Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 7 by Eric the Red

Taking My Daughter Sabine Ch. 7
by Eric the Red

Chapter 7

“Goddamn it Dad, you fucking pervert!” Sabine screamed after slamming the front door when she got home.

I had been dozing on the sofa, but stuck my head up and said sarcastically, “Nice to see you too sweetheart.”

She charged over, shaking with rage as she cried, “Why did you have to fuck Mary-Beth?!”

“She came on to me!” I countered innocently. “What was I supposed to tell her? Sabine wouldn’t like it?!”

“I’m your coach! It’s inappropriate!” she insisted angrily, slurring her speech slightly. “Whatever you like, but you didn’t have to fuck her!”

“Are you drunk?!” I demanded.

“No way!” she wailed. “You don’t get to lecture me after you fucked Mary-Beth!”

“Okay, fair dues.” I replied with a sigh. “But she would have just kept running girls at me until I gave it to one of you. Tell me I’m wrong.”

“Well, I…” she trailed off because she knew I was right.

“What if she’d sent you after me?” I asked pointedly. “Would you have preferred that?”

She was just drunk enough that she couldn’t entirely hide her true feelings so she looked at me longingly for a moment, biting her bottom lip before shaking her head and insisting, “No! Of course not! I mean ew, gross.”

But it wasn’t very convincing.

It was now obvious to me that my little girl wanted Daddy’s cock, and I decided right there that I was going to do whatever had to do to give it to her.

I probably should’ve been worried about Sabine turning me in, telling her mum, or something, but I wasn’t.

She was smart enough to know the consequences of that wouldn’t be good for anyone.

Besides she also knew, probably better than me, that Mary-Beth was a slapper.

She was definitely the kind of girl who was used to getting any cock she wanted, and if she’d wanted mine it wasn’t entirely my fault.

Suddenly I found myself wondering if Sabine had been jealous of Mary-Beth for getting fucked by me, or jealous of me for being with Mary-Beth.

“I can’t even look at you right now!” she finally said in a huff, storming off to her bedroom and slamming the door.

“That went well.” I said out loud to nobody in particular, rolling my eyes.

Truthfully that had gone as well as could be expected, and realistically it put my one step closer to achieving my goal.

Mary-Beth and the team however would prove to be even more instrumental to getting my cock into my daughter’s sweet pussy.

Of course Mary-Beth and I had many more “strategy meetings” and besides pumping my cock into her juicy pussy I also pumped her for information.

Of course I asked about their “team building exercises” and despite what I already knew about her I was still surprised at how cleverly she’d manipulated her team into bonds of loyalty.

They were practically a cult.

She used shared experiences that she’d engineered with drink, drugs, petty crime, and of course sex.

Besides being an unusually horny young girl who clearly reveled in her own sexuality she also clearly regarded it as a tool to achieve her aims.

The more I got to know her the more I couldn’t help but admire her.

She had the perfect combination of imagination and pragmatism that I knew would take her far in life.

I couldn’t ask directly about Sabine because for the moment I didn’t want her to know my plans.

She could be extremely protective of “her girls” and I didn’t want to raise any alarms bells until I was sure she would be on board.

She was amazingly open with me about how she’d built her team, how she’d dealt with the previous coaches, everything.

She had this way of making you feel privileged to be taken into her confidence, but I think she’d also been wanting someone like me for a long time.

There was a great deal of pride in her as she listed her accomplishments and I slowly realized she’d been dying to tell someone about it all for a long time.

I don’t think that she’d even realized how much she’d wanted to brag until I came along.

It was about our fourth “meeting” when she finally got to Sabine transferring and joining the team, since she’d been recounting all this information chronologically.

Turned out that cracking Sabine and bringing her into the fold had taken some delicacy of finesse on Mary-Beth’s part, but she considered worth the effort the first time she saw Sabine on the field.

“She’s a great player.” she told me at one point. “But Goddamn is that girl sexually repressed!”

It took a lot of effort not to laugh when she said that, and it was impossible not to appreciate that in many ways Mary-Beth was the polar opposite of my daughter.

