)

But what really brought this to a head, was the fact that I caught my brother filming both Mac and Sally engaging in an incestuous relationship in their uncle’s luxurious end ground pool. When I ask Mark why he was recording them, He told me “ it simple Stephanie, I am going to use this video in order to blackmail both Mac and Sally.” My Brother said to me. I look back at my brother and ask him “ So just what are you looking to gain from blackmailing Sally with this video Mark” I ask him while I was also on the video with at least three fingers stuck in my with any soaking wet pussy.

“It quite simple if you think about it Stephanie, Sally going to have no other choice than to fuck me and let me use her any way I want and when I want or I would threat to upload this Video to all the porn site out there and expose her and brother to the world!” Mark told me with a sinister tone of voice and look on his face as he rubbed his hand together.

But I literally turned the table on him, When I remind him that it also filmed me masturbating as we were watching Mac and Sally fucking in their uncles pool. I’m pretty sure it also caught me going down on him and showed Mark pumping his Incestuous seed into my belly. So I literally threat to use his own blackmail video that he had attended to use against Sally, I successfully reversed blackmail my own brother into not only taking my Virginity, but made it clear to him that my ultimate come on of us engaging in a Incestuous relationship was to impregnated me. I told him if he didn’t agree to do so that I would show our parents the video of us engaging in some compromising actively. When I give him that October that automate, he quickly give me and let me tell you Mark and I have done, everything expect for him taking my virginity and breed me,

I was in a daydream just fantasizing on everything he was going to do to me once we go over to Sally and Mac house, Just thinking about it cause my pussy to become wet, all sudden I head my cellphone starting to ring and that snapped me back to reality and I quicky made my way over to the night stand that stood on the left side of my bed, I pick up my phone and noticed it was Sally calling, most likely to tell me it was time to come over. So, I pressed the answer button and the call contacted.

but Mark had told me multiple times in the last blinking 24 hours since I had literally used his own video of Mac and Sally fucking in their uncles pool to blackmail him into taking not only my virginity, with the ultimate outcome of us engaging in an incestuous relationship was to impregnate me. I heard my cell phone starting to ring and that snapped me back to reality, and I quickly rusted over to my cell phone that was laying on my dresser. I picked the phone up and noticed it was Sally that was calling, I pressed the answer call button.

“Hello?… Sally is that you?” I ask her over the phone in a nervous tone of voice.

“ Yes Stephanie, it me Sally, and you and Mark are going to follow my instructions to the T, Is Mark in the room with you?” Sally told me in a command tone of voice.

“No not at the moment he’s in his room finish getting ready…. Would you like me to go to him and put him on speaker?”

“ Yes, because both of you need to understand what you are do once you arrive our house.” Sally told me.

“ Ok give me a second, I just need to throw on a t-shirt, because I don’t want Mark to see the lingerie outfit and I’m going to wear” I told Sally.

“ Ok hurry up and put on a t-shirt and go to him at once when you ready.” Sally said calmly to me.

I quickly look for a long enough nightgown, so I could cover up my surplice for Mark, moments later I had my night shirt gown on and then I made my way down the hall toward my brother room, when I rounded the corner, I saw my brother wearing extremely sexy leather pants and tight white wife beater. God, I had to fight the urge not to take him there and then on the spot. Mark Look up at me as I step into his room holding my cell phone. He took a deep breath and let it out before speaking.

“ Let me guess it Sally you have on the phone and it time?” My Brother asked me.

I quickly place the call on the speaker phone so both Mark and I could here what Sally had to say. I nod and motioned for him to come over toward me. Mark came close and spoke to Sally.

“ So, I take it that it time for us to come over right? Mark asked her.

“ Yes, Mark it is time for you to take your own twin sister Virginity and breed her as she demand you and as I understand you have agreed to do so, right?” Sally spoke to Mark while we were on speaker.

“ Yes, that is correct I have given into her demands, and I am more than willing to deflower her in order to Impregnate her.” Mark said as he took me into his arms and gently kiss me on my forehead.

