The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 18 by Piglet838

The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 18
by Piglet838

Chapter 18: The subversion of Ricky and a brush with death

The nude beach in Roatán Honduras is lovely and looks like something from a tropical paradise. In one of the trees, we spot a Toucan; just like the one on my cereal box back home. There is no one else on the beach yet when we arrive. Rows of tall palm trees sway in the breeze. The sand on the beach has been raked to perfection. In the shade are chaise lounge chairs for our use. We move some of the chairs so that they are close together. Normally in this kind of situation, Ricky will take the middle one and I will take one on his right and his mom the one on his left. This time, I take the one in the middle. Ricky and his mom notice and look on, baffled. I take sunscreen and spread it over my skin as they watch. Ricky lay awkwardly on his stomach, and I chuckle, realizing that he is trying to hide a hard-on.

Turning to Ricky’s mom, I ask, “Would you like for me to apply sunscreen to your body for you?”

She smiles mischievously and says, “Sure. I would be honored.” Normally Ricky does this kind of thing for her, but he is deposed, trying to hide his boner. She lay, face down on the chair, and I began to apply the lotion, working it into her skin. Her head is turned to the side facing Ricky and he is watching the proceedings with interest. Of course we are all naked, since we are on a nude beach. Bending over her with my legs apart, I expose my derriere to Ricky as I work on his mother. This picture is not doing anything to help his boner problem. I spend extra time, working lotion into the sides of her exposed breasts. Her rounded butt cheeks feel like solid muscle. And, per her recommendation, I did not neglect her butt crack.

With her back side complete, Ricky’s mom turns over so that I can apply lotion to her front side. I move to the other side of her chair, so that I can face Ricky. My breasts sway as I work bending over Ricky’s mom. I smile at Ricky as I work. Applying lotion, I begin with her feet, moving up her shapely legs. I spread her legs apart to allow access to her inner thighs. Of course I cannot leave her pussy unprotected, so I even work lotion onto it. Her clit protrudes beyond her outer labia looking like a miniature penis, poking out of its hood. I long to suck on it, but this is neither the place nor the time for that. I can feel it under my palm as I apply lotion. As my palm glides over it, her abdominal muscles clinch. Moving up over her flat tummy, I reach her breasts. They are soft yet firm, like giant marshmallows. I leave them shiny with lotion, being careful not to miss her nipples. Her body looks amazing, oiled up as it is. As I work, I keep an eye on Ricky. He seems very interested in what I am doing.

When the job is complete, Ricky’s mom let out a long breath and says, “This could not be more perfect. I am so glad you two consented to come with me.”

I say, “Oh, on the other hand, thank you for bringing me along with you. I appreciate you and Ricky sharing your vacation with me. This has been so much fun.”

Ricky’s mom rose up on one arm and says, “Before I get sleepy laying here, I think I will go for a run. I have always dreamed of having a run on the beach.” She pulls a sports bra from her bag. Pulling it over her head, she tucks her ample boobs in place before jogging off down the beach. We watch her disappear, gliding over the sand.

I lay back down, looking up into the palm trees, working on my all-over tan. Ricky has not said a word since we arrived on the beach. Now he asks the question that has been on his mind. “Lacey, what are you up to? I get the feeling you are working mom off of me?”

I answer back indignantly, “what do you mean, what am I up to? What are you even talking about.” My guilt fuels my indignation.

He sits up on the edge of his seat, and replies, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so accusatory. It just seems a little unusual for you to be making out with my mom the way that you are. How would you feel if I gave that kind of attention to your mom?”

Thinking about Ricky making out with my mom makes me chuckle. “Well, my mom’s married, so you might have a problem with my dad.” I say. “On the other hand, you are big and strong enough. You could probably give him a run for his money.”

Ricky rolls his eyes and continues, “I know, but your sexual interest in my mom is something new and it doesn’t feel right. Can’t you understand what I mean? Do you think I just need to get over it? I just don’t know how to feel about it.”