In social situations where Sabine would be shy and demure Mary-Beth would be bold and opinionated.

Sabine was the type to go along for a good time, but Mary-Beth was the type to make a good time and bring all her friends along.

When she got to the game of truth or dare the Sabine had previously drunkenly told me about my ears really perked up.

Tuned out Alice had dared Sabine to lick Mary-Beth’s pussy, but Mary-Beth had put her up to it in the first place.

When I expressed surprise that she was so willing to engage in sexual activity with Sabine she looked at me like I was nuts.

“Have you seen the girl!?” she asked, flabbergasted. “She gorgeous! Who wouldn’t want a crack at that bit of tail?”

I could help experiencing a swell of pride hearing that other people found my little girl to be as beautiful as I did.

But then she kind of threw me off balance.

She regarded me with a sly smile and said, “Don’t think I haven’t noticed you checking her out coach.”

‘Shit!’ I thought, realizing that Mary-Beth just might be a little too observant for my own good, but then she surprised me yet again.

She explained that before I’d taken over the team had made a bet.

Mary-Beth had proposed that if they won the championship that year they’d all fuck the coach.

Apparently in a burst of drunken enthusiasm Sabine had said that she’d be the first.

“No shit!” I responded, unable to conceal my surprise.

“Right?” she agreed.

In any case the default assumption was that since they’d changed coaches the bet was off, but Mary-Beth was confident she could hold them all to it, but there were a couple of hitches.

“Convincing the Jenny and Alice to go along will be a piece of piss since you’re way more fit than the last guy, and Jenny’s already sampled the goods.” she explained thoughtfully. “But Sarah is gonna need a more private persuasion.”

“A strategy meeting?” I suggested.

“She won’t do anything on campus, believe me I’ve tried. No, it’ll have to be somewhere else.” she replied, thinking for a moment before asking, “Can we come ’round yours?”

I sucked in a hissing breath and sighed, “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“Are you married?!” Mary-Beth asked excitedly, like the possibility had just occurred to her.

There was an almost hopeful tone to her inquiry, as if that would add another delicious layer of debauchery to our already illicit affair.

I didn’t want to let her down so I told her the truth, just not the whole truth.

“Let’s just say there’s a lady at home who’d be none too pleased if I had that type of company.” I explained diplomatically.

“Hmmm.” she hummed in understanding, tapping the side of her nose with her forefinger.

That’s when it suddenly occurred to me that there was another woman who would love that kind of company.

We could just do it at Sylvia’s flat.

I explained to Mary-Beth that I had a woman friend who would love to be involved.

She instantly knew who I meant because of course Jenny had told her everything.

“That’s perfect!” Mary-Beth said enthusiastically. “Sarah has had a crush on her since our first year. The thing is Jenny is gonna wanna go.”

“Should we invite Alice too?” I sorted, thinking this was getting to be a bit much for one man to handle.

“That’s not necessary.” she answered me seriously. “Alice would suck dog’s dick if I asked her to.”

I didn’t want to know how she knew that because that reference was way too specific so I just said, “Cheers.”

“In fact I can get Alice to invite Sabine to hers to keep her busy that night.” she said brightly, proud of organizational skills.

Having sorted that for the moment I couldn’t help asking, “So you said there were a couple of hitches, what’s the other one?”

“We have to win the championship.” she said simply.

Now I had another reason to coach my daughter’s team to a winning season.

I had been one hundred percent sincere when I’d told Mary-Beth that I shared her goals for the team.

Besides the fact that it was my job as their coach, I’d especially wanted to do it for Sabine.

She’d always been a good player saddled with mediocre teams.

If she could finish her college field hockey career on top it would make her happy.

That was a big part of why I’d taken the job.

But this new development really lit a fire under my ass and I started studying the records, stats, and relative strengths and weaknesses of the other teams to help us develop tighter strategies for each game.

However all that came in the ensuing weeks, that night I still had a little party to arrange.

I went to Sylvia’s flat after finishing up at school and told her what would be happening and why.