“ That is good to hear Mark, Now as soon as we get off the phone call, both of you are to come over to the house and once you get to the front door, ring the door bell and wait for one of us to let you in, Now I need to forewarn you that we will be recording this live and streaming this over the web, so both of you will need to size and release form in which we will hold on to just in case you decide to renege on the agreement, and also I surely hope you haven’t yet deleted you video you took of me and Mac fucking in our uncles pool?” Sally spoke to us in a demanding tone of voice.

“ I thought you didn’t want to be exposed Sally … What change?” Mark ask Sally in a nervous tone of voice.

“ Well Mark, Mac and I don’t give a rat ass anymore, and from the live stream we did last night we have gotten at least 100k views and just about that many likes, and this morning Mac was reading the comments on the video when he came across a few comments like this one “ Hell Yeah, the family tradition continues and another from three hours later that state “ I guess the cat out of the bag?” So, Mac and I want to see if our thinking is truth or are we just reading more into the comments.” Sally said to me.

“ Just what are you thinking those comments are related to Sally.

“ Well, It may sound crazy Mark, I those comments are leading me to think that our family are harboring some dark family secrets that are being hidden from us.” Sally said.

Just hearing the word dark family secrets cause both Mark and I to look at each other with a shocked look on our face, our mouths were just hanging wide open.

“ I have to tell you, Sally there are rumors, that we heard at our family reunion last year, but again they are just rumors. But I also think that both our families are hiding dark family secrets from both of us, I guess we are going to find out together if there are any upspoken family secrets, We on our way, I can’t wait another second to have my way with my sister.” Mark said and hung up the phone.

A few minutes later, Mark and I were standing outside Mac and Sally front door, Mac could tell that I was highly nervous, and Mark leaned in towards me and whispered gently into my ear.

“Stephanie this is the point of no return, for once we go into that house, there no way of turning back, so you need to be completely honest, are you sure you want to go through with this?” Mac said in a generous turn of voice.

“ Fuck turning back Mac, I have been fantasizing about you taking my virginity and breeding me for as long as I can remember, So let cut the shit and get to the impregnating all ready. Shall we?” I tell my brother as I reach up and ring their doorbell.

“Well, just remember the whole world will witness this, Stephanie!” Mac said nervously.

“ Who give a shit what the world thinks, I don’t, and neither should you Mac. I think it kind of sexy that the whole world will witness you breeding me, Come on Mark, you can’t tell me that doesn’t excite you the least?’ I said to my brother as I reach down and give my brother cock and gently give his cock a squeeze though his leather pants. As we waited for someone to come to the door.

I noticed my Twin Brother Mark eye lite up as he lend in towards me and plants a passionate kiss to my lips, which caused my pussy to become instantly soaking wet. God how I just want to rip off his clothes right there and then and toss him down on Mac’s and Sally’s front porch let him have his way with me. God I couldn’t wait another second to have my twin brother incestuous seed buried deep in my fertile womb. This was when Mark lean in and whispered softly in my ear.

“Stephanie I can’t wait to be the father of your children and spend the rest of my life with you watching them grow up and hopefully they will embrace our lifestyle and follow in our footsteps” Mark whispered into my ear.

“ Damn Mark, you really know how to make a woman tick, I’m so going to enjoy the fuck out of you having your way with me, I want you to claim ownership of all my hole, for they all belong to you.” I told my twin brother Mark in a highly seductive soft tone of voice.

*************** Sally*************

I Stood there, watching the two soon to be incestuous lovers are ready making future plans, it cause me to feel a wetness down between my thighs, I didn’t want interrupt their moment, so I waited until they were done. Why would I want to, I mean they were about to do something that would drastically change their life forever. I personally know how it was to have my flesh and blood brother plunging his magnificent massive cock in and out of me until he would erupt his massive loud of his incestuous seed into my fertile womb with the only ultimate outcome of our incestuous relationship was for me to bear him a child deep in my womb. I rub my thighs together as I reach up with my right hand and opened the door to let them in.