That makes me feel bad. I say, “I see what you mean. I’m sorry for being so inconsiderate. Your mom is really hot, and it seemed like she liked what I was doing to her. And I thought it seemed like you were into it, too.”

Ricky said, “Part of me enjoys watching, but another side of me feels uneasy about it. You see, I’m not just interested in having sex with mom for the thrill of it. It is something deeper than that. You don’t have the same kind of relationship with her that I do. I’m not sure if any of this makes sense. I’m just sharing my feelings with you because I care about you and I care about our relationship.”

Now I really am feeling guilty. Maybe I should be honest and just ask for what I want. Well, here goes. Turning towards Ricky I say, “Honestly, I have been trying to seduce your mom.”

Ricky looks shocked, “Seduce her?” he repeats back to me, astonished.

“Yeah” I say “what I really want is for the three of us to have a threesome. I want to see you make love to your mom, and I want to be involved. I want to learn from your mom, how to please you. She has so much experience, and I don’t know what I am doing.”

“Oh, Lacey. You are a great lover. You don’t need to learn anything. We are discovering together, as we should. I don’t want sex to be some kind of competition between you and mom. Threesomes are for people who are bored with their sex life. You aren’t bored, are you?”

I really feel guilty now. “No, I’m not bored. I just want to see how it goes with you two. How is the experience different for you to make love to someone who has a physique like your mom has? I gather she is more verbal than I am, I want to know what that is like? I just feel like there is so much that I can learn. Can you blame me for being curious about you and your mother?”

Ricky looks troubled. “I don’t know what to think. I have a bad feeling about it. Have you asked my mom how she would feel about a threesome?”

I look down, feeling ashamed. “No, I haven’t. I thought maybe if I could seduce your mom to make out with me and you could walk in on us, that you would just join in and the whole thing could just happen organically.”

Ricky chuckles, “You have given this a lot of thought, haven’t you.”

“Please don’t be mad at me,” I plead.

“No,of course not,” he says . “But let’s discuss it with the three of us together. Would you like me to bring it up with mom?”

“Oh Ricky, would you do that for me? I don’t think I have the nerve to!”

“Sure,I would be happy to do that for you.” We lay, side by side, considering what it would be like to have a threesome. After a while, I break into our thoughts, “I am concerned that you didn’t do a good job of applying your sunscreen. Would you like some help with that?”

“Hmm, yes. That would be great.” Ricky replied.

An hour passes and Ricky’s mom returns from her run, flushed and panting a little. She tells us about the things that she saw. The boundaries of the resort had not been on her mind, and she surprised a couple of fishermen, running past them with no pants. Then twenty minutes later she ran by them again. They tried to detain her but she didn’t stop and just kept on running. Their eyes were as big as saucers as they watched her run down the beach.

Then Ricky gets down to business and asks about my burning question. “Lacey has a request for us. She would like to do a threesome with us.”

She looks thoughtful, staring out across the sea. After a full minute of contemplation she sits down on the foot of her chair. Turning to me, she asks, “Why is it that you want to do a threesome?”

“Well there are several reasons. First of all, you are hot. Then, I want to learn from you. I feel so inexperienced. Also, I want to see how you and Ricky relate to each other.”

After thinking about it for a moment, Ricky’s mom responds. “Well, first of all, If we introduce a third party it will change the dynamics. You won’t get an idea how Ricky and I relate to each other. It will be totally different than if we were by ourselves. Second, I have never been involved in a threesome before, but I think it will be recreational sex, not making love. Do you know the difference?”

I reply, “I haven’t given it any thought before. Can you explain what you mean?”

Ricky’s mom answers, “Sure. When two people who are in love have sex, they are joined in a special way and become one. They are focused on bringing pleasure to their partner. With recreational sex, that connection is not present. In that case, sex does not bring people closer together and the participants are more focused on their own pleasure. I’m not saying recreational sex is bad, I’m just saying it is not as meaningful as when two people truly make love together. Ricky, how do you feel about a threesome?”