When I got to the bit about the bet, and how this little soiree would ensure that these girls would make Sabine fuck me Sylvia interrupted with a snort.

For a moment she was laughing so hard she wasn’t making and noise, but she eventually recovered her composure.

“Look at you tigar!” she slid in between gasps as she struggled to recover her breath.

I kind of can’t believe it but I actually blushed, like I felt my face flush hot.

Eventually I asked impatiently, “May I continue?”

“Sure love.” she assured me with a wave of her hand. “Just say the thing.”

This was why I’d had a sudden attack of apple cheeks, because I knew this was coming.

Formally in our relationship we’d sometimes have disagreements about a point of fact, or how a given social situation was going to play out, and when it turned out she was right, as she often was, I had to say so clearly and succinctly.

Even in the dom/sub relationship we had now there was always some give and take, and I had to give her this one.

I took a deep breath and said with a defeated sigh, “Sylvia was right.”

“About?” she inquired teasingly.

“Me wanting to fuck my daughter.” I replied begrudgingly.

“And?” she asked hopefully.

“Yes Sylvia, I’m pretty sure she wants to fuck me too.” I admitted to finish out the ritual.

She placed a hand on either side of my face, kissed me on the mouth, and then said with a smile, “It’s a good thing you’re so pretty.”

Once she understood what we needed from the evening she pretty much took over the planning, with gusto.

If anything she was more excited than me.

There may be blokes that love pussy as much as me, but none that love it more.

However Sylvia put me to shame.

I believe that she may have loved pussy more than some lesbians, but fortunately for me she was also not indifferent to cock.

In any case once I’d put everything in Sylvia’s capable hands she coordinated with the girls, set the date, and told me when to show up.

I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect but knowing Sylvia it was going to be good.

This was basically an audition.

As Mary-Beth related it to me Sarah had become deeply invested in Sabine’s first time.

Apparently her own had been with an older guy and it had been mediocre at best.

I couldn’t believe that she wouldn’t take Mary-Beth’s and Jenny’s word, but she had to see for herself.

“Your first time only happens once.” is what Sarah had said to Mary-Beth, and if she was going to serve Sabine up to me on a platter she had to be sure I was really going to do her right.

It was moving in a weird way that Sarah was willing to go to these lengths.

As someone who’d loved Sabine all my life it was nice to see that I wasn’t alone in this feeling, and that people who weren’t me would look out for her.

I stepped to the door, using the special knock Sylvia had asked my to signal her with, I patiently counted to twenty, giving her time to wrangle the girls into position, and then I entered.

Sylvia was standing on the edge of the entryway with the three girls standing behind her in a row.

As soon as I’d closed the door they all fell to one knee, bowing their heads.

Sylvia had clearly outdone herself in dressing both herself and the girls.

“We are here to serve Master.” Sylvia greeted me. “Would my lord meet his concubines for the evening?”

“I would.” I replied formally. “Proceed Dame Sylvia.”

Her head snapped up as she regarded we with a happy grin.

For the uninitiated “Dame” is the female equivalent of “Sir” and is how one addresses a knight of the realm.

It was a subtle signal to her about my increasing respect for her, and confidence in her abilities leading to the corresponding “rank” within my little kingdom.

The connotation was not lost on her.

Sylvia was wearing a lacy white Elizabethan dress with nothing underneath.

So it had long lacy sleeves and buttoned at the neck, but it was opened in a diamond shape in the front, at once exposing and pushing her breasts together.

It was buttoned to the waist then opened like curtains, exposing that she was wearing white stockings and a garter belt and no panties as she rose to her feet.

“May I present to you miss Jennifer Jensen.” Sylvia announced turning to her right to indicate to Jenny who stepped forward.

She was wearing a red and white cheerleader uniform with black trim that in lieu of a school name had “CHEER” written in bold letters across the chest, and holding red pom-poms.

And then, and I am not taking the piss, she did a little cheer.

“C, O, A-C-H, C, O, C and K! Coach cock! coach cock! yeeaahh!” Jenny cheered, followed by jumps, kicks, and spins that clearly reveled she wasn’t wearing panties.

