While She’s Away – Part 1 by HelloGoodbyeHiThere

While She’s Away – Part 1
by HelloGoodbyeHiThere

“Alright, just one more file to go and I am finished” I muttered to myself, typing away at my desk. Running a business at home, most of the time, isn’t a pleasant experience for me, especially with my wife of 23 years being away for most days attending to a business of her own, traveling the country attending meetings. Sometimes she would be gone for weeks, at times for days, leaving me to take care of the house and watch our children whom of which are grown, my son being the most successful attending college at the age of 19, seemingly breezing through all of his subjects that he was presented with. His academic excellence showed just how well we raised him.

I analyzed my writing as I typed, deciding to take a break as I pondered about my life at home, looking over at the picture frame of a family photoshoot that was taken about 10 years ago with my son by my side as I held my wife with an arm around her waist, my daughter off to right a distance always from her mom holding up a peace sign, her tongue sticking out making cross-eyes in a goofy manner. Every time I looked over at the photo I would grin and smile at her mannerism that she displayed that day, as well as admiring at how beautiful my wife looked in her summertime attire with her tank top and shorts that showed off her tan.

It made me wish for more days such as those where we would spend the days enjoying the summer, but given the circumstances with me & my wife’s job, I had no choice but to accept it. Not to mention my son being away at college, which pretty much broke away the bond our family had together as my wife got kind of distant ever since he left to pursue his dream of becoming an engineer. It was sad to see my wife becoming more and more invested in her job instead of spending time with me since then, like a repressive version of empty nest syndrome, but I fought the sadness and developed a tendency to accept it, no matter how distant she may have gotten towards me.

Being a stay at home dad may have taken a toll on my mentality, most notably when it comes to my stress levels with having the responsibility of looking after and maintaining everything at home, plus the responsibilities coinciding with my job. But despite the heavy workload that I was under most days, it wasn’t lonely at all being at home, given the presence of my daughter staying at home for most days even on the weekends.

My son was brilliant at everything he did academically, excelling through school. I have always looked at him to be the most gifted, expecting him to make something of himself ever since he was young, bringing home report cards of straight A’s throughout his school years. Where as my daughter… well, she would seem to disregard school, instead rather choosing to spend time with her friends, watching television or play video games. I would always get on her case about where her priorities would lie every time she came home from school, though my wife would get in way scolding me for being too harsh or misunderstanding towards her, telling me to let her do whatever made her happy or content, which honestly did make me feel a bit guilty as she did develop depression at an early age.

Throughout the years me and my wife have tried to get her motivated to progress successfully through school on the same level as my son, but she would end up choosing recreational activities over academic ones, even when we offered to help her. I have come to accept that it was her stubbornness that led her flunk almost every class in high school as I know she’s smart given her performance in middle school. Somewhere along the line she must have become too invested in the internet, especially with her video games.

This generation’s distraction tools have taken its toll on every member of our family for a matter of fact, even myself as I would often find myself browsing my phone as I worked at my desk, browsing social media like Facebook, mainly to check up on my wife’s travels. Though whenever I was feeling frisky I would often find myself searching up models on Instagram, gawking and salivating over their luscious bodies, notably their assets, if you know what I mean.

The more time I spent on there the more I found myself developing a liking for women with what this younger generation calls “thickness”; big thighs, big asses, big tits. Maybe a little bit of tummy or arm fat here & there, but overall their photographic presentations were all about displaying their ass. Those type of women would be all over that site.

Ever since my daughter introduced me to Instagram I would mainly browse photos related to news and, stereotypically, travel photos. But ever since I found the sultry side of it I was hooked. It gotten to the point where I made an account an account specifically just to follow the models, using it to stimulate myself during times where I was feely horny or stressed, though I rarely ever climaxed as I felt it deterred me from maintaining my inner energy that I needed for work, ideally my concentration.

Reading up about masturbation, as requested by my wife as we were about studying new knowledge related to psychology to help us gain a mental advantage with work, has long convinced me that the pleasure associated with it would be detrimental to my work, telling me to wait until she got home or was in the mood for sex to relieve my inner demons. Though these days it seems to be getting more and more difficult to control my sexual urges as I go about my duties with work, especially with another female being at home throughout most of the day… that female being my only daughter.

It’s wrong to have sexual thoughts towards another family member, but my daughter’s body type fit what I lusted over on social media: thick thighs, a nice big, chubby, round-shaped butt, round breasts, a cute chubby face that I have always grown to admire. Her body type was basically the opposite of my wife’s as she would try her best to maintain a healthy lifestyle with a stable diet and regular exercise, where as my daughter pretty much didn’t give a shit about all of that, however it seemed that all of what she ate went to the lower sections of her body.

Seeing my daughter around every day would sometimes bring out the lusting side in me, seeing her wear long t-shirts depicting her favorite bands with tights that would hug at her thighs like they were practically glued to her skin. Much to my disappointment I rarely ever get to see her butt as the shirts she would wear would often hide a quarter half of her lower body, but when I would analyze her body from a distance or when she wasn’t looking I would see it shapely protruding out from the shirt, giving a pleasant sight for my eyes to gawk at, her flesh noticeably albeit subtly bouncing whenever she would walk. And knowing her I knew she always wore panties underneath her legwear.

In my head I knew it was wrong to look at my daughter in such a way, but hell, I am only human. Plus given the daily circumstances I am under with stress it was nice to have a lovely shapely woman like her to look at to cool off my blood pressure.

I am sure my daughter doesn’t know about me checking her out from time to time, despite being around each other through most of the day, although I do have my subtleness to thank for as I kept my looking pretty controlled such as when she would walk away or sat on the couch looking at her phone or playing her video games. Rarely she would have anybody else over at the house, in fact I am not even sure she has a boyfriend… but I will make sure to ask her. Probably tomorrow.

“Alright, I think I am done for today, that’s enough procrastinating for one night.” I said to myself, looking away from the family photo, saving the work file on my computer to continuing working on tomorrow.

As I began walking out of my office and towards the bathroom to take a quick piss before I headed to my bedroom for the night I overhead my daughter talking in the living room.

“Oh shut up! You know that you couldn’t of lived if it wasn’t for me!” I overhead her voice in the distance. From the sounds of it I got the impression that she was trash talking to someone online over her video games, like she usually does around these hours.

Being the typical father that I am I was curious as to what she was doing, so I walked through the hallway till I got at the end, looking around the corner to see my daughter sitting Indian style on the couch with a headset on, the only illumination in the room being the television set.

“Fuck no, I am not going to revive you! I saved your ass one time and I am not going to do it again! Learn to get better!” My daughter exclaimed into the microphone, laughing in a mocking tone, giving a broad teethy smile that shined in the light from the television. From the looks of guns on the screen it seems like she was playing a war game, though I couldn’t tell exactly what as I wasn’t interested in video games like she was. Being a tomboy she had interests that men would usually have.

“Hey, can you keep it down, Michelle? I am getting ready to head to sleep here.” I told her from around the corner, looking at her eyes fixated on the television screen still smiling from the exchange in conversation and actions that were going on.

Michelle obliviously kept playing her video game as if she didn’t hear me, so I walked up closer to her where I was standing behind the couch, off to the left of her where I seen her face still being perplexed by the screen as if she was being hypnotized.

To get her attention I spoke in a slightly louder tone.

“Hey, Michelle, did you hear me?”

Michelle looked up and over at me, her mouth slightly opened as if she was surprised to see me, taking one ear out from her headset to listen to me.

“What?! I didn’t hear you, dad. What do you want?” She said, reverting her attention back to the video game.

A bit annoyed I repeated myself, leaning my head down a bit closer to her ear in slightly loud slow monotone voice, “I said can you keep it down I am going to head to bed.”

Michelle looked back up at me with her brown eyes through her glasses, removing her headset so it was dangling around her neck, her lips half opened, faintly seeing the television screen reflect off her metallic lip piercing.

“Okkaayyyy, I heard you.” She said with a pouty face, her expression giving that she was slightly disgruntled, looking back at the television to continue playing. “Why did you even come out here? I usually do this every night around this time.”

“Well, you’re being louder than usual. When I left the office I heard you yelling, and I don’t want to listen to that when I try to get some sleep.” I told her, looking at her face in both concentration and disgruntlement.

“Dad… I am usually loud when I play my fucking video ga– FUCK!!” my daughter exclaimed, her speech interrupted from her character dying in her game. “What the fuck dad can’t you just let me be can’t you see I am trying to concentrate here?!” My daughter looked up at me with a noticeably timid and frustrated face, her cheeks turning in a pinkish red tone from the frustration that she was feeling, almost in an accurate resemblance to her dyed crimson red hair.

Truthfully, I came out here in the living room to check out my daughter, getting a good eyeful of her body to lustfully think about before I headed to bed. When she wasn’t looking I kept looking down at her thighs in her thin black tights, the chubbiness of them being enhanced from them laying on top of her feet as she laid there in an Indian formation. Her long shirt riding up just enough to where I could see the side of her butt come into view; a rare sight that i usually don’t get to see unless she’s sitting down, regularly at an angle. But in this instance I could see her round shapely butt perfectly curve in her tights, and it was a sight to behold as I kept staring at it, my eyes only looking up whenever I talked with her or seen movement. The room was too dark to see the material that she was wearing underneath, but the slight red hue that was barely visible from the black tights gave me the idea that she was wearing red panties.