“Good Afternoon, Mark and Stephanie, I knew how excited you must be to start the next chapter of your lives, Please come in” I said to both of them as I step to the side while holding open the door for them to enter the house.

I could feel both Stephanie’s and Mark’s eyes were focused on my nude body, which just caused me to become that much wetter down there between my thighs. I could see it written on both of their face that they were thinking to them self, Why the hell is Sally answering the door completely nude, I decide to leave them in the dark for a little while longer, as I usher them into the living room where Mac was located sitting on the live room couch and in front of him laying on the coffee room table were two release forms. One was addressed to Stephanie and the other was addressed to Mark. I offered both of them a seat, in which they both took, Once they were settled, I returned to Mac and climb into his lap.

“Mac, if you don’t mind me asking something? Mark said to Mac.

“Sure, Go right ahead, neither Sally nor I have anything to hide or neither of us are we ashamed of, So go on and ask your question Mark.” Mac told Mark in a subtle but assertive tone of voice.

“ All rightly then, Mac, would you care to explain why the hell did your sister Sally come to answer the door just now, competently nude, to me it seem like the two of you have no care in the world what your neighbors would think about her answer the door in that manner?) Mark asked Mac in a confused tone of voice.

We both busted out in laughter as we slowly turned our head to face to face each other, Most likely to them it would look like we were asking each other you want me to tell them or should I. After a few moments of silence, We both turned our head back in their direction. Mac was the one who decided to tell them the reason that I answer the door moments ago nude.

“Well Mark to answer your question, first neither of us could give two fucks what our neighbors think. For all we care they can go fuck themselves, secondly Sally is obeying the rules that I set out for her… (Mac start to say before Stephanie would cut him off in mid-sentence)

“Rules.? … Mac your acting like Sally is your sex slave here?” Stephanie ask my brother in a demanding tone of voice.

I notice the change in my lovers body language, For his body and tighten up and I could see the angry in his eyes after Stephanie asked her question, I give his cock a gentle squeeze as to tell him to settle down and just explain to them it was a deal that we both agree to.

“ First of all, Sally is not and never will be my slave in any shape or form, I was about to explain the reason both I and Sally are nude while around the house before you rudely interrupted me… “ Mark said to Stephanie.

“ I sorry Mac can you forgive me?” Stephanie said in a sorry tone of voice while she lowered her head slightly toward the floor.

“Raise your head Stephanie, for there nothing to be sorry about, you were just worried by your friend, (Stephanie nod her head and rise it back up) “Any who how, what the two of you don’t know that Sally and I have been fucking since Friday afternoon after you dumped her Mark for not putting out, and trust me after when I say this Mark, after she told me that you once tried to force her against her will to have sex with you. Sally is the only reason why your head is still connected to you body and me not sitting in jail cell facing first degree murder charges….( I told Mark and Stephanie before Sally would cut me off in mid-sentence.)

“ Easy thee lover let me finish telling them the story, ok? ( Mac nod his head ) “ First of all I want to tell you Mark that I forgive you for that. But it was after one of our first love making sessions that I decide that I wanted Mac to impregnate me, and I set about running the math in my head and came to the collusion that for the pass three day I was at the perk of my fertileness for the month, and I beg him to breed me, So to make it easier for us to make the most of this opportunity I agree to Mac’s rules. That I was to remain completely nude at all times when we were around the house and be willing for him to take me at his demand, Let just say I’m completely surplice that neither of us are raw. Right Mac?” I say to my lover my brother.

“That correct Sally (Mac lend in and give me quick perk on my lips) I have lost count just how many time that Sally and I had made love over the course of these last three day. You two just happened to catch us in the pool yesterday afternoon. But trust me when tell you by the end of of these three day she will have enough of my incestuous seed in her that there no way in hell that she doesn’t end up pregnant with my child. (Sally playfully pokes in the rib cage with her index) “Ouch Sally that hurt what is it?” My Brother said to me.

“Mac, the release paper, they really need to be signed. Let not forget the reason they are here, just look at their facial expression, Can’t you see that they are bursting at the seam to fuck each other brains out.” I said whisper into my bother ear to get him back on track.