We all got a good chuckle from Jenny’s cheer, and although her cheeks flushed her basful smile said that she was pleased with herself.

Sylvia proceeded, turning to her left as Mary-Beth stepped forward and declaring, “Miss Mary-Beth McCabe.”

Mary-Beth was wearing one of those white and blue Japanese school girl uniforms with a red neckerchief, and thigh high socks.

However she was also wearing kitty ears and appeared to have a furry tail hanging down from under her skirt.

After giving me a little curtsy she spun around, lifting her skirt to reveal that tail was plugged into her bum, and of course she wasn’t wearing panties.

She stepped back in line, as had Jenny, and then Sylvia stepped aside to reveal Sarah standing directly behind her.

“And for your pleasure my lord,” she said with a curtsy. “Lady Sarah Severnson.”

Sarah bent her knees, putting her hands out to do a little curtsy of her own.

As an aside I was really getting off on the curtsys.

The gesture added an air of class to the debauchery that was about to ensure.

Speaking of debauchery, Sarah couldn’t have been more perfectly garbed for her role as sacrificial lamb.

At first I did a double take because it was so similar to one of Sylvia’s outfits.

Whether Sylvi had bought it for her or it was from her own wardrobe I didn’t know, but neither would have surprised me.

Except for the shoes, those were definitely Sylvia’s red “Fuck me!” pumps.

Complimenting that she wore a red stocking and garter set similar to Sylvia’s but of a different style, not panties of course.

The red brassiere she had on wasn’t so much a bra as a device to cradle and show off her naked beasts.

My jaw dropped when the symbolic nature of all this suddenly dawned on me.

Jenny was the cheerleader the first one on the field to hype me up for the game, and on the team her position was left forward so she was to the right of me.

Mary-Beth to my left played center forward, and was that kinky little school girl we all dream of, but Sarah being in the center, and at the back was too perfect because she played the position of goalkeeper on the team, the last obstacle to achieving my goal, Sabine.

Part of me was almost sorry that I hadn’t had to go through the rest of the team to reach the goalkeeper, but realistically just these three had been plenty.

Even in my prime I’m not sure that I could’ve taken on the whole team, and I was hardly in my prime.

Eleven girls would be enough to kill a young man and I wasn’t that either.

“Lady’s, undress his lordship.” Sylvia commanded, clapping her hands twice.

I kicked off my shoes and spread out my arms as Mary-Beth and Jenny rushed forward to remove my clothing.

Once they’d stripped me they escorted me into the living room where Sylvia had a chaise lounge in the center of the room.

It was covered in towels so I presumed this would be our theater of operations.

I smiled when I saw that there was already a tiny wet spot on one of the towels.

That’s when I noticed something that I really should have noticed when I’d arrived.

The girls were already a little sweaty and disheveled.

Clearly they’d been warming up before I got there.

They gathered around me and Sylvia indicated to Mary-Beth who stepped forward.

She did a quick curtsy, rolling her eyes as she said, “My liege.”

I put my hand over my mouth to cover my chuckle.

She’d done it with the attitude of “okay, I said I’d do this stuff but I still think it’s dumb” and I tried to imagine the conversation where that happened.

“Okay, so this is how it’s gonna go down.” Mary-Beth began, getting down to business.

What she’d planned was actually ingenious in its simplicity.

After the game they’d break out the Champagne.

Although alcohol wasn’t normally allowed on campus I’d gotten dispensation from the administration on account of how good this win would be for the school.

They’d take a good long time to hit the locker room.

While the girls they were sending home would shower and leave one or two at a time the core group would keep Sabine busy with more Champagne.

Once it was down to those involved, and the school was pretty much empty, Sylvia would lock and guard the door while the girls hit the shower.

Once they were all naked they carry Sabine out and lay her on a bench, holding her down for me to ravish her.

She got herself, Sylvia, Jenny, and Sarah into position just to the side of the sitting room.

“There are only three of us so Sylvia is gonna have to hold her hands solo.” she instructed. “Sarah, be sure to fight back as soon as you realize what’s happening.”