Ricky thought a moment before answering. “Well, I’m sure it is every young man’s dream to have a threesome with two beautiful women. I would be crazy to turn that down, right? But my main concern is will it create envy and jealousy between you two. You are both so competitive and want to be the best. The truth is that you are both the best, just in different ways. I worry that you will both come out of a threesome thinking of your differences as deficiencies and neither one of you will be satisfied with who you are. That would hurt me to the core if either one of you ended up that way. Bottom line, if you both decide that you want to try a threesome, I will go along with it. But if you don’t want to, that would make me happier.”

With that we are quiet in contemplation. The only sounds are the cries of the seagulls and the breeze whispering through the treetops. I am the first to break the quiet. “Those are some good points from both of you. After hearing that, I don’t think we should have a threesome. It really wouldn’t satisfy most of my questions, anyway. Thank you so much for being so candid and thoughtful and for explaining this to me in such a caring way. It makes me love you both, all the more.”

Then Ricky speaks up. “It makes me wonder if I should be more open to talk about experiences with you both. It is not fair for you two to have questions about the other and not have them answered. Avoiding the topic is probably what has fostered intolerable curiosity. Does that make any sense? Would either of you object if I shared intimate details with the other? How would you feel about that?”

I shake my head, ‘no’, and looking at Ricky’s mom, she is shaking her head as well.

Ricky’s mom looks at me and says, “Lacey, I think you and I need to talk more. Being a woman, I can probably answer some of your questions more from a woman’s perspective. I would love to help you become a better lover, and I am sure that I can learn from you, as well.”

We are quiet for a time, each lost in our own thoughts. I like the idea of being more open and asking questions. Ricky has been really careful to not tell me about he and his mother’s relationship. Now that is not a taboo topic any more. And Ricky’s mom has opened the door to talk with me as well. I begin to catalog, mentally, a list of questions for them both.

After a while, I noticed Ricky’s mom has a book open, reading, and Ricky is napping. Screwing up my courage, I ask Ricky’s mom if she would like to take a walk with me along the beach. She doesn’t hesitate, but puts her book down and says, “Of course. I will be delighted to walk with you!”

We strike out, walking along the beach together. She points out a group of dolphins, playing just offshore. One of them is a young dolphin, only a third the size of the adults. I ask her what her favorite part of the trip is , so far. She replies, “I think it would be the part of spending time with you and Ricky. What about you?”

I reply, “Same here. I have known you ever since I got out of diapers, but I haven’t really known you. I am so glad that we are growing closer. I feel like I can ask you things that I could never ask my mom. Speaking of which, I have a really weird question for you. I have been dying to ask you about your clit. It seems a little larger than most. Is it more sensitive than average?”

We come to a stop on the beach and she pulls up on her mound and opens her legs so that she can get a better look at her clit. “I cannot be sure, since I have only ever had this one, with no basis for comparison. But it might be more sensitive, since it has greater surface area. But on the other hand, it might have become desensitized since it protrudes from its hood and rubs on my pants all the time. All I know is that it is my feel-good center!” and we both laugh.

I ask, “Do you like to have it sucked on? Every time I see it, I just want to suck on it?”

She replies, “Sure, if I am aroused enough. And I don’t like anyone to touch it right after I have had an orgasm. But yeah, Ricky likes to start out blowing on my clit, then he will rub around my clit, then suck on it. He also likes to rub my clit with the soft head of his penis. That feels so good it drives me crazy!”

I continue to ask questions. “Ricky says you two make a lot of noise when you make love. What’s that like for you? Are you talking about things? Or telling him what feels good? Or just like moans and cries?”

She looks down, thinking, “I don’t know that I have really analyzed it. But I think it would be all of the things you mentioned. And laughing. Sometimes we laugh a lot. I try to give a lot of encouragement when something feels good. We switch positions a lot and experiment with different techniques. I like to be on top sometimes so I can control the depth, the angle and the speed. I like to hit my g-spot.”

“One more question. I don’t know how many other lovers you have had, but I was wondering; How does Ricky compare with other men? I mean like with his technique and how does his dick compare? Especially since he is circumcised?”