“Thank you, Sally, I almost totally forgot about the legal papers that we are going to need the two of you to fill out before we can go upstairs and get this show started and unless you the two of you sign these release forms, then you won’t be able to take part, ( Slide both Mark and Stephanie their individual release paper) “ They are just standard release forms stating that you were notified that the events well be record and upload to the web, and that you agree to be featured a porn video. (Sally pokes me again in the ribs) “ What did I leave out “ I said to my sister as I turned my head to face her)

I bend down toward my Brother ear and whisper softly “ Don’t for get to cover the live stream, and make sure that Mark understand we going to need his footage of us fucking in the pool. And drive it home this in no way shape or form revenge porn.”

“ I all most forgot, also by signing this you also agree to be a part of a live stream, that will be streamed to the web with no delay. Also Mark I’m going to need you to send me a copy of the footage that you recorded of my sister and I fucking in the pool yesterday. ( Mac lend forward over the coffee table and rest is elbows on it) “ Let me be crystal clear about this next part, by signing this release the two of you completely understand, that this release of footage of Stephanie and you fucking should NOT BE CONSIDER in any way shape or form as revenge porn.” Mac told both Stephanie and Mac.

“That understand that Mac, were do I sign, I can’t wait to have my brothers magnificent massive cock buried deep inside of my tight virgin cunt!” Stephanie say as she pick up the black ink pen and quickly sighs the form and then pass it back to Mac “ Mark I know our parents always told us to read any forms before we sign, But I really want that massive cock in me NOW!” Stephanie told her brother.

“Stephanie your going to get my massive cock in that tight virgin cunt of your, what you need to be worried about is, are you going to be able to walk straight afterwards!” Mark told his sister the very moment that Mac reach down and pick up the black ink pen and signs his name on the release forms then he shack them on top of each other and slides them back across the coffee table to Mac.

“ Ok Now with the legal bull shit out of the way how about we get this shindig on the way, (Mac stand up from the living room couch and toss his left hand out toward the living room arch way) Sally will you please show Stephanie and Mark to our uncles bedroom please?” Mac told his sister Sally.

“ Sure, thing lover. Follow me please to my uncles bedroom, I can see it written on your face Stephanie, you can’t wait for Mark to finally deflower you and then fill your fertile womb with his incestuous seed uh, right?” Sally say to Stephanie as she lead her out of the living room.

“ Mark hang back for a moment, Sally will make sure she completely ready for you when you walk in.” Mac ask as he was about to follow Sally and Stephanie, but he wai

**************** Mac and Marks POV*************

Mark and I turned our head to watch both of our sister walk out of the living room and both of our eyes were glued on their ass swissing back and forth as they walk, Once they had turned the corner and they vanish from view as they started up the stair so Sally could get Stephanie ready for what she was about to experience. Once they were out of view, I turned toward Mark and made my way over to where he was standing and I placed my right hand upon his left shoulder and look him directly in the eyes, with a stern look on my face.

“ Listen to me Mark, and listen to me closely, because I am only going to tell you this once, I know how ecstatic you must be feeling right now to finally be able to deflower your sister Stephanie, The first time that Sally and I made love, it was like we were on cloud nine.” Mac begin to tell Mark before Mark breaks into the conversation in mid-sentence.

“Mac to be completely honest with you bro, I still trying to come to terms with the fact, that here in soon few mins, that I am going to deflower my own sister Mac in front of whole world live, (Sighs) If you were have told me yesterday morning that in less than 24 hour time span that I would be attempting to father a child with my own sister, I would look at you directly in the eyes and laugh and most likely I would knocked your ass out cold Mac.” Mark said to me in a apprehensive tone of voice.

“ I can completely understand where your coming from Mark, I mean if it hadn’t been for you being a douche and giving Sally that dumb ass automaton that you give her, and when she refused to go up to Snyder’s lake to sleep with you, which I have to say was dick move on your part, But anyways, I had to console her after that and well one thing lead to another and now we are here Mark.” Mac said to Mark.