Snapping out of my train of thoughts and slight daydreaming, my eyes focusing on the head of the couch, I uttered a slightly loud “What?” to match the tone that I received from her, although I didn’t comprehend what exactly she said from being too lost in my own head.

“Jesus fucking Christ dad I think you’re losing your sense of hearing, I swear!” She exclaimed, her voice giving somewhat of a slight mocking expression. “I told you that I usually play around this hour, and I don’t understand why you suddenly have a problem with it right now!”

As I recaptured myself I responded more accordingly, clearly comprehending what she said, now that I wasn’t lost in my gawkiness from my daughter’s presence.

“Well, as I said, tonight you’re louder than usual, and I have noticed this when I left my office. So I am telling you to please try to keep quiet so I can get some sleep.” I spoke in a considerate manner, my hand holding onto the head of the couch just above her head.

Still frustrated with her character’s death from being interrupted Michelle audibly sighed, looking up at me with a pouty expression, shaking her head with a grin as she put her headphones back on, adjusting her glasses. “Fucking fine then, I will try to be more quiet. Sorrrryy.”

“Thank you, that was all I asked” I told her, leaning my hand down that was above her head to playfully rustle her already messy crimson hair that looked like she got out of bed.

Michelle’s face immediately went from frustrated to smiling, her eyes slightly squinting and mouth giving a broad teethy smile, giggling softly as my hand made contact with her hair.

“Stop, dad, that tickles a bit. I am trying to concentrate here as the match is almost over. My team only needs a few more kills to win.” Speaking to me, her head not moving away from the television but still smiling.

“Ah, see, I know I can take away that pissy mannerism from you with just a slight tickle to your hair.” I spoke back, my hand leaning back down to continue ruffle her hair some more, thin of hair beginning to protrude out as I kept rustling. “Have you taken a shower lately? Your hair is getting messier every time I touch it.”

Giggling more extensively Michelle quickly moved her hand up to her head, trying to swat it away, immediately placing it back on her controller. “Dad fucking stop, please. And yes, I did take a shower in the afternoon, it’s just your big dumb hands messing up my hair more than usual.”

“My.. ‘big dumb hands’, you say?” I playfully said back, bringing both of my hands down to continue rustling her hair, this time in a bit quicker motion, trying to distract her from her game, sticking my tongue out giving a silly expression. “These hands work harder than yours ever will, lazy ass.”

“Stoooooppppppp!” Michelle uttered, her legs becoming uncrossed as she extended them over the couch, kicking them up & down playfully as she tossed her controller aside, bringing both of her hands up trying to pry mine from her head. “Dad if I lose this match it is your fucking fault, holy shit!”

“Yeah, and that game is part of your problem for being so lazy all the time.” I leaned down towards her ear, my hands slowing down their motions on her hair, eventually removing them.

“Oh please, like you sitting in that office chair during the day makes you any better.” Michelle replied, puffing air at my face as she adjusted her hair, watching the screen as she specated on a player after dying, pointing it out to me while rolling her eyes. “Oh look, you made me die again, thanks.”

“Well, you’re kind of right with that… But guess who is more productive with their laziness?” I asked her in a slight condescending tone.

Michelle looked up at me with her big brown eyes through her glasses, one hand still adjusting her hair, cutely replying “Me?” then broadly giggling, moving her hair in all directions trying to make it even, looking back at the television. “You’re lucky that I won that match, otherwise I would be pissed.”

“Mhm, yeah, sure you are. Do you have anything to show for your so-called ‘productivity’ with that game?” I asked her, again in a condescending tone, my arms extending across the back of couch as I looked down at her as her body adjusted to be more attentive to me.

“Well, um…” she looked down at the couch, her hand moving the controller more away across the couch as the video game’s music played in the background, letting out a slight giggle as she thought to herself, looking back up at me. “Well, I guess you can say that I have gained weight…” she told me, her eyes briefly looking away down at the couch then back up, giggling again as her eyes reverted back down at the couch, giving a smirk where her lips were perked to the other side of her face. “..if that counts, I suppose.”

Clearing my throat to the underlying meaning mixed with the temptation that I had in mind, I responded back, slightly looking away with my eyes looking down towards the floor across the couch. “I wouldn’t say that it counts, but it certainly does show…”

Hearing a small pout coming from her direction I could tell that she was becoming flustered the more I commented about her laziness & gaming habits, seeing her briefly looking up at me and quickly reverting her head to look back at the game, seeing a small awkward grin form from the side of her face followed with a clearing of her throat.

I let out a slight clearing of my throat myself then looked in the direction of the hallway, contemplating on heading to bed.

“Well, I got to get going to bed now, sweetheart. Make sure to keep it down, okay?” I said, bringing my hand up to playfully ruffle her hair while she continued to play her game, seeing her face looking up at me, a glare of light reflecting off her glasses and lip piercing.

“Oh… don’t you mean that you keep it down, dad?” She replied, hearing a teasingly playful emphasis on the word ‘you’, hearing her let out a small giggle as she quickly looked back at the television.

I stood still in my tracks as I heard her reply, immediately understanding the undertone to her words, looking down to check myself to see if my boner was visible from behind the couch; it wasn’t. How could she have known that I was hard as I was talking to her. I stood for a good few seconds to think over the conversation, analyzing my words to see if I gave any hints that would garner such a response from her.

I quickly looked back at her then towards the hallway, not sure of how to respond to her teasing, contemplating if I should either conceal or keep my noticeable boner sticking out from my sweatpants when I walk towards the hallway.

Unsure of how to reply I thought of something quick to avoid making the situation any more awkward, clearing my throat.

“I…… will see you in the morning. I got to work out in the yard, mowing and stuff.” I replied with a little bit of nervousness in my voice, looking down at my boner then back up as I began to walk towards the hallway, looking over at her to see her look at me.

As I walked I could hear a faint giggle in the distance, signifying that she must have seen my member protruding out of my sweatpants.

“Goodnight dad, hope you don’t have a hard time sleeping” I overheard her telling me as I arrived my bedroom door, bringing confirmation that she did indeed saw it.

As I closed my bedroom door behind me I let out a deep sigh, thinking over what just happened in the living room between me and my own daughter. I was definitely turned on by the situation, but at the same time I felt bad that my sexual frustration has led me to pursue my own daughter to feel gratification.

As I sat on the edge of my bed I thought about calling my wife to clear my mind, punching in the first few digits on my phone, but ultimately turned it down as I felt that she was already asleep at this time.

It took a lot of willpower to fight the urge to masturbate, as with every night, as I sat in bed envisioning my daughter’s luscious body and the conversation that we both had, the teasing and hinting still bringing arousal to me to where I couldn’t help but pleasure myself, although not to completion since i wanted to stay dedicated to my mantra.

After two minutes of edging myself I decided to drift off into sleep.

The following morning I did my usual routine: brushing my teeth, showering, checking my work emails then breakfast.

After breakfast I looked outside of the kitchen window to analyze the yard work that I had planned for today, looking at how tall the grass has grown from over a week of not cutting it.

I went to my room to get dressed, preparing to head outside to mow the lawn.

With a casual but professional look in mind I decided upon choosing a plain white, long-sleeved dress shirt, grey boxers and standard blue jeans with work boots for comfortability.

As I headed out of my bedroom door I looked across the hallway to see that I still left my office’s door opened from last night, though didn’t pay it any mind.

As I went on my way to the living room I seen that Michelle made a mess in the living room from last night: a bag of chips on the floor with crumbs all over the sofa, a bottle of water on the floor, the television still on.

Shaking my head in both annoyance & frustration I headed towards the other hallway, calling out her name.

“Michelle! Wake up and clean up this mess you made out here! I am not cleaning up after you when you know better.”

As I sighed to myself & shook my head again I headed towards the kitchen, surprisingly finding that there wasn’t any dishes to be done in the sink from last night, though I did see little bits of crumbs on the counter leftover from what seen to be a sandwich.

I looked around the kitchen a little bit more before I looked out the window, looking upon the lawn outside to analyze it for my anticipated mowing job.

Before heading outside I took a cold water from the fridge and looked through my phone to respond to my wife’s messages, about 10 minutes later I heard Michelle’s door open down the other hallway, who came walking out in a still-sleepy daze.

“Oh hey, there’s the sleepy, lazy girl. Came out here to clean up the mess you left last night, I assume?” I said to her from across the kitchen’s island sitting on a stool, setting my phone down to look up at her to see her hair in a bed-head style, wearing faint black eye-shadow along with one of her long-sleeved baggy band shirts with black tights on to where you can still faintly see her skin tone from underneath.

“Yeah, yeah… I heard you. Damn..” She responded in a dazed voice after yawning, stumbling to sit on the living room chair to rub her eyes, our dog Fido jumping up to sit on her lap.

“I expect to see the living room all cleaned up when I get done mowing the lawn. Got it?” I said to her after briefly checking the time on my watch then looking out the window.

“I willlll, jeez, dad, chill..” She responded in a slightly annoyed voice after rubbing her eyes again, then getting up to pick up the bag of chips that she left out to put them back in the pantry.