Ricky’s mom answers, “I can’t tell any difference in the way a circumcised penis feels compared to uncircumcised. By the way, the choice to circumcise was purely for hygienic reasons. Jim was circumcised and he liked it and thought we should have Ricky done as well. They claim that a man loses some sensation if they are circumcised, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem for Ricky. As to his size, he is very average. He might be a little under average as far as girth, but that will probably change as he gets older. He is plenty big enough to satisfy most women. In my opinion, Ricky is a little slower, a little more gentle lover than most. He likes to take his time, and I think it is because he likes to make it last. He is also focused on pleasing his lover. I think that is because of the relationship he has with you and I. He very much loves and cares for us and wants to make us happy. He is not just having random sex for the purpose of getting off.”

I say, “I feel bad asking such difficult, personal questions. It has been good for me, though. But I’m sorry if I embarrassed you or put you on the spot.”

“Oh, no. Not at all.” She replies. “Talking about it causes me to analyze my sex life and will help me to be more present in the moment. Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

“Of course not. Anything.” I offer.

She hesitates before speaking, trying to figure out how to ask the question that she has on her mind. “How do you feel about Ricky and I? I mean about us having sex and all?”

I do not hesitate, “I think it has been a good thing. Sometimes I am tempted to feel jealous; you have a perfect body with lots of muscle, you have better access to Ricky, you have more experience and know what you are doing. But I know that your relationship is only temporary. I also know that I have benefitted by the things that you have taught Ricky. Even though Ricky loves you very much, I know that he loves me a lot, too. Ricky calls me his soul mate and he makes me feel special.”

Ricky’s mom nods her head, looking thoughtful. We walk on in silence. She asks me about what career I am thinking of, If I know where I want to live, and about my relationship with my parents. We have been visiting for about an hour and a half, when we find ourselves back near where we began. Ricky is just waking up from his nap, and looks around like he is lost. As we approach, he says, “You’re back. I thought maybe you two had run off into the sunset and I might never see you again.”

Just then a man approaches, pushing a two wheeled, stainless steel cart. He stops and says something to us in Spanish, opens his cart and brings out plates of food. He presents three fresh lettuce salads, topped with steamed seafood, as we had ordered earlier. He uses an opener to remove the caps from three frosty bottles of Cerveza, which he passes around. Ricky’s mom says something to him in Spanish and he smiles, replies and backs away. We fall upon the food with relish. The cool, refreshing salad is perfect for the warm afternoon, and the fresh seafood is tasty.

We visit amiably while eating, and when we are done, Ricky suggests we try out the large hot tub near the change house. Slipping into the warm water we relax. A middle aged couple is already in the tub when we get in. I settle back in the seat and watch my boobs. They appear to be floating on the water. We introduce ourselves to the couple who were in the tub when we got in. I discover that they are from the same town in California where my uncle Steve lives, though they do not know him. Thinking about uncle Steve and the hot tub reminds me of Vanessa, Brad and uncle Steve in his hot tub. I still wonder what Vanessa had going on with Brad under the water. This lady, who introduces herself as Tami, says “I wish I could design a hot tub. I would put nozzles in the seat, where they are really needed.” And we all had a laugh. “You have to be a gymnast to get your kitty or your nipples in the blast from these jets.”

When we begin to sweat in the hot tub, we bid adieu to Tami and her man and go into the recreation building to pick up snorkels, masks and fins to enjoy swimming and looking for fish in the Caribbean. The attendant tells us that the reef is less than a hundred feet off the beach in front of the resort. Arriving at the water, we don our equipment and venture into the water. The temperature is perfect, and we are soon gliding on the surface of the water, heading out to the reef. The inky blue Caribbean water is very clear. Right away, we see fish darting about before our eyes.

Arriving at the reef, we see schools of bright colored fish, and as we glide along slowly, they show little fear of us. The fish are so close, I feel as if I could reach out and touch them. When I actually stretch out my hand, the fish scoot out of reach quickly. The variety of fish seems to be endless. We see fish of all colors, shapes and sizes; rays, eels and even a lumbering sea turtle. Snorkeling is so relaxing, just gliding around with little effort, thanks to the fins on our feet.