“ Yeah, now when I look back on the whole Snyder’s lake automation that was a competed and utter dick move on my part, But hey it seem like to me thing turn out for the best for the both of us right bro?” Mark playfully punches me in the shoulder.

“ Ok Mark time to get down to business here, We both know that both you and Stephanie are virgins, and knowing you as well as I do Mac, your going to want to have your way with Stephanie the second that you enter my uncles room, but instead show her the respect that she deserves since she could have choose to give her virginity to any dick Tom and Hairy, But she saved it for you, So sure to make it a special time for her and a story that she will tell your grand children years from now. Oh just remember we will be live streaming this and your video will be seen by the whole taboo world. Just a reminder I personally find it annoying when a video is 5 or 10 minutes make sure to make it last, ok bro and you wouldn’t want to hurt your sister now would you bud? I said to Mac.

Whan Mark heard what I had to said about taking his time with Stephanie. He burst out in laughter and then he turned around facing way from me as he make his way back over to the coffee table where we had all laid our cans of beer that Sally stole from uncles tom stash. Mark then rise his can of beer to his mouth and take a swig from his beer. Then turn his head back in my direction.

“ Mac, you don’t need to worry about Stephanie being able to handle our style of love making, You remember those rumors that were going around school about Kelly Cooper right Mac?” Mark ask me as he took another swig from his beer.

“Yeah, that if you were utterly desperate for a piece of ass, than she would drop her pants just for just about anyone if you had nice ride or something like that, I don’t understand just where the hell she fits in to this story Mark?” I ask mark with a confused tone of voice.

Mark downs the last of his can of bear and toss it in the can bag we had put out, So once this was all done and over, we could get rid of the evidence before Uncle Tom came home, then he make a V line over to where I was standing.

“Well when Sally refused to go up to Snyder’s lake and dumped her for it, I saw Kelly Cooper outside of school and I ask her to go with me to Snyder’s Lake since I do have a nice sports car and if those rumors were correct than she would drop those pants of her like hot cake… (Sighs) nearest to say I quickly found those rumors about Kelly were wrong and I when home that afternoon with the worse case of blue balls, Mac they fucking hurt like hell, and Well to give you the short story, It was only once Stephanie had finish up swallowing my load for the first time, did she tell me those rumors were about her, and let me tell you Mac if my sister had done everything she said she had done, I’m pretty sure she can handle me having my way with her and that what she wants me to do.” Mark, tell me.

“ So, wait just a second Mark it was your sister Stephanie instead of Kelly Cooper, who had guy running a train on her, because what I had heard that she had one guy fucking in the ass and another was face fucking her. But the guy at the party were super piss when she told them her pussy was off limits, something about she is saving that for someone special.” Mac told Mark.

“Yeah, I was shocked when I asked her just who she was saving her vaginal virginity for?” Mark said to me as he pop the top on a new can of beer.

I stood there looking at Mark with a befuddled look on my face, as much as I attempted to figure out just why the hell Stephanie was more than willing to allow any Joe schmo take advantage of her his ass and mouth like she did. But at the same time, she was saving in vaginal virginity for someone special.

“ Ok Mark, Now you have me highly intrigued, Just who the hell was she saving her vaginal virginity for then? Who ever that guy was must have meant the world to her?” Mac ask Mark with his eyebrow raised.

“ My mother and I just thought she was acting out, or going though some kind of phase, But last night when she told me the truth on just who she was saving herself for it hit me like ton of bricks!” Mark said as he took another swig from his can of bear.

“ God damn it, Mark! Would please stop beating around the bush and tell me just who the bloody hell she was saving herself for… the suspense is killing me damn it!” I said to Mark in a raised tone of voice.

“ Jesus Christ Mac, your acting like this a season finale of your favorite TV Show, that end the episode on a cliffhanger!” Mark Said to me laughing.

“ Lol well the way your stringing this conversation out, I don’t think you are aware that your making it surely feel that way, So how about keeping forward to the season premier and tell already God Damn it?” Mac pops the top of his own beer as he wait for Mark to answer.