“I am just making sure you heard me” I replied getting up from the stool, heading towards the front door. “I will be back in about 20 minutes. Get the vacuum to clean up those crumbs.”

“Yeeep” I overheard her say as I closed the front door behind me, just feeling her roll her eyes at me with the response.

As I mowed the lawn all I could think about was my wife and how she was doing many miles away from me. My mind wandering through various what-if scenarios, such as her being with another man as I knew she must be having desires as I was away from her.

With the mower’s motor whirring loudly in my ears I shook my head to snap out of my insinuative assumptive thoughts, reaching for my phone to put on headphones to listen to music, getting my mind off of the situation between me & my wife.

15 minutes later after analyzing the lawn from my mower I stopped its engine, placing it back in the shed, the smell of freshly cut grass engulfing my nostrils as I headed back towards the front door, my face & forehead sweaty from the mid-summer heat outside.

The slightly cool rush of indoor air hit me as soon as I entered the house, my eyes immediately averting to the living room to see my daughter sitting down on the couch with Fido watching a show on the television, looking around I seen that she successfully completed her task of cleaning up the living room.

“Good job cleaning up the living room. Thank you” I told her as I headed towards the fridge to grab another bottle of water then checking my phone to see if my wife left me any messages while I was away.

“Told ya I would’ve gotten it done, mister stern-pants” I overheard her say to me as I was looking through my phone, briefly looking up in the direction of her voice to see her looking back at me as she got up from the couch.

“Pft.. ‘mister stern-pants’.. that’s a new one” I responded chuckling a bit while still checking my phone, looking up again this time to see Michelle opening the fridge, noticing that her long baggy shirt was hiked up from the back from her sitting down, exposing her round tights-clad butt, the faint color of blue barely peeking through the fabric.

When I seen her butt being exposed I couldn’t help but stare at it as she was going through the fridge, my pent-up horniess making it difficult to control my temptation of staring.

As she was going through the fridge she bent down to look through the crisper making her round butt protrude even more, displaying just how big it was, seeing her panties hike up a little as their color was more prominent through the fabric.

“Where is the fucking mayo at..” I overheard her say as she was looking through the fridge.

“Well you sure ain’t going to find it in the crisper” I replied while quickly averting my eyes away, looking at the phone as I brought my arm up to my neck, scratching it.

“Huh?” She immediately said, almost as if she were surprised. “I wasn’t even looking through the crisper… what do you mean?”

“Yes you were, don’t lie” I replied as I was still looking at my phone, my eyes peeking up at her for a brief moment to see her still looking back at me.

“Now how would you know that, mister, with you looking at your phone” She replied with a hint of curiousness in her voice.

“I seen you, Michelle. You were looking through the crisper.. don’t know why if you’re looking for mayo.” I responded as I set down my phone momentarily to look at her looking at me.

“Ohhh, okay, okay..” She replied with a hint of discovery, seeing a small grin form on the side of her mouth as she faced the fridge again, her hips bending over a little as she resumed looking through it.

When I seen her look back through the fridge my temptation came back to look at her butt again, my eyes analyzing its shape & size like I was some sort of scientist, my phone dangling from my fingertips in the palm of my hand as my eyes were fully concentrated on her.

“I think the crisper is your favorite part of the fridge. Right, dad?” I suddenly heard her say, her head quickly looking back at me from the fridge’s door catching me in the act of checking her out.

“Um…uh..yeah..” I replied, stumbling over my words as her eyes made contact with me, clearing my throat a little as I repositioned my phone in my palm after I almost dropped it onto the counter.

“Hmm.. I knew it” She said in a sly voice with a hint of seductiveness, her strutting her hips from side to side a little to catch my attention. “I know you’re a big fan of melons after all” She added with a small faint giggle.

“Yeah… I do like them, you’re right” I said in a slightly monotone voice, a result of me being mesmerized by her movements as I watched her, feeling my cock begin to grow inside of my pants.

“Are you.. thinking about them right now?” She asked me in a cute yet questioning tone, seeing her slightly raise her back to look back at me with her hips still pushed out.

“Um… yeah..” I responded, repositioning my back to sit up sturdily in the stool as I felt chills travel down my back followed by a knotting sensation in my stomach, my eyes nervously sifting through my phone.

“Awww, what kind of melons, dad?” She said in a cute yet teasing tone, her face now in the direction of the fridge’s door looking through it.

“Have you found that mayonnaise yet, Michelle? It’s been… a while..” I said after sighing to myself, my eyes looking down at my phone as I went through my wife’s messages, trying to fight down the erection in my pants.

“Yesss, I found it, jeeeezz” She playfully replied after letting out a big huff of air, setting down the mayo on the countertop and closing the fridge.

I looked up at her setting down the mayo, then back up at her to see her going through the pantry.

“Mayo… just mayo and nothing else?” I asked in my fatherly tone, looking back down at my phone.

“Yes, I am still thinking of what to make…” She replied while still looking through the pantry. “I am wondering what kind of buns to have with it.”

I sighed to myself while rubbing my neck, setting my phone back in my pocket, rubbing my face with my palms as the temptation to masturbate was becoming too strong with my daughter’s teasing.

“I need to… go to my office for a little while” I said as I got up from the stool after I felt that my erection wilted enough to become unnoticed.

“Waaait, dad…” I overheard my daughter say as I headed towards the hallway where my office was located.

“What is it, dear?” I said after as I turned my head to look towards her direction.

“What’s wroong? You seem a little… down” She asked me in a compassionate tone.

“Well…it’s just your mother” I said in a disappointed tone, sighing to myself. “She’s been gone for a while and I just miss her..”

“Awww… well, I don’t really miss her that much.” She replied, “sometimes I don’t even notice that she’s gone.”

“Wow, dear… I don’t even know what to say to that..” I replied to her, heading a little more further into the hallway.

“What do you miss most about mom?” She asked me looking down at the floor then back up at me, biting the side of her lower lip a little, almost unnoticeably.

“Well…. her presence, mostly.. just her being here..” I responded, looking away quickly to see Fido walking around the kitchen then back towards her. “Why do you ask?”

“Hmm.. I guess you miss….. your nighttime stuff with her too, right?” She asked as looked down at the floor again, gently biting her lower lip, hearing a faint giggle come from underneath her breath.

“I… What do you mean?” I asked, feeling my stomach begin to knot again, a stirring feeling coming from my crotch as I caught her innuendo.

“You know… sex..” She replied looking up at me, her biting her lip more noticeably this time.

“Uh….. yeah…” I replied, almost stumbling on the second word of my response. “It’s been… a while…”

“Awww, how sad… your balls must be bluer than my panties, dad….. just how long do you have to wait for mom to come home so you can finally feel some relief down there?” She told me in a mocking manner, putting emphasis on the word ‘come’ when she spoke to me.

“Was that.. really necessary to tell me that?” I said, looking at her with a curious face.

“Hmm… I don’t know, was it?” She responded, briefly putting a thinking expression upon her face then giggling a little afterwards.

Sighing looking down, not completely understanding if she gave the color of her panties as a way to tease me or if she had the same lustful intentions that I did. I looked back up at my daughter then back away rather quickly, trying to control the temptation that was running through me, uncertain what the consequences would be if I continued this conversation. Knowing her she would probably tell my wife if I showed any signs of interest.

“Look, Michelle, I think we should forget about this whole encounter and continue about with our things… I am sorry I even brought this up. Do you understand?” I told her quite sternly although shamefully, my left foot pointing towards the hallway as I was getting ready to head back to my office.

“No, daddy, wait…” my daughter uttered, walking towards me slowly, her arms extending as she got closer to me.

“Honestly, I feel…. kinda sorry for you, since I know you work really hard–” she giggled briefly before returning to her statement, “–and I know that it must suck to work so hard without receiving that satisfaction… that release of….. well, dopamine, if you would say… from working so hard, you know.”

Michelle held out her arms in front of me, inviting me into a hug. I couldn’t resist as she did sound genuinely upset about me. I held my arms around her back, pulling her into me as she held hers around my back as well, resting her head against my chest.

I let out a low extended sigh as I felt the warmth of her body heat and her presence engulf my own, looking up at ceiling, trying my best not to give into the temptation of wanting to feel her any further other than her back, placing my hands a little bit higher above her back as I became conscious of their placement, trying to control myself.

With her head resting against my chest I could feel her breath becoming slightly louder, as if she was nervous. I looked down at her face resting against my chest, seeing her eyes closed, glasses a bit unadjusted as her cheek smushed against my dress shirt, a half smile forming on her face as I brought one of my hands up caress her hair, speaking softly to her. “It’s alright, sweetie, I have been going through this ever since your brother left for college. I will make it, don’t worry.”

Michelle nuzzled her nose into my chest as I continued to caress her hair, feeling her hands moving towards my upper back as she held me closer, her body moving in closer to me as well, her voice slightly muffled from her head laying against my chest. “But still, it doesn’t make it fine…”

I could hear her voice giving a bit of emphasis to ‘but’ as if she was giving me a hint, and at this point it was becoming apparent as to what her intentions were as she was unusually close to me with our hug. I’ve tried to control my hormones and temptation, but with my daughter’s actions it was proving to be difficult. I couldn’t resist any longer. Testing the waters I slowly began bringing one of my hands down her back, palming it smoothly as my other was still caressing her hair.