Sarah nodded in the affirmative, shaking out her hands like she was preparing to go on stage, or out to the field to play, and I swallowed hard.

This wasn’t the “moment of truth” exactly, but it was the dress rehearsal, and I only had one chance to nail it, if you’ll pardon the pun.

As if it didn’t already feel like they were making a movie once the girls were in position holding Sarah, after checking that we were all ready, Mary-Beth called, “Action!”

Mary-Beth and Jenny were on either side of Sarah, holding her arms and pulling her into the room, Sylvia bringing up the rear.

At first Sarah was putting up token resistance, just good-naturidly going along, laughing and saying, “What are you guys doing.”

At first she was looking back and forth at them but looked straight at me, standing there stroking my cock.

Her jaw dropped and she stopped dead.

The girls were still pulling her along only now she was legitimately resisting.

She’d leaned back, planting her feet, and managed to halt progress for a moment, but then Sylvia pinned her arms behind her back while Jenny and Mary-Beth each grabbed a leg, picking up and carrying her.

Sarah began crying as she struggled against them.

“No, please, don’t!” she wept pathetically, trying her hardest to free herself.

They laid Sarah on the ottoman, Sylvia holding her arms over her head while Jenny and Mary-Beth held her legs.

Sarah was really turning in a BAFTA worthy performance, crying and begging as she struggled against her captors, looking terrified as I approached, stroking my cock.

She was so convincing that I hesitated for a moment, but then it clicked, and I knew what this was all about.

If it had been a question of my sexual skills Sarah would’ve just taken Jenny’s and Mary-Beth’s word on the subject, but she wanted to know something more.

This was a test of my nerve.

She had clearly thought about how this would work pragmatically, and if upon winning the championship they were to hold Sabine down for me to fuck her, how might she respond, and how would I react?

Did I have the bullocks to take it all the way?

When faced with tough opposition would I take it in and score the goal?

Now I knew exactly how to proceed, and I did.

I stepped forward, grasping a thigh in each hand, slipping then in towards the center, lightly rubbing her up her outer labia from her anus to her pubis as I chanted gently, “Sshh, it’s okay baby, don’t be afraid.”

“What are you doing to me coach?!” Sarah sobbed desperately.

“Coach is gonna teach you one more thing Sabine.” I said, acting as if I actually was addressing my daughter. “The sport of love.”

With that I dipped my head down and began kissing and licking her pussy.

I’d seen a lot of young pussy lately, each seemingly more beautiful than the last, and Sarah’s was no exception.

There was a quality that I couldn’t quite put his finger on at first that made her little pussy look amazing, and then he looked up at her face and realized what it was.

He backed up and noticed that her outer labia, which parted perfectly to reveal her pink flower, was flushing the same shade of pink as her cheeks.

The effect made her pussy look amazing, and I attacked it with renewed vigor.

I closed my eyes, imagining it was Sabine’s pussy I was eating.

All the love, longing, frustration, and lust I felt for her I poured into licking and sucking Sarah’s pussy.

Although she continued to struggle it didn’t take too long to make her cum.

She wasn’t Mary-Beth so it wasn’t practically instantaneous, no, she made me work a little harder for it, but soon enough I’d tapped her spring and made it give up its bounty.

I lapped up her juice as she began pumping it out to the rhythm of her orgasm, but then I stood up, bending my knees and getting my cock into position.

She shrieked in fear as I once again rubbed her from her anus to her pubis and back, but this time down the center of her moist slit with the head of my cock.

Even though she was still cumming she managed to beg me, “No coach, please, I’m a virgin!” as I pressed the head of my cock into her tight hole.

“I know honey.” I replied in a breathy whisper. “And I’m gonna fix that for you.”

She yelped as the head of my cock was engulfed by her wet hole, and when I pulled out and quickly pushed back in she yelped again.

“N-no, p-please, st-sop.” Sarah stuttered as I began repeatedly violating her little hole, going in slower and deeper with every thrust until eventually I ran up all the way to the hilt so slowly it was almost painful.