“ (sighs) It was ME! Mac she was acting out because she thought she couldn’t have me, and She told me she would have rather dead a childless virgin, then to give it up to anybody other than me Mac!” Mark said to me as he took another swig of his beer.

“I be damn Mark, So she was acting out all this time just because she though she couldn’t be with you!” Mac said to Mark as they both take a swig of their beers.

“ Yeah, it was a took shock to me as well, but any ways what you think Sally and Stephanie are doing upstairs while we are talking done here?”

“ Oh, knowing Sally, she is getting your sister ready to look like a porn star.” Mac said to Mark.

********************** Sally and Stephanie******************************

As my brother Mac and Stephanie’s brother were downing a few colds once, in which I had told Mac to stall Mark long enough so I could give Stephanie an Make over. I lead Stephanie by hand down the hall toward my Uncles Master bedroom… Once we have reached our uncles master bed, I motioned for Stephanie to head into my Uncles Master bathroom, Stephanie stops at the threshold my uncle’s bedroom, and she gave me this weird ass look as she looked toward my uncle’s luxurious bathroom. Stephanie had an nervous look on her face as she entered the bathroom. I motioned for her to take a seat on the toilet, and she did.

“Ok Now what Sally?” Stephanie asked me in a nervous to the voice.

“ Strip off all your clothing and once you have place them on the sink next to you Stephanie and once you have finished, please return to your spot on the toilet and I’m going to prepare you for your deflowerment!” I said to Sally.

“What the hell do mean by preparing me for my deflowerment, Sally?” Stephanie asked me.

“Well Stephanie don’t you want to look good for the cameras. I mean I think it hot as hell that you’re losing your virginity to your brother, what I can’t understand is why you didn’t save the rest of your holes for him. Because let me tell you Stephanie how miraculous it feels to have your own fresh and blood pumping his magnificent incestuous seed into any of your holes! Ok well let me know when you ready a I will come back get you all pampered up and beautified.

I started to turn around to walk out of the bathroom to leave Stephanie alone to allow her to think about what I had said about saving herself for her brother. But before I could even turn around Stephanie grabbed ahold of my hand, stopping me from leaving. I look downwards at her face, and I could see tears streaming down her face. So I lowered myself to my knees beside her.

“Sally you must be thinking that I am the biggest slut in the world, for allowing all those guys to run trains in both my mouth and ass all those times (Stephanie whips away the tears as were rolling from her eyes and sniffles) but to be honest with you Sally if you notice when they wanted to mount my pussy I would shut them down quick and in hurry telling them that my pussy was off limits because I was saving it for my one true love, who at that time I thought I would never get the opportunity to allow him to take it” Stephanie said to me.

Stephanie suddenly stood up from the toilet and turned around to face away from me.

“Sally, you would mind helping me undo my lingerie. Mark hasn’t seen this one yet and knowing him this well mostly the only time I wear it because knowing how horny he is there a highly likely he just going to rip it right off and then have his way with me.” Sally said to me.

I stepped up behind her and slowly started unzipping the ripper on her highly scandalous and revealing and lustrous lingerie outfit. I kind of felt bad that the expensive lingerie outfit that Stephanie was wearing right now, would end up as shredded fabric all ripped and torn and ultimately tossed away in the trash after Mark got ahold of it. It would be a shame if that was to be it’s ultimate fate. I just loved how this lingerie outfit seemliest contoured every nick and curves of Stephanie body, it was like a professional seamstress had crafted this lingerie outfit just for her.