“And how isn’t it, sweetheart?” I spoke to her looking down, seeing her upper teeth reach for her lower lip on the opposite side of her lip piercing as my hand traveled down her back, stopping just above her butt, smoothing any wrinkles that were on her oversized black t-shirt depicting one of her favorite bands.

“Well…” Michelle started, letting out a nervously stuttered sigh, slightly lowering her head at an angle on my chest, nuzzling it tenderly with her nose with her eyes closed, her teeth finally biting her lip as her chubby cheek became smudged against my shirt. “…I believe that when someone works so hard they should be rewarded, you know…” She finished saying.

I chuckled a bit, analyzing her speech, making fun of her during this intimate moment. “You know, you like to say ‘you know’ a lot, you know..”

Opening her big brown eyes she slightly looked at me, a small grinning smile forming across her face as she briefly stopped biting her lip.

“Shush, mister…” She told me with a slight smile, her hands being removed from my back to place them on each side of her shirt pulling forward and lifting it up to finally expose her tights-clad butt to me, then placing her hands up to my upper back again, closing her eyes while adjusting her head to get comfortable against my chest.

I gently pushed my daughter’s head a bit more into my chest, looking down across her back to get a better look at the newly presented view she gave me, analyzing and admiring her beautifully shaped round butt; the size and shape effortlessly holding up her shirt, the faint blue hue of her panties coming into view from underneath her black tights from the sunlight from across the window of the room.

“Damn…” I said softly to myself while staring, my eyes analyzing her butt just like before.

It was big enough to where I could see that a bit of her cheeks were exposed and spilling out from her panties, showing that she must of have pulled up her tights or gave herself a slight wedgie from sitting.

“Hey, I heard that..” She said while giggling a little, her head slightly adjusting against my chest to look up at me.

“Was I too loud?” I asked in a joking manner, looking down at her.

“Nope… it just wasn’t.. hard to think of what you said” She replied in a soft clever tone, putting emphasis on the word ‘hard’.

Still holding my daughter’s head against my chest I reached my hand down to softly caress it across one of her butt cheeks, looking down to see her body stand perfectly still as my hand felt the silkiness of both her panties and thin tights, her body enamored against mine.

I sighed to myself a little, wondering if I should be doing these things being married and with my wife being away. After briefly thinking to myself I came to the conclusion that I suppose it was alright to just touch and have no sex involved with the situation.

“…Just going to be touching, but not.. ‘there’.. alright, dear?” I said to her as I looked down, seeing her face relaxed against my chest with her eyes closed.

“Yess, daddy.. I gotchu…” She softly replied without opening her eyes.

After about a minute or two of exploring her butt cheeks I felt my stomach turning from a knotting sensation to butterflies, excitement filling from within me as I felt my cock begin to get harder.

“What kind of.. fabric is this..?” I asked with a noticeable shaky breath out of nowhere, nervousness filling up in my stomach along with the butterflies.

“Um.. cotton..? I think…” She purred, hearing a soft breathy sigh escape her lips while my hand explored her cheeks, her head nuzzling against my chest.

“Wow..” I nervously replied, my throat developing a lump from the shaky sensation of nervousness that I was feeling.

“So.. how does it feel, daddy?” She calmly added asking me, her voice a bit muffled from being against my chest, followed with a faint giggle. “Is your precious daughter’s ass soft and gentle to the touch of your big dumb hand?”

Looking down I could see her biting her lip hard from across the side of her face, eyes closed shut, her slouching a little lower as I caressed her butt cheek softly within my palm, her mouth releasing a warm cute sigh as I gently squeezed her right cheek, almost hearing her voice briefly break into a high pitch, signifying that she prefers it when I squeeze her. Her hands moving up higher against my back, feeling her body move closer against mine, her breasts pushing up against the middle of my chest.

“It’s really.. soft….. and…. big.. almost like my hand is squeezing a silk pillow..” My breathing became harder, my speech a noticeably more shaky, realizing what was happening with my very own daughter. The moment was surreal; almost like a dream. But it wasn’t a dream, I could feel and hear everything that was happening. My daughter was giving herself to me.

“Mhmm.. and how do you feel right now, daddy? Do you feel… calmer?” My daughter looked up at me, bringing her nose up to gently nuzzle the bottom of my chin as I continued caressingly squeezing her butt, my other still running through her hair.

“Yes….” I replied, closing my eyes, my head slowly lowering towards her forehead, almost as if I was falling into a trance through the intimacy.

“More…relaxed?” She asked & added, breathing hot air under chin where it traveled across my neck, feeling her giving me a soft butterfly kiss under my chin. A gentle giggle escaping her mouth as I felt her hands caress up and down my upper back, almost in unison with the caressing I was giving her.

“Oh yes….” I shakily replied, breathing heavily, the tip of my nose almost touching the top of her head, bringing my other to slowly travel down her back.

“Hmm, it’s almost like its a natural stress ball for you, huh?” She asked, nuzzling my chin more to the left, a slightly high pitched sigh escaping her mouth as I squeezed her butt.

“More like a stress pillow, sweetheart” I corrected, giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead as my eyes opened halfway, looking down to see both of my hands kneading her cheeks, my fingertips resting inbetween the crack of her butt, my thumbs pressing deep but gently against the middle of each one of her cheeks. “…and the best part is that it’s so much warmer…”

“…And softer…” My daughter added, blowing warm air across my neck, a small cutesy moan escaping her mouth as I squeezed her butt a little bit harder.

Her hands slowly moved down my back to where they reached my jeans. I could feel her fingers travel across the hem of my belt, looking up at me with her big brown eyes, giving an innocent smirk to me.

“..Michelle…” I calmly yet shakily said as I felt her fingers near my crotch, unsure if I wanted this moment to go this far, my wife in my thoughts.

“Whaaat? … It’s such a shame, you know, that your little friend in there isn’t getting the most enjoyment out of this… After all, I believe he’s the one that wanted this to happen, right?” She asked placing her head under my chin, looking down at my crotch as she moved a little bit away from me to get a better view of it.

“Alright…. but still.. don’t.. touch it..” I shakily replied with nervousness.

“I knoooow, mister hard, chill” She responded with a teethy smile while briefly looking up at me.

I was hard as I have ever been underneath my jeans. When i recall i wasn’t this hard until i met my wife on our first time in bed. And she was right, I couldn’t get the most out of my excitement with my dick being trapped in the denim pants. Despite the feeling of unsureness & nervousness stirring within my stomach I didn’t protest when she started to reach for my belt buckle, unlatching it carefully.

“Oh, fuck…” I gently said under my breath, my palms resting upon her butt cheeks, my thought processing going too fast to take into regard of what I was doing before.

I rested my chin against the top of her head as she fondled with my belt and pants, closing my eyes, thinking about just how far I have come to doing this with my own daughter, feeling her flesh in my hands as I gave a soft gentle squeeze to feel the sensation, reminded myself that this is really happening and not a dream.

“Ugh, come on you… belt… thing..” I overhead her say from underneath my chin, her voice giving a hint of slight frustration.

“..Are you…having trouble down there, sweetie?” I asked, kissing the top of her head, noticing that it was taking longer than usual to unbelt my pants, though I must put my daughter’s inexperience with belts into consideration over my wife’s.

“No, no, it’s alright.. I.. got this, I think” I heard her confidently say underneath me, hearing the metallic pieces of my belt ring, signifying that they were becoming unlatched. I then felt her hand go towards the zipper of my pants, feeling and hearing it slowly go down across my hardness.

My breath became more shaky and laborded, almost as if i was going for a run on a hot humid day, realizing just how far I am going with this, my daughter of all people. To try to calm myself I buried my nose into Michelle’s hair, inhaling the faint lingering scent of her rosemary shampoo from when she took a shower, my hands softly yet nervously kneading her warm butt as she continued to fondle with my jeans.

After unzipping my pants she gave the outline of my hard dick a complimentary touch through my jeans, causing me to let out a gentle pleasurable moan against her head and hair.

Returning the favor I squeezed her cheeks a little bit harder than usual, causing her to giggle. The only thing left between my dick being freed was now the button holding my pants together.

“I can just sense the sexual frustration that those..balls must be under right now… I mean, your little friend is already trying to escape through the hole in your pants.” She commented teasingly, giggling while looking down at my boner. Hearing her comment on my erection caused my dick to twitch within my boxer shorts.

She then moved her body up close against mine, wrapping her arms around my neck to give me a hug while pressing her hips against mine as she got on her tip-toes, my boner becoming squished in inside of my boxers & jeans.

“Mmh..” I softly muttered under my breath as my arms/hands traveled up to her mid-back region to hug her back, my boner twitching as she noticeably applied more pressure against it with her hips.

“Who knew that melons could turn you into a cucumber” She giggled, subtly swaying her hips side to side as she hugged me closer.

“Shut it..” I chuckled lowly & nervously, lowering my head a little as I felt my cock begin to twitch.

The feeling was intense. Being depraved of sexual contact for so long while my wife is away on her business trip I almost forgot just how good it felt when my dick was touched by something other than my own hand.

“Oh, fuck…” I muttered into my daughter’s hair as I continued to hug her, feeling small droplets of precum seep through my tip from the sensation of her warm body against mine along with the contact that she was giving me.