All at once, a large gray shape is coming at me fast from out of nowhere. It is moving so fast, there is no hope of getting out of the way. I am frozen with fear and feel a jolt of adrenaline surge through my system and in my head I scream ‘shark’, but underwater, no one can hear me. Just before reaching me, it turns and veers away and then I can see that it was not a shark, but a dolphin. Relief washes over me like a flood, but my heart is still hammering. The dolphin is gone, now, but I still worry. I wonder if dolphins ever hurt swimmers? The thought of sharks never entered my mind when I got into the water. Do they come up around these reefs? I keep a wary eye after this fright.

After half an hour or so, we get out of the water and return our gear. None of the others had even seen the dolphin. They looked thoughtful when they heard that my first thought was about a shark.

We relax on the beach for a while. Ricky gets out his camera and begins to take pictures of the beach, the water, and then of us. At first, Ricky’s mom is nervous about being photographed nude. After watching me posing for him and seeing how much fun we are having, she soon joins in and allows him to take her picture, too. She even did a few yoga poses for us. Nude yoga: who ever heard of such a thing?

After a while, Ricky and I head off down the beach to get some pictures of the resort area. We came upon an attractive woman, laying nude on a beach blanket in the shade. Ricky didn’t take her picture, of course, respecting her privacy. When we came even with her, she rose up on an elbow and batted her eyelids at Ricky. He noted and stopped to speak with her. “You look really nice. Would you mind if I took your picture?” She smiles, looking pleased and replies, “Sure. You can take my picture all you like!” She moved into several poses as the camera clicked away. She even sat cross legged, leaned back a little and spread the lips of her vagina for him. The pictures are almost pornographic in nature. We thank her, then move on down the beach.

We shower and dress in the locker room, preparing for our return bus ride back to the dock where we hope our ship is still waiting for us. Arriving back in Roatán, we have a couple hours before the ship departs, so we spend some time browsing the shops. The prices are very good and the culture here encourages haggling, which is fun.


Back on board the ship we sit out on the deck and watch a beautiful red sunset as we slowly pull away from the dock. We talk about the adventures of the day. I still feel a little traumatized about my run in with what I thought was a shark. It will be a while before I am comfortable going snorkeling again. I think about how it went with my planned threesome. I know we made the right decision, but I was so looking forward to seeing Ricky and his mother make love. I know she is right, though, it would not be the same with me in the room. I guess I need to go back to wishing I could be a fly on the wall. No more trying to seduce Ricky’s mom, but it still might be nice to make out with her if I can. She responded well to the moves I put on her so far. I would still like to eat her out. Maybe she would get noisy if I could bring her to orgasm.

We hear three blasts on the fog horn, indicating that we can lose our clothes. We decide to take a stroll around the deck. Since the evening is balmy, we remove our clothes and stroll nude. Deck eight is one we haven’t explored very much, so we headed up there. From deck five we can take outside stairs up to deck eight. Light shimmers on the water, dancing over the rippling waves. Rounding the rear of the ship (the stern), we come upon a rock climbing wall. It towers 30 meters above us. It is well lit from flood lights on the floor.

Ricky turns to us and asks, “Think we can do it?”

We ask the attendant if we can climb the wall. “Sure.” he says. Ricky’s mom adds, “Can we do it naked?” “Why not.” he replies.

The attendant helps Ricky with special climbing shoes. Then he straps on a harness. It goes around his waist and around his upper thighs. That leaves a space at his crotch, just wide enough for his junk to hang out. A rope is clipped to the front of the harness to ease his descent and prevent falls. Ricky walks up to the wall and reaches up to grab a handhold. Then he places one foot up to a knob protruding from the wall for that purpose. His muscles bunch and his body raises a foot or so. He reaches up to the next handhold, then raises a leg up to the next knob. Again his muscles bunch and his body raises another couple of feet.