I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t Simi jealous of her. Just seeing it on her caused me to get slightly moist down there. It was at this moment that I made my mind up that I couldn’t allow this amazing piece of lingerie to end up being worn only once, then tossed way. Now you most likely asking yourself just how I was going to manage this, well it simple. I was going to explain to Mark that the viewers of both the livestream and the vods that we would post to the web would enjoy him taking his time and enjoying his sister body, moments later I was finished unzipping her and I really need to stand up before I gave into some unthinkable urges that I was experiencing at that very moment, God Damnit I just wanted to make out with Stephanie right there and then, which is completely weird because I wasn’t into Girls, I loved cock. But then again nothing seem normal anymore since I hooked up with my brother, I thought to myself “ I saved that for another time, somewhere down the road.” Because today was all about Mark and Stephanie finally become one in incestuous love. I turn away from her slightly rubbing my thighs together, I knew I need to flee before something happen that could ruin both Mark’s and Stephanie’s night,

“Ok Stephanie, I am finished unzipping your outfit.” I told Stephanie as I bite my lips as I was facing away from her in an attempt to hide my arousement from her.

“Thank you, Sally, I hope you and Mac both understand how truly grateful Mark and I that are you and Mac are helping to being one of the deepest and darkest fantasies of my to come true.” Stephanie said to me as she retch up with her hand and turned me back around to face her,

“It’s a compete honor Stepanie, I know those feeling all to real myself, I mean if it wasn’t for you giving your brother a blowjob for years without him even knowing about it, which lead to him not only forcing me to give him oral that one time in his car, then for him to give me that ultimatum about going to Snyder’s lake where he had plan to take my Virginity with or without my consent… “ Sally started to say before Stephanie would break her off in mid-sentence.

(sighs) “What Mark was really going to take your virginity against your will Sally?” Stephanie ask me.

“Yes Stephanie, those were the vibes I was receiving from him that day, and when I refused, he call me a prune and then dumbed me. Yeah, at that moment it hurt like hell, but if it wasn’t for that it highly unlikely that neither Mac nor myself would have end up finding out that we were meant to be together.” I said to Stephanie.

“ Sally that was all most fault and I am sorry, if I hadn’t been sexually violating him for year by taking care of his morning wood, none of this would have happen, can you find it in your heart to forgive me Sally?” Stephanie asked me with tears streaming from her eyes.

“Forgive you Stephanie? For what? There is nothing you have done against me; It seems to have worked out for the best of us both girl. Now would you like me to step out and give you some privacy while you strip out of that scandalous lingerie outfit? “ I asked Stephanie.


“No, Sally there no need for you to leave while I remove my lingerie outfit, hell Sally the main reason I picked this outfit was because it was the most revealing lingerie outfit set that I owned, furthermore it’s not like you haven’t seen me completely nude before thousand’s of times after gym class when we took showers together. (Stephanie sighs and place her right hand on my shoulder) “ To be completely honest with you Sally just having you here watching me remove it kind of turns me on!” Stephanie said to me with a slight smirk on her face.

When Stephanie declared that to me, I couldn’t control myself, I all sudden got completely wet down between my thighs to the point were my juice were starting to stream down both of my inner thighs. I knew right there and then that my wetness was only going to become worse as we when along with this process, But I had to remind myself that I had to deny myself this once because it was Mark’s and hers special day.

Stephanie noticed that I was getting aroused, from just watching her seductively remove her lingerie outfit, I couldn’t help myself, but my eyes were glued to her highly moist virgin pussy, as it came into view as the lingerie outfit slide down her legs and she tossed it over on to the bathroom floor. Then she look up at me with a seductive smirk on her face as she approached me and took her finger and swiped some of my juice that had been oozing out of me onto her finger and suck my female juice clean from her fingers with her mouth.

“Mmmmmmm Sally, I have to tell you that your female cum taste so damn good, it shame we don’t have enough time for us to play if you know what I mean before Mark take my virginity,( then Stephanie spins around and walks back over to the toilet and take seat on it) “ So Sally what the next thing on your list there of thing that need to be done before the world witness my own brother breed me?” Stephanie said to me in a highly seductive tone of voice.

I was utterly speechless when I heard Stephanie wanted to mess around with me, I have never been with a woman, and the only man I had been with was my own brother. But maybe It wouldn’t hurt to experiment just a little I mean. I shook my head to clear my mind of those thoughts as I retch over and grabbed Mac’s electric hair clippers and reach down and grabbed the close-cutting guard and snapped it into place then I walk over to where Stephanie was sitting.