“Awww… shhh… I know, I know, your poor little friend is depraved of this feeling..” She said looking up at me, giving my chin a couple butterfly kisses.

“Yeah… it’s been a while , you know…” I replied in a low nervous tone, looking down from across her back to see my hands knead her flesh gently, then up towards the mid region of her back to caress it.

“I am going to make him feel better, okay? Just keep him happy with my booty.” She added sticking out her hips encouragingly, arching her back a little while breaking away from our hug to give her butt more prominence in my hands as they traveled back down to her butt.

As I continued caressing & massaging her I felt her hands resuming to work on my pants, feeling her hands unbuttoning them.

I could feel my jeans travel down the hairs of my legs as she released the button, my jeans falling down to my feet landing onto the floor with a small thud from my phone being in my pocket, my dress shirt falling down along with it from it being tucked it my jeans, draping over my boner. The only support holding it up was from my protruding boxer-clad boner which sprang free as soon as the button was unlatched.

“Oh fuck.. my phone..” I said in a low gentle tone underneath my breath, realizing that I left my phone in my pocket.

With my eyes closed my concentration fixated on the sound of the metallic latch making contact with the floor, letting me know that the only layer that was left were my gray colored boxers which i could feel were likely noticeably stained with my precum. I could hear my daughter giggling from underneath me, feeling her eyes looking upon my length as it rigidly stuck out towards her, feeling her moving closer against me, causing me let out another moan into her hair, my mouth becoming a bit parted as the pleasure hit me.

“Look at how happy he is… finally free from his denim chamber. It’s so adorable how he immediately poked out like that” She commented as she was still looking at it, seeing her mouth form into a slight teethy smile.

Hearing her compliment my cock in such a way brought me even more excitement to where I couldn’t help but flex my rigid cock for her, just to see her reaction, giving her butt soft squeezes in unison with the rhythm of my flexing.

After doing so I could hear her giggle sweetly to where I couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle myself against the top of her head, softly kissing her hair as I heard her.

“That’s so cuuute!” She squeaked as her palm rested upon my chest. The combination of flexing & massaging her causing me to spill out a tiny bit of precum. I could feel the dampness from within my boxers accumulating, both from the closeness of her contact and the body heat. The room was somewhat airy as the windows were opened in the kitchen, though despite so the sexual contact didn’t help cool me off.

To combat the humidity of the air I took my left hand off her butt to begin to unbutton the first two buttons of my dress shirt, hoping it would help me cool off from the rising temperatures that I was beginning to feel.

“What’s wrong, am I getting you all… hot and bothered?” She asked in a cute yet sultry tone as she watched me unbutton my dress shirt, seeing her eyebrows wiggle teasingly while she rubbed up & down my chest with her left hand in a gentle motion, analyzing the exposed area of my chest that was revealed from unbuttoning my dress shirt. “By the way, you have such a dad bod… your chest is so hairy, holy fuck.” She added, softly giggling.

Looking down I can see a good portion of my chest on display, the hairs of my chest indeed showing how reluctant I have been to shave that region. I used to shave regularly, however since my wife has been away for long frequent periods of time I have lost the passion to do so.

I let out a small nervous chuckle at my daughter’s comment, slightly looking down past my hard-on to briefly analyze my legs, then back up to reply.

“What, are you surprised? Have you not seen my legs? They are hairy as well.” I replied.

“Hmm… ” She smirked quirkily, looking down with her hand still placed on my chest letting out a soft giggle, then back up adjusting her glasses. “I guess I didn’t notice… you know, with that.. thing poking out between your legs, capturing all the attention.” She giggled again poking my chest, inching a little towards me, feeling my boner press against her lower stomach.

I smiled a bit looking down after hearing her comment, then a slight embarrassment hitting me realizing that I was practically half naked, in front of my daughter of all people.

“Yeah… i understand… it can be distracting….” I spoke slowly out of nervousness. Embarrassed and slightly ashamed I turned my head away to look towards the end of the hallway.

Looking away I cleared my throat a little, the butterflies of nervousness hitting me, although I can feel excitement forming in my stomach from realizing the taboo of the sexual moment: my own daughter commenting about my dick. I never knew such a moment would happen with a dedicated family man like me, thinking my sexual thoughts were just fantasy playing out in my head.

Thinking over the situation it felt like I am cheating on my wife, but then again it kind of doesn’t considering that she’s part of my family. I was unsure of how to feel about everything that was unfolding.

As i thought things through I brought both of my hands up to rest at her lower back, caressing up & down while adverting my eyes to look at the hallway wall in front of me, clearing my throat again, thinking about my wife, my marriage, the wedding band around my ring finger.

In the corner of my eye i could see my daughter looking up at me, analyzing my facial expression noticing that I was feeling uneasy.

She cutely nuzzled her nose against my chest, then looked back at me.

“Aww, don’t be ashamed, dad. Your.. ‘friend’.. is a good size.. especially for someone your age.. also being the first time seeing it” My daughter slowly said assumptively, smiling, getting up on her tip toes to give my cheek a gentle appreciative peck while her palm held onto my chest. “So don’t be so embarrassed, mister..”

I slightly shook my head chuckling while still looking at the wall as I overhead her words, looking down at her while running a hand through her hair. “No, I am just.. thinking about things…”

“Ohh, um.. what kind of things?” She asked, her facial expression turning into one conveying curiosity.

“It’s… about your mother..” I responded averting my eyes looking forward towards the hallway wall across from me, my mind running a hundred miles a second with thoughts specifically about where my wife is and what she’s doing at the moment. “I think about her from time to time, you know..”

“Oh.. yeah, she has been gone a while hasn’t she…” She replied, looking up at me then down a little as she brought up her hand to adjust her hair. “But I am sure she’s having fun.”

“What do you mean? She’s working…” I asked, my eyes looking back down at her, my fingers barely working into her flesh as I absentmindedly kneaded her cheeks. “I don’t think work is fun for her..”

“Wellll, you know..” She answered, her fingers twiddling on my chest as the side of her mouth formed into a little grin.

“Um, no… I don’t know..” I responded with a hint of frustration in my voice, albeit mostly from curiosity about what she meant as well as how my wife has been doing.

“Yesss you do, daaad” She replied with a playful smirk while inching more closer towards me, her hand rubbing my chest in a gentle motion, her thumb barely brushing across my chest hair.

I let out a sigh, not wanting to go any further with the conversation as there was already enough thoughts running through my head, letting out a slight groan as I cleared my throat, overhearing a small snapping sound as my fingernail accidentally clipped her pantyline. 

For about thirty seconds she mostly looked down at my chest, feeling her eyes wanting to look down further, looking up momentarily at the wall she gave an uncertain smirk, not knowing if it was from my palms barely working into her pantie and tights-clad flesh or something else.

A few moments later she moved more nearer up to me, looking down as if she noticed something, pausing for a good second or two then moving her body a little away from mine to peek down at my crotch.

“Waait a miiinute..” She spoke while peeking down, feeling the hand that was placed on my chest gently pulling up on my dress shirt as if she was trying to make it elevated.

“…What is it?” I asked curiously, my hands resting just above her butt. “Is there som–“

“Heeeyyyy, what do you think you’re doing, little guy?” She interrupted while still peeking down.

“Huh?” I responded out of sudden bewilderment, looking to see my daughter’s head pointing downwards, my hands stopping the caressing of her back. “Oh… is Fido walking around down there? If he needs to go to the bathroom, let him out.”

“Noooo, it’s not the dog, you silly” she responded, looking back up with a cute yet pouty expression forming on her face, gently slapping my chest with the palm that was holding onto it. “It’s your friend, dummy… why is he going to sleep? He’s down there hiding underneath your shirt..”

During the moments of me thinking about my wife I must have gotten lost in my thoughts, unaware that I had lost my erection. I didn’t know how to explain it to my daughter who was visibly upset with me, her big brown eyes looking up at me with a pouty look upon face, hearing her releasing a small squeak as she smacked my chest again.

“Oh, um… I must have gotte–”

Before I could even finish my sentence she turned her head to look behind her, leaning into me then firmly grabbing a hold of my hand that were resting on her lower back, placing them back onto each of her butt cheeks one by one as her other hand palmed by chest.

“Michelle….let me expl–“


As my speech got cut off from her immediate demanding response I could feel her hand above mine raise her bunched up shirt from the back, grabbing a hold of her tights to pull them up higher to give her butt more prominence in my hands. When she did so she didn’t pull up her panties along with them as I could feel her pantylines still in the same spot from before.

She then moved closer up to me, feeling her feet brush against the metallic material of my belt to where it made a ringing sound then felt her feet mounting on top of mine, giving her more elevation to where her face was now able to reach my upper neck. As she moved onto my feet I could feel my crotch press against the middle of her pelvic region, just a little bit above her pussy mound.

“I expect you to wake him up right this instant!” She said looking up at me in a demanding tone, her cheeks puffing up a bit while still having a cutesy pouty expression on her face.

“How? … With an alarm clock?” I asked jokingly teasing her, my fingers tracing around the edge of her pantylines, feeling my watch’s metallic strap run against the fabric of her tights making a little sound as the fabric moved with it.

“Haha.. funny, mister” She responded rolling her eyes with a pouty smirk, feeling her adjusting her feet on top of mine trying to find a balance as she held onto my shoulders, hearing the metallic material of my belt ring below me as she moved.