No-no, no, no, no!” she begged desperately in a breathless whisper.

He mouth was saying no but her pussy was saying yes, opening to accept my cock, and providing all the lube needed for a smooth entry.

When I’d finally buried the full length of myself inside her I leaned in an began kissing her tears, grasping her wrists as Sylvia released them.

She actually put up fight when I grasped her wrists which surprised me but I easily overpowered her.

“Why are you doing this to me coach?!” Sarah sobbed desperately.

“Because you need it Sabine.” I hissed before throwing my hips into motion, fucking her at a nice leisurely pace as I held her wrists pinned over her head.

Although she tried to stay in character the motion was having an effect on her as she began involuntarily moaning to the rhythm of my cock penetrating her tight young pussy.

That’s when I started changing up the depth and speed of my stroke, pulling out all the stops.

Whenever I could I’d close my eyes and imagine Sabine, but most of the time I had Sarah locked into this really intense eye contact.

She tried to look away but was draw back to my stare so that we were looking straight at each other when I made her cum again.

Her eyes went wide with surprise when she felt another orgasm coming, and even though she was still playing the “victim” she couldn’t suppress a quick smile.

I seemed to be impressing her so far, but I had to make sure.

When I felt my orgasm approaching I pulled out and ate her pussy, keeping her stimulated while cooling myself down, and when I was ready I’d plunge back in and fuck her some more.

It was after her fourth orgasm that I couldn’t hold back anymore and asked, “Is it safe to cum inside you?”

She broke character so drastically that I stopped midstroke when she said, “Yeah, I’m on the pill.” but then she stopped and asked, “Are you gonna cum inside Sabine?”

Her eyebrows went up and she tilted her head slightly, pursuing her lips.

“Probably best not?” I asked rhetorically and she nodded her agreement.

I began pumping again, driving for my nut before panting, “Then I guess I’ll cum…”

“Dibs!” Jenny blurted out, cutting me off.

“Bitch!” Mary-Beth shot at her.

“You snooze you lose.” Jenny replied, shrugging her shoulders.

An argument over who gets to take my load between two fit young women is the last thing I expected I’d ever see, but I had been experiencing a lot of unbelievable things lately so I just added it to the list.

I let go of her wrists, wrapping my arms around her body as I began really pumping, fucking her hard.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and the girls let go of her legs which she also wrapped around me.

Clearly she’d dropped out of character and was gonna ride the rest of this out as Sarah, and Sarah equally clearly liked to fuck.

I closed my eyes for a moment, thinking of Sabine, and then I just started pounding that hot little pussy.

The volume went up dramatically with our bodies slapping together and Sarah suddenly wailing to the rhythm of my penetrating prick.

I glanced over at Mary-Beth who was still on her knees where she’d been holding Sarah’s leg, and couldn’t help noting her wild eyed expression of glee at seeing her friend getting railed.

“Oh yeah, fuck me coach!” Sarah managed to belt out.

I looked up at Sylvia and her crooked smile radiated what I can only describe as pride.

I could almost hear her thinking, ‘Yeah, that’s my man! Give it to her good Daddy!’

Next I checked on Jenny, since she was about to take this load.

She was still on her knees as well, but she was just staring in awe with her mouth hanging open.

Although I was too distracted fucking the hell out of Sarah at the time now I can’t help but appreciate how each responded to the spectacle according to her character.

I thought of my beautiful baby girl again, imagining I was fucking her, using that to drive it home when Sarah shrieked and started cumming again.

I could feel my orgasm approaching but she’d clamped her arms and legs around me, and pulling out in the middle of her orgasm just felt rude.

I began slowing my stroke, trying to hold in off, but her orgasmicly spasming pussy wasn’t helping.

When I felt her orgasm winding down I couldn’t hold back anymore so I announced in a strained voice, “I’m gonna cum!”

Sarah immediately released me so I stood and turned to Jenny who was ready for Freddy.

I couldn’t help notice Mary-Beth diving into my vacated position, finishing off Sarah with her tongue, and it was weirdly moving.