“First of all, I am going to have to shave that bush of your Stephanie, with my brother’s hair clipper, but don’t worry I promise I won’t cut you, then once I’m finished that I am going to make that moist cunt of yours as smooth as the baby’s butt, So how about you spread them thighs of your so we can get down to business. I didn’t know that you were Bi-Sexual Stephanie, Does Mark know?” I asked Stephanie as I playfully turn on my brother hair clippers and move toward Stephanie.

“ Oh yes Sally, You never noticed that sometimes I would flirt with you when you came over to see my brother, Oh let me tell you there were many time that I fantasized about stripping you naked and running my long tongue over your steamy moist cunt. Oh, I am sorry Sally if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way or form” Stephanie told me in a very highly seductive tone of voice as she slowly spread her thighs to reveal her heavy wet cunt to me,

“I just might have to take you up on that offer sometime, maybe if you are a good little slut, I’ll might take a taste of your cunt once I’m finish shave your, ok?“ I told Stephanie in a playful tone of voice.

“You know I’m going to hold you to your promise Sally, let get this show on the road shall we Sally?” Stephanie said in a seductive tone of voice.

“ I know!” I told Stephanie.

With that I switch on my brother hair clipper and brought them down toward her hairy cunt, and I slowly slide the hair clipper along her wet fiery red color pubic, Every time I would touch her cunt with the clipper, Stephanie would let out a muffled moan, I could tell she was enjoying the hell out of me shaving her, and by the time I was finish it wouldn’t take very much of me eating that cunt of her to make her cum, because it always a good thing for us woman to come before we make love, it cause us to last longer, and that was away a good thing, because it made our men have to work harder to get us off while they were fucking us.

With one last swipe of my brother hair clippers, finally Stephanie was brushless, and the last thing I need to do was to get my electric shaver to give her cunt that smooth baby butts feel, the cold steel razor blade head give Stephanie a chill as I ran it across her mount for the next five min or so, by the time I was finished she was literally begging me to eat her out.

“Oh God Damnit Sally my pussy is on fire, for the love of God eat me damn it…. You promised!” Stephanie demand me as she was grabbing for my head,

She did not have to tell me twice, this was a first for me, I have always had my pussy eaten by Mac, this was the first time that I was going to be the one that was doing the eating, so I was a nervous wreck. When all sudden Stepanie slide herself down onto the floor and motioned for me to join her, so I did.

“ Let sixty-nine this, so we both get off, it only right, since this your first time eating a woman out Sally” Stephanie said.

I nod in agreement as Stephanie told me to lay flat on the bathroom floor, and I did then she climb on top of me in the reverse position. And the very moment that both of our tongue touched the lips of each other cunt, It was like a surge of energy went coursing through out each of our body, It didn’t take me very long to get the hang of eating Stephanie pussy, I flicked my long tongue over Stephanie swollen clit and she did the same to me, and fuck did it feel good, not as good as if it was Mac, but this was new and now I know just way Mac loved to stay down on me for as long as he does, all sudden I felt Stephanie slide her tongue deep into my pussy and my body shock and I let out a muffed moan and I could start to feel my orgasm starting to build, So I return the favor and slide my tongue into her cunt and then I felt her Hyman and I knew I had not break that with my tongue because Mark would kill me if I popped her cherry with my tongue

What felt like a eternity I felt Stephanie body tighten, and my also tighten as well, moment later I felt my orgasm release and I also felt Stephanie’s wave of juice begin to squirt all over my face, I quickly withdrawn my tongue and open my mouth to take as much of her delicious female cum into my mouth and what I did manger to get into my mouth a swallow it and I could tell that Stephanie had done the same. Stephanie pull her head up from my cunt and she was breathing heavy.

“ Sally, do you think we have enough time to clean ourselves up before you do my hair and makeup done?” Stephanie ask me.

“ Yeah, we can make time the live stream does not start until 1:30 and we have plenty time get everything that need to be done, but we going to have to hurry, I wonder if Mark and Mac heard us” I told Stephanie. As we both got up from the floor and got into the shower

To be continue in chapter. seven

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