“Oh, come on, I thought it was pretty clever” I said chuckling nervously, my left hand traveling off her butt cheek and onto her lower back.

“You and your dad jokes…” She sighed while rolling her eyes responding with a noticeable hint of frustration, bringing her left hand to immediately grab onto my wrist to lower it so my hand was placed back onto her butt. 

She then gave me a small playful slap on the cheek, then placing both of her hands on top of my shoulders as she was trying to keep herself balanced on top of my feet.

“Bad dad, putting him to bed already..” She added, her face still in a bit of a cute pouty expression.

I laughed at her reactions with a warm shaky breath, moving both of my hands to gently move up & down her butt cheeks while looking down at her.

“Alright, I will… wake ‘him’ up… jesus christ, sweetheart…” I said as my fingertips rested underneath her pantyline’s hem.

“Look at me while you do so” she demanded while looking up at me, intently watching my facial expressions as both of her hands perched onto my shoulders, her left hand moving close to my neck.

I focused on my daughter’s nose as I slowly began kneading her butt cheeks, abiding her request. My breathing starting to shake a little after about ten seconds as I could start to feel blood slowly begin moving to my crotch, accumulating, warming it up along with the lower region of my stomach.

“..and no more dad jokes, got it?” She said after a few moments of silence, seeing a little teethy grin form from the side of her mouth.

“Yeah.. I got you..” I shakily responded, briefly adjusting my legs to try to alleviate the dampness that I was feeling within my boxers.

“Good…because that last one sucked” She replied back playfully with a little teethy smile, seeing her eyes briefly look down upon my chest as she felt me adjust my legs, her body subtly moving along with the movements, my eyes briefly focusing on her lips and lip piercing.

For about half a minute I just continued to massage her butt cheeks without saying anything, feeling her lower body press into my hips from time to time to check if I was getting harder, my hands mainly massaging the mid-region of her cheeks.

“..Happy now?” I shakily asked out of nowhere to interrupt the silence, my fingers working into her mid-lower flesh like a baker with soft squishy dough, ample flesh giving way with every knead my fingers made.

“Hmm, I don’t know.. is your friend happy?” She quipped smugly, bringing one of her hands to brush across the side of her hair to adjust a piece of it behind her ear, briefly puckering her lips as she looked down at my chest.

“Well…. I am su–..” I answered while I let out low sigh feeling the base of my cock tingle as I continued to knead her flesh, refraining from making any further comment.

“Hmm? ‘Well’ what?” She asked in a slightly demanding but curious tone while tilting her head a little to the side as she looked up at me, feeling her fingers gently squeeze my shoulders almost in unison with my kneading as I became aware of it.

“..its….” I paused as i felt my balls begin to tighten a little while the tingling sensation on my base increased, blood filling my cock at a slow but sure rate.

I was almost certain that I was going to get an immediate full-mast erection, though a thought of my wife came into view before I could even get it halfway up.

“Yesss?” She asked with a curious face, feeling her gently press her pelvic region against my crotch to check if i was getting harder.

“..its getting there, okay?” I shakily finished answering, pausing my kneading to adjust the positioning of my fingers.

I could feel the lingering thoughts on my mind slow down the process of getting an erection, struggling to shake them away.

“Hmph..” She pouted while hearing a small sigh of disappointment, her lower lip slightly protruding outwards to mimic a pouty expression.

“What’s wrong?” I asked while pausing my massaging momentarily, looking down at her with a curious face.

“Hmm.. I could ask your.. ‘little friend’ the same question” She responded with a small grin, playfully rolling her eyes as she lowered her heels a little then back up while applying pressure with her hips against mine.

“You’re… so impatient…” I shakily replied in a low tone, feeling her toes scrunch against my feet as I gave a firm knead on the lower region of her cheeks.

“Ohhh sowwwwy, I know that you’re old and rely on Viagra” She responded in a mocking yet playful tone, briefly looking down at my chest with a teethy smile and squinted eyes upon her face.

“Oh, thanks… making me self conscious about my age now..” I replied, my breath noticeably shaking as I spoke, letting out a small chuckle as I briefly thought about what I said.

“You’re welll-come, mister” she teasingly replied while giggling, hearing her noticeably putting emphasis on ‘come’ in her response, her toes scrunching against my feet again while she lifted her frame a little as I began firmly kneading the lower region of her butt cheeks again, signifying a possible sweet spot. As i did so i heard a little squeaky sigh coming from her.

“I have never used Viagra, by the way…” I said while gently pulling her butt to make her hips move closer towards mine, confident that my barely semi-hard cock would garner a positive reaction.

“Ohhh, realllyy?” She responded with a slight mocking tone soon after I pulled her closer, a sly grin forming on her face as her chest pressed against mine when I pulled her against me. “Then why is it taking so long, hmm?”

“It’s just… well…” I said while I averted my eyes towards the wall in front of me then to her nose, briefly closing my eyes as I shaked my head trying to chase away the detrimental thoughts on my mind.

“Aw it’s okay if you use a penis pill, dad. I won’t judge you” She replied with the impression that I was feigning, rubbing my shoulder in a reassuring manner.

“What? I don’t, really.. never used it before..” I said as I looked at her puzzlingly, kneading her cheeks more firmly to alleviate the slight frustration that I was feeling over the rushing thoughts in my head.

“Suuure, dad. Suuuurree” She responded in a sweet tone while looking up at me, feeling her nose gently nuzzle at the tip of my chin with half opened eyes and a small smile upon her face, her frame moving up & down in my hands in a slight but barely noticeable motion/rhythm as I kneaded her, her hands gently clenching onto my shoulders.

“I don’t…..” I said in a slightly annoyed tone after sighing a little, my breath stuttering when I felt the head of my cock tingle.

“It’s okkaayyy, I am not judging you” She said while holding her nose up to my chin cutely, letting out a small squeaky sigh while her eyes slowly began closing as I pinched her lower butt cheeks with my thumb & index finger as a response from my annoyance. “It can take a while before he wakes up, I know” She added.

“If that’s the case, then…” I paused, feeling my lower stomach stirring from nervousness as I felt my phone vibrate against my foot through my jeans, signifying that I received a message from my wife. As a result thoughts entered my head related to my wife yet again, my fingers shaking and cramping to the point where I had to pause my massaging.

“Huh?” She curiously uttered against my chin, her eyes slowly opening up as soon as I stopped my massaging, her mouth opening a little with a curious expression upon her face.

“..nevermind” I muttered lowly while adjusting my legs, feeling my semi-rigid cock bounce around a little within my boxers as I made the movements, moving my hands to the sides of her waist to support her while doing so, Michelle perching her palms onto each of my shoulders to keep her balance as I made the adjustments.

“Nooo, tell meee” She begged while I adjusted my feet, feeling her palms grip a little tighter onto my shoulders as she spoke.

“…then….. how did I get an erection so quickly the first time?” I said, finishing my previous statement, my hands moving from the sides of her waist to her lower back caressing up & down upon it, feeling the bunched up fabric gradually move down more with every stroke.

“Wellllll that’s for me to find out, isn’t it?” She responded with a cheeky tone, her eyebrows moving teasingly as her right hand rubbed my shoulder while the other moved behind her to feel her shirt on her back, moving her hand down towards mine that were caressing her lower back.

“By the way… what’s this shirt that you’re wearing?” I asked absentmindedly but with intention to make small-talk to get my mind off my wife, my hands still caressing her back, my daughter turning her head more towards her side with the intention to look behind her.

“Oh, it’s just a band shirt…” She answered while looking down at my hands behind her, hers moving to lift up the bunched up fabric of her shirt that accumulated from my hand’s movements.

“It’s a nice shirt.. looks good on you..” I nervously said, peeking down to see her breasts press up against my chest as she moved towards me.

“And it’s a pretty big shirt as well, soooo..” She added as she was leaning into me, moving her other hand behind her back as well, her tongue sticking a little as her expression formed into concentration.

“I can see that.. wondering what kind of band…” I replied holding my daughter’s lower back to support her as she leaned into me, feeling her bra-clad breasts smushing up against my chest.

“Linkin Park, silly. Can’t you read the shirt?” She replied giggling a little while both of her hands lifted up the bunched up fabric from the back of her shirt, then moving them upwards to hold onto each of my hands to slowly lower them back down onto each of her butt cheeks.

“I… must have not paid attention..” I chuckled while looking down at her breasts smushed against my chest to see only the top of the logo’s print being visible from my perspective since she was so close to me, my palms resting on each of her butt cheeks as she lowered my hands.

“Riiiight, because you’re too busy looking at my butt” She giggled softly facing me while raising up the fabric of her tights by lifting up on its waistband, giving the soft squishy sensation of her butt’s flesh more prominence in my hands as my palms laid upon them.

“It’s just.. I don’t remember buying this shirt for you..” I absentmindedly added while palming her butt and peeking back down, my fingertips gently tracing along her pantylines.

“Wellll that’s because my friend bought it for me, silly” She replied while briefly looking behind her then back up at me giving a soft smile, moving both of her hands to reposition back onto each of my shoulders.