Ricky continues this motion until he gets halfway to the top. Pausing, he turns his head to look down at us. He grins at us, breathing hard. From this vantage point, he looks odd with his balls and dick prominent between his legs, swaying back and forth with his movement. After a short pause, he resumes his skuttle to the top, moving faster. Reaching the top, he rings a large bell to celebrate having made it all the way. Then he pushes off from the wall, The rope attached to his harness controls his fall back down to the deck. “Wow. That’s amazing.” It’s harder than it looks. You got to try it, Lacey.” Ricky says as he removes the harness.

I look at Ricky’s mom, and she nods, “Let’s do this!” We go to the counter to collect climbing shoes that fit us and a harness. There are three different places to climb up. The one that Ricky climbed is the easiest. It is fairly flat. The other two have areas that protrude out from the wall that have to be climbed over. To climb over those requires that the climber pulls themselves up with their arms, without the ability to also push up with the legs. Also, the handholds are smaller, requiring more grip strength in the hands. When we are both harnessed up, I line up with the easy track. The same one that Ricky climbed. Ricky’s mom takes the harder one in the middle, next to me.

We both take off for the top. It is difficult since my arms and legs are not as long as Ricky’s. It is a stretch to reach an arm or a leg up to the next handhold. Looking over to my left, I see that Ricky’s mom has moved up ahead of me. A shot of adrenaline courses through my veins seeing that she will likely beat me to the top. Then I see that she is struggling to get over one of the ‘humps’ on her part of the wall and that I am catching her. Looking down, it seems like a long way to the floor. Ricky is standing down there, recording our ascent with his cell phone. Thinking about how he looked going up, I begin to imagine what I must look like. My pussy must be very visible, from the floor looking up at me. As I stretch to reach the next step, I am sure that my outer labia are opening up. Now Ricky’s mom is moving up ahead of me. “I’ve got to focus.” I say to myself. I get scared looking down, and self conscious thinking about what I look like from down below. The best way to overcome this is to get to the top, quick!

I focus on the path ahead and push on quickly. My arms and legs ache as I approach the top. Finally within reach of the bell, I grasp the short rope and give it a swing to ring the bell. Ricky’s mom sounds her bell at the same time that mine clangs. It takes a lot of faith to jump down. But with my arms and legs burning with fatigue, I let go and glide to the floor. Ricky applauds as I light on the deck. Ricky’s mom is standing near me, and she beams as she looks at me. “Well done, girl. We made it!” she says. Ricky gives us a hand getting untangled from our harnesses.

Continuing on our way, we head back toward our stateroom. Ricky suggests that we stay in and order room service. It is dark outside now, but we can still make out lights from the shore. I thought about the people living here in Honduras, wondering what their life is like. They probably struggle with the same things that we do. On the other hand, they probably don’t worry about what kind of coat to buy for the winter. Not if it is seventy degrees like it is on this December night.

Soon our food arrives and we eat out on the deck. Conversation is lively and we talk about many things. We talk about Ricky’s mom finding a man to give her heart to. Right now she is not sure that will ever happen again. Life is pretty good with the way things are right now and she says that she is content. She is free to further her career, to travel and just live life on her own terms. The mortgage is paid, and Ricky is old enough that he doesn’t need a father figure any more. But it won’t be long before Ricky goes off to college, and she will be so lonely. If Mr Right is really out there, he has not revealed himself to her yet.

I am snuggled on a seat with Ricky and he has an arm around me. I feel so safe and secure. It is a marvel how well the three of us get along. I want to remember this moment forever. The inky blue water, the sound of the waves, the warm breeze, and surrounded by the ones I love.

Soon we move inside. After a lovely evening, we climb into bed. It is going to be an adjustment when we get back home and I have to sleep with clothes on again. It will be an even bigger adjustment to get into bed alone. Ricky and I talk for a while after the lights are out. Our talk devolves to silly things, and we become giddy and giggle a lot. It has been a full day, and we both begin to yawn. Within moments, we are all three asleep in our beds.

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