‘Now that’s what friends are for!’ I thought with a little tear in my eye as Jenny grasped my shaft, and wrapped her lips around the head.

She instantly began bobbing her head, sucking my cock and pumping the shaft with her hand.

The orgasm that I’d been approaching and pulling back from came roaring back with a vengeance as grasped Jenny’s head in my hands.

“Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!” I began chanting breathlessly as my eyes rolled and I involuntarily rose up onto the balls of my feet.

This was going to be a big one and as the pressure built towards release I was almost scared of the power, but then it hit.

“Aaaaaaagggghhhhh!” I cried out in a quivering voice as everything went white and I was overwhelmed by the ecstasy of my first powerful blast of sperm.

“Mmmmmmm!” Jenny hummed excitedly as she stopped bobbing her head, but kept pumping the shaft, milking my cock into her mouth.

“Oooh God Jeeenny!” I moaned, looking down into her eyes as she drank my semen.

Suddenly I head a shriek and turned to see Sarah obviously getting off on Mary-Beth’s pussy eating skills.

Whether this was still the orgasm I’d left her in the middle of, or a totally new one wasn’t clear, but we were both getting off, and that’s the important bit.

I looked back down at Jenny and she was still looking up at me with smiling eyes as I ejaculated in her mouth.

“Oooohh shiiiiiit!” I seethed as my orgasm finished off.

Jenny continued slowly pumping my cock to get every drop before pulling her mouth off, turning her face up and opening it to show me the load, and then closing it again, taking a big gulp.

When she opened her mouth again flipping her tongue to show me it was empty I bent down and kissed her on the face as I said, “You are amazing.”

I glanced over at the others and noticed that Sarah had apparently finished cumming as well, when Mary-Beth kissed her pussy and asked cryptically, “Well?”

Sarah was a little dazed from her orgasms so she took a beat to figure out what Mary-Beth was on about, but once she did she looked over to me, and Jenny licking my cock clean, then looked down at Mary-Beth.

“Okay, I’m in.” she replied firmly.

My knees almost buckled when I head that and I actually needed to hold on to Jenny’s head for support.

“Are you okay coach?” she asked once I’d regained my footing.

“Yeah, I just need to sit down.” I explained with a chuckle. “That was something else.”

“Yeah it was!” Mary-Beth agreed which provoked a round of giggles.

That’s when I noticed Sylvia sat in a chair with her legs open, observing the proceedings with a satisfied smile, like the cat who swallowed the canary.

Jenny and I joined the other girls on the ottoman.

I grasped Sarah by the thigh, giving it a little squeeze as I said, “Welcome to the team.”

We chatted for a bit, and then with the impeccable timing I had come to expect Sylvia stood up and headed towards the dining room.

“Come my lovelies.” she called us. “I’ve prepared refreshments.”

“Refreshments” was an understatement.

As we enter the dinner room we could see that she’d prepared a feast.

The variety and quality of the vittles was truly impressive down to the fruit and pastry deserts and I was once again reminded of Sylvia’s prowess as a hostess.

Once we’d all eaten our fill Mary-Beth decided to get things going again by dipping her finger in the whipped cream on one of the pastries, smearing it on Sarah’s nipples, and then licking it off.

Sylvia began stroking my cock and suggested, “Why don’t we move this to the bedroom.”

After having cum so hard once I’d become erect again I was in a position to fuck all night, and that’s pretty much what I did.

Think of every combination of three girls and one guy sexual positions that you can and we probably did it that night.

We did several daisy chains of various combinations.

For the uninitiated let me describe a “daisy chain.”

Mary-Beth was sucking my cock while I ate Sarah’s pussy, and Sarah ate Sylvia’s pussy, who was licking Jenny cunt, who had her face buried in Mary-Beth’s snatch.

I fucked all of them more than once, and by the time I finally came again I was exhausted.

Eventually we all collapsed into a cuddle puddle on Sylvia’s king sized bed, and I remember thinking, ‘Now we just have to win that championship.’ before falling into a peaceful slumber.

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