“Oh… well, that was nice of them..” I said while still tracing my fingertips along her pantylines, letting out a low sigh when I felt the head of my cock twitch, feeling it becoming a bit more erect as I momentarily concentrated on my thumbs feeling the softness of her butt.

“It’s got sleeves, and it’s big, so it’s meant for cold weather.. I wore it to cover my tights” She added briefly looking down at her shirt then back up at me with a soft smile, her left palm gently brushing up and down against my shoulder.

“Hm, well.. they ain’t covering your tights anymore…” I replied while letting out an extended shaky sigh, my fingers gently pressing into the flesh of her lower cheeks just below her pantylines.

“Yeah, thanks to your big dumb hands” She said in a cute seductive tone, giggling a little as she moved her nose up to my chin to give it a gentle nuzzle, seeing her mouth form into a small smile with her teeth slightly showing.

“My ‘big dumb hands’, hm?” I responded as I pressed my fingers further into the flesh underneath her pantylines, kneading it with my fingertips in a firm gentle rhythm.

“Ooooh… wow, getting a little…cock-y, hmmm?” I overheard her say gently from underneath me as soon as I began kneading her flesh.

“So.. what do you think about these ‘big dumb’ hands now?” I asked as I continued to knead her, her flesh squishing and rolling softly against my fingertips with every firm movement.

“Welllllll, they are not as big as my booty, that’s for sure” She giggled softly as I felt her raise her frame slightly as she felt i was getting more playful, positioning both of her hands on the middle upper region of my chest, feeling her palms brush against my chest hair that was located near my collarbone.

“Hmm.. true… but… that’s a good thing..” I shakily responded as my palms worked more into her flesh beneath her panties, feeling my daughter move closer up to me while still slightly raising her frame, the side of her face brushing up against the side of my chin.

“Soooo do you you think you can make him stand up enough to reach my pussy?” She softly spoke from the side of my chin with her elevated stature as my palms firmly kneaded her flesh.

“Well… I think that ‘he’ is being blocked by your shirt down there….” I responded, pausing my kneading momentarily to take a quick look down at our pelvic regions from the side, seeing the front of her oversized shirt pushed down across her pelvis to her upper thighs from when she raised her frame.

“Oh.. well, let me fix that” She said bringing one of her palms that were placed on my chest down to the front of her pelvis, moving her hips slightly away to pull up on the front of her shirt to expose her tights & panty-clad pussy mound, seeing the faint blue color of her panties through her tights as her chubby mound came into view, placing it above my growing cock as she leaned towards me again, feeling the shirt dangle down where the only support from keeping it moving further down was my crotch.

“That’s better..” I nervously said as I averted my eyes towards her arm that adjusted her shirt, watching it move up towards my chest.

“Theeere we go” she added in a little giddy tone, moving her face from looking down at her side, back up towards my chin. “So is he all good now?”

“Yeah..” I responded shakily, my fingers moving a little more down while I continued to knead her where I was cupping her butt with each of my thumbs placed on the sides of her butt cheeks, feeling her palm move back up to place on the middle part of my chest again near her other.

“My kitty has got some nuzzlies waiting for him.. if he manages to get his head up here, that is” She purred softly yet cutely against the side of my chin then giving it a gentle peck.

I felt a small rush of blood course through my cock’s length as soon as I heard her, my fingers working deeper into her flesh to where I could hear her tight’s fabric rustle as my palms and fingers worked deep into her butt cheeks, my daughter reacting by giving a soft breathy giggle, my watch’s metal slightly ringing from my hand’s movements.

After about 30 seconds I felt my cock grow to where it was pushing against the fabric of my boxer shorts, the head of my cock beginning to feel the heat radiating from her pussy mound as it grew nearer towards it.

“Sooo, is he going to say hello?” She softly said after about a minute as she moved her face towards the side of my chin, her toes scrunching every now and then as I was kneading her lower cheeks with slow circular movements.

“It’s…getting there…..” I shakily responded, momentarily pausing my kneading as I felt another rush of blood shoot up the length of my cock.

“If you get his head up here I will be a good girl and not play video games for the next three nights” She said with a soft smile as she looked up at me, then seeing her head tilt to the side to look down at our pelvic regions.

“‘Three nights’?..” I said as i resumed my kneading upon her soft squishy flesh, feeling my cock rise a bit more as it extended inside of my boxer shorts. “..what are you ever going to do for three nights without video games..” I added, pondering playfully as i looked over at the kitchen for a few seconds.

“Hmm, just like your balls are doing in those boxers of yours; lay down..” She smugly answered with a small giggle as she was still looking down at her side, noticing my balls dropping from within my boxers from both the heat and arousal. “Those boxers must be reaaally thin if i can notice them moving like that, dad”

“Well… think of it as a see-saw; something has to go down for something to go up…” I gently said as i felt myself going on the verge of a full-mast erection, overhearing my daughter giggle cutely in reaction, my palms briefly cupping her butt to let their mass rest on them as i took a brief break from massaging her, my fingertips absentmindedly rubbing between her cheeks as i did so.

“Yeah, i can see that.. he must be pretty high right now if your balls are dipping that low, peeking from underneath my shirt..” She replied then moving her face to look up at me, gently rubbing her palms up & down on the middle of my chest, gently biting her lip. “I can feel the heat getting closer…”

Soon afterwards i felt the head of my cock brush up against the softness of her pussy mound against her tights & panties, me reacting with a soft moan as i felt my cock go into a full mast erection, my daughter reacting with a soft giggle when she bit the side of her lower lip.

“Mmmh.. you have been eating good..” I said in a gentle joking tone, feeling the softness of her pussy mound subtly caress against the head of my cock against my boxers as she adjusted her frame, my palms pausing their kneading and massaging once again.

“Yesss, she’s all puffy and ready from the booty massaging” She said in a sultry tone as she began gently moving her hips back and forth, feeling the head of my cock move along as it rested in between her pussy lips against her tights & panties.

“Oh.. i thought it was from those sandwiches…” I jokingly said with a small breathy chuckle as i positioned my palms to rest on the top of her butt cheeks, relaxing my body against hers, swallowing my saliva in nervousness as my daughter gently moved her pussy lips against my cock’s head.

“Welllll, she’s chubby too, yea” She responded with a cute tone, clearly excited, still resting her palms on the middle of my chest, feeling her hips move back and forth while my palms rested on her upper butt cheeks.

After the exchange of conversation i relaxed my body more against hers’, my eyes beginning to close while my hands steadily rested onto her butt, focusing on the soft, warm, pillowy sensation rubbing against the head of my cock, my daughter’s palms giving a gentle rub on the upper part of the center of my chest, feeling her fingertips rub my chest hairs every now and then.

A few moments later i oozed a bit of precum from my throbbing cock, releasing a small moan from my half-parted lips while my eyes were closed, overhearing my daughter whisper “yesss”, feeling her mouth form into a soft smile, then feeling her movement stop momentarily with the head of my cock nestled a quarter of the way in between her pussy lips.

After stopping her movements she raised her nose to nuzzle against my chin in unison with the small movements she made with her hips, my mouth exhaling a shaky breath through my parted lips as i got ready to speak.

“No video games for three nights… remember?” I shakily spoke in between a small moan, feeling the head of my cock experience a high sense of sensitivity and pleasure as i oozed a little more precum.

“Yeah, yeah..” She softly spoke in a playful teasing manner, feeling her teeth showing from underneath my chin as she nuzzled it a little more while continuing to move her hips in a steady, gentle rhythm. “I mostly said that to encourage him to get up here, you know”

“But.. stimulation was the only thing needed..” I added then exhaling a soft shaky moan, feeling my balls twitch a little followed by the base of my cock twitching.

“Butt stimulation, hmm? I seeee, i seee..” She responded, playfully giggling underneath my chin, caressing the head of my cock in a gentle manner with her pussy lips, beginning to overhear small wet sounds from underneath us from my precum and her wetness combining.

“Oh yes…” I softly replied, moving my hands further down her butt from them resting on her upper butt, reaching along the edges of her pantylines, tracing my fingers across them while my thumbs squished into her softness, my daughter sweetly nuzzling her nose against my chin while i did so.

“Thank you for these panties.. they give my kitty such a good imprint to nuzzle your little friend” She softly said against my chin after pausing her nuzzling against it, resuming it after she gave my dress shirt a little nip with the edges of her front teeth.

“These panties are.. so good…” I shakily said absentmindedly while cupping her lower cheeks as she slowly moved her hips against me, releasing low moan as i felt her gently clench her pussy lips against the head of my cock. “Where did you get these?”

“I think…just at the supermarket.. when mom and i went” She replied gently biting her lower lip as she nuzzled my cock a little deeper in between her panty and tight clad pussy lips, her palms resting on the upper part of the center of my chest, her eyes looking at the crook of my neck.

“The cotton….fuck, it’s so nice..” I commented while lifting up her lower cheeks as my palms were cupping them, my daughter reacting with a small giggle.

Soon afterwards she flexed both her cheeks as my palms held her ample flesh, her pussy nuzzling momentarily stopping as she did so, giving a small giggle as she briefly dipped her head into her palms that were resting on my chest.

“I was seeing if i could multitask with flexing my booty as well…i can’t” she replied with a little giggle as she lifted her head back up, resuming her nuzzling along the head of my cock, this time feeling her lift up the heels of her feet a little as she nuzzled further along in between her pussy lips, my cock reacting with an involuntary jolt.

“I was wondering what you were giggling at..” I replied with a little snicker as i looked down at her smiling, gently squeezing her butt as i cupped her cheeks, ample flesh giving way.

About a minute later, with the tip of my boxer clad cock now covered in wetness and juices and still a quarter way within her pussy lips, i felt myself getting closer to a climax as my breathing picked up in pace along with some low, shaky, breathy moans.

After hearing my moans and feeling my cock twitching between her lips my daughter reacted by slowly rubbing up and down on my chest where her palms laid, slowing down the pace of her nuzzling as she gave her lower lip a small bite.

“We are getting there, aren’t we?” She softly said as she tilted her head subtly yet cutely looking up at me, still rubbing my chest, then slightly moving her palms nearer towards the crook of my neck. “Is this kitty going to get your friend’s milk?”

Still cupping her butt cheeks i pressed my fingers in between the crack of her butt as far as her tights would let them, letting my fingertips warmly sit in between her cheeks as i did light kegels for her pussy lips, my breathing picking up in pace and shakiness.

“You’re definitely… a lot softer, i must say..” I replied in between breathing shakily, swallowing my saliva as i felt my belt ring from underneath us as i slightly adjusted my legs.

“Are you talking about my booty?” She softly asked while her head was cutely tilted as she looked up at me, noticing her frame subtly moving up and down as i did my kegels, feeling her left thumb rubbing along my chest hairs.

“Yes, and.. well, you know..” I replied, complimenting her thumb rubbing by rubbing my thumbs along the underside of her butt cheeks as my fingertips were still within the crack/middle of her cheeks.

“Thank you, daddy” She sweety replied, moving her nose to gently nuzzle against my collarbone while lifting up her heels to let the head of my cock make a full course through the tights and panty imprint in between her pussy lips, my throbbing boner finding place in between her lips again as i lifted my hips and did kegels to let my cock’s head brush between her lips, hearing her reacting with a soft giggle, softly saying “yesss”.

“I think i am…going to..” I muttered after about 30 seconds of my kegel movements, feeling the entirety of my cock’s length throb to the point of pulsation, closing my eyes with my mouth halfway opened.

“Toooooo.. stain my tights and panties, hmmm?” She said with a teethy smile and giggle, feeling her pussy accumulate wetness as i said my statement, then moving her face to rest against my neck as she still palmed my chest. “Make sure you spread my booty as you shoot it out, okay?”

“I…mmh…..fuck…” I muttered in between heavy shaky breathing, lifting up my hips as i let out my last kegel before cumming against her panty and tight clad pussy, my fingertips spreading her cheeks apart soon joined with my palms putting in effort, feeling a steady stream of warm air puffing against my fingertips as i did so.

The cum began shooting out quickly, but being slowed down from my boxer’s fabric to where it accumulated on the head of my throbbing pulsating cock then smeared all over my daughter’s tights, some dribbling down her thighs, my eyes clenching as i excessively grunted and moaned, all while my daughter was sweetly nuzzling her nose against the side of my neck while her palms subtly rubbed my bare chest, overhearing her calling me “good daddy” and saying “yessss”, then followed by little cute giggles as she felt my cum hit her pussy lips’ imprint.

After seven or so ropes of cum shot all over her tights and pussy imprint i began feeling the after-cum regret, my hands loosening their grip on her butt cheeks after lowering my hips, my daughter giving me a few more nuzzles on my neck before lifting up her head to look up at me.

“Soooo, looks like i need to put these in the wash now” she said with a litfle giggle as she looked down at her side, moving her left leg into her point of view to see my cum running down the side of her leg, looking back up at me.

Still trying to catch my breath and unsure of how to react i caressed her lower back up and down before finding her shirt that was resting above her butt, pulling it down to cover her butt, looking over at the clock and then the kitchen, hearing Fido’s collar ring in the distance.

“You had a lot of pent up milk i see” she smiled looking up at me, her feet getting off from on top of mine then looking down at her legs again. “Oh, here comes another stream of milk! On my right leg this time” She added as another cum stream came into view from underneath her shirt.

With my throbbing cock now beginning to go flaccid i looked down to see the head of my cock’s imprint and boxers completely covered in juices, semen and wetness, with a clear looking patch covering the front of them where i came.

Still unsure of what to say i decided to break the ice by commenting on cleaning up.

“So… looks like i got to.. get the washcloth, or something, and.. clean this floor” i said while looking down at the droplets of cum that fell to the floor, some hanging off my pants that were hanging around my ankles.

“And don’t forget your pants too, because that’s quite the mess there” she said while looking down at my pants, then to her feet, “oh and also my feet, especially when these streams hit my ankles” she added, giggling as she stepped away to let me get my pants off from around my ankles.

“So… um… no video games for three nights, remember?” I said as i picked up my pants from the floor, looking at her rolling her eyes playfully.

“Yeah, yeah… but, as long as you don’t get a boner next time you see this boot-ay” She said as she turned around lifting up the back of her shirt, revealing her big, soft round booty to me where her panties were in a wedgie and her tights were still slightly in between her cheeks from when my fingertips tried to go as far as they could between them.

As she revealed her butt she started playfully hopping her back heels up and down, thus causing her butt cheeks and breasts to jiggle.

Looking at her butt my cock started to stirr, thus causing the base to slowly build with blood.

Looking behind her she immediately noticed my crotch starting to move, causing her to giggle as she briefly stopped her bouncing and pulling her shirt back down.

“Even after all that your little friend cannot resist, huh?” She playfully said while turning around. “So it looks like i do get to play my video games, huh?”

“Hey, now that’s unfair..” I replied while looking at her in a fatherly manner, then looking down at my crotch noticing it going down.

“Don’t you think you made enough of a mess already, little guy?” She playfully looked down at my crotch, asking it a question. “Too bad you’re not hard, otherwise he would probably shake his head ‘yes'” she added, giggling.

“Well, um… yes, ‘he’ probably would” i said while looking over at the kitchen to see Fido walking to his food bowl, seeing the evening sun come through.

“Next time we should… you know, do it in view of an opened window, adding to the experience, and maybe letting the neighbors see your hand skills. What do you think?” She said while gently biting her lower lip then tilting her head cutely.

“I…. don’t know…. i don’t even think i would… get hard..” I replied nervously, gulping, looking away quickly back towards the kitchen.

“I’ll make sure to wear some softer panties, that way getting hard would be effortless” She smiled then bit her lip briefly, then moved her hands behind her to adjust her tights and panties. “Because these you couldn’t manage to get as far in between my booty… those big dumb hands” She giggled, overhearing a few snapping sounds as she adjusted her legs.

“Yeah… and i tried to get my fingertips to get in there many times…” I replied, feeling a stirr within my crotch again.

“Can you… demonstrate for me.. just how far your hands, or fingers, can go in between my booty with these panties on?” She asked in a soft cute tone, slowly moving up to me.

As she said that i placed my pants on the floor next to me, leaning my back and head against the wall behind me, my daughter mounting her feet on top of mine as she lifted up the back of her shirt behind her, then feeling her palms mount onto my shoulders after draping the front of her shirt above my crotch.

After feeling her hands mount my shoulders i moved my hands to cup her booty cheeks, feeling her panties completely covering her cheeks, my cock stirring even more as i felt her body get close to mine to where her bra clad breasts were pushed up against my chest.

“How far i can get my hands between your cheeks, you say?” I asked in a slightly shaky tone, positioning my fingertips to delve deep in between her cheeks, slightly spreading them apart.

“Mhmm” she said while shaking her head, moving her left hand to adjust a piece of her hair from out of her face then back to perch on my shoulder.

Soon afterwards i delved my fingertips in between her cheeks as my thumbs did the spreading, feeling my cock quickly begin to rise from within my boxers to where my daughter reacted with a cutesy yelp after the tip reached her pelvic region.

“Heeeyyy, now why didn’t you get hard this quickly last time?!” She exclaimed after yelping, giving a cute smile all while my tongue was slightly sticking out from between my lips in concentration and persistence, her yelping causing Fido to briefly bark from the living room, feeling her panties pushing between her cheeks.

“I… don’t know… probably something to do with nerves” i replied as i got my palms about a quarter way in between her cheeks; as far as her tights and panties would let me go.

For about 40 seconds i made little grunts as i tried to get my palms deeper, thus causing her cheeks to slightly bounce from my palm’s movements, my daughter looking back every now and then, her making a comment about me cumming again with a small giggle when i tried too hard.

“Sooo, looks like you didn’t make any progress compared to last time?” She asked, slightly looking behind her at my arms, adjusting a piece of her hair.

“No… unless you hike up those panties…” I replied shakily, attempting to push my hands further in between her cheeks but still not making any progress.

She giggled giving a soft nuzzle with her nose against my chin, rubbing her left palm on my shoulder. “I will wear some ‘more suitable’ panties for your big, dumb, weak hands tomorrow, okay?” Followed by hearing her softly say “down boy” as she looked down at my crotch.

“Hey, my hands are not weak” i replied as she got off my feet, feeling my boner protrude upwards as it was released from her pelvic region, hearing her giggle as she walked away, watching her butt strut down the hallway into the kitchen.

(To be continued…